8(je~~ a gu - wa

--- --- ---- t. A GU NO.7. VOL. 10. PORT TOWNSEND, W. T•• THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26.1880. &lOUT lAPAI. ......-••. to",r_._ lD a"''t'&nee: t8 I'Il'BLI8UIID aVERY TUCmlDAY AT. Fod TO".lIead, Wublngton Tnrltorr. ALLEN WEIR. J:DITOK "'lifO PROPRIETOR, PltOFUIIONAL OAltDI. 'V.w.DnDtI. J. CENTRAL HOTEL, 81tnattldat hUll orUnlol1 Wbarl. POI'" T."lIlieucl "'. T. ThlilllouiIlIl IlUlII IIl1d III1Vll' (ur",).III"II, .". LIIO _IlIIOIIIILlltllll. UIIl F.lr_t-OI.A.. .EZoto.l. III 1I11r 11 wllh Ibn 11,"111,11 Wlnet Llqu(ll'IlInlll,;llInI·lI. 1'lhl1'e III' nfll ... hinl 'flllJle IlIld IItndlnlf UOflUI 1111 t1lllllflid Sulhl"" ... Ul llll ItII U1IUOnti tn mKko th\l 1I0lui i1!cond to nonliin I hI! Tcrt'llnrJ'. TO THE PUELIO iT. iT. EEUNT, Prop. Weter St." PORT Thl.oolnmndltlll" cl"lflInT "or! tIL"'!","I,. In- C1Ulll linTel IInw n'ulo'r the "AlrlO6 of III ohl-flaLI! pl'UI'I'lcwr.1t·hu .'111 c. n,hlt' II In IIlIII MInIl lj'cn,:n.1 It)·ltL!':lIlt Ii II too poru. lar herct"roro. BOllnl I',· Ihl' <hlr or 11'0011, X..ceIlent ....l:Ollllllod.,hi".. I(lt (.mUll'l Cosmopolitan Hotel. W. H. ROBERTS, TEACHER or PlAID m OHQAI. Port Townooncl, W. T. TUDlAr doae on I'tlUOtllbloi 1o",,' ... "llInt for Dedi" Dt'M. .nd J:1MnM, PllmOl"ild h1ace Orpltat on DNII ar lJIetu-- _ntpMa. I'" CUI Coi'tila A...orJale4 ........ 0 ..... Ba"blta..... "'a. A.I,.". ."ADIHAW. III1M"". A L.ur AJlD Port TOWJ:l'ud. " • ., Good Board and Lodglnp caD be obtained at JW:n... JW Y:IiI :n. s' lI'lI.IIt. cun ... lIalhclortl)· lI.u,"l1ed to. Term. Very Reasonable, l5ir AI rooto! bill, Inlll1ed"'tnl)' lJtIek. froD) Union lI''T..o';·tT W. T. Dr. Tho•. T Minor Managing lurlloon POI·t ToW'nsend l:ToE'pital '.rO"VDaend. W.",[". Can hi oon'"l1ed. "lrM or day, DOtgltal J. R. LEW IS, Attorney.at.Law ... On'1(lI.-DaUlIr" bulldlnr. ml)llll'" I Jal1l.llIllf'l1l1t. oprx-lIeOOaldlnlai Hotel. __'ttl_. 'W"aeh. Terr'7 James M. Gassaway, M.D. , In chorl(lJ U. 8. Morine Hospital sen/ice. 'HYIIC.AN.IUltCION omee.- Watrr Nt-I op,..tte ....to.ee t PORT TOW!I'8ENO. W. T. IlU NEW STORE General Merchandise c. w. MOltll, e"K ....... , ., g-1'rot!uCfl bonghl •• nd IrI'pI1Il11 of IU killd. Ul'ullhlld. at IhelO"ltt nib lIrkoe. Q. 1>1011.11.13 HAIlLIIl.. ATTOa.".l .AX,D COU:IIIICLWIi A,''r LA" Proctor In Admirall)'. )10M)' loaned, _..I &11"1' bo.. "I"D'" eoIlI t.lollocllon &c. J'OIIT TOWJUIFJlb, W. Y. o C. D. OILJlURE, A. A. Lllfo fk.-:lat'·rat Klrwln,1\111-U. Gilmore & Co., 629F8t.WASHINCTOII,D.0 WILl. PUACTIt.,;E UEl'OIlE TlIF. 1.111111 oml'e. oltlCf'OI [ndl"'1 J\f- (.It'I. 0e,t.1rllllt'lt or III" 11l1... llor. Ill! Gourl or ('18ilu •• lind t",lirl'd :-W/I_ 1ln!U1e ,,"Ulltf. or 1111 $.Il1". j: IIU1ler 111\\,I,l:tn\'erlllnJ Ih.. dl""l'l/i.illll(lll. II\' hUHI. I)r ,hI' IhU"·t'I1I11' fir rrn. I. :"lIIIUd.I,. IU1,1 )11,.1'"1111 j:UlIlI_. (lr .. II., r rrlnlt' Ilncl l't1'HII\I "tll·nl!. t ,r1\'t'lll f ' 1:01... III1'Or .. ln. rhlp,c In I 11\1111. BUll cllIlu'. 1.:Utll "I,r. r'ulti n'I,1 11t1l(1 nlr. b(lu,:ht. I: \,1 (,It Illlditlon l,fllllHft','.1 rhd,r' . 'Iltlllll Inr cIl'inlAt of In.. , rllll •.1. 'l'hn"l1ilnnlll Ir ".'11 \\Rlll J\lll act or blau ua 11\1 i .. itrul1,llJul. Wa hltve 011 luul'J lilt thl. ornoo tor f11lc. at rea.Ollable ratet. tho orlalual' carellllly prepllretl by enunent coulillCl. a large n.I IOrtrnenl zn Adyn 1r a1ty1 IN Rl-;ll-N'ellfl., Ilrit,ltt-'t1 011 Impel' Wllh blrlllk (or Ihe .tllthl/( thereof ATl'AcmUo;X'l'S AXD IN S·l'lI'VI.ATIOXS Fon COSTS nOTl1 U.' r .. !HELl,ANTS UESI:'OXD DENTS. STIPUl.A'l'lOS'. 0.' CLAI)IA'sTS. All prluLed Olllllw 01 IPKlIl cap llnd b;lcked. LEGAL BLANKS FOR SALE. Awmi1'alty Blanks District Court Bkmks Justice T7r. Peace Blanks Also Every Kind ct Justice , B1a:nk. PBISTED '.1'0 OIlDER. ti"" 'I'tlO AUenllon nf tJI lhe PCUil! p.,IIL'llluly L'lllll'd 10 tU, uoo\"t' :rn. D1Btr1ot OOurt Ilppro"!d SherHl". re- tllrn thereon. WRITS OF Tho "Ueulloll 01 !'illerlll!l II pnrllclllnrly lhc ,nv!t1g ulIJlbor III Illuklllg coplel :rn. ,Tus'Uoe oourt UND.En·fAKD1GS IY A'l'TAOD- }lENTS. OX ARREST CIVIL AOTIO:\'. WARRAN'!'S IN CIVIL AI.'TIOXS. XOTIOE 1'0 DEI-"F:XDANTS WI'I'1l COXSI·A81.F:1.$ HE'I'UHN thereon All printed 011 lerl I I'I'ldlh. 'fo 1111 \1'00 III re lluni:rlll,l( from the f'tNlre aulllncllll.·,... tlt'1I5 of youth. tlervOlli 11m. early ,lfi.'nr, Iny or lnllilhooli• ..te.; I wllllleud yOUil 1ft'lpe Ihut \VIII CUI'\! )·ou FUEl( 01-' l(IIAHGE. gtt'd retu- cd}' \'flI..• by fI III Sollth AlIIerlCll. &!ud.l. tc'r to I!lfllh;v•. IOSHl'U '1'. llt».llll, :sIlI.tlou 0, N'e" York Cit)·. :5unS(;H1UJo: .'on JVllllhlng'ton 11Iolltltlll .. Ill-I ......) .. rl1Ml'I·"rrll"r)'. Jw." '\'1.11. ,I.M In""tl"hl,. hi A ..·LllIrll ....., ... •• 1'1'1''''. "'II,·h. A hltt.... ,.; .1 1'111111,"; " cello. H'llpoke of ,h. pauage of tb, revenini bis oberhlhed pol. O! o( " a BuddeR and uoaccountabla rnolution o( public opinioD." and tb.re can be no doubt tbat it eau.. d him extreme moniic.tion. Here ..,. ha.,.. 'be whole g.nesis anti bistory o( tbe anti 'bird t.rro It arOle o.t o( uo law or cOllltitutional profi'ioo, bus aimply of ,h. tbat two u( tbe earlier Prelidentl o( tbe Rep.blio, .ne, huina: I.ned lor two terml, were gl.d to retire froro uffice. It tlid not originate in an,l,a,a entertainld' by Iralilimen or by tbe people th.t any danger lurked in a third term i (or it. i. quito certaiu that butb W and JEJ'VEI8ON C<lUld h... obt.ined a ,.nominatioll bid 'be,. d'lIired it. Both deolined h lor priutf'l and not for publio r.... ani, Illltheir eumple we ban wbol. oriiinal foundation for tbe 'Iun"ritten Jaw" whioh Corbid. a tbird A CAltD. <12" 111111:11: •• IJ Ii 'hI)· "I h"ttltl .....I:\ Inn I". II \JtIUllll\. .....\".·lIUil£C..... A.U¥L.. UIo,..\1W. iug mao "bo "ere diametrically op· poled to eaob olber in all tbeir tbeo· riel o( HUULTOK, tbe great I.ader o( tbe Federalilll i. to Moure tbe adoption o( tb, wal called to tbe pOlition o( Seoratary o( tbe Treasury, _hil. J.&F.. J:IOOl'f, wbo Itrongl,. I,mpathized "ilh tbe oppo, nentl or tb. instrument Ind la" in a to tb. rig btl and eignt, o( tbe Slat.s. "as appointed Sflcretar,. of State. IC Prllident B ....yK8, upon his illtuj{uration iOIO 0.1110', bed ltiYfn tbe .. two positlonl, th. tint tb tbe mOlt emin.nt Repub. lioan in tbe oountry. and tb••enond to tbe malt ,minellt Damocrat-t/) TUUR.U,l'l', or B. nKD, or Houno SznlouR, in Ih, upeotation of unit· inglhe two paniel in tbo supporl of the Idmini.tratiou-b. would bnl'l faitb(ully imitated tho well-meant but Ibort'lilbted polio, o( W,48.· J:fGTOK. O( ('oarse, tbil utopian policy prond a failure. Tb, formltion of parties "II ine"itable, and tbe oppo· .ition to the messurll of tbe admin· iltratioD, more especially to BUilL- TON'!! financial scbemes, designed t.o ·.trengthen tbe General GOYflrnment, arouled I biuer oppolition On tie part o( tbe Jeffersonian party, wbich beld tbat a feeble General Go.. rn· men' ",as dl5irable to pr..ent en· oroaobmentl upon State rightll The bre.king oul o( tbe Frenoh re"ohl' tion inlenliGed the auerLill o( tbo conOio' .. n the Fed"ali.b, "bo sympathized witb England, and tb.ir opponents, who Ihared tb' (e,l· l"C' .. d theories of rnolu' donilts. 'lbe President's proclama. tioo o( nautrality "aa de· nounoed, and JXU.l.B80K retired (rom tb. to take 'be leadflr- Ihip o( tn. opposition" ACter bis witbdra"al eYen W.lIUUNOTOlf bim- lelf did 1I0t e.cape auacl" in the oppalision pra.., wbiob bis late Seo· retary tacitly approYld, i: be Jid aotually in.pire. Tb, Prelidoot, wbo bad ne"er laken a liulle stap that "aa oot diotated bl patriotism arld approved by hil 0"0 OOD.Olanoe and judgment, could not fail to ,.,ea. ry of his thaoklell dutiu. A t the closo o( hiS leoond term he "aa beartily .ick o( publio liCe; be louged for retirement and "It, and probably nothing Ihort of a convio- tion tbat bil oontinuance in office was a patriotio duty, would bne in- ducetl him to accept a tbird term. Hence the unequivocal deolaration in his (I'rewell addrels, which WlUl the Orat foundation o( tbe &Nti.tbird term traditioo. In the oalle o( bis immediate I'IllO. oellor, DO question in regard to a third oould arille l .1 be went out of office at tbe 01080 of bill 6nt. wben JHFVEIl80N'S leoood tOrln WMII drawing \0 an end t tbe Legisla. o( Mltl8scbaletts, Rbode bl- and lind Vermont p.... d le'olutionl upresling. dlli,. tbat b. Ihould be a c.ndidat, (or tbe third tim,. Sueralof lho otber State Leiilla· tura , in tbeir forlnal approYMI of the embargo, iudicated a lilnilar wi.b, Uut JHI"PE1L&OS, too, hl(1 h.d quite .1IUUih or tba rupoo.ibilitiel of th. Pr .. idelltill.l ollie.. There "" 110 Iffl!N.tiull in his profellioll Il( a willi to retire 10 priwale lire. The UUl.lpeclet.l d.feat he lustaintl.! ill Congr":;1 hy tbe rellloni of tht. tim· berKO, near the CI06ff oC bill term, probahly illt.ll.ified hi, 10 retire to tho quiet Ihadee o( Monti·· Ii r. ·'Chronlcle.") Prupl}sterous allfl uttlirl, impraoti. oahle aa such all iJu8 must now sum, it iii Ilill an untlollulod fao, lbat W"SI.lISGTOY ypon hiM first tetlll Kit Prt'ilidellt with the LJ,lief tbat it was possible for the GlI\'erUlllltnt to bp Ildillillilileretl io lucb a wlY ., to aroitl Ihe organizll' tioll of hostile polit;clI.l parties. He hopl.d, by oOIl't'incillg Ihe opposition thllt tbe adlllillllttll.lioll aillled at nntbilll{ but the of the country, 10 l.Iiliarm it!f hunilily alld unite all "arti ... ill its lupport. 'l'hi, "t'in and itllliory hllpe \lin lIuelllltnened by Ih" fact t1lll.t "lllUl the Conltitution weill illtu in J7 0, there Wtlre nil 11lltagfJlliliio parlin in thu fiald, or llt lent non" tbllt were orianize.1 III ll.e mur" melb')(l "itb IlellrtlLtt part1 prOl""alllllllJ, Unl.ler 'u' InflutllCu of Llli8 I'atrioda Lut III1"ll1t""m:allhl:tl !'llid,lhe til'lt Pr8l· Jf!.,( t:t'J til. t_o 1:11 t irnporl:&nt ;iuu, ill llij ClIlJillloll l" appoint- THE THIRD·TERM TRADITION. floori. conrad "ith Ilice clean riCtJ· Slrll'" two incbell thick:. The <'eilill'l: i, commonly or .ight (eet No ch.irll or talll.s IHO ulIPd, and a person must sqUlLt or lie dowlI on the soh clean mat'!. or conrao .hou ar. 1I0t admitted into tb. moms. They mllit be rp.rnn.,ed at tho entrance. The lAndlord Iud ler.,nls greet bonorable. both on their .rri'tll Iml der.rlme. The mut i, ('Iten ill eaoh one I room, hlling brought on & "ery diminutive t.LI" which is At the elm.e of each meal. The main article of lood i, boiled ricd. In addi· tion are fi,h IIl1d boil•• J Yeretllhle" and occa.ionally other accvmplni- m.,ntl. All is wS!lhed dnwn hy tea t.ken from W.8 CUpl. The charil' lor lodgiolr, l"l,per and bre.kfalt, i:I tWllnty centl; dinner, eiJ{ht cent•. E"sr,thillg, inciuJillli{ the 100ld, ill clean t and one can (ato pretlY .,ell while uulilllt. in Jap.n ••e Ityle. The hotel wailerllre u!fl.lal1" (emaltt•. They are all 'Ierl polite an·d attent.· i"e to eur,. want 01 the guests. Th'" bed COR,il'll' o( a thin colton r. .dded cUlIbion bonealb, .. nrl a limi- IIr on. (or a ooyering. Tbeee ar. r.mo't'8d in tho day time. 'tbe glneral IPllen,noe of tMe in· terior of Japan illlloullt.inoul. The ""11\l)'1 aro wtlll cultiYIII,d. Rice, Wh •• I, heanll, u,i'clablt'l .lId CruiL .re lloe priflclpal proJuotioliS in the northern portinllll. Sorne 10t'alities .re ll'\'otod almost exclusi"el,. to tbli proJuction uf lilk; and olh.,s I"lerly to Ihat 01 lea. Flit. Iloltl'1l, llIen and wumen, work hArd Inti Ult' linle or 110 lDRchinerv. The Ip"'U", anrl mlttOllk are tho prin· tooili. Except. work horaes (ulJ"d for pll.ekilllo!) hut stock il ni"oJ. The gO'lerllml'llt hn bf'llun Ihepl' r",ilillg lI",r Tokio, which will 1111 in the courle of time radult In genMal sheflp f(rnillil. ] Ihink the couotry is "ell Itdltpted 10 gn.zinll. CI\lI, are (ouml ooly in ctltl.iu locltlititllt. My enll'ljil'emont at the Akita col· lell'o i, fur IWO y,ara. .. .. I like to lin ill J"pan. I hue heen in all putl of the know dlfl It .. of the pcoplelluJ tbeir ·blll.its Mild oUlrnms. I would be qLlite coulellted I" spend my day. but, nl a (oreigner cnnnn' be· oOlne a oitizen nor huld prop.,tv, eJ:- cept. ill the open porls, he of course CalJllvt f"tll al8 COlllented 118 in hie 0"'11 C.IUlllry. Good pAy ket\pl IlJllny who would quick1, 11l"'t'*'. The JllpAnrle are becomin,llio u, pcrt in all kinrls of busillelht thftt ,ht'\· du not lleed much IUlailltAooO fWln forcil{ners. Tilt, A'oYernment is lItilllPcll.lsiye to "cerl"in dlgrae, bo\'uud 'hat of other IIl1ld!l, but il is thnu{tht tlult "nOlher del.:lUle will reo movo IlI1 oll.rriers to freB intercounte wilh fnrei ... ners I spellu my summpr ,",catioo the opell port. of Htlkkndllfe. OI ARGUS PUGET SOUND ltA.Tas OF .D'VERTJS1XO: One Inch. ftl"!lt Insertion 11.50 .. .. .60 to In!ure tnJerilon must be IH'fOmpanted by C1\lh. CiiiJ"'''U'' IJtUI'' Tbe following are .. few extraots from a lener written by O. Car· rotbefl, formerl, of'l,Lopez Jsl.ntl, to ):Ir. JOI. A. Merrill, of Sin JUln Co. The latter kind I! it to UI ror publio notice some time 11'0. bu' ill Il.pp,arllnce has been delayed on ao- . count o( tbe mlnuacript ba"ing Lean millaid. It may intar.lt lome or o"r readetlto know of the peeliliar- itiOi of the Jllpll. The writer oame frOIll Japln to San JUlln Co., during ,he lumlner of '78, returnetl thithpr artl'r II brier sta1 in this T,t· ritur,.. Amoll'f otber dHlicultiel un· tier which he lahorl, "e may men- tion tbat he from a plac" lb. elJpbonioul title of "bicb is: 14Aki. ta Sbikall O.kko, ikita Ken, Ja- pan." Hear bim: "Whton last 1 wroto to IOU J was in 'l'okio, the capital o( Jllpall. At that tim. I b.d duulJIB of the pUlli· bilit101 getting employment ill thil oouotry, and thought] might be un- du the necesl'oity or returning soon to tbe United Stlltelt. Hut at tbe ele"enth hOllr I foulll.la pUlilion. Jt 1S at a achuol locliled ill the northern pll.rt of the Inllio Jllp"lI .. e lsl.lId. No (oreigner h.. eur li ... d tbere, anti but few ha\·. ov.r "iii ted tho plll.ce III it ill Ilot an 0llen i>0rt. It i, I. lea port, alld i, visitlld by na· IItetl.lAera and ll8il It is diSllnt by land ahout 450 milcs north of Tokio. TIIlII diltlUloe 1 pUled oyer in elnf'll Jlly'. During the journoy I had rara opportunity d ob!fer"inJ{ Lho of thq in· terior, the prnductionll of the cuun- try anJ the haLits MUJ oustonu o( the pooplo. Seventy milea l trn\'- elrd ill • ooach. MOlt of tilt! remainuer of the dillt8l1Ca was paned in tho "jinrikilha'" or mlln- power cart. Thil veh!ole is peculiar' to Japa .. , alld 0111110 Into UliO herf' only about lIiJrht yeors 1t i8 notbing more tbHn an two· wheeilld baby carrio,l:ta. 1t hall 1\ comfortable GU8bioned 8eat, for one or two penon" lind i8 drawll by one lIlAn ill the Ihaft., If two mcn are aeedeu one oan pUlh ot gl,) before the uther by means of a rOJlo. Theile TObiele! are "IIOW nil over Jupan, t'lid are tbe almost exclusive mClII18 oi 1110d traYel where the roadl will por- mit. There .re· relay stutinua at. ey· ery town, ,wd. by ohangin" llllfO, a persQIl cln t1uellifty or more tIlil"l per dlt.l o.,er good road:l. You will be lurpri!ed to 181&ro how obellp tile Care is (or trll,.eling tbis ""Iy-olilr. TIlWZIf CKSTI' I'KI( ,VILV., and tho coo . in board thl'meel, .... Whcll 01' ti"etrtrnel they do not V.,y mOl' than "wo centa per mile. cbarge i" made for the time ocoupied ill the futurn o( coolie and carri.ga, •. A",y frolll the op.n porta W8 must o( COIlf'S' I.."taa at Japftllclltt ho"I •. ami .. I JapID"" fGOd, IIllltlt he be (001 euougll \0 carry (out.! "il h him. A Japallu, hot,1 i, a larfl' Iw) .tory buildillil' (110m,,· tlmu ,htpe Ito,. .... iOmedme. 011 a). 1'be kilehflu II J"a,a ill the I (rulll of tbe bIlUM, .nd th. Jl'uhla }Ka it tu lhe flIt'lJI. Ufljllled tv Tbe lHe.t ro-)ma 11./" glJlI .. r aly at the lMck til tn. tluu." Tne ruuln6 .r. tllu.lly t_elf, f .. lll .... lIarw allil at. Mjlullllt',1 11 fMlK"t a11l1l1l,.{ .. r ._,.. \\'h"l1 ,I"eltab, a whu;., alon Cln ue Ib 00'11 illw Olle by ,he rewo, ..1 ut \itt: ICr'tlua. 1'1.11:

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A GU •NO.7.=================~==================~=================VOL. 10. PORT TOWNSEND, W. T•• THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26.1880.


'I,,_.""~I ......-••.to",r_._lD a"''t'&nee: llJ:monthl.'I.~


Fod TO".lIead, Wublngton Tnrltorr.ALLEN WEIR.



'V.w.DnDtI. J. ~.I'CG.

CENTRAL HOTEL,81tnattldat hUll orUnlol1 Wbarl.

POI'" T."lIlieucl "'. T.ThlilllouiIlIl IlUlII IIl1d III1Vll' (ur",).III"II, .".

1~_iMJ.lltl LIIO _IlIIOIIIILlltllll. UIIlF.lr_t-OI.A.. .EZoto.l.

III 1I11r 11 ~lIjl"JlCII wllh Ibn 11,"111,11 WlnetLlqu(ll'IlInlll,;llInI·lI. 1'lhl1'e III' nfll...·"'~_l1Il1hinl 'flllJle IlIld IItndlnlf UOflUI 1111 t1lllllflidSulhl"" ... Ul llll ItII U1IUOnti tn mKko th\l1I0lui i1!cond to nonliin I hI! Tcrt'llnrJ'.

:S~ hODfl~l'V(;II.


iT. iT. EEUNT, Prop.


Thl.oolnmndltlll" cl"lflInT "or! tIL"'!","I,. In­C1Ulll linTel I~ IInw n'ulo'r the "AlrlO6 of IIIohl-flaLI! pl'UI'I'lcwr.1t·hu .'111 c. n,hlt' II In IIlIIIMInIl lj'cn,:n.1 It)·ltL!':lIlt Ii relldtlr~d II too poru.lar herct"roro. .~ BOllnl I',· Ihl' <hlr or11'0011, X..ceIlent ....l:Ollllllod.,hi".. I(lt (.mUll'l

Cosmopolitan Hotel.


Port Townooncl, W. T.TUDlAr doae on I'tlUOtllbloi 1o",,'

... "llInt for Dedi" Dt'M. .nd J:1MnM,PllmOl"ild h1ace Orpltat on DNII ar lJIetu-­_ntpMa.

"'~"klC~llla"'" I'" CUICoi'tila A...orJale4 ........

0 ..... Ba"blta..... "'a. A.I,.".."ADIHAW. III1M"".

A~'i~~I:~t~: L.ur AJlD .~'T()U

Port TOWJ:l'ud. " • .,

Good Board and Lodglnp caDbe obtained at

JW:n... JW Y:IiI :n. s'T~~~::::~eTtll~~Rq'l~r~~"~~li;~;~~h~~lI'lI.IIt. cun ~ ...lIalhclortl)· lI.u,"l1ed to.

Term. Very Reasonable,l5ir AI rooto! bill, Inlll1ed"'tnl)' lJtIek. froD)

Union lI''T..o';·tT TOW."i'~E:"IJ), W. T.

Dr. Tho•. T MinorManaging lurlloon

POI·t ToW'nsend l:ToE'pital~-'Ol't '.rO"VDaend. W.",[".

Can hi oon'"l1ed. "lrM or day, .~ DOtgltal

J. R. LEW IS,Attorney.at.Law... On'1(lI.-DaUlIr" bulldlnr. ml)llll'" I

Jal1l.llIllf'l1l1t. oprx-lIeOOaldlnlai Hotel.__'ttl_. 'W"aeh. Terr'7

James M. Gassaway, M.D.,In chorl(lJ U. 8. Morine Hospital


omee.-Watrr Nt-I op,..tte ....to.eetPORT TOW!I'8ENO. W. T. IlU

NEW STOREGeneral Merchandise

c. w. MOltll,e"K ......., • .,

g-1'rot!uCfl bonghl••nd IrI'pI1Il11 of IU killd.Ul'ullhlld. at IhelO"ltt nib lIrkoe.

Q. 1>1011.11.13 HAIlLIIl..ATTOa.".l .AX,D COU:IIIICLWIi A,''r LA"

Proctor In Admirall)'.)10M)' loaned, _..I &11"1' bo.."I"D'" eoIlI

t.lollocllon m.~:~QIIIO lAI~n't'eJ'la\lI"If. &c.J'OIIT TOWJUIFJlb, W. Y.


C. D. OILJlURE, A. A. TJW~.uLllfo fk.-:lat'·rat


Gilmore & Co.,629F8t.WASHINCTOII,D.0

WILl. PUACTIt.,;E UEl'OIlE TlIF.n~ller:11 1.111111 oml'e. oltlCf'OI [ndl"'1 J\f­(.It'I. 0e,t.1rllllt'lt or III" 11l1...llor. Ill!Gourl or ('18ilu •• lind t",lirl'd :-W/I_ ~Il.

1ln!U1e ,,"Ulltf. C:1:lhll~ or 1111 $.Il1". nrl~h j:IIU1ler 111\\,I,l:tn\'erlllnJ Ih.. dl""l'l/i.illll(lll.II\' hUHI. I)r ,hI' IhU"·t'I1I11' fir rrn. I.:"lIIIUd.I,. IU1,1 )11,.1'"1111 j:UlIlI_. (lr ..II., rrrlnlt' Ilncl cli.IIlI~, l't1'HII\I "tll·nl!. t,r1\'t'lll f ' 1:01 ... ~ III1'Or ..ln. rhlp,c In ~1"1 I11\1111. BUll 1lI11l11l~ cllIlu'. 1.:Utll "I,r.r'ulti n'I,1 11t1l(1 nlr. b(lu,:ht. tll~h I : \,1(,It .ollller~· Illlditlon l,fllllHft','.1 rhd,r' .~1l,1 'Iltlllll Inr cIl'inlAt of In..,rllll•.1.'l'hn"l1ilnnlll r()I,II)'~ po\Ill~" Ir ".'11 \\RlllJ\lll act or blau u a 11\1 i ..itrul1,llJul.

Wa hltve 011 luul'J lilt thl. ornoo tor f11lc.at rea.Ollable ratet. tho orlalual' carelllllyprepllretl by enunent coulillCl. a large n.I

IOrtrnenl orlf'~lblJlnko,lO-wlt:

zn Adyn1ra1ty1L1BEU~ IN Rl-;ll-N'ellfl., Ilrit,ltt-'t1 011

1~p:"ll'llp Impel' Wllh blrlllk .pa~ (or Ihe.tllthl/( I~lrl.il thereof

ATl'AcmUo;X'l'S AXD }(O~Tl'IONS

IN n~n.


DELIV~~RY STIPUl.A'l'lOS'.A"~1'~InAVl'l'S 0.' CLAI)IA'sTS.

All prluLed Olllllw 01 IPKlIl cap llnd n~tlrb;lcked.


Awmi1'alty BlanksDistrict Court Bkmks

Justice T7r. Peace Blanks

Also Every Kind ct Justice, B1a:nk.

PBISTED '.1'0 OIlDER.ti"" 'I'tlO AUenllon nf .'Illllt,,~ tJI lhe

PCUil! p.,IIL'llluly L'lllll'd 10 tU, uoo\"t'

:rn. D1Btr1ot OOurtSU~1 UO~S-wlth Ilppro"!d SherHl". re­

tllrn thereon.WRITS OF ATTAcml"~,ST.

Tho "Ueulloll 01 !'illerlll!l II pnrllclllnrly~\lallO lhc ,nv!t1g ulIJlbor III Illuklllgcoplel

:rn. ,Tus'Uoe oourtUND.En·fAKD1GS IY A'l'TAOD-





XOTIOE 1'0 DEI-"F:XDANTS WI'I'1lCOXSI·A81.F:1.$ HE'I'UHN thereon

All printed 011 lerl I I'I'ldlh.

'fo 1111 \1'00 III re lluni:rlll,l( from the f'tNlreaulllncllll.·,... tlt'1I5 of youth. tlervOlli 1\'~lI.k­

11m. early ,lfi.'nr, Iny or lnllilhooli• ..te.; Iwllllleud yOUil 1ft'lpe Ihut \VIII CUI'\! )·ouFUEl( 01-' l(IIAHGE. '.I'hl~ gtt'd retu­cd}' \'flI..• ilIJll'O\'er~d by fI ml~~II)IIlI.tv IIISollth AlIIerlCll. &!ud.l. iil'lrofllltJ~IIt!t­

tc'r to I!lfllh;v•. IOSHl'U '1'. llt».llll, :sIlI.tlou0, N'e" York Cit)·.

