7 reasons why you should join me for an arctic adventure this summer

7 Reasons Why You Should Join Me for an Arctic Adventure This Summer monkeysandmountains.com /arctic-adventure Calling all explorers! Who wants to join me for an arctic adventure this summer? If you could see me right now you’d see my doing a happy dance. If you come to the arctic I’ll show you in person. I’m BEYOND excited for this trip and for the chance to connect with you. In almost seven years of blogging this is the first time, I’ve extended an invitation like this and I wanted it to be for something EPIC. And it just doesn’t get more epic than exploring the Arctic in Canada and Greenland. If you’re a regular reader I could probably title this post 0 Reasons Why You Should Join Me for an Arctic Adventure and you’d still want to come. There’s something universally appealing about the arctic. It remains incredibly mysterious. A place that we only visit by watching Planet Earth. Let’s change that. Join me on an Arctic Safari (click to see all the details) from July 30th to August 10th in Canada and Greenland. 1/9

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Post on 28-Jan-2018




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7 Reasons Why You Should Join Me for an Arctic AdventureThis Summer

monkeysandmountains.com /arctic-adventure

Calling all explorers! Who wants to join me for an arctic adventure this summer?

If you could see me right now you’d see my doing a happy dance. If you come to the arctic I’ll show you in person. I’mBEYOND excited for this trip and for the chance to connect with you.

In almost seven years of blogging this is the first time, I’ve extended an invitation like this and I wanted it to be forsomething EPIC. And it just doesn’t get more epic than exploring the Arctic in Canada and Greenland.

If you’re a regular reader I could probably title this post 0 Reasons Why You Should Join Me for an Arctic Adventureand you’d still want to come. There’s something universally appealing about the arctic. It remains incrediblymysterious. A place that we only visit by watching Planet Earth.

Let’s change that. Join me on an Arctic Safari (click to see all the details) from July 30th to August 10th in Canada andGreenland.


But in case you do need some convincing, here are:

7 Reasons Why You Should Join Me for an Arctic Adventure This Summer:

1. Unravel the Mysteries of the Arctic

When you think of the arctic you probably think of ice. And lots of it. You know that glaciers are melting and that polarbears are in trouble. You know that it’s cold. You know that igloos supposedly are quite warm but you secretly haveyour doubts. But there’s SO much more to the arctic. Isn’t it time to find out? Be honest? Have you even heard ofDevon Island? If you’re not Canadian, I’m guessing that you probably haven’t. And if you have, well, you’re probably ageography whizz who should try out for Jeopardy. It’s the largest uninhabited island in the world at 50,000 sq km. Itresembles Mars so much that even NASA has a station there to simulate life on Mars!and is said to resemble Mars.Seriously, how cool is that? I’m Canadian and didn’t know that either – bows head in shame.


2. Ice, Ice Baby

Make that glacier ice. Glaciers are melting at an ever increasing pace. Now is the best time to see them before theydisappear. On this Arctic Adventure, you won’t just see glaciers, you’ll visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of theIlulissat Icefjord in Greenland. The icefjord is home to the Sermeq Kujalleq Glacier, one of the most active and fastestmoving in the world at an incredible nineteen meters per day!


By [Photography: http://www.roundtheworldmagazine.com/ilulissat-greenland/] (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], viaWikimedia Commons

3. Polar Bears, Walruses, Whales, Seals and Birds

You’ve got to be tough. Real tough to survive one of the most extreme climates on the planet with dramatic weatherchanges. If you call the Arctic home your days are spent in darkness or illuminated with a never setting sun. This isyour chance to observe some of the most adaptable wildlife on the planet!

You have a very good chance of seeing polar bears on this Arctic Safari in Greenland and Canada. In addition, you’re99.9% sure to see whales, seals, and birds if you’re hanging out on deck and not in your room. While sailing acrossDavis Strait, the broadest strait in the world you’ll be on the lookout for minke and humpback whales. Or how aboutseeing the elusive narwhal in Mittimatalik a famous region for its marine mammal sightings. Or maybe it’s a belugathat’s on your wildlife spotting bucket list. Don’t worry, we’ll head to Lancaster Sound where you’ll have an excellentchance of spotting one. There are incredible 17 whale species found in the arctic alone! It’s fascinating that anyspecies can survive here, let alone thrive!

