a guide to the microfilm edition of he papers of ...and prince albert, coburg, 1985, in the series...

A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of T he Papers of Q ueenVictoria on Foreign Affairs Part 5: France and Belgium, 1848-1900 UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA

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Page 1: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of


he Papers of

QueenVictoriaon Foreign Affairs

Part 5: France and Belgium, 1848-1900


Page 2: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of

Files from the Royal Archives, Windsor Castle


Edited by Kenneth Bourne

Part 5: France and Belgium, 1848-1900

Guide compiled by David Loving


An Imprint of CIS4520 East-West Highway * Bethesda, MD 20814-3389

Page 3: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901.The papers of Queen Victoria on foreign affairs [microform]

edited by Kenneth Bourne.microfilm reels.--(Files from the Royal Archives, Windsor


Contents: Pt. 1. Russia and Eastern Europe, 1846-1900--Pt. 5. France and Belgium,1848-1900 -- Pt. 6. Greece, 1847-1863.

ISBN 1-55655-188-6 (microfilm)

1. Great Britain--Foreign relations - - 1 8 3 7 - 1 9 0 1 - - S o u r c e s - - M a n u s c r i p t s - - M i c r o f o r m catalogs. I. Bourne, Kenneth.

II. Hydrick, Blair. III. Title. IV. Series.[DA550.V]327.4 l--dc20 92-9780


Copyright Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth n 1993. This is a reproduction of a series ofdocuments preserved in the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle, published by graciouspermission of Her Majesty the Queen. No further photographic reproduction of themicrofilm may be made without the permission of University Publications of America.

Copyright © 1993 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.All rights reserved.

ISBN 1-55655-188-6.

Page 4: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

TABLE OF CONTENTSGeneral Introduction v

Reel Index

Reels 1-2The French Revolution, 1848, Vols. J.67-70 1

Reel 3The French Revolution, 1848-1851, Vols. J.71-72 10Louis Napoleon, 1852, Vol. J.73 13

Reel 4Louis Napoleon, 1852 [cont.], Vol. J.74 15Louis Napoleon, 1852-1853, Vol. J.75 17Louis Napoleon, 1853-1855, Vol. J.76 19

Reel 5Louis Napoleon, 1853-1855, Vol. J.76 cont 20Louis Napoleon, 1856-1858, Vol. J.77 21Louis Napoleon, 1858, Vol. J.78 23

Reel 6Louis Napoleon, 1859-1863, Vol. J.79 25Louis Napoleon, 1863-1864 (The Congress), Vol. J.80 28Louis Napoleon, 1864-1866, Vol. J.81 29

Reel 7Louis Napoleon, 1866-1867, Vol. J.82 31Louis Napoleon, 1867-1870, Vol. J.83 33France, 1870-1873, Vol. J.85 35

Reel 8France, 1874-1881, Vol. J.86 37France, 1882-1885, Vol. J.87 40France, 1886-1891, Vol. J.88 42France, 1892-1894, Vol. J.89 44

Page 5: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Reel 9France, 1895-1897, Vol. J.90 45France, 1898-1900, Vol. J.91 46Franco-Belgian Customs Union, 1842-1843, Vol. J.107 48Belgium, 1856-1867, Vol. Q.1 49

Reel 10Belgium, 1856-1867, Vol. Q.1 cont 50Belgium, 1867-1869, Vol. Q.2 53

Reel 11Belgium, 1869, Vol. Q.3 56Belgium, 1870-1877, Vol. Q.4 59

Reel 12Belgium, 1870-1877, Vol. Q.4 cont 61Belgium, 1878-1885, Vol. Q.5 62Belgium, 1886-1891, Vol. Q.6 63Belgium, 1892-1900, Vol. Q.7 65Belgium, Duke of Brabant on Defenses, 1857, Vol. Q.8 66

Correspondent Index 67

Page 6: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but


The papers of modern British sovereigns have suffered as many vicissitudes as have otherprivate collections. Almost all of William IV's papers, official as well as private, were probablydestroyed by his executors,1 and large quantities of George IV's either upon his death or nearly acentury later.2 So, too, was a large quantity of Edward VIII's.3 Nor, in between, did QueenVictoria's papers survive entirely unscathed. The original manuscript of her diary, from the timeof her accession to the throne, was destroyed by her youngest daughter, and the transcript thePrincess had previously made both omitted substantial portions and amended others. The 111manuscript volumes now extant apparently represent only about a third of the original.4 Otherimportant parts of the Queen's papers are also known to have been destroyed, includingcorrespondence with Lord Granville. The destruction even extended to other collections outsidethe Royal Archives, so-called "very Private" letters to Disraeli being weeded out from theHughenden Papers and subsequently destroyed.5 Yet, overall, Queen Victoria's papers fared farbetter than those of her uncles or her son, amounting still, not merely to a formidable collectionof private correspondence, but also to what one might almost describe, albeit with importantqualifications, as a sort of National Archive in miniature.

Walter Bagehot, in a famous passage, thus summed up the powers of the mid-centurymonarch in Britain: "To state the matter shortly, the sovereign has, under a constitutionalmonarchy such as our own, three rights--the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, theright to warn."6 When this was written, in the 1860s, Bagehot was stating an ideal rather than afact; in practice Queen Victoria often claimed--and sometimes even exercised--more powerthan was indicated by constitutional niceties. In any event, her interest and activity accumulated avast quantity of paper at Windsor. In addition to family letters and material relating to the affairsof the Royal Household, this included much correspondence with her ministers. The mostimportant was, of course, that with her Prime Ministers, who not only had to consult her aboutministerial and other appointments but also had to keep her regularly informed aboutgovernmental and political affairs in general so that she could properly perform heracknowledged constitutional role. Thus, in addition to the correspondence regarding the passingpolitical questions of the day, there were also regular reports from her Prime Ministers both of

1 Sir Robin Mackworth-Young, "The Royal Archives, Windsor Castle," Archives, XIII (1978), pp. 117-128.Subsequent references are to this article, which, together with Mackworth-Young's later The Royal Archivesand Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke,gives a short but comprehensive summary of the Royal Archives and of the Victorian Archive in particular.

2 Sir Philip Magnus, King Edward the Seventh, London, 1964, p. 461.3 Mackworth-Young, p. 124.4 Ibid., p. 123.5 Magnus, p. 461.6 Walter Bagehot, The English Constitution, World's Classics ed., London, 1929, p. 67.

Page 7: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

the cabinet meetings and of proceedings in Parliament, and letters from other cabinet ministersregarding the affairs of their departments, from foreign monarchs and others regarding politicalas well as personal matters, and from a variety of other officials and private individuals. In manycases these were accompanied by drafts or copies of the Queen's replies and by importantmemoranda and other relevant papers.

Apart from ministerial and parliamentary crises, which were by nature fitful, the Queen'sprincipal interest was in foreign affairs. The sovereign indeed expected to see all incomingForeign Office despatches and to approve everything sent out in her name. But even beforeVictoria's accession in 1837, the bulk was already too large for the task to be done in good time,if indeed at all. Already, therefore, the Foreign Secretary had resorted to sending her onlyselected correspondence and instructions, the latter not infrequently after they had already beendespatched abroad and on the assumption that they could, if necessary, be recalled or amended enroute. The young Victoria, moreover, was unable to cope with all that was expected of thesovereign and relied on Foreign Secretary Palmerston only a little less than on Prime MinisterMelbourne. A couple of months after her accession, she requested the Foreign Secretary not tosend her any more foreign despatches until she had finished those she already had.7 Shortlyafterwards Palmerston directed that only "the most interesting" despatches should go to Windsor,an instruction amended at the Foreign Office to "interesting and romantic."8 When, thefollowing summer, her first Ascot arrived, he minuted for the Foreign Office: "The less you sendthe Queen this next week...the better."9 But the Queen was by no means uninterested in foreignaffairs, and already, though very tentatively, before the end of 1838 had complained to her PrimeMinister that when he was not with her, she heard "nothing" about them.10 After her marriage inFebruary 1840 to a foreign prince with decided views about the role of constitutional monarchyin Britain and a major interest in foreign affairs (as well as with many relatives abroad), thisnaive inquisitiveness escalated rapidly into personal and political confrontation.

Prince Albert was the instrument by which his mentor Baron Stockmar hoped to see theBritish monarchy reformed and revitalized. "The Baron's idea of monarchy," wrote one of thePrince's biographers, "was that of a sovereign, wise and laborious, withdrawn from the sordidclash of party and exercising power which was unobtrusive but decisive."11 After three monthsof marriage, however, Prince Albert still found that he was "only the husband, and not the masterin the house."12 For her part, Queen Victoria seemed as anxious as her ministers to exclude himfrom political business. "Albert helped me with the blotting paper when I signed," she wroteabout transacting affairs of state a fortnight after her marriage.13 During her first confinement,however, Albert received and made notes for her about all cabinet business and in consequencewas, with the Prime Minister's concurrence, given in December 1840 the keys to the secret boxes

7 Brian Connell, Regina v. Palmerston. The Correspondence between Queen Victoria and Her Foreign and PrimeMinister, 1837-1865, London, 1962, p. 9.

8 Sir Charles Webster, The Art and Practice of Diplomacy, London, 1961, pp. 188-9.9 Ibid., p. 188.10 Ibid., p. 243.11 Roger Fulford, The Prince Consort, London, 1949, p. 58.12 Theodore Martin, The Life of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort, 5 vols., London, 1875-80, i. 71.13 Fulford, p. 55.

Page 8: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

containing confidential government documents. More than that, he was, by the time of theministerial crisis the following year, taking an active part between the Queen and her ministersand to that end was allowed to be present at an official audience between the Queen and herprime minister.14

With Peel as prime minister from 1841 to 1846, Albert established for the monarch--andfor himself--a reinvigorated role in political affairs. This mutual confidence also extended to therelations of the Queen and her Consort with her new Foreign Secretary, Aberdeen. When theQueen protested that despatches were being sent off before she approved them, she accepted hisexcuse that he was merely following precedent.15 With Palmerston back at the Foreign Office,however, she and her Consort would not rest so contented. Eventually, on 12 August 1850, sheaddressed to the Prime Minister a decidedly blunt expression of her expectations:

With reference to the conversation about Lord Palmerston which the Queen had withJohn Russell the other day, and Lord Palmerston's disavowal that he ever intended anydisrespect to her by the various neglects of which she has had so long and so often tocomplain, she thinks it right, in order to prevent any mistake for the future, shortly to explainwhat it is she expects from her Foreign Secretary. She requires : (1) That he will distinctlystate what he proposes in a given case, in order that the Queen may know as distinctly towhat she has given her Royal sanction; (2) Having once given her sanction to a measure, thatit be not arbitrarily altered or modified by the Minister; such an act she must consider asfailing in sincerity towards the Crown, and justly to be visited by the exercise of herConstitutional right of dismissing that Minister. She expects to be kept informed of whatpasses between him and the Foreign Ministers before important decisions are taken, basedupon that intercourse; to receive the Foreign Despatches in good time to make herselfacquainted with their contents before they must be sent off. The Queen thinks it best thatJohn Russell should show this letter to Lord Palmerston.16

Palmerston promised--tearfully even--to reform, and for a while things seem to have beenbetter.17 But within a few weeks the relations of the Court and Foreign Secretary were as bad asever and their differences, which were, of course, political as well as personal and procedural,exploded again before the year was out. Eventually, in December 1851, the Prime Minister alsodecided he had had enough, and Palmerston was dismissed.

Palmerston was replaced by the courteous Lord Granville, whose disappointed rivalcomplained of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert: "They labour under the curious mistake that theF.O. is their peculiar department and that they have a right to control, if not to direct, the foreignpolicy of England."18 This was certainly an exaggeration, but there was no doubt that in the1850s, the influence of the Crown in foreign affairs seemed to reach its climax. So widely wasthis believed, indeed, that when the Crimean War loomed up and in a confused disagreementover foreign and domestic affairs, Palmerston resigned the Home Secretaryship in Aberdeen'scoalition government, Prince Albert was blamed by the radical press and even rumored to havebeen imprisoned in the Tower for treason. Palmerston, however, disavowed the accusation and

14 Ibid., pp. 66-8.15 Muriel E. Chamberlain, Lord Aberdeen: A Political Biography, London, 1983, p. 298.16 The Letters of Queen Victoria. A Selection from Her Majesty's Correspondence between the Years 1837 and

1861, ed. Arthur Christopher Benson and Viscount Esher, 3 vols., London, 1907, ii. 315.17 Fulford, p. 134.18 Sir Herbert Maxwell, The Life and Letters of George William Frederick Fourth Earl of Clarendon, 2 vols.,

London, 1913, i. 341.

Page 9: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

returned to the government. Soon after, in February 1855, the war forced the Court to acceptPalmerston as prime minister and subsequently even restored a degree of harmony in theirrelations. But the Prince kept a wary eye on the old rogue and at all times a jealous watch on thepowers of the Sovereign. When, however, the Prince died in December 1861, Palmerston brokeinto tears and wrote in sadness of "that perfect Being."19

Greville recorded in his diary how smoothly the Court's supervision of government businesswas functioning just after the end of the Crimean War.20 Indeed, records Prince Albert'sbiographer, "the curious eye of the Prince ranged over government departments, and he askedquestions and urged action in a manner more reminiscent of a modem Prime Minister than of theSovereign."21 No detail escaped him, and he supplied information as generously as he demandedit. Like the Queen herself, he maintained a large confidential political correspondence with hisconnections abroad, and he also communicated regularly with his uncle in Brussels, his brother atCoburg, his cousin in Lisbon, the Queen's half brother in Leiningen, the King of Prussia, PrinceWilliam of Prussia, the King of Saxony, and Archduke John of Austria.22 Much of this hepersonally selected, translated, and transcribed for circulation to the Prime Minister and certainmembers of his cabinet. Some of it, however, he regarded as too confidential even for them. Hisbiographer acknowledges that he was not always discreet or even judicious in his writings, but ingeneral concludes that "he elevated the business side of the monarchy to the dignity of agovernment department."23

Archival ContentThe Prince's organization of the Royal Archives proceeded apace with the reinvigoration of

the role of the constitutional monarchy. Within less than a year after their marriage, he hadbecome the Queen's private secretary in all but name.24 With the help of his own staff, heprepared papers for her inspection and approval, composed or corrected her draft replies, andmade detailed memoranda of the conversations he or the Queen had with her ministers or otherimportant visitors. He, or one of his assistants, also made copies of other important letterspassing through Windsor, wrote numerous memoranda for themselves or members of thegovernment, snipped out newspaper cuttings on matters of particular interest, and annotatedsome letters in red ink with the names of the writer and addressee. All this he arranged and hadbound up in departmental or subject series, marked with careful cross-references and other notesand preceded by summaries written in his own hand.

Curiously there is no separate archive of Prince Albert's material. A good deal of hiscorrespondence, in addition to what was always intended for it, has been incorporated in thearchives of the Queen. But most of his personal correspondence has disappeared.25 The results ofhis efforts upon Queen Victoria's archive at Windsor, up to 1861, can, however, best be

19 Fulford, p. 275.20 The Greville Memoirs, 1814-1860, ed. Lytton Strachey and Roger Fulford, 8 vols., London, 1938, vii. 304.21 Fulford, p. 114.22 Idem.23 Idem.24 Cecil Woodham Smith, Queen Victoria: Her Life and Times, 1819-1861, London, 1972, i. 218.25 Mackworth-Young, pp. 123-4.

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described in the words of its official editors who, in the three fat volumes they publishedcovering 1837-1861, could reproduce only a "minute fraction."26

...the collected papers form what is probably the most extraordinary series of Statedocuments in the world. The papers which deal with the Queen's life up to the year 1861have been bound in chronological order and comprise between five and six hundredvolumes. They consist, in great part, of letters from Ministers detailing the proceedings ofParliament, and of various political memoranda dealing with home, foreign, and colonialpolicy; among these are a few drafts of Her Majesty's replies. There are volumes concernedwith the affairs of almost every European country; with the history of India, the BritishArmy, the Civil List, the Royal Estates, and all the complicated machinery of the Monarchyand the Constitution. There are letters from monarchs and royal personages, and there isfurther a whole series of volumes dealing with matters in which the Prince Consort took aspecial interest. Some of them are arranged chronologically, some by subjects. Among themost interesting volumes are those containing the letters written by Her Majesty to her uncleLeopold, King of the Belgians, and his replies. The collection of letters from and to LordMelbourne forms another hardly less interesting series. In many places Queen Victoriacaused extracts, copied from her own private Diaries, dealing with important political eventsor describing momentous interviews, to be inserted in the volumes, with the evidentintention of illustrating and completing the record.27

For assistance with the Archive, Prince Albert had looked increasingly to his own staff, bothEnglish and German, but particularly to his two private secretaries, George Anson until his deathin October 1849 and then Colonel (afterwards General) Charles Grey, and another member of thehousehold, Colonel (afterwards Sir Charles) Phipps. After the Prince's death, Grey and Phippscontinued to manage the Queen's correspondence, Grey himself becoming her acting privatesecretary and, at last, in 1867 even her nominal secretary. Then, after he died in 1870, she wasserved in that capacity first by General Sir Henry Ponsonby and, from 1895 until her death, byArthur Bigge (afterwards Lord Stamfordham). With their assistance, the flow of information andopinion continued and was preserved for the record in the files that had been opened orreorganized by the Prince Consort. With the departure of the Prince, however, much else alsodisappeared. There was no longer the stream of memoranda (on foreign and military affairs inparticular) and even the summaries ceased. Without his prodding, moreover, the quality of eventhe Prime Ministers' letters depended too much on the personality of the writer. Gladstone neverestablished a close rapport with the Queen, and his reports of cabinet meetings therefore stuck tothe rather bare record of the decisions, which were probably all she was really entitled to know.Disraeli, by contrast, wrote at considerable length of the discussions and divisions within thecabinet and of the follies and the foibles of his colleagues.

"Is there not just a risk," wrote Disraeli's Foreign Secretary, "of encouraging her in toolarge ideas of her personal power...?"28 For his part, Disraeli, who laid on flattery with a trowel,believed he was using the Queen to his own purposes. "Lord Beaconsfield," he once wrote to her,"was pleased with the Chancellor of the Exchequer's tone & perceived that a 'Faery Queen' had

26 Mackworth-Young, p. 127. The reference is, of course, to the three volumes edited by Benson and Esher. Twomore series followed, both edited by George Earle Buckle in 1926-32 and completing the coverage of the entirereign in eleven volumes.

27 Letters of Queen Victoria, 1837-1861, i. v-vi.28 W. F. Monypenny and G. E. Buckle, The Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, 6 vols., London,

1910-20, v. 414.

Page 11: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

waved her magic wand over him."29 However, after Prince Albert's death, and still more perhapsafter the consolidation of the two-party system in British politics, the power of the constitutionalmonarchy he had revived and developed inevitably declined. The Queen tried to adhere to thecourse she at least believed her husband would have followed and could intervene with vigorfrom time to time, as, for example, in the Schleswig-Holstein question in 1864 as well as in theeastern crisis of 1876-78. But these were unsystematic essays rather than a pervasive andpersistent influence. In her grief, the widowed queen had also declared she could no longer copeand professed a lack of interest, but within a couple of years she was insisting again on seeingdraft despatches beforehand and shortly after that rejecting the notion that they couldsatisfactorily be modified by telegraph.30 In her later years, some of these documents may havebeen marked "Drafts" when they were really copies of what had already proceeded on theirway.31 But the forms were preserved throughout and so they continued to ensure the flow ofpaper she and her consort had all along demanded.

To the King of Prussia, Prince Albert once wrote: "...we are gradually amassing a treasureof political knowledge, which grows daily more valuable to us, and which we hope one day tohand down to the Prince of Wales, your dear god-son, as the best endowment for his futurekingly office."32 After Albert's death, this work was continued by his librarian, who was also aGerman and might have been expected to proceed no less systematically. Unfortunately he didnot do his job so well; perhaps it was he who, in making a detailed list of the contents of eachvolume, decided to omit the date of every single item! The result was that towards the end ofQueen Victoria's reign, a large quantity of papers was found to be stacked away unsorted, and inthe subsequent process of selection and arrangement about half was destroyed.33 The remainder,however, has since been incorporated into the system invented by the Prince, though thisrequired breaking up the volumes in which the material had formerly been bound.34

Organization of MaterialEach file in the Victorian Archive is arranged in chronological order under a series title or

name by type of correspondence or subject, that series being given a distinguishing letter orletters of the alphabet. But the arrangement is rather loose, and subjects tend to overlap under thesame letter or to be extended or scattered over several. The series "A" consists mainly of thegeneral correspondence with the Queen's Prime Ministers, and "B" of that with other Cabinetministers, though correspondence with Disraeli as prime minister is to be found in both. Othersuch correspondence, moreover, is filed under separate subject series, such as, in particular, "C,"which consists chiefly of material on the formation of particular administrations and on other so-called ministerial crises. Foreign affairs, arranged largely by country, occupy five letters of thealphabet (G, H, I, J, and Q), with minor items occasionally straying into others, such as Prince

29 Robert Blake, Disraeli, London, 1967, p. 548.30 Frank Hardie, The Political Influence of Queen Victoria 1861-1901, Oxford, 1935, pp. 222-3.31 Algernon Cecil, "The Foreign Office," in The Cambridge History of British Policy 1783-1919, ed. Sir A. W.

Ward and G. P. Gooch, 3 vols., Cambridge, 1922-23, iii. 577.32 Letters of the Prince Consort 1831-1861, selected and ed. by Dr. Jagow and translated by E. T. S. Dugdale,

London, 1938, p. 108.33 Mackworth-Young, pp. 119-20.34 Ibid.,p. 126.

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Albert's abstracts in German (Y. 156-158) of Foreign Office papers he had not felt it necessaryto copy into the main files.

Each individual file in the series in turn has a number, and each item in it a sub-number,circled where necessary in order to be distinguished from what presumably were the folionumbers of the earlier bound volumes. Each file contains a typed list of the material that follows,giving the names of the author and recipient as well as the assigned number of each item and,during Prince Albert's years, usually but not always, an overall summary and background surveyof the topic or topics covered in each file. As has already been mentioned, these lists do not giveprecise dates of the individual items, but that deficiency has been remedied and an index ofnames also is provided in the publisher's guide. The systematic translations into English that arefound for many of the earlier documents in French were apparently made some time during thetwentieth century and are not part of the original archive.

With the gracious permission of Her Majesty the Queen and the kind assistance of thelibrarian and staff of the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle, UPA has already published thesubject series on "The Oriental Question"35 (G. 1-57 and H. 1-40). The publishers now add thesubject series on Russia and Eastern Europe, 1846-1900 (H. 41-52) in Papers of Queen Victoria

o n Foreign Affairs, Part 1 ; Germany a n d Central Europe, 1841-1900 ( I . 1-68,1. 70-71,1. 8 7 - 1 0 0 , 1.102-103, a n d J . 103-106), T h e Papers o f Queen Victoria o n Foreign Affairs, Part 2 ; Italy,

1847-1900 (J. 1-42 and C. 51-52), The Papers of Queen Victoria on Foreign Affairs, Part 3;Portugal and Spain, 1841-1900 (J. 43-66), The Papers of Queen Victoria on Foreign Affairs,Part 4; France and Belgium, 1848-1900 (J. 67-83, J. 85-91, J. 107, and Q. 1-8), The Papers ofQueen Victoria on Foreign Affairs, Part 5; and Greece, 1847-1863 (J. 93-100), The Papers ofQueen Victoria on Foreign Affairs, Part 6. Some files consisting entirely of copies of statepapers better found in the Public Record Office and of more personal papers and correspondenceof the Prince Consort on German affairs have been entirely omitted. But UPA hopes soon tocomplete the series on foreign affairs with further files on extra-European countries and areasand, in due course, to add series on colonial and domestic affairs.

