7l medieval doctors presentation produced by the members of 7l, put together by mr. wright

7L Medieval Doctors presentation Produced by the members of 7L, put together by Mr. Wright

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7L Medieval Doctors presentation

Produced by the members of 7L, put together by Mr. Wright

By : Manuela , Alessandra C and Philip

Medieval diagnosis

Doctors used to take the pulse of the patient.

They also took a urine sample, if the urine sample was dark it meant that she/he had a serious desease, instead if the urine sample was clear it meant that the patient wasn’t ill.


Doctors used to study astronomy, arithmetic and music.

They used arithmetics so they could count the number of hours a patient had been in pain, they studied music because people thought that it helped the patient and the studied astronomy because people belived that it help understanding the couses of the deasies.

Doctors studied on books. They knew very well Greek and Latin. They used very different methods from what we use


Causes of disease in the middle ages

By: Marco, Andrea and Rebecca 7l

IntroductionOur group will explain what doctors thought about diseases in the

middle ages.There will be 3 slides that will tell what doctors considered about

illnesses, then there will be a final slide with a conclusion of what we think about the thoughts of people in the middle ages.

The origins of diseasesDoctors didn’t know the causes of the diseases so they thought that

god sended the illness for punishment because they had no knowledge about germs.

After doctors said that worms were in the body and caused the sickness.

People said that the human body was made up of four humors: earth, Fire, Water and air and when the elements broke you became ill.

Peoples thoughts Common people supposed that it was important to know about

astronomy in order to understand the causes of diseases.When a person became ill, people went to the church to confess their

sins because of the considerations that doctors made.

Patients treatments To the patients, doctors measured the patients pulse and often the

urine: If the urine was black and cloudy it was a sign of death. If a person had fever, medieval doctors took a knife and took out

some of the blood because of the idea that if a person had the face or another part of the body red, it was because of the to much blood in the body.

ConclusionBy this information, we think that for the medieval times, they were

good doctors with experience, but in modern times, if a doctor did these treatments to patients or did the idea that it was because god or the worms he would go in prison.

Medieval Doctors task

The treatment of everyday illness


Take a candle of sheep fatLight it upPut it as close as possible to the toothHold a container of cold water under

the toothThe worms that are eating the tooth

will escape from the heat and fall into the water

Heart Disease

Give the patient a medicine of herbs (drugs).

Treat him with powdered animal skull.

Juice of boiled frogs and dead insect

Bad digestion

Cut a vein to remove the excess blood.Use blood-sucking leeches.


Put a fox’s lung into wine then drink it

Development of knowledge and skills!

By: Lucrezia, Carlo, Naomi and Alessia!


Guy de chauliac in the 14th century encouraged the dissection of dead bodies but it was forbidden by the church. When the church gave him permission he learned the anatomy of the internal organs, muscles, skin, veins and sinews. In 1340 students in Montpelier were allowed to study the bodies.


Anesthetics are medicines given to patients to stop the pain. The problems with anesthetics were that if they exaggerated patients could die, but soon were made some recipes anesthetics. Now anesthetics are used a lot and they are safer than the ones used in medieval times.

Medicines in war

In war some surgeons were brought to cure the wounds of soldiers.


This is a man with lots of wounds. It is a picture of what they thought about the human body. It is very simelar to what we know.

Light bulb questions

By:Stefano F and G and Gianni.P

Sources A,B,C and DLightbulb Question:

Which of the sources A-D are based on common sense?Which are based on superstition?

Source A:God is terrible towards the sons of men.....He often allows plagues,

miserable famines, conflicts, wars and other forms of suffering to arise, and uses them to terrify and torment people to drive out their sins.. And so the people of England are oppressed by the plague.

Source B: The general cause of the plague was the close position of the three

graty palanets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. This had taken place in 1345 on 24 March.Such a coming together of planets is always a sign of wonderful, terrible or violent things to come.

Source C:Medieval doctors thought the body was made up of four humours-

earth, fire, water and air. If these humours should get out of balance you fell ill. In the summer, the dry heat would increase the fire so you would sweat and get very hot-you might even become bad tempered. In winter, the damp climate would increse the water in your body. This would make you produce phlegm and suffer from coughs and colds.

Source D:In the Middle Ages, people thought that worms were connected to

illness.....When doctors examined the faeces of sick people they often saw worms.It seemed obvious to link these to whatever illness thwe person was suffering from.

Answer: Source A amd B are clearly superstitious, while Source C is a

fascinating mix of supersition and common sense. Source D, however is completely based on common sense.

Source E

LIGHT BULB QUESTION 2:What can you learn about medieval examinations from source E?

Medieval medicine examinations were performed in the patients abitation and by more than one doctor or a doctor and his assistents. Medieval doctors examined there patients pulse and collected body fluids for further Examination.


LIGHT BULB QUESTION 3:Why do you think the church was against dissection of corpses?We think that the church was against dissection because the church believed that every person had the right to have their body rest in paece.

Utility of Corpse Study in the Middle Ages

I think that the study of bodies in the Middle Ages provided much-needed information about the human body.