:5unS(;H1UJo: .'on '1'1I~;

JVllllhlng'ton 11Iolltltlll~~\~:·7,~~if~:I'~.~~i~:I~;I~~~~·~ntt ..~f~r;Ill-I......) ..rl1Ml'I·"rrll"r)'.

~llbvrIIJ'''. Jw." '\'1.11. • ,I.M

In""tl"hl,. hi Ahft~.~1" ..·LllIrll .....,... ~ •• 1'1'1''''. "'II,·h.

A hltt.... ,.; .1 1'111111,"; )1l)1~.:.

" I·UI;:~:'I~.'}(~1I'~I~~,~:~r~.~~11h,I~:r.

cello. H'llpoke of ,h. pauage oftb, Ac~ revenini bis oberhlhed pol.

O! o( "a BuddeR and uoaccountablarnolution o( public opinioD." andtb.re can be no doubt tbat it eau..dhim extreme moniic.tion.

Here ..,. ha.,.. 'be whole g.nesisanti bistory o( tbe anti 'bird t.rro~raditioD. It arOle o.t o( uo law orcOllltitutional profi'ioo, bus aimplyou~ of ,h. (.o~ tbat two u( tbe earlierPrelidentl o( tbe Rep.blio, .ne,huina: I.ned lor two terml, weregl.d to retire froro uffice. It tlidnot originate in an,l,a,a entertainld'by Iralilimen or by tbe people th.tany danger lurked in a third term i(or it. i. quito certaiu that butbWA8U1~GTOS and JEJ'VEI8ON C<lUldh... obt.ined a ,.nominatioll bid

'be,. d'lIired it. Both deolined hlor priutf'l and not for publio r....ani, Illltheir eumple we ban ~h,

wbol. oriiinal foundation for tbe'Iun"ritten Jaw" whioh Corbid. atbird ~erm.

A CAltD.

<12" 111111:11: •• IJ Ii 'hI)· "I h"ttltl .....I:\ Inn I".II \JtIUllll\......\".·lIUil£C..... A.U¥L..UIo,..\1W.

iug mao "bo "ere diametrically op·poled to eaob olber in all tbeir tbeo·riel o( go~ernment. HUULTOK, tbegreat I.ader o( tbe Federalilll i.~b, Itru~gl, to Moure tbe adoptiono( tb, Oonl~itutioD, wal called totbe pOlition o( Seoratary o( tbeTreasury, _hil. J.&F..J:IOOl'f, wboItrongl,. I,mpathized "ilh tbe oppo,nentl or tb. instrument Ind la" ini~ a ,brea~ to tb. rig btl and 10~flr.

eignt, o( tbe Slat.s. "as appointedSflcretar,. of State. IC PrllidentB....yK8, upon his illtuj{uration iOIO0.1110', bed ltiYfn tbe.. two positlonl,th. tint tb tbe mOlt emin.nt Repub.lioan in tbe oountry. and tb••enondto tbe malt ,minellt Damocrat-t/)TUUR.U,l'l', or B.nKD, or HounoSznlouR, in Ih, upeotation of unit·inglhe two paniel in tbo supporl ofthe Idmini.tratiou-b. would bnl'lfaitb(ully imitated tho well-meantbut Ibort'lilbted polio, o( W,48.·J:fGTOK.

O( ('oarse, tbil utopian policyprond a failure. Tb, formltion ofparties "II ine"itable, and tbe oppo·.ition to the messurll of tbe admin·iltratioD, more especially to BUilL­

TON'!! financial scbemes, designed t.o·.trengthen tbe General GOYflrnment,arouled I biuer oppolition On tiepart o( tbe Jeffersonian party, wbichbeld tbat a feeble General Go..rn·men' ",as dl5irable to pr..ent en·oroaobmentl upon State rightll Thebre.king oul o( tbe Frenoh re"ohl'tion inlenliGed the auerLill o( tboconOio' be~w..n the Fed"ali.b,"bo sympathized witb England, andtb.ir opponents, who Ihared tb' (e,l·l"C' ..d theories of ~be rnolu'donilts. 'lbe President's proclama.tioo o( nautrality "aa ~iol.ntly de·nounoed, and JXU.l.B80K retired(rom tb. Cabille~ to take 'be leadflr­Ihip o( tn. opposition" ACter biswitbdra"al eYen W.lIUUNOTOlf bim­lelf did 1I0t e.cape auacl" in theoppalision pra.., wbiob bis late Seo·retary tacitly approYld, i: be Jid1I0~ aotually in.pire. Tb, Prelidoot,wbo bad ne"er laken a liulle stapthat "aa oot diotated bl patriotismarld approved by hil 0"0 OOD.Olanoeand judgment, could not fail to ,.,ea.ry of his thaoklell dutiu. A t thecloso o( hiS leoond term he "aabeartily .ick o( publio liCe; belouged for retirement and "It, andprobably nothing Ihort of a convio­tion tbat bil oontinuance in officewas a patriotio duty, would bne in­ducetl him to accept a tbird term.Hence the unequivocal deolarationin his (I'rewell addrels, which WlUl

the Orat foundation o( tbe &Nti.tbirdterm traditioo.

In the oalle o( bis immediate I'IllO.

oellor, DO question in regard to athird ~erl);l oould arille l .1 be wentout of office at tbe 01080 of bill 6nt.Du~ wben JHFVEIl80N'S leoood tOrlnWMII drawing \0 an endt tbe Legisla.~urll o( Mltl8scbaletts, Rbode bl­and lind Vermont p....d le'olutionlupresling. dlli,. tbat b. Ihouldbe a c.ndidat, (or tbe third tim,.

Sueralof lho otber State Leiilla·tura , in tbeir forlnal approYMI of theembargo, iudicated a lilnilar wi.b,Uut JHI"PE1L&OS, too, hl(1 h.d quite.1IUUih or tba rupoo.ibilitiel of th.Pr..idelltill.l ollie.. There "" 110

Iffl!N.tiull in his profellioll Il( awilli to retire 10 priwale lire. TheUUl.lpeclet.l d.feat he lustaintl.! illCongr":;1 hy tbe rellloni of tht. tim·berKO, near the CI06ff oC bill term,probahly illt.ll.ified hi, lon~ing 10retire to tho quiet Ihadee o( Monti··

Ii r. ·'Chronlcle.")

Prupl}sterous allfl uttlirl, impraoti.oahle aa such all iJu8 must now sum,it iii Ilill an untlollulod fao, lbatW"SI.lISGTOY eiller~fl ypon hiM firsttetlll Kit Prt'ilidellt with the cun6don~

LJ,lief tbat it was possible for theGlI\'erUlllltnt to bp Ildillillilileretl iolucb a wlY ., to aroitl Ihe organizll'tioll of hostile polit;clI.l parties. Hehopl.d, by oOIl't'incillg Ihe oppositionthllt tbe adlllillllttll.lioll aillled atnntbilll{ but the ~ood of the country,10 l.Iiliarm it!f hunilily alld unite all"arti... ill its lupport. 'l'hi, "t'in anditllliory hllpe \lin lIuelllltnened byIh" fact t1lll.t "lllUl the Conltitutionweill illtu .,ff~ct in J7 0, there Wtlrenil 11lltagfJlliliio parlin in thu fiald,or llt lent non" tbllt were orianize.1III ll.e mur" moU~rn melb')(l "itbIlellrtlLtt part1 prOl""alllllllJ, Unl.ler'u' InflutllCu of Llli8 I'atrioda LutIII1"ll1t""m:allhl:tl !'llid,lhe til'lt Pr8l·Jf!.,( t:t'J til. t_o 1:11 t irnporl:&ntlJO~ ;iuu, ill llij ClIlJillloll l" appoint-


floori. conrad "ith Ilice clean riCtJ·Slrll'" ll1at~, two incbell thick:. The<'eilill'l: i, commonly I~vell or .ight(eet hi~h. No ch.irll or talll.s IHO

ulIPd, and a person must sqUlLt or liedowlI on the soh clean mat'!. orconrao .hou ar. 1I0t admitted intotb. moms. They mllit be rp.rnn.,edat tho entrance. The lAndlord Iudler.,nls greet bonorable. ~ueltll,

both on their .rri'tll Iml der.rlme.The mut i, ('Iten ill eaoh one I room,hlling brought on & "ery diminutivet.LI" which is r~mo.,ed At the elm.eof each meal. The main article oflood i, ~lp.nt boiled ricd. In addi·tion are fi,h IIl1d boil••J Yeretllhle"and occa.ionally other accvmplni­m.,ntl. All is wS!lhed dnwn hy teat.ken from W.8 CUpl. The charil'lor lodgiolr, l"l,per and bre.kfalt, i:ItWllnty centl; dinner, eiJ{ht cent•.E"sr,thillg, inciuJillli{ the 100ld, illclean t and one can (ato pretlY .,ellwhile uulilllt. in Jap.n••e Ityle.The hotel wailerllre u!fl.lal1" (emaltt•.They are all 'Ierl polite an·d attent.·i"e to eur,. want 01 the guests.Th'" bed COR,il'll' o( a thin colton

r..dded cUlIbion bonealb, ..nrl a limi­

IIr on. (or a ooyering. Tbeee ar.r.mo't'8d in tho day time.

'tbe glneral IPllen,noe of tMe in·terior of Japan illlloullt.inoul. The""11\l)'1 aro wtlll cultiYIII,d. Rice,Wh•• I, heanll, u,i'clablt'l .lId CruiL.re lloe priflclpal proJuotioliS in thenorthern portinllll. Sorne 10t'alities.re ll'\'otod almost exclusi"el,. totbli proJuction uf lilk; and olh.,sI"lerly to Ihat 01 lea. Flit.Iloltl'1l, llIen and wumen, work hArdInti Ult' linle or 110 lDRchinerv. TheIp"'U", h",~ anrl mlttOllk are tho prin·Ci~lll tooili. Except. work horaes(ulJ"d for pll.ekilllo!) hut I~ttle stock ilni"oJ. The gO'lerllml'llt hn 11l\~lybf'llun Ihepl' r",ilillg lI",r Tokio,which will 1111 douh~ in the courle oftime radult In genMal sheflp f(rnillil.] Ihink the couotry is "ell Itdltpted10 gn.zinll. CI\lI, are (ouml oolyin ctltl.iu locltlititllt.

My enll'ljil'emont at the Akita col·lell'o i, fur IWO y,ara. . . .. I liketo lin ill J"pan. I hue heen inn~lI.rl.v all putl of the empir~, knowdlfl It..n~ull.Jt'f'l of the pcoplelluJ tbeir·blll.its Mild oUlrnms. I would beqLlite coulellted I" spend my day.III~re. but, nl a (oreigner cnnnn' be·oOlne a oitizen nor huld prop.,tv, eJ:­

cept. ill the open porls, he of courseCalJllvt f"tll al8 COlllented 118 in hie0"'11 C.IUlllry. Good pAy ket\plIlJllny who would u,b~rwi1l8 quick1,11l"'t'*'.

The JllpAnrle are becomin,llio u,pcrt in all kinrls of busillelht thftt,ht'\· du not lleed much IUlailltAooOfWln forcil{ners. Tilt, A'oYernmentis lItilllPcll.lsiye to "cerl"in dlgrae,bo\'uud 'hat of other IIl1ld!l, but il isthnu{tht tlult "nOlher del.:lUle will reomovo IlI1 oll.rriers to freB intercountewilh fnrei ...ners

I spellu my summpr ,",catioo a~

the opell port. of Htlkkndllfe.OI



One Inch. ftl"!lt Insertion 11.50EIlCh!ul~luPlIt IIIMlrtlo~...... .. .. .60

Trall~lent. .d"ertl~('mclltA to In!uretnJerilon must be IH'fOmpanted by C1\lh.

CiiiJ"'''U'' IJtUI'' ._'hI7~

Tbe following are .. few extraotsfrom a lener written by ~fr. O. Car·rotbefl, formerl, of'l,Lopez Jsl.ntl, to):Ir. JOI. A. Merrill, of Sin JUln Co.The latter kind I! ,.n~ it to UI rorpublio notice some time 11'0. bu' illIl.pp,arllnce has been delayed on ao- .count o( tbe mlnuacript ba"ing Leanmillaid. It may intar.lt lome oro"r readetlto know of the peeliliar­itiOi of the Jllpll. The writer oamefrOIll Japln to San JUlln Co., during,he lumlner of '78, bu~ returnetlthithpr artl'r II brier sta1 in this T,t·ritur,.. Amoll'f otber dHlicultiel un·tier which he lahorl, "e may men­tion tbat he writ~1 from a plac" lb.elJpbonioul title of "bicb is: 14Aki.ta Sbikall O.kko, ikita Ken, Ja­pan." Hear bim:

"Whton last 1 wroto to IOU J wasin 'l'okio, the capital o( Jllpall. Atthat tim. I b.d duulJIB of the pUlli·bilit101 getting employment ill thiloouotry, and thought] might be un­du the necesl'oity or returning soonto tbe United Stlltelt. Hut at tbeele"enth hOllr I foulll.la pUlilion. Jt1S at a I.lf~e achuol locliled ill thenorthern pll.rt of the Inllio Jllp"lI..elsl.lId. No (oreigner h.. eur li ...dtbere, anti but few ha\·. ov.r "iii tedtho plll.ce III it ill Ilot an 0llen i>0rt.It i, I. leaport, alld i, visitlld by na·th·~ IItetl.lAera and ll8il V~lIt'ls. It isdiSllnt by land ahout 450 milcsnorth of Tokio. TIIlII diltlUloe 1pUled oyer in elnf'll Jlly'. Duringthe journoy I had rara opportunityd ob!fer"inJ{ Lho I~ellllr,. of thq in·terior, the prnductionll of the cuun­try anJ the haLits MUJ oustonu o(the pooplo. Seventy milea l trn\'­elrd ill • 8t1~e ooach. MOlt of tilt!

remainuer of the dillt8l1Ca waspaned in tho "jinrikilha'" or mlln­power cart. Thil veh!ole is peculiar'to Japa .. , alld 0111110 Into UliO herf'only about lIiJrht yeors e~o. 1t i8notbing more tbHn an clllar~ed two·wheeilld baby carrio,l:ta. 1t hall 1\

comfortable GU8bioned 8eat, for oneor two penon" lind i8 drawll by onelIlAn ill the Ihaft., If two mcn areaeedeu one oan pUlh ot gl,) beforethe uther by means of a rOJlo. TheileTObiele! are "IIOW nil over Jupan, t'lidare tbe almost exclusive mClII18 oi1110d traYel where the roadl will por­mit. There .re· relay stutinua at. ey·ery town, ,wd. by ohangin" llllfO, apersQIl cln t1uellifty or more tIlil"lper dlt.l o.,er good road:l. You willbe lurpri!ed to 181&ro how obellp tileCare is (or trll,.eling tbis ""Iy-olilr.TIlWZIf CKSTI' I'KI( ,VILV., and tho coo .in board thl'meel,.... Whcll 01'

ti"etrtrnel they do not V.,y mOl'than "wo centa per mile. ~o cbargei" made for the time ocoupied ill thefuturn o( ~be coolie and carri.ga, •.

A",y frolll the op.n porta W8

must o( COIlf'S' I.."taa at Japftllcllttho"I •. ami ..I JapID"" fGOd, IIllltlthe be (001 euougll \0 carry (out.! "il hhim. A Japallu, hot,1 i, ~oDl~rall)'

a larfl' Iw) .tory buildillil' (110m,,·tlmu ,htpe Ito,. .... iOmedme. ulll~011 a). 1'be kilehflu II J"a,a ill the I

(rulll of tbe bIlUM, .nd th. Jl'uhla}Ka \hrou~11 it tu lhe flIt'lJI. Ufljllledtv th~ln. Tbe lHe.t ro-)ma 11./" glJlI .. raly at the lMck til tn. tluu." Tneruuln6 .r. tllu.lly t_elf, f..lll ....lIarw

allil at. Mjlullllt',1 11 fMlK"t a11l1l1l,.{.. r ._,.. \\'h"l1 ,I"eltab, a whu;.,alon Cln ue Ib 00'11 illw Olle ruu~

by ,he rewo, ..1 ut \itt: ICr'tlua. 1'1.11:

Page 2: 8(Je~~ A GU - Wa



-TlIlll:lU.\'. n:u. ~G. I~j .,

.!UKll' ,\tll.: :1.Jllur..t1~rrl'l~

YaGET SOUND A G-------------:.=-----~==;:,===,..-::-::---=------:-

I •., , ... re 1~ ,,' Ir.".1 .-,<1 h.... 'tl!l"l I",~ IIInail,". I CT· ... t'ftIl ~ 'I.~ If ,1"11 , _i..,·b I Ni:WS liU•.!II'LUl....• ,1,., " ,1.1. I • t' I, 11 f ."''': tboo ~ rib- I" It '" ," litt.! • Il L.. hOl> .1 I" d co .1 III Itl.I ; 1'1 r I """",,"' fa!'1 I'.Jr':'I~ '·''''fl'·lo''._h r ,,,,,In.:l!.t \u I.... il:." ,.aml'lHllblllll'n" r~ftll"~l ,\ i "Inta":!" '"l1.T.U•• aun 1t. I.L,rtu:.IL. )'MlIlhll.. ~'" ,1. ',',!:l I!lrl, "'rlb' l.,I':IJ'f"r L. 1 1 I' , ••t 'f~.rl-"~"uJ. i.t.r ,,l

.,....·ULPU·1 ......0It ...." ... ,," 1,...,1. ~'" 1"1 l',,~II" ".t..olnlllll tI 1II'.. r:) ..", .. .,... ",III".:. ""'.!.",,, r •.\~I",r1l1rjf).';U IJr.tl • "1 •(!ll :-III1lIl.lU lie,•. I at •• ,\ lIf ,,, r. Old I Uenu". 1''''', J • AI!CUIlIiI" fro ,'IlL.. 1m3' 1\1.' \ I.r, _I:...,. A1""••I.., I \I a.4 bn.,·,,,.w." '" the 1.•1b)f·:~ JIlvu............ totl. u ant""',.,. """D ...I 1f'("lul.r1 rv' 11;1" 1' ..1 I._ cllOU .. ·10(".1\ l\ I b. lrlO"I·r 11:,1 IUlellr. I_ 11.11-.\ ~'O'c",uf. u,ft...a.\ d r. .. troa u ar.. L,'. lr)III" III '1lbrr III"re bq..... /I"!. flo. u' I-al bo,n IaIu('b .. I! 'LUI,Uoil'llt "'III 1>1' .'r :,J to I'll' to' u,. Tu(" 1"<_ 11:1 ,.ja"l. f"MII I IOrlllto..,,, .......... '·11.. dirr ..!"tI uf 1110 t'nll". Ihtl,... I,ne.: 001 ""1 ..I ur",tllJlI. n ~vt III fir totr S.lI·lleo)rl. in W. 'UQJla..h-r - Th.. U."ltIlniOIl "I«' MI'" triad, ha'fOr \11 I.l<I "'pn,,!; ....1'1",:II,d .uldu.d d'I,lb(;1 _ " .. 11,., ..1 ,.lalo.1Jl.II).bl,br..h...fl,lotllt~""ul.llbout IJa,l,.nulllC)p.'uN ttll II lJlol It Ol',w, 1:111 .....1 It~"M.m'11"1,'-'brl'"'D ."I~

ktla Cllrr>f.,I, Ill,d. The ('Id.lt I bonI- ,I In or 0'11111. la ,Irl' d Oour~11 "Illi i_ - ·fb.. lutlr O<'f'I:I Inu rhCI~ 11I.. t It )P. 11IIlllJt,.U"'~dllnll': LM' hr~t ••)'''' r h~ItI,hull,) rt«lIfdwlIi of lu,,,elllll ..nil.· r. fln'I!. bill llif' DaMIB 111n-leu nOUN hnll .:hbu U, W,-"bbarn.. II n"t I C'audldll~tur lary bav'. -..calli ,,'II' Int.. \\ lit I' qIlIUVrs. .

.. " •• , " •• '1..'1... ball btll IDldf' proMpll, If.nlbl•. 'fbe Ib.. l·r....ld"Q~1-.-Tb!l rn",lwultU It Wt-<: W. II "uktt ~1I1"e"1 (NUl lb. JIlItCt....S.w Tou.••·tt.. I'j,-n.., E.lwanl Co.-· aorra;:ulau l~hatl\.. D w.J be Did 10 L. eom· "Ut. Son ~'Qtla. bu. '*,11 011 • ,rrlkt' r'~r Itt'lQbhun. ka'ln Ill" ..... " rolft OIl U. T,

It,. a1u."tr 01 Ibe Sbtplttrd', .',,1,1. 011 pllt,11 It In I tid. i1tltlllptt 10 'II '\I' I Ibr.e" tllllbi .1111 h.I"" bttD IlfllIG,.d to qtlll I·...rl"," Iw 1';11 Intly aDd "tlkrl,n... 1>.Irw lor Lh" ., • ,hi ".)" CD. cb..... {ol m«(IDI 01 ,b••on rRt nib' b.....U f.noo. Ih.. bouer_ ()llhe 1)rtIDiUl 'II I t:01her1 ColD llJo llO!l'man j t f

blkJ .. f; r I Ij.uy-'fbel~.I{)ftn.ro'nlltlill""h... helttod . .",,'-ltI!; lUll I c:nl'lI, Itt.IIDC c: It1 , w.... "a,.U,. HI .. .-, w!'" ,ulI)". cOllln'llue.. --Yablou U Ugdlll,' lu.tl~r ,'anlhlll c:ount .. "III "'t~rD a 'fery 11;1&1 d..I a1 roa'llrt"l, aDd "'Ill be ..QUllc",l Oil On......'"b. 1Ii._11I lhe bou.. or ~IQ- of (\.ica..,:o. il deau--MIlIo;'Utt Strrbolfcr hn'l"tut tu 11.1. ~e.n:t tuhr II a troOdiiatludJJ. mOll. 10 d., &;n JUDI! »ltdOllalll prlttllttd and .'nuk La.lllmotUI Lan~ u eoaflelrJ al wi K101' In I II.e fat"fl n Ihou~h 1I01IIttllZl",

............ w••". T."'.. ,~• ..-,d. .. .....n' ,·'........1. I mtldl.lrom bu tlC'1'Ia.. l1e1. lhe 1ll0".,U<Jf· N'.lrll.~. J . oltbeuluull'rof the lorwer.. .Iuw Ire lure III)'.X•• l'CI&ll, .·d, 1~ Tbom.. P.I·lu.W.... CCSI.."1:otIf.n. feb. IS,-Duri... I .nlll ii:"Dual, rt-rolUm,odlai a TOil uf .100,000 bu,batllt--'I'be 11 1I~lon HOUle toalllUU .\ IUdt.lcD, I III tbe ..atu l"IG S'Jn,I'J

I ret1rtd l'1.rcblllt. -aed OO••u ClnOltd _lor11l .,atl .. Ibl, morul.f. I 1"llIe heDIM! oe- 10f Ih. ",Ill! of Im,b IUft.,,,". rtpOrl1 iuer....ed dlllrHt itl Irtl.tlll. ~NllI Abndl;'ll \!cta'ftll iUlt'm aad tMo ueJIIIlIIltt robbed 0-. TtaOlDll8OD atnet Wi al"bl Ctllll!d by' JIlba lJIUtlltl.cb wuh till .-If, Th.. S.a.I"," Bntlcel. 'fbi wi 10" f W tt T Md red t tu nlporl dalIIap. A I...,..... of NeD at <,uceIt, thrN colortd 11'0111"". wbo '!-f.urht...!. lad Ibrtll dllIJrta. Wid blo"-ll C"OlIIplfl.l,. lhro:tlt'. ""b. 17.-lu COllalCM l')odl1 . ' a m. . w 1 I • ifilL to "'ork on 1'f'j'W":

.._ "........ Offr. bUl')ilJ: tile iUDlllea antlef thl.deLrilli. . nllr Or"to. nlinilltfl of QUtln('f.,lr""IIIt'd l'arll Oil Ibo Ibth-Ei1mmnl C. 1'.lIuII. " cl T I" \• R 01' j.... I d ,h..."d "'Itb fwUtoulf1fll!llt of thllllnd~ IIf ·:... D' o'v I Ille t(l;fllg meo Md

r"-~-.. '.1>.1•.- ..... D,II,·.,b.m. Tbe fslblll ..... hi 1 111 U, , ........1 I I.D • hlllll'lt for llle l!tra! 'fir 1880 anll IS'll. n··' I u ."., r. , " I C~ I b hi I' u I b l, 11 lbe Ihtl (.lllliaiKuI Kit'IIliI" U Ulit Iud Sale Ue- -' L' .....( ool. II'l,)Ua til "'+lrll'r. IlIl.l nattrdner. died tbt. forellOOo frOID lb. l'l"" II' , ..t r I ft:1l ~1\ I J ~r aD Ult ('.Iilllile. Ibe f(unolt It 7U3.0ti),OOO 10.>1( Cu.• bUI h~lu cuu\lelc.( ot tlle c1Utr." uteful and no ,nuht • Ilt'ede<l Id-tOn npon"'aw 01 • IIlItol 01 .. ound i.llI. b.ad intl:H ttuth~1 btu."t I tI um rI. pu.lt.... II1d Ibe IJI)t.alhlurel It B29.0u0.· --D.u,.r Jlrlllteu rtlaslIlW 10 l\CCl'olt. f.... Ih"lr bella:lor m tibet, "IINt.I,c reutl'l...... --0,. limHU imllledi:t.hl,. tJttr tmille Dn.""rllUt rr_...... I>UO. Ill' • hd laillorn, 10 borrow tVS.- ,IUCllon (If rt!te_, ,,·trll (lu.I,t! fmlll tUI! Jl'tCIl,h (hllml",l'S .. h.) ,111...1 luuJenly IlL r1U.ft:li. I..,. OJ Tbe liule 10.U 01 O..ctOl•• Gre(;u.coullly. 000.000 p'UIH I•• fl(Jll,tiDr; debl. althougu .omcu of ,be N,w.'4 111111 ·rlm......ud Ih, Ir O.lyt~!I lut. wl'ek WM :In uelnlll;llt¥ t:iuua

1.)'1... I. lila'f". b... bUll almOiII.,pt II.',. lly II rrhhet iu h llli~ht btl II •...111]' 10 ne,cd IUd mati· pl.eea filled with JUlU.uniou 1,rilltf'U; th" IlLtl III 1lI11\er~ .. lly IMlcnte,l. I...f:t)·ettclt05TU.lL. .·.b. lG.-Thtlll;lIlallll til tbe Lillie Dilrell IInr. 11 number of hODu mum In Ihe I\'Ul1 or '!ft'l' or Iftlou. ,IiI- ..ulI iii not ).tt-One ui lUll ",bl'llIll 0,: I...", I. O. U. !".• l!t)nduc:eol the fli lutet!.

'-0. 1k,•• ~. D..r"- n.l&Itlllbe,r of 'larh... w.re eani.,l df .ilh nearlJ all Iheir CO'l- ttuh.uctl. Th. loutlget Iitatelllllllt elllUCd II I ..... lUV ...... '1 h dl bl t d I· h II DenYClrYOrkiul:U1t'1l i. ~o"l.4rl 1111 bT'I,iulo: LI ",IInl't!'llh.ttho ""'Inl.v cOllrt II •rent, hn. am.-rd fr011i CMorado u:d Ate leDI , .hl 6 mllu,. ..'ere IIr , a e 0 /,let cc me on I., OUND. 1f\Ilt'r with llm:k l·t1n,eri)y ..1 luu bchn-- nul.- illlrllli 11;1 "'11,\ur th', H;I)'tOll I,m!.;.. 1111,IJfblIII .Iall nl 8-1. t....,..DOt ban. ~:;,OOO thf'ir hnnhuru out before tlo" ".ler IUb- l'.A f It'IG 1iU.tl) J Tloa \\'i:eoon"h, r.ot1li~lntn Iil~ ol'!i.·r, It I'ltr. ) l.:tr•. ff tnll". t'lll \I·m ,rowe ;0 I ...• . ofpU'IOU "'Ilted tbe rema.ln.. Ultrlfld Iheit bou~u. tiouclui·" ilnl 11~ur·... 111'11 tUtl tllif! uf t!.J•• A "llILly "llll.l..-~unll"r jo(n'at 11,l,:",Il\·l,.Iu,m~.a \u 1-'11'11/011 eil \ ,'1 ,hill_

-l"'''.~''. I'll"."" !li10.... illQ' Will "\\8 dll.'bld 10 J ItCtli l,y Ibo Walt r , , . I'.~~ ludtatrled.lownthe e,'UlTtut. Tbt! Iou 1'1 "lIooII('<o!t'P.r,_il. J LoaWIH In. nr"foll llU\lllI.kl'U hilt .e.at u 'lIun.).

lIa". He,,"' ... n·.l.eted to.dlll' lie ,.", """, I"v'.'bly r... J.lIblll, !lIUO,OOO. ,,'. h' ,. I'" I 1 c.:oul!Ireu: b.. tollll UlliN II ru:tou-WJlI I 1:""10111111:&·'''111(:0111''.........~~t:""d.,r. ~ ."p.," ,', .... > .,,,.'01 l-t:.U:I;:"'C", "". "'-... lIeuI,"uytl 0 '1 I ,". 1"'"I't'IJ or- (I' .. ',. I' ,. h \ h 1 \·~r Il:lo~IlCI'J.:er mlU 011 IHllhrn r:\1 run,__ ... lIIoa Itll('tI.iU :I , Pi>' Illx.Ib.r«f'p oD 0 1',fuP • Iud he hl,od. "', I hiP rtfllU L:l\lJrllluJ l11"\I'lnf!'ILtI. WOlalnl:;UlIll 1I"j1l):l:...1 Illllrt' er to I !l 'n· I· \ J h H1 I 1.1 I

lb. !o••, ,od--.-d ,. ,on'" .p~'·llo'· CUlC.LCJ(I, Ful>, IQ. -l'lIIlhrr C'olJlolidllHoli rllIJ ~hll docll lIud Ih', eOUlmittee iute,· ~o.l' IIl1lts-.-.... WN" • \~lfilk HI t n II~ Prjllht~w,r:lthcr lit JI.lI,l;l Cil)·.__ _, n,", II ,.__ .. ..... \\,. uo.'C'n lJfr,IIDlZo.'lI lU .. elY (Of ; tl:~ olj'l"~ il' Jf' .,

fI.I:1ditJltr, btll tbe ,!fort l&llcd.' ; of we.,ero lallro.ll *llt,.'Ill" rerl/lill. 'rhOlle "Iur:"" A/;Utu a11i.mll. frolU .hom lbl')' uu, 10 ',(\lIL'Utu hi. 110lllil111ll<.m fot'tJle I're'si. \\ rk on Iho IltJ,JgclI,·rcllli thu .1'uat... · IIA ...... W«k rllr (·ba"IlY. lut, weutlol1ed ,,'hllrtin cODlLiulltion ill for. taiued 110 dlrert \ulliji(IICliotl. ·fbe)· then denoJ. ' , ~ , Ilfobre"n~~ I'IIpilll)'. - -',w r~ r~ ~,_.J~U U. KeeDI ebldOwtd kJ'e tbe 81. 1':11I1 nod :\IiOtlOUpOUM w:l-lteJ on 'II11TCflll lIrtu~ RUt! eomllnuiCl~, 'rbo St'. Loaill ,l(erdll,hl' l~nhM',".' I'M 1'1",1 o:i.l\y\itc:unnlf Of\JUlCll nt:('I\ra ... (Ill.

