70 d-day spies

D-Day June 6 th , 1944 Created by Joe Burton www.burtonshistory.com From U.S. History Power Points

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Lesson 70 - D-Day Invasion


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D-Day June 6th, 1944

Created by Joe Burton www.burtonshistory.com

From U.S. History Power Points

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Essential Question

How did the Allies use of spies and

deception lead to the overall success of the

D-Day Invasion?

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Juan Pujol Garcia

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Code Named after famous actress Greta


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Garcia’s Background

Born in Catalan, Spain - 1912

Fought under Francisco Franco for Fascism in the Spanish Civil War… 1936-1939

Developed a hatred of Fascism… especially towards Nazi Fascism or Nazi Germany.

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Garcia’s Background

Germany’s remaining adversary was Great Britain…

Garcia’s (Garbo) wife requests that British Officials employ him as a spy…

The British Officials reject him… he needs a plan…

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His Plan 1. Establish himself as a German Spy

Operating in Lisbon, Portugal he tells German Officials' that

he is British…

He fabricates reports about English shipping movements…

German Officials buy his story 100%...

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Garcia’s Background

He returns to British Intelligence agencies to offer his services…

He is accepted by the British as a ‘Double Agent…’

Joins the MI5 Military Intelligence Agency… 1942

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Garbos’ Role Sent a constant stream of misinformation over the


Sent reports and images of troop move-ments in the

southeast of England… opposite Pas-De-Calais…

Military infrastructure was reported daily in order to try

and convince the Germans that the Allied Army was

weak and their attack on the European mainland would

be later in the year…

Despite the German defeat at Normandy … Hitler still

trusted ‘Garbo’ as his own spy and awarded him the

‘German Iron Cross…’

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Other D-Day Spies

Roman Czerniawski – Poland

A.K.A. Jerzey Tuszewski

A.K.A. Armand Hubert Brutus

A.K.A. ‘Brutus

John ‘Hedge’ Moe – U.K.

A.K.A. Mutt (Mutt & Jeff)

Tore Glad – U.K.

A.K.A. Jeff (Mutt & Jeff)

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Roman Czerniawski


He began his career as a Polish Air Force Officer…

He created an Allied espionage network code named interaille…

He was allegedly (giving the appearance of) sold out by a member of

his own group and sent on a mission to England as a German spy…

He became a double agent code named “Brutus” under the double

cross system…

He was an intricate part of the ‘Double Cross System’ which was an

anti-espionage and deception program run by the British MI5 military

intelligence department…

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Roman Czerniawski


Czerniawski was involved in that program… he became known as a

captured Nazi spy who had provided faulty information to the Nazis

in order to deceive them of the true plans of the allies…

The work of double agents such as Czerniawski was vital in

deceiving the Germans with regards to the inevitable European

invasion… D-Day

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Hedge Moe & Tore Glad

(Mutt & Jeff)

o Norwegian…

o Members of the MI5 Double Cross System…

o After being picked up on the beach… they turned themselves in to the German Police…

o From there they reported German military traffic, deployments, and Civilian morale…

o British Spy Officers were also able to relay false information to Mutt and Jeff. They hoped that the Germans would hear this information and believe it… THEY DID…

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“In War time… truth is so precious that she should always be

guarded by a body-guard of lies.”

- Winston Churchill

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The Tehran Conference

“Big Three” leaders consisting of Stalin, Roosevelt, and

Churchill discussed the Allies opening up a second


The leaders agree to deceive the Germans about the true

nature of the European invasion…

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Five Fold Deception

Allied leaders planned a series of pseudo invasions to throw the Germans off guard… the Germans would learn of these faulty plans but lacked the military intelligence to decipher which ones were simply decoys…

VENDETTA and FERDINAND were code names for false invasions of the West Mediterranean…

IRONSIDE… another false invasion that led the Germans to believe that they would be attacked at the French Bay of Biscay…

ZEPPELIN was a false invasion of the Balkans in Eastern Europe… this false invasion was so decep-tive that many historians believe that Churchill truly wanted the Allies to invade there…

FORTITUDE NORTH was a pseudo invasion of German territory via Norway…

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Operation Fortitude (South)


Convince the Germans that an invasion would take place at Pas de


Pas de Calais was the logical point of attack because it was the

closest area…

from England…

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Operation Fortitude (South)


Convince the Germans that the Allies had two Army groups…

…The 21st Army Group under the command of

British General “Monty” Montgomery…

…1st Army Group (FUSAG) under the command

of American General George S. Patton…


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21st Army Group

Chain of Command - Supreme Commander -

American General Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Patton’s Ghost Army

Allies needed to make the Pas de Calais invasion seem imminent and realistic…

Highly respected by the German Military Intelligence Group… American General George S. Patton was put in charge of the completely fake Army called FUSAG…

The Army had fake armament, tanks, trucks, LST’s, Landing Devices, and Artillery Pieces… so the fake Army would appear to be embarking on an invasion of Hitler’s Fortress Europa…

German aerial view of FUSAG

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Further Deception

Captured German General Hans Kramer (Hitler’s Chief of

Staff) was to be repatri-ated in an exchange…

While going through England, he saw the 21st Army

group… this was the actual invasion force being prepared

for the D-Day invasion…

Allies misled him on his location so he thought he was

seeing them in Kent, England where the German forces

were located…

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Leadership “Sure, we want to go home… we all want this war to be over. Trust

me… the quickest way to get it over with is to go get the ones who started it.