Although necessarily selected from the vast and varied Victorian Archives, each of thesefiles is in itself complete and unedited, and they are here reproduced for the first time for thebenefit of a wider audience of historians and others--not the least, doctoral candidates--than ithas hitherto been possible to accommodate at the Royal Archives. For all this, including thematerial relating to the period after 1861 as well as before, posterity owes an enormous debt toPrince Albert, whatever view is taken of his constitutional theories and the influence they hadupon the Victorian monarchy.

Kenneth BourneLondon School of Economics and Political Science

35 University Publications of America, The Oriental Question. 1840-1900 (38 reels), ISBN 0-89093-737-0.

Page 13: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

REEL INDEXThe following index lists the various items of correspondence found in the indentified volumes of The Papers of Queen

Victoria on Foreign Affairs. Part 5: France and Belgium, 1848-1900. All correspondence is in the form of a letter or despatchunless otherwise noted. Each item identifies the sender and recipient of the correspondence, the date(s), and the number of frames(frs.). The four-digit number on the far left is the frame number, which is followed by the document number(s) of the volumewhere the material is located. Because some of the documents filmed are small, more than one document may be on one frame ofthe film. The user will note in these instances that either the frame number is repeated or the documents are each listed with atotal frame count after the final document in the group.

Reel 1Frame DocumentNo. No(s).

The French Revolution, 1848Volume J.670001 Table of Contents and Summary. 7frs.0008 1 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. n.d. 4frs.0012 2, 3 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 21, 1848. 6frs.0018 4 Lord Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. February 21, 1848. 5frs.0023 5 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 23,1848. 4frs.0027 6 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 23,1848. 5frs.0032 7 Press Cutting relating to Military and Political Tensions in Paris [in French]. n.d. 1 fr.0033 8 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. n.d. 20frs.0053 9 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 23, 1848 and February 24, 1848. 2frs.0055 10,11 Press Cuttings relating to Abdication of King Louis Philippe and Formation of

Provisional Government. n.d. 3frs.0058 12 Sylvain Van de Weyer to Prince Albert. [February 26,1848 ?] 4frs.0062 13 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. February 26,1848. 2frs.0064 14 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. February 24, 1848. 13frs.0077 15 Press Cuttings relating to Abdication of King Louis Philippe and Formation of

Provisional Government. [February 24, 1848.] 1 fr.0078 16 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 24,1848. 3frs.0081 17 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 24, 1848. 16frs.0097 18 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 24, 1848. 4frs.0101 19-21 Mr. McGregor to the Lord in Waiting. February 27, 1848. 7frs.0108 22,23 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 25, 1848. 9frs.0117 24 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. February 25(?), 1848. 6frs.0123 25 Press Cuttings relating to Abdication of King Louis Philippe and Formation of

Provisional Government [in French]. February 25,1848. 4frs.0127 26 Lord Palmerston to Lord Normanby. February 25, 1848. 2frs.0129 27 Lord Palmerston to the Consuls at Havre and Cherbourg. February 27, 1848. 2 frs.0131 28 Chevalier C.C.J. Bunsen to King Frederick William IV of Prussia.

February 27, 1848.19frs.0150 29 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. February 26, 1848. 2frs.0152 30 Sylvain Van de Weyer to Prince Albert. February 28,1848.4frs.

Page 14: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 1, vol. J.67No. No(s).

0156 31 Lord John Russell to Prince Albeit. February 28,1848. 2frs.0158 32 Captain T. Baldock to the Secretary of the Admiralty. February 28,1848. 1fr.0159 33 Lord John Russell to Prince Albert. February 28,1848.2frs.0161 34 Mr. Anson to Prince Albert. n.d. 3frs.0164 35 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. February 29,1848.2frs.0166 36 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 27,1848. 1fr.0167 37 Press Cuttings relating to House of Commons Debate on France. February 28,1848.2frs.0169 38 Sylvain Van de Weyer to Dr. Meyer. n.d. 2frs.0171 39 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. February 29,1848.2frs.0173 40 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 27,1848. 1fr.0173 41 M. Lamartine to Lord Normanby. February 27,1848. 2frs.0174 42 Lord Normanby to M. Lamartine. February 27,1848. 1fr.0175 43,44 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 28/29,1848.14frs.0189 45 Notes for Instructions to Lord Normanby from Lord Palmerston corrected by Lord John

Russell. February 29,1848. 6frs.0195 46 Lord John Russell to Lord Palmerston. February 29,1848.2frs.0197 47 Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston. n.d. 2frs.0199 48 Lord Palmerston to Lord Normanby. February 29,1848.3frs.0202 49 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. n.d. 15frs.0217 50 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. February 28,1848. 4frs.0221 51 C. d'Hoffschmidt to ?. February 28,1848. 4frs.0225 52 Monsieur Jules van Praet to ?. February 28,1848. 1fr.0226 53 Police Sergeant D. Can to Commissioners of Police. February 29,1848.3frs.0229 54 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. March 2,1848.2frs.0231 55 G.W. Featherstonehaugh to Lord Palmerston. March 1,1848. 2frs.0233 56 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. February 29,1848. 4frs.0237 57 Louise, Queen of the Belgians to Queen Victoria. February 28,1848.7frs.0244 58 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. March 1,1848. 3frs.0247 59 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. February 29,1848. 6frs.0253 60 C. d'Hoffschmidt to King Leopold I of the Belgians. February 29,1848. 6frs.0259 61 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. February 29, 1848. 10frs.0269 62 Lord William Hervey to H.U. Addington. February 29,1848. 5frs.0274 63 Duc de Nemours to Prince Albert [in French], n.d. 1fr.0275 64 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. [March 2,1848.] 2frs.0277 65 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. March 1,1848. 9frs.0286 66 Press Cuttings relating to Initial Orders of the French Provisional Government and

Recognition by U.S. Minister Richard Rush [in French], n.d. 3frs.0289 67 Lady Normanby's Journal (extracts). February 20-27,1848. 16frs.0305 68 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. February 29,1848. 3frs.0308 69 Press Cuttings relating to Initial Orders of the Provisional Government [in French].

[February 28,1848 and February 29,1848.] 2frs.0310 70 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. March 3,1848. 2frs.0312 71 Lord John Russell to Prince Albert. March 3,1848. 1fr.0313 72 Commander J. Paul to Rear Admiral J.W. Dundas. March 3,1848. 2frs.0315 73,74 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. March 3, 1848. 7frs.0322 75 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 1,1848. 2frs.0324 76 George, Duke of Cambridge to Queen Victoria. March 3,1848. 2frs.0326 77 Sir James Reynett to George, Duke of Cambridge. March 1,1848.3frs.0329 78 Count von Arnim to King Frederick William IV of Prussia. February 29,1848. 5frs.0334 79 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 2,1848. 2frs.0336 80 King Louis Philippe of the French to Queen Victoria. March 3,1848. 3frs.0339 81 Queen Marie Amelie of the French to Queen Victoria. March 3,1848. 2frs.0341 82 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. March 3,1848. 3frs.0344 83 Queen Victoria to King Louis Philippe of the French. March 3,1848. 4frs.

Page 15: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 1No. No(s).

0348 83a Queen Victoria to Queen Marie Amelie of the French. March 3,1848. 2frs.0350 84 Chevalier C.C.J. Bunsen to Prince Albert [in German]. March 4, 1848. 5frs.0355 85 King Frederick William IV of Prussia to Queen Victoria. February 27, 1848. 8frs.0363 86,87 Baron von Canitz to Chevalier C.CJ. Bunsen [one item in German].

February 29, 1848. 7frs.0370 88 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. March 4, 1848. 2frs.0372 89 Duke of Wellington to Prince Albert. March 4,1848. 3frs.0375 90 Baron C.F. Stockmar to Prince Albert [in German]. February 28, 1848. 4frs.0379 91 Duke of Wellington to Lord John Russell. March 8,1848.2frs.0381 92 Mr. Lamartine to Duke of Wellington. [March 1,1848.] 4frs.0385 93 Duke of Wellington to Mr. Lamartine. March 3, 1848. 1fr.0386 94 Lord John Russell to Lord Palmerston. March 4,1848.

95 F. Wellesley to Duke of Wellington. March 3,1848.2frs.0388 96 G.W. Featherstonehaugh to Lord Palmerston. March 3,1848. 11 frs.0399 97 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. March 5,1848. 2frs.0401 98-100 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 3/8,1848. 6frs.0407 101, 102 Chevalier C.CJ. Bunsen to King Frederick William IV of Prussia. March 5,1848. 20frs.0427 103 Queen Victoria to King Frederick William IV of Prussia [in German]. March 5,1848.

3frs.0430 104 Prince Albert to King Frederick William IV of Prussia [in German]. March 5, 1848. 9frs.0439 105 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 4(?), 1848. 8frs.0447 106 Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Coburg to Prince Albert [in German]. March 4,1848. 2frs.0449 107 Lieutenant Colonel C. Rowan to Major General Bowles, n.d. Ifr.0450 108 Sir George Grey to Major General Bowles. March 6,1848. 2frs.0452 109 Press Cuttings relating to Protest Meeting in Trafalgar Square, n.d. 2frs.0454 110 C. d'Hoffschmidt to Baron Willmar [in French with English translation].

March 4, 1848. 4frs.0458 111,112 C. d'Hoffschmidt to Sylvain Van de Weyer. March 5, 1848. 9frs.0467 113 Lord Palmerston to Prince Albert. March 7,1848. 2frs.0469 114, 115 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 6,1848. 6frs.0475 116 H. Reeve to Dr. Meyer. March 8,1848. 6frs.0481 117 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 8,1848. 7frs.0488 118 Press Cutting relating to State of Affairs in Paris. [March 5,1848.] 2frs.0490 119 Lord Palmerston to Lord Westmorland. March (?), 1848. 2frs.0492 120 Lord Palmerston to Lord Normanby. March (?), 1848. 2frs.0494 121 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. March 7,1848. 2frs.0496 122 Press Cutting relating to French Relations with European Powers [in French].

March 4,1848. 2frs.0498 123 Prince Oettingen-Wallerstein to Mr. de Gasser. February 29,1848. 9frs.0507 [124] Press Cutting relating to French Elections, n.d. 2frs.

The French Revolution, 1848 [cont.]Volume J.680509 Table of Contents and Summary. 6frs.0515 1 Sylvain Van de Weyer to Prince Albert [in French]. March 8,1848. 2frs.0517 2 Lieutenant Colonel C. Rowan to Major General Bowles. March [9], 1848. 4frs.0521 3 Lord Ashley to G. Anson. March 9,1848. 3frs.0524 4 Lord Lonsdale to H.U. Addington. March 4,1848. 3frs.0527 5 Press Cuttings relating to March Disorders in Wiesbaden [in German].

March (?), 1848.6frs.0533 6 F. Macdonald to Sir John Easthope. March 7, 1848. 3frs.0536 7 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 8, 1848. 3frs.0539 8 Lord Ponsonby to Lord Palmerston. March 1,1848. 3frs.

Page 16: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 1, vol. J.68No. No(s).

0542 9 Prince de Ligne to C. d'Hoffschmidt. March 5,1848. 6fts.0548 10 Lord Palmerston to R. Abercromby. n.d. 3frs.0551 11,12 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 6,1848 and March 7,1848. 5frs.0556 13 Press Cutting relating to Election of French National Assembly [in French], n.d. 1fr.0557 14 Lord Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. March 6,1848. 12frs.0569 15 Lord Palmerston to Lord Normanby. March 7,1848. 2frs.0571 16,17 Duke of Wellington to Lord John Russell. March 6,1848. 3frs.0574 18 F. Wellesley to Duke of Wellington. March 7,1848. 1fr.0575 19 Lord John Russell to Duke of Wellington. March 9,1848. 2frs.0577 20 Lady Normanby to Queen Victoria. March 10,1848. 14frs.0591 21-23 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 8,1848 and March 9,1848. 17frs.0608 24 Lord Spencer to Prince Albert (extract). [March 1848.] 2frs.0610 25 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 9,1848 and March 10,1848. 3frs.0613 26 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 11,1848. 5frs.0618 27 Prince Metternich to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. March 4,1848. 3frs.0621 28 Press Cutting relating to French Financial Position. March 9,1848. 2frs.0623 29 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. March 13,1848. 4frs.0627 30 Count Alexander Mensdorff to Prince Albert [in German]. March 7,1848. 4frs.0631 31 Press Cutting relating to French Provisional Government. n.d. 1fr.0632 32 Sir Alexander Malet to Lord Palmerston. March 3,1848.2frs.0634 33 Baron von Canitz to Chevalier C.C J. Bunsen. March 3,1848. 6frs.0640 34 J.R. Milbanke to Lord Palmerston; March 4,1848. 5frs.0645 35 Lord Ponsonby to Lord Palmerston. March 3,1848. 8frs.0653 36 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. March 14,1848. 2frs.0655 37 Press Cutting relating to Domestic Policies of British Government. n.d.1fr.0656 38 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. March 14,1848. 2frs.0658 39 Mr. Lamartine to Lord Palmerston. March 8,1848. 3frs.0661 40 Press Cutting relating to Political Conditions in France, n.d. 2frs.0663 40a William James to Thomas Bacon. March 11,1848. 18frs.0681 41 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 14,1848. 3frs.0684 42 Press Cutting relating to Political Conditions in France. March 11,1848. 1fr.0685 43 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 13,1848. 6frs.0691 44 King Frederick William IV to King Leopold I of the Belgians. March 9,1848. 3frs.0694 45-47 Duke of Wellington to Lord John Russell; Mr. Lamartine to Duke of Wellington; Lord

John Russell to Duke of Wellington. March 11, 1848 and March 12, 1848. 3frs.0697 48 Prince Albert to Count Alexander Mensdorff [in German]. March 16,1848. 3frs.[Note: Document number 49 was not used.]0700 50 J.R. Milbanke to Lord Palmerston. March 7,1848. 4frs.0704 51 Lord Westmorland to Lord Palmerston. March 9,1848. 5frs.0709 52 Lord Palmerston to Lord Ponsonby. March 13 (?), 1848. 1fr.0710 53 Lord Palmerston to Lord Westmorland. March (?), 1848. 2frs.0712 54 Lord Palmerston to Sir E. Disbrowe. March 14,1848. 1fr.0713 55,56 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 13,1848 and March 14,1848. 5frs.0718 56a Press Cutting relating to Public Education in France [in French]. March 6,1848. 1 fr.0719 57 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 11,1848. 4frs.0723 58 Chevalier C.C.J. Bunsen to Prince Albert [in German]. March (?), 1848. 3frs.0726 59 Press Cutting relating to Travel of Duke and Duchess of Montpensier. n.d. 1fr.0727 60-62 Baron von Canitz to Chevalier C.C J. Bunsen [two items in French].

March 9-12, 1848.12frs.0739 63,64 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 14-16,1848. 6frs.0745 65 Press Cutting relating to Political Conditions in Italy, n.d. 1fr.0746 66 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 10,1848. 4frs.0750 67 Sir E. Disbrowe to Lord Palmerston. March 16,1848. 5frs.0755 68 Lord Palmerston to Prince Albert March 21,1848. 2frs.

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Frame Document Reel 1, vol. J.68No. No(s).

0757 69 Press Cutting relating to Political Conditions in France, n.d. 2frs.0759 70,71 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 16, 1848 and March 17, 1848. 5frs.0764 72,72 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. March 16, 1848. 15frs.0779 74 Press Cutting relating to Electoral Manifesto of French Provisional Government

[in French], n.d. 2frs.0781 75,76 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 17, 1848. 7frs.0788 77 Louis Philippe, King of the French to Prince Albert [in French]. March 18, 1848. 2frs.0790 78 Press Cutting relating to Meeting of me Diet of the German Confederation.

March 14,1848. 1fr.0791 79 Lord Westmorland to Lord Palmerston. March 13,1848. 5frs.0796 80 Lord Ponsonby to Lord Palmerston. March 14,1848. 2frs.0798 81 Lord Bloomfield to Lord Palmerston. March 6, 1848. 4frs.0802 82 J.R. Milbanke to Lord Palmerston. March 10, 1848. 2frs.0804 83 Lord Bloomfield to Lord Palmerston. March 16,1848. 2frs.0806 84 R. Abercromby to Lord Palmerston. March 13, 1848. 2frs.0808 85 Baron Hohenthal to Baron Beust March 11,1848. 3frs.0811 86 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 18, 1848. 3frs.0814 87 King William II of the Netherlands to King Leopold I of the Belgians.

March 8,1848. 7frs.0821 88 Press Cutting relating to Birth of Daughter [Princess Louise] to Queen Victoria. March

20,1848. Ifr.0822 89 R. Abercromby to Lord Palmerston. March 8,1848. 3frs.0825 90,91 Press Cuttings relating to Political Conditions in France. March 17,1848. 5frs.0830 92 Chevalier C.C.J. Bunsen to Prince Albert [in German], n.d. 1fr.0831 93 Press Cutting relating to Political Conditions in Prussia. March (?), 1848. 1fr.0832 94 H. Reeve to Dr. Meyer. n.d. 3frs.0835 95 A. de Circourt to H. Reeve. March 13,1848. 4frs.0839 96 Press Cutting relating to the Climate of Opinion in Paris. March 15, 1848 and

March 17,1848.2frs.0841 97 Lord Lansdowne to Prince Albert, n.d. 2frs.0843 98 Enclosure to Document Number 97 [extract of a letter from Vienna to Lady Shelburne].

March 15,1848.2frs.0845 99,100 Press Cuttings relating to Political Conditions in Vienna [in German].

March 14,1848.2frs.0847 101-104 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 18,1848 and March 20,1848. 9frs.0856 105 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. March 18, 1848. 8frs.0864 106 Lord John Russell to Prince Albert. March 21,1848. 2frs.0866 107 R. Abercromby to Lord John Russell. March 16,1848. 2frs.0868 108 Marie Ame1ie, Queen of the French to Queen Victoria [in French with English

translation]. March 21, 1848.4frs.0872 109 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. March 21, 1848. 3frs.0875 110 Lord Palmerston to Lord Normanby. March 1848. 3frs.0878 111 Mr. Clark to Sir James Clark. March 20,1848. 4frs.0882 112 Lord John Russell to Prince Albert. March 22,1848. 1fr.0883 113-114 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 20,1848. 3frs.0886 114a A. Tumbull to Lord Normanby. March 10, 1848. 4frs.0890 115 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 20,1848. 2frs.0892 116 Press Cutting relating to Asylum for ex-French Royal Family in France.

March 21,1848. 1fr.0893 117 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 19, 1848. 6frs.0899 118 King Frederick William IV of Prussia to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German].

March 15,1848. 3frs.0902 119 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. March 23, 1848. 3frs.0905 120 Press Cutting relating to Political Conditions in France, n.d. 1fr.

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Frame Document Reels 1/2No. No(s).

0906 121 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 23,1848. 3frs.0909 122 Robert G. Shaw to Lord Palmerston. March 20,1848. 3frs.0912 123,123a Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 21,1848. 6frs.0918 124 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. March 23,1848. 6frs.0924 125,126 Press Cuttings relating to Electoral Campaign and Labor Conditions in France.

March 20, 1848. 7frs.0931 127-129 Lord Palmerston to Lord Normanby. March 22,1848. 3frs.0934 130-132 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 23,1848 and March 24,1848. 4frs.0938 133 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. n.d. 7frs.0945 134,135 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 25,1848 and March 26,1848 .2frs.0947 136 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. March 26,1848. 6frs.0953 137 Duchess of Orleans to Prince Albert [in German]. March 24,1848. 2frs.0955 138,139 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 26,1848 and March 27,1848. 4frs.0959 140 Count Circourt to Mr. Reeve (extract). March 26,1848. 11frs.[Note: Document number 141 was not used.]0970 142 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 28, 1848. 7frs.0977 143 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. March 30,1848. 2frs.0979 144,145 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 27,1848 and March 28,1848. 3frs.0982 146 Press Cutting relating to Political Conditions in France, n.d. 2frs.0984 147 Lord John Russell to Prince Albert. March 31,1848. 2frs.0986 148 Lord John Russell to Lord Palmerston. March 25,1848. 5frs.0991 149 Lord Palmerston to Lord John Russell. March 30, 1848. 2frs.0993 150 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 30,1848. 5frs.0998 151 Leaflet on Political Conditions in Paris [in French]. n.d. 1fr.0999 152 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 30, 1848. 2frs.1001 153 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. n.d. 2frs.1003 154 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. April 1,1848. 7frs.1010 155 Colonel Charles B. Phipps (memorandum). April 3, 1848. 1fr.1011 156 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. April 4,1848. 4frs.

Reel 2The French Revolution, 1848 [cont.]

Volume J.690001 Table of Contents and Summary. 5frs.0006 1-6 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. April 6,1848 and April 8,1848.13frs.0019 7 Revue Retrospective [ou Archives Secretes du Dernier Gouvernement] [in French].

March 1848.13frs.0032 8 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. April 15,1848. 3frs.0035 9 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. April 16,1848. 3frs.0038 10-12 Press Cuttings relating to Political Conditions in France [five items in French]. April 16,

1848 and undated. 6frs.0044 13-17 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. April 15,1848, April 17,1848, April 19,1848, and

April 20, 1848. 29frs.0073 18 Czar Nicholas I of Russia to Prince Albert April 18,1848. 3frs.0076 19-26 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. April 22,1848, April 23,1848, April 24, 1848,

April 25, 1848, and April 26,1848. 16frs.0092 27 Press Cutting relating to Political Conditions in France [in French]. April 25,1848. 2frs.0094 28,29 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. April 26,1848. 3frs.0097 30 Sir Robert Peel to Prince Albert. April 28, 1848. 2frs.0099 31 Press Cutting relating to Fall of King Louis Philippe, n.d. 1fr.0100 32 Lord Normanby to Lord John Russell. April 26,1848. 3frs.0103 33 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. April 30, 1848. 2frs.


Page 19: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 2, vol. J. 69No. No(s).

0105 34 Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston. May 1, 1848. 2frs.0107 35-37 Press Cuttings relating to Political and Social Conditions in France [one item in French].

April 29, 1848. 5frs.0112 38, 39 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. April 27,1848 and April 29, 1848. 2frs.0114 40 G.W. Featherstonehaugh to Lord Palmerston. April 29, 1848. 5frs.0119 41,42 Press Cuttings relating to Political and Social Conditions in France with Draft

Constitution [in French]. n.d. 6frs.0125 43,44 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 1, 1848 and May 3, 1848.4frs.0129 45 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. May 3,1848.2frs.0131 46 Press Cutting relating to French Election. May 1, 1848. Ifr.0132 47 Lord Clarendon to Lord John Russell. May 2,1848. 3frs.0135 48,49 Press Cuttings relating to Opening of the French National Assembly and Proclamation of

Second Republic, n.d. 6frs.0141 50 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 5, 1848. 3frs.0144 51 Lady Normanby to Queen Victoria. May 5,1848. 9frs.0153 52 Press Cutting relating to Political Developments in Italy and Germany [in French].

n.d. 2frs.0155 53 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 7, 1848. 2frs.0157 54 Press Cutting relating to Debates in the French National Assembly. May 10, 1848. 2frs.0159 55 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 10, 1848.4frs.0163 56,57 Press Cuttings relating to Debates in the French National Assembly [one in French].

May 10, 1848.9frs.0172 58, 59 Rev. Edmund Phipps to Mrs. Phipps. May 10, 1848. 9frs.0181 60 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 11, 1848. 3frs.0184 61-63 Press Cuttings relating to Debates in the French National Assembly [one in French].

May 11,1848.9frs.0193 64 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 12,1848.2frs.0195 65 Rev. Edmund Phipps to Mrs. Phipps. May 13, 1848. 9frs.0204 66, 67 Press Cuttings relating to Political and Social Conditions in France [one in French].