-.....'1', • - ,wee 10, uiliu ill Ihill 'aD' St. l'lullllld SIOns. Cll, lind Norlh WIS' bo.l rllxlndJllb dtJfi:Jiw SIlllWfl'Io. Ihtir 111:- 'b U~ 00 . Lo ,.. Ilry Ilf ~:'!.j I,.r :alIUUtu., .... ,0n~'D rOltLl', n"'llll,it:" llIIid tbat Ihe Ohi- wlludw. " COllin nto' .Il to tho Irl1l11. rfJfcI IU111.1 '\'1 I " b

" _ ~ ~ • , , • I " n j --J _-. '\' "'0-, '0' 'h, -'n"',, vI "'"b'.' llJo ftr L"lt) I>COllto! ,Yo U WtrC "Ill 1\ ithm ,. ... WI" "go Ilud N"orlb""'eltuD COIDIIlIlI1 19 Ir,loGlo : I 1l4!.. .n..D,'f!rtl IlIiehltr;:- oJ. .. " '" u ... '" L' " I' .

•TW B • •• ~I J'•• I I. 6.l" li~,~dtac>l. leb.10.-0u Imit S.ltilr. iuston NUe. '1\'111 Le Ilatlg~rl lit Upper l~ut·t 11"'0,," :ul.l'iunllllllr W""l Il'al ,Illa!tT.-., f,b, 10.-On tb' , •• 1••",1, Oblllill A conirolllo); DlucH III AOIU' 01 b d • J ,. b \ d 'I 0 .'~k '{ '.

....... .... Ib oAd. Tboro il uo douhllhnt !l01l1" In)" tbe l>ioUOfr \\ oolen 1IU1 Co .• \Ibicb IIlI u",.. ouo : --, II ,,!W., 1)1ut' '1I1l, •Capt. nu~hr. 01 the 9lb c".lry. 'eommlnd· I eM r '., d 1ft' rnoll lOiIll lit maek I'oint I\ud the Mi<tlllou, of LogllOIlp\lrt. lid .• hu bo,m ruuuu cuilt,Y I A famil)'.Jin"t frnm ~"·edcn. Anti f1.U un·iJlg (llIe of lbe tOllllllll1 pUrI'Qing bo~liIe 1mb porta,'blt ~~~ro~ DH,lV~WI'.Il l:l erc 00 00 In dischllrgt:t'l ever, ObiullWIIU in their ('mploy of Illurder. "ad eCllleliCod ttl deu.lh -"l'ho III,lll to lIv-::ali Englilth. 11:1\·" locateJ 0:1 I'conIDd.i..... aftu,JolJo\\"IJl.U Ih(,1ll two dll,II,-.ith °T'b" I~' " u . I 'b. O· r (liitl p"ll.se 10 do Without Ibilul 1!nIH till Chic~o Tim 1.,llljllr loliiulit \'I'6t lilUl1!.l.lfs liC l'r:l.lrill.·· ,b,•• ,n"" ,omm·nd ,n 'b. d,',-",'on 01 b.... I eel 1IUII e O:1rDlU~1I () ilion II· I h 'b \ ,. I'~' ~ . 1 •.. " u '5. oalllor Japuar' 1l40o,y II Gain of S16R coulltituliollali!y of ILe IlcL is dottlrwillell. IlU "crl en on lIeoouut 01 Ibe ri~e III l'illh- • ~ PAl" y" "'lII!ttn"~nll'.e, lit ,"llo!ll\n FAU.llldUIII. c.lDe luddenl, Opoll th4m B1.rOIlRI,., G:toe r a f tbo lI:rlit tblh ~n dll)"l1 't'; Doollld MeLelillftll. I,",slatllt at Ihll com. IIcrlption priea. bUR retur1l('d 10 Iho 01,1 to g,o tlllhtJ ,ftkaWt IlliuQa by cro6lIilll: thefollit~"'r,'II" lod'!ouab CI010l1, . 'l'he. ,In of ·e'., 000 ' , p"", I\I~lU that lho .etiotl ..... "'bn uot t1l;tnrel-Cbll.~. Siralt"n. in II. tit of JUII. C '~Ilu 1lI0uD:aill' dirt."Ct.

"~, ,. m ,.,·Ib· h,.-, d", .,d., UlCfelllO v' , • , h' d u' I ,'11 1,. •. ,~ • , t I II ... It 001 of I!"Y cOQsidNl1lioll of Illr.'ats from tho nulll· Ii a If In lUlltAn!., I l'{ rail.. 'The TJlIhlic leh0l11 llt Miltoll. 01Jl1" ~,l

.bic" ¥ifs:,,1 hom.. a~~ ~If. MI. The ElUt..a", IQV\Io, ou n, UI II!O ".n or...,..· 8E1utllot. bl:it 80:61.10· (lilt 0" rell\ll'ct (or'the Mon;o. llt.J~tlIlU61ly. N. Y.--CUUkJilli will I'rof,J'almur II l,rineipAI 111,,1 )Iill:" ,I illSrOdllOIl 'Ib.p' chargid Ibo tlo~p" who gno ~llU8 Crn, }'flJ:I. 18'!~'·/~rfl ellr loads law. Ilith"rlO th', CGlnplIl,ly hl\~ IoCOIl PllY. llO~ fit/ella thu Ulicll convel)oUou t;lJltiI;~ 110 :iI!,iltl,llt, !la, 1111, uverllJ;o lI~telll: of 00we1.lId ,.trelt~ pell m~. Tbo Indiallll of eml~raohl frOM the

lcrnlraI etlltell weuL ina ('''II -:'IO.UuO por maDlu for whilo IUllcr, "0Il 111\ II I1drQ'utc--h·i,.h lihemlil'" to .cllOlatll.

dro"" Ihm acrOllI the ri"fr. Uliticnll liod down tbe O:r.lvnlan rof\d,. this Illlqruf~, Rn" $G.OijO 1(, itll Cbine!;e emplo)·u. Tho Frallc" during tho war of l~i(l iii ljwl"lnUy T1lil Mothollillb lire eonfl~''''lI,g·, 'U\"il· ... llltbr4dil'~.""ereaballdooede.nd wqi.leeured by wbOiO rial dCltit/;111i~ is.beliO'fed to bo Iu- A0. i .. ill net he au d ilb I'b·lo' II rllferrcrl to iu 1I8ltiug pllrodl,l col!.tlt!OIlS j" c,,,,.,,,'II,, o...,.t,·II- '0", 10 ""H 1M"" ,'"lb. IU ilI·II,'. O~lI. IIllcb ,_••,. Slutll FD dilln (ewto....... COIOllioll ure (orDliiJ, in ""!e Ut.~" 'r t'. \ I II or. l' . I h"·· ";"" ~ ,~

" ••! but nCler lioillhillQ up Whlll' worle ill iu tho nn. or l e UOJllcUL of tbe lriwh·-TwetllJ"- progrult tbrell weeki Au,l·n cclll'Craitlnll IIro~1!11 to look Iller !lldlBn Itffilll'lt in South- lOuthOfn Kanlall, town cump!lniell arloraan• maehlnery. botb loillli Wm.lrd IIlmt down un- six uew Sl!ontafil ll11VU beell npllOllllrHl :;1 ntl..' rlllXlrtetl,

IIt1l ..,,.lle:lltoJ 141ou\. Topr,. 'witb Com· iZlng In KllOllU Cil,. llnd tbertl III litt.o liIl,bo qucatiou of thql COilllitllliooiilily of tha ltlllioll pnrliliwllilt with lilt' ,)~j~t\t C)f llie ~\iu,""'ortll though ... Il~W tllWII hOll~ta Apan1 L, 61h enahy. Dumberlug 30 men, doubt hot tbat turrd will" be a fonnidohle In·· the law is Ilettled. It ill also uodl'r~tood lhat ll.bulillou of tbo grillt Ifu:--l"r'llJti~ t'('rd:- h:illllllOU1(l Uliu.:ock liro 1~\Lill."uillllCr HlIIllllted~.. u~,IDo.ie,Arizonl, v,'11 ,,,,h Fort vul'oa. The 1',f'sidl!nt'l jlroOltr.mlttioll.q" b j' 0 ,\ • b' u' h d m" ",..". p'" ....o, n' '0- O.,I",,"y nl'"' .I:u" tI.:i I 0 lito f/lcwrJ. lit II au.' liS' lse urllO • ~" 011 II foUl' wheel ellrritl.!jt, :mll a wcll IlrilledBa]'ard to:i1l1J, .lid will act unaer tbo per· eltp~ ridicolo. It apP"n .:i .Itba' 'plellt~of all ill Ohiueso emllloIu, 70U .or tWO. 11"011 DerUn. illllelld--l'bo GeDentl clluclhioll .l.Jf IIro cellipany.lOul Ordtrl of ·Gell. Bitch. Two Com. capital I, in,eKled iu tbofente,ip'i~o! "J:he wllllltop work. Irellllld ill ltoprovt!t1, Ihough lIeVHO di~lreuJIj'QI. 01 ~I't!l c....I'1. numberlog 140 alr'air eoemil to lie e"tlglnceri:-d b]'elstcru Cilli IIll1I P:tiAlll ill mBn)'cllllell--~"iroW~8 rfIgin~ '}'ho grMul juroll bnl'o uIH'~ned lllolluclnl•••• Ie" INn It Fli yeslerdaJ fer Soother lallat.. Hi Tlifl IUrcctol'1 Tcli R DlItcrCltl. ""0',.. ill the e:r.pitn.1 of the Hepublio of S.i1v"dor ut in fl\\'or of :I nil\\' CO\ll't houso :ual jlli1 ill

j, .,,, lU:liod.) , • h JI.rIlf',lnnlll 1I....ppt:ar"ue~. 'llhe diractorll of Ibe lIislion' norl Pioo"'or lut nth-Ie.s. }o'ollr thonKlln,1 Illlnd oj ntull'. Wnl\:l \\"111111 lIo,llho dtiz(;nlltro Lllldllg "f,,.·11 Iull". '1 OLZf&Lnm, Feb. 18.-n. Lf\9dflU, II blgh Wool§~ foiillll deny tb~ IItlltetDtlllt of Donnlll one milliou OlIIrlrid~llIntl mneb olher 1>01"- crt:cliug them uf Ilridc

BUIUlJ.mo_, P•.• Feb, l7.-0bules Lall", officer "nd Iren!l11l'tr'of tha Je",i.h c.rdo~.pf !If-Lenuan, tt!legrnphed thill worulu~. tbAt CrUml111 proptJrty hAd been ....11lIiUulllrl-}. Work will commCIH;C on tho Mamlilothapd 2t It1ll"'••'ho recoitly Jemoved }aere Keleber Sber Darlllil. is willeluK ...ith $38,: tbe mUis wonld IIbut tlolYn, rilld BIRto tbllt dwtlling hauee in Lollg Vall.',.. CIIL, WlIif millo III l'lllly /tB the dinfJ!I·i,l.'l: 8nOW9 will

I 0~ IIIIIIIDdt ..mid hi9 wtl'l. then &!lYe 000 of(ondli ; btlt)1l Illlllh n Ibnpo thllt bo \he place"of tbe CbiuIWtll lI;scbllrlltd will burll.ed• .a. boy 13 ,·CBD old periKbin;:; iu tho pcrmit. I'lIrl. of thll In:ldllUCrl illtl;Uuc,1 for~ "poiJob. to ltllthTeocblIdrera'llud took I \atll. eould hATe rell}j2ltld .notbing from Ibem. be filled by whItes alld work conliullw. f!emell. tho work il llOW ill lJalter Cit),.

r'~ JUmMlt. IlQnl1 ono Cl~ld IITtB. lull its Folll pIaI il Itllpectett..1.· • The t:r~lSl\ue ;\;:1\11",(, ClllnC!ltl I""trllr.. leo JlaAllin!; ia J:0ill.r: 011 liftll)' lit Fnrtf b I r lb"

b S • ,- ,•.,"., " b l' 'rb"' •• bn' • A promln('llt blUioCI!! mll.u of llroviclcuJ!'. C~"' 'AI",v. j-, 0" ,I" I..', ,', .', .,.",'..... 11:".0 I J 10zen 3' ~ IS t (logbt Eold Bobbe",.. '. A ',..... .,.." I:t!. .- • 'I R. 1.,81 yellril 01 'Rc. reecl1lly fJ!lI tlOWIl '" ~ .. ,I' ..., it IIItll' die. I j La lI1'lLLI:. ,Feb. 18.-Jlmce Thompsoll" ItUflll altondllnce of wloirklogwllu nt the Mnd Itllt:!! lind broke hiil ueck--,\ eo1orcd ~nl thick, 1l0twithltnllding thl) llI11llcroUlI Chi·

J ........"'....,•••hl.de. of Ihlll)ickett 'fobneco Wlnehoose 00" thil lot thill ftf~eroooll .o.nd no pllrnde, but 1\ CpOI' of Ullrrisburg.l PII., bauR:ed hUlililf wloih. Ilook>i /tilll tIIA"'" that ha\'e \'iaited u.lIu."I.OD~,Feb, 17.-C,ral }'. Bllwle1. aflernoou wns iDfltlcd .by two Ullin 00 tbo IIIIlteD e:dtd .prlvAteI1' Oil II nuwloor 01 laboriugunderreligioulexcittment--Tbttre 1'ho Detlrock Denloorat .peak. of Ur.

wbo Iho' 111mliU lalt Blladar, died thl~ Itreet lI[jd rebbed of $2,000, which he ho.d hquBell ~~101111::: Chiue,o wllh tile 11&0_,1 do· IIro 62 MOllhon cburchtfl III EJ~Hl\d Inti Delln Clarke." "II little fellow lbollt feurmornin,. Be ""1. a IIlI.ll o~ eonlld,nble jliH' drawn fr~. bllnk.\ B91h men oseaped IUlIrdli. 1 A. 1" l I Allr W 1 Irehlod--?>lore thllll half Ibo j,:1.~" UNlld ill f,'ct nothing. who looky remntbbly liJto thl~.lIoe in lIOlealia;. drCllet ud 'ltd' a altl;ouQh tba atred .a8 eiowil.d. ' II. ' ,t' '110 • roO •• ' , tho UI1it2d SlIItelj, 11 mllde lit l'itl~hllrR-- Punch (If III frell .bow, anll who hu inteJtet1ton'IiI'poDdeDt mtlU~er of lOve 111 EurQ~ , . . lllf'l MOll:J.,Ll:UCUl B'LL, Feb.,la.,~flltal oul.- The wind Fchrrmry lst Ittlline,l II volocity ":lker City for tbo put threll mouth•."

j ""...... 'J 'S" '1('\ ., 'FORIUO~ NEWS. • Ing. Itb oc,)nuud to·dly betwl'cn a.leh of~!J nlileR au ?>lount WasbinHloll--Goy. Ftvo heAd or hl00dlltl Durhlllll eattlc, worlfJ.' • ".lAl t ... ell>f.. --, I· .f' ·\Joho&OD IntI JJeujllmln Jeiner Ibout II mill' lIoyt, of W,Yomin.Q:. il lIlld!!r Roeillol ball be· in A,9'l(ftlg.tu $:l,600. rCl'Chcd (;.II,YOll Cit1GIIa.uL". B •• J'eb,. 17.-no bliler 'en 1 Ih.)'AI Ree".ll~.,. J11i,qlaJ\U. h~ wbi~h JoineG'W1IlI rut iu the air enuae of 1111 1I11e'dec1 IiIUlou'willL u muhltto fo'"h. 1;111. from Heno, Tbuv willlJc Illken kI

" Job P. ThomplOU·..... Mwmill at KalA. RoMIIl, Ftlb,lJI5.-Prof. NordellekJold er- domeD anll ... lcllllillU hoor. girl Bud hi. reDloulla demln(htl--NuDI- :$to.:\·CI1I1 oounty. \(~. ')•. , lind IJIMlIld on the401p''' "'" to-dl' d."o,iIIB Uao lIliU aDd rhed at Nlplel'OD tb. Vegll yeaterlla,lina / .. I.e.t.lltllwe .,olan. eronl r<iilrold oomplluiell protest 'I;RiDtit tho rllllj,(U of GcrlUlIllI; Urookl nud ,Morriaou.kflJUiI'mdt. ".n, Boter Jobnaon. lIr. had a mIlBnlfice~~ rce.ptiou..SIlb.tea .~re I S..oa.$:.l.ll':ro. lo"eb. l7.-fbe bill Ilmilillg. reduelioll of duty on el"ttl rsiIK--Loglllln- DlOyton hal now Ito IlUhurloall town c:llled~ aDd .!'naob WOIkm&D and 'bldlJ fiNd and /bo IhlpplnR end Olt, 'll"ere Gaily thu WOi¥t'i~ IU1d hOllr~ 01 lab~r o( eooductor~, lion with t.l ritw to luppreaKing Ibe clltlltl F1ulllell>llra-, Illlllle'\ in hOllor of the DaytoniIlIJ1iaa 8, F. 11•••,. • i decorated 1ri11l49· . dritcra' aud elllJ,loyell 01 etnet ralirolldll~:\nsl dillCll81i il rccolUn.eutJed-'l'ho l'rooch IInu'l'(jllehut wnter flumc,· 'll"hi~h ,tcrmin...tea

............ a.Ud ...... l'~ '...11....' ••a •• PIIU".I.....P-r "'et. eoD81dcred to·dlf.y' '1'he tiwe wal 5.:r:e~ 11& claiw, troaty hllj IIlllln rtllOrtod 1Jnck to tbe nt, tho "burg," Whethor thiw Ill_co i, guini'

'WUllnt01'01f. Feb.~11,-TheacUon c.f! the Lplloo•• Feb. 16.- -The DucbeBs o~ !larl- \tcV h911r~ per dllY: . ' ,. Senuto with II. rceomwendlilioll 01 rltiQCI- t(1 flwallow up Dllrton or I\ot CllUllot Oil 'otdBout colDm1111f1 on DUal affairI, ..blnb hu borough. wrUU:lJr.to the Lord MlI)'or 01 Lon· 'JIbe ,lUll provl\!log for,.the remaTRI, by tion--'1'be frielU1lJ 01 b'illl Jobu Portor IlI'a At jlrO!l(llIt, .......k! reomDmeD4 til....... of • bill dOD acknowledgIng the receipt .of £'i!,OOO 'bollra. of!tnpervl~,?,.of l!tenll dllugeroull to very witch dilltotlrlgtiCt III Ihe prOllpeet of • On :Mondlly I/Llt II. deacrtcr WM' e:lptllretl at.v.t.borlu.. the Hcntfr1 of Ihe illY]" to UM 'A,. tha' tho committee In order to lluarrl l!ho,we:1 belli!: of Clt1Zi<1l1 oUllIld~ of cily l1ul- plIRsiug n bilI 10 r('ullro hiDI to l!l.e urllly-- \\"/ltluill wh() h;lld dCl;Crtc,1 at fort IApwlia U. B. mIG.of.war to conn]' to lrellnd agaiDJ\" famloe iu IrtJIuud nfJ.t l'ur havo Itll. C:I.I.:C uj> for II second read.mg. Heu.t"d 'rho J>~illeo aut! PdneeRIl of Unl;(lutll hllve lomo .o\·"n 01· daM ,'C.111 n~o. Htl lI'aIfood thai; DlI]'be plll'Ghlled lor the lufI'lriraa purehUld £:10,000 ""ortb o( Jlotatoea for Oppall. \Jon Will mntle to the bin .bY sevEnl uniTed in UUllsllt to !Jnrllctpllto illlbe Cw,r't1 I,lneocl uml('r gUllrd, but ·)11 MOlldAV nigMIhere. 11 conalderedemineotl, prOJHII'. Bop, dlltrlbnlioa IbClrtl. O?ulluy lUemller~. who. wore tltllid thllt tbfl ttnnlYllfltliry ftt ..__Kllrl Vou noll"f, drr.- ""I\U of Ilill frit:mll hcll)C,1 him out :11111 bepUn of graill. potatOIlI or olhu lood that , ' B"lt. ''f.n~ )JC)aey. Clty would ponr lis Cblllnmen Into tb? ?oou. millie writer lind pOllt, il dcnd--ltlllt.lll "illhl." Hu "'lUI 1ll1oWil lUI n Htc"tlIV.'llllct lind..11 ba purchlMed "ltb eoalrlb1:ltlonl o( cit- LOSOON. Peb. 1(l.-noBlia hili bOl'n 10llDd- Ir,.. 11. Will klll'.!d by " rote oll)l) to :W. will Ilot tul('rU\(r the orcllllllifltl d U.-.mt \l~:lcahlu mall, .....ell likod hy all wl,(r kncwben. of t}ae United Stat4l1 for tbo IriBh iug Dulin aud rnrill 6rmll with 0 7io'" to a IJJcellilon Undor "Ie Nfl,.. C:ou!llliutiou. u11tlqr' llritiAiI gll:\!an('e-O~cr 6.(lOO him, tiO hill fritllllil iuterforutl 10 83\'U hinlIhould be prooured in 'hil connhJ ....here btlllv,looD. • ,SAN Fn'NClilCQ. F...b. IS.-'fbe jlldgel of wOlUonantlj.(irlli nro olUlllo)'el.1 in 111'1 mlltlll- from irllllrilOtlnltlnt.tile, eaII be obtaill.d cbetper IIlld lM.tur· .Ulf'r Ihe Gonr.lOeu& Tren_n.,c. Ihtllupnior eourl u.t to.dny to listen to ar- Inctnto of aboo.~ aoll clothing In Hocl:Cll\tll Tllo W:iltll WllllI SllItCllllllUl ta}'I: ThethaD 1I1)'where Ollie in tbe world, aud whcu lbDnlD, Feb. IG.-A railwBY trnin from RUUlf!ot III the bllbeal tOrllUII ellBeI of S, J, --Ther buruiug of tho Cllliforoi.. Stlllu trilnlnnIloulillou of thi.. OOllllty ~ll\ic,ll inthi. bitl iB ruaed. trlolporLltion ",'ill eCl!lt Andillualll fl.Jr Mldrid. c.n,iog Iho Govern· RobertloD Iud }I~gie Brllwer, wbo wero nonnll1 RclJoulllt bt!U J06a iuvoh~(ll\ lou of coat all the othor, ,1lpCllflU. TIlIl PIUOllnL inD.thinl:. mellt IrelSure ehte' lInder chaflte o( tho arrested UDder tho IIi'", OrCiUllllee. Thp $:lOO,oooi tlyl lou o( tuo 1I1UliellUi nud the At;gr~g:lto i, f.1,~aU, The uvell~e of run·

JI.., Kutal'd .-.. J"..ID..D.....~lee. j:leu d'lIrm.i, WI\I\ IItopp.d ou Slln,ln, by nrgllwcnls wero in etreet thot tbe new eon- Iillrary ill tI ~'clluiilb irrepflrllhla 011<'. nip!: tho courts, Iho grllnd 1I11c1 fl"lit juricllIOdTh. &Dtte committee on mlUtary.a.lra bngluihl Ilelr Aleabllr. Marlhal Serr1l110 lititlllioll, lIrticle 20,IIoction IBlghell wowon tll1unlClI'I felll, nmeunkll 10 $I,O:17~.

hu auUtori&fd sPnltor 111.1(1 Lo repolt for h.ppeoiog to bo a paM!!oger ou tbe train. equal ligbtll WiLh !Den In Ill! InwfullUOCIl- The Sphere of'Varnen. whilll thll criuliu/tl bUloincla l\lllOlUltcil toJlUM8e ft oill ute.dins to DOli-comma.. look commaud of tho ien d'armes alld fired tiOUI, nnd tbat womoll blltl tbo "me ,igbt $I,:ma tiO. Of aU thelll'Olticutiollil at thul"te.aed oftIeen of tb, arua11be .llllli priTi- on tbe bllmUts, Vt'ho ,fIc~. ODe Gell d'srme to .eue II IUCUllfl.ntlln II\I00nlllli mell. A As rOIJUu!icnn iuslitution I contillue :"rlll of thu COUl't, Lut tine penell WllllcutuP,rea- or. ntlnmf'a' after 30 ,ean' meritori- WIL'I woullded. doclIlIol1 wal relldflled thllt the ordiuamle allli Ihat uuc wu onry for .. periCld of onc... lemen. prO'f!4ed Iilll'11" for lIOD.eom. 1I'1I11D1"."e AlraJ.", Dlyoree. '1\'11.'1 clellrly 111 Tivlfltion o( the conBtitutioo. togll.in Sl'ollm), womcllllPlJell.r tlJOI'U (IOU· YClIl·. !

aIMioDed ollocn. ltoll_. l!'lIb. IG.-The l)ope!f1 ellcyeli~1!I1 and luoptJflUivo Dud' ..oid. Elgltl jUlueea Ilpicuous in Lilt' remodeliug inJlllcnCClJ of N"nU1.....u ,I't'Il"OIl. •.......... so ..U 8 ....__., ........ Ifllust dh'orco 10liltl 011 lhe emlnen\ly 10. eoneuueJ. t",o dilielllcd &lid t",o Wllrtl Ib- ci... iliz.o.tion. -Tho Mar5blillJ,l .ellOol lIumUeI"9 "bent out!

!in Ion Pel.. 18.-111 r8pDD'1 to I ligioul natnro d marrillge. Iud el~orll ifill. Slle. wll036 prosenoo in tlli~ Lricry hUllurcJ lIud tll'i!llty pUl,il,.lI"eBIII.utofrt-r to bu, 'I.OCO.{)OO io hoodl blllho,PIIO urge' tbAt '"cw UJIOIl their flocks. Olr" t. '1'.11'1 tbe "I~U .1 CD.llftlll.. worhl i., lL'I II. lily amOllg thorm, whoso Tho EUHUIl U~tor"lI C/tr"o or coal, /thcl!l\;'tMre .,,'" 17 propou!I to stU rtftiYffl It l~dlm'UI IUlr~".ed. )iuu~lliatprBrol., propnetors of ~be Stnat!· .,. 1 ,..., l' I. -IOU ,o111, WlI.8 1101l~ht'for ldJJ than onu dollllru...ub-IreutllJ.~..tilli f;3.3t~,'lOO, It 1.001\"00,. Fcb 10 -10 the bOUBO of rom- lird liblr! factory, emp!oJiul a grCllt oumber SUB C III P elt611llt, lAO t 10 Iglt ot mOl·n· IJerton. Sho will hl> t:lltell 'aCl\lu tho b."Iy to

j;Ito.103 Ii III t OS 11K .·.ud ti's. mODI to.dElY Sir ·15LII.fford 'Northcoto an. of C?iuallleu.. to-d1\]' iDtorlU~J the Wor!ll~g- ing, ami whose eye is tho £1'.tO) of hllltV· tho Nurth Ucllli for rellalrLA ....... -.-....., Dead. 1I0unced Ibllt th~ Aovernment woultl make men il ~wnm'tt~e tbll~ tbCl'lntell<led to dill- t:n j 11110 whom Nature flO rever6~ thM A young nll'IU nlllnll!1 Albert Snoel1. whilo

J'oaeph LuGs. IoIlIIder of Iba Leaox an &dunce for Irt:land of L7liO,OOO iustead el~Rrgo. IU tllelr Chiune Inll roplfteo tue~ tbe IOVflly yule of her IIlJirit iH tho IJCJt wOf};in" ill tho IIW nllll M L'I&rk~nllllrK l:utlilwarJ. dia41ad ""t~g. Iged eo ,.n. 01 £600,000 1111 originally ill\endcd. \fltl.. gul.at all aQvanca ou 20 lll!f Ol:'llt. 111 terrestril~1 cmlrlcm of l.rCll.llt~', CI'M\'II to we"k, Kot hi~ llllnd l».dly JI1:111Ulod I.v the

............ L "'- Tl'1 bl WI.j:l:el. ". . .. I c,l~er, t""'o lillIe", h:lvo bOCII./tIllII~tatcl1l1l1tl• •....11:1'. -The Il'tlOll tlrn,:e !If'. 'l'he S.o }o'ruorI6r,\ Illnndr)·. II IlIrlZtl ofttnb- COOlllllll1u nrmlP1I or lilt Uj:0ll ll11rll;rm i~ II f~ar..:,l thn.~ htJ ilia)' low In~ tlllur" hAnd.6tocb 1ffte ltaeJlI1t Io-dl]'. Viatf'fD LOJtOON. Fllb. 17.-In tho HOllie of Oom· lisbmeul hral ItI'u I'rtllJind 10 dl~rb:lrSIl thrDl1f!l. But tho wor!,l boWfi ill tlOlll ' d

t1.It>D •• Ar- 011 reporl or Iv. nua d. '.d- m01l1l Io-night, .bI.ddou. home n:..I', .from ",b,·"" .'n",lo"'" I I r.ako county {K'olile kee~ theirllrollli~, an>_> of bol' r'" n."o to lcr Ecelltre (j forbclll':l.hCU lind I " "h "., b"n hut two__ pu etal.• Illd all the dcclBlon KilJune, couut)·, 1llirodnced a m01101~ 10 a· A MII",I" 1t"~llte"cl' 'uunJ'lrrtl., IlIly t IClr :aXl:l!. ereIUta1Dlril Ill. cillm. of the Plge f.atentl 'l"or of theeqllllltzllt!oa 01 francbile 1n he- l...' 10Vll. 111I'0rcel j;lrllhtl',1 ,illCtllhll e.ouot,,: WWl or,l::lu-ao. OHad 1'1 Uti W.,.tern UaJOD Te f'@:~ lind with IbIlt in I::ugl:r.lld and 8colillud. Loll ~!Co~lI"" •. F ... b'. 18.-.\u old Ullill 'l'llO )lrogress of liberly OWed Illmh to il:lld ami of :all the ta.lI''ll 10\·lc,1 ,mell tlHl er·Oompan,••l1leh will eompel sli other 111[- Bo 1/1, d tbo~ the U:iltillg inequality "811 R Il.amed 1 ern.... "bo hid foll0-:r'ell tbo) nr~t'lt. her self.ll.lCl'ilice nnd tlu\·otioll. h 1'1111 janizatiou in 187:; 11,'113 thlln 8-JO rCnJlIill UII·lP'I"b IiDtI to .... , I ro,al'" to the Welltc,·. d,'," b,. ',b of tbe let of union. After a 11011 ot ugpio.u anJ dellier III 0111 JUllk fir I " I I Ilullt:ctetl.,. ....J .. ".. , a fo ".I dead fo hi ,.. I a Iro reoeemflt btlr into t Ie 'JO~I\<'i1llion c , 01JDloll for the De of lb.e patent. Tha de. war MOlllioD the motiou TAl rejected, eury lor , ..~ u. . I ""I fit nn ~\l;ricultur.llv 'llC:lkill.tl. :$out wrll reF.aoil1On i. "e.r]' broad Ind eotln thl priuel> 242 to 182. . I uri, hoor ~bll morolD8. Btl bad eVldlllllly hor naturel hll.'l tnltdo Ilel" not man's il far ~hilld lind ler prvlIliao of har\,c.t !Ip1te p'C'1'IIUJ for \be optrltlon 01 10]' ljt!rIUIIoIIJ"'" t.""~Unll" rr,lJe. bean murdered. till lhero ,,~e a '!foooll n1\ 1l)IIVC, but Ids com)ltInion, his coutllltJlor nut 1"I~0I1. With ro!:lIr,1 lO hur millc' Ih" I'i"lnuul'llt, Htepe.lIl be t.ltell.1 OIlCll to BIlILUI, }o'~b. lG.-'l'he objeol 01 Ihp bill tbe chill &tid 8 Itfer~ eOlltullIoll 00 the back Bnd fellow mar'yr j 11IUI ilftetl her to do. aWIIY IIhcall, "'ith I/Iliuty 01 w:ltur ·aml Ill'Oll-fulOl"efl tb6 dech:IOD. IIId .oit. for dlm'Au Iltfeeolf'd 10 tbe bondarath hy Pruuill. pro· 01 Ibe hud, He. 1L,.1ld In ~II old Idobe mf'.8tic ef)uI\lit.y. and dem81ldH for 11cr the ptlctllior a gOOlI rUll.1riU prohllll H blflugh~ IgIIIlI\ olher tele. hibiling (ort:ian TeeleII from euglging in tbe hOTel......"11 .,erJ mUlcrl)' In bill habitl aod ..,. ," 1 IE· Rclideub of Sp"guo ri\'e. r h:ive to, RlI .to.graph eompllliU, radrold complDII. lIod eOI8t1nll tfllde of German1 eJ.etlP' 'Wbern tbe !"U Ih.onabt t~ ha.,e lome money here IlDd flame pnvl eg... 111 po Iltea CI aU'll, Ylarllill. II tli.ta.nce of 2"2 nulI'll, (or thell. mill,printe Pfl'lOo,. right II leqllired b1 trelty or b1 ,pRilll 10 SIll .1'rIlIfClleO. Robber)' WBII uo dO'Qbt Altbou~1l WililY of tho avenues of thcy hll\'e Hilt a'lCtition. lIur:tllw.lIsl)' lllJ:ucd,.