You’ll also be visiting Prince Leopold Island which is the most important station for breeding marine birds in theCanadian Arctic. I’ll admit that I’m not great at bird identification but I can’t wait to learn.


4. Follow in the Footsteps of Big Time Explorers

There’s nothing like following in the footsteps of intrepid explorers to get you thinking about the mark you want to leaveon the world.You’ll feel a kindred spirit as you sail across Davis Strait, named after the English explorer John Davis (1550–1605),who explored the area while seeking an entrance to the Northwest Passage.

You’ll also visit Beechey Island where you’ll learn more about Sir John Franklin’s 1845 expedition. Not a single one ofthe 129 men on board returned from the fateful expedition. The three graves found at Beechey Island left no indicationas to the fate of the rest of the British party—until recently. In the autumn of 2014, Canadian archaeologists discoveredremnants of the HMS Erebus and its sister ship the HMS Terror in 2016 in the frozen waters of the NorthwestPassage, a discovery that has renewed interest in the fabled region.

Join, me and tell how you plan to change the world. We can chat about it while we’re crossing the Davis Strait. I’d loveto hear what you have to say.


5. Discover Inuit Culture

You’ll be meeting locals along the way from Greenlandic Inuit to Canadian Inuit. How do they survive the freezing coldtemperatures for months on end? Do they sleep in igloos? Your whole world is about to open up as you discover whatlife is really like in the arctic. I can’t wait!


6. Hangout with Really Cool People

There are going to be some seriously AMAZING people on board. To highlight just a few:

Andre Gallant: A famous Canadian photographer who took many of the photos seen on this page.

Anguti Johnston: A culturalist and famous Inuit actor/director with his own tv show.

David Doubilet and Jennifer Hayes: World famous underwater photographers.

Pete Ewins: Lead Species Conservation Specialist, WWF-Canada.

Deanna Spitzer: A Marine Biologist

Aaron Spitzer: An expert on the history, politics, and culture of the north.

Jerry Kobalenko: Canada’s premier arctic traveller. Jerry has logged over 7,000 miles in the Arctic over thecourse of 35 skiing, hiking and kayaking expeditions. He’s also the author of The Horizontal Everest: ExtremeJourneys on Ellesmere Island.

Alanna Mitchell: An award-winning Canadian journalist, playwright and author who writes about science andsocial trends.Be sure to check out Franklin’s Lost Ship: The Historic Discovery of HMS Erebus, a book that sheco-authored and that’s related to this adventure.


Not only that, but the other passengers will be incredible people. If you’re interested in an arctic adventure you’reamong kindred spirits. You’ll meet people who are fascinated by natural history, who can name species of birds you’venever heard of, voracious readers and people with a love for adventure. While I haven’t been on board yet, I know thisfrom doing diving trips and from volunteering on a sailboat researching whales and dolphins in the Hebrides inScotland. Chances are you’ll end up becoming lifelong friends with at least one person. Heck, I met and married JPwho I met on a diving boat while diving with sharks off the coast of Costa Rica.

I’m super excited to meet and learn from everyone who will be on board. I have no doubt that it will be one of thehighlights of the trip.

7. Know That Your Participation Makes a Positive Difference

Your hosts include representatives from WWF Canada who support this expedition. In addition, your discovery fee of$250 represents a portion of the money that will be donated to ensure the longevity and success of educational,environmental, and cultural initiatives in the regions that you’ll be visiting.

Monkeys and Mountains Adventure Travel also plants a tree for every client who books. I will also be working on someconservation initiatives that will ensure your contribution continues long after your arctic adventure. In full disclosure, Idon’t know exactly what that looks like yet. I know I want to make a difference and that with your help, when we work


together, we can make a positive difference in the arctic environment.

So who’s in? Who’s joining me for an EPIC Arctic Adventure? I hope you are. See youin the Arctic!

The Arctic Safari is from July 30th to August 10th. Click here for all the details to make yourarctic dreams become a reality!

LaurelLaurel Robbins is the founder of Monkeys and Mountains, an adventure travel blog and companythat helps people plan their active holidays in a sustainable way. Although Canadian, she lives inGermany. You can find her in the mountains on most weekends.http://monkeysandmountains.com