May 14, 1848. 5frs.0209 68,69 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 15,1848.5frs.0215 70 Press Cutting relating to Attack on French National Assembly [in French].

May 15, 1848. llfrs.0226 71 Lady Normanby to Queen Victoria. May 16,1848.15frs.0241 72,73 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 16, 1848. 3frs.0244 74 Press Cutting relating to Attack on French National Assembly. May 15, 1848. 5frs.0249 75 Lady Normanby to Queen Victoria. May 16,1848.1 Ifrs.0260 76-78 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 18, 1848. 6frs.0266 79 Press Cutting relating to Attack on French National Assembly [in French], n.d. Ifr.0267 80 Lord Palmerston to Lord Normanby. May (?), 1848.2frs.0269 81, 82 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 19, 1848. 2frs.0271 83 Lord Palmerston to Lord Normanby. May (?), 1848. 2frs.0273 84 Press Cutting relating to Attack on French National Assembly. May 20,1848. 2frs.0275 85 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 20, 1848. 2frs.0277 86 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. May 20,1848. 3frs.0280 87,88 Press Cuttings relating to Political Conditions in France. May 21, 1848. 6frs.0286 89, 89a Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 27, 1848.4frs.0290 90 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. May 27, 1848. 5frs.0295 91-93 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 29-30,1848. 6frs.0301 94 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. June 1,1848. 3frs.0304 95 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. June 3,1848. 6frs.0310 96 Press Cutting relating to Louis Blanc's Political Views [in French]. May 15, 1848. 2frs.0312 97-99 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 3, 1848. 5frs.0317 100 Press Cutting relating to Attack on French National Assembly. June 1, 1848. 4frs.


Page 20: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 2No. No(s).

0321 101 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 3,1848.2frs.0323 102-103 Press Cuttings relating to Debates in the French National Assembly. June 5-6,1848. 6frs.0329 104-106 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 5,1848.4frs.0333 107,108 Press Cuttings relating to Political Conditions in France, n.d. 4frs.0337 109,110 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 8,1848.7frs.0344 111 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. June 10, 1848. 3frs.0347 112-114 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 11,1848.9frs.0356 115 Press Cutting relating to Political Conditions in France, n.d. 3firs.0359 116 Lady Normanby to Queen Victoria. June 13,1848. ISfirs.0377 117 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. June 14,1848. Ifr.0378 118 Lady Normanby to Queen Victoria. [June 13,1848.] 4frs.0382 119 Press Cutting relating to Return of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte to France.

June 15,1848.5frs.0387 120 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 15,1848. Ifr.0388 121 Press Cutting relating to Political Conditions in France. June 11,1848. Ifr.0389 122 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 16,1848. 3frs.0392 123,124 Press Cuttings relating to Political Conditions and Return of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

to France [two items in French]. June 15,1848.4frs.0396 125 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. June 17, 1848. 8frs.0404 126 Mr. O'Reilly to Lord Normanby [in French]. June 15,1848.2frs.0406 127 Memo of Monsieur Gambart to Colonel E.B. Phipps. June 19, 1848.2frs.0408 128 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. June 19,1848. 5frs.0413 129 Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston. June 22,1848.2frs.0415 130,131 Press Cuttings relating to Political Conditions in France [one item in French], n.d. 6frs.0421 132 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. June 19,1848. Ifr.0422 133 Press Cutting relating to Political Conditions in France [in French]. June 17,1848. Ifr.

The French Revolution, 1848 cont.Volume J.700423 Table of Contents and Summary. 5frs.0428 1 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 18,1848.3frs.0431 2, 3 Press Cuttings relating to Political Conditions and June Insurrection in Paris [one item

in French]. June 23,1848. 7frs.0438 4 Lord Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. June 24,1848. 3frs.0441 5 Sir Robert Peel to Prince Albert. June 25,1848.3frs.0444 6 Lord Palmers ton to Queen Victoria. June 26,1848.2frs.0446 7, 8 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 23-24,1848. 3frs.0449 9 Press Cutting relating to June Insurrection in Paris. June 23-24,1848.12frs.0461 10-14 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 24-25,1848.9frs.0472 15 Lady Charlotte Bruce to Lady Augusta Bruce, n.d. 5frs.0477 16,17 Press Cuttings relating to June Insurrection in Paris. June 26,1848. 3frs.0480 18 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 27,1848.4frs.0484 19 Lady Charlotte Bruce to Lady Augusta Bruce, n.d. Ifr.0485 20 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. June 26,1848.9frs.0494 21,22 Press Cuttings relating to Suppression of the June Insurrection in Paris.

June 26,1848.7frs.0501 23-25 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 26-27,1848.8frs.0509 26 Lady Charlotte Bruce to Lady Augusta Bruce. June 27,1848.3frs.0512 27-34 Press Cuttings relating to Suppression of the June Insurrection in Paris.

June 26-29,1848.18frs.0531 35, 36 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 27-28,1848. 5frs.0536 37 Lady Normanby to Queen Victoria. June 29,1848.18frs.0554 38 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. June 29,1848.2frs.


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0556 39,40 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. June 29, 1848.5frs.0561 41,42 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 29,1848.4frs.0565 43,44 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [one in French].

June 28,1848.5frs.0570 45 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Queen Victoria. June 30, 1848. 5frs.0575 46 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. June 30,1848. 6frs.0581 47,48 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. June 30,1848-

July 1,1848. 5frs.0586 49 Lady Normanby to Queen Victoria. July 2, 1848. 17frs.0603 50 Monsieur Le Bouette to Lady Charlotte Bruce (?). June 30,1848.4frs.0607 50a Lady Charlotte Bruce to Lady Augusta Bruce (?) [in French]. July 3,1848.2frs.0609 51,52 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [one in French].

June 30,1848.5frs.0616 53 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. July 3, 1848. 3frs.0619 54, 55 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [one in French].

July 3-4,1848.6frs.0625 56 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. July 4,1848.4frs.0629 57 Queen Louise of the Belgians to Queen Victoria (?). July 4, 1848.5frs.0634 58 Lady Charlotte Bruce to Lady Augusta Bruce. July 5-6,1848. 5frs.0639 59 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. July 6, 1848. 3frs.0642 60,61 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. July 6,1848. 5frs.0647 62 [Enclosure from Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston in French.] July 8, 1848.3frs.0650 63-65 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. July 8-13,1848. 7frs.0657 65a Prince Albert (memorandum), n.d. 2frs.0659 66, 67 Lady Normanby to Queen Victoria (?). July 13-14, 1848. 2firs.0661 68, 69 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. July 17, 1848. 2frs.0663 70 Monsieur Powblon de Fontenaz to ?. July 14,1848.9frs.0672 71,72 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. July 17-18,1848.4frs.0676 73 E. Ellice to Lord John Russell. July 17, 1848.4frs.0680 74 E. Ellice to Sir C. Wood. July 19,1848. 5frs.0685 75 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. August 4,1848.2frs.0687 76 Despatch to Monsieur Tallenay [French minister in London, from French Foreign Office].

[July 11,1848.] 4frs.0691 77 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. August 5, 1848. 5frs.0696 78 Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston. August 6, 1848. 2frs.0698 79 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments [in French].

August 3,1848.14frs.0712 80 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. August 7,1848.7frs.0719 81 Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston. August 8, 1848. 3frs.0722 82 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. August 8,1848. Ifr.0723 83 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. Ifr.0724 84 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. August 9,1848. 3frs.0727 85 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. August 8,1848.2frs.0729 86 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. August 9,1848.2frs.0731 87 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. August 10, 1848.5frs.0736 88 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. August 10,1848. 5frs.0741 89,90 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. August 8, 1848.4frs.0745 91 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. August 11,1848.2frs.0747 92 Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston. August 11, 1848.2frs.0749 93 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. August 11,1848.3frs.0752 94 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. August 12, 1848.3frs.0755 95 Lord Palmerston to Lord John Russell. August 10, 1848. 3frs.0758 96 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. August 12,1848.2frs.0760 97 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. August 5, 1848. 2frs.


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0762 98 Press Cutting relating to French Foreign Policies [in French]. n.d. 3frs.0765 99 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. August 11,1848.2frs.0767 100 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. August 10,1848.4frs.0771 101 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. August 17,1848.3frs.0774 102 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. August 12,1848. 5frs.0779 103 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. August 19,1848.5frs.0784 104 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. 2frs.0786 105 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. August 20, 1848. 3frs.0789 106 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. August 21,1848.2frs.0791 107 Lord Normanby to Lord John Russell. August 20,1848.3frs.0794 108-111 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [in French], n.d. 56frs.0850 111 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. August 24,1848.2frs.0852 112 Lord Normanby to Lord John Russell. August 23,1848.2frs.0854 113,114 Press Cuttings relating to Suppression of the June Insurrection in Paris.

August 25, 1848. 6frs.0860 115 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. August 30, 1848. Ifr.0861 116 Lord Normanby to Lord John Russell. August 29,1848.2frs.0863 117 General Cavaignac to Lord Normanby. August 29,1848.3frs.0866 118 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. September 2,1848.7frs.0873 119 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. September 3,1848. 2frs.0875 120,121 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. September 2,1848.2frs.0877 122 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. September 7,1848.14frs.0891 123 Press Cutting relating to French and Italian Political Developments, n.d. 2frs.0893 124 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. September 23,1848. Ifr.0894 125 Press Cutting relating to Views of Prince de Joinville on His Father, King Louis Philippe.

[November?, 1847.] Ifr.0895 126 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. September 29, 1848.6frs.0901 127-129 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. October 5-7, 1848.4frs.

Reel 3The French Revolution, 1848-1849

Volume J.710001 Table of Contents and Summary. 6frs.0007 1 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. Octobers, 1848.4frs.0011 2-6 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments and Louis Napoleon

Bonaparte's Presidential Ambitions. October 9-16,1848.12frs.0023 7 Monsieur F. Guizot to Lord Brougham. October 16,1848.12frs.0035 8 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments and Louis Napoleon Bonaparte's

Presidential Ambitions [in French]. October 26,1848. Ifr.0036 9,10 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. October 23,1848.5frs.0041 11 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments and Louis Napoleon Bonaparte's

Presidential Ambitions [in French]. October 31,1848.2frs.0043 12 King Leopold I of the Belgians to ? [in German]. October 28,1848. 3frs.0046 13 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. Ifr.0047 14,15 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. October 29, 1848.9frs.0056 16-18 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [one in French].

November 6, 1848. 5frs.0061 19 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. November 6, 1848. 2frs.0063 20-23 Press Cuttings with Text of and Commentary on French Constitution of 1848 [in French].

November?, 1848. lifts.0074 24-27 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. November 11,1848, November 13,1848, and

November 16, 1848. 9frs.


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0085 28 Note [on the political clubs of Paris]. November 14,1848. 7frs.0092 29-31 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [one in French].

November 23,1848.4frs.00% 32,33 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. November 21,1848 and November 23, 1848.7frs.0103 34 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. November 24-25, 1848. 3frs.0106 35 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. November 26, 1848. 6frs.0112 36, 37 Press Cuttings relating to Presidential Election in France and French Intervention in Italy

[one in French]. November 25,1848.22frs.0134 38 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. November 26,1848.7frs.0141 39 Press Cutting relating to Presidential Election in France and Louis Napoleon Bonaparte's

Campaign [in French]. November 27,1848.2rrs.0143 40 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. November 27,1848. 2frs.0145 41 Press Cutting relating to Presidential Election in France, n.d. 3frs.0148 42 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. November 27,1848. 3frs.0151 43-49 Press Cuttings relating to Presidential Election in France [two in French]. December 7,

1848, December 9,1848, December 10, 1848, and December 12, 1848. lifts.0162 50, 51 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. December 10-11, 1848.7frs.0169 52-55 Press Cuttings relating to Louis Napoleon Bonaparte's Election as French President.

December 14-15,1848. llfirs.0180 56 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. December 16,1848.2frs.0182 57 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. December 17, 1848. 3frs.0185 58, 59 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. December 14, 1848 and December 16, 1848. 7frs.0192 60 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. December 18,1848. 2frs.0194 61 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. December 19, 1848. 3frs.0197 62 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. December 20, 1848.2frs.0199 63 Press Cutting relating to Louis Napoleon Bonaparte's Election as French President

[December 16, 1848.] 2frs.0201 64 Queen Louise of the Belgians to Queen Victoria. December 18, 1848. 3frs.0204 65 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. December 21, 1848.2frs.0206 66 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. December 20, 1848. Ifr.0207 67 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. December 21, 1848. 3frs.0210 68 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. December 21,1848.4frs.0214 69 Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston. December 22,1848. Ifr.0215 70,71 Press Cuttings relating to Installation of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte as French President.

n.d. 4frs.0219 72,73 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. December 20, 1848. 6frs.0225 74 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. December 23, 1848. 2frs.0227 75 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. December 22,1848.6frs.0233 76 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. December 23,1848.6frs.0239 77 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. December 25,1848.1 fr.0240 78,79 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. December 23, 1848.4frs.0244 80 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. December 26, 1848. 2frs.0246 81 Lord Palmerston to Lord John Russell. December 24,1848. 3frs.0249 82 Prince Albert (memorandum), n.d. 2frs.0251 83 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. December 24, 1848. 3frs.0254 84-86 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. December 23, 1848.4frs.0258 87 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. December 31,1848.2frs.0260 88 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments [in French].

December 27, 1848. Ifr.0261 89 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. December 31, 1848. 1 fr.0262 90 French President Louis Napoleon Bonaparte to Queen Victoria [in French].

January 22,1849. Ifr.0263 91 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. January 8,1849.5frs.0268 92 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. 3frs.


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0271 93 Marchioness of Douglas to Duchess of Kent [in German], n.d. 5frs.0276 94 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. January 11,1849.2frs.0278 95,96 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. January 19-20,1849.2frs.0280 97 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. January 17,1849.2frs.0282 98 Lord Palmerston to Lord Normanby. n.d. 2frs.0284 99 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. January 18,1849. 3frs.0287 100 Count Circourt to Mr. Reeve. January 20,1849.6frs.0293 101 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. January 20,1849. 3frs.0296 102,103 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [in French].

January 27-28,1849.4frs.0300 104 Count Circourt to Mr. Reeve. January 26,1849. 3frs.0303 105-107 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. January 26-27,1849. 6frs.0309 108-115 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. January 28-31,1849 and February 4,1849.16frs.0325 116 Queen Victoria (memorandum). February 19,1849.4frs.0329 117 Count Circourt to Mr. Reeve. February 17,1849.3frs.0332 118,119 Colonel Charles B. Phipps to Prince Albert. March 6,1849 and March 11,1849.19frs.0351 120 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. 2frs.0353 121 H. Reeve to Dr. Meyer. March 20,1849. 3frs.0356 122 Andrew Buchanan to Lord Palmerston. February 28,1849.4frs.0360 123-126 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. April 14,1849. 3frs.0363 127 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. April 13,1849.2frs.0365 128 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. April 10,1849. Ifr.0366 129 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. April 24,1849. 2frs.0368 130,131 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. May 4,1849 and

May 8,1849. 3frs.0371 132, 133 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 8-9, 1849. 2frs.0376 134 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. Ifr.0377 135-138 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 10,1849, May 13,1849, and

May 18, 1849.9frs.0386 139 Lord Holland to Lord Lansdowne. May 20,1849.2frs.0388 140,141 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. May 23,1849.2frs.0390 142 Colonel Charles B. Phipps to Prince Albert. May 23,1849. 6frs.0396 143 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 25,1849.3frs.0399 144,145 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [two in French].

May 30,1849.7frs.0406 146,147 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 2-3,1849.7frs.0413 148 Lord Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. June 13,1849. 5frs.0418 149 Map [of France with names of all members of the National Assembly]. 1849. Ifr.0419 150-153 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. June 13,1849.5frs.0424 154-156 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 13,1849.4frs.0428 157, 158 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. June 13-14,1849.4frs.0432 159 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 14,1849.2frs.0434 160,161 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. June 16,1849.2frs.0436 162,163 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. June 27-28,1849.6frs.0442 164 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. Ifr.0443 165, 166 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. July 16, 1849 and July 19, 1849. 3frs.0446 167 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. August 11, 1849. Ifr.0447 168 Extract from Letter [author and recipient not stated]. July 19, 1849. 2frs.0449 169 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. July 22,1849. Ifr.0450 170 Lord John Russell to Prince Albert. July 23, 1849. 6frs.0456 171-173 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. August 16,1849. 9frs.


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The French Revolution, 1849-1851Volume J.720465 Table of Contents and Summary. Sfrs.0470 1 Lieutenant Colonel G. du Plat to Lord Palmerston. August 25,1849. 3frs.0473 2 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. August 30,1849.19frs.0492 3 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. September 23, 1849. 1 Ifrs.0503 4 Henry F. Howard to Lord Palmerston. September 13,1849. Sfrs.0508 5 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. September 16, 1849. 3frs.0511 6 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. October 16,1849. Ifr.0512 7 Statement [in French on finances of ex-King Louis Philippe's family], n.d. 2frs.0514 8-10 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. October 19, 1849 and

October 31,1849.17fr.0531 11,12 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. November 1, 1849. 3frs.0534 13-15 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. November 3, 1849. 7frs.0541 16 Count Circourt to Mr. Reeve. November 3,1849. 6frs.0547 17 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. November 3,1849. 6frs.0553 18 Richard Bingham to Lord Palmerston. November 7, 1849. 2frs.0555 19 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. November 19,1849. 2frs.0557 20 Lord Lansdowne to Prince Albert. November 24, 1849. 6frs.0563 21 Lady Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. November 25,1849. Sfrs.0571 22-26 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. December 6,1849, January 6,1850,

February 6,1850, February 28,1850, and March 1,1850. 14frs.0585 27 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments [in German].

March 12,1850. 3frs.0588 28,29 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 11, 1850 and March 14,1850.3frs.0591 30 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. March 18,1850. Ifr.0592 31-33a Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. March 17, 1850, March 18, 1850, and

March 21,1850. 6frs.0598 34 Lord Normanby to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. April 26, 1850. Ifr.0599 35 Colonel Charles B. Phipps to Lord Normanby. April 27, 1850.2frs.0601 36-40 Lord Normanby to Lord Palmerston. May 2,1850 and May 6,1850.12frs.0613 41 Queen Victoria (memorandum). June 19,1850.2frs.0615 42-45 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [two in French].

June 18, 1850.4frs.0619 46 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. August 26, 1850. 2frs.0621 47 Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston. August 26, 1850. 2frs.0623 48 Due de Nemours to Queen Victoria. August 26,1850.2frs.0625 49-54 Press Cuttings relating to Death of ex-King Louis Philippe [three in German].

August 27, 1850 and March 29,1851.17frs.

Louis Napoleon, 1852Volume J.730642 Table of Contents and Summary. 9frs.0651 1 Chevalier C.C.J. Bunsen (memorandum [on 1848 revolt in the Canton of Neuchatel]).

January 15, 1852. 19frs.0670 2 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. January 30, 1852. 3frs.0673 3 Count Nesselrode to Baron Brunnow. October 13, 1851. 13frs.0686 4 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Queen Victoria. February 2, 1853. 3frs.0689 5 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. February?, 1853. 3frs.0692 6 Chevalier C.CJ. Bunsen to Baron C.F. Stockmar [in German]. February 10, 1852. 4frs.0696 6a King Frederick William IV of Prussia to Chevalier C.CJ. Bunsen [in German].

January 11,1852. 6frs.0702 7-12 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. January 17, 1852 and January 20, 1852. 25frs.


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0727 13,14 Lord Howden to Foreign Office. January 28,1852.4frs.0731 15 Sylvain Van de Weyer to Baron CF. Stockmar [in French]. February 8,1852.6frs.0737 16 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. 2frs.0739 17 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. February 13,1852.6frs.0745 18 King Frederick William IV of Prussia to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German].

February 8,1852. 5frs.0750 19 Baron Niebuhr (memorandum [in German]). February 8,1852. 8frs.0758 20 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. February 16,1852.4frs.0762 21 G. Jemingham to Foreign Office. January 30, 1852. 2frs.0764 22 Prince Albert to Lord Granville. February 18,1852. Ifr.0765 23 Prince Albert (memorandum). February 18,1852.2frs.0767 24 Monsieur E. Conway to King Leopold I of the Belgians. February 17, 1852. 5frs.0772 25 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 20,1852.2frs.0774 26 W.D. Christie to Foreign Office. January 20,1852. 5frs.0779 27-30 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. January 31, 1852, February 3, 1852, and

February9,1852. lOfrs.0789 31 Emperor Nicholas I of Russia to French President Louis Napoleon Bonaparte.

January 22,1852. 3frs.0792 32 Monsieur F. Guizot to Lord Aberdeen. February 24,1852.4frs.0796 33 French President Louis Napoleon Bonaparte to Lord Malmesbury.

February 24,1852. Ifr.0797 34 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. 2frs.0799 35 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. February 21,1852.6frs.0805 36 Monsieur Jules van Praet to Baron C.F. Stockmar. February 22,1852.7frs.0812 37 James Hudson to Foreign Office. February 17,1852.9frs.0821 38 H J3. Howard to Foreign Office. February 16,1852.4frs.0825 39 G. Jerningham to Foreign Office. February 19,1852.2frs.0827 40 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 21,1852.4frs.0831 41 Queen Victoria to Lord Derby. February 29,1852.2frs.0833 42,43 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 25,1852 and February 27,1852.8frs.0841 44 Baron C.F. Stockmar (memorandum). March (?), 1852. 3frs.0844 45 Press Cutting relating to Attitude of European Powers to Switzerland, n.d. 2frs.0846 46 Queen Victoria to Lord Derby. March 4,1852. Ifr.0847 47 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. March 4, 1852. 3frs.0850 48 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. 2frs.0852 49 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 3,1852.12frs.0864 50 Colonel Charles B. Phipps to Colonel C. Grey. March 3,1852.2frs.0866 51 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. March 4,1852. 3frs.0869 52 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. March 4,1852.4frs.0873 53-56 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 8, 1852, March 10, 1852, March 11, 1852, and

March 17,1852. lOfrs.0883 57 Monsieur Jules van Praet to Baron C.F. Stockmar. March 13,1852. 8frs.0891 58 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. March 21, 1852.2frs.0893 59 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. 2frs.0895 60 Lord Malmesbury to A.C. Magenis. March 22,1852. 12frs.0907 61 Count Nesselrode to Baron Brunnow. March 4, 1852. 7frs.0914 62,63 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. March 10,1852.4frs.0918 64 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 24,1852. 6frs.0924 65, 66 Lord Malmesbury to Sir Hamilton Seymour. March 27, 1852 and March 29, 1852. 18frs.0942 67 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 29,1852. 3frs.0945 68, 69 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [one in French].

March 29, 1852.4frs.0949 70 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. March 10, 1852. 5frs.0954 71 Prince of Prussia to ?. March 31, 1852. 3frs.


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Frame Document Reels 3/4No. No(s).