"e"pf>t••1 II.U.n. permluioll, is 10 enlllJlo thu ll:0..erllw,1l1 to tbe motne of tba murder. public life arl> closed aguin!lt ller, l;he i.'i 10 WAshington, IIoIkiuj;l tila e.I.lJllabnlcut el.OoLl:tJlmtrl, 0 .• Feb. l8.-An ICtOnllt of take reprilall li:aiuI~ Ruuillllnd the Ullited demonatratillg ber wort hillt'S'l tv til1 n. !,OIt Ctllico of 'laeir 0""'0,

tIle dlliClO'ftr, of perpetull motion b1 Wm. Stalu. A: cle\'er lIouthor aay" there arft three wider sphere Df UJlefllln('lI:1 \lUlO llh~ hilS Threl Allhlltlld 00.)'" were guilty of u-~: O~I'" '"Dd .W... F',U'oeu. of Ricbllrd D••que' KlI.lr.o,dtal"t,.. kinde of mOil in the world-lithe WILL'S, ever Dc..:upiecl. 'l'rulh in ihl I.JUrit.V tremely tel'rehenlibltl oourluct iu chufC,' "'bd",.0_ P. arleD DOUJl. ,. bio. i. giTell. N... rl.l:8. Peb. Itl.-Tbe municlplllity of h '\u , .1, C '" Th • '1>00 beina n-ure\'cd loy the .!lutor ItJ.' •IMo I '-th of ,he d,·.-"" ,. hd' ' I 'd bPI t e H ONT 9 llJ)u t 10 ANT Il. e JJn~ finds no more hOllo.lt 01· imll,l~trivII!! ill- .. .1 't ,uy.1.11 ..... ... Ia 'oue I or i>J tbi. cit, gaTe a III endl lInquet to '0. d room with In IUl}llldClnt rejom...er. II _.;,JMdi.1 e:UIJ.~IlI. It eoali.LI of I !arlO iroll Nordenllkjold .Ild ulewben of lhe Bwed1.h eueot everything, the 8econd opp0a6 terpreter.-Banc,oft. to lee where .ueh r1ilrogtlrd lor Ilw Ind glJtllf1f~..1 C:OOIIIDIIIK a large Ilomber of .lideR Arelia eSj)l!diliolt to·dllv. everylhing, and "he la.'it fail in el·ery- m&llllel'S will eTeutullUy laod Illch youth,.illcliDed paaelJl" eto. It.ilI Itart IIl1tlf~ .....IW"",,~ 110 Unatf! .0,.aIl7. thing. "1 wm" builds our railroadlland A lAZy mllnl bll.viug 1\ wife nllmed The 6m Chapter o( the Order of the }:ut·Obanlba milterllld I1"ettill mechlluic. S,.Pttllaulf1lo,.'eh,18.-Thfllebubeen ,~ 1>0" "I 'tOO d 't •.. ,. • H , ,.' 11 II S' h' S ._ ..., It A,b·• mod.1 bill betll Ill,de lad Hilt to Wlah- IhcAW a",; won on UC leva In ope W 1088 eUlI""m it Vt'IIo~ 1,01'U 0 ler orll tAr III t II tlltU wu Or~lIlIlMIU rad• In lbortiTelthlmptQJldetoklll tbelmperi,1 expenrDents .nd nOnIlClnIlU,' whil" "J hWlband', boot. every el'euing, waft l.o,llut week. Thc ch.rter WI.I proc


..... to palln&, JhlDlime thl pll~nte" famil]' b1 t!lplodill8 a miuelll tbe Willter ,lirer.t1y from the Geoeral Grand Chapteb',

Itftp1l uJer lock Illd 11181. Pall~. Fife aoldiera w'Ie killed .04 Ihir. can't" grows .-oedl for ..he."I.t. tulL! com· wont to exclaim on auell ~caai(lna. "How N." York. For "curiOUI" wint .nll d.ug -,... lee MI... a.l.. "'''ola. Iy-lhe wouuded, The millli w.. in tbebue- monly endl hi. day. in the CO\lrt of truly it ia said thllt. 'Hope ip the ,ar kfr "'" of Muoo,. tbi. eh.ptcr i. doubtlCJI aD"£MO. DI1011, Feb. 18,-The weltJr.er i. meot 01 the I*IICf, Illd ••1 6Ued with dJ- bankruptcy. of the ROle.'" lD)o]'.ble orallliu,tion.





Page 3: 8(Je~~ A GU - Wa





, .

'W'T''''• ·,tl








Quick Sales anJ Small ProSta.


,wCome Early and Ollens

Pom3odcll,nair Oils,

1\n-l1\1I Articlci uljcll lor t.JlO Toilet.


-or A-


Broom Factory,Takes plCll.lure in Announc­ing that thtll\rn RO. pre­pared to till ordera [Ql'

-.'onTnc- I ~


Taylor'. Bulky Rako,

Mitchcll'. F&nn Wllgon,

Swecfllltako Pl?w.,

Haiu",' Hoodor,

:&!cline PIon,

Etc., Etf.EIo.

Will make allowlU\C6 on ollilbab sahli '­the above line or goods.






," ,

--Wholusn.lc and Retail Dealc,. m-,-

Boot., aMI Sb~





IlnaL..A largo &IIOrtroent.

Pll.illlil,Oils p,nd

~I' .'.;."

Of extra Qualitv.-" .


General Mercha-ndiso'



ProflJptly attended to.

--Dt:UEU 1)1'--

Ceo. W. Harris,(S"COClOSOr to J, F. Mon-ill)


SIGN·-CITY DRUG STORE,Sesttle, W. ']1.

ra. S. POP'''i'''R.A T TOR N l~ Y - .\ T - LAW I

Ulyn'l,i.t. W. ".

H. C. liT UVZ,,\ T T 01\ N E Y - A ,,- LAW.

OI)'mpiJ, W. T.

\ ':t':lIil~llk

Il.IllI Trulllles.

~Q.~llt :'IIf' llCill'~'i 01 all ~ lllJiL

Uoulle and 'hil' CUl'l'el\ttm' 1'~

Ship Cbanlllel')',



Complete Stock_ofBoa~ ,

By N.D.DJLL & SIN. Pert Townsend, W. T


Jot. I'.Wo.'("l:Uf.

McNauo:ht Brothenl.,I '

A. TT 0 RN E Y S- AT- LA W.

So&lt!o, W. T.

•__ \\'h()I,~"altj UouJ I:ctail--

f'rescrl ptlon8 Carefully (!ompe"nded.






NEW ~~.~I~~J\~~OTEL-:ISchwabacherL r. .......... , ~ , •••rmr...u.

I-IN ooao~1 WMll t~ 'hi IlUo1Uit. l,, ,

Bros.kCo;,eatt1~, : : :

,p. f'. G~RRISH Be CO.: "



J. O. SPARKS, PltOPRIl.ttOR, ScDd for pricoa. Addreu all orden to

Olympia, W. T. I "'''.P,II'' • 't'.l.......Olylllpia, W. T.

WeDdell Pbllhps.

Unller dn.te of Green6eld, Ohio, Feb.1st, the New York Times Ifllblishes thofollowing: Lying upon a IImall pallet in1\ room in a little one story framt bOUMon Lafayetto street, last tlveninR, was alittle clJild wh08e llufTtll;ng. could hMrdlylJe fMtbomed, except by one who basbeen a victim of frozen limbs. It a,).p""rs thllt one year a~o tbis month Wil·Ham Ditlhl, " IIh()f!maker. hound out hislittle girl, tben &even yeart or age, to aman nllllled J. W. JacIIllOIl, living inJu,ckBon count)", {iyo miles from a Iib­tiop. cl\lIf'd Dtlrlin, where ho OWIIS 8t5o.cre.:t of land and ifl well to do in thiaworld's goodt lIimll'lf And wifa conbti­tu;tl the family. This child WrlS givento them with tl.aa undl'l·stnl.lruu3 thatthey wero t.o t:du".'nte a.nd dre.'!s her un·tililhe bCCIUlJO eighteon yenTll old: Howfllrtbilt contract ~'aa kept ~'ill bfl 6CCU

by tho soory OOld by tll", liltle ,i.'l bet.wecn sobs l\nd grOllU» of pOiD. 'fhorollowln!; are not her worda, but theimport iii tile IItIme. After goill~ 10livo with lhe JlICKIlOliS llhll "'lIS trented"ory woll fw l\ few .montA" when t.heybo~f\n to tl'cat hl'Jr unJly, Mrs. Jacksonwhil)ping htr until wells were mis~d allOVl'r her body. 'J'h€lIo whil'llings werondministeroo rno,tly wit.h aIltout llwitchto h.;r nude bAck. llcr hack and armsstill bur mnrh which corroborate berlibOry, TheRe Ilhe says 8110 gnt becauecsIte refu:mtl lust 10'1111, when lIlo groundW:l.S, frozt:1l to go out in hl'r bare (f'l'tand pick up Ol'lllell oud Lring in thewooll. Sho wall also Illl\.cle to work 011tho bare tloor wsxhillS dOlhl'll, and goout and hltng them up shoelf'sS AndItockinglen tillrin:: thn coM, (reez.ngwellther about Cbrilltmll.8. At. this limohor feet 'Nere frozell. After this Ibewas proyided with It pair ()f bElavy cow·hid~ Ihows, wbicb hurt. her leet 110 bo.dlyin their o.lr&ldy painful condition thatshe could not; ,year tbem. Altendin,5{phpiiciBDS think ampulatiun ()f the fedwill lJe neceuary to u,e the child'i1i£e.

An IntlOlll.te fr.onil of WendellPltillip. for 2,) ",.Ir. !lQlljUllt Lefn t..'!11­ing "'hllt Il" kllO.....1I of the r~l1o... ned& ..tonian IK It 1Il1lll IUllI an orator.Pbillilll, Ihough ill c'lllforc..lbl~ cinura·

n~.-Iul ill proh.lJly worin ~OO,OOO-lIvts \'ery 111.iul,. ill an old fllShiouedolf'm.:.;rc'ly fUlui.llhetl IIOU,O in El8cllt!{'l't, aud hll.'l li"l!<i tbero for 30 1t'iltSt

notwuh"WIl,lin" tIle ellcl'O&chnu~.llt. of 0 ....

tlillltry Uo61\1i1l; lrou'>C.'l anll retail sbora.~Ie ill It gn!:l.t loyel of art; but ll!J JIKI

DO pic' uret or IJTOnz or marhlesl 00Quse he Jlnlfer~ to give tbl) woney thc)'..ould oo"t. to the IlOOr and Itruggling.No recally net.od.Y decae~vin~ R1~Il. orworn"n tl\'cr apliul. to hun In YAIll j 116la eonltantl,. doing good, but h~ ill ao*reth'c and .ilellt. oonee-rnillg hi' (,e.nevolf.ll~ that. nobody bears of it., tll\·Ie I by a«idenL. Ili' m.nner in pri.vate la perft'tt. u a lIpoeimen of NIll ...•

England IMnoer j it. i-'l ""bolly simpleAnd natural j it. pub! penonl at. theircue j vet it. is tbft mannu of altatricilllDand m~n of the OOIJlOlon .ort wbo m~thim elleelll a.nd admiro him, thought.AflY' alw~I' feel the dlrre:nonce bet.weenhim and tbollllt!ln... They cannot. UII·Ilenataod. why he bas adv.xatw theclluseof the poor nnd lowl!. He htu".·jje, tI. cllronie invalid, onlll no chiltirelljhe is, ami alwlLYI ha9 been,chiYalrously devote<! t<t her, and nit­cribt-t lI.lI t::o thing. ho hAil dOllo La herinfluence-. Ris elltire lift: halltf'ell tt't;.ulated by 1I0'UCYOll Ilnd consitlerotioll furher. Tbou,Uh lrrotill, it ill Sll.id, a nominal(flf'mllCl' of tllO olJ Suuth, he ranlly, ifflyer, IltvomlH church, hltvlng bepn roo1~1Iet1 by tho course of orthodoxy duringlha tnrly anti'lilllvery tlaya. Ho hi thtlantipodo.i in e"oryt'liu" in JIIg:llrl'loll,_ho onctl declared th..t Phillips WBS nomore rill OI'ator thAn It. mathematician illa poet. On thc rORtrum hI! lIuvertnO"ell, and iJt never moved j he adopts.convet&/l.tionll1 tone And Dli,'n j be invD.­riably add~eS.!les tho intellect; be cOn·vinces: hi. torte is picturesque logic, ep.igrammatio truth. His I!Lost Arts"was nner written; has been deliveredfor 30 yetal'll, and is all fresh 1I0W .. atfil'llt. Hi. lecture on Daniel O'Coonell,prepared at tbo reque"t; of • RomAnCatholic liocicty, hllK hten pronounced,iu a IitfnLry sense, his mastarpiece.it hl\.ll never been put on p~per f'ilherbefore be hlld delivored it, he had DO

opinion ot ita qUlllitYi thought tbat itwould gtin no reputation. All he hodtried tu do WitS to get material enough,ho said t to ooable hil\l to talk an hour011 the subject he hlld on band, DCllllhohiM ft.oolitilluislO, be has always beenYP.I'Y populo.r wid.a the Irish, who bve l~

constitutionol hatml of of'groell andtheir ndvocllte!'. Phillip's fr itllll.l main·tnins th<lt. he llnd In~rsoll nre twogrcat distillcti,·o,na.tiYO oro.OOl1li thtl.t noolhcr country couIJ have genetl\tedthem. Pbillips ropre!Mln..a Boliton lindBostun cultuN, New Enghmd intlll:ect,cbo.r.cter and metlaod. Inger1loll is a.liOn of tUfI \Veat, a child of the peoplc1

Ill'roouct of the prairics.-N. Y. 'rimes.

A DIsciple of Cowley.

Gen. Butler's COat.

"l ordero(l a dozon OylltOIlI," said ~

young Rodet.y hlood at A vopulo.r res,taurant IllSt. niglJt, ICand hero lire onlyeloven. Will yOIl kindly elucido.te 1""Ceruioly." rel'lil~d tuo obliging res·taurateur, "there is A certain supersti·tion in good society apillst thirtt!en at atAble and 10 you lee, ell T' .

Tm: CIJincso boHevo ill tha BibleIClll(~ billS of the father ahall be vb,itp.don tbo childrllll, 1IIIto tho tlnrd oudfourth J,:enerot.tioll," is their rulo. 1n1877 Yakoob Bc~1 tho (nmous rehel, WRS

put to Jeo.lh, a.tld now 1111 aHct Iu:w oot:n1:!I,ucd Bealill~ tLe UOOIll of nil bill kimt·1ll01l, among thf'1ll being little boys frOIll5 to U )'eur9 of \lOlC. The New ¥Ol·kSodtlty for tlle Ir l\'entiOll of Crueltyto CbildrtlD ball T1illlUorill.lized Congrel\ll,lUil:illg it to tlo all in itll llO.....el· to stoptho bo.rhlll ity aUout to bo pcrpetru.ted.

':l\foilc, pbat'll iffigy 1" Mkcd a Milea·ian matron tkao other morllin:: ill SanF'r:LllCilil."O, loeking lip from the POllt.I·Sorra. tI. bit do l know." replied borhu~1.ltlud. Ills it. lomethillg to Ate, 1dUIIIIOr' IIAtf', illr ownlldhnnm ISuro it'H Dilllli. IICZ he'll burn Ultllltin if.i-gy.' "Begorrl\, it must bo ,,"'11Il

0' thoU! biS wunllJ ho brouJ;ht ba.ck widhim from lloSlin. I'm thaiukin' it's~'rlnch for tho }tQf,rth warrllll, so it ill."And the ,Mir lIhook thcir h~lld" inHpcechl(l~f'l admiration of lhe lillgUl.l1 1'6­1l0urC()!I of Mr, KCltrlley

Next morning wo IDll(lo lW early Illart,Imd lra"eled for 86\'en llOU1'9 I\nd a ho.lf!llmigbt on, only IItopping u. li~t1o whileevery 1l0W and thQlI, when It becameabaclutely necelsar)' for us to rest. TheI'leaJJ:tnteat ho.lt Wlt.K ut Jobn, wbere weato our luncheon in 1\ groWl of olivotrees. Just. ofter thnt we p:wed II. ml)lItbeautiful cavern, hewn out of tbe rock,oud SUpPO\'tl.'l1 by two pillars. E"crypart of it WM co\'ered-tapeatried, 1migbt MY, with maidenuair fern; pil·larit, roof, wulh} e"cry illch of rock,wern hidden I\ld UJ.3de green by tho del·ic......, elole·gro ..... ing fronds. PUltly tolook at. thilS ('averil, ami 1'3rtly Lcctluse1. (:ould not rirlo funt, Tom nnt! 1 h,ullingered llchina the reat of' tbu pnrty.WH noticed lhnt 1\ large IlIlUIUUr u£Turks lllld Ore~ks JltI,d I'llSllcd uS,omlO\'C1'W k thOle flf our purty who "'01'0

ill frollt, hilt. no sooner bud thoy doneRO thlm it beeRII1C e"ident that some 1I0rt.of 6crilOlUngo lind begun. Wo couldKee that Karom was oil' hirJ hOl'Se, andhaJ bis re"olver Ollt, and it seelUed hightimo, for 000 of these Itrangl'fll WI\l:Iholtling bis revolver unplcQ.'labtl)" clo&eto Karnm'K bend. O~ber men, too, were.~t\lloping up, and it 1111111,. looked ratberformidable. W~ immediately £lulledout. our revolvers and caotered 118

quickly all JlOuible to the SCfJnll of ac·tion t where we lOet some of our mule·teenl and lIervant9 hurrying t.o theresctle. \Vhethcr we wera too l..rge aparty (lnd wero e\'if1enlly too well pre·pareJ fot' a tight, I know not, but peaceIiccllled to be restored il\ l~ momont, andwo all put UI) our I'evolvers anJ rode 011

as C(uilltly tl.S poeaible without furthf'r1l1mo)"anco, while Ollr would.be assail·antH reOillinoo hf'ldnd, vocifuroting Ilnd~esliclliliting,-Mril. Brasaoy, in }'Ilner'gMagazine.-----

Lost 10 lb~ De~tbJ.

A Hl'l'lltic,tl yOIlIl,!; I:olle:.:illll confront.·till nil olJ Quaker with the Iit::atolllcntthat he diJ not believe ill the llillie.1'110 QUflkel' I!n.id: "Docs theo bl'lievtl ill~~rnllcol" "Yell, for though I htlvo no:'aocn it, I hlLvo lICon others W110 hllve;bell.idf'lI, ihere is plenty of' corroborativeproof thllt l:Iueh A country docs exillt.'·"Then tbee will no~ beliave in what theeor others have not seen'" liN0, to besure 1 won't,," ''Did ~beo ever tt:ethineown brains'" UNo." "Ewlr Il6C anyone tbat.did l' "No." "DoM thee be·li~Ye thee bu any,tI The Ioung manlol~ •

(II .-ho "'.. down 10) th H tlnythin.: 1Il :.1· fi\ilu, til C:lrturQ':liftM K.IlJ L:e no aill!n a a ';1$\ .I' .l'\- :trhu It. "lin C"::r.'-"lI'e til'll. Hilt·JV'f'':luon III t.b' I:'",st b"lond. Wlt'l I,·r. it (Quit be II, 'lil('ry tho\t 1m Wl!,rilabuoyant. f" in1't n.od hOI"" t!n~ .Jmll.... t. of 11lItftlo .Ioin. .\ftlr CXllC!mliug110 n...hlr h' uatl the ialhllClc."e vi 'hI' "h!lmIrM~ (If .1, lI,'u'M fur an oU\l'r

)"1 b",' _ th('1 Lui ft'l·m l.IOrt an. ""rtlll'nt. of.1 j.k: fur, du··.,l mrcr of 1uene''fr I, ;\rd of mort'. . m.. wll".... UtU311,Y iml .,url hl~ .tat""uUln of ...:a­

in tbe ~~ utflth p:C!d'I of ""l'~lt Un' .6-1: IUU.t I", ul"wlaat. ru1l\{~1 to ILn\{'dnfunt:: with tbft unetrtllill cltrnnt,\ \be ""port...·" wllthe world thlll Iw i.

d If one roaM walk tbe wiJI" W;tU". t;0InZ .'.tOut tll.. unlrr "'itla .. \alitplalfo u he Illigh~ udli!n will. 'I.""n~. 1,lOk. hkf'! 1\ bntfi III rol+tl thro..... " al.lOllt• Wlalt w'Lta of bomd .,!=Lt:t """11\ hi ..lIool,I,·rl. G("n. I;utler broughtmi• ., efa· hi. fallIOd co L to 1'1 uw York '" tWll he

1118 wont II foundEred .. hu ju~t I~n ('"U1l8 10 ar 'ue tile CUI! "':.i_illst the Ele·..-rit n af ,hf" natllf!lll or two n~w iNn \ tt.'t.1 It&il-:ra1& When lhe driver of k.hi,,,, and 'be fanlili ami 'nend~ of Hl"OaIIw"y lIl.:*b'" laW him IIwinging alist1 DIn on LoaN speak u! 'hem u hellv1llid. It tile I.'OnlU of Uh:eckerdell! From r\ew \Pork t,.o llnmf'11, .trTf" Yelltfl:ro.'1Y .hernoon, he mUIt. ha"ethe Teltonl for Ant.werp. and the JOWlllll taken him for. monli~r bear which badPea"lC for ('("tie. _iled down tbe lIt1 to- w.ndeI'M d01ll'Tl from the .&dirondack~h~r, anJ tbe I/tlL IOO'I.bye wu giyrn ".gion. or e1le hll"U sUPIKIIed fTOm theb1 the piiotol at tbe, quit~t 1-htl ahill!l. apllItanuu:tl of lila ambi5'l.lou'» 0llliCII thatThe Uoru ill .a, gi"ell ul" ft,lul in No- btl wa, ab kin;: hia club at another mAn..em~r tho Rofeommon ill known to lie certa.inly ..as 1.00 fri~hte.ne\1 or bewil·ba'o {Iound..N!d LtotwCfln Ha\'ana and d~J't!(1 to reign up\ ami a crowd of I;Ilminlll..iyerpool. 'fhen tllt're WOf'l! die Sur••-..re tickled to Mt'e tlae old man vainl)'Liton. the I~rnilll\ anillhe henailll,,<t.Gn, trying LO catch the lltage. But roughtho Yoxfonl, tho Abrrfehl).. tlll~ lI__ge ha~ ~in'n tho :euerol A hide axlbynnl

ttim Uuillenllo. tbe • bliroullitle tough AS that. of u rhinoc!!rD"'.. and he iK

anti til Uurtubay, wbich 11:1\'0 SOlltl flu ito All indilfcrrnllo thft jl1!ts of now"l!o"'·n. in tho !j:l'dot oeelUl. no ono kno....s Lon a~ lterlilll" be ilia)' be Ul til., J;o811ipwLJ~re nor wby, ,illoo Mllrcb of loatl o(tlle I'n!SII, IInJ who know Lut thllt.ho!ftar. Whlt. a record of 1000t huml\nity IM.'Cnllly enjoyll the lltory of the lpoona,thiH ill; but. thi. mOAt wionl cOllsidorll.• I\n~1 lIllly chuckle to think that ROmetion iii not the olll)· onf'. Thera is .. rca· llCwlIpolper scbrilJll'l'I' aTO lIuch foolll thllt11011 for llhips fOUlldftring K.t Ii!!" ThOltfl IIll:y Cllnnot tell" bo'6"er from A 1,ulTul0nAmed nhovo were 110t old "t:uell; 011 ..kin1 1'h1l~ J:r~at COIlt hi whioh llilt1l0 colltr.uy nearly All "Crt~ (.'Ulllpar~ "'rAi'S Mil hody iOl, IIft"r all, but theth'clyllc",', &lul ..... luttaver olher ,Leory mate to thlll comFortablu J:lIrment of 1\

rony be nd\'tUlCl'tll1H c:\uso for lhuir sillk- sl'nsc of hxurionll cn,e ami liulf-eoml'la­ing tlll\t or 11et:3.)· mllll!, be omitl,L'I.1. !t cellcy in which bill inlier consciouanCd ismay be, nlld douutl,'f\lI Va 1lO1lIellmca, III ellCl\.~, perfectly atlCUrfl from lIm bmbt3in constructiollliOtllcwiJere, if 1Iot in tho of tho IIcolling worltl.-N. V. WorM.worknlllnsllil" thNl in Ihe moochl, l\lldwllichcver it ill thero ilia llO':cssity COl' nIlS, BrlUlsey and Her Rt:lvolvers.iiB speedy disl.'O\·cry onel remedr. 'hiplics.n be built which will s::ail tho 1I'J1UI

throll$:h the ficrcetit Iltorm, for IlIlln IIiUtlaid his hand upon the elt.flUenls and bidthoDl servo bill purll0i'lf', Htl!lM rni!lcdbi:. finscr IIgnillst tlil) lightning, Iludbrought. it to conYf'Y hill lnfllSDges th~"'orlll tlrQund, nnd li.lZht tbo darkestuightil tiS with tllln... lie hns enslavoithtl wind, nntI hlulle!illcJ the subterraneanforces forces for light aot! beRt. AndDlorc, ho ]10.' b'uUt. boats tbat havelllowetl tilo wihlcllt billows under tropical Illuric!lnes, snd mndo port IlI.fol,.,pro"ing IhlLt. 8Ilientifically built shipanero not ue carried down ~)' storm Rudwaves.

.Allother cause of 111!asler Clln bo ol­t.ributed 10 iUOOllllltlkllC6 UIKlll tile 1>ll.ltof cOIDll'nndel'il, tl.nd thiN ill illdelild gre&terdUlll lllU.. t pcoplo uro IIWII.I·tl; IlTld, in l\

far 1e8liC1' cle;,:ree, di'lla:;ter may lIo looketlfor from Un', t:~peciaH, sl)OnlanoouRcomlJustion, eitber in ,tho cOl,1 bunkel'llor alllong~t- t.he frcigllt be~ween dp.c~K.

~'ronl cxt\mJlI~, t.bo imngillRlion callI,icture whnt mltY hay' been t.ho Nl!\lityof llttl flltU ""hich overtook tho nmnyIIllip) which havo never been hetlN ofaHllr JtJ(lvin~ port. Leu tblln a JOZ~ll

ytal'M ngG U Klomner came inl,1) N"wYork from n South ALliericsn port withAlmost e\'ery plauk IOOlCned lJy deco.YjIho WlI8 condemned lIod never aniledagllin. Tho~e Oil board IItePlled orr herdecks tirmly lJelie.ving tbat. If UII ILl mostpertect. c:~hn Illld not uv.cmled themthl'oughout tho \'oyago they would havebellO IImong tho lost. Within the ltUltyear a Hamburg steo.mer cnme to 11('1'dcck in New YOI'k witb 1\ lire ill horrOI'wart! p:ut, produced from tho epan·tAnCOU!l comltu!\lion of oURilk. in itl16a fire SllOllt:\noollsly broke out antongcotton in th" bold of & ste.l1ner atClutrlcl\Wll that WIlS jU!lt on the eve of811.iling with a full cargo; the "cssel hnuto bo sunk lI.t the wharf to extinguishupon.n lIide trock ft,mi droncheJ ,yithwlI.ter continually for f1cvert,llInys wi thoout subduing the fill-mes imbedded in thebllles. llow mOllY Ihil)S leas Ilkillfullyhuilt thnn tho Aritona' bave thllnderetitlgainst an iCl;lOOI'g nnd Slink within II.

tbo {Iamclf. It. iij almost impossible toelt:t.inglli~h fire in I' mas'\ of cotton, 08WI\!I Illtely i1JUl'ttmtw in this city whena New York Contrill freight ear )oll.dcliwith cotton caught fire; it waf! thrownfew minutp.~ 1 'l'ui", howo"or, as ill thoC&.'IO ()f the ArizOlltl. lUlly b6 generallytraced to n. KhirtlOEs wlI.tch. 'rheretol'e,'I.·hen Ri,il'l1IlUterll nru hired bec(l\lsoCOluJlclont-, fewer vl'llllelll \"fill Il:til iototh" Illlknowll; nnd with IIkil1~ andcOh"eiclltou~ builJcI'll to fUl'nish tlwi!'crnrt, th" "'retched lnle'i ot founderinglI.t Ite:!. will 110 tlbJiged tll bu I'l'll\led onJ.vlI.llon~ illtel-val~.-Rocllt'~tl·r Hal·ulal.

