a fleeting victory: lessons unlearned

7/28/2019 A Fleeting Victory: Lessons Unlearned http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/a-fleeting-victory-lessons-unlearned 1/10  A Fleeting Victory Lessons Unlearned Rabab Maher The breathless sight of the 2011 Egyptian revolution to depose a malignant dictator was one of sheer beauty. However, the same cannot be said about the recent demonstrations or the outcome. A classic coup d’état The army finally came out from lurking in the shadows to sweet talk the people. The amusing notion of “democracy” was setting ultimatums for a “democratically” [1]  chosen leader  very legitimate, constitutional and “democratic”! Millions of Egyptians cheered this (sigh), which may prove a peril to Egypt. The coup subverted and obviated Egypt’s (embryotic) democracy during a frail time. Worsening should the army impose itself publicly  in the political arena and break its word  

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A Fleeting Victory

Lessons Unlearned

Rabab Maher 

The breathless sight of the 2011 Egyptian “revolution”  to

depose a malignant dictator was one of sheer beauty.

However, the same cannot be said about the recent

demonstrations or the outcome.

A classic coup d’état 

The army finally came out from lurking in the shadows to sweet

talk the people. The amusing notion of “democracy” was

setting ultimatums for a “democratically” [1] chosen leader – 

very legitimate, constitutional and “democratic”!

Millions of Egyptians cheered this (sigh), which may prove a

peril to Egypt.

The coup subverted and obviated Egypt’s (embryotic)

“democracy” during a frail time. Worsening should the army

impose itself publicly  in the political arena and break its word  

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not to intervene in the coming (indeterminate) elections -

presidential elections that only exist because the country

proved too much for the army to control alone.

This is the aftermath under a “democracy”. What will become

of the next elected president? A connexion with the army

seems to be a requisite; otherwise, beware! That is, unless he

happens to be the army – and he most likely will be.

An army, with a blood-filled past, that thrives on control and

power, which it is already exerting, and, in polarising divisions.

Mubarak must be euphoric.

Ominous signs

One can only envisage how “Israel” (with a hint of trepidation)

and the Occident are savouring the coup. Although the latter

falsely avers “democracy” is still on track so it can cement its

influence by playing the semantics game – ‘coup’ just has too

many negative connotations.

It is essential to highlight, the US declared Morsi’s government

‘wasn’t a democratic rule’ and democracy is not only about

casting a vote. At least the latter is true as it is coming from a

country that did not vote for a twice-(s)elected president.

George W. Bush.

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A man who epitomised lying and gave a whole new meaning to

incompetence, was responsible for two wars, thousands upon

thousands of deaths and deemed the worst president in

American history. Nevertheless, –  here is where it turns

 peculiarly amusing, –  Bush and his government were a

democratic rule.

Take a moment to absorb the above contradictory standards!

Not surprising, Ambassador Badr Abdel Atty,  the state

spokesperson of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was

desperate for America’s approval to justify the ousting. No

hidden motives there whatsoever!

Sardonically, and one cannot help but laugh at the cruel irony ,

Arab “leaders”  commended the Egyptians for their victory.

Dictators who are not fit to be leaders themselves, ruling their

countries by imposing fear with no whiff of freedom: King

Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah of Jordan, the Emirati

leadership, [2] etc.

(When will the people of these countries wake up and fight for

their freedom?)

Perturbing still is the imprisonment of Muslim Brotherhood

members and supporters, with the president under arrest. All

treated as criminals, all labelled terrorists. What are their


Hurrah for democracy!

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Rampant emotions

Feelings took over herding into demonstrations to vent and

inveigh: for and against Morsi, for Mubarak, and now, against

the army. All because people do not want to adhere to the

concept of how a so-called “democracy” works. The “Western

democracy” they crave and want.

Demonstrators saw and heard what others wanted them to,

with a dash of verisimilitude to make it believable.

More demonstrations will come but to what end.

Demonstrations and propagandistic utterances by the media [3] 

appear to be the only forms of “democracy” adopted.

No president is ever going to be flawless or even satisfy an

entire population, hence why elections exist. Likewise, all

leaders have made mistakes, some even deadly ; to have Morsi

singled out raises a few questions.

The (ex-) President, Muhammad Morsi

Is it his background? Because he did not yield to “Western” 

ways? Maybe weeding out the oppressive regimes of

yesteryears was the problem! Etc.

Impossibly high standards were set in a short time-frame for

Morsi to achieve.

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Sure, Morsi certainly lacks many leadership qualities and the

charisma for such a role, and the incessant prodding at and

scrutinising his every move with no breathing space did not

help, but his deposing was a debacle.

A majority elected him for presidency fairly (by “Western” 

standards), which the people were willing to accept. For a

“democracy” to develop, those who did not vote for him, need

to respect the people’s choice and wait to vote him out in the

next election.

Morsi stepped into a role after a thirty-year dictator was

overthrown. Mubarak left a miasma of deep-rooted corruption,

fear and death, driving “his” people into inhumane destitute,

which he inherited and worsened from previous powers. The

people were taciturn for decades, and now, they can barely

hold out for a year.