0957 72 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 8, 1852. Ifr.0958 73 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. April 9, 1852. 2frs.0960 74,75 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 5,1852 and April 8,1852.14frs.0974 76 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. April 12, 1852. 3frs.0977 77,78 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 8-9, 1852. 6frs.0983 79 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. March 21, 1852.4frs.0987 80, 81 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 11, 1852. lOfrs.0997 82 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. April 15,1852. 6frs.1003 83 Enclosure to Document Number 82 [extract from Thiers' Histoire de la Revolution

franqaise in French]. n.d. 3frs.1006 84 Baron Niebuhr to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. April 10, 1852. 7frs.1013 85 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. April 20, 1852.4frs.1017 86-88 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. April 3, 1852 and April 6, 1852. 5frs.1022 89 Sir Ralph Abercromby to Foreign Office. April 21,1852.7frs.1029 90 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Westmorland. May (?), 1852. 5frs.1034 91 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. Ifr.1035 92 Jules van Praet to King Leopold I of the Belgians. May 2,1852. lOfrs.1045 93,94 Lord Aberdeen to Prince Albert. May 5, 1852 and May 8, 1852. 3frs.1048 95 Princess Lieven to Lord Aberdeen. May 6, 1852.4frs.1052 96 Prince Albert to Lord Aberdeen. May 8,1852. Ifr.1053 97 Press Cutting relating to Biography of French President of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

[in French], n.d. 3frs.1056 98 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. May 14, 1852. 3frs.1059 99 Enclosure to Document Number 98 [in French; see continuation in document number

104]. May 10,1852.4frs.1063 100 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. May 10, 1852 and

May 14, 1852.2frs.1065 101, 102 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 14,1852. 5frs.1072 103 Lord Westmorland to Foreign Office. May 10,1852. 3frs.1075 104 Continuation of Document Number 99. May 16, 1852.4frs.1079 105 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. May 19, 1852. 6frs.1085 106,107 Count O'Sullivan de Grass to Monsieur d'Hoffschmidt. May 14, 1852 and

May 16, 1852.25frs.1110 108,109 Lord Malmesbury to Prince Albert. May 24-25,1852.5frs.1115 110 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. May 25, 1852. 3frs.1118 111 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 20,1852.2frs.1120 112 Press Cutting relating to Speculation about Louis Napoleon Bonaparte Becoming

Emperor. May 25,1852.2frs.1122 113 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 23, 1852. 5frs.1127 114 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. May 18,1852.4frs.1131 115 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Bloomfield. May (?), 1852. Ifr.

Reel 4Louis Napoleon, 1852 cont.

Volume J.740001 Table of Contents and Summary. 7frs.0008 1 Lord Cowley to Lord Malmesbury. May 27,1852. 3frs.0011 2, 3 Press Cuttings relating to Belgian and French Political Developments [one in French].

n.d. 5frs.0016 4-8 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 30-31, 1852. 13frs.0029 9-14 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. May 28,1852.15frs.0044 15 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. Ifr.


Page 28: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 4, vol. J. 74No. No(s).

0045 16 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 3,1852.2frs.0047 17 James Hudson to Foreign Office. June 3,1852.2frs.0049 18 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Westmorland. June 22,1852.13frs.0062 19 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 20,1852.2frs.0064 20 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Westmorland. June 29,1852.14frs.0078 21 Proposed Declaration to France [in French]. June 7,1852.2frs.0080 22 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. July 1,1852.4frs.0084 23 Lord Westmorland to Foreign Office. June 29,1852.2frs.0086 24,25 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. July 5,1852 and July 8,1852.4frs.0090 26 Lord Westmorland to Foreign Office. July 6, 1852. 3frs.0093 27 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. July 8,1852.2frs.0095 28 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. July 25,1852. 3frs.0098 29 Press Cutting relating to Prussian, Austrian, and Russian Convention Against

Recognizing Louis Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor, n.d. Ifr.0099 30 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. July 31,1852.2frs.0101 31,32 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. July 21, 1852 and July 23,1852. 7frs.0108 33 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. July 23,1852. 3frs.0111 34-40 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. July 26,1852, July 29, 1852, August 2,1852, August 5,

1852, August 9,1852, August 16,1852, and August 17,1852. 25frs.0136 41 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Bloomfield. August 24,1852. 5frs.0141 42 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. August 27,1852. 2frs.0143 43 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. August 31, 1852. 3frs.0146 44,45 H.G. Howard to Foreign Office. August 30,1852 and September 6, 1852. 6frs.0152 46 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Lord Malmesbury. September 3,1852.3frs.0155 47,48 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. September 23,1852 and September 27,1852. 6frs.0161 49 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. October 10,1852. 5frs.0166 50 Enclosure to Document Number 49 [in French]. n.d. 2frs.0168 51,52 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. October 14,1852. 3frs.0171 53 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. October 15,1852.4frs.0175 54,55 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. October 11,1852 and October 14,1852. 7frs.0182 56 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. October 18,1852.4frs.0186 57-59 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. October 4,1852 and October 10,1852. 6frs.0192 60 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. October 1,1852.4frs.0196 61-63 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. October 14,1852.12frs.0208 64 Lord Ponsonby to Colonel Charles Grey. October 19,1852.12frs.0220 65 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Howard de Walden. October 19,1852.4frs.0224 66-68 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. October 18,1852, October 19,1852, and

October 21,1852. 6frs.0230 69 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. October 25,1852. 6frs.0236 70 Baron Niebuhr to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. October 22,1852. 8frs.0244 71 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments [in German], n.d. Ifr.0245 72 James Hudson to Foreign Office. October 20,1852.2frs.0247 73,74 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. October 23,1852 and October 25,1852. 5frs.0252 75,76 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. November 1, 1852 and

Novembers, 1852. Sfrs.0257 77 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. October 29,1852. 2frs.0259 78 Andrew Buchanan to Foreign Office. October 27, 1852. 4frs.0263 79 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 2, 1852.8frs.0271 80 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Westmorland. November 2, 1852.4frs.0275 81 Press Cutting relating to Establishment of French Empire under Napoleon III (formerly

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte), n.d. Ifr.0276 82 Lord Ponsonby to Colonel Charles Grey. November 4,1852.6frs.0282 83 Press Cutting relating to Creation of French Empire and Line of Succession to the

Throne, n.d. 2frs.


Page 29: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 4No. No(s).

0284 84 Queen Victoria to Lord Malmesbury. Novembers, 1852.2frs.0286 85 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. November 8, 1852. Ifr.0287 86 Enclosure to Document Number 85 [on British attitude to establishment of French

Empire under Napoleon HI]. November 8,1852.40frs.0327 87-89 Press Cuttings relating to Establishment of French Empire under Napoleon III [two in

French]. November 4,1852, November 6,1852, and November 7, 1852. 8frs.0335 90-93 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 5, 1852, November 7,1852, and

Novembers, 1852. lOfrs.0345 94 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. November 13,1852.2frs.0347 95 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 11, 1852. 6frs.0353 96 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. October 28, 1852. 8frs.0361 97 Press Cutting relating to Protest of Bourbon Count of Chambord on Establishment of

French Empire. October 25,1852. Ifr.0362 98 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. November 16, 1852. 2frs.0364 99 Press Cutting relating to French Protests on Establishment of French Empire.

November 15, 1852. Ifr.0365 100, 101 Odo Russell to Foreign Office. November 7-8, 1852. 7frs.0372 102 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. November 12, 1852.4frs.0376 -103 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. November 4, 1852.2frs.0378 104 Baron Manteuffel to Chevalier C.C J. Bunsen. November 18, 1852. 7frs.0385 105 Enclosure to Document Number 104 [on Prussian reaction to establishment of French

Empire]. November 18, 1852. 16frs.0401 106,107 Press Cuttings relating to Establishment of French Empire. November 25, 1852.2frs.0403 108 Despatch [with Russian views on establishment of French Empire; in French].

November 11,1852.5frs.0408 109,110 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 11,1852 and November 15, 1852.9frs.0417 111 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. November 25, 1852.4frs.0421 112 Mr. Howard to Foreign Office. November 14, 1852.4frs.0425 113 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. November 4,1852. 2frs.

Louis Napoleon, 1852-1853Volume J.750427 Table of Contents and Summary. 7frs.0434 1 Lord Brougham to Colonel Charles Grey. November 21, 1852. 3frs.0437 2 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. November 27, 1852.2frs.0439 3 Queen Victoria to Lord Malmesbury. November 30, 1852. 2frs.0441 4 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Cowley. November 29, 1852. 18frs.0459 5 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. December 1, 1852.2frs.0461 6 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 30, 1852.4frs.0465 7 Queen Victoria to Lord Malmesbury. December 1,1852.2frs.0467 8 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. December 2,1852.2frs.0469 9,10 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 1,1852.14frs.0483 11 Lord Cowley to Monsieur Drouyn de Lhuys. November 30, 1852. 2frs.0485 12 Lord Cowley (memorandum [of conversation with French Foreign Minister Drouyn de

Lhuys on imperial title of Napoleon III]). November 30,1852. 8frs.0493 13 Monsieur Drouyn de Lhuys to Lord Cowley [in French]. December 1,1852.1 fr.0494 14-16 Press Cuttings relating to Establishment of French Empire under Napoleon III.

December 1-2, 1852.4frs.0498 17 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. Decembers, 1852. 2frs.0500 18 Count Walewski to Lord Malmesbury [in French]. December 2, 1852. 5frs.0505 19,20 Pamphlets [issued by French government on plebiscite and establishment of the Empire;

in French]. November 7,1852 and December 1,1852.7frs.0512 21 Lord Malmesbury to Count Walewski. December 4, 1852. 5frs.


Page 30: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 4, vol. J. 75No. No(s).

0517 22 Lord Malmesbury to Sir Hamilton Seymour. December 4,1852.12frs.0529 23 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Cowley. December 4,1852.2frs.0531 24 Queen Victoria to French Emperor Napoleon ffl. December 4,1852.4frs.0535 25 Queen Victoria to Lord Malmesbury. December 3, 1852. 2frs.0537 26 Count Buol to Count Colloredo. November 14,1852.9frs.0546 27-29 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 1-2,1852.8frs.0554 30 Enclosure to Document Number 29 [on French naval budget; in French].

November 27,1852. 3frs.0557 31 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. December 13,1852. 3frs.0560 32 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 2,1852. 3frs.0563 33 Chevalier C.C.J. Bunsen to ? [in German]. December 5,1852.4frs.0567 34 Count Hatzfeldt to Baron Manteuffel. [November 30,1852.] 3Ifrs.0598 35 Andrew O'Reilly to Lord Normanby. December 2,1852. 5frs.0603 36 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. December 6,1852.2frs.0605 37 Queen Victoria to Lord Malmesbury. December 6,1852.2frs.0607 38 Lord Aberdeen to Prince Albert. December 6,1852. Ifr.0608 39 Monsieur F. Guizot to Lord Aberdeen. December 2, 1852.6frs.0614 40 Press Cutting relating to Debate in the House of Lords on Establishment of French

Empire. December 6,1852.2frs.0616 41 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. December 6,1852. 3frs.0619 42 Colonel Olberg to? [enclosure to document number 41; in German]. n.d.2frs.0621 43 Queen Victoria to Lord Malmesbury. Decembers, 1852.2frs.0623 44 Secret Protocol [with Russia, Austria, and Prussia on recognition of French Empire].

December 3,1852.5frs.0628 45 Lord Derby to Prince Albert. December 8,1852.5frs.0633 46 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. December 4 (?), 1852.2frs.0635 47-51 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. November 15-16,1852 and

November 18, 1852. 7frs.0642 52 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. December 9,1852. 3frs.0645 53,54 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 3,1852 and December 6,1852.4frs.0649 55 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office (abstract). November 29,1852. 3frs.0652 56,57 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office (abstract). November 30,1852 and

December 2,1852.3frs.0655 58 H.G. Howard to Foreign Office (abstract). November 30,1852.2frs.0657 59,60 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 9,1852.2frs.0659 61-63 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [one in German].

December 10-11,1852.4frs.0663 64 Richard Edwardes to Foreign Office. December 9,1852. Ifr.0664 65 Richard Edwardes (memorandum [on French naval spending]). [December 9,1852.] 6frs.0670 66,67 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office and Enclosure [Prussian response to establishment of

French Empire]. December 3,1852 and December 6,1852.2frs.0672 68 H.G. Howard to Foreign Office. December 6, 1852. 2frs.0674 69 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 9, 1852. 3frs.0677 70 Andrew O'Reilly to Lord Normanby. n.d. 6frs.0683 71 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 12,1852. Ifr.0684 72 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. 3frs.0687 73 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. December 13, 1852.2frs.0689 74 Queen Victoria to Lord Derby. December 14,1852.2frs.0691 75 Queen Victoria to Lord Malmesbury. December 14,1852. Ifr.0692 76 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. December 14, 1852. Ifr.0693 77 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. December 14,1852. 6frs.0699 78 Queen Victoria to Lord Derby. December 16,1852.4frs.0703 79 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 12,1852.4frs.0707 80 Lord Malmesbury (memorandum). December 16, 1852.2frs.


Page 31: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 4No. No(s).

0709 81 Prince of Prussia (memorandum). November 8,1852. 8frs.0717 82 Prince Albert (memorandum). December 18, 1852. Ifr.0718 83 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. December 18,1852.4frs.0722 84, 85 Prince Albert to Prince Hohenlohe [document 84 is in German; document 85 is English

translation]. December 19,1852.4frs.0726 86 Lord Brougham to Colonel Charles Grey. December 19,1852.2frs.0728 87 H.G. Howard to Foreign Office. December 7,1852. 2frs.0730 88,89 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. December 10-11, 1852.7frs.0737 90-92 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. December 4, 1852 and December 9,1852. 5frs.0742 93 Despatch [enclosure to document number 92 from Russian Foreign Office to Russian

Embassy, Paris]. November (?), 1852.15frs.0757 94 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. December 4, 1852. 3frs.0760 95-97 Count Colloredo to Lord Malmesbury and Enclosure [copy of despatch from

Count Buol in Vienna] with Note by Lord Malmesbury. December 11, 1852,December 17,1852, and December 18,1852.2frs.

0763 98 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. December 23,1852.2frs.0765 99 Queen Victoria to Lord Malmesbury. December 23,1852. 1 fr.0768 100 H.G. Howard to Foreign Office. December 14, 1852. 3frs.0771 101 Chevalier C.C.J. Bunsen to ?. December 27, 1852. Ifr.0772 102-104 Chevalier C.C.J. Bunsen to King Frederick William IV of Prussia [in German].

November 30,1852, December 1, 1852, and December 16, 1852. 13frs.0785 105 Prince Hohenlohe to Prince Albert. December 24,1852.5frs.0790 106 Princess Hohenlohe to Queen Victoria. December 24,1852. 3frs.0793 107 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. December 27,1852. 3frs.0796 108 Duke of Brabant to Prince Albert [in French with an English translation].

December 30,1852.5frs.0801 109 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 3,1853.2frs.0803 110 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. December 27, 1852.2frs.0805 111-112 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. December 15, 1852.4frs.0809 113 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. January 4,1853. Ifr.0810 114,115 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. December 22, 1852 and December 23, 1852. 6frs.0816 116,116a Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 29,1852 and December 30, 1852.4frs.0820 117 Prince Hohenlohe to Prince Albert December 30,1852.8frs.0828 118 Princess Hohenlohe to Queen Victoria. December 30, 1852. 2frs.0830 119 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Princess Hohenlohe [in German].

December 26,1852.2frs.0832 120 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Queen Victoria. January 2,1853. Ifr.0833 121 Prince Albert to Prince Hohenlohe. January 6, 1853.7frs.0840 122 Prince Hohenlohe to Count Walewski. January (?), 1853.9frs.

Louis Napoleon, 1853-1855Volume J.760849 Table of Contents and Summary. 5frs.0854 1, 2 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 4-5, 1853. 15frs.0869 3 Lady Augusta Bruce to Lady Fanny Howard, n.d. 4frs.0873 4,5 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 5,1853. 3frs.0876 6,7 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [one in German].

January 12,1853. 2frs.0878 8 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 10, 1853. 2frs.0880 9 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. January 16, 1853. Ifr.0881 10 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 13,1853.2frs.0883 11 Lord Aberdeen to Lord John Russell. January 14, 1853. 2frs.0885 12 Prince Hohenlohe to Prince Albert [in German]. January 12, 1853. 3frs.


Page 32: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reels 4/5No. No(s).

0888 13-15 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [one in French].January 16,1853 and January 18,1853.4frs.

0892 16 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German], n.d. 4frs.0896 17 Press Cutting relating to Napoleon Ill's Marriage, n.d. 2frs.0898 18 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. January 20,1853. Ifr.0899 19,20 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 17,1853. 5frs.0904 21-23 Press Cuttings relating to Napoleon ffl's Marriage. January 19, 1853 and

January 21,1853.4frs.0908 24,25 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. January 6-7,1853.4frs.0912 26 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 18, 1853. 5frs.0917 27-32 Press Cuttings relating to Napoleon Ill's Marriage. January 20,1853,

January 22,1853, and January 24,1853. 8frs.0925 33 Lady Augusta Bruce to ?. January 24,1853.2frs.0927 34 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. January 24,1853. 2frs.0929 35,36 Baron Brunnow to Lord John Russell [in French] and Enclosure [in French].

January 3,1853 and January 24,1853.3frs.0932 37 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. January 25, 1853.2frs.0934 38 Norman Macdonald to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. January 24,1853.4frs.0938 39 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. January 25,1853. 2frs.0940 40 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 24,1853. 3frs.0943 41 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Queen Victoria. January 28,1853.4frs.0947 42 Andrew O'Reilly to Lord Normanby. January 27,1853. 5frs.0952 43 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. January 21,1853.4frs.0956 44 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. January 24,1853. 3frs.0959 45,46 Lord Cowley to Lord John Russell. January 25, 1853. 5frs.0965 47 Press Cutting relating to Napoleon Ill's Marriage, n.d. 4frs.0969 48 Norman Macdonald to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. January 30,1853.1 Ifrs.0980 48a Lady Augusta Bruce to Duchess of Kent. January 31,1853.9frs.0989 48b Monsieur E. Beyens to Monsieur Materne. January 26, 1853. 6frs.0995 48c Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. 2frs.0997 48d Lord Aberdeen to Queen Victoria. February 5,1853. Ifr.0998 49, 50 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 2, 1853 and February 4,1853. 3frs.1001 51 Sir J. Milbanke to Foreign Office. January 29,1853. 3frs.1004 52 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. February 8,1853.2frs.1006 53 Lord Aberdeen to Queen Victoria. February 8,1853. Ifr.1007 54 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Queen Victoria. February 3,1853. 6frs.1013 55 Monsieur E. Beyens to Monsieur Materne. January 25,1853.9frs.1022 56 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. February 9, 1853. 2frs.1024 57 Andrew O'Reilly to Lord Normanby. February 5,1853.6frs.1030 58 Lady Augusta Bruce to Baroness de Speth. n.d. 9frs.1039 59 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 7, 1853. 7frs.1046 60 Lord Aberdeen to Queen Victoria. February 12,1853.2frs.

ReelsLouis Napoleon, 1853-1855 cont.

Volume J.76 cont.0001 61,62 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 9,1853 and February 27,1853. 7frs.0008 63, 64 G.W. Jerningham to Foreign Office and Enclosure [in French]. February 24, 1853. 3frs.0011 65 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office, n.d. Ifr.0012 66 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. April 2,1853. Ifr.0013 67 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. April (?), 1853.4frs.


Page 33: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document ReelsNo. No(s).

0017 68-70 Press Cuttings relating to Anglo-French Relations and Pastoral Letter of Pius IX toFrench Clergy. April 15, 1853.5frs.

0022 71 Duke of Brabant to Prince Albert April 11,1853. 3frs.0025 72 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. [April 10, 1853.] 4frs.0029 73,74 Count Nesselrode to Baron Brunnow and Enclosure [both in French].

April 21, 1853.4frs.0033 75 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. May 17, 1853.2frs.0035 76 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. May 23, 1853. Ifr.0036 77 Lord Aberdeen to Prince Albert. May 26,1853.2frs.0038 78 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 27,1853. 3frs.0041 79 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments, n.d. 2frs.0043 80,81 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 24,1853 and July 6,1853.4frs.0047 82 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. September 13,1853.4frs.0051 83, 84 Prince Albert (memoranda [on character of Napoleon III]). October 10, 1853 and

September 12-13,1854. 34frs.0085 85 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. September 24, 1854. 2frs.0087 86 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Duke of Brabant [in French]. October 28, 1854. 6frs.0093 87 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. December 12,1853.2frs.0095 88,89 Prince Albert (memoranda). March 5, 1855 and April 19, 1855. 137frs.0232 90 Baron C.F. Stockmar to Queen Victoria. April 22, 1855. 6frs.0238 90a Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 28, 1855. Ifr.0239 90b Lord Cowley to Foreign Office (telegram). April 28, 1855. Ifr.0240 90c Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 29, 1855. Ifr.0241 90d Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 29,1855.2frs.0243 91 Queen Victoria (memorandum). May 2,1855.13frs.0256 92 Queen Victoria to Baron C.F. Stockmar. September 1, 1855.5frs.0261 93 Prince Albert (memorandum), n.d. Ifr.0262 94 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. September 9, 1855. Ifr.

Louis Napoleon, 1856-1858Volume J.770263 Table of Contents and Summary. 6frs.0269 1 Lady Ely to Queen Victoria. March 16, 1856. 3frs.0272 2 Count Persigny to Prince Albert. March 16,1856. Ifr.0273 3 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. March 16,1856.2frs.0275 4, 5 Lady Ely to Queen Victoria. March 16,1856 and March 18,1856.9frs.0284 6 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Prince Albert. March 20,1856.4frs.0288 7 Count Walewski to Lady Ely [in French]. April 3, 1856. 2frs.0290 8 Lady Ely to Queen Victoria. April 5, 1856. 6frs.0296 9 Lord Clarendon to Lord Palmerston. April 13, 1856.2frs.0298 10 Eugenie, Empress of the French to Queen Victoria [in French]. April 19, 1856. 2frs.0300 11 Queen Victoria to Eugenie, Empress of the French. April 24, 1856. 2frs.0302 12,13 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. June 7,1856 and June 18, 1856. 3frs.0305 14, 15 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 26, 1856. 6frs.0311 16 Memorandum [on Charles X's 1829 proposals on European territorial reorganization;

in French]. November 26, 1856. 14frs.0325 17 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. February 26,1857.2frs.0327 18 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 25, 1857. 2frs.0329 19 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 4, 1857.2frs.0331 20 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 8,1857.4frs.0335 21 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 13, 1857. Ifr.0336 22 Lord Granville to Lord Clarendon. April 10, 1857.19frs.0355 23 Count Buol to Sir Hamilton Seymour [in French]. April 15, 1857.2frs.

Page 34: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 5, vol. J. 77No. No(s).

0357 24 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Prince Albert [in French]. April 20,1857.3frs.0360 25 Lord Clarendon to Prince Albert. April 24,1857.2frs.0362 26 Prince Albert to Napoleon III, Emperor of the French [in French]. April 25, 1857.6frs.0368 27 Lord Clarendon to Prince Albert. April 28,1857.2frs.0370 28 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. April 29,1857. 5frs.0375 29 Lord Clarendon to Prince Albert. April 30,1857.2frs.0377 30 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 4,1857. Ifr.037 8 31 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. May 11,1857.1 fr.0379 32, 33 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. May 12, 1857.7frs.0386 34 Prince Albert to Baron C.F. Stockmar [in German]. May 18,1857. 3frs.0389 35,36 Lord Clarendon to Prince Albert. May 18,1857 and May 20,1857.9frs.0398 37 Prince Albert to Lord Clarendon. May 21,1857. 3frs.0401 38-40 Lord Clarendon to Prince Albert. May 21-22,1857 and June 1,1857. 6frs.0407 41 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 30, 1857.2frs.0409 42 Lord Clarendon to Prince Albert. June 3,1857.2frs.0411 43 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 19, 1857. 3frs.0414 44 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. June 27,1857. Ifr.0415 45 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office, n.d. 5frs.0420 46-48 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. July 14,1857, July 27, 1857, and

August 3,1857. 5frs.0425 49, 50 Prince Albert (memoranda). August 6,1857 and August 11, 1857.29frs.0454 51 W. Grey to Foreign Office. August 7,1857. 6frs.0460 52,53 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Queen Victoria [in French].

August 15-16, 1857. 5frs. [These two items are identical.]0465 54 Queen Victoria to Napoleon III, Emperor of the French [in French].

