7 ways to use virtual assistance services

7 ways to use virtual assistance services Virtual assistance is really a boon in those cases where your requirements are temporary or you don’t have the required skills or in-house resources to do the job. There are many services for which you can use a virtual assistant. 7 most popular jobs that you can entrust upon them are detailed below. 1. Book keeping A virtual executive assistant helps you to pay all your bills. Just scan the invoices and mail them. The professional will set up the bill payment services along with the needed payment authorization. He not only prepares the payments but also enter the details into appropriate accounting software program thus enabling you to view them on your system.

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7 ways to use virtual assistance services

Virtual assistance is really a boon in those cases where your requirements are

temporary or you don’t have the required skills or in-house resources to do the job.

There are many services for which you can use a virtual assistant. 7 most popular jobs

that you can entrust upon them are detailed below.

1. Book keeping

A virtual executive assistant helps you to pay all your bills. Just scan the invoices and

mail them. The professional will set up the bill payment services along with the needed

payment authorization. He not only prepares the payments but also enter the details

into appropriate accounting software program thus enabling you to view them on your


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In case if you want him to prepare invoices, just let him know your hourly rates and

number of hours to be billed. He will take care of the rest. And if you prefer to pay the

bills by yourself, he will remind you about the same via mail or phone call.

2. Data processing and database management

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Send your VA the scanned copies of business cards that you gather every month. He will

enter contact information adequately and use mail merge for creating follow-up letters.

With your permission, the executive can also use your digital signature for further

processes. On receiving the contact details of new prospects, he will use the

personalized mail merge for sending introductory letters.

3. Event planning and assistance

Suppose, you need to carry out a webinar. VA sets up the seminars, assists in

coordinating different speakers and runs a technical try-out in detail. VA will also

carefully monitor the seminar and resolve any issues that may pop up during the event.

He will also record it and help you in marketing and selling the webinar as needed.

For conducting the seminar, if you need a venue, the VA will check about the availability,

specifics and size of different venues. He collect quotes on your behalf, compare them

and report you the findings based on which you can select the most suitable venue for

you. Another benefit is that he stay in touch with the speakers and attendees, keep

sending reminders tothe non-responsive members and regularly report you the status.

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A virtual assistance service provider keeps in touch with you throughout to facilitate

smooth execution of the event.

4. Website designing, redesigning and maintenance

If you are looking forward to have an online presence, the VA can provide you with

professional websites capable of enhancing your brand value. A skilled virtual assistant

will use proper colour combinations, simple navigation and unique content to assure

you perfect website.

Website designing technologies keep on changing regularly and you must streamline

your website based on these changes. A virtual executive assistant will research the

latest trends and technologies to keep your website up-to-date.

In case if you are running an ecommerce website, there are many ways to use virtual

assistant services. They can help you with product data entry and upload, inventory

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management, product description writing, image editing and complete website


5. Graphical presentation and designing

If you need a PPT presentation for your meeting next day, you can simply convey the

concerned idea to the VA. He will prepare the PowerPoint slides and send them back to

you. Also for sending occasional greetings for your customers, a VA will design the

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flyers. You may seek his assistance for different graphic designing requirements; he can

design logos, business cards, brochures, letter heads, payment slips, cash vouchers and

office stationaries etc.

6. Content writing, editing and proof reading

Professional and effective communication is vital for any business’s growth. A VA can

help you with the creation of professional sales emails, official letters and all corporate

communication materials. He will also write for your websites, blogs, newsletters and

advertisement materials etc. If you havealready jotted down your ideas, he will edit the

content and proofread it thus making the matter more presentable.

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7. Complete marketing assistance

An ideal VA will avail complete marketing support - both via traditional means and web.

He will carry out an elaborative study on your target audience and the demographic

trends. After checking and confirming the feasibility, he will come up with effective

marketing strategies. He will exploit the scope of all marketing channels in an optimal


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