In spite of all that, and despite his faults (which will pale in

comparison to what the army will do), he had a few

accomplishments [4].

Morsi was not corrupt or nepotistic nor did he steal; he was

merely a scapegoat for others to execute their own agendas.

An intellectual awakening [5]

Putting feelings aside regarding Morsi and the Muslim

Brotherhood for a moment, Muslims for Morsi should mourn the

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intellects and leadership skills of Muslamists  [6]  rather than

lament the (unfair but foreseeable) deposing of Morsi.

One of the major challenges facing Muslims is the lack of an

intellectual awakening. Subjectivity and personal feelings take

precedence instead of an intellectual and objective one.

This is the reason why Muslims are in a rut today.

R unning a country, expecting change and seeking improvement

(or redemption), at an individual and societal level, cannot be

a myopic endeavour.

They all require more than speeches and sermons of wistful

days gone by, songs and poetry about the resurrection of

Salāh Ad-Deen ( Allâh Yirĥamu)  or Khālid ibn AlWalīd  to lead us

and fix our problems, praying (or calling) to Ali ibn Abi Tālib  

or AlHusayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Tālib  when in trouble or in search

for hope, or mere words about martyrdom and the future.

It is a CHOICE we make by following-through via strategic- and

forward-thinking methods outlining a clear, rational and

structured vision, uniting people and improving their lives,

regardless of their religious creeds and backgrounds.

It is learning from our past to live in the present for a promising

and productive future by DOING the work ourselves as

individuals and as a collective whole, with awareness and

clarity of mind, and precisely defined intentions and actions.

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An intellectual awakening is theoretical, practical and

creative, embodying all aspects of life.

One step in the right direction, is a perusal of, and learning

and grasping, the values of leadership and its qualities, from


With this said, Muslim Brotherhood of today, which has

deviated grossly from the essence of Hassan Al-Banna’s wise

doctrine ( Allâh Yirĥamu) and Islâm, is here to stay with its lack of

action-oriented and forward-thinking mindset.

A history forgotten

Providing the opposition parties do not reconcile for Egypt, and

people remain impatient, this disaster will recur.

Assaying the situation, it is patent underlying deeper causes

and outside forces are at play for the morass; ones that do not

want a stable Egypt because of the adverse effects it will have

on them with unfavourable outcomes.

The people fell trap to them, their emotions and into the cycle

of violence – again.

Freedom and “democracy”  are not a chimaera; they are

achievable, but with true change and perseverance. The Arab

nations have a long way in attaining them for they have not

experienced it before, but it is possible.

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Arabs can even go further and define democracy independent

from “Western”  influence to suit their own cultures and


The Arab nations look to Egypt as a paradigm for the impossible

to become possible. If this proves to be true, no more lives will

be lost and freedom reigns. It will not be perfect – we do not

live in a utopian world despite what idealistic

“revolutionaries” say – but it will be an optimistic and positive

step forward, and, a stab in the hearts of all Arab dictators.

In addition, it will also strengthen the identity of Arabs, their

resolve and autonomy, and close the chasms for a united Arab


Think what will become of Palestine then –  and future


The annals of history chronically prove the road to freedom

and change take time; people need to persevere with a

prudent, critical and just mind and eye, and an open ear, mind

and heart.

For change to happen, one must start from within whilst

looking at the bigger picture, minus the victim mentality,

irrespective of the chosen leader.

The people of Egypt can learn from their own convoluted

history, replete with valuable lessons, should they want a

better, stable Egypt.

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Else . . . The bloodshed will continue, the nation will dissipate,

the poor will sink into a deeper abyss of penury, and that

inspirational “revolution”, will be a thing of the past – if it was

indeed a revolution.

The spirit of democracy is not a

mechanical thing to be adjusted by

abolition of forms. It requires a change of


~ Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 

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[1]  The word is in quotations because it is democracy as the Occident

dictates – according to the “Western” definition of the term, rendered

meaningless deviating from its original definition. Please read my book

review,  Media Control by Noam Chomsky, which covers democracy. 

[2]  The Emirati leadership supported Morsi's contender, Mubarak's last

Prime Minister Ahmad Shafiq, for presidency. Because of their deep

odium for the Muslim Brotherhood, the UAE was already imprisoning

many of its members without trial, and banning others from entering

the country, merely for being members and nothing more.

[3]  The media is controlled from behind the screens to utilise people’s fears

and worries to cloud their minds. It is crucial to note, to some extent,

the media is pro Mubarak. In addition, it is common knowledge for the

media to be “anti-Islamists”. 

[4]  He, inter alia, made agricultural changes one being gradually ending the

importing of wheat for it to be locally grown granting people jobs and

produce; in turn, severing their dependence on others. 


  Please read On Barking Dogs: When Wounded Hearts Rule. 

[6]  Muslamists is a nonce by Khalid AlMahmoud meaning Muslims trying and

claiming to be Islamists but are not.

Thursday, 4th July 2013