August 21, 1857. 3frs.0468 55, 56 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. September (?), 1857 and September 23,1857. 6frs.0474 57,58 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria with Enclosure. September 25,1857.4frs.0478 59 Queen Victoria to Lord Clarendon. September 28,1857. Ifr.0479 60-62 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office [with two enclosures; one in French].

September 25-26,1857 and September 29, 1857.7frs.0486 63 Lord Palmerston to Lord Clarendon. September 27,1857. 6frs.0492 64 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. October 2,1857. 3frs.0495 65 Sir A. Malet to Foreign Office. October 5, 1857. 5frs.0500 66 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. October 8,1857. 3frs.0503 67 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. October 2, 1857. 3frs.0506 68 Sophie, Queen of the Netherlands to Lady Cowley. October 9,1857. 3frs.0509 69 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. October 9, 1857.2frs.0511 70 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

October 26, 1857.2frs.0513 71 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. November 9,1857.6frs.0519 72 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 1,1858.2frs.0521 73,74 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office (telegrams). January 14-15,1858.2frs.0523 75 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

January 15,1858. Ifr.0524 76 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. January 16,1858.2frs.0526 77 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Queen Victoria [in French].

January 17,1858. 2frs.0528 78 Eugenie, Empress of the French to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 17,1858. 2frs.0530 79 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. January 18, 1858.2frs.0532 80 Napoleon HI, Emperor of the French to Prince Albert [in French]. January 19, 1858. 2frs.0534 81 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 20,1858. 9frs.0543 82 Count Walewski to Count Persigny. January 20, 1858. 14frs.0557 83 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. January 20,1858.9frs.


Page 35: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document ReelsNo. No(s).

0566 84 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 22,18S8. 1 Ifrs.0577 85 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. January 30,1858.2frs.0579 86,87 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office and Enclosure [of text of French law on public safety;

in French]. January 30,1858.7frs.0586 88 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 1, 1858. 2frs.0588 89 Colonel E.S. Claremont to Lord Cowley. February 1,1858. 5frs.0593 90 Press Cuttings relating to Assassination Attempts against French Emperor Napoleon III.

n.d. Ifr.91 Secret Report from Paris [on French political developments and anti-English sentiment].

February 1,1858. 6frs.0599 92 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. February 2,1858.2frs.0601 93,94 [Drafts of Parliamentary Bills] for the More Effectual Suppression of Conspiracies and

Designs against Foreign Sovereigns in Amity with Her Majesty, n.d. 2frs.0603 95 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. February 4, 1858.2frs.0605 96 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. Februarys, 1858.4frs.0609 97 Andrew O'Reilly to Lord Clarendon. February 4,1858.2frs.0611 98 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. February 8,1858.2frs.0613 99-102 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 6,1858.42frs.0655 103 Secret Report [from Paris on French political developments and anti-English sentiment;

in French]. February 8,1858.2frs.0657 104 Colonel E.S. Claremont to Lord Cowley. February 8, 1858. 2frs.0659 105 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. February 9,1858.2frs.0661 106 Parliamentary Paper Count Walewski to Count de Persigny (despatch).

February 6,1858.3frs.0664 107 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. February 11, 1858. 3frs.0667 108 Lord Cowley to Lord Clarendon. February 8,1858. 2frs.0669 109-111 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 8, 1858 and February 11,1858.7frs.0676 112 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. February 13,1858. Ifr.0677 113 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 10,1858. 3frs.0680 114 Lord Clarendon to Prince Albert. February 15,1858.2frs.0682 115 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. February 16,1858. 2frs.0684 116, 117 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 15,1858.4frs.0688 118 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. February 17,1858.2frs.0690 119 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 16,1858.5frs.0695 120 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Colonel Charles B. Phipps. February 17,1858. 3frs.0698 121 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 18,1858.8frs.0706 122 Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Coburg to Prince Albert. February 20,1858. 8frs.0714 123 Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Coburg (memorandum). February 13, 1858. 3frs.0717 124 Prince Albert (memorandum [on;Lord Palmerston's resignation as Prime Minister and

request to Lord Derby to form a government]). February 21,1858. 6frs.0723 125,126 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria and Enclosure [despatch from Lord Cowley].

February 21,1858. 3frs.

Louis Napoleon, 1858Volume J.780726 Table of Contents and Summary. 7frs.0733 1 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. February 22,1858.2frs.0735 2 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 22,1858.2frs.0737 3,4 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. February 23,1858. 8frs.0745 5 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. February 24, 1858.4frs.0749 6 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. February 27,1858. Ifr.0750 7 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. March 1,1858.2frs.0752 8 Count Walewski to Lord Malmesbury [in French]. March 1,1858.2frs.


Page 36: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 5, vol. J. 78No. No(s).

0754 9 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 1, 1858. 2frs.0756 10 Prince de Chimay to King Leopold I of the Belgians. March 1,1858. 3frs.0759 11 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. March 2,1858.2frs.0761 12 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 1, 1858.6frs.0767 13,14 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments [one in French].

February 11,1858. Ifr.0768 15 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Cowley. March 2,1858.6frs.0774 16,17 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. March 3,1858.2frs.0776 18,19 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 4, 1858.12frs.0788 20 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. March 5, 1858. 2frs.0790 21,22 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 5,1858.9frs.0799 23 Queen Victoria to Lord Malmesbury. March 6,1858.2frs.0801 24 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. March 6,1858. 3frs.0804 25 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. March 6,1858.2frs.0806 26 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 5, 1858.4frs.0810 27 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Cowley. March 4, 1858.14frs.0824 28 Queen Victoria to Lord Malmesbury (telegram). March 6,1858. Ifr.0825 29 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. March 7,1858.4frs.0829 30 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 8,1858. 3frs.0832 31,32 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. March 8-9,1858.4frs.0836 33 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 8, 1858. 8frs.0844 34 Lord Clarendon to Prince Albert. March 9,1858. Ifr.0845 35 Lord Cowley to Lord Clarendon. March 8,1858.3frs.0848 36 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Cowley. March 9, 1858.4frs.0852 37 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. March 10,1858. 3frs.0855 38 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. March 11,1858.2frs.0857 39 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 10,1858. 6frs.0863 40 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. March 12,1858.2frs.0865 41 Count Walewski to Count Persigny. March 11,1858.4frs.0869 42 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 13,1858. Ifr.0870 43 Sir James Hudson to Foreign Office. March 9, 1858. 3frs.0873 44,45 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. March 13,1858 and March 15,1858. 5frs.0878 46 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 12,1858.4frs.0882 47,48 Lord Malmesbury to Sir James Hudson. March 15,1858.7frs.0889 49 Lord Malmesbury to Lord Cowley. March 17,1858. Sfrs.0894 50 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 19,1858.2frs.0896 51 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. March 19,1858. 6frs.0902 52 Prince de Chimay to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in French]. March 17, 1858.4frs.0906 53 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 22,1858.4frs.0910 54 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. March 21, 1858.3frs.0913 55-57 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 2, 1858.12frs.0925 58 Abstract of Despatches from Drummond Hay to Lord Malmesbury. April 7,1858.2frs.0927 59 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 9,1858. Ifr.0928 60 Lord Malmesbury to Sir James Hudson. April 13, 1858. 2frs.0930 61 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 15,1858. 3frs.0933 62 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. April 18, 1858.2frs.0935 63 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 16,1858.4frs.0939 64 Eugdnie, Empress of the French to Lord Cowley [in French]. April 18,1858.4frs.0943 65 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. April 21, 1858.5frs.0948 66 Queen Victoria to Lord Derby. April 22, 1858. Ifr.0949 67 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 30,1858.13frs.0962 68 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. May 3,1858.2frs.0964 69-71 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 4, 1858 and May 6, 1858. 9frs.0973 72 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 23,1858.2frs.


Page 37: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reels 5/6No. No(s).

0975 73 Queen Victoria to Lord Malmesbury. May 23,1858. 5frs.0980 74 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. May 24,1858. 2frs.0982 75 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 25,1858. 3frs.0985 76 Queen Victoria to Napoleon III, Emperor of the French. May 28, 1858. 3frs.0988 77 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 29, 1858. 3frs.0991 78 Sir Charles Phipps to Prince Albert. May 29, 1858. 3frs.0994 79 Colonel E.S. Claremont to Lord Cowley. June 2, 1858. 6frs.1000 80 Letter from Paris Communicated by Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Coburg [author and

recipient not revealed; in French]. June 15,1858. 6frs.1006 81 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. June 24, 1858. 3frs.1009 82 Sir H. Bulwer to Foreign Office. June 25, 1858. 3frs.1012 83, 84 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 27-28, 1858. 4frs.1016 85,86 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. July 4-5,1858.4frs.1020 87 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. July 4,1858. 3frs.1023 88 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. July 10, 1858.2frs.[Note: Document number 89 was not used.]1025 90-93 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria with Enclosure [in French]. July 13,1858,

July 26,1858, July 28, 1858, and July 29, 1858. 5frs.1030 94 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. August 6,1858.2frs.1032 95 Lord Cowley to Lord Derby. August 20, 1858. 2frs.1034 96 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. August 23, 1858. 4frs.1038 97 Colonel E.S. Claremont to Lord Cowley. August 21, 1858. 12frs.1050 98 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. September 20, 1858.4frs.1054 99,100 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. October 31,1858.6frs.1060 101 Lord Malmesbury to Due de Malakoff. December 4, 1858. 13frs.

Reel 6Louis Napoleon, 1859-1863

Volume J.790001 Table of Contents and Summary. 3frs.0004 1 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Monsieur de Flahault [in French].

November 11,1859. 2frs.0006 2 Lord Palmerston to Prince Albert. November 13, 1859. Ifr.0007 3 Thomas B. Horsfall to Lord Palmerston. October 26, 1859.2frs.0009 4 Lord Elgin to Colonel Charles Grey. November 14,1859. 3frs.0012 5 Lord John Russell to Prince Albert. November 17,1859. 3frs.0015 6 Lord Palmerston to Lord John Russell. November 16, 1859. 2frs.0016 7 Lord Palmerston to Prince Albert. November 18, 1859. 2frs.0018 8 Queen Sophie of the Netherlands to Lord Clarendon. November 14, 1859. 2frs.0020 9-11 Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Coburg to Prince Albert with Enclosures [in German and French].

November 30, 1859. 12frs.0032 12,13 Lord Stanhope to Prince Albert with Report [on conversation with Napoleon III on

Anglo-French relations]. December 2,1859. 9frs.0041 14 Prince Albert to Lord Stanhope. December 4, 1859. Ifr.0042 15 Lord Palmerston to Prince Albert. December 5, 1859.2frs.0044 16 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 16,1859. 4frs.0048 17 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. December 24,1859. 3frs.0051 18 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 23,1859.2frs.0053 19 R. Cobden to Lord John Russell. December 23, 1859.4frs.0057 20 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. December 25,1859.2frs.0059 21 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. February 1, 1860. 4frs.0063 22 Monsieur Mocquart to ? [in French]. April 30, 1860.2frs.


Page 38: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 6, vol. J. 79No. No(s).

0065 23 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 2, 1860.2frs.0067 24 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. May 4,1860.2frs.0069 25 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. May 9,1860. Ifr.0070 26 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. May 10,1860.2frs.0072 27 Lord John Russell to Lord Elgin. May 10, 1860.1 Ifrs.0083 28 Prince Albert (memorandum). May 11,1860. 3frs.0086 29 Monsieur Mocquart to ? [in French]. April 30, 1860.2frs.0088 30-32 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Prince Albert with Enclosures [in French].

May 15-16,1860 and May 18,1860. 6frs.0094 33,34 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 20,1860. 6frs.0100 35 Lord Cowley (memorandum [on Napoleon Hi's conversation with Prussian Prince Regent

Wilhelm with press cutting relating to French expansionism]). June 20-21,1860.4frs.0104 36 Prince Albert to Prince Jerome Napoleon. June 27,1860.2frs.0106 37 Prince Jerome Napoleon to Prince Albert. June 29,1860. Ifr.0107 38 [Press Cutting] and J. Denman (notes [on the speech of Vicomte de Kerveguen in the

French Corps Legislatif on French military budget]). July 13,1860.29frs.0136 39 Memorandum [on French military budget]. July 16,1860.4frs.0140 40 Monsieur J. Mohl to Lady Augusta Bruce. July 17, 1860. 5frs.0145 41 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. July 25, 1860. Ifr.0146 42 Lord Clarendon to Prince Albert. July 25,1860. 3frs.0149 43 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. August 2,1860.4frs.0153 44 Henry F.Howard to Foreign Office. August 4,1860.4frs.0157 45 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. August 9 (?), 1860.4frs.0161 46 Lord Palmerston to Count Persigny [in French]. September 18,1860. 5frs.0166 47-49 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. November 21,1860 and November 24,1860. 6frs.0172 50 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 24, 1860. 3frs.0175 51, 52 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. November 30, 1860.4frs.0179 53 Memorandum [on French military budget; authorship not stated; in French], n.d. 14frs.0193 54 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 6,1860.2frs.0195 55,56 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Prince Albert with Enclosures.

December 14,1860 and December 19,1860.13frs.0208 57 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Queen Victoria [in French].

December 31,1860.2frs.0210 58 Queen Victoria to Napoleon III, Emperor of the French [in French]. January 3,1861.2frs.0212 59,60 [Letter and] Memorandum [on French politics and Freemasons; authorship not stated; in

French]. March 5,1861.7frs.0219 61 Press Cuttings with Text of Letter on "L'Histoire de France" from Henri Due d'Aumale

to Prince Napoleon [one in French]. April 13, 1861 and April 16, 1861. 14frs.0227 62 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 26,1861.6frs.0233 63 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. April 29,1861. 4frs.0237 64-66 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 28-29, 1861 and July 2, 1861.2frs.0239 67,68 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. August 14,1861 and August 16,1861.12frs.0251 69 Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston. August 18,1861. 3frs.0254 70 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. September 2,1861. 6frs.0260 71 Lord John Russell to Prince Albert. September 4,1861.2frs.0262 72 King William of Prussia to Prince Albert. November 6, 1861. 7frs.0269 73 Captain E.A. Harris to Foreign Office. November 25, 1861. 4frs.0273 74-76 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 29,1861, December 2,1861, and

January 28,1862.9frs.0282 77 Lord Napier to Foreign Office. January 31, 1862. Ifr.0283 78 Captain E. Hore to Lord Cowley. February 15,1862. 3frs.0286 79-84 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office with Enclosures [one in French]. February 21, 1862,

February 24,1862, and March 3,1862.23frs.


Page 39: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 6No. No(s).

0309 85-90 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 3,1862, March 10-11,1862, andMarch 17,1862.6 firs.

0315 91-93 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments and National Budget[in French]. March 11, 1862. 7frs;

0322 94 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 21,1862. 3frs.0325 95 Monsieur J. Mohl to Lady Augusta Bruce. March 21,1862.2frs.0327 96-100 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 25,1862 and April 4,1862.13frs.0340 101,102 Colonel E.S. Claremont to Lord Cowley. April 4, 1862.2frs.0342 103 Monsieur B. de Saint Hilaire to ? [in French]. April 11,1862. 6frs.0348 104 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 15, 1862. 5frs.0353 105 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. September 17, 1862. 5frs.0358 106 Colonel Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. September 20,1862.2frs.0360 107 Lord Cowley to Lord John Russell. April 27, 1862. Ifr.

108 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Lord Cowley [in French]. April 20, 1862. 2frs.0362 109 Memorandum [on French attitudes to international issues] and Press Cutting relating to

French Army [both in French]. April 30, 1862. 6frs.0368 110 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. November 12,1862. Ifr.0369 111 Lord Cowley to Lord John Russell. June 16,1863. 3frs.0372 112 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 26,1863. Ifr.

113 Extract from Speech [by Mr. Roebuck in the House of Commons]. June 26, 18 63. 4frs.0376 114-118 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 26-27, 1863, July 2, 1863, July 5,1863, and

July 13,1863. 18frs.0394 119 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. July (?), 1863.3frs.0397 120 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. July 14, 1863.2frs.0399 121 Lord Cowley (memorandum). July 14, 1863. 6frs.0405 122-124 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office with Enclosures [enclosures in French].

July 15,1863.4frs.0409 125 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. August 18, 1863. 3frs.0412 126, 127 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. September 23,1863 and October 10,1863.2frs.0414 128 Sir J. Crampton to Foreign Office (telegram). October 17, 1863. Ifr.

Louis Napoleon, 1863-1864 (The Congress)Volume J.800415 Table of Contents and Summary. 3frs.0418 1 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. November 6, 1863. Ifr.0419 2 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French to Queen Victoria [in French].

November 4, 1863. 3frs.0422 3 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office (telegram). November 6, 1863. Ifr.0423 4 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. November 6,1863.2frs.0425 5 General Charles Grey to Lord John Russell. November 6, 1863. 2frs.0427 6 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. November 6, 1863. 3frs.0430 7 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 5, 1863. 2frs.0432 8 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. November 7, 1863. 3frs.0435 9-12 Foreign Office Telegrams. November 7-8,1863. 2frs.0437 13,14 Sir H.F. Howard to Foreign Office. November 7, 1863 and November 10,1863. Ifr.0438 15,16 Foreign Office Telegrams. November 21,1863. Ifr.0439 17-20 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 7-8, 1863 and November 12, 1863. 12frs.0451 21,22 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. November 8-9,1863. 5frs.0456 23 Lord Napier to Foreign Office. November 9, 1863. 6frs.0462 24-27 Foreign Office Telegrams. November 9-10, 1863.2frs.0464 28 Lord John Russell to Lord Bloomfield. November (?), 1863.4frs.0468 29, 30 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. November 10, 1863. 3frs.0471 31 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley, etc. November 10,1863.4frs.


Page 40: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 6, vol. J.80No. No(s).

0475 32 Sir George Grey to General Charles Grey. November 11,1863. Ifr.0476 33 Queen Victoria to Napoleon III, Emperor of the French. November 11,1863. Ifr.0477 34 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. November 11,1863.2frs.0479 35 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. November 11,1863.5frs.0484 36, 37 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 12-13, 1863. 8frs.0492 38-44 Foreign Office Telegrams. November 13-16,1863.4frs.0496 45 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 14,1863.6frs.0502 46 Sir J. Crampton to Foreign Office. November 15,1863. Ifr.0503 47 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. November 23,1863. Ifr.0504 48 Count Rechberg to Count Apponyi. November 17,1863.2frs.0506 49 Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria to Napoleon III, Emperor of the French.

November 17,1863. 3frs.0509 50 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office (telegram). November 28,1863. Ifr.0510 51 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. November (?), 1863.2frs.0512 52 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 17,1863. Ifr.

53 Monsieur Drouyn de Lhuys to Lord Cowley [in French]. n.d. 2frs.0514 54, 55 Foreign Office Telegrams. November 17,1863. Ifr.0515 56 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 17,1863. Ifr.0516 57 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. November 17, 1863.2frs.0518 58 Lord John Russell (memorandum). November 17,1863.2rrs.0520 59 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 17,1863.3frs.0523 60 Sir Andrew Buchanan to Foreign Office. November 18,1863.2frs.0525 61 General Charles Grey to Lord John Russell. November 18,1863. Ifr.

62,63 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 18,1863.7frs.0532 64 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. November 18,1863. Ifr.0533 65,66 Press Cuttings relating to French Proposal for a Conference of European Powers.

November 19-20,1863.2frs.0535 67, 68 Lord Napier to Foreign Office. November 21, 1863. 6frs.0541 69 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. November 22,1863.2frs.0543 70 Lord Napier to Foreign Office. November 22,1863.2frs.0545 71 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. November 22,1863. 5frs.0550 72,73 Foreign Office Telegrams. November 22,1863 and November 25,1863. Ifr.0551 74 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 24, 1863. Ifr.0552 75 Monsieur Drouyn de Lhuys to Lord Cowley. November 24,1863. Ifr.0553 76,77 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office with Enclosure [of letter from Monsieur Drouyn

de Lhuys to Marquis de Cadore; in French]. November 24,1863. 8frs.0561 78 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. November 26,1863.9frs.0570 79 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. November 25,1863. Ifr.0571 80 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. November 26,1863.2frs.0573 81,82 Foreign Office Telegrams. December 11,1863. Ifr.0574 83 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. December 3,1863. Ifr.0575 84 London Gazette, Issue of November 27, 1863. 8frs.0583 85-87 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 28-29,1863 and December 1,1863.9frs.0594 88 E.M. Erskine to Foreign Office (telegram). December 1,1863. Ifr.0595 89 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 1, 1863. 3frs.0599 90 Henry G. Elliot to Foreign Office. December 4,1863.2frs.0601 91-94 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 4,1863, December 6,1863, and

December 11,1863. 12frs.0613 95-97 Foreign Office Telegrams. December 13-14,1863.2frs.0615 98 Lord Napier to Foreign Office. December 12,1863.4frs.0619 99,100 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 10,1863.4frs.0623 101 Sir Andrew Buchanan to Foreign Office [enclosing copy of French circular note

proposing conference of continental powers; in French]. December 13,1863.2frs.0625 102 Lord Napier to Foreign Office. December 14, 1863. 2frs.


Page 41: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 6No. No(s).

0627 103,104 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 15,1863.5frs. [Last page of documentnumber 103 is on frame 0635.]

0632 105 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. December 19,1863. 2frs.0634 106 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 15,1863.4frs. [Frame 0635 contains last

page of document number 103 above.]0638 107 Lord John Russell to Henry G. Elliot. December 16 (?), 1863.2frs.0640 108 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. December 17,1863. Ifr.0641 109 Lord Napier to Foreign Office (telegram). December 19,1863. Ifr.0642 110 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 18, 1863. Ifr.0643 111 Lord Palmerston (note). December 20,1863.2frs.0645 112 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. December 22,1863.2frs.0647 113 Lord John Russell to Lord Palmerston. December 21, 1863. 2frs.0649 114 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 20,1863. 3frs.0652 115 General Charles Grey to Lord Palmerston. December 26,1863. Ifr.0653 116 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. December 22,1863.4frs.0657 117 Lord John Russell to Lord Napier. December 24,1863.2frs.0659 118 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. December 24, 1863. 3 frs.0662 119, 120 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 25,1863. 3frs.0665 121 Lord Napier to Foreign Office (telegram). December 24, 1863.

122 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria (telegram). January 1,1864. Ifr.0666 123, 124 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 21,1863 and January 1, 1864. 4frs.0670 125 William E. Gladstone to General Charles Grey. February 19,1864. 3frs.

Louis Napoleon, 1864-1866Volume J.810673 Table of Contents and Summary. 3frs.0676 1,2 Lord Napier to Foreign Office. March 18,1864 and April 13,1864. 3frs.0679 3 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. July 15, 1864. Ifr.0680 4 Queen Victoria to Lord Granville. July 17,1864. Ifr.0681 5 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. July 21, 1864.2frs.0683 6 Queen Victoria to Lord Granville. July 22, 1864.2frs.0685 7 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria, n.d. 2frs.0687 8 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. July 23, 1864. 2frs.0689 9 Colonel W. Claremont to Lord Cowley. August 2,1864. 6frs.0695 10 W. Grey to Foreign Office. September 17,1864. 3frs.0698 11 Press Cutting relating to British and French National Debt. November 22,1864. Ifr.0699 12 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. November 23,1864. 3frs.0702 13 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. December 22,1864. 2frs.0704 14 Sir Henry Howard to Foreign Office. December 17, 1864. Ifr.0705 15 Press Cutting relating to European Balance of Power and French Military Strength.

December 29, 1864. Ifr.0706 16 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. December 18,1864. 6frs.0712 17,18 Captain E. Hore to Lord Cowley with Enclosure. January 1, 1865.4frs.0716 19 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. January 15, 1865. 3frs.0719 20 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 14, 1865. Ifr.0720 21 Eugenie, Empress of the French (memorandum [on proposed church in Jerusalem;

in French]). [January 1865.] 5frs.0725 22 Lord Cowley (memorandum [on proposed church in Jerusalem]).