Page 4: 8(Je~~ A GU - Wa


Goods\'V..l , ~,


'J'hl~ I, ':'0 en~... 'l"111I Iho Mule...,'1""""111' J.r."t", .. " ... T.v....,. U'!\IIIJrlo'lCiIIlIOlllji"1Il·,,"I·I\ ''':'1 .. ,,1. II .......an·d,l/Io 111(""1 .·r 01' a"l'I, I 01:"101 f'fhurn ~IA'"h""l. 1..\1 Ii 'I""'''' lOt 1·" ••1.....11.". OI'rllJUn ". ",,'1 "rnll...." ..nD'I.nn'l !>lIU (ltlll'r 1'1'18111/14 1111,1 1lI1l1'd"1r'r(lIrll'«11 I,>, n'l oJ<! Jllllllllo , .....

C~li ~~~~I~":;?tl'.i~~·~:~iuc~·IIOIIIGIll."."JleUlJII)·.'ul'I,1 h)' 1110



rOll IIWl 0lI BEAll...




U I 'i[~ "S



The Lowest Rates for Cssh.


:rOll :IW~ all BEAS~.

Cable Lsld Double Wlre.­


o"lIr the Iofllltlllj·pln 11I~. It>I hll m"n'bullt",rllleo, 1111'111,<1 "'olIohnlllu\' IOhl) Ioj.ll1tlilll~ III '. w'r.II 111" .1".

I~ """'I 1tI1"llIWo11Ilm wll'lI\ IIU otlltw1lI'\'"'·lIllolllllltl.

"I !.iii, woull"rr\l\


Wh,," n mf",llelnl'l /I'"'' Infll1hb1r don.·I,. '''''l'k 1" ,"I, I"",•• pr <:....." r,It· '''liP'~ll'::~hl~,II:.';'~I'~~II:'; ;t,':}'~r;~: n~: !;i:\'; 1\~·lll~L,~nlllnl"·II,··.. ill ,,1111'. '''·I·.\·'¥h tll ""11'.hl~,' " 11,.. '-Illy ~"hl ro·II.... .,,' III '1"""/1,"111' r 111"'1,10',,1, I~ 1.1 tll'ul r)' _ ,lb lfl ctlll'lieu 1\ 1U..~llcln\l

:J.InlfDlllf I.InhDOllt. ,It 1I00IIllll111o tI U1\1l1f'ln. mrmh''Ilnn IIn,1

~11::lo~u~fnl~l~rs;~;r..:,.u:.~i;'h~ll~~~~~ VI:~,I:nllyOrl"II". ithlltrll_lldll& "tI!tothOl\I,)'O\"&fl'booly. nulIllfu' m"dltro, willi l'll''''~hl1 ,


Pioneer Bakery,POll'r 'l'OIVNSEXD, T, IV

~mM~~ "J~I{:':( I~~":li 1LI1'lh,:n11l ur toonh.lull"tl~.u. 1'I.""nlol." """.

.I'Dlnt_. r. nl>tr""If'11 31"."i:Il~. Jlu.....,,,"1 Nt"hlll. C:"L~, ISrur. ..... nndHpul"., 1',,11I011011" IUlrll .. "ot

:~I::::in:'t1,.n:u;:~"Ji.~:~'.II~~i~.i.::.t;~l<Iorll NIP.,h·., "·alu·d. "uad. 0. ...1hlll...r.\tYIrr¥ f01"Ul tlf (>u.,rnal tt •••.....

It II lIlG IJrclltl'lt remoo')' for fhllt dll'nNlon nml aOCllolollt" to ",hlch tI'ItI

~1~~r'~.~~:~~1~~.1l1~'c~:~.~~l)ct IUlll IUli

!:::~"J:r·:n:::.I.~~J~'fII·~·.r.r.n:;IJ:~';lUI', JI·~t.:not,I!i....",. \\'0, Ill. ka",iloilo," HlIn,. H"r,,'ef'''I, ,,·llId.

fii~l·ifl:'~~f/:::;1I1y.:if: lm~'tl{~':;'':.''n

:~. ,:m~~ .~:~ ':;:~~I~~II::: lI~}'lli:~'.lab1l, au.1 NI.... I. 11'1,,01 &\'0 1Ii,1>I,.

A Ilfenl\··l1vo ("l'Dt h....tlu .,r JlltI:lklUl)luI'lllIK Liniment 11116 '11'l1:1I '1\'1:'\ "I,·a!uu.lJlo hor~~, II lll_' fin cmldlM. orfe.1It (jf 10001ure,It h~.h utllln"t n "ra,·. It ..' ..' In

tho 1"try tontul Lilli ~ .. tt"I·.ll1.'Ut·Irv,lUlI: ~

even Ihlllloll~•a Cllrl. \I ..nll'!In(\y, IIlII 111"II'II..ln'~

ro nnll. It liRIi bl'i!ll III Ill!tU,y I,·" llA"more thCl tweoty.4,u )''':1.1'.. IImI I-lposlUvely


Tho '''~I nn'l rhel'\rNl t'en,'Cl knnl\'n. ~o

n~~~~~-f,~';~e:1:~n II:gI~I~~3~rn W:~CI,:~~'t:::1'II~~~lelll". I'uttlf'on 10011:11I. roel~. !!cnt! lor dr­cui"","

All klll'l~ or WIRl!. 11'I'I1I.1'l1l'.'1 nll\1 (;1I1"nn_l'.llll. for 11,\ 1.1~1l. t t;S~ISt;. Tt:I.t:liIL\l'II,T~:I.I·:t·ll":-:.:. lll~.. "Tt·.1\~~~~ ~,~~~r~t All Iilnd" In ,tocl.: (U' mlln-

A, 8. HALLID)!':.wuu: ,'111.1."1 It; "'IHIl IU,.'1l ,,"UUN".

., t·llllfurr.r.ltI Ht., l'WIn J"rluu'lt!eu.




to TaX-Payers

Executors' NoticeCreditors.


In the ProhtLte Court ()( Jct!i!l'8On County.~'lLshlllgtOIl "l'elrltor.'.

In the matl'!r or the tl'llLle of

Solomon I. Katz, doc"ased.

NOTIO~: IS lIEltF:Q, GIVEN llYthe 1I1ltlenigned Exet.~ltor& ot t1~

tlIt~te 01 Solomon I. KllIZ. dl~t.'eIi~e11. tothe cl'l'tlltol1 of. Illtd ILl! I~~rll hllVIJlI:­clalIll811J.{lIlrl!t. tho 8/111.1 tlf'\.,"Il~d. to l'X'IlIbll them wllh tilt! III'C ~ry 'fOndlel1wlthl', one rear altl'r 1114I\.ht1C o( t1,I~ no.11t\llo WIlIlllru J:(nt:c., "Ill' 01 lhlllllid .;x.f'o.1J(O"- at hl9 pJII.W ot I)rr-hl(.'MI lit PortTtlwrr~·ntl••TefT'llrilOn OOtlilly, W. T,. orhu (orever barretl.

IAlkld tbe 29th dar or .I:lrlllll.ry. 1890.\V)I. KATZ.lll/AIL KATZ.

eltllte oC ::;"h)III.OII I.

Secllons 4, Ii /tlltl G. Chapler 3. 011 PRI:~~

IIltlltl 6. or lhe Ill:\\' reYClllle InI~ 01 lSi\}

reatl~ Q rollow~:

SEC. 4. .:ltcll luxll:iyl'r In thr lerrltoryll111it mnko "1lI1 del"'cr to tllll ClIlllltV ll,i.81'8."Or, nIl11111111)'. II ,~llltCll1ellt lImll."r mlth@"'lllIl:forthl'llt'dth::lll.r 11.11 tho rcal alldro('l"'otl:ll IlfClperl;r 9ltUILlf'lI ()r !wIllI( 111 tilt!tNTh,.,}· 1111I1 oll'lIt'll by hIm. or IIdll" pO!<­llIo~hm. or lutlll'r hl~ rout-rol, Itt I:! n'clod:1Il111·ltllllll. Illlllll' tl~t }Inllll,ly or ,j\plil.Ful,Jt,t't IH InXlIIlnll. lUIlII( II lIlultl PCr!!Ollm'm' 21 ll.lalllllll,·r 410 p'lllS of Mjotl'. hl~ n",1'(>((Unlttlll~ frILI'tlou~ of II YCllr). nlltl t118Illlluhf'r 01 rill' 1'0:111 (tl~tl'll:t amI the 1I111n­b~r Gr tht! ~hOtJI Jliitrlct III which lH~ rPo­,Idc!,

8.:c, n. Tire l'tnlemerrt rNJ.ull'f'il by8eCtlllll r',nr' nf tllll1 lid IIlIl.t oolh·lIvlIl'oo.l10 IIII' l'OWlty 1I'~~$()r (II' hi. lllrly lI11thor.IZl'(1 ,11."1'111.\' wlthlll fell day, lrolll Gull al.tt:r Ihe th~t dlL)' III AI)lll III fJnch l'eur.SlIlllluPI CXt.'l'IJt~. .

:-s.:c. 1'1. 'l'he l'flllnt)" MMpqor of eachOOllllty 1I111~t lIE>jl,ltllnte br Ilotk", 1l1l1J1I.-ht'11fnr 10llr lnll~'clIll¥t! wcck" prl()r 10 lill'ftr~t aloudrl)" 01 April III each }-ellr. hljollke or Illnl"'" or Im~ln,.n. Whfll'(~ either hi'or lilt tlel,utl ruu"t Mltlmtl from lltl\'t'll 0'_dOt:k R. Ill .• IIlltll twel,1t o'clock Ill .• nUlllrom nne W 1\\'1'. 11. Ill •• f(lr h'lI flllJa rl'l'lllland .ncr8llld t1l'l\t MomhLrlu Allrll; SUII­dlly!' 1'J:C't'llttll) (or the III1rP01:e 01 tl'clJh·.Inl; tilt: FtlllclllCllt~ of t;0C)la}'l'rS ami tuk·11ISt: tllclr ntnllll'fits.

[tlf'rcb)" gh'e 11\)1100 ttmt 'n)"ollke will he lit tl,e stnro 01 C. C. Dnrtlttl.III Port 'I'o\,n!l6rrtl, where I t.'tIll IJc lontllllor tl'n drl)"~, ~"'Ollllllf'llclnll 1111 tile th'!ltMOlu.lay III AlIl'Il (SlIIlII1l}'8 eXl,lI·(llt't1J.011100 II0ur.~ frlllll 7 o't:I~k ra. m.. t() 1'2o'clock Ill" umlfrOlll I to 5 o'dock p. Ill.

n. S. )l1l,I.En:A~~or 101 Jelfcrtoll Coulity. W. 'l'.


Custom HOUEe ~a~c.

COUPEVILLE, on WHIDBY ISLAND,On Tnesda" 23d Harch, 'N!),

At 10 o·cloc':1. tll.

I wIll CAU."Q In he 801d n! pnlJltc Allcllon (prCltJh, 1111 111l! 1I0ll"l·11011i g{)od~ MIllI (llmilllrtlnr Ill'· IMher. Cnl, G. 0, lhillt'r. l'Omi!(.InK I'll part "(!IOmu rille olrl'HEAVY FURN)TUUE

AmJ O,.,amcutJt.A InllteCOllectloll 01 valllllble 1I01~ plnllt'

S4n't'rftlllflOll het! f(\I'lrIl !(!f.j

A Grllllil SlIUIU11 1'111/14'0ClltlWU!. lilnv..'iI~ ~1,nl1g.

Somll tllIe ChillI!.Croclwr.'f.

Kitchen ml'n~118

Awl tlIJJK....'l'nhll'!.

Chnl",. .1:<:Al~o :l lot of FAR MIN Q 1t1l1,llIrhcllt8,

TOIII. lLud llndllll>"Y. ,t\·.. frfJllllII,'IlUhtr·1I f1H108. :\1'0 Olll' 1'1Il1l11 Glin 1Il1l1.\'Onllll,·tl'. CUllRblt, 01 mul.:llIg JZ'lfld flOur•IrrlluJ;lld 10 "·orl.: by hnl'1~ 1)()\Ycrur 1I11lvll.....lllllf r,wcr. Ar~o 0110 Kmlll II1IU. n,..rall~l'1, lor hand nr hftr"l\ IInwt'r. QlIeIImnll Whllrlllll1 btMlt uml Ill'llllrlelllllll'el'complelt'. Othol' "rtlclt·~ too lllltllf'rllll$ 10mentlOIl. O. llOltHlS HAl.r.EIt.

Ajlt'llt (or O. O. U.ALun.Collpe,llle, Jail. 2D~ lSSO.

A~~TmN ~ALE!gXollt'Q Is Ilerl'lly glvClllhlLt lLt~

CnTO\l 1I0t:::1': 1.'~·T1lr 1'1'tOtT !"nl·:-I). lI'ltl't T(>II'Il~f'1I11. r,·I'nulry II. I~~u i

NPYl'rCE I... 1I1·;m:IIY (iln;Xr ttwI lIlt' (.,l!llwl,,!:: Ilc-alll\',1 nrrl·dl·~. ~,.jz,',1 I"r "l"lnrlou 01 rhe 1'1111011:"I:ltl''' ro'\'I'II1II' 1:11,.-. will b' onld lit pullileIllh·tl"lI. hi II,I' l,i"[,ci'lul.lil,·r lilr l·II.11. lit1111' ('1l-IOtrl III"~'" III I'ort TnlOll"t'llIl.W:I·llilll!!{'" Territor.". )Iar,'h :/0. I~"O, at2 ,,'dllo'!: I'. ~l.:

~II. Hlll ·IlS POIlUfli 01)111I11 sl'i'tl~t1 M'l':tl·olwr. Sepl. 11. 1"'7~.

So. IU;i. :I:! llll~ ot 0llhllll. sell,('(1 IltSI',t1th'. OI'lol"'r I~!. 1!ol7s.

Xo. no. 11111 o( 01'1I1Iu. ,cclzl'fl lit $1,­Imll·. r"Ul'lllln- :!,;tlJ. 11";\/.

~o. 11:1. (,:WOI'i:!llr~. ~l·i1."tl :It rort'l'o\\'n;:~llll. Si'I'I\'rubo'r :lilh. 1~1!),

r"r-Oll~ dlllmlllJC :11I." nf ,hn ntplwe men·Ikn'ClI :ll·tlclc" lire l1'f{ulretl 10 Mlu theird:llllllhl:rf·ror \,.I£h fhe C(lllt.'(·!or 01 Cll"­t.'l\I.~ 10/' lhb In~trlcr Wltllill tVl'ellly 11"3'8(rortl the tlriit PIIUll';lI[1r1tl or thl. llntll'l.l.

1:\'10. II. A. Wt:Il!i"U:n.Collt'ClOr 01 CU!jtonl~.

Exet:utors or theKaUI, lleoetlle(l.


PLAIN" FANCY JOB WORK~tlt1!(J.t the AAovs OffiCE.

D, M, KEY.POltmaster Geoeral.


Oxen For Sale:

The Star Route Sorvice.


iT. .A. K. UEDST,

Attorney - At - L€lIw.Will fI romfllly attend loan bu.lnetl entrust­

ed 10 blm.


For Rent Lease or sale.

6 yoke of In.rge lonlo~ CltDP Cll.ltle.lrom 7 to 7U (tl..t glrd1: Also a lOf:ghlKClLlliP outfit. .'or DlLrdenllLnt, ILPlily to


Mil. E. S. Kearney, ... £orm.r U. S.Marsh,lof this Tirritory, hal beonappointed to that pcsition in Oregon.

PUDI.IC free I!lchool. is the subjecttbat is j1lllt no" 8giu~tiMg the news­pIper! oC Oregon..

Mll Sterllllll~ hall dispillyed a neatsign in Cront oC hissllloon.


,"ORT LUDLOW. W. T.1l111r.ble (or IIotel or Stere. '1'11tJ lot II

1000It\.'l.1 hr the t.~lIter of the tOWIl. 11\ /I

lultll!.ill' J:ul!.ltlon. aud I. tI,e only nllt' I\oto"lIClI b1lhe YIlI Colnl"II)'. Lot 60 It.Crollt 1111t1O n. l1el'p, 1I0uae, lJOx28 't.

Idr' FOr IliIrllt."IJUt and tr.lrlll" .pply toWm. J{ORT~R.

POrt Lul.llow. W. T.

WHIDBY "LAND FERRY.NI_. Fr_e-. ....pt••:. Iltek.._,

Will ronncet. \Vltll fhe "S"'Irr" line 01•tellnlcra, DAILY. at Port 'l'owlllClnd.

1:1'" Persons deBlrlng 10 JO to uranlo,flyor 8kllglt can go throulb III olle dILY: U(

RaLICIOua _OTICU.sentoee "Ill be held In 81. l'aul'.c!lorch on

llun(lll)' next lit 111l, •. IDd 7 1'••• "un,tal'rw:llool at' P. x. tJvenln, prayer on ,WelIn..,day. at 1 o'cklrlk. Lll&nyoo Frlaay nlomllllJ.atl!~nhlnl' noXLflllndayIn the }I. Jo;, (;burchmomlD/( l\nd evellhur. !.iy &61", W. J. Co;'.IY.

rn-J.or8u:.btIll~~::~IOO~~u~~tl0:' :Ii;~:1I¥1I0ULIJ at 1 o~oc., .


t7 Frw:1I O~tl!N toM8talltly 00 hsod.'·U. ll. lloloomb·,.

----,~ •.---':::-D151101' MC'uil! will cOl)duct Sllr·

'ficel\ in the Episcopal ohurch nextSunday, morning Mnd eYening, at 11,I. m. and 7, p. m.

'\V.AlIUl~OTO~\ Ff:'b. 21.-The fot'Iowing is the order issucd by the

Poslmaster Genertl outtin$: downthe mail .er.ice in Slar routes:


)IASTlm GKNItIUL: Tbat there beno deficieoo)' created to mailltain thoSlar llflir"ice Cor tb. prelAnt lll~ul

,,,ar, direct that on and after Mllr.:hthe lst pralL, servic:.e on 111 the StIrrout.s be reducel1 to olle trip p,r"tek, allowing one montb's pay as(Jro,illed by la" Cor the I18n:(l8 l1is·plulled with. I allo direct that theaery-ice placed on '111" routes lince,lind including July 1, 1878, btl di.,continutJ, if Ihe £oregoing reductionis no~ .ufficient (or the purp08e iodi·cated. I think thlt the rapid growthof population and bUlir.cls in theTerritories abd na" State., and therlstoratioD and impro.ement of ser·fice in the Southern 8tatel demanduiltill~ .ervice, and in many instah·cu. additional lonice 00 old, andne" ..nic. on reoently ••tablilhedrOll:e8. I alao beline that the pubIio senio. will lulfer by the reduo·

tion. The ne" la" requirOl that 1shan not ue.~d the appropriation,Illd J 11m determined to conform tothe la".

ENTE"TAI~»EST.-Thll Illdies o(the M. E. Ohurch "ill gh·& a locial

alld oyster tupper ill Guod Templar!!HIIII thil {ThursdIlY) evelling. Aahort progrUlInfJ uf literary and IOU'

lIical axerci.ee will ~). rfJudor.d,a(terwhich the ,upper. "ill be sened.Au adwitlliou f.. of fi[I)' cent. willbe ch,rged which.iII include IUp·pl!r. AU'r. cunliILll)' inyil~d to at·taud and ha.. a (JllIILIIl!lt Bocillj gllt.b·tlring. ' The proceuds o£ the enter·

tainment will be applillu on tbe ME. pILrlOnag. (llud. Uem.mbtr, tb;'ulluiogr Doorl opeu Ilt :=00. Ex·ercise. will beiin at 8.

J.'aoB4U OOUHT.'7"".:\t' tbe ad.juurDod I.Nion oC tbe ProoateOourl, b.ld Oll MondlLy, the bu,iuelldone .a. U (0110"': Eltate uC A.Phinney, dec., aettlement oC E.I8cu­toor'l acoount, Ino. objeotion. cberetoCOll~iuued (or burin", unti! Marobterm. Citations to illue. Eatate ofO. F. Gerri.h, dec., motion to dil'mi68 the aJlptlLl tf) dill riot oourt al­

lowed. and appe,,1 dhlmiuedj motionto Correot ordlir [or pa)'meot ofclaim» allowed.

SUf.1J(G,-A priVatA noto Irctp

Seah Uay, under dlLt. oC Feb. 23d,»a,,: The Ch"llIflion. EIHlora andLoltie b..... been doifli' well at ..al·iug th. I..t t"o till)'"

MR. ShlLw', horsel "er" told y".terda," at auction. Mr. Geo. Adamll,of tl;i. plncc, " .. the purcbuorjprice, 1380.

WE are ullable to give distriotcourt proceedings this week. Be·,idOl the ulual offic~rij of tbe COllrt,

"e !lotico MOllra. JlLcobs, Strun,Burk. lnd HanCurd , of Seattl.,emollg the attornell. JudglJ A.Brieg. is £or.rnan o( Ibe grand jury.

]T must Le .,.ry tiresome to th~

lo~crei.lrn. o£ Europ. to be continu­ILlly teleR'raphioa their cangratula.timul to tho Czar (or hi, "p ra,ideo'ti,1 escapo Crolll duth." EVlpry Cew~'ellk. a telegr'lIl of tb. kind ap­pellr. to be Dece'llILrr_

A 6LIGIIT excitement wa. cauledin the c'ffrt roo:n ynt.rday morningwhen a larg. piece of the ceiling (ell

ill dlLngeroul pr\lJ:imic.v to tbo beadOCSOIIO aC the umciILI.. Nobody


Ill .. n 1:-:'-, h .. tLl L- nil T.II· .. I:I.,· :\II:. Grn, \\", Cllrllllll ...dilOr I,f

d"llill~ d,l' .'·Iltlll~ I" 1.11'10.: ill 1"'111 the Hullis!rr, elil., '··I\·I,-t:'tlirh,'ltIlct lIUl! IIr;.:alli1.etl H !tUt'lIH)' thu Ill, who lihllt S. 11. I3CIlIICt!, "IUTor lOr Illtl

j,'cIs oj ..1,iell.1I8 tll'lilll,ti ill tho CI'Il' "Ellttlrpris("ll 11 papt'r ill Ilill IiIl.IUO~lltlllil'll lItJ!'!,!r.! by l!!l'III, lItU to plllCt·, r,'cwrll!r, "'IlS f"rnlt'rl~' ito t.v.,,,

·.I:ulti\·1l10 ~lIl1d "WOllcrs, illlpro\'e in OJ.\,tupin. o,lIll nfIN~'lIrll!l II jl'hits lIlemlwrs, lUlti dis!>clIli,,"lt: I..llvwl· pril1ter in New TlIcom8. The frif'ruls

ildg't'j Itlso, to c..lll.llll~h II flll.d for of Gcor~e were llluch surpris"t1 tn

prutiding II I'ulllic librlH)' ulI,l rend Irur o£ hi, tllurd",rou, Je .. d_ He is.Illl! Won1 ill Port, ~l'(jwllsellll." Tho now nWllitin,tr Ilis Irilli.

lI .. IIlC. IId"I'Icd Wllll the "Alki I)"" Eow,A1f1> Co"ley, Illruluj.:cr of the

hllliug SlIl·iet)'." Tht" orglluizRtioll Slu'pherd's Foldl

in ~e" York, hll~tihlrtii (Jjf "itl~ IhirtCl'IIIIH'U1b~rs, lind heen convicted on tho charge of

~ Jlro~pclit uf llo\·t'ml lIlord ill the starving and cruelly treatiug ohil­lll.'ut luturt>. '1'116 u!lictrs ",ill lle "IrOIl.elected 4ullrterl)'j tNt! prciicllt onesIIr.': W, H. Huburt8, Prellitilmtj AA. PlullImer, "-ice Pr.~iJontj Hullt.

Uil,,!', Secrctllr)'; ~ln. AlII.¥ Ihrned,l'rcM3Urerj Miu E. HuO'ullllr, Editorj

.\1r. J. UIHlIllIOlIU, St·rgl!Kllt·lIt-Arms:

.-\. \\'tlir, Cride. hlctlting8 ,,-ill be1161\1 vn TuesJay C\'ClliIlK of ellcllIY6t·k. The momenluus <Iuostioll toLe j,trllppled with .It the lIext meet·iuJt i.: ;'RcljuJ'cJ tlULt JIll'utal cui·ture is mure importlilit thlill ph)'sical

~xcr"ili~." The chiof SpUIL kliltlillre:Allen Weir, Ilffinnativrlj A, A

PrullIlllor, Jr" lIl·gaLil"(~. '1'lru Kllsi,,­alii!; are: Miss Htlll'lllllll, Mi::!::! ECUlperl rU!H1 ~IRlItuI' Wurrell HlI.s,tiugs ill the Iltlirmative, lI.ud D. H_jill, D. C. Plltri,b, and It. C...lhounill th. lIegati,., Th••ooiely willmeet witb oloscu dourii until itsffittmbcrd are pr/lpllrel1 to ILpVear inpublic. Tbo papir will b~ readt1umi·montbly. The !Iocioty startslJut with a tlILlIe.iug vruepect, BOU,pl'operly manageu, IllIL! Luoome InirllltrUment o( IIlUel1 gUl'ld. There islIoth)tlg like a tlJoruugh, pra<lticalsuh~1 or'tlJi, kind to tfllill Bnd im·

profB tbe rni~dll ~f our )'uung pe..·


To. Senate commiu•• 00 Territo·rie. bal decided to recommeod Corpauag. tbe bill ror uHnding th.jorildiction or United Statel COUrts

in oh'U and criminal matters to the

Indian Territory, and profiding lorthe acquirement o£ citiu.n.hip byJudi'OI, ud tb. ano~ment of lauds

to them in le,,~lty under pre­acribed conditioas.

rU~ET seV::D AnGUS.- - -----


Ma. \V. W. Ne-"Un, of Ol,mpil,h .. been 'laminated by he~id"nt

Bayel (or Regi.tpr of the land officeat Vaneou.er, W. T., io place o£Mr. Smallwood "bOil tlirlD i. about

ton upire.


Page 5: 8(Je~~ A GU - Wa

.....eon.tII"tl)' on H."d the

Choicest of' :Meats

GENERAL COllMlSSION BUSINESS,Ami lilly lor CASU lit f!Lu hlglll.'lIt IlIntkt:t

. rlllc!!

Hides, Furs, Skins, Wool••01\t~O l8 rrel)~retl to

C,\SlI MILL ,tND tYl'lUm DR,\F'J'S,Ilt low r:ttf'__ .

W JII !!ell OXdllllll1l 011 1'0I'tlllIHJ.!it"'Frll"l'1~t,'Oltll(1

All I~II''' ur &lUt lJ'l11ltotd "11I18 &: £0.1_.­In llllmiilo10 Rult.

W As In thl! P:lSl 80 III tilt! (mllre,~1::f1' ::il\tI~la\tlotl gUllrltlltl'CI.I .

4{j::l111 HENHY I,ASDEl~u rt 'fO\m!ltl,tl, DeC. 3Q. 18iU.


Oppollte W ..hlnlrtOn Botel


AIIIO, COflwd .Beel untl Pork.' SmokedlUel\f~. t'Ol'k nlld l'olt'lgllll ~lI~llitll.

Hel\(] ChCl'IIe, 'J'rlpo, 40" 4c.



Foreign l Domestic FruitCANDlES,



F.Tt.• F,'TO.Oa ::B. BOLOO1t4B.


We "'.we .Ito OPened'. 'lreMIl•••

RESTAURANT,Antl wllllMln'e lhlt IlubIle wl,Ii Meal.

to order I4t 1l1l1K,lllfil,a-IVE Ue A GALL.

t""cf' 011pt"!!lto Central Helt']. hl'/Id 0Dillon whllrf

l-'OR'r l'OWNS8SD, W. 'r. (6

l:to!!~ 10 hlll'lrlll Ihl' !!:('llPI'1l1 llllhlll' C.1l.1tIll' llil~ rl'lllOwllltl, 0111, .. rf{ltll "It·. 1';1·"1\­I"l< I.' ~t(\lle 1Julll11lll:' t" tIll' l:U'loltl 1I1\1l"e1I1l1h1111j.t, '\'!Len: hI.' \\'111 b· 1'1.':l-1!t\ 10 "'0I,I· 1,IIII'lItr""~' 11.111111' 1U1l11)' IlCW 0l11'1t :1'"lOa}' ~ln:, 111m n CIIl!•

AmI (1'0111 thl~ll1If(' 1IllII'I1IIr.m~:ll'tli

r.hr. Liberal AtlV/lIlct'J mnde on ConIIIO­menu.

Commission Agellt8And [)ell.le... III

ParD1 Prod:uce,WHEA'r, HAY•

OA'l'S. HAM.BACGN.I\U'l''rJo:R.

4('.. &to.Gorclo"'. W11lrf, N,nllf1O, Brlthb Columbll.


Port Tow"",od.l! Portland, Ogn.u. It""•• lhe UUII ., elte" ....Ib.

For Io~l'I.ltgbt or l'''-'WI~. AI"llly 011 llottnJ,• Or Ie II. L. TID8AJ.5,Jr., ""enl.



The First-class steamshior-t:;ti;'Ii


WILL LEAVE.Port Town ••nd for 8Itke

Alukrl 'I'crr'y, and WilY Po,t~ •u. OJ' ._ ... " ... 13M" .-..... , ...

J. F. SHEEHANIII"'""...... t 1 ,. h'l

SmE3, TIM fLATE, SHUT-IRORl.t.\!, Mf'It. t't,.,.. tr '. "I.....

.ADd H~ -Hold FurnJol>In,•_w..... .J

t1 "

DU3J5 ....,. D......TCH'.

To Bent.




Carr!aget"t "" tlUln 10 eonveYl*MOngerl

To Port DiscOTery, Chimacnm or PortL"C'n:E.O"'Vt'J"'.

