7 fasey ghs quickoverview

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  • The GHS:A Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

    Andrew [email protected]

    Framing a Future Chemicals Policy,Boston,27 29 April 2005

  • Why I am herePTK Ltd: consultancy on regulatory chemicals issues (e.g. REACH, GHS, SAICM)European Commission (ENTR: 01 - 004)author (1 of) of REACHco-decision process (Council & EP)implementation of GHS in EUUK Government (HSE): international chemicals policyauthor (1 of) of GHS: IOMC drafting grouppolicy on chemicals strategy White PaperActing head of UK delegation to IFCS IIIEuropean Commission (ENV chemicals unit: 94 97)NONS, ESR, C&L

  • PresentationIntroduction what, benefitsThe GHS ElementsMaintenance of the GHSEU Implementation

  • What is the GHS?Common and coherent approach to: defining and classifying chemical hazards communicating information on labels and safety data sheets.Underlying infrastructure for comprehensive national chemical safety programs.

  • Benefits of HarmonizationCountries, international organizations, chemical producers and users of chemicals all benefit. Enhance protection of humans and environment. Facilitate international trade in chemicals. Reduce need for duplicate testing and evaluation. Assist countries and international organizations in the sound management of chemicals.

  • The Scope of the GHSAll hazardous chemical substances and mixtures.Pharmaceuticals, food additives, cosmetics and pesticide residues in food not covered at the point of intentional intake but will be covered where workers may be exposed and in transport.

  • Principles of HarmonizationThe level of protection should not be reduced as a result of harmonization.The scope includes both hazard classification criteria and hazard communication tools (labels, SDSs).Changes in all existing systems will be required.

  • Principles of Harmonization (cont.)

    Not a testing system for health and environmental hazards.Target audiences include consumers, workers, transport workers and emergency responders.Confidential Business Information (CBI) should be protected.

  • The GHS ElementsClassification CriteriaHealth EnvironmentPhysicalHazard CommunicationLabelsSafety Data Sheets

  • The GHS: ClassificationHealth & Environmental Hazards Acute ToxicitySkin Corrosion/IrritationSerious Eye Damage/Eye IrritationRespiratory or Skin SensitizationGerm Cell MutagenicityCarcinogenicityReproductive ToxicityTarget Organ Systemic Toxicity Single and Repeated DoseHazardous to the Aquatic Environment

    More to come

  • Physical HazardsExplosivesFlammability gases, aerosols, liquids, solidsOxidizers liquid, solid, gasesSelf-Reactive Pyrophoric liquids, solidsSelf-HeatingOrganic PeroxidesCorrosive to MetalsGases Under PressureWater activated flammable gases

    Definitions, test methods and classification criteria based on existing transport system

  • The GHS: Hazard Communication

    Labels Safety Data Sheets

  • The GHS: Hazard CommunicationConsiderations The needs of the different sectors covered by the GHS vary considerably:WorkplaceConsumersTransportEmergency responders

  • Key Label Elements Product identifierSupplier identifierChemical identityHazard pictograms*Signal words*Hazard statements*Precautionary information

    *StandardizedFurther harmonisation to follow

  • The GHS: Label ElementsPictogram shape and colour

    Transport - pictograms to have current background and symbol colours.Other sectors - pictograms to have a black symbol on a white background with a red diamond frame (black and white OK within one country).If transport pictogram appears, the GHS pictogram for the same hazard should not.

  • Transport pictograms

  • GHS pictograms!

  • The GHS: Label ElementsSignal Words

    Danger or WarningUsed to emphasize hazard and discriminate between levels of hazard

  • The GHS: Label ElementsHazard StatementsA single harmonized hazard statement for each level of hazard within each hazard class. Example: Flammable Liquids

    CategoryHazard Statement1Extremely flammable liquid and vapour2Highly flammable liquid and vapour3Flammable liquid and vapour4Combustible liquid

  • Role of the SDS

    Provide comprehensive information about a chemical substance or mixture.Primary Use: The WorkplaceEmployers and workers use the SDS as a source of information about hazards and to obtain advice on safety precautions.

  • Maintenance of the GHS The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has international responsibility and oversight of the GHS.New parent committee responsible for GHS and TDG-Existing Subcommittee of Experts on TDG (UNSETDG)-New Subcommittee of Experts on the GHS (UNSEGHS)

  • Maintenance of the GHS

    Functions of the UNSEGHS:To make the GHS available for worldwide use and applicationTo make guidance available on the application & implementation of the GHS To prepare work programmes and submit recommendations to the committeeTo develop and improve the GHS

  • International ContextRio, 1992 Chapter 19 of UNCED Agenda 21Development by IOMC, to end 2001UN CETDG/GHS agreed Dec 2002UN ECOSOC adopted July 2003IFCS II - operational by 2008WSSD, Joburg operational by 2008

  • EU ImplementationWP: GHS to be considered as part of REACHEM to the Directive amending 67/548/EEC, 29 October 2003 2003/0257(COD)it is the intention of the Commission to propose the inclusion of the GHS into Community Law as soon as possible& more specificallythe Commission will come forward with the necessary proposals for having it adopted at the same time as the final adoption of the REACH legislation

  • EU Implementation IssuesExisting comprehensive C&L systemSubstances (67/548/EEC)Preparations (99/45/EEC)Applies to all sectors (apart from transport)Downstream legislation30+ pieces affectedMajor implicationsREACHTiming, implementation periodPart of or stand-alone

  • EU Implementation IssuesNon-GHS elementsGHSify or as nowScope and building blocksAnnex I harmonised C&LNew EU MSCompetenceCommission or MS

    European Commission proposal end 2005?

  • The GHS Documenthttp://www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/ghs/ghs_rev00/00files_e.html

    The GHS Document: ST/SG/AC.10/30

  • ContactAndrew Fasey

    [email protected]


    OECD was the Technical Focal Point for Substances & Mixtures

    Focal Point: UN Committee of Experts on Transport of Dangerous Goods, in cooperation with the ILO.

    ILO has a long history in this area, and was selected to be the lead in this work.

    Focal Point: ILO

    UNCED UN conference on environment and developmentIOMC Interorganisational Prog for the safe mgmt of chemicalsWSSD World Summit on Sustainable DevelopmentFor more information