[January (?), 1865.] 3frs.0728 23 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 15,1865. Ifr.0729 24 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. January 20, 1865. 5frs.0734 25 General Charles Grey to Lord Palmerston. January 20, 1865. 3frs.0737 26,27 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. January 21-22,1865. 5frs.


Page 42: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 6, vol. J.81No. No(s).

0742 28 Lord Cowley to Rev. Gerard Wellesley (Dean of Windsor). January 20,1865. 3frs.0745 29 Lord Palmerston to Sir Charles Phipps. January 22,1865. Ifr.0746 30-32 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria with Enclosure. January 22 (?), 1865. 8frs.0754 33 Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston. January 24, 1865.3frs.0757 34 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria, n.d. 2frs.0759 35 Lord Palmerston to Queen Victoria. January 25,1865.2frs.0761 36 Press Cutting with Text of Letter from Papal Nuncio (Monsieur Flavio) in Paris to ?. n.d.

37 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. n.d. Ifr.0762 38 Queen Victoria to Eug6nie, Empress of the French [in French]. January 28,1865. 3frs.0765 39 Eugenie, Empress of the French to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 30,1865.2frs.0767 40,41 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. January 31,1865. Sfrs.0772 42 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. February 4, 1865. 3frs.0775 43,44 Queen Augusta of Prussia to Queen Victoria with Enclosure [letter in German; enclosure

in French]. February 5, 1865. Sfrs.0780 45 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. February 7,1865.2frs.0782 46^18 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 9-10, 1865. 6frs.0788 49 Prince Metternich to Lord Cowley. February 10, 1865. Ifr.0789 50 Lord John Russell to Lord Cowley. February 11,1865. 3frs.0792 51,52 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 10-13,1865. 3frs.0795 53 Press Cutting relating to Actions of the Papal Legate in France. February 11,1865. Ifr.0796 54-58 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 14,1865, February 17,1865, and

February 23,1865.7frs.0803 59 Press Cutting relating to French Treatment of Catholic Clergy. February 22,1865. Ifr.0804 60-65 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. February 28, 1865, March 15,1865, March 31, 1865,

April 28, 1865, and May 29-30,1865. 12frs.0816 66 Lord Cowley (memorandum). July 6, 1865.4frs.0820 67-75 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. July 18-20,1865 and August 15,1865. Sfrs.0828 76 Lord John Russell (note), n.d. Ifr.0829 77-80 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. August 29, 1865. 14frs.0843 81 W. Grey to Foreign Office. September 10, 1865. 2frs.0845 82 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. December 1,1865. Ifr.0846 83-88 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office with Enclosure. December 1-2,1865,

December 6,1865, and February 20,1866.21frs.0865 89 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 27,1866.3frs.0868 90 Due de Nemours to Queen Victoria [in French]. April 13,1866. Sfrs.0873 91 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 30,1866.2frs.0875 92 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 28,. 1866.4frs.0879 93 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. May 1,1866.2frs.0881 94 Queen Victoria to Lord Clarendon. May 1, 1866. Ifr.0882 95-101 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 1-2,1866.7frs.0889 102 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. May 2,1866.2frs.0891 103 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. May 2, 1866.4frs.0895 104 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 2,1866. Ifr.0896 105 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. May 3,1866. Ifr.0897 106-111 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 3-5,1866. 12frs.0909 112 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. May 7,1866.4frs.0913 113 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. May 7,1866.2frs.0915 114 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. May 7, 1866. 3frs.0918 115 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. May 7, 1866.2frs.0920 116,117 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 7-8,1866.2frs.0922 118 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. May 8,1866. 3frs.0925 119,120 Sir Andrew Buchanan to Foreign Office. May 7,1866 and May 9,1866. Ifr.0926 121 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. May 8,1866. Ifr.0927 122-124 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 7-8,1866. 1 Ifrs.


Page 43: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reels 6/7No. No(s).

0938 125 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. May 10,1866. Ifr.0939 126,127 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. May 10,1866.7frs.0946 128-131 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 10,1866 and May 12, 1866. 5frs.0951 132 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. May 11,1866. 3frs.0954 133 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 11,1866. Ifr.0955 134 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. May 11,1866.4frs.0959 135 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 11,1866.2frs.0961 136 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. May 12,1866. Ifr.0962 137-143 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 11-13, 1866. 22frs.0984 144,145 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. May 14-15, 1866.4frs.0988 146, 147 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 14, 1866.2frs.0990 148 Colonel E.S. Claremont to Lord Cowley. May 14, 1866. 2frs.0992 149-153 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office [with enclosure of French note on Austro-Prussian

conflict; in French]. May 15-16, 1866. 17frs.1009 154 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. May 17,1866. Ifr.1010 155, 156 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. May 17-18, 1866. lOfrs.1020 157 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. May 18,1866. Ifr.1021 158-160 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. May 17-19,1866. 8frs.1029 161 Queen Victoria to Lord Clarendon. May 24,1866. 3frs.1031 162 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. May 28, 1866. 3frs.1034 163 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. May 28,1866.2frs.1036 164 Queen Victoria to Lord Clarendon. May 29,1866. 2frs.

Reel?Louis Napoleon, 1866-1867

Volume J.820001 Table of Contents and Summary. 3frs.0004 1 Lord Clarendon to Lord Bloomfield. June 1,1866.4frs.0008 2, 3 Count Mensdorff to Count Apponyi [in French]. June 1,1866.9frs.0017 4 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. June 3,1866. 2frs.0019 5 Lord Clarendon to Lord Bloomfield. June 11, 1866.7frs.0026 6 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 4, 1866.4frs.0030 7 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. June 5,1866. 3frs.0033 8 Lord Clarendon to Ministers at German Courts and Berne. June 5, 1866. 5frs.0038 9-12 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 5, 1866. 6frs.0044 13 Lord Clarendon to Lord Bloomfield. June 8,1866.4frs.0048 14-21 Julian Fane to Foreign Office. June 8-12, 1866 and June 14, 1866. 12frs.0060 22-27 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 15-16,1866 and June 19,1866. 13frs.0073 28 Lord Clarendon to Lord Cowley. June 21,1866.3frs.0076 29-34 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 21, 1866, June 23, 1866, July 1, 1866, and

July 5,1866.13frs.0089 35 Lord Stanley to Lord Cowley. July 6,1866.2frs.0091 36 Queen Victoria to Lord Derby. July 7, 1866. Ifr.0092 37-44 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. July 7,1866 and July 9-11, 1866.23frs.0115 45,46 Lord Stanley to Lord Cowley. July (?), 1866. 5frs.0120 47 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. July 13, 1866. 2frs.0122 48 Lord Stanley to Queen Victoria. July 14,1866.2frs.0124 49-53 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. July 11-12, 1866 and August 7, 1866. 12frs.0136 54 Queen Victoria to Lord Derby. August 8,1866.2frs.0138 55 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. August 10, 1866. 3frs.0141 56 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. August 10, 1866. Ifr.0142 57,58 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. August 10,1866. 6frs.


Page 44: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 7, vol. J.82No. No(s).

0148 59 Lord Cowley (memorandum), n.d. 4frs.0152 60,61 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. August 10,1866. lOfrs.0162 62 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. August 11,1866. 3frs.0165 63 Lord Stanley to Queen Victoria (telegram). August 11,1866. Ifr.0166 64 Lord Stanley to Lord Cowley. August 11,1866. Ifr.0167 65 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. August 14, 1866. 3frs.0170 66 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. August 16,1866.3frs.0173 67-69 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. August 16-17, 1866 and August 21, 1866.7frs.0180 70,71 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. August 21,1866.2frs.0182 72 Colonel E.S. Claremont to Lord Cowley. August 24,1866. 6frs.0188 73 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office (telegram). August 25,1866. Ifr.0189 74 J.A. Crowe to Foreign Office [part in French quoting August 12,1866 letter from

Napoleon III]. August 25,1866.2frs.0191 75 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office (telegram). August 26,1866. Ifr.0192 76 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. August 26,1866. 3frs.0195 77-80 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. August 27-28, 1866.4frs.0199 81 Sir Andrew Buchanan to Foreign Office. August 29,1866.2frs.0201 82-84 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. September 1-2,1866.6frs.0207 85,86 Julian Fane to Foreign Office. September 6,1866. 3frs.0210 87-92 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. September 14,1866, September 18,1866,

September 20-21,1866, and November 7,1866.15frs.0225 93 Lord Stanley to General Charles Grey. November 17,1866. Ifr.0226 93a General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. November 18,1866.2frs.0228 94 Lord Stanley to Queen Victoria [with addendum from General Charles Grey to the

Queen]. December 3-4,1866.2frs.0230 95-100 Julian Fane to Foreign Office. December 18,1866, January 3^4, 1867, January 7, 1867,

and January 10,1867. lOfrs.0240 101 Lord Stanley to Queen Victoria. January 12,1867.2frs.0242 102 General Charles Grey to Lord Derby. January 10,1867.2frs.0244 103 Queen Victoria to Napoleon III, Emperor of the French [in French].

January 10,1867.2frs.0246 104-109 Julian Fane to Foreign Office. January 20-22,1867, January 25, 1867, and

January 28-29,1867.9frs.0255 110 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. January 31,1867.2frs.0257 111 Lord Stanley to General Charles Grey. January 31,1867.2frs.0259 112 Lord Stanley to Lord Augustus Loftus. February 2,1867. Ifr.0260 113-123 Julian Fane to Foreign Office. February 4-8,1867, February 14,1867, February 22,1867,

March 5, 1867, and March 7,1867.16frs.0276 124 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. March 9,1867.2frs.0278 125 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. March 13,1867. Ifr.0279 126 Sir Andrew Buchanan to Foreign Office. March 13,1867. Ifr.0280 127-131 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 19,1867, March 21,1867, and

March 28-30,1867. lOfrs.0290 132 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. April 23,1867. Ifr.0291 133-135 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 7, 1867 and June 10,1867. lifts.0302 136 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. June 15, 1867. Ifr.0303 137-139 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. June 18, 1867 and June 29-30, 1867. 9frs.0312 140 Sir Thomas Biddulph to Lord Stanley. July 1,1867. Ifr.0313 141 F. Adams to Foreign Office. July 2, 1867. Ifr.0314 142, 143 Julian Fane to Foreign Office. July 18, 1867.4frs.0318 144 Lord Stanley to Julian Fane. July 27,1867.2frs.0320 145, 146 Julian Fane to Foreign Office. July 29-30, 1867. 2frs.0322 147 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. August 2,1867. 3frs.0325 148 Julian Fane to Foreign Office. August 1,1867. Ifr.


Page 45: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 7No. No(s).

0326 149 Colonel E.S. Claremont to Lord Cowley. August 2, 1867. Ifr.150-153 Julian Fane to Foreign Office. August 2, 1867 and August 6, 1867. 5frs.

0331 154 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. August 17,1867. 3frs.0334 155 Queen Victoria to Euge'nie, Empress of the French [in French]. August 20, 1867. 3frs.0337 156 Eugenie, Empress of the French to Queen Victoria [in French]. September 4,1867. Ifr.0338 157 Lord Stanley to Queen Victoria. September 9,1867. 2frs.0340 158 Baron Rothschild to Benjamin Disraeli. September 3, 1867. 2frs.0342 159-163 Julian Fane to Foreign Office. September 10,1867, October 4,1867, and

October 8,1867.12frs.0354 164 General Charles Grey to Duke of Buckingham. October 27, 1867. 3frs.0357 165 Lord Stanley to Lord Lyons. October 30, 1867. 2frs.0359 166 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. October 31, 1867. Ifr.

167, 168 Julian Fane to Foreign Office. November 1, 1867. 2frs.0361 169 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. October 31, 1867. Ifr.0362 170 Sir A. Paget to Foreign Office. October 31,1867. Ifr.0363 171 Lord Stanley to (?) Lord Augustus Loftus. October 31, 1867. Ifr.

Louis Napoleon, 1867-1870Volume J.830364 Table of Contents and Summary. 3frs.0367 1 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. November 2, i 867. 3frs.0370 2 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). November 3, 1867. 1 fr.0371 3 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office (telegram). November 3, 1867.2frs.0372 4, 5 Lord Stanley to Lord Lyons, etc. November 4,1867.4frs.0376 6-8 Sir Augustus Paget to Foreign Office. November 4-5, 1867. 7frs.0383 9 Abstract of Despatches. November 6, 1867 and November 8, 1867. 2frs.0385 10,11 Sir Augustus Paget to Foreign Office. November 6-7,1867.4frs.0389 12,13 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. November 5, 1867 and November 8, 1867. 6frs.0395 14 Lord Stanley to Lord Lyons, etc. November (?), 1867. 3frs.0398 15 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. November 9,1867.2frs.0400 16-19 Sir Augustus Paget to Foreign Office. November 9, 1867 and November 11, 1867. 9frs.0409 20 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office (telegram). November 11, 1867. Ifr.0410 21,22 Sir Augustus Paget to Foreign Office. November 11, 1867. 5frs.0415 23,24 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. November 11,1867. 8frs.0423 25 Lord Stanley to Lord Lyons. November 11, 1867. 1 fr.0424 26 Lord Stanley to Sir Augustus Paget. November 13,1867.2frs.0426 27-30 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. November 14-15, 1867. lOfrs.0436 31 Sir Augustus Paget to Foreign Office. November 15,1867. Ifr.0437 32 Sir J.S. Lumley to Foreign Office. November 15, 1867. Ifr.0438 33 Lord Stanley to Lord Lyons. November 16, 1867. 6frs.0444 34 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. November 16, 1867. 3frs.0447 35 Lord Stanley to Sir Augustus Paget. November 16,1867. 3frs.0450 36 W. Stuart to Foreign Office (telegram). November 16, 1867. Ifr.0451 37 Lord Stanley to Lord Lyons. November 17, 1867. 3frs.0454 38 Monsieur L. Moustier to Baron Baude [in French]. November 17, 1867. 5frs.0459 39 Lord Stanley to Sir Augustus Paget. November 18,1867. Ifr.0460 40 Sir Augustus Paget to Foreign Office (telegram). November 19,1867. Ifr.0461 41 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. November 19, 1867. 2frs.0463 42-44 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. November 19, 1867 and November 21, 1867. 4frs.0467 45 Lord Stanley to (?) Lord Augustus Loftus. November 25, 1867.2frs.0469 46 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). November 26, 1867. Ifr.0470 47 Lord Stanley to Lord Lyons. November 28, 1867. 3frs.


Page 46: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 7, vol. J.83No. No(s).

0473 48-52 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. December 17,1868, December 19-21,1867, andJanuary 21,1868. lOfrs.

0483 53 Colonel E.S. Claremont to Lord Lyons. January 31,1868. Ifr.0484 54-57 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. February 24,1868, March 19,1868, and

March 21, 1868. 13frs.0497 58-60 Foreign Office Telegrams. May 19,1868.2frs.0499 61,62 Lord Stanley to Lord Lyons. May 21,1868.4frs.0503 63 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. May 28,1868. 2frs.0505 64 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. May 30,1868. 3frs.0508 65 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. June 21,1868.2frs.0510 66 Mr. Lumley to Foreign Office (telegram). July 10, 1868. Ifr.0511 67 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. July 31,1868.2frs.0513 68 E. Herries to Foreign Office. September 4,1868. 3frs.0516 69-76 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. September 16, 1868, October 8,1868, October 10, 1868,

October 20,1868, January 7,1869, and January 26,1869.21frs.0537 77 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. February 14,1869. Ifr.0538 78 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 2,1869.2frs.0540 79 Odo Russell to Foreign Office. May 8, 1869. 3frs.0543 80,81 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. May 18,1869 and June 3,1869. 5frs.0548 82 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. June 9,1869. Ifr.0549 83-88 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. June 6,1869, June 14,1869, July 7,1869,

July 12,1869, and July 14,1869.12frs.0561 89 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. July 14,1869. 2frs.0563 90,91 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. July 15,1869 and August 27,1869. 5frs.0668 92 Lord Clarendon to William E. Gladstone. September 18,1869. 6frs.0574 93-96 Lionel Sackville-West to Foreign Office. October 8,1869, October 19, 1869,

October 26,1869, and November 5,1869.9frs.0583 97-107 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. November 23,1869, November 29,1869, December 1,

1869, December 17,1869, December 23-24,1869, January 2,1870, January 4,1870,and January 6-7,1870.23frs.

0606 108 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. January 2,1870. Ifr.0607 109 Colonel E.S. Claremont to Lord Sydney. January 14,1870. 3frs.0610 110 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. January 15,1870. Ifr.0611 111,112 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. January 21,1870.4frs.0615 113 Lord Clarendon to Lord Lyons. January 24,1870. 3frs.0618 114 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. January 23,1870. Ifr.0619 115-133 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. January 25,1870, February 1,1870, February 3-4,1870,

February 10-12,1870, February 18,1870, February 22,1870, March 1,1870, March3, 1870, March 17,1870, March 29, 1870, March 31, 1870, and April 1,1870. SOfrs.

0669 134 Abstract of Despatches. April (?), 1870. Ifr.0670 135 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. April 4,1870.2frs.0672 136-139 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office and Enclosure. April 5-7,1870. 8frs.0680 140 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 12, 1870.2frs.0682 141 Odo Russell to Foreign Office. April 26,1870.1 fr.0683 142 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. May 13, 1870.2frs.0685 143 William E. Gladstone to Queen Victoria. May 13,1870.2frs.0687 144-147 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. June ?-24,1870.2frs.0689 148-150 Odo Russell to Foreign Office. June 22,1870 and June 24,1870.2frs.0691 151 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. July 5,1870.2frs.0693 152 Eugenie, Empress of the French to Albert Edward, Prince of Wales [in French].

October 8,1870. 3frs.0696 153 Prince Arthur to Queen Victoria. October 19,1870.5frs.0701 154-156 Lady Jane Ely to Queen Victoria. November 26, 1870 and December 2-3,1870.19frs.0720 157 Theodore Martin to Queen Victoria. December 7,1870. 3frs.


Page 47: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 7No. No(s).

[Note: Volume 84, not filmed, contains personal material on Emperor Napoleon HI and family after his abdicationin 1870.]

France, 1870-1873Volume J.850723 Table of Contents and Summary. 4frs.0727 1 Abstract of Despatches. October (?), 1870.2frs. [Frames 0729-0730 not used.]0731 2-4 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office [with press cutting in French on proclamation by

provisional government]. November 17,1870, December 12, 1870, February 4,1871,February 10,1871, and February 12,1871. 7frs.

0738 5, 6 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. February 19-20, 1871. 3frs.0741 7, 8 Abstract of Despatches. March (?), 1871 and March 16,1871. 5 frs.0746 9 Major General E.S. Claremont to Lord Lyons. March 8, 1871. 6frs.0752 10 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegram). March 19, 1871. 2frs.0754 11,12 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegrams). March 19,1871. Ifr.0755 13-15 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegrams). March 19-20,1871.4frs.0759 16 Lord Granville to Lord Lyons. March 20, 1871. Ifr.0760 17 Foreign Office to Queen Victoria. March 21,1871.2frs.0762 18,19 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegrams). March 22, 1871. Ifr.0763 20, 21 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegrams). March 23, 1871. 3frs.0766 22 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). March 25,1871. Ifr.0767 23-25 Abstract of Despatches [with press cuttings in French on Paris Commune].

March 28-31, 1871 and April 5, 1871. 6frs.0773 26-28 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 7, 1871 and April 11, 1871. 7frs.0780 29 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Granville (telegram). April 12, 1871. 1 fr.

30 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegram). April 12, 1871. 2frs.0781 31 Queen Victoria to Lord Granville (telegram). April 12,1871. Ifr.0782 32 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. April 13,1871.2frs.0784 33 Lord Granville to Colonel H.F. Ponsonby. April 13, 1871. 2frs.0786 34 Lord Granville to Lord Lyons (telegram). April 13, 1871.1 fr.

35 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Granville (telegram). April 14,1871. Ifr.0787 36 Lord Enfield to Colonel H.F. Ponsonby (telegram). April 14, 1871. 2frs.0789 37, 38 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Granville. April 14, 1871. 5frs.0794 39 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. April 14, 1871. 2frs.0796 40 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Granville. April 15, 1871. 2frs.0798 41 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). April 19,1871. Ifr.0799 42 Queen Victoria to Lord Granville (telegram). April 20,1871. Ifr.0800 43 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegram). April 20,1871. 2frs.0802 44-46 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 22, 1871 and May 7-8, 1871. 2frs.0803 47,48 E. Malet to Foreign Office. May 9, 1871 and May 11-12, 1871.2frs.0804 49 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. May 11-12,1871. Ifr.0805 50 Abstract of Despatches. May 17-20,1871. 3frs.0808 51-55 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegrams). May 19, 1871 and May 22-23, 1871. 6frs.0814 56, 57 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. May 24, 1871. lOfrs.0824 58 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 26,1871. Ifr.0825 59 E. Hammond to Queen Victoria. May 26, 1871. Ifr.0826 60 Theodore Martin to Queen Victoria. May 26,1871. 3frs.0829 61 Foreign Office to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 27, 1871. 2frs.0831 62 Reuter to Colonel HJF. Ponsonby (telegram). May 28, 1871. Ifr.0832 63 Lady Augusta Stanley to Queen Victoria. May 29,1871. 6frs.0838 64 Victoria, Crown Princess of Prussia to Queen Victoria. June 3, 1871. 5frs.0843 65 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. June 3, 1871. 3frs.0846 66 Queen Victoria to Augusta, Empress of Germany [in German]. June 6,1871. 2frs.0848 67 Reuter to Colonel H f. Ponsonby (telegram). June 3, 1871. Ifr.


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Frame Document Reel 7, vol. J.85No. No(s).

0849 68 Abstract of Despatches. June 8-12,1871.2frs.0851 69 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. June 9,1871. 2frs.0853 70 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. June 11,1871. 3frs.0856 71 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. June 12, 1871.4frs.0860 72 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria, June 14,1871. 3frs.0863 73 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegram). June 15,1871. Ifr.0864 74,75 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Granville. June 15,1871. Ifr.0865 76 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. June 15,1871. 3frs.0868 77 William E. Gladstone to Queen Victoria. June 16,1871.3frs.0871 78 Lady Augusta Stanley to Queen Victoria. June 17,1871. 8frs.0879 79 Queen Victoria to Lord Granville (telegram). June 16 (?), 1871.2frs.0881 80 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. June 18,1871.3frs.0884 81, 82 Lord Granville to Colonel H.F. Ponsonby. June 20,1871.9frs.0893 83 Abstract of Despatches. June 30,1871-July 4,1871. 2frs.0895 84-94 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. July 5-7,1871. 5frs.0900 95 Princess Alice to Queen Victoria. July 4 (?), 1871.12frs.0912 96,97 Abstract of Despatches. August 23,1871 and August 25, 1871. 6frs.0918 98 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. August 30,1871. 3frs.0921 99 Reuter to Colonel H.F. Ponsonby (telegram). October 18,1871. Ifr.0922 100 Abstract of Despatches. October 19,1871.2frs.0924 101 Reuter to Colonel H.F. Ponsonby (telegram). October 23,1871. Ifr.0925 102-105 Lionel Sackville-West to Foreign Office. November 12,1871 and

November 19,1871.2frs.0926 106 H. Jervoise to Foreign Office. November 14,1871. Ifr.0927 107 Lord Granville to Lord Lyons. December 14,1871.2 frs.0929 108-111 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. January 2,1872, January 25, 1872, and

February 9,1872.8frs.0937 112 Lord Granville to Lord Lyons. February 9,1872. Ifr.0938 113 Lord Lyons to.Foreign Office. February 20,1872.2frs.0940 114 Odo Russell to Foreign Office. April 20, 1872. Ifr.0941 115-117 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. May 5,1872 and May 7,1872.2frs.0943 118 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Granville. May 17,1872.2frs.0945 119 Memorandum [on expatriated French Communists]. May 18, 1872. 3frs.0948 120 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. May 22,1872.2frs.0950 121 William E. Gladstone to Queen Victoria. June 1,1872. Ifr.0951 122 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Granville. May 22,1872. 3frs.0954 123 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to H. A. Bruce. May 22,1872.2frs.0956 124 Lord Granville to Colonel H.F. Ponsonby. May 25,1872.2frs.0958 125 H. A. Bruce to Colonel H.F. Ponsonby. May 25, 1872.2frs.0960 125a Prince Imperial (of France) to Lord R. Cower [in French], n.d. 2frs.0962 126 Lord Granville to Lord Lyons. May 27, 1872. Ifr.0963 127 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 27,1872. Ifr.0964 128 Foreign Office Statement [on treatment of British subjects at French frontiers].