DI.patohe. oarrled Day orNight. Hor.eo on Livery.'l'rnvt'lInjtngenll\\'IllPVC tty golllg wlftt

111.111\ wt> IlIlem} to 1I~ III Int'll "Ilk...Plell!lIr<' P"rtlell drl\1m out 1II1)' tlnte.1:1I!\' ftrul tbed on hllnl! nnd oonl 'food JorI!llhi In IIl'y qlllwtlt)', oy1'1. II. _ Mhododelld...n pilla" .hll"~

_~ )01._, _renl"~ .. <,Irelell',

'1'. II. UAllMGNG .t SGNS.

Par Shallwaler Sa, Gray's Hlrlm. ;oorf Town­lend, SlIal.fll. VIll!arla, and Nanl'mo

And wUl ea.1' at oUler 1'0r1.l ,11011111 J'relgl:t'lonllr.n-<>

Tm~ OO.t!TI~{i 5TE.\m:n


~.,Ing l'l&'llftc DocIr,I'orthunl,

or On or about tbe 'IOlh Gt elIOh mODth ..Bomoo on dock toot of 8IilnlOII 'l.• Po!'lland

A1Vl'At nOli:! of RotloohlJd .t Co.Port ·~~owlle.clld•............ ",v.'r.

till . UATCU......al.

..·...1 ttf14 ,....... In llilll .A"'&" '-I II... it. "'tlab ..,.... • Wfl......Wt·\I·"III

n IlGIIJU uunl I:..~.... b........ 1.)

Having disposed of my cntir" busin"llI in Pot\. Townlend to S. W~Levy. All persons knowint( tllenl'selvPIC illill.hteA to me 11"8 rp<lestcrlto 0111 IIlld l'elt.le lit OllNt, "ilh HenryLlndl'l, ,..ho ilauthNh".1'11 tl) rt!oaiYI'KllIl rl ceipt (or Ihe ,amel '1nl! .... ho""ill oontinue tho bll~illtlM lit the eldBt'lld.

n. O. H. ROTHSOHILD.PoJrt 'l'owlllieud l JIlU. 14, 1880.

48: •

Administrator's Notice

S. W. Lo\'''. baviuJ{ pl1rCn18eJ tn,('ntire husillus!I of tilt! III Ie firm ofRothilchilu &: <":0., will eOlltinue tilelHlllillelllt at the old lItlind. KontulJkJSiore, Port '.ru,.,nsenu. W. '1'. Ashare of tbe publio p"'tronagfl is so·lioited.

All persotls indebted to loh8 latefirm of fi'lthllohild & Cll. Brft notificdto settl.. thlt SAme with tbe Ullucrsigned whu ill the Oldy perllon !lU'

tborizetl to collect th8 aamtl.HENRY LANDES.

Agtmt (or S.. W. LEVY.Port Townsend, Jan.H, 1880.


--.,-------=-c=-=-. Gcrnm:l c.yrUtl. Ix? other ILll11idlic III thO) ""1111 ""1< 1·\·-1

cr ):1\'0)11 illicit 11 1,·,1 vI il. \·lIr'llli\·t1IIIIII1I.\·,1I;:l 11~hl'c'lI 111'1'1111111 :-:,l"l'lIj1,' III tllr.'I'~'I'nr~ t\\'o mllllon r"lIr 1m "h'l..III!IJII'lllll~1I11111 h)ltll"~"f Ihl. 11I'~llo:lllf' W"I'C 1I1~­

1!'lllllt,'11 .·IlE.: m' ell,\llllE II.V \)1'1l""'1~1' IIItlil. '·!!11111 ...\' III 1111'-" 1I111e,,",1 wlrll CUll­'1I1111,tlOIi. A_Ilium, CWllp. 'el"\'r,~ (;tlu"h••~1H'1I1l1()"I'1 lind "U\l'r lil-!':t"" .. ur Ih,'I'IlrMI mill 1.1l1l:!". glvlll!.; tlltl i\II1Crll"11I11"I'I,h' 11Illh'llhlhlol 111'I~)r Illiit I:,·rlll·.,lS)"I"III' \\'111 ,'un: IhUIII. rill' fl·.lIltll:I'" hi" IIthat UI'Il;!,Lo:";.t. III u\'l'IT IOWl, :111'1 rlllll"cIII Ihe LIIII"11 :-:taIC' lHIl l'C~III1lIl\I·lllllll ..~ittl) fhl'lr "IH'"LLl'h'-. ',Il 11\ YOlli' ,1"1I!l:~I ..tIt.llllu.k whln fhey k,lnw .1lJllut h. ~llll­

1'1t: boule;:! 10 cl'lIlli. HI'j:lIlnr ~lz~1I 15 .:t.:l.'1'hl'e\l ,h,,:w, will rellt\·tlllIlY Cll."tJ.

To The Public t

l~ Tilt llATTlm OF Tilt: r.5TA·n; 0.'

Danlol Smalley, deceased.

NOTIC1~ IS IIEIn:nY G1VE:S llY! tllu IlIllll'l'SI~III'lI 'Illtllllll~trl\tn or

tho ..~IHle of 1)Il1l1cl Smnlh·y. lIect·(I~ell. tilr,~;ll l'I'c<lltul1' 01 1IIItillcr~II.-luL\'lll;.:' c1:L~1I·

"jt:t1ll1!t thcllcl't'lll;I'lI, to p"'fCUltholll wilhthc lIecc~~I\I'1 wUlelll'l". "llllill olle yt:uHlter Ihe til-;I, puhlleiltloll 01 thl. IU)lh.". 10tllc llli;d llflmh,lsulltor. at II~ pluo!ll <If bllol_In..~" In NHo' lJlI";;"ljt~'. III IliI.; l'lUlllll OfUlliliiOl, !I11t1 Terrltury of WIoI... hlll;:IOIi.

TUDe. Alll>lfS.:TIIT.Admllll~tl't\tor of Ihu e~t:1I1! uf lxwlot

Smnl1ev. dct'(!.~f'tl.

D(It~II\t NtlV Dungcotss, Cllllnm Co"W, '1'., Feb. :101 lSdO. 52.

$' to $20 pel" lillY lit homo. l'!ar~1l10l> wonh ~:J [ree. iJTINlWN" Uo~ 1'I.lr~IJlntl, lIIu






Aro el\.'U, obtained l1y c110nilng YOllTt~lh dRII, with thllt jlutly populllll1entl­frll't'. 8OZ000NT. COlllpo6C\l of pUl'ClJIlltlstptlc herbs. It Impllrts whiteness tothe tl!elh, " c1allclotlJ aMnll1. to the breath.allli prt'8UrTt'S Intact. rrom ,"outh to oldI.lite. thfl teeth. Acltllt, of the ,tonlfu:h11'1\1 deltroy tile Itn:mjJelit teelh llnle."S It!!llt11~CI. lIIrtl counUlrnclal with SOZO­DON'r. II.lIti till. pllre tooth·wash pMteclJlthe d~ntftl eurlRoeII by removing ewery 1m·purity that atlhef'Ol5 to them. Allk YOllr"rJIg-gIII for SOZODON'r.

Hr. shin Jnlia.l\.... ll.:ITIlElt TIIIC OAI'TAJ~ SOR TIIF. UN'­J." ,jel'llhrned Alj"ent n' Ill. above n.med"t!Il'el ",mlln r'9!Ipon.tble ror lJebtli oontnwuKIb1th.omcen OI'l!n!W.

JOliN nE~OEnHOS'tM""IIlt.

"o,t TownMnd, FI'th. ~s 'rtieJ:X\ Y.•\ ••nt,

U. S. :Mail SteamerDISPA T C H,

C· ... T,a.!II .-••• &,

WillIe.." Port Town••~d e,....,.1'huN«lJ,y IOOmln•• at Cline o·dot.:Ii. b'

Ban ,Ju..... anti Lopu: Ia1andl,IIehoml. IIemJah.moo anti

IlaamllhRnu,nlu. 01* ..u'II'J t

• •Port Town,.nd tor H.••'t .nd wa, port.o.~r..,.t .. ,



J)t:MOCRATS III COlIlZ~ Illlk tllvorabtyawllt aJllllttlnllltKl l::IRte ot Wlllhlll,(tonall It lIl11 to tnlw 1.'1I1.·ct after Warch 4. lSSI,IIlld which j1ro\'III~ fur In elecllol. thllfrlIl, for n COII"Uullomtl ConveDtlou alldtho Ilftel!l"ry otlkl.lN.

IT APPF:AIl5Irom the nllmber or liMa

(I( tl'etlp.~'hIlC IIPOIl lonrn'lIellt tlmbl"ra 1111 t1~PO'ed 01 It III~ rt\.~nt U·rm. 01

ll/urt _I s.:lttlt. ~r'll OI}'IIlI,I,I. that 001.1'11>'-~1·. U. 8. Sl~l'l' ""'0111, hIli ~1I

IllIlKtnt III lookluj;" Ml't~r IIlat C~ o( Or.(.'1111,,1'1 It.tollllli 11.11I1 ttl,ll)lIl "n.ltt't SOl.lllt.l.lIe '" 11'1" ,"101 .:.·ll'rll \\'.~hlnlt1on IITblt alit! fomll1 illII.t tlie NmeduJ ort~11II",-lul( tllIll ~u L'II ni~11 ou t~1't! rorIfart. SaliM! 76 L'Sftlp' hliYtI I.ll't'CI tlnO.I'

lilt'll ..l41allout 66 \If lllt·tII lOtul4J tMP"M-'hIlt'. AbuutMor lltelll h_b.lI«11 Mtl*,dwhll .lId about U nrlM-tI "lU han 10WIll! LO lime. ~ThllC abul.c 11*.,OO bu­c111.."t1 I)/" I.tt Itie \"'u·.lr,. Th. wholeaUl<\l.llt of Il'dlt r 11" 'I\lUI ItOYtnlUHut• II 1\11 .,nt b.>ooll It- llillli 10} (ItA) ,",l.

UI IM.. tilMlt loll .\11_' kool WI,. ,",n

"'ukd (" 11.1,.1 .. t.JU. 0" M>Un wl;1 !lot.11.... "I...."XI 11t'-111OrWf\ ,-. ".. ,nor ,...1bJII~ l.o"l nh'!l.r" ... ,...11111 1(1 <'Ol.~

pl ••1 W, lM1iut, III tll8 fir'll 111pat:llc:ally t:,;d Un. t.:l&.-" tkpredal .....


ellASolI: io:OB Cm:ESl:·)IAKliU8.-A oor­rO'IIUIIlJt:lI' fl'Otil OitL:: UnrOOr, 1I11Ullill oth­er Itl.'m.. 1m Llle 1011t1"'1111/:: "Tlu:re I!!the belit e11_IICO (or It. t!1I'•• fllc/ory III OakIIlllLor tbat I kUl)w of lI1 WII~lllllgton

·I'llrilrory. The f..rlll or Arnoltl .'rlelld 11.p'ellll!lll)' ROilpted all U. hI nellr it 800'-1flhlppltlg poillt. Ilid thl.'re tiro !lowing.~llriII1;1-01lC .,~ry 1:1~1l olll.'-tlllH coulllI)C Clll·rlctl over IIII! top o( hIs hou§ft If:tl'('(iL'l.l; lIllll. 1 11I111k MI'. Frll!lId \Vollhtgive 11Il)' 1'llllalJlc Ill'll! IIlllt 1\'ollltl COltlt'

:ultl"f"rt OtlC, II ~Ootl SIIIlW. There IIrc'laflnel1t C1l1ll4l:1J til fl'uch 10 I'IIJlport tbrel.'l1undrtd \Inti flltll'O\o\'lI. lIIul, If II fuetorJWlIlIlllllrll'll. IIurIIllOl'e l·t)\\·/1 were Ill'Ctlt.'d.tlltlre \..'Oulll iKlOlI IAJ mOl'!.', liS the rltrmer~

\VOII:tl clt:l&r nud t!eet] 110\"11 mllte lKliti lor

Illuture. I lim no' lIlB.klllK t1K"Ht lulte·llltl1U btl'Mlllle I Wlillt to Ilike III l,lI.rltlerj11M h""l ( '"ly l'OWiI fur ~lle; hilt beclIII!lt'lhey Ire Jl~AC'r!. "lid If lilly or the reMlleN

o( the AI«HJS .... I.h 10 go Iuul Iho bu~hlOSl'

I woultl Hlhlae them 10 \'OlIle Jllld Mle lbl'

111l'1n&elftli before gnilla: t:lliCwhcre." By1'1'")' of JII1lI"'rlllt Mr. 1I11~t1e (f.1" Ihat I~

hi. n.ulir) Ilchb: "Pllt up tho~ g&l'\lenIllOl.. II lid get o"L your IIUOW sho,el•• I

h:l"'l'lIeen IQ Ihl~ country IlIlrly yl.'Jl'"Mnd tllli II thu IlItnll:U wiliter th_t I hll.n1lt.'o.:1I. It Imll bctn ,err 11Mi'll OU f..11 IOWlll'I'hellt. '!'IicT" 1,1 \...,y 1I1tle III thllllC'Otlollfl.llt wlllllo worlh lIllr1hlllit, ••••• 1thOllgllt tlllll.'l weTC IllInl III I.!MtI." OIlJ','Jut IIICI were 1I0rliluk to WIUlt they In:1l0W. Tho !!!.IIN I.;1'tlpetl IlltVO "ihut(luWII." NO (JtU;Of'J' CIIIl btlll!ell III 1\11Ihe L'OlIlplt:UOll' phll,ll!l(. It Il rumt.r e&1lget no oI:rtdtt. ,..hllt II ~ 1i!:t'11l110 do. .AHlIUl:IIlllll" fUll. f.l"w without pro,lI­iOUI.

A portrait o( Anl1rcw Jrtcbon baa beellIIIII....-ed In tile Whlto lIoulIC. wllere aft!"oW' portflllt8 or ,11100 Pmldtllil exceptBnchftnRn Illid JOhtl8Clll.

'l'nlHE It"' UYlng up In lt111ho TerritoryIt. II1111ill Cf,Ilony or 1)(11, gKml.l" and thec'llef ,'ll~ll\..-tl or 1III\ho hltJl Irllllru(.'!t.,J tht'l!\'IIlld jllfY 10 ludic, ever1 0116 fountl illthat'l'errIlOr)'.

]T llallllOlllll'ft1 ttl,lt mtnlll{C' cillmi atSktojltlt will hlt\'l! to bto nqu'l!5ellled on Ihe3d of ,JlIly nClfr. (lr rll\'y will lie ooll.ld.I'rOOllrlCIKlmelllln.1 0lll!ll to othert want­lUI to tlllrU t!1f!m.

'rUtRI/j Is. bU811Il'M btllm III rorttlndjt't"IIoII'Silire l(hanchlK 2li, 60. allo i6 perL'Cllt. A bl" hCltol iUll,OOO one). to beb.llll br ~tl·. Vllla"lllllli others. aud tileuregullhcll III hMppy. Why ,heu!Llrl', 'Itbe.

WE ]luh!!.-II :11e luUowlllJ: lNIPr fmln

~l:lj"r .\I\'rris l;.r Ihe illf.n·lllUlioll Ilr 0111'


I'uln' TO\\"~~t~I". W, 'j',••11111. 2~. I<;~O.

t..:.U'1'. II. ]:I.U:lJEll. Wh:ltl,:OIll. W·. '1'..DEAlt Slit:

~llljor Vnll Bokki'h'll rdi'l'rcI! In ll,er"n!' It:IICI'11l n,'lcl'CM'O In II", 11'1111 lOll·•1111('11,.1 bY Ihe dtlzcu~ II( Wllut,'flill IUlllSo·IiOllll'. ·.mlll 1li'lIill~h:illl Ulr til the~k:l;:it l'I\"el' III Hi';.:!. whil,lh yOIl 1I11\\" l'ro·

Ilnoe til Illlllzc for lI1Vcl t.o lilc Sknj.l:ir

gulll 1tI11lt:~.

I IUlY" [1l1t:r\'lcwctI jlflr.IlOIl"lIy till' CII~1011I.'1 olllhurhl~ 'It \"1,·t(,,·II1. llild nlilOwrlltell thl'lII III I'dWell':C 10 Ihe llltrllllsit

trllllt' \'I'ldel! Ihl~ rolltl,l 1Il1l~t 1o"\..·,.~ltHC.

Rilil llrj(I~11 1I1'(1lI Ihelll fill: IJr0l'l'iclY of.'" nllill)! fhl! IJI'OI,er (;lUllOI\I olll,'I=r to the1~llllircll 1101111. ",11t're lIlm"I:IIl"li!l.·. 11111­1II111_. 1'... ,,111(..... ':tc.. l'IIII 1.IIl boml,·II. Till')'I"t:rc qllitc COtll'lCOllllllnl nt Olll'\' OIl\\' lheIIl1.:c..... lIy ...1 Pl'OlIIllt R('llolt. alill ql1lto

"j!ft'lIl with lIl}"ilcll: I'lld IIa\"!' I'rlllll18l..1I II'ft'!'''!' lin.! UlOtll.'l· ,.,I:h a IlIvOrnllltl l'l'l'Olll­

1II1'1Il1:llloll nt ItrI ellrly ,hi I". 10 111l! IJo.1II11l1m, M.llthllritlo:SIl.I OUawn.

You" 1''''[ll'ClIully,W~l. GOuHtI:\J:lilr :'I'Qtlm~,

Spt"d~r A~ullt.



CQUllT I\'('''k.

~l1()f:T ~e'~loll of \..'0111'(.

FltE"IJ, Clllllnrnill 01l101l~ nt ;U"r~llll·.~.

:;I'r:ISG Is "aliJ U)' Illr-s.'dll~ olleS. toJ litcoming.

Pm\' "TV. ~11l"'1111l: mugs l,'flU be IIm1 l!.1.'IT. GNI~';; l.I:lrbcr 511°11,

T(IE IshmJ COlillty lIelln(llll!llt tux II,;!will :'I'llelll' III next WI'(lk'" AnGUS.

QIIII frlclltl. Htlloort Bllrkm, Tt'l'flllll)"

01' Oly11lplll, ItH~Ulllloye\lIu Mr. BartlelL',SIOrt".

lkIM'T I*M .u0T&&II·\ '!I'hon ,OU

loooJ ......

On. I. ~.l'o1\·('r.ot Nt'1l11 Rn.... rl'rellll~

'pClIt 11 (cw \1141~ wllh n:lativc~ 011 W hlllu,'hlnllfl.• A I.Ano!:: llUmber 01 proplc from n,IJ'llll­111~ l'Olllllln§ "!'l're III f01l'1l eMrly III thl\\'(,.'l:k, UlIlII)' ()r II'llOlll ulll fl!malu.

\\'~: lIrt' plcll~ell to liMe Ih~lt Ollr rrlr.lIIl.Dr. U. WlIIan!. '1lI~ l",clI (1'_tl'p....llltl~1 n·tiulJoCrllltt>lIllcllt of thc 11I~:.lIHl As)'lulIl ortills Terl'lI"'I'J.

WE 1l!11Tll thRt the ~chooller Letltl:l.C"I_t. COI"llah, o( ll1\lIltllllC9~. IlIIs gOIl\! 10tho &elalluK iruUlld~ olf Cill/lJ Fl/ttter)'

TIIR D1.~patch Irrltoo (rolll NeRlI BIll'anti WilY poris on TllealA1. Amollg th,})lIgeulers "fl't!: rAp'. WIJlUlIlChbJ, 01Nt'nh &y; Yr. Woorlmnll, o( Port Ange.IU; aull MIMI C. Downie. Ilill Mr. JO!'FOre8Ollln, o( DUUgl'llCllS.

~111. Elllrldt:t' ),Iorsc, former I)' of ~no•homl~h ..~tI'r·' falllc. \l'nR III t01Y1l I.~:

wcel.; 1\11\1 c"Ul!l1 on the AnGl;~. IItl stillproml1Jl'5 nil l!lIrl)' II.ppearll.lI(.'(lOI hlil nt'\'ma~lIZlllll 10 be Ilullll.ht,d lit St'lIUlf', ~lIY

be lil ,lIl1l'811VlISlllllg, null ubtlllhlllg luf'hl"mlllioll. &C.

WE lfORflI tlmt Ollr young (rleilib 01Dullgellel~, Mr. Fn:dertck \YIIILl lind 1\(1~·

KI~ DllIse, lilt! about to forlll a 1IIII.Irllul'.1l1,,1.'lialll'O. 'l'lley 1\1'0 a IlkelJ 1DUIlj..

couplp. 1 ltl will Illlve minI IrlelJlI~ IItllu, thll .hlMl &fler thenl. t1~urlltlTel.\

l'pcllkillg••ll~ioitl'li of a ple&l!llllt voro~o

thl'OIlKh It(u.

'fllK l.ellp Yer.1" Ba'i glvell by 1"rofRoberti. ell MOlldll.ye'tllllll, wu II. do'chlell ~l1l'\1V. notwllh_~I' ldlue the IlldClIlf'ncj' or the "tllther Iud tile sell.on bt'11I~

that o( Leul. 'J'lle 111111.... Wt;l are tolllollIdall'(t wllh bt.'OOmltll{ 1/.'111(.'(', IItIlI

t:\;hh8l.lullllrhllt' altetllion to tho W:l1I1S 0

tllclr browny Illlrtuerl.

Dltm.-A JeUcr rt~l'lllltl)· teeth'CiI h.\Clq'l. Olllg'U1111o. of thl~ pllll'f!. frOlIl hi·1Il0ther In Scntlolili. lufOllll1 hlrn of tildClllh or hilluther. Jail. lilh. It IllU lui.T"lIeed Ole of 88 )'tArt. IIml after rt flUc,~fnl Cllteer o( 66 yearill.. plio!, CIlPI1>ltla:llI'ono anti nunllr hue lbe 11UII"·.hie! u. all III tlil'lr bertavelllut. ,

OATBOLIO SUYICa.-A pOIM ClInl"om LItCo'lluer brlug.lulonlllllioll'o lIr.8·'.....11.11. of Ihll",lao'. tbllt Ru. (o'alllClJUII18r. tM lIew }'IIlhop 01 t1a'~ 11IGi.~·.

will be In l~ort TowullCltld 10 hold IItn'k'eIII tlltl Calhollc cllUrch on thlt 7th VI

lb.reh. ~au III 10:30 a. m. Catltolh'lIlan al'(lellllbte polnll are requested 10 mllkl

.. Ilote or tbtl.A.RHlvw.-On 'flle!\(]ay mornlult til"

bktMe. C_tht:rlllc Sudllell, Capt. J. 'S. 111­ItilLf, arrived III this port, 14 tlI11.' (rolll

Honolulu. Wa 4ckIlOwl~'(,IM:e (_vo"' lTOll!thlt """llt.III, III the 8h'l1>6 01 1n10 1Inllolu­111 papert. The bwrk Arkwrl«ht. Iron,Au,uralhl. via lIunolnlu. boUll'J to J'orlOlllnlJlc, Illro Arrl,~d III Lhl~hllrbordurillp;

)Iom]MJ nlJht.Nl:W Fuw,-A lIew Orm hll bee

forlned III town by tho aomlSl:lllm 01Mesn". F. A. Butlt:ttllllli Frltllk 8I1.rlk't,.

bl'OLher IIIltI 111111, teillel'll\'oly. of OUI'tOWIIJll\f1ll. Mr. O. O. BII1·tlcU. Into pMrt·

neNkll) "Ith tile Illst lIalllt:d li!:t:lltlemill.

Tiley wlll Cl\rry 011 the Immenlledry ltQoIIIbu·lueu for ,elu11 "uC\.'l'''~flllly 1.'OlIllllCletl

by the 8t!ulol" melllbtlr 1t lh~ flrlU, '1'111'lilt'" Itrm will be kllow" uuder tht lliaUlI'

aud 8tJle ot "0. O. Bft,rtltltt .t Co." A·lu mcmbeN Attl IlU I.:llown to be thOtolll(h.lolnallll,lneM n~ell. they \Ifllllllldnll"'ll11l~

'-'Outiliudo eujiJr & Illrge allli g'tO\\'luj;tradt' ••

'1'U& S. S. DUotu. O. E. Griffith" mac.ter. IroUI B. 10'., Fcb. 201h, II ];1 m., Ilr­rlvoo at Vk:torla at 2 p. m. }o'tb. 2:1l1.

U ltl line c1car wtather with l!'tlh lIurillcr·II WhlllN .... Ith Rlexle",t.6 ,wt:1I (rnnl IItil',

IAn a hours oYer(.':I~t. c10mly Jky _lidhazy horizoll, The 1"'1.:0111. lllou:,!'ht 11'toll) lrelght lor l'ort 'J'U\"Il~I,d; 1iO 10I1I1i'

rtlr Seattle; ~7 toll' for 'l'A''IJmn; "i l• [l'U'lor Olfll1plll, .'«b. 20th. 0:31 p, III, 1"1~O. \Y. Elder. boumJ lOut~. ftl. :l:6U p.nl, pUl!t:1I Cltlor ClliIlAter. boulIll .....Ib.Comll)(llIfl: ~. W. I.e". O. F,lo4.llle-.I..Dr. 'r, T. Nlnor•.1••1. llLlrlt. J. O. ~~,..

IIIhll:.~. O. 11I11 SOli. W.ltrlllltll "­

l\1t.'''~ f'-llt, I:, "olllJl:k. C. " "trIINC.lo'. 1'lulIlIlicr. J. T. Xu,d.....Ia•. )I"r, 'II.U. f'. Cit,,!·I• .tJ w. "tit. ;·Ir." .t l

OFFICIf:l PH'[a OF PvlH TG,'J!I.i~ 10.

[lRU:,~' LOOAL ITb:MiS.

, ,

Page 6: 8(Je~~ A GU - Wa



... :.u ... "Ala .lI"I'JiL"T .·&11"rvre¥trr It.nic.!~ Ul.U~ or.w.

P.ouse-Furnislting Hardware1'1:J.lU: Q ".\ LITY,

S~ovee, TiUWn!'O,

1'('.111':, -'iTl:"~ 1"11'P.,1'1,:'11.' ,_ II:O~ 1'11'1;l'li:Jl", j - l1:U.\ l'Il'~


~I h:lV6 l\ CnEAT l~E\'EmjxoEfor Cush CU~tUlll('rM. '





. L::IH~";, .~l: ,.,....Imr]l:iii;·!r·'·lI'lI

'1';.OIUI1~I'i'. lUll!)!', ,11. HOI.'1'., -=:11 III.... II .. ·I.I~ ,,'I.

:~(lO'~S ~~::d Sh02SOf lue .....:..... 1:11 ,: 'i • I' ;i.i,.• nn t d 1!1'J

J.:lt~·_t l',i:~' I'll!),

,AmI' r..('pnirin~ e;(l'cutcfl nll M\l:l.I. and

6RtisflV,ltion gunr:tntt·cl'l.

/l. .'",.. Sb• .fO of IIlit..""":,, vfllll' ;'ul,Uct.. lIullt-ItC'.'.

GE~T'S ;\~.IJ I..\l>ii'..'·



Port To;vvnsend



DMllIlU'J ulI,1 ",,,Un J)U·!ldn:;.lJlt"lou'lI Cflutl",,;:Cl i:J:II'IIJ:tg',

"·rlulk .11111(.<:('.,l1l'n·t·..·I·..nor IH:t.riHnl:'.

MaChine P'lIt, nUll :-:",·,:11:.•"1101' "·1".1I11;:~ or'·'·.. ' .....:"'1(''''1''10''"

HI;.:;;ltl:t nn,l nnI'U4- .... :.mll1u~r.

1 k .. I:'c.. 1:1t·.

A complt'lc IlJi.'lI,)rtnllmt ...r~~n~otLLA"~EOUS STOUJ;,~


Itrctic Ol'or-Shoo:;.

Tbi., ill lito T...nrgc;jt 1.1l,II"oI·~~ t.clcc:.o..lstock of H,>o!.i :tlll1 Sllll":4 011

}luyct Soului, eOllll'rilllll,l;'

Oootl On' (lilli CI\!CU \\'tKlIlIdwtL)'lJ Oll JI,l~ul. .\1801 1;00\1 r.:\rk.

TIM:UTIIY III\. \'. Ar.W ll'S U:'i .l.\~u.

-AGEI"J'S"FOIl-Steill\COolll Dt.ocr;' II

StatUo Deel', RIIII hevy liro. 'I

SoJrlo WIlt01'and,J~oot Becr.

4il bula.,.. UU\ltll'd In nur/UN a'llI r~I"•II!CJ'~"1011"" .

Til the lrel'Obaftlll'nf PMt Tnwn~nctWI< wilt

~: ~~: ~,~r~·r~~\J;;~llhffn~l;o'~I~·~W.iJ'III:'~c:e't'l~ lI.peel )'''"r 111\11'1110111, 1\'1 WD t.,,,,'.~~~~:I~,J.~ ,~~:~ ~~l: ''''i;~~I~I~I~~ lilt 11 ,h'll.,,,,,, IIIi:

r..~~~~J~;~!~i;r:~~"e~. 11-., 1111 plllf ....orlt' ~\

n. if.. Tinu,\ ,.~ 4' 4'1' ••

!"tlrt 'r""'U"Dllll, W. T.

Rubber Over-Shoes.

V~ls Dil!CllIlrgal, '}·rei.;lltll Collett. .

., 'l'~,l:ninf:' flf nlll:in<l!lllol\8,

At rro.sollab[c mtl", anI! !>ll:h.i:w;:lioh'gllnmnt,./,(J.

FOI·..."rolllOl:' ""II (·.""m ..... I.. " n .... luc...I,,· ..UII'II,) UII\llltll'll I ...

1'hellh,lVO Inll;;:Ullnll llu,,'''~ 'oi'f'll p'II'''': nn.. I "'''lftb~llllllOlI''l:. 11.' IIII' U"Ij,·,1 "lulu.. U".-

~::'~;//~~:rl~:i:~~:'II~I~~~I·""t:, ;'::~.:':..~;;.I;;;~,~ :II~~nl' 1':\lu,.,r ":III"" ..• wIlt I,· liP ,,...,t II, llllnll,·t.. rlllJ( t Ille ~"ull"rL ..uil I.OUUVIJIII.l.,'e ...t I.rl·'1.1"I'llfllllllll,

'1 II I. I' • h'·!lIrll....t G"·I.."II 11".,,'t' 1'lC<rll, j,tPlill 1·...Il'lI."V, I'"'' 10/ r"r Ih.. '" ·,.t I' .1111,11 hiIn' C:lIll'111'" 4. It Ill' b'-'~l1 ~\I"~ Ulllll)' 1"lllll"lIllhl 'ull.... t,!I\! I. It.. II\tll';'1101 11' ,r,j~ """" 11(1'r"I·'.'lw.l.I..u~ "r ul'''1I1 mw l'U",I""ll.IOtl"lIll1."'ll>r" 1W'i'111l.. :- y ul1"f'lul fllr ,.....1. I'< Illllrlmt:111, 11" .. 1 e,r r'll 11"WIIll'lIl ".,il nu ..I"IIL"'I·""n' .. , 11 ~I. II .. l'tI.1 "~l" 111'. ·111· •••, II h",Ie­~Ir,' 111"," W,III,l!rurnl~II"" ,.IIt\lIfl'n:" :-0,,'11·.1110' r"I) "lllt"Il'11I 1t1.,1 ..LI' Il'd, lOt 1\~11 .. lilll "II­4:" "1."1,'-o.·n,u~lhllll"l1 "I ,\11' "\i'u"ro.lIl1lll."'"

