a fun hokkien story with life lessons

1 With Life Lessons

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: A Fun Hokkien Story With Life Lessons


With Life Lessons

Page 2: A Fun Hokkien Story With Life Lessons


Chin Chia Um Mong Mong

Chee Chia Neow Choo KongAh Ma Chuey Ah Kong

It’s very dark. There’s a King rat. Grandma is looking for Grandpa

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Ah Kong Pek Khee Chang

Ah Ma Chuey Bo Lang

Grandpa climbs a tree. Grandma cannot find him.

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Ah Kong Hmm Chee Sia

Ah Ma Teok Chair Kia

Grandpa makes a sound Grandma gets a fright

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Ah Kong Chio Hee Hee

Ah Ma Seng Tay Khee

Grandpa laughs ‘Hee Hee!’ Grandma’s temper rises

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Ah Kong Ai Pang Jio

Ah Ma Ti Ti Chio

Grandpa wants to urinate Grandma keeps laughing

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Ah Kong Bay Ta Han

Ah Ma Kio Ee Pang

Grandpa cannot control anymore Grandma asks him to go and ease himself

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Ah Kong Chui Chee Ooi

Ah Ma Bo Huan Tui

Grandpa finds a place Grandma does not object

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Ah Kong Ti Ti Chah

Ah Ma Khi Juak lah

Grandpa keeps on grumbling and complaining Grandma gets irritated and annoyed

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Ah Kong Kin Tau Khor

Ah Ma Kuah Teok Hoh

Grandpa quickly takes off his trousersGrandma sees a ‘stream of rain’

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Ah Kong Song Leow Loh

Ah Ma Chio Ho Ho

Grandpa is very relievedGrandma laughs ‘Ho Ho!’

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Ah Kong Lam Ah Ma Ah Ma Hua Hee Lah

Noh Lang Chio Ha Ha

Grandpa hugs GrandmaGrandma is happy naturallyBoth of them laugh ‘Ha, Ha!’

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Ah Ma Po Thor Thia Ah Kong Kio Ee Pia

Grandma has a stomach acheGrandpa asks her to go and defecate

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Ah Ma Pang Beh Chut

Ah Kong Kio Ee Thut

Grandma cannot defecateGrandpa asks her to rub hard on the stomach

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Ah Ma Chin Khan Khor Ti Ti So Po Thor

Ee A Tia Chin Khor

Grandma is really suffering She keeps rubbing her stomach

Her pain is very agonizing

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Ah Kong Kio Lo Kun

Ah Ma Eio Wan Thun

Grandpa calls for a DoctorGrandma swallows the medicine

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Ah Kong Chin Chia Kia Ah Ma Bo Chut Sia

Grandpa is very frightenedGrandma does not utter any sound

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Ah Kong Ang Kong Kieu

Hor Ah Ma Mia Eeu

Grandpa appeals to the godsTo give Grandma Life fuel

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Ah Kong Kia Ee See Chee Leh Si Mia Li

Grandpa is afraid Grandma would die Well, this is one’s charted Destiny

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Oh Uncle Auntie Lang Seh Lau Peh See

Oh Uncle Auntie Man is born, ages, gets sick and dies

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Oo Khor Oo Hwa HeeChee Leh Si Hood Li

There is Suffering, there is Happiness This is Dhamma

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Cho Lang Chin Bo Oon

Ong Tay Teok Si Poon

Human Life is fragile and uncertainEven an Emperor has to die

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Hood Li Kin Hoon Lian Mai Kong Chin Chia Sian

Strive on and practice the Dhamma quickly Don’t be conquered by sloth and mental laziness

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Cho Lang Mai Tham Sim

Kah Teng Cho Tiam Sim

As a Human, do not be GreedyOtherwise you’ll be a victim of suffering

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Seng Tay A Heow Koh Mai Khi Hong Wan Thor

Beware of your TemperDon’t get angry or jealous

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Chee Lay Chin Hong Hiam

Lu A Khor Chin Thiam

This is very dangerousYou can suffer terribly

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Lu Teok A Thoon Loon Eng Ko Mai Gow Koon

Boh Lu Teok See PoonYou must be tolerant and patient

Do not take Kamma lightlyOtherwise you’ll decline

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Lang Mai Gong Tai Tai

Teok Khor Lu Ka Chai

Do not be ignorant or deludedYou’ll regret it when suffering pain hits you

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Cho Ho Mai Cho Pai Lu A Koay Khor Hai

Do Good, Avoid EvilYou can cross the Sea of Samsara

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The End May you be well and peaceful

With Metta,Bro. Oh Teik Bin