May 29,1872. Ifr.0965 129-133 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. June 14, 1872, June 18, 1872, June 28, 1872, and

July 3, 1872.4frs.0969 134-136 Abstract of Despatches. October 12,1872, October 17, 1872, and October 22, 1872. 2frs.0971 137 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. November 30,1872. Ifr.0972 138-141 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. January 14,1873, February 4,1873, and

February 11,1873. lOfrs.0982 142 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. March 20,1873. 3frs.0985 143-145 Abstract of Despatches. May 7, 1873 and May 20,1873.2frs.0987 146, 147 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). May 25-26, 1873. 3frs.0990 148 Lord Granville to Lord Lyons (telegram). May 26,1873. Ifr.


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Frame Document Reels 7/8No. No(s).

0991 149 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). June 4, 1873. Ifr.0992 150 Lord Granville to Lord Lyons. July 7, 1873. Ifr.

151, 152 Lord Granville and William E. Gladstone (memoranda). July 7, 1873. 2frs.0993 153 Colonel H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Granville. July 8,1873. Ifr.0994 154 H.G. MacDonell to Foreign Office. July 28,1873. Ifr.

155, 156 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. August 1, 1873 and August 8, 1873. 2frs.0996 157,158 Lord Granville to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. October 4-5,1873.14frs.1010 159 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Granville. October 8, 1873. 3frs.1013 160 Lord Granville to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. October 10,1873. 7frs.1020 161 Lord Odo Russell to Foreign Office. October 18, 1873.4frs.1024 162 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. October 24, 1873. Ifr.1025 163 Sir Thomas Biddulph to Queen Victoria. October 25, 1873. 2frs.1027 164,165 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. December 3,1873.4frs.1031 166 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office, n.d. 2frs.1033 167 Lord Granville to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. December 3, 1873. 2frs.1035 168, 169 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. December 17, 1873 and December 23, 1873. 3frs.1038 170, 171 Lord Granville to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. December 21,1873 and

December 26, 1873. 2frs.

Reel 8France, 1874-1881

Volume J.860001 Table of Contents. 4frs.0005 1 Queen Victoria to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. January 4, 1874. 2frs.0007 2 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Granville. January 5, 1874. 3frs.0010 3 Lord Granville to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. January 5, 1874. 3frs.0013 4 Summary of Despatches. [January 1874.] 3frs.0016 5, 6 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. February 8, 1874.5frs.0021 7 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. March 26, 1874. 5frs.0026 8, 9 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 3,1874 and May 30,1874. 8frs.0034 10 Major General HF. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. June 11,1874. 3frs.0037 11 Benjamin Disraeli to Queen Victoria. June 16,1874. 3frs.0040 12 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria [with press cutting relating to rejection of a monarchy

in French National Assembly]. June 16, 1874. 2frs.0042 13 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. June 18,1874. 3frs.0045 14 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Derby. June 19,1874. Ifr.0046 15 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. July 1-3,1874. 3frs.0049 16 Lord Lyons to Monsieur Thomas. July 16,1874. 2frs.0051 17 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. July 16, 1874.2frs.0053 18 Colonel J.Conolly to Lord Lyons. July 17, 1874. 2frs.0055 19,20 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegrams). July 19-20, 1874.2frs.0057 21 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria (telegram). August 15, 1874. Ifr.0058 22 Queen Victoria to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. August 16,1874. 2frs.0060 23 Lord Derby to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. August 17, 1874. Ifr.0061 24 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. August 28,1875. Ifr.0063 25 Queen Victoria to Lord Derby. August 31,1874. 2frs.0065 26 Benjamin Disraeli to Queen Victoria. September 1,1874. 4frs.0069 27 Queen Victoria to Major General HF. Ponsonby. September 2, 1874. 2frs.0071 28 Monsieur T. d'Agioult to Lord Lyons [in French]. September 17, 1874. 3frs.0074 29, 30 Lord Lytton to Foreign Office. September 14, 1874 and October 12, 1874. 6frs.0082 31 Comte De Jamac to Lord Derby [in French]. November 21, 1874. 2frs.0084 32 Lord Lytton to Foreign Office. November 23, 1874. Ifr.


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0085 33 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. November 25,1874. Ifr.0086 34 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. November 27,1874. Ifr.0087 35 Lord Derby to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. November 25,1874.2frs.0089 36 Queen Victoria to Monsieur T. d'AgioulL December 3,1874. Ifr.0090 37 J.R. Robinson to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. December 3,1874.2frs.0092 38 Lord Lyons to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. December 8,1874.2frs.0094 39 Rev. Gerard Wellesley (Dean of Windsor) to Major General HF. Ponsonby.

December 11,1874. Ifr.0095 40 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Rev. Gerard Wellesley (Dean of Windsor).

December 12, 1874.2frs.0097 41 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. December 13,1874.2frs.0099 42 Colonel J. Conolly to Lord Lyons. December 23,1874. Ifr.0100 43 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. January 12, 1875. Ifr.0101 44 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Lyons. January 13,1875. Ifr.0102 45 Lord Lyons to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. January 15,1875. 5frs.0107 46 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Derby. January 15,1875. Ifr.0108 47 Major General H f. Ponsonby to Lord Tenterden. January 17,1875. Ifr.0109 48 Colonel Conolly to Lord Lyons. February 15,1875.2frs.0111 49 Telegrams [on illness and death of French Ambassador Count deJarnac].

March 22,1875.2frs.0113 50 Lady Foley to Queen Victoria. March 23,1875. 6frs.0119 51 Comtesse De Jarnac to Queen Victoria. March 23,1875.3frs.0122 52 Sir Thomas Biddulph to Lord Derby (telegram). March 26,1875. Ifr.0123 53 Lady Foley to Queen Victoria. March 28,1875. 3frs.0126 54 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. April 27, 1875, Ifr.0127 55 Queen Victoria to Lord Derby. April 27, 1875. Ifr.0128 56 Abstract of Despatch. April 30,1875. Ifr.0129 57 Caroline F. Cavendish to Queen Victoria. April 30,1875. 3frs.0132 58-60 P.O. Adams to Foreign Office. May 3,1875, May 6,1875, and May 12,1875.4frs.0136 61,62 Lord Derby to Major General H.F. Ponsonby with Note by Queen Victoria.

May 17, 1875. Ifr.0137 63 Major General HJ. Ponsonby to Lord Derby. May 22,1875.2frs.0139 64 Theodore Martin to Queen Victoria. May 21,1875.3frs.0142 65 Marquis d'Harcourt to Lord Derby. June 4, 1875.2frs.0144 66 Lord Derby to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. June 25,1875.2frs.0146 67 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. July 1,1875.2frs.0148 68, 69 Lord Derby to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. July 6, 1875 and July 10, 1875. 5frs.0153 70 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Derby. July 11,1875.2frs.0155 71-78 Abstract of Despatches. December 28,1875, January 2,1876, January 5,1876, and

January 13-14, 1876.2frs.0157 79 Foreign Office Papers [one in French] on Anglo-French Commercial Negotiations.

February 5,1877, February 9,1877, and February 12,1877.3frs.0160 80,81 Abstract of Despatches. May 10,1877andMay 18,1877.4frs.0164 82 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. May 22,1877. 3frs.0167 83 P.O. Adams to Foreign Office. September 7,1877.4frs.0171 84 P.O. Adams to Mme. Thiers. September 7,1877. Ifr.0172 85,86 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria (telegrams). September 7,1877 and

September 11,1877.2frs.0174 87, 88 P.O. Adams to Foreign Office. September 11, 1877. 6frs.0180 89 Press Cuttings relating to Death of Thiers [in French]. September 7,1877,

September 8, 1877, and September 10, 1877.2frs.0182 90-92 Abstract of Despatches. October 1,1877 and October 3,1877.2frs.0184 93,94 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. November 7,1877 and November 16,1877. 2frs.0186 95 Sir Stafford Northcote to Queen Victoria. November 20, 1877.2frs.


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0188 96 Foreign Office to Queen Victoria. November 20, 1877. 2frs.0190 97-99 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria (telegrams). November 20,1877, November 23, 1877,

and November 28,1877.2frs.0193 100, 101 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. December 15, 1877 and January 16, 1878.4frs.0197 102,103 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria. April 3, 1878 and February 1,1879. 2frs.0199 104 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. August 29, 1879. 2frs.0201 105 Press Cutting relating to Prince Napoleon's Status as Imperial Claimant after Death of

Prince Imperial [in French], August 25, 1879.4frs.0205 106 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria. September 19, 1879. 6frs.0211 107-110 Abstract of Despatches. September26,1879, September 29,1879, October 9,1879,

and October 30,1879. 6frs.0217 111-113 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. November 14, 1879, December 30,1879, and

January 17,1880.7frs.0224 114 Lord Tenterden to Sir Henry Ponsonby. April 9,1880.2frs.0226 115 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 9,1880. 2frs.0228 116 Queen Victoria to Sir Henry Ponsonby. n.d. 2frs.0230 117 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. May (?), 1880.2frs.0232 118 Lord Granville to Sir Henry Ponsonby. May 8, 1880. Ifr.0233 119 Monsieur L. Say to Queen Victoria (speech) [in French], May (?), 1880. 2frs.0235 120 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 27,1880.2frs.0237 121 Lord Granville to Sir Henry Ponsonby (telegram). June 1, 1880.2frs.0239 122 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. n.d. 2frs.0241 123 Lord Granville to Sir Henry Ponsonby. June 3,1880.2frs.0244 124 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria [with note by the Queen]. June 5,1880. 3frs.0247 125 Lord Salisbury to Sir Henry Ponsonby. June 6,1880.4frs.0251 126 Francis Knollys to Sir Henry Ponsonby. June 8, 1880.4frs.0255 127 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegram). June 8, 1880. Ifr.0256 128,129 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. June 8,1880 and June 10,1880.4frs.0260 130 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. June 13, 1880. Ifr.0261 131 Lord Granville to Sir Henry Ponsonby. June 13, 1880. 3frs.0264 132 William E. Gladstone to Queen Victoria. June 14,1880.3frs.0267 133 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. June 16, 1880. 2frs.0269 134 Press Cuttings relating to Appointment of Monsieur Challemel-Lacour as French

Ambassador; Letter from Frank H. O'Donnell. June 21,1880.2frs.0271 135 Queen Victoria to Sir Henry Ponsonby. June 25, 1880.4frs.0275 136,137 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. June 29,1880 and July 9,1880.4frs.0279 138 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. July 16,1880.2frs.0281 139,139a H.G. MacDonell to Foreign Office. September 1,1880. 6frs.0287 140, 141 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegrams). September 18,1880 and

September 23,1880. 3frs.0290 142 Abstract of Despatch. October 9,1880. Ifr.0291 143, 144 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. February 5,1881.4frs.0295 145 Cabinet Paper [on French actions in Tunisia] by F.L. Bertie. February 5,1881. 6frs.0301 146 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. February 6, 1881. 3frs.0304 147 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. February 7,1881.1 fr.0305 148-152 Abstract of Despatches. March 23,1881, March 29,1881, April 5, 1881,

April 7, 1881, and April 9,1881. 3frs.0308 153 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. April 10, 1881. 2frs.0310 154 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. April 28,1881. 6frs.0316 155 Queen Victoria to Lord Granville. April 28,1881.2frs.0317 155a Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. April 30,1881.

156 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. May 1, 1881.2frs.0319 157 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. May 1,1881.2frs.0321 158, 159 Abstract of Despatches. May 10,1881 and May 12, 1881.2frs.


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Frame Document Reel 8No. No(s).

0323 160 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. May 14,1881.2frs.0325 161 Press Cutting relating to French Protectorate in Tunisia. May 22-23,1881.2frs.0327 162 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. June 16,1881.2frs.0329 163-166 Press Cuttings relating to Monument at Windsor for the Prince Imperial and Letter

from Captain Arthur Bigge to Queen Victoria. June 2,1881, June 7,1881,June 10,1881, and June 16,1881.3frs.

0332 167 William E. Gladstone to Queen Victoria. June 17,1881. Ifr.0333 168 Lord Granville to Lord Lyons. July (?), 1881.3frs.0336 169 C.H. Vincent (report). December 12, 1881.4frs.0340 170 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. December 13,1881.2frs.0342 171 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Lord Lyons. December 14,1881. Ifr.0343 172 Lord Lyons to Sir Henry Ponsonby. December 16,1881. 3frs.

France, 1882-1885Volume J.870346 Table of Contents. 4frs.0350 1, 2 Press Cuttings relating to Resignation of Monsieur [Leon] Gambetta's Government.

June 1,1882. 3frs.0353 3 Monsieur Thierry to Lady Jane Ely [in French] with Press Cutting relating to Monument

at Woolwich for the Prince Imperial. June 7,1882. 6frs.0359 4-6 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments and Ex-Empress Eugenie.

[1882 and 1884.] 6frs.0365 7 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. December 29, 1882. 2frs.0367 8-11 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments and Death of Leon Gambetta.

December 31,1882 and January 1-4,1883.12frs.0379 12 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. January 5, 1883. Ifr.0380 13 Press Cutting relating to Deaths of Leon Gambetta and General Chanzy.

January 4, 1883. 2frs.0382 14 Queen Victoria to Sir Henry Ponsonby. January 6,1883. 2frs.0384 15,16 Press Cutting relating to Deaths of Leon Gambetta and General Chanzy.

January 8, 1883 and January 12,1883.4frs.0388 17 Captain Arthur Bigge to Queen Victoria. January 13,1883.4frs.0392 18 George, Duke of Cambridge to Queen Victoria. January 13,1883.3frs.0395 19-23 Telegrams and Press Cuttings relating to Monument at Woolwich for the Prince Imperial,

Arrest of Prince Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte, and French Political Developments.January 13,1883, January 16,1883, and January 19,1883.12frs.

0407 24,25 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office and Press Cutting on French Political Developments.January 19,1883. 5frs.

0412 26 Queen Victoria to Lord Lyons. January 19,1883. Ifr.0413 27 Lord Lyons to Queen Victoria (telegram). January 20,1883. Ifr.0414 28,29 Lord Granville to Sir Henry Ponsonby (telegrams). January 20-21, 1883. 3frs.0417 30 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. January 20,1883.2frs.0419 31 Queen Victoria to Lord Granville. January 20,1883. Ifr.0420 31a Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. January 23, 1883. Ifr.0421 32 Mme. Christine D'Arcos to Lady Jane Ely. January 21,1883. 2frs.0423 33 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. January 23, 1883.2frs.0425 34 Lord Granville to Sir Henry Ponsonby. January 23-24, 1883. Ifr.0426 35 Lord Lyons to Queen Victoria. January 23, 1883. 2frs.0428 36 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). January 23, 1883.

37 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. January 31,1883. Ifr.0429 38 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. January 23,1883. 2frs.0431 39,40 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. January 24,1883.2frs.0433 41 Lord Granville to Sir Henry Ponsonby. January 26, 1883. Ifr.


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Frame Document Reel 8, vol. J. 87No. No(s).

0434 42,43 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. January 27-29, 1883.4frs.0438 44 Sir William Harcourt to Lady Jane Ely. January 29,1883. 3frs.0441 45 Lord Granville to Sir Henry Ponsonby (telegram). January 28,1883. Ifr.0442 46 Leopold II, King of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 28, 1883. 3frs.0445 47 Captain Arthur Bigge to Queen Victoria. January 29,1883. 2frs.0447 48 Queen Victoria to Lord Lyons. January 29,1883. 3frs.0450 49 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. January 29, 1883. 2frs.0452 50 Lord Lyons to Lord Granville. January 30, 1883.2frs.0454 51 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. January 24,1883,

January 30-31,1883, and February 13,1883.2frs.0456 52 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. January 31,1883.2frs.0458 53 Colonel George P.H. Villiers to Lord Lyons. February 1,1883.4frs.0462 54 Leopold II, King of the Belgians to Queen Victoria. February 1,1883.3frs.0465 55 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegram). February 1,1883.2frs.0467 56 Lord Lyons to Queen Victoria. February 2,1883. 3frs.0470 57 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. February 1, 1883. 2frs.0472 58,59 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. February 3-4, 1883.4frs.0476 60 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. February 5, 1883.2frs.0478 61, 62 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. February 13, 1883. 3frs.0481 63,64 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. February 22 (?), 1883.4frs.0485 65 Lieutenant Colonel W. Carrington to Queen Victoria. March 3, 1885.5frs.0490 66 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. March 9,1885. 2frs.0492 67 Queen Victoria to Lord Granville. March 9,1885.2frs.0494 68 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. March 10,1885.2frs.0496 69-72 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. May 19, 1883,

June 15-16,1883, and June 21,1883.8frs.0504 73 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. June 22,1883.2frs.0506 74 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. June 22,1883.4frs.0510 75 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. June 27,1883.2frs.0512 76 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. July 1-2,1883. 2frs.0514 77 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegram). July 11, 1883.2frs.0516 78 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. July 11,1883. 2frs.0518 79 William E. Gladstone (speech extract). July 11,1883. Ifr.0519 80-82 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. July 16,1883 and August 17, 1883. 5frs.0524 83 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments. August 25,1883.4frs.0528 84 Comte de Blancas to Sir Henry Elliot. August 26,1883.2frs.0530 85, 86 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. August 26, 1883. Ifr.0531 87-89a Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. August 29-30, 1883 and October 27, 1883. 1 Ifrs.0542 90 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. September 1, 1883. Ifr.0543 91 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. September 3,1883.4frs.0547 92 F.W. Plunkett to Foreign Office. September 4,1883.2frs.0549 93 Foreign Office to Sir Henry Ponsonby. September 5,1883. Ifr.0550 94,95 Sir Henry Elliot to Sir Henry Ponsonby. September 8, 1883 and

September 10,1883. 8frs.0558 96-99 Lord Granville and Major Edwards to Queen Victoria (telegrams). September 11, 1883,

September 16,1883, and September 28,1883.9frs.0567 100-103 F.W. Plunkett to Foreign Office. September 27-28, 1883. 3 frs.0570 104 F.W. Plunkett to Sir Henry Ponsonby. September 30, 1883. 3frs.0573 105 F.W. Plunkett to Foreign Office. September 30, 1883. 3frs.0576 106-108 Press Cuttings relating to Demonstrations in Paris Against Spanish King Alfonso XII and

French Political Developments [four in French]. September 30, 1883. 6frs.0582 109 F.W. Plunkett to Sir Henry Ponsonby. October 1,1883.2frs.0584 110-112 Press Cuttings relating to Demonstrations in Paris Against Spanish King Alfonso XII and

French Political Developments [three in French]. October 1, 1883. 9frs.


Page 54: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Real 8No. No(s).

0593 113 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. October 5,1883. 3frs.0596 114,115 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria (telegrams). October 18-19,1883. 3frs.0599 116 Captain Arthur Bigge to Queen Victoria. October 24,1883. 2frs.0601 117 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. October 27,1883. Ifr.0602 118 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. October 28,1883.3frs.0605 119 William E. Gladstone to Queen Victoria. October 28,1883.3frs.0608 120 Queen Victoria to Lord Granville (telegram). October 28,1883.2frs.0610 121 Queen Victoria to William E. Gladstone. October 30,1883.3frs.0613 122 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. October 30,1883.2frs.0615 123 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. October 30,1883. 3frs.0618 124 Sir J. Simmons to Sir Henry Ponsonby. November 3, 1883. 3frs.0621 125 Lord Ampthill to Foreign Office. January 5, 1884. 2frs.0623 126 Lord Granville to Queen Victoria. January 4,1884.3frs.0626 127 Queen Victoria to Sir Henry Ponsonby. February (?), 1884.2frs.0628 128 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria [with note by the Queen]. February 17, 1884. 3frs.0631 129, 130 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Sir Charles Dilke. February 17, 1884.2frs.0633 131 Queen Victoria to Sir Henry Ponsonby. February 17,1884. Ifr.0634 131a Sir Francis Knollys to Sir Henry Ponsonby. February 18,1884. 3frs.0637 132 Press Cutting relating to Georges Clemenceau. February 18, 1884.2frs.0639 133 Queen Victoria to Sir Henry Ponsonby. February 19, 1884. 2frs.0641 134 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. December 13,1884.3frs.0644 135,136 Press Cuttings relating to Victor Hugo's Death. May 23,1885 and June 1-2,1885. lOfrs.0654 137 Lord Lyons to Queen Victoria. June 4, 1885. 3frs.0657 138 Captain H.C. Kane to Foreign Office. June 23,1885. Ifr.0658 139 Monsieur Dangers to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]). October 22,1885.2frs.

France, 1886-1891Volume J.880660 Table of Contents. 3frs.0663 1 Lord Rosebery to Queen Victoria. May 20,1886. Ifr.0664 2-6 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. May 25, 1886, May 28, 1886, June 1, 1886, and

June 4,1886.4frs.0668 7 Lord Rosebery to Queen Victoria (telegram). June 3,1886.2frs.0670 8 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. June 7,1886.2frs.0672 9 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. June 18,1886.2frs.0674 10 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments [in French]. June 7,1886. 5frs.0679 11 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. June 25,1886. 3frs.0682 12 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. June 25,1886.2frs.0684 13 Comte de Paris to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]). June 25,1886. Ifr.0685 14 Queen Victoria to Comte de Paris (telegram [in French]). June 25,1886. Ifr.0686 15 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. July 13-14,1886.2frs.0688 16 Comte de Paris to Queen Victoria [in French], July 31,1886.4frs.0692 17 Queen Victoria to Comte de Paris [in French]. August 2,1886. 3frs.0695 18 Comte de Paris to Queen Victoria [in French]. August 5,1886.2frs.0697 19 Comte de Paris to Prince of Wales [in French]. August 7,1886. 2frs.0699 20 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria. April 29,1887. 3frs.0702 21 Lord Sydney to Queen Victoria. January 9,1888. Ifr.0703 22 Lord Sydney to Sir Henry Ponsonby [with press cuttings relating to reburial of

Napoleon III and the Prince Imperial]. January 9, 1888. 3frs.0706 23-25 Lord Lytton to Foreign Office. February 9,1888 and February 13,1888.4frs.0710 26 Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte to Queen Victoria. March 13, 1888. 2frs.0712 27 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria (telegram). March 15,1888. Ifr.0713 28 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. March 15,1888.3frs.


Page 55: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 8, vol. J.88No. No(s).