, .... ",I j" .j,.,,;.1 'I,'" "1111~ : I I ", 1,,'1 II,.,L••·11.. " 'ulr">i"l( IlIlIh '1,11 lla,:,,,',.d ,., •• ," "1'111I, II", ,,,' ..u!.., h' 11.13 1I1~"ll .•1 .',I,,"ll~ "s·Iolll ..u '''I'''' "1:>0_,,1,



'11 ".


DIll' GUODS,D1:\' GOOll~,


I){!" II A'lli,~CAl's,

.. '

\Yholemlo.1 and r:et:U.l-D1::.\.u:a 1;);-

C, C, BARTLETT, Plo,'r,


Crocker".Crockcr~, 6I'ock~ry,


n~\nTr.F.TT"S COUJ:-"~.

O~ PU 'ET 80U)/O,

TIo.rt.l\f'a:-c,IIo.rdwarc, Hard.ware

llll.rt.lwnrc, ,

l'OllT T01l'!iSr:~;!), W, T•

,ll7:Tl:doTS,._ A' flOES, CO;"''''l"'I:()O'I'S,p jS110ES~l;t;r'JJllO'IO,__SIIOE :~,


C~~JAfB"c.~~[.r~"t~!T !

,The Lowest, Price~.





ll{,'T'80LlD GOI,O AIm 8[LVEl~


TOBACCO~Gigars!lioBACGO,Do(),.,~ and lNn(l()wN.

EaMn'tIl{J Impfc7ILBnf..,-:,

lJ'u,J'U'1 t UI'C.

](!all POller.,, "{ I

, ., . ,r- ?'j'\JtADd'a.r.otg'o UIIbrtlllont oe Good" ur

elluwerlltCtI, I¥llicu woo"'ill 3cllilt

1\110 llo fino :I.~iOrtnl(lf'It of

Clocks, G Solid andClo.k., .:.' PlalllllSII••tacles,· Sllr!:rSpoclaclL., -,-.. "are,

1:)'<" [;-It:kl D .,J Marine a"'J!J31wtftl 'natrulQ Qta.

Etc., 1:(('.

Go~ds l'Iananted as represented.


cs.u.J. and rtpUmI by • Grn cl..worll:malli ..d wvn.oted

for one lear.

In thn n1!'antil1lc )'01:1' mo!h/'l' wl'l3ltern. 1

"Wel:'lol nftl'r Ihii," It\· ~tlJ\'ll, aflel' 1\

11.\1l,e, "yonr gmmimotlll'l' 101.1 HlCJ thMleuriug HOlue llcci.!UIL !tad ItltJ1Ill.:IlCII tome, lUi J wo..<t aW/I\' ~o lat/'. lihc rl'Sul\'~l

10 go ill l';('urc!1 of 10". :-:h" lO:lk "ome:UlIll1ulJition m:tl It.1l!s (!Jut nCl'cr tlrc:'11I1.ing of Inllil\ns n<;<;nihu.2 I:~)I HIIlI hel' own~un anl! my ltc:lviu rille. III p:ls~ing

throu,;h tho \roo,J" hile !lllW lL li;;ht.Appronc11ilJ;; ('.lUtlOllNl.\· tL!ll11)oisl'11"5SI~',

to her 1101'1'01', Fhe :':lW IIlO Jlotlld to a

1!'Cl', and thl' IJ:lintctllientl'l nround Ul('.

Inste:td of J:lil1liug, ~ho !ICC:lnte cnlm~IIJ fi'ROlutc, nnd loo\1ing thfll tilles, r!lletired them. ~ach tinlO tlllnblill'· O\'er aflRl·nge. Then /l[10 hl1stily relo~Jcd thegUlla, Hut hho htld onl)" tln opportunityto I):'ll oue of them before the sang dill·Illlpcnl'ed. Tho rest of the IItory )'ouI:no,.,"

"0.:J$lll)'," I'XcI~iJII I WD. 1.0 a ..tilho.l'I )l111I'..oiln, "ho..-1 It ..iIl it. tAkeh~n;ing to I'Nlllltt dMltJJr-' uT"'enl,or at ~Oft Ulirty, 0I11J11;"" repliedtil doctor ,_tlt.in, j "but .b, do ,oa

II: r • ~, bea.,. 1»\ Jli,bt J•• a m..n. ....1 I ruc hro mortal'oun, &Ad b~ ian', dMd It'L· "'YOlldi I f' t"J:tla1med lb. d I emp t.­i I,. "I b""fla', _rd .. win1l otaki.,1et. WIMlr.dJd tla' IIWI hug'" llU."M bueiDI 10uod a MJouo up tOWIIi·

n,Ulo-;, \It, plllbl.. ;.~ pI.,_

My Grandfalber'o Rtory,

gut tit th ti'lle of whii'h I nm 'Ipl'akin;;~lll' waS !oil 110 coul!ition to tramp ill the

John HOI'l'(,)" t.:\t up!)n hi~ porch. w\X.d;t."rooking Ins pip~ wilh ~r(':H ('on!('llt , "On'l Ih~'1 'luil':! !lltfo-·iL WlIS n('I\1'while he lookl'li down Upllll ..hu wah.r.i liUUI[O\\'Il-1 WU!! ChOJlpill'; wooll n~ :\of tho Ohio :\mi \I,':tkhcd thc l'a!lSl~e ul' good di<;t,.n~t' from t!lf:: hou!(', JtI~t II!!

and dowllihe "Iitam of stc::uullmlts lind I \,a~ f!uOU{lO 11\1'0", mY' nx on 111\'l'cs'Jels whose hroad hails wert,! fllle,II,)' shoddt:r ancl trudgo l;omnWllnl-thctho 8Or~ WilHt.~ that calllc from thtl,hr.,c· bhadoll's of llll' tre,'!l LCl'OlIIiu,!{ longertion or ,I...loll l':rie, IIwrepill~ across the :uulthc light llulll'r-I heur.tlle lll~ak·Shte in litful curl'f'lIL{, ing or dr~' Iwi,6"ll 11<'nr IIU", 115 if ~Oll'lC one

JOh'l U:lr\'('~' W:t~ 1\ limn ""'rgill,!; was (,:lUtiou~ly !'tcppin(; un them. IUllOll tUrt'O !icore :\lIll tca. lLi~ hair \f:t~ luokc.'Illlbout 1110 I/ut ('0111,1 t>~e 1Iothin~.\l'bite nn I hi:'! fl\ SOI'10willlt wrinkk'd, Kow it IHlppened thnt J did that lillYbu' h(\ WIIIl )'C," Cl'\~~~ of c.urillso-a 1It.:lI. ""bat I Illd ~el'cr ~(jJll) hetor~; J forgot...·o.r~ looking Ulllll. who, in his )'out1l 0 t..t.ke Ill)' rille ...·lth mo.an,\ in hi:'! prUllCI ILUlfit ha\'o UefJll llcth'll "When Ilmt! got Il,bout Iln1£ way onami 11Q11rcrful-:1 \'er>' IIcrclll~ ill fonu my jourucl J foum{ DI)'lOelf in no tlCIlSCand str~ngtb. piece of woGJI:'lIld, but thinking no hum

John Loaatcd heint; OUll of tl.e carl>' r trlll.lgetl into iI, 6ingillg to l':1s:' thetlioneerw of Ohio. He srl1 enttlrOO time. I ht\d just noout got into tllCthILt wild wunlry tLnd eommrllced in heart of thill woot! when I found myselfthe ...·00.13 ell'aring a home for himself luddenly surrounded b,· [Iitting, dnncing A Thorny Road to Destruotlon.and hiJ )'oun~ wlfe-l\ \"ef)' auracH\'e tigul'()s, 1 stopped ami watched theliegirl ~he muat hn\'e been "'!Jtn she fil"llt sUadowil, not llu:lginiug da.n;ter, The royal roal! til newspapcr honor illboc:l.lllQ Mary Han'c)', (or cven at the l'SudJelll,1l terrilic .....nr.whoop, _01\\ "ery steep a.ud l'cr)' rocky. Take thotime of which 1 Rm writing, ....hen sbe out of u dozen throats, lilled the forest, case of a.ll MSl'ir.anL who comO!! to tho11"1\1 wdl pl\st her sixlil'lb uirlhdaJ, ~bc alld then ht:fore I reeo\'ercu from my mQ.ll11&;liIlS edilor of a certain meb·opoH.ItiIlIH.t<SOl1t.eu tho apJlcll.l'lt.ncc of having llstonisbment 1 found my8Cl1f surrotlndetl tllll pllJlel', lIIJ is referred to lhe citybeen beautiful J-l~r C.\"C.!I were )'ot uJ pllintetl dovils nourishing we:l)10:lS of editor. 1'llst :mlN:rat fJueJition" hiri",bri~llt, largu and bluck, aud wIlen at 811 c,·cry .lIll\'agtl flillbion. J uUemutetl to I\OOUt. his cx:>cril'lIctl and flutls it nil. Jtexcited. 81.Le looked liku what she h:ld u'.e Ill)" ax upon thO_ill l.iclldll out tLl\Y IIi'! Illll1enrfllll'e )leWl(,3, u,nl! Ihero iiipr\l\'ell hCI"S(M, '" dllling WOu:lIlIl-jlU Iwd c.ilculnled upon this, Ilnd Lefore 1 rOOlll ill the olliel', he ill told to come theIltoh a 0110 ali 1\ Ilion!Cr \\'oullkwiwely 60- could geL it (rolll my KIIDuhlcr I l\'a~ next day, nmL tllt\t 11I~ will I,e gh'!'nlect 10 flCClllnp:111J llim int') II 8tran~(' struck 011 the ri:;ht IU'm with II. uC.1vil)· work on u llPl:lCC"_tIlUt is llait.l for wllntl"'llt

aill!O~tbo 'w;I~lnmr- \<f"be vhi" londL'llsti\lk. h Wll14 JI:lral)'lL'l1 (or the laB wriLc~ nt f.O mucll P(; column, He

r • 1 , "-'. 't' 1" en' .,," 'I I 1· I' ,el)OI·t!l J\ tho 0:'."<' ,.w,'eo " ,I 10' "rlun llDli Ie jlllJec 111 morll ,,~)"s,t lil,n .. ,om "I u III 011 Y weupolf rou u .one. 1 I. II I I USE ill my defl'1I6o IllY ILl IIl.V~t\.'et. It week, l)'crh~l)lI t:lg one u!lSil3n~lMtti or

II When ~ra.ry Mil I Onto Cll.me into Wllf in!>lllolltl.r picketl up ~y 0110 of tho detail/t·Etch da)', 'lfnd'~lndll on puy <Ill)'

thi" "'ihlcrne,,,,," u'i,J JC'llIlI

nM ho reo Clew aridl "-&:'I hurriocl to llo Illr;,."O beec~ tont he b:l!5lcdrlled '810 lIud hasl;pent~a

moved hilt tobllcco !Jil)Q from betwl.-en trot', Bnd tictl with rop!t:!, which r S!l.W for c::l.r f:lre, 'fl]{ nc,,'~ i!t scarce cud hehis lip! amllookcllup to\'tllrd his wife

lhr.d Uet'n sto[en from my o....·n b!l.rn ! does 1l0~ I)os~etl!l ouu!lunl ener"'y Il~

who wu shnding ueAr Lim, p~1'tly 1'('St. uWbcn they hlW so tiod DlO thnt I hills may not l\'vcl'llgo moro th~n' thising her body by plllcin: it a~inst Iho could 'not ID()Yd 1I tOl",h wa~ Ii~htcd nlHI nmount for nn 't'ntire Summer. InlillchRidlt of hilLgrcat home.made IlrIU cb:lir, l.Iy tbe r~[I~tion ou ca.~1l f:'lee I 8 tW' tbat II CJ~ he g:enerally abandolls t.ho busi­U it wa.s full of rndianl-t~eherol1' they Wflr~ fiends a.ntl rillations of tho n~~ antl takes tip eallle ocoupationfellow! they were, foo.-bul; tbej'''o all lDan J had lI.cddcntnlly kHIM. which doe.llnot demllnd 80 milch of itsgon.e; tb.t.V'V6 jUIIl dietl ou\-molted III began to talk to them of th"ir e"il followers. Jf ho really i3 in IQ\'o with FAN tn ''f,r n 0 0 D Saway as ,tow disnppears hefo", tho CG!lduct, but they only .laughed 5.l\ll the work Ilnd fools tho sbimulus whicJt 'V.I. "li'f ,heat of tile Ilun,·and ll!t lIi1ently, They ho\,Ied. ,They illformed me that if 1 come8 from eagar rh·nlr,. with competi.dtne "ery n:lflr settling me." he allded, wila bravo H \\Ill!! nol'<' tho time for me to tors for tbe best reporb of local inci·art~r u. .h~.rt pau!Se. "It wa, when I ahow how r. palo hC9 quId eUlturo the deoLa, h. "'ill soon Ulake B lllJit" and gotbudt my cabin aud commenced to fix up fire! mOr&,'Y'Orlc, or Olli6,IJO placed on " regu.a bi~ And b~t for Ma!y bere, 1 guCSll IlAt t1d8. f9ur ~or five of the p3.inted !ar l>ahtry. 'l'l~en his ~nrtller l'~ogr'S8they d Il.lve tilUshed me. 6end.ll ran mto tho woods, ono carrying l~ only 1\ (Ioeatlon. of a.Lility, health nnd

," TfOll~~ t *~, ~dlatll~" I my ax, in ortler td gMher up dry, t .....i~ lIUlB. ChunglJil will o.."'Cur in thc oOictutd, I-hMl If..Iarrl _1tW1lI..Llt be. ,Mntl brll.llcll03 tha.t would r(!adlly h! nnt! promolion, though Iilo\V, will ~fore, bll~ l\ql' rj'l d t.flil from hi!! or Ililed"Aholit 100 und Brod, dl'stroy mCi suro,t~lllllU l)Vbf).Wde:st hi~ tMlllt a~grj),ndlJ,o~f!("'Jip', f , • ' Wbllo these pree::u-ations were soin'" 011 does bl.S, wqrk ""~b' ~~t tllCro.,is" no

II 'Vel', it. happened in ,tllia wise:/' he I lhousat ot'tn:rllo~'wife, the condlLioll rOUlance p.bput. tile 1I11l1\9:!'8. '1'qe 8110-b' - WI I 'tb h 1cess! 1 Lc" b .' ",,' 1egan. u lCD ontered 0 wil,ler II e Wll8 in ll(Id tIlo daJlger she wCluld b, u rep'~ r .mo.y p.come "~ta cor·nes!! [thought I'd ..,,(.justly toward the 'J:poeed to ifllobe devils"after they ha. rp:;IJOlyrW~ I or city edl~or, or 'i1g1h ccij.red men, I\~ l!ele ir I coulrln'lo bUT a uest.royed 1Xl1l,.lhould venture to th torl!Jr! ooitoriol writW' Bu't whethorhundred or l~'o 'aM1' of t.be Ii d ihey cabill. ~iij wor~ _(3 to writn

l, or rd\ii1lc OLI,OI'

own$ I' oink, this I boped to 60. "Whilo I was tblll meditatio"', the rffieu '8 vmhn~, ho wilt ljo coinpe11ed tocure t1l ir rtl daMp And tlllll8lLVO my. torch being momonlo.riIYI).ullht!d ~ near 1~~>61' hard, nnd generally unde.r prenure.leU from future trouble or dl\n'ler. At my f3Cthtlmt.,tbe skin W1lS blistered thf Bis hOUri of labor o.~ consbll'tly mcn·that tin~e t1l:. "'iIIAp of t.he Iodians was report of Ii riO~ \US hf'ard, p,at! 9n'e of Qc~d by li~dJe.n deffiMlllt for extrn work.plaoed at the mou~h of the Licking the Indhms wLo had boon dancing Otten healt.acisht liotrl.ll unUer II. gn.,1ightri.\'e~. in ;JFentIiOlt.11 ju;'t Oppolile wliere "round tho tree, .lItandinA' oftener I)n !Jill ut tl~e D;lOS~ exacting tas~ ~rrcfi;uDg theCmolntlat,l now 1&. 'V-:lI, I !aW the Ln.nds tban o~ his fect, whil6 in that at.- llastiJJ'-wl'lt~n p1l\UIl8Cr;lPI o.f local re·head men' oLtho Obio tribo, and for titude tumbled over deilQ. 'I.'hore wul porter~ Hf ~y'8t Ill!!O t1hll {~ero nro noa dOv.l'll81 keta, a fM ir6n,!ool",,& ~~of iustant commotiorl llmo119 thA l!Ma~C~' IApseAr4\ tb,. srl1C?Ra~1 =Ii~t lJ\~ inab­c~red to~, powder, MOt., lOme old bul; berUrd lhey retOVOreJ (rom thei~ c.!Utllf1C ,HW,\~lJlfn~~ oro ~1'1~~' Jptt fonyhats ana clothea-,they: wr.nled whisky, IU'W~ IL scpo",- Aepd. ~re l!Ie4 i~ .. IilSelou~ QSlIertlllll~ ~ro ..t"icl!e(I'r,that: ~Jbut ~ouJ,ln'tllfi9G, l~ ~therv-thty t"ni1 lIeelskrn TOfi: lnillw\et IUlll' WoD expr08S1ons .of QP.lnlQIl.are c.u~ out. t~e.." .lrwL neulyU tIiouIU. tWU. • .IIt It.1.ndiog be'Gre "Wl"P\eroifiql' q-is era. wVK",~m.olealL Jl~Velaptl.deta.i.lIl, nt'ld...as JV'~ the land J wantIKI. E.very. torical powe~ fell.Oat on bis/ace. JU3~ .tllCI1) SlY" the lI.rtlc1G8 altra~ivo headthing ''hl tiOnA f.~)1 ~nU(tb. i: .re. _I a report.,:.f .tho ICco;n.J1~gul. ~"lII bpard, ~inea. '£0 (ollo~. t,hi! j, work IIi", 'ni~hlstumN to lilT calMa. Mary"'&1 wlth a boll trashed througli1bftj IIk'll. Tbey 10 ,the lWeek tet~ tbe,atl'onge8t COntlltu·'lie. au "/.D~ t -work to make,.4bioJ' forgot me arid'rihule'toward' the river' tl?n. pn all tlufl~t IdIlU, papers int:olllelike and com,fottabl~ '; tOrI xoil~, but Ulel b.nd1la.ardly rl1n a dozen )'a.rd~: f~e iC¥'dMg .c~ti~~lthe F.r#e lot th,o~ manwe expected tLernJ &pI?h be Itn'add liOn wb'l\ a. q~vil wbo held the handle of II who comes lIl~~oY-fqahl'PI a. nO,lrjico andto ourfa~~y. (,4 18CalningJWriitery1 in Ilis moul;h and wilo take!! an""po.IlWGa....w thll.t of ~llWe~thing."ent~{bely fornearl, had'moro\'bal'OJlllf tbrel1t~ed to raise porte~~.. aa;-o~e ·n, .. Itl1o.Y nd. T'e " " 'I

two month. j the Indianl didn't come my hait','wd, ail hOBrd Il third repor~ fact thaI; a maL doe.'I e!lC8p8 t1.y1 1 BAR'lL'!,ETT'S I

nar UI; and wo aupposed 'rom tba.t struck: in thfJ stomach. He fell aUli neee8ltflrY drudgery 19 ngainst hiA CUlU~ 'they coDside~1 ollr land 8llcred where wri~~od a~ ",ly f~(lt i1l terrible agonies u.llefuineM a9 e:" editO!', .He ",m n~l' r J I 1Stthey b¥l no rIght to onten tBut at the I plttoo hlW. 'rhe ~lird abo,", no ona of know the relative nlue of 'flews. and e\&9 0 ry nrnend of the lleCOnd month trollble enroll which bad f.iled tq mtss its object so ooD.lItant.ly ted to underrate t.he lit)po WI ijJ D lY IJu~n us in a bOQ~" b grew out. of an Mgbtcned.tbe c[cw:llhat not e\'on ;tol)' anl',c"'of loedf l trlllluHs. "AmJ tlle rnl r I I t

aoou.lellt,. ,I wall I~ the WO?"I hun~inJl'l piu;: to RlI.n.or up their delid, they Nil, winch ncgle~lr1ocal'bfl" . tU:ld is pe~~ tJ ) i. ' •• •

and pe~lVInganObJl'Ctmo\'lngcaullolli' IIwrfd,. a"'''{. , .. II '0\11'1 .."ten Ill' a~ntote ~rprllulg C~}ltlnl ITotcl ytuldms,~1 at & diltADce, ~ving ". sonr. "While':",'" fflhs rejoici6p. in my rival.is sure to ~'Tlu:a.vily iu the cft': Uelld of Un\9n Wh~l'f,Ibg on It'thlt lookl'd h~e the dun of A her.rIo at the ttmely lI,'Utillt&nce tha~ hlld c~atlon. ... Delpl~"tl:te' bAN' ",.rk I~Dtll!~ "IJ ' I

~I~k ,bear! I though.~ I d have a !hot ll.f, t~ul c.omo. to m~1 l triad to look in tb(l la~ ttotll" t1.lere I!l a'l f11~r.ll.ar attract:lOn .t""ort TOWDSel,:ul W.T.~t. eo-.enllg the IRlm~, a.'I [IUPpo!'ed dlrecttun In which the !bots bad come, a&out. ~ewllpaJler ''f'~~', J,oumahHm "Jt t~ be, I palled .t.bo trlg:::er, r.nd when The torch bad been extipguishoo, ttnd ~e8tle8. tl. ~tllnuly.9 .-i¥im?wll in more --- ,rd lO.llred hly "fie, tl:e ,"noke clearing {Ol' s&\'ulllminuUlS J 6iootl bollud tothe abud flrofeHHIO"A. .,'1'he fondueN of i~ Tho Fine:l~ Stocj~ ota....a" I K&W it l,in~ OR the gl'l'lund mo. In:-eJ in 6 silell~ fl..s dea,t as die ni"'ht memberll tor BohemU1.a. life .nd thoirh.al~ I hurried u~ to.ib aud ~ my WIUl ullrk.. • d~~~tiou to tho bmlinel!l resemble th~wrpme found t hlld 'ulled loa Indian of '·.After u. wl.i1eJ 'aintly htulrd tL8 if ~lon of o.ctqrs for tJlO IltH~('. :Menao~bte reputation III a brave or it ore tho flteps of a pllnther 0; wild. will ,t...y in journ81illlll, tbnugh the,atlb<lllel He had, lluppoect.l, put on ClIS, aomethiD'" wlIlkih: e:\tttiousll O1'er m,.,ke fil-I'loulmonay lilan tbuy woulJa be&r', 'kia th~ botter to hunt, h was the dry bral'llble.'4 lht Iii led the fore"t III other pur>iuitlt which n'quire fer l/'IL'I'a «lm~on pft,chet '''long t.he r&t.I mon. I ~hought. i~ wu une of t!l.I5ItV"~' who exertldn. - A nmable iliM&nco or thia1 eamed till' b)dl of the dQ.'\d mr.n to .as lD.kiug hil 'IIay to "'bero 1 etWltll to pcrvenity 'f'll.' (urnj.,~ell by tllIl Newmr cabln an~ ha t;ned to n( tify hiA bntin ant.!. tbellllCCllp me. i:Iut Wholl 1 \'~"k World, which uleJ to ~t of tlu,f~end.. "ben I d rt.1atetl ho .. tLe ao- b.d wo,ked U11lMM in:.o tbu.· belief, at hnght6.iL 8tlllr of u.ny 1'1Iftl'r III thut cit.f.ride 'harJM!brd, r nwn that. there Wtre IhG allle tillle "tr.in.ill.~ c.~ry nerve to Th~lnt'~ 'A'l'lrl.l till euIJ..g.6 gnWlJllVo", allli(tCl&ll11l1 aud laJ~n 100\1 tul"Md UllOa bllnlt. unJer the eON' tbat und me tL'lr dallr nu_-eung~ 'tfe-r6llCd%d willt.... Ho ..... I rttameJ ant:umwd to 1 lei' a halld touch mille!. ' Wit. and humor. 1Iu, tllf' 8taadlQ,!J jon.,~, bel 1 afttr • ft~rn"er of '11 cril"d bOJ\IIlelYi 'Who'. thi, r for newro~"e". was that a man must doI. '-'ric" folio.. laud na tI ..al 'IAu~ lo my IIlwniJlmelll, my "ife in Itlre4 outI1de IIler.v1 WOI I ~ the (jffiCftAt .... lMIl DOl ..til they h.d 'U.... 10" voice hflr 11m troDiLliu-' 1'1 lX wu a clul\ t.l-e UIIClI ea or wl,lell w~relMd plMlI w" b"l1 h,j cit mC!l)t. a~",.·e.ml' It' btuipr th'ntl·c ll;r.lane. p'd liT tile

..... tile '-r'. . ,-,4 lIIIe dNd II 'J1~ Jobn.' • I I)(.r c.o tIle nlembr~ •• '. . F'.~tdal''''tr'f'lbl "'[ .._It. t.lGltpeak, ..he.n epat.

1 J Iw. ,II ron m, montb anll the-II witb Ill)_t. ,... ...,I pUJ. tllIAIJJl1 bd" .... ~t. tho ronJ.. tLs,.............. t 'Iwf w«,," boa,tt<I IN.

• t a.t, •. 01laR, John r l'tpell.&N.

II 1M I .. U~1. It aa 'OllrL hue• oM. oJ.A'

t I ... "I too!l' it io 00. 01 ml haJld~ aDdt.b-1l JHt.LUDJ aD .nIl &rOIlDd hI' .,il~f c.unaJ II oat. of tho wOOl!. 10 tbe~

"W1I... w, _~ e.1l~J, and c1c.daDd d ,la. door, It." fainted. It""III&A, hOUn bdore .b, 'OOOf'lrrd.

Page 7: 8(Je~~ A GU - Wa



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,to 'Or





Remedy for


T.I :\.rlE~.

& Co., P.rc;>p~e~~~,Portland. !'9re~oD,



.. I . _/I I'

.JlcclJ11'tpa'lly .:l::acl" l l ac/fllUC.

. -',

1'1 I

the World as ll.






.,' J,


.1° 'I ,1'1 '/ , \1 ." ..,I

Tho ('didon Q~ the OFFidt.A:-,f. GAZETrE pub)~hed by m.e twoyN.fa o.go IilLS been entircly e~austC(J, !lull has added, Its .~oportion totl:l'I tnauence3 wWcl\ aM .o.ltmcting tho thoWl&Jld8 of lwmlgranu ~010U


A.'ll.! ~C'oolcri\ting tbe Mrclopment .of 011: nntur.l~ re8O~t"OClto :rile 0­nl~~L1 for !tllch flo work is oonsumtly mcrea!llnpl anll fo !\zece thlt rt.,uunz'!lr ,hWl ""'illcn the 8COpe of the OAZETrE, cb:mge t~ farmlAnd.·iMine Itbtrot.lter in te'o.,J&r mouthl, pam uuder the I.bove tille, , Iftl~ilI bo

- • Devoted to Statifltical Information:'Concenling tho material reBOurcta or ,<!n'o'Ol1 lWei Waabi~gton ?drritoq:inc1udieg tlt full t1escription of the Ciuell, TO\m1! Bud ,Co\tllh.ee.. Topo­~pt,icaJ AI'pc:t.ranee. PopuLation, Orow'h, ltmunOM lo.l\torpr~ Limor Oflioor-. II nd a compIe:..

Businells and Omoilll Direlltor~' tOf did StIoUi.nd Turritory. I,)ur n.;ncultural, 1lI1':'lUlt '1'S, u\;,cll " ~h.minillg, mllUufllCtuflll$t .1\11 .11 otllPr materw.1 llllel'MUI of tbe enUrefZtate ami Territory will he fully rf'pn...e.nted,

~rr, ll, 11. Clbtcn wI:l ha.\".o 1I~I~oJlltt,e IiUllOIYiiliO~ o! the de.~ur br.n';inc ;)ut the work, awl ""II ""'1\ all parta of Lho StM,;o and Teem­'er! l~r~.I1}' tn ir\.'ltlr" illl accur&loA c(lml>le\.UI.,.!t.

We ,.haU ••\,1 to <a~b IU It-hIT llCU't lDt.crMung bl_, IIketcliOi. \JO..t."1,"'I1II! or 10.:.1 1>i "ll)', ne"~ WI" etc., et.c.