The quicker they are whipped, the quicker we can go home. The shortest way home is through Berlin. And when I get to Berlin, I’m going to personally shoot that Nazi paper hanging Adolph Hitler. Just like I'd shoot a snake.”

General George S. Patton - (addressing to his troops before Operation Overlord) - 5th June 1944

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D-Day Allied Leaders


Bradley Montgomery

Patton Lt. Dempsey


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Made Supreme Allied Commander – 1944…

In complete control of the planning and execution of the Allied

invasion at Normandy…

A month after Normandy, oversaw the successful invasion of

Southern France…

The success of the invasion was far from a certainty in

Eisenhower’s mind…

In advance, he wrote a short speech for the potentially catastrophic


D-Day Allied Leaders

- General Dwight D. Eisenhower -

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“Our landings have failed and I have with-drawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time an place was based on the best

information available.

The troops, the air, and the navy did all that bravery could do.

If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone.”

D-Day Allied Leaders

- General Dwight D. Eisenhower -

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Commander of the imperative 1st Army…

Commanded three corps directed at Utah and Omaha Beaches…

Men under his command grew to 900,000 (largest ever under one commander)…

Eventually became the first Chairman of NATO after World War II… (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)…

D-Day Allied Leaders

- General Omar Bradley -

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Commander of the U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe (USSTAF)…

Worked with British Air Commander, Marshall Trafford Leigh-Mallory…

Together they strategically bombed German oil rigs and army bases near the English Channel to help with the overall success of

Operation Overlord…

D-Day Allied Leaders

- General Carl Spaatz -

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Commander of the 2nd British Army (British, Canadian, and Polish Forces)…

Landed successfully at Gold, Juno, and Sword Beaches…

Captured the French city of Caen after success at Normandy…

D-Day Allied Leaders

- Lt. Miles Dempsey -

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Commander of the 7th German Army…

Informed Hitler about the severity of the invasion but was


Planned with other officers to possibly overthrow Hitler in hopes

of negotiating with the Allies…

Rommel was accused of planning assassination of Hitler… was

forced to commit suicide…

The Germans anticipated the attack in 1944…

D-Day German Leaders - Field Marshal Rommel -

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“To preserve… our civilization and to set free a suffering humanity.” - FDR

D-Day Allied Leaders

- Comments on The Invasion -

“The whole of the South Coast of England is a bastion of defense against the invasion of Hitler; you’ve got to turn it into the springboard for out attack.” - Churchill

“I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory.” - General D.D. Eisenhower

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Preparation Nine (9) Battleships…

Twenty-three (23) Cruisers…

One Hundred and Four (104) Destroyers…

71 U-boats…

150,000 Troops set to cross the English Channel in the invasion of Hitler’s Fortress Europa…

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D-Day Planning Map

& General Overview

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German Defense System

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Invasion of Utah Beach

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Deception Works Again

German counter-attack to initial invasion were delayed because of internal arguments among the German High Command…

Fortitude South had been so successful in deceiving the German’s that they remained convinced the main invasion point

of France was still to come from the Pas-de-Calais.

“I remember seeing all of the dead bodies littering the beach.

Some were killed on the first landing. They were fodder for the German guns. Others were washed in by the tide where their

boats had been caught.”

- Sgt. Bernard Morgan

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Welcome to Hell

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Fatalities 4,500 Allied and American Troops Dead…

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National D-Day

Memorial Foundation

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Turning The Tide

of The War

The mass invasion of Normandy was the decisive Allied Victory that turned the tide of World War II…

Success of the invasion of Normandy was essential in order for the Allies to liberate France from Nazi control…

Allies moved permanently on the offensive as the armies marched through Europe to liberate the other conquered


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Hitler’s “Fortress Europa”

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VE Day… May 8, 1945

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What if Normandy had Failed? Had the invasion failed, the repercussion would have been both shocking

and devastating…

The war in Europe would have lasted at least one more year…

The Atomic Bomb, created in the summer of 1945, would have been used on Germany first instead of Japan…

A destroyed Germany would have allowed the Russian Army to roll right through Europe, leaving Communism in their wake…

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A failure at Normandy could have even led to the Germans prevailing in the War…

A surrender could have been agreed upon with most of Europe remaining under Fascist control…