0716 29 Lord Lytton to Foreign Office. March 30,1888. Ifr.0717 30 Sir Horace Rumbold to Foreign Office. March 27,1888.2frs.0719 31,32 General Galliffet to Prince of Wales [in French]. July 16,1888 and October 8,1888.4frs.0723 33-35 Lord Lytton to Foreign Office. February 24, 1889 and March 6,1889.6frs.0729 36 Lord Lytton to Sir Henry Ponsonby. March 9,1889. Ifr.0730 37 Sidi Carnot, President of the French Republic to Queen Victoria. March 7, 1889. Ifr.0731 38, 39 Lord Lytton to Sir Henry Ponsonby with Press Cuttings relating to French Political

Developments. March 31,1889 and April (?), 1889.22frs.0753 40 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria (telegram). April 18,1889.2frs.0755 41 Queen Victoria to Lord Salisbury (telegram). April 21,1889.2frs.0757 42 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria. April 22,1889.2frs.0759 42a Lord Salisbury to Sir Henry Ponsonby. April 27, 1889. Ifr.0760 43 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria (telegram). October 7,1889. Ifr.0761 44 Due de Bassano to Queen Victoria [in French]. October 24,1889.2frs.0763 45 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria (telegram). February 8, 1890. Ifr.0764 46 Queen Victoria to Lord Salisbury (telegram). Februarys, 1890.2frs.0766 47 Lord Lytton to Queen Victoria (telegram). February 8, 1890.2frs.0768 48,49 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria (telegrams). February 9, 1890.2frs.0770 50,51 Lord Lytton to Sir Henry Ponsonby. February 14,1890.16frs.0786 52 Press Cutting relating to French Political Developments. February 26,1890.2frs.0788 53, 54 Lord Lytton to Foreign Office. March 15,1890 and May 9, 1890. 3frs.0791 55 Lord Lytton to Queen Victoria (telegram). June 4, 1890. Ifr.0792 56-58 Lord Lytton to Foreign Office. June 28, 1890 and July 5,1890. 5frs.0797 59 Monsignor Goddard to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 2, 1890. Ifr.0798 60 Press Cutting, Leaflet and Photographs [relating to monument at Chislehurst for the

Prince Imperial]. August (?), 1890. 3frs.0801 61 Lord Salisbury to Sir Henry Ponsonby (telegram). January 14, 1891. Ifr.0802 62 Lord Lytton to Foreign Office. January 22,1891.2frs.0804 63 Prince Victor Napoleon to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 18, 1891. Ifr.0805 64 Press Cutting relating to Death of Prince Jerome Napoleon. March 17,1891. 2frs.0807 65 Comte de Florian to Sir Henry Ponsonby. July 17,1891. 3frs.0810 66 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria. July 18, 1891. 3frs.0813 67 Queen Victoria to Lord Salisbury. July 20,1891.2frs.0815 68,69 Comte de Florian to Sir Henry Ponsonby. July 21, 1891 and July 24,1891. 5frs.0820 70 Eric Harrington to Sir Henry Ponsonby. July 24,1891. 2frs.0822 71 Comte de Florian to Sir Henry Ponsonby. July 27,1891. 3frs.0825 72 Monsieur William H. Waddington to Sir Henry F. Ponsonby. July 30,1891.2frs.0827 73 Captain Leclerc to Sir Henry Ponsonby [in French]. August 1,1891. 2frs.0829 74 Lord George Hamilton to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 3,1891. 2frs.0831 75 Lord Clanwilliam to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 4,1891. 5frs.0836 76 Lord George Hamilton to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 6, 1891. 2frs.0838 77 Eric Barrington to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 7, 1891. 2frs.0840 78 Robert J. Pritchett to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 8,1891. 2frs.0842 79 Captain E. Le Clerc to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 8,1891. 2frs.0844 80 Lord Clanwilliam to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 8,1891. 3frs.0847 81 Lord George Hamilton to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 10,1891.1 fr.0848 82 Eric Barrington to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 10, 1891. 2frs.0850 83 Lord George Hamilton to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 13, 1891.2frs.0852 84 Monsieur William H. Waddington to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 17, 1891. 2frs.0854 85 Queen Victoria to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 18,1891.2frs.0856 86 Queen Victoria to Lord Salisbury (telegram). n.d. Ifr.0857 87,88 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria. August 18, 1891. 6frs.0863 89 Cabinet Paper [on Russian visit of French fleet]. August 19, 1891. 1 fr.0864 90 Arthur, Duke of Connaught to Admiral Gervais. August 20, 1891. Ifr.


Page 56: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 8No. No(s).

0865 91 Press Cuttings relating to English Visit of French Fleet August 1891. lOfrs.0875 92 Memorandum [on Queen Victoria's inspection of French fleet]. August 21,1891. 7frs.0882 93 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria. August 23, 1891. 3frs.0885 94 Queen Victoria to Sidi Carnot, President of the French Republic, n.d. 2frs.0887 95 ' Monsieur William H. Waddington to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 22,1891. 2frs.0889 96 Lord George Hamilton to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 22,1891.2firs.0891 97 Queen Victoria (memorandum [on visit of French fleet]). August 22,1891. 5frs.0896 98 Monsieur William H. Waddington to Sir Henry Ponsonby. August 30,1891.2frs.

France, 1892-1894Volume J.890898 Table of Contents. 2frs.0900 1, 2 Captain E. Le Clerc to Major Arthur Bigge [in French]. January 12, 1892 and

January 27,1892.4frs.0905 3 Admiral Gervais to Sir Henry Ponsonby [in French]. January 31, 1892. 2frs.0907 4 Lord Dufferin to Sir Henry Ponsonby. April 30, 1892.2frs.0909 5 Major Arthur Bigge to Queen Victoria. June 12,1892.2frs.0911 6 Summary of Despatch [on Anglo-French relations]. June 15,1892. 3frs.0914 7 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. January 4, 1893.7frs.0921 8 Colonel R. Talbot to Foreign Office. January(?) 4, 1893. 2frs.0923 9 Press Cuttings relating to Death of Jules Ferry. March 17, 1893.4frs.0927 10 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. March 20,1893. 6frs.0933 11-13 Lord Rosebery to Queen Victoria. June 10,1893, June 13,1893, June 30, 1893,

and July 3,1893.8frs.0941 14 Lord Dufferin to Foreign Office. July 23,1893. 3frs.0944 15 Queen Victoria to Lord Rosebery. July 26,1893. 3frs.0947 16, 17 Lord Dufferin to Foreign Office. July 27,1893 and July 31,1893. 5frs.0952 18 Lord Kensington to Queen Victoria. August 1,1893. Ifr.0953 19 E.C.H. Phipps to Foreign Office. August 7,1893. 2frs.0955 20 Press Cuttings relating to Death of Former French President Marshall MacMahon.

October 20, 1893.4frs.0959 21-26 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. October 20-22, 1893, October 24,1893, and

October 28, 1893.28frs.0987 27 Lord Dufferin to Sir Henry Ponsonby [and press cutting in French on funeral of Charles

Gounod]. October 28,1893.2frs.0989 28-30 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. October 31, 1893, December 10, 1893, and

January 14,1894. lifts.1000 31 Press Cuttings relating to Death of Former French Prime Minister William H.

Waddington. January 13,1894 and January 14, 1894. 2frs.1002 32 Queen Victoria to Madame William H. Waddington. January 16,1894. 2frs.1004 33 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. January 18, 1894.4frs.1008 34 Madame William H. (Mary) Waddington to Queen Victoria. January 19, 1894. 3frs.1011 35 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. January 21, 1894. 2frs.1013 36 Telegrams to Queen Victoria [on assassination of French President Sidi Carnot].

June 25, 1894.2frs.1015 37 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. June 25, 1894. 5frs.1020 38 Report [on assassination of French President Sidi Carnot]. June 25,1894. 15frs.1035 39-^42 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. June 26-27,1894.9frs.1044 43 Queen Victoria to Madame Sidi [Cecile] Carnot [in French]. June 28, 1894. 3frs.1047 44,45 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. June 28,1894 and July 1, 1894.4frs.1051 46 Lord Carrington to Sir Henry Ponsonby. July 2, 1894.2frs.1053 47,48 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. July 2,1894 and July 3,1894.8frs.1061 49 Madame Sidi (Cecile) Carnot to Queen Victoria [in French]. July 3,1894. 2frs.


Page 57: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reels 8/9No. No(s).

1063 50,51 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. July 13,1894 and July 17,1894. 5frs.1068 52 Sir Henry Ponsonby (note). August 31,1894.2frs.

Reel 9France, 1895-1897

Volume J.900001 Table of Contents. 2frs.0003 1 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. January 16,1895.4frs.0007 2 Lord Kimberley to Queen Victoria (telegram). January 16, 1895. Ifr.0008 2a Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria (telegrams). January 17,1895. Ifr.0009 3,4 Sir E. Monson to Foreign Office. January 24, 1895 and January 29, 1895. Ifr.0010 5 Lord Dufferin to Foreign Office. January 30,1895.2frs.0012 6-8 Lord Dufferin [and Monsieur Decrais] to Queen Victoria (telegrams).

January 29,1895. 8frs.0020 9 Queen Victoria to Lord Dufferin (telegram). January 29,1895. Ifr.0021 10 Sir T. Sanderson to Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Bigge. January 29,1895. 3frs.0024 11 Lord Dufferin to Foreign Office. January 31, 1895. 3frs.0028 12 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. February 1,1895.2frs.0030 13 Lord Dufferin to Foreign Office. February 4,1895.2frs.0032 14 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria (telegram). February 3, 1895.2frs.0033 15 Queen Victoria to Lord Dufferin. February 9, 1895. 3frs.0036 16-18 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. February 10, 1895, June 7, 1895, and

October 18, 1895. 15frs.0051 19,20 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria (summaries). December 26,1895.4frs.0055 21 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. January 1,1896.8frs.0063 22 Lord Salisbury (summary of despatch), n.d. 2frs.0065 23 Baron de Courcel to Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Bigge. February 8,1896. 5frs.0070 23a-c Baron de Courcel to Queen Victoria (telegrams). February 12,1896 and

February 14,1896.4frs.0074 23d Lieutenant Colonel W.HP. Carrington to Queen Victoria. February 14, 1896.4frs.0078 24 Lieutenant Colonel J. du Pontavice (report). February 17, 1896. 3frs.0081 25-28 Lord Dufferin to Queen Victoria. April 9,1896, April 20, 1896, and

April 28-29,1896. 14frs.0095 29 Lord Salisbury to H.Howard. July 21, 1896. 2frs.0097 29a, 30 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. December 11,1896 and January 1,1897. 5frs.0102 31 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. January 10,1897. Ifr.0103 32 Sir H. Rumbold to Foreign Office. January 15, 1897. 3frs.0106 32a Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. January 15, 1897. 5frs.0111 33 Sir Edmund Monson to Sir Arthur Bigge. April 24, 1897.2frs.0113 34 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. May 1,1897.2frs.0114 35,36 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. May 2,1897.4frs.0118 37 Vice Admiral E. Barrera to Sir E. Monson (telegram and letter). May 2, 1897.4frs.0122 38 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. May 3,1897. 5frs.0127 39,40 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria (telegrams). May 5,1897.2frs.0129 41 Due d'Alencon to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]). May 5, 1897. Ifr.0130 42 Empress Eugeme to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]). May 5,1897. Ifr.0131 43 Felix Faure, President of the French Republic to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

May 5,1897. Ifr.0132 44 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 5,1897. Ifr.0133 45 Arthur, Duke of Connaught to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 5, 1897. 1 fr.0134 46,47 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales to Queen Victoria (telegrams). May 5,1897.2frs.


Page 58: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 9No. No(s).

0136 48 Press Cuttings relating to 1897 Paris Fire and Death of Duchess of Alencon.May 5,1897. 6frs.

0142 49 Victoria, Dowager German Empress to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 6,1897. Ifr.0143 50 Elizabeth, Empress of Austria to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 6,1897. Ifr.0144 51-53 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria (telegrams). May 6,1897. 3frs.0147 54 Baron de Courcel to Sir Arthur Bigge [in French]. May 6,1897.2frs.0149 55 Monsieur G. Hanotaux to Baron de Courcel. n.d. 2frs.0151 56 Reuter to Sir Arthur Bigge (telegram). May 7,1897. Ifr.0152 57 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 7,1897. Ifr.0153 58 Sir Edmund Monson to Sir Arthur Bigge (telegram). May 7,1897. Ifr.0154 59 Princesse de Joinville to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]). May 7, 1897. Ifr.0155 60 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 7,1897. Ifr.0156 61 Lord Salisbury to Sir Arthur Bigge (telegram). May 7,1897.2frs.0158 62 Baron de Courcel to Sir Arthur Bigge. May 7, 1897. 6frs.0164 63 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 8,1897. Ifr.0165 64 Due d'Orleans to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]). May 7,1897.2frs.0167 65 Due d'Orleans to Queen Victoria [in French] with Press Cuttings relating to 1897 Paris

Fire and Deaths of Duchess of Alencon and Duke d'Aumale. May 11, 1897. 16frs.0183 66,67 Lord Harris to Queen Victoria. May 15,1897.3frs.0186 68 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 18,1897. Ifr.0187 69 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. May 21,1897.5frs.0192 70 Sir H. Rumbold to Foreign Office. August 2, 1897, 3frs.0195 71 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. August 16, 1897. 3frs.0198 72 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. August 17,1897.5frs.0203 73 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. August 27,1897.2frs.0205 74 Lord Salisbury (report on Greek-Turkish relations], n.d. 2frs.0207 75 Lord Salisbury to Sir E. Monson (summary [of two despatches on Anglo-French

relations in West Africa]). n.d. 2frs.0209 76,77 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. September 14, 1897 and

September 25,1897. 6frs.

France, 1898-1900Volume J.910215 Table of Contents. 3frs.0218 1 Press Cuttings relating to the Dreyfus Case. January 13-14,1898.4frs.0222 2 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria (telegram). February 2,1898.2frs.0224 3 Foreign Office to Sir Arthur Bigge (telegram). February 21,1898. Ifr.0225 4 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria (telegram). February 22,1898.2frs.0226 5 Foreign Office to Sir Edmund Monson. February 22,1898.2frs.0228 6 Sir Edmund Monson to Sir Fleetwood Edwards. March 19,1898.2frs.0230 7 Prince de Joinville to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]). March 27,1898. Ifr.0231 8, 9 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. March 27, 1898 and April 9, 1898. 9frs.0240 10 Draft Convention [on Anglo-French frontiers in West Africa]. June 12,1898. 3frs.0243 11 Press Cuttings relating to French Political Developments and the Dreyfus Case.

June 12,1898 and July 3,1898.2frs.0245 12 Queen Victoria to Felix Faure, President of the French Republic [in French].

July 7, 1898. 2frs.0247 13 Felix Faure, President of the French Republic to Queen Victoria [in French].

July 7, 1898. Ifr.0248 14 Press Cuttings relating to Sinking of French Liner La Bourgogne. July 7,1898. 2frs.0250 15,16 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. August 16,1898 and September 2,1898.4frs.0254 17 Felix Faure, President of the French Republic to Queen Victoria [in French].

September 16, 1898.2frs.


Page 59: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 9, vol. J. 91No. No(s).

0256 18 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria (telegram). September 19, 1898. 2frs.0258 18a Lord Salisbury to Sir Fleetwood Edwards (telegram). September 19, 1898. 2frs.0260 19 Queen Victoria to Sir Edmund Monson. September 19, 1898.4frs.0264 20 Captain Sidi Carnot to Sir Edmund Monson [in French]. October 3,1898. 2frs.0266 21 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. October 4,1898.2frs.0268 22 Arthur, Duke of Connaught to Queen Victoria. November 30,1898. 3frs.0271 23 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. November 30, 1898. 3frs.0274 24 Foreign Office to Sir Edmund Monson. n.d. 2frs.0276 25,26 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. January 8, 1899 and February 1, 1899. 8frs.0284 27-29 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria (telegram). February 17, 1899.4frs.0288 30 Sir Arthur Bigge to Queen Victoria. February 17, 1899. 3frs.0291 31 Reginald Lister to Sir Arthur Bigge. February 17, 1899. 5frs.0296 32 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria (telegram). February 18, 1899. Ifr.0297 33 Queen Victoria to Mme. Felix Faure [in French]. February 19,1899.2frs.0299 34,35 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. February 20-21,1899.4frs.0305 36 Lord Hopetoun to Queen Victoria (telegram). February 22, 1899.4frs.0309 37 Lord Pembroke to Sir Arthur Bigge (telegram). February 23,1899. 3frs.0312 38 Lord Pembroke to Queen Victoria (telegram). February 23,1899. 8frs.0320 39,40 Lord Pembroke to Queen Victoria. February 24,1899. 7frs.0327 41 Foreign Office to Sir Edmund Monson. February 25, 1899. 3frs.0330 42 Mme. Felix (Berthe) Faure to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 28, 1899. 3frs.0333 43 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. March 1, 1899.2frs.0335 44 Sir Francis Plunkett to Foreign Office. March 4, 1899. 3frs.0338 45 Foreign Office to Sir Edmund Monson. March 19, 1899. 3frs.0341 46 Lord Salisbury (report). March 19,1899.2frs.0343 47,48 Sir Arthur Bigge to Queen Victoria. March 20, 1899 and April 27, 1899. 6frs.0349 49 Emile Loubet, President of the French Republic to Queen Victoria [in French].

May 5,1899. Ifr.0350 50 Sir Edmund Monson to ?. May 5,1899.2frs.0352 51 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. May 12, 1899.3frs.0355 52 Emile Loubet, President of the French Republic to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

June 6,1899. Ifr.0356 53 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. June 9,1899.2frs.0358 54 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales to General Gallifet [in French]. June 24, 1899. 3frs.0361 55 General Gallifet to Albert Edward, Prince of Wales [in French]. June 26, 1899. 3frs.0364 56 MH. Herbert to Queen Victoria (telegram). September 9, 1899. Ifr.0365 57 Queen Victoria to Lord Salisbury (telegram). September 9,1899. Ifr.0366 58 Queen Victoria to MM. Herbert (telegram). September 9, 1899. Ifr.0367 59 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. September 15, 1899. 2frs.0369 60 Lord Russell of Killowen to Miss H. Phipps. September 15, 1899.1 fr.0370 61 Lord Russell of Killowen (memorandum [on the Dreyfus case]).

September 17, 1899. 22frs.0392 62 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria (telegram). September 20, 1899. Ifr.0393 63 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. September 21, 1899. Ifr.0394 64 Press Cutting relating to the Dreyfus Case [in French]. September 22, 1899. 6frs.0400 65 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. October 1,1899.4frs.0404 66 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. October 24, 1899. 2frs.0406 67 Sir Arthur Bigge to Queen Victoria. October 30, 1899. 3frs.0409 68 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. November 7, 1899. 2frs.0411 69 C. Hardinge to Foreign Office. November 22,1899.1 fr.0412 70 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. December 6,1899. Ifr.0413 71 Sir Edmund Monson to Queen Victoria. April 6, 1900. 2frs.0414 72 Emile Loubet, President of the French Republic to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

April 29, 1900. Ifr.


Page 60: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 9, vols. J.91, J. 107No. No(s).

0415 73 Duchesse de Mouchy to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 10,1900. Ifr.0417 74 Queen Victoria to Comtesse de Paris [in German]. May 29,1900.3frs.0420 75 General Gallifet to Albert Edward, Prince of Wales [in French]. May 29,1900.2frs.0422 76 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales to General Gallifet [in French]. May 31,1900.2frs.0424 77 Queen Victoria to Due d'Orleans (telegram [in French]). June 26, 1900. Ifr.0425 78 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. September 5,1900. 2frs.0427 79 Sir Arthur Bigge to Queen Victoria. October 13,1900. Ifr.0428 80 Abdul Aziz, Sultan of Morocco to Queen Victoria. September 10,1900. lOfrs.

Franco-Belgian Customs Union, 1842-1843Volume J.1070438 Table of Contents. 2frs.0440 1 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. October 18,1842. 6frs.0446 2 Baron C.F. Stockmar to Prince Albert [in German]. November 14, 1842. 3frs.0449 3 Lord Aberdeen to Prince Albert. October 21,1842. Ifr.0450 4 Lord Aberdeen to King Leopold I of the Belgians. October 1,1842. 3frs.0453 5 Monsieur Olozaga to General Sancho. October 18,1842. Ifr.0454 5a-b Lord Cowley to Lord Aberdeen. October 17,1842. Don Luis de Noronha to Monsieur

Gomez de Castro. October 18,1842.2frs.0456 6 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. October 18, 1842. 5frs.0461 7 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office [copy in German]. October 21,1842. Ifr.0462 7a-b Baron Bulow to Chevalier C.C J. Bunsen [copy in German] and Chevalier C.C J. Bunsen

to Frederick William IV, King of Prussia [copy in German]. October 21, 1842. 3frs.0465 8 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. October 25,1842.18frs.0483 9 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. October 30,1842.9frs.0492 10 Lord Aberdeen to Prince Albert. October 31, 1842. 2frs.0494 11,12 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office and Enclosure [of statistics on Belgian

foreign trade]. October 31,1842. 6frs.0500 13 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. October 31,1842.

13a Lord Westmorland to Foreign Office. October 26,1842.1 fr.0501 14 Press Cutting relating to Franco-Belgian Trade Negotiations. November 4, 1842. 5frs.0506 15,16 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 7,1842 and November 10,1842. 6frs.0512 17 Lord Aberdeen to Prince Albert. November 21,1842.2frs.0514 18 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Lord Aberdeen. November 12, 1842.4frs.0518 19 Prince Albert to Lord Aberdeen. November 22, 1842. Ifr.0519 20 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Lord Aberdeen. November 18,1842.3frs.0522 21 Lord Aberdeen to Lord Westmorland. November 26, 1842. 3frs.0525 22 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. November 21,1842.2frs.0527 23 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. November 22,1842. Sfrs.0532 24 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office [copy in German]. December 2,1842.

24a Lord Westmorland to Foreign Office [copy in German]. December 14, 1842. 2frs.0534 25 Baron Arnim to Baron Bulow [in German]. December 14,1842.4frs.0538 26 Baron Bulow to Chevalier C.CJ. Bunsen [in German]. December 13,1842.4frs.0542 27 Prince Metternich to Baron Neumann [in German]. December 14,1842. 3frs.0545 28 Sir R. Gordon to Lord Aberdeen [copy in German]. December 13,1842. Ifr.0546 28a, 29 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Lord Aberdeen [copy in German]. December 16, 1842

and December 23,1842.4frs.0550 30 Lord Aberdeen to Queen Victoria. December 30, 1842.2frs.0552 31 Prince Albert to Lord Aberdeen. January 1,1843.3frs.0555 32 Lord Aberdeen to Prince Albert. January 3,1843.2frs.0557 33 Lord Westmorland to Foreign Office. January 18, 1843.2frs.0559 34 Lord Aberdeen to Queen Victoria. January 28,1843.2frs.0561 35 Press Cutting relating to Franco-Belgian Trade Negotiations. January 25, 1843. 2frs.


Page 61: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 9, vols. J.107,0.1No. No(s).

0563 36 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. January 25,1843.13frs.0576 37 Prince Albert to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in German]. February 4, 1843. 5frs.0581 38 Lord Aberdeen to Prince Albert. February 7,1843.3frs.0584 39 Prince Albert to Lord Aberdeen. February 7,1843.2frs.0586 40,41 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Lord Aberdeen. January 24, 1843 and February 3, 1843. 5frs.0591 42 Lord Westmorland to Lord Aberdeen. February 1, 1843. 3frs.0594 43 Baron Bulow to Chevalier C.CJ. Bunsen [in French and German]. February 3, 1843. 6frs.0600 44,45 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. March 3,1843 and March 17,1843. 5frs.0605 46 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. March 24, 1843. 2frs.0607 47 Chevalier C.CJ. Bunsen to Frederick William IV, King of Prussia [in French].

April 4, 1843. 3frs.0610 48,49 Lord Westmorland to Foreign Office. April 5, 1843 and April 26, 1843. 4frs.0614 50 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 28, 1843. 3frs.0617 51 Sir Hamilton Seymour to Foreign Office. December 