_ loi Mnl'l, til cnl1~,Y:A'QbecriptiODt.t.300 p"r anoum.,*tI ·'10 oe.n: .. "~:~I




~o.n.c.1 "th6 'Z"o1.10 'QI71D.G r~o .. t;1%U.o:til~1:.J'\.. I r·Olln.,O:l'Il. OT~. Jul)' ~,~78P~ ,, My IUoIl1al" Il'cra Ill .. "err ~~'I OO..u.tIOll. Th. Uri e ....' lIkJ brick dH,I .....·1 I .lllrfl'lli a ~t ~)I 'Illb·

my!:l,k, hI IClnt>Jk-. "c!r~ 1II1lt\'l\hn'! clUt'll trle! t e Ol:I:.hJ" I\l\)~r:~' T!..~. "ItIJh ",1fU m....llllo,.ll'c.ll~t, "11<1', , ~, f1, 1l.\~IIOTOff} {

l'o~Tt.)~lt. t"'I!'ll:n. AUj:lIIIt· 19"1,1I:I\1n,: .. tcferc bfIol'taehr h,e Wl'l"f' I w" 1!I<11l~ed l) try tIn 0::':00,/ "lllSla Tr. \.. I 10'Jnd4c'"'1

~~~~~Ji!~rl»uJt.I. It ..'~ Il~t ilia ~ 1I11111.~~ to~. t1lo.11 IlUt~r,I'" I ",eUl~OmU;~f~.1Jat~tf.*"

11M! Olll::Gn~ RIIJSr.V n:.\ hIlA f'Irt<1 IIlV tark lnd IiIJlle\~ aDd 1~;~ll~.~"r~?:~p':YC::'~~~tr'IIMUarwl.,l'. rq,OI moor Iha OUJ;UV:O; ~11I:>t.Y T,:A _1I11 plC:OillN 1.'11 e.tlllt....,~1 hlllhl,. l'IIt'omlD-.rI I' •• I'Hf Irlll.d!""J _lutllnl,netOl. J. II. to. lIOW~I~O (~l}' llcolU!Ir").

• rlluL_\:fn. Or~. Jul)' 31. 1S1t.1lWhn.. I wlIo,ln T11l~mo1O:' b~~ Wlllkr. I "',ulllt<Jele;z In lIIr14~k ani lil.lIlo:}·'lIG th It .... I allllolllm.. ,

~'.. f"rlll<llo n'&tlaj'0'III".I. Wbe,!1 ~"fI'he/d I~ 111.111 ...Il..:llr)" lhu om:oo:s KlllS~:Y TXA. 1 clT,ritfn~1~i'~~~ Ir::.CllJ, ;o.!o ,••,,:\11, In, ;: b_ll ,·:I ••tel" r""MoI WA> I _I hh'hlj r~dOn.....1Id lit.~ ~ii~ ....

I ,f:CODVlo'1lf'Jt~•• O:ut'lt" O«ettb", U, 1B7~: /n'llh nl'-Ielt Ital wlte b.~.. lleen rut 10011 rail. alll:cWd ..itll dt.>IlIIl' Lb. "hill")'" AII~ h_wZlrillll ry:ul'

rvueJ"" .. IUlGut Ilbtal,rllu' "'Il' Iler",ar"J~ rella,. ,\lll~lIll1rueolll"mtlllllo'lU '" ",,,"'!II "'1011111 Ir),. pactllII"I ofthu OftOOOS KI!)~l'.Y 'n:" "" ..lUl'" "p!Y'Nlt'r.ntlN1J ~tlf'i).' It?t~ 0/ UlI, •• ~1"3oll;ltln:.: It l'I." ..euh WI~~~lr~ c:i1'ih~lt~:t~~(l'~"~~~~U' WJ ~n h;:rtUy rn,ulI~n I It t, uIII.u otllllU..:IJ aM~~l't~ ~t,~~JIer.

6 •~~TO~I'. ""-': n. ~.Iirf", 1179.Ilih I'lllll."'ll'll In tMillrlllJl tto Ull merit. of Ill, lU:aO:> KIDl\l:\' rr~:A, t'..r I.ltu &fo'tt throlO ye&l'Il n",.

bill" III~iilllf n-ulll Kldne)' -.:tubl..... :Nld,dutlng a. IU'" II",·.. ,1.1 ..uu11_e'"'' ~In i of KI/tIla)' molf~'ll' illIhu Dl.riivt. almf)li\ ..It!lout In)' "Ud. IlI.vln,r hl!.....l tint ~.1 OI\KOIJ,i b;IIl:Oi,:\' T~ l ="J "","lliertul~~lecor): ~,f~~""''' plck,,~ lInJ rrllil/ tl;c aM dlMJ ~ht.oi Ill'! rdief• .,111 b, til.. \I"'Olsllrul::t~I~~.tid

, " I ,~.n'lIJJ1 Cln. 0ll'''''''1. (\:t'b;r '. 1S111.lllU'1l rtnll)' 111:1' I 'Il·I.'IIUa:..Jtlll tnt"" """L!a,1I ot to",:':o'ha .........ra 11>.£ I .... n••liu.. t ,,;flhh!ll uI' 'Old

'r0\l1tl1l o'lflltC'n 1I1~ I 1I;lij eu~ D.\c,"MJ 0( tM om~OO~.lilll:lt:\" 'P1..:.\,alld I "'" 11l.·_111'llf'"u}lWd tllM Ia... rt:llldrCldo),lulltlp. •. • JQlfSW.',PSUElli

I IlbnimlJIIIUJ. OJ'q:lUl. D8ett11~""S1, I&W~I 111:l.~ utcd tba ORI'.oO:'f mf)~~:\' Tll.l. tor r-Inlln to'l) 1.1:11;, aad 111m QUdr I ... llh 1\01 o,tflllll', and do IIttIIWt.ltC'tol""9lW1lf~"I••~alllllolWlJ~'''''lJIfd,). n j ~lT.IfVO~1't

• • . 1j..u'lftt11.O Olf/{olll, Ueaelll~r 1I1. lS'll.• ThtoaWlQS "Ill~r.\' -0:' II.... or",,, II')' ",Ire u ;/·1111 nM. tIl<IN l~ .....11 a'11of tllll IllIlll)' Ie'Md«'~h~ Il:tl uo4'd fer Il;lln. II. t!te b.ock, ",ill 1Wtl~,.. lllO 00 llo'OUJ rJll1l~' (w; llo <llec.\4lo.... wlI\~h It It TCCltlIllO~..daIfer. t· , " A. 1f.'''''O~~

fluT:" th'1la ~tl.. 'l:' ,,,,uI~Ul:lI.1 ,,It'l "nocr'!I''''1I It. 'II' nlC~~~=i ~=~:l'l~,~to'if&wN'J\IV.'\t:\· TJ;.\ "IJ I.)' tlt~ tllDG 111,,1 uwd OUd hall el II I wa, ~ll\i""l)' ,..;Uo,'., I..J lu•• ll\l' ~II lJllllbkliarMf. I eIl!lrfllll)' Nl~'''tIlI!flJIt l-11il1 ......11 m., btIfl1!1'Jrln{ trurn I. h:ll~ "r w~u bc.elt. ll.lII 1l1·~~'-OII,-l:itlll.lKliOOll n"lllIldy. , II • ", I U. J. l.lIIl(OiI.l'·

r,rhe J?ac~fic Monthly

CONOl!J%\.~/~T.n:D :m:x.T&JACT.\\'lilcll NlI:lallll CI 1"1;;~U6 0: Ibe: 10:.:n: in ~ f~rul ~~n\"~:fa: for t..ue!eN IIIId Ollittr

, • 'I' r •

, .. ---'-

Palos"n 1hc Rack nnd Kidneys,~on.Hctcnt1on or "rioe.

Inftamwntloll or the Bladder or li.ldnen.•n1nbetes.. '

Urick Dust Deposit 10 I!rlue.Lctlcorrbma. '

Xer\'ollsnes.~ "1'.lu£'" or, &upp.....ed ilIe.'lryll,..

•\llI! "ilthl f'Oll.'I'"1I.\ntol '.IM},\I' ".em a d:.e.-..o.1 "" '::""lhJ:e.z IUt,,-ol Cit 1\1 11111)'1 or UlliIuJ 0 of cllb ,j... :t 1I1.I'lhU.LY. 'o(~fa;U8LJ::AII'1E:>TJitt:L\' U.\K.1LI:,kl, 1111 Il\OllI:l.I.'ly ..LapiN t6 ttll n~OtW'oGI~.nll Chllo1r.ln.. t pi'u!: t. llie ".It ,

Leaf of" the Plant in its Natural State,.'or UI(III ..hn ..lJb t.l1lU~O their a',11 T~::lnd for l.l,,* whose IlloJ~ 01 Ilfa nnole:.a dJ!ll~llt~ to da tb~ ",aInn'll,cp"'ul;l '.. .. "


The 'Oregon Kidney Tea!

St. JllcohK Oil Conqul!rK Pain.• ~" .T,~eQh!l :Oil nonq~crll P,lin.

F:lt. JtH.'f'Ibs Oil COII.\lICrK PRill.

DrngglsC!\ fttl,11..-::jJrlce .GO C'('llt~.

: • II,; •

I' .... fI 8(:':11::;'" "rlf ~~"1II1a.'f ~r'cllle lind0111'.11 IIlc t;,...lt~l \'l\rII'I,. IUUI

"'hl~1 U~ll:a or \Vllr".

Those wlto ·lHl.VU tried'it l:ro ueli..htC(!Iwith itl Ill'! it il'llt.~ o:cDY till.t:;T

~1,WISl'l ~IACIIIN.;.,·that ma.\;.~,tho LOOK lmTcn.

.....;IU;CAt:!!f. IT. IS .•.•

The E[lsi~st to Learn.Tile E:tslen to Mnnage,

TIle !Iost D'~Uble,'Che Llaht ft Ruunluj:.

.. ~.ASI> I Eft......

'l'bc Jlost L'crrcct 'Yorl,.NO .sJIUTTLE 10 2'11REl1D

The Most Wonderfal Medical DiscDvery

T1',.~" .... ,f1. ftUI lJt .urt lit ,1l1i nl) hll)" It

-"!lentlil 'V•.alt_c,<1o

WHEELER, &mLSON; 11131 TI1ird St., Portland, agn.__ _ _ _ j;.I'Ij.~".c...-.__~

J li~

"D'L"l.B,OXS ~ ~G.Ur.~H:RAL A'JL"Tll.

uommlst4011 Ind lo'urwQrdlng lIe-reholl,ilJlIIVrolll'lrM'l. til WubJnlrtllQ abeet,

1"ot\ll\lld.OIlIO, Han "·...D"If.lln,O.1~M'I.laJl..flll,.11 .1"." VI Ibl I'lll, or Wool,1"~~~~ln alill )I,ndUOlI" 1'OrI~~~,~'"t

It t. th(t nul MlIoh'l1 ~ If:!!l7(11"" n ~ Liable'G .et out;' 1"

Wo pl.ce it on tml wllh.l!Jl ot lar ", Machine, In the gp~ld.

It WlL'I .WilU.lCI· o\\cr Eighty Coml'ctit­Ot'll· ill Puris iu 18jH.


IJf hi mn"'II'" CUI' IUll'rnllHI' nr Il,,,,rlllu:: In .·CltIKlUHO (It r.nr ntlvCrlhlt­OIenll .. nil" 1.:&!>lIF yau 11'111 "lelfIUI .....,''''111 ']10 ".Inuc' or I rHO ""rllIl', I

Ttll'" liN: Pili up tJll rclall .a"~\Orlnltlll'IU

J .... IiifTn.4)""DUll>OE..DlnoItl ...............

LUTlttR AND SHOE fIllDINfl\;............................

iTALENTINES!An Immen,. Stock Just ReceiveJ


.r II' ~., .;\ lind '10.Caoh DIkcu,1\ 11.1, W':'. h .. t b7 )bll all)'wlleu

DY 'VM:, JlECI"t. ~ SON.P.o.l· , ..... OI'fllOl ~


Jim &",P t "'lrlf11"eUTIllt n,_• .cMl"II_t, """)' ~Ih,

='.::.~~=-~~~.~~lot)' "",*1oIII6l' T1M 11_ .UI .. ,,'" 0f*I .u."~ ...J a !he -.dI ~....z1_ u.. ...-....

to!lT oUTt

Portland ('I:, Dlmrtorr r.r 1880,., •••«.', .,..~t:.,..I4'k'. AI aac rer 18~

k ........., ...

E. L. 'McCormick.." ,0,..

$5, $10, $20,[$30. $,,0SpccW JIii.'<!untcl WI on n,:nplc lot" to dll:\Ln.

Ad,INlU. ii, K, GJLL & CO·,JIHI "'llolllWlllrn, "0111.10111 ••'11.

In an Austrnltao Forest.

~MortllngBllll c'-aniuiC' tho Amt141i..Il.Dfor cst ill a .....:tke; 0.1.110011 i~ is a~lecp. Nogr()Q,tcr contras~ Clln he jDlt\gincli thq.nllCI.W('Cll tile mornin!: Iloun lmd tholleat mill-lillY· In ,he furlller, tho '"flryfll)\Vel~ !I~cm tD P0">l:lfl311 nn a.etivo cxillt­enee. MJrinus of Iiucb, larger l\ull moreDrillillnt. thall t.hOlW umler Englillh.Idc-'l, 101\<1 the nir with tbo llYl'eel.c!ltMCCnll', l1n,:tnilicont film trees wavotheir frondll or Lmnchell' in the li~ht

brecU'. On old t>lumps of trces great(l'tClI an1 )"clloll' IiZll.rds Iio ..'at.ciJingtor tbeir pl·e)'. 'fblJ magpilJ t1lrowlI hervoice from the wtLttl~I, II.lUl poslIiiJly thulire bird ill the denSllr lIcrub; allli int.be tall ~UllI trees nUIIluorleu parrakeets,p.'I.rrollo, 1'00ell:llj, cockntool!, butcher­blrJa, lO\'CI·Lil'tls, tIC., t\ro IIcrtllmlnte anddl\{ting to :'\ud fro. UuL hy.a.nd,lJy theinreulM' hrat "..ill lilell~ "U I1best. and1l0thinK will bo heard bllt. tho cbirp oftho grn'lilboPllfl'" awl the ahrill lIOund of.ome lIule(ln inllecl. At twilight. a(;i1inthere ill • le\'ivalnf lire, but. not of 110c1lecrlul ~ dew:riptioll. The cicadel.hrie~ hy myri:ul'\ thcirtltdellinc IIIH'r­1"1"1';" drollt'll)' 0l"o:.mlm. .narl in theIUrn twin, .nJ flock. of cockatooaICrum U IlOfAt ~.~ .&y kaogarooftouud. lla.t. thtrn liko • belated gbott.1f4lhU8 .. manhy grouDd near. tbedoe)) boom of the bitt.em, the ",ail of thecurle.., and the hartb Crt of tbe crane,minalng lloftlibl1 with thOR of • }*'­ing lIr reiumlllg ncek of black a..anl,",ill adJ too the COrtctn. rn • momm~

oe .Hence one may be ,tartJed by tbemoc:kinalauabt.er of the jac.kau. or tbe1b81aot1l011 "mo-poke" of the bird of\btt name. The d-.d of ntJht ill Dot. 10Itill u tbe ani""",:ll hlilb of ~be b.ro·ing DOOll,-Chlmben Journal.

r.Jl.ll.,ult. febnurr 20, 1..aGLe~ t~bt!."' In fllrlLUld, bll)'llllt, ....... 1>1IIJ .dlll!.:

U J:;;~r win In l'ortlUHI. the tlAlllu 'lIlOW .~ 1 rer ocnL11••mlll ....."'r.

Colli .~th~I'lr9 all S.w York, 1 per tellt. rroml=CoIn udl~'" on liw 1.·n.lI~I$ollI.pv \0 per llellL,

"",e'=llhiO trMatert aD N". 1000k, 11ll'f tenL pr.­m1~.

l'INANl:HL ANII l:OlUnaU:UL Til. n.sources oCtIl. Publlo Do­mato.


Page 8: 8(Je~~ A GU - Wa


. .

,I •t· :: -.• ,. <:I

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I • : "",

r • : .~

, ~~

i: ~~ -l • ; ....• , ...~ - " .=· ~ 1

• '" ""• .. co, • co'" ~ "".. ....

Pr.pared by Oi. J. C. Ay:r :~ Co.,~ Ila4 Aaa!71:M1 etaI'm: II.

lowI:!' M:l.:.t.lIOUI ., ..u. to " ..n......" .....


Cathartic Pilla

MERCHANDISE,And dreh..... I"

.100 TO""'.D. E. GRtt'f'ITns, lio'Ut""DItR

W 11.L t.EAVJo] ON TIIII: DATU ll£nf.IIJI..r lIIontlullllu:

1'beleltMm.$lllllIlel\,e Vlrtorl' I: IlOtJI1on tbe tlAyad"crtl«d. '1'1ckettl an, "OOilonl)' Oil the aWlllMI ror which they areptlt\:hlt6ed. Ind are DOt t",nll-rable.

Fe,.. frOM Port T"ftllIAd II au f,...,luo

Flr.t C.bln, BIIO,St••r••• 8.0

Rt"'eKtHl hI fnlthL - lIt'ruflt!r th@fre1lthu whlch." ~r ,anif'. IU'''I! Ik't'll tJ)1IC!I'ton wlU be ~"llIf1t'\1.t ..' loer IOU.

tv"rom allll.net Ibli !!n1t'.11 DAG­OAUE of PUlPt Sooud pIti 'II~" by r.11.~. So Co'1 ,&cIlIM'tI ,I. \"1cs'.rIA. willhe nlll"r ClI!'tOllt lIoll!lt -tilt 11K! willNOT he IUbJa1. to ~nll1""uiQl'I bl CI.·10111 lIOt... AuthorilLe.. III &11 "'1'111141101.'01.

For r~iJbtorpl~Il'II\IJY011 board,ono II.'~. -r dnAI.~

General Alent rorl)ll,,~r 1::(1IInd. 1$66"'-~ .,1........ TI'I"It ·II.ltonlllll.'....Port fOWIi nd. A\lJNY IL U.u.LAt ok " •• l'urlllw.I, )I".


Buy aml sell allltiflds produce, fUlW, hides,ShillS, Wool,. Oil. L::'~

PORT TO~.:mND. 'VV. T.

THE NEW WILSONOscillating Shunla

SIlWJIG IIlCBlII.. wonderful In Ita oonoeption. un­

preoec:Iented for dol". a I.,.. ran.. ofMWln.ln teatl .. fabrlce and l••ther. Itamotion, are oontlnuou.. admitting of anaAtl'llOrdlnary raq; of .peed, .Ither by!Ream or foot pow.r. • ...,., motJon of thetreadle mak_ etA iltltoh••• thUI produc­Ina about on.~thlrd more work In a d.,than other 8ewlng M.chl..... It hu noetop motkm., .nd t18hten. the iltltch withthe needle out of the fabrle. It UMII ttle

well-known WlllOn Compound 'eed on both ,kI_ of the nMdle. Ithu two~thlrd.,... peru than an, other flm"c.l...Sewlnll Machine.Ita arm I. full, a'aht and ane·half Inch.. lana .nd five and one-halflnohae hlah, and the whOle Machi,.. I, ....1')' compactly .nd eel..,..tIfIcaU, oonItrUC'ted In proportlona" elepnee. d..lan and appear­..... Ita elmple, powert't.ll and ..rfwIct mechnllm pi.... it .. ,.,In ad_noo of all other Sowl,.. Machi,.. .. the telephone .. euperlorto the tin .,..kll\ll tube. The WILION MINOINO ATTAOHMINT,for repa1rtna alt kln9 of textile fabrica WITH(WT PATOHINO, 1\1,­nlehed PAil with aU WILION IIWINO MAOHINIII, totPther with.. Tuak." RuffI.,. Oorder,aetafNemm.,., Blnder,ato. PrlO8llfu,­nl'heel with. frelaht aha,... prep.ld. and maohln•• fuml.hed ont,lal to re,ponllbr. partl••, to be IIMd with Iteam-pOWer, In plaooa....... we howe no all'"1e. 'end fOr llIunratod CataiofIYe and PrioaLlat, No. 230.

.A.G:atbilI '1J • ~.a.m '1.:m:o.


CRAS. c, BARTLE1'1: Al!cnt, Po/'t Townse1ld,

The Iplomlltl sllll,lwheel

Stea1lt81//l1J DAKOTA.

'.lOI J'R.. lIlCIJKlO. l'T. 't'OWl!lIZ~D.



... -A _ .... - . • . ,

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i,J. • ~


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",UlIIa ....DUE UI' ..·.uHI,.aT9~ ""..••'TIfilII t'OLl:••IA.

OlUoc_1:f..xr.&, Or'Il'M. ..0. Ann.1IN.S.U. HUl•• O. w. C. T. I'orl To nOilCnt\ "". TSlat 1. C t·...ln-rl. ...ll W \. T k'ftllle...W HUohert •..n W Tr'·Il~ .. l'11tt TfIW" ~Ild ..,\lIell Wl'lr U \\' !lt1O.·I"r ..1'ort ·r"wll..-ulJ "s: !Sl'lttler 11 ,\ Sl~\lI·)' OI1m\lh.. ..t·. Kcnned)· .. USJtJ\· Tuln K,untll"h1....RlI" U J lll\rp•.O L111ll'..•. WIlIt" Hlrtr, ..W J COlkIlH li W Mllr ...• Couf'C,tl1e, "gtet L MeAIUlOIld..O 1) )I .... 1)unVcnc.....SI.t A M IIlnl.ll .. G lillnrd•. l"'l To"nllCnd 'I

JIlO II (:Ut G ~lll$"lCnilcr Lo\ll'i&,E ClIlyerL G 8Ilntlnel 8l,tUlle,W. RlIybCluld ..G.lloun..••...•.~IL""hno, n t.:

Ita nama ,llnlllke a tnInUlOt.and MIlito thetrayl Thill powetllli now Tompcranoo book,


N. D. TO:amv..Ship Wright anaCaulker

WATDt naEF.'J',Port Towa,o:r.d. w. T.

CHIMACUM TRIBE, NO. I,%. o. a. lIoL,

Rolli feKUar meet\o(p At their hili, t~ry"edlletdl" ewnlng. t3


Snbordinate LodQ:e Directory.WASHINGTON TERRITORY

No. Slime 01 LotIlte i>-;Iomce wXIle Der'y, "ot\ll'lIrd•.. ,.8Ilmlnhmoo ..•. Annle t: Cml~• MOlln~ Adama..lloltlcndlll~.WAMd'lIrl,nu4 Tll.OOlna OIY!JIplo .••. Joeeph Chllller!l'II &lt1l10,•••.••••••. 1!t'1I11Ie ......John WelMltllf

~ ~~~C:::::::::W~~II~IW~iift:::·inlt)~~~~g Stm JUlin .... Sftn JULIn .... Rov. T J Wwkew10 It\~lnl( 8tar ..8efll lIeCool MIII~..S 11 ~a.rtln

:~ .te~~n:: .J:?rl~O~~~~~~ii.l~'~I~~ ~~.~~'.Wi~IS LUl.llow Port I,llllluw ...... Le",lfI rUtJI~U Vlrtne Plltahl\ 1·"'lrle •..•S V WIlIi,nul

~~ ;~':.~e~n·.::::::.;~t~\~~~~:::::.J8k' ~~I~11l LaCOnner.....LltCOnner ......1' VI' J-1anllOn19 ~hllll\l.[lellre .. Port MlIulW(ln .. AII'x nOllll~u WblllhCC......eoll[lllVUlO" ...... A II Kell~g

g [~~~~::::::i..~~J:'~.::::::::BI!:R ~~~~~~.I Il\)Mon .... ~tl'" Illlngolletll..... K N "llcber

~ ~ren~.~:··w:~~~~~~8::'.' )t~:,tl:R~W~:«WlldllrncN.•..•. Art.'lllla.l•. , .•. Wm.Callow~o COltu••• : .••• COlfnx Olivcr I:lldl

BRITISH COLUMBIA.I pene,eranw.:. VlcUWI». •.• l) e ]lfct'loon.ldS Onwll.rtl Xlln...lmo...... Bllmucl ClOlIj!1i~ OOmlnlon Ne· WutmtnJfwr ....J l.m'd

11 Ct.to:1Ilr IbU•••••••• Vlctnrm•••••••• Wm Irvine



'n", 1IJlt.1e1"l1...... ".nllllt plU,'baI«Iho•• Ah Ja, UIlI erul,.. \tIle'"' III au"Ut'" to the ''Sc!ptll Rotndl." noflC'e"" he",.bl .rIven tMt I ,,111 not lit retpvll.ll.le tordetKl> l'OlltrlC\et1 00 tbl ...we by ail1l)lher~roIOlI. Yep :;nf.

1'01'\ TowQiIlllld W. T .• Feb. a. 19100.11:31:.

.'U ••O.' •• 'OR THIl'VG£T l!IOUND ~RGUS.

I It' H'~i' • \tone,. lhl' I,ft... f r'" .. lit

form alld l..elrlll' , II ~ .,.- J 1J .. Ime.llincl ..~,. 1''''''' ... 'ft. \ I II

all'" til i:D,"~" ,h.. i, I I,('ibl.. trlllb~ ttl '"'u tb~ L.l .. I a' .11or the c.m.ljd",~. 1~ \,1.1 ••

"How prMl"'rr' IN,,: "I)'l lIbJ'-·

1111111'" \"0\1 reply: .t.•t~·Ind I In•••,. "Do 110 .. alII '6,"

h manl", Dot 1M) Dluch .... , Iou du,'1 that fou c.... doinJit no,hinp:. toIHur. tb, eud (or which th loci... Of'Iuhll'd. A (atoi bi"l Dlln

need Dot 10 be Hued with routbeer or mutton. but b. doe. IlHdCoOO t anti .hl' ,"our lodge fleW i.actin lodl8 work. Tbi••iIl briu&,

Pl'Olpe ritl·,

to .J J :.'111', .: L

llJo" 1":'-The :\. \', "\.., Ii" .,

II .. 1o,llo"",;l!:: A IIlIIIII·tor I~L~:

"/I '(" s :, .I, " (. ,'"it it~ '"'" I~, I,~

,;1\1,';. I'lIh'lr d", ...,. r II,,, ': II·

11'1111" (tlnllt'f'ltd "uil Ull" III I'"

W"'~.. It r.IIJcr~ ;tolL!l( ~lIhj·t Itl

Ih~;·iplint. AI\!, pUll .hul lit II ~111~fl inOictpd. e,'I"" hl Itlll "'\I ,'1111111

,,( clt.. rl.l. If r.nilllv I Iff flo· d,~r

I,.r "oultl (,fOllliul,. h~ re'ukt"1. \rl"

C'"n IUlk, nil h.ucr In,Wt'r til thlllIuutlnn thin thlt mlde "1 lh ..~rltHl LtHI,&!,· of C. hf,'rni.. It111: "Our OnJt'r hi" IIllthlull to uu

with ,lincillU", 110 nlUrl' Ihl" "nh lhepu!llic .chonl!"; it it not orglluiz.t1for thlH p"rp"I". Thf'! Ortln doenot ,ta" upon the quettilllu, ",h..thf'rit is ti~ht or wton,? h limply 1.1adallC'ill~ .lone, .nd inNS\! lIl.I dane­llIg ltot Ihe Oruer ,,1011'. The rille illfind that our Order ~an in n(lwillehe a PlH1 to a t1:H1ue. \\' e hn-o ill'• il.J In our lod~f!·rllom manyperslll1'l ill lhf! Cllllnlry, ",1m ne op..poled to dAncillK .pon princi,..tf!, alldwe h, .. no right lO COlli pro milethem in the mAtt'll. Cumnlllll polittl!IN8 alONe (urhill:; our olf.:ndillgthe c\lI1lciitllCe <.o( all)'.



W ...~HISnT(lS. (I.";. f.b.·llh.I"-{!,

OpillitJlI nr)' ~rt'all~' lU to till' ~I

(C!c' of SeliMtor Callicrun·. "l\l'l'to ~

in h.... :ng lb. Pflllut."lfania C...III·ell·tion inl~ru ... t lhe \I.l~,:au!. fur Gnullin II. both. It i, .'ell unu"r!IOUlIthat ,h. ~nit rtlle will ,It)t Iwlt1l:uodin tbe loiati(lDlll Conunlioll, 11111

therefore if the! ('bOOM, Ih. J.II··glt.1I from Ihal or all1 Olher .llt.1lI1" 'uttl (or whllOi thtl)' pref.r. ~Il'

hl~ll displlles th,t th. d... leg'liult'us di"ideJ, .1lI1 thalAluge Vrol)Ortion of tbeln are for Stollor lJJallle..lId it i... id tb.y _ill ,"ote (or hime"en 011. the li~t ballot in the N.tional con,eotion. Th. luger nllm

her 01 Republiqus regret tbe OOUf1I"punutd b! Mr. Cam.roD, thinkinithlt tb, del.s,tioll of tbat or 10)'olher Illtl Ihul.lld be ,1I0".d to lei

their own iuclin'lio;l, Ind it iii OleIe.. to d.n, tbat Seualor m.in..,,"oult1 bate haJ a oollttolliliK in8u·"enc. ill \he PeuDlyJ"nia delegation•••1 a "ir contest been accorded lbf',"Otlrt in all the dlltriou, inst..d 01baving the local committee, appoinl'deles'tea 'to abe State coo....'ioo.Bow."er, R.publican barlPool ",ill'be mainlilin.d, not"hhlt&aliioi th~

'CalDeron metbod ri"el oftnle toman! ,,"be belie..e tb,' th. R.pulJli.'OlD part1 ,bould b. de,nted to Inorehooett and fre, el,oliool tbaa 1o tbe''Uicks or tbe caucus.

Th. pablio are beoomier a.lrUledat tb. OOllrtll or Be L,nep., tbeFr~Dcb IIent wbo is pushill.S tht'work or canalias til, bchmUI ofP"ru,ma. It is turmiaed that b. repr,,,olll I!I. Frltl\;b go"ernllleut 801e·.), in tbis etUerpri8e, allO tbat it ilpurpoeed to b.... tbat covetnm~nt

'elootrol the ,,"o;k, abould it .ur

"ron a .uooe... No" ttlia "ouldbe a dla.,rou, inulioll oC tbi, cou·tio.a' by • Europ.an oadoa, amiahould no' be allow,d. OouKrelii,hl)uld and will take lOme d.oid.t1noUn or i" and mlintai~ the Mun·rot dooutall tba' tbe A~r:oe.u oon·tilJeu\ should b. oontrollod by Amer­icaus alou8. Watb proper ~lIcour·

_",meot, our owu people are able todo all tba' people can do to vromuttl,be iut''''l1 o( comm.rcl.

Tb. sub.commit"e or tbe IndianCoa:uDluiuD b.v. Wid. a "punwbioo ooDt'aCla Mr. Ha!t o( graveoJ_ee, wbale &ctiu... OOlOWI.

aiouer. an. jllsutiea hia di.miual.Probabl1 tbil will lead to (unbar io­••tis.uon aad radical cballse iuthe Indiao 1,ltem.

Mr. lhrrylUo, or M.r,laot1, pr•• •ideot oC u.. Nlltioual A&ricult~r.1

Society, l1u obtllioed Irom a Cou·Inuioaat COlDlDltt., a (lI\"orabl. reopOrt ~poo. .. bill to ioClurporate hialOCi"1 aad \hereby ItDllke i~ mOrtGlIlIr.l to the aarilJllltur.1 lnteruLIt will tura Ollt to be a 'WI impott.&II' monateQI, aod agrioultural com·mUDiti.. Ihciuld Ii'" is aU the eu·oou.....ruont poeaible. Llo.

Ta.aw... IOnrDRlIlU baa reoouIJ1 ukod oar qaal S.uio. Bu­l'1li.11 rOl iarormatioo u ~ tbe m.ta·od ImploroU io pttitlj( roet.orololi­cal "pol1l irOlD aU pan. or the Uoi·ted &a. 10 promptly. A dllillwlll.tbir lUap i. laIlled that sinl tb.euet co-ditiOD oC th. " ••th,r iu "IIparts of the OOUDtry .. it Will, oul,thre, hoan beloN. Tb, r'poru(rom ail ~,a.uODI, from Olympia10 8u Di'lO and ..tward to tb.Adantio, are collected, dra(tld 011 •

"p and prioted in three boura.Suoh upedulolll "ork .um. mar.....10'1" and ....en to Germall!, whicbII r.carded AI the bom. loud C.ut.ruf aoi.ace, tb. perr"ctioD oC OUt

"IClm ...m••ortb! 1I( i:llha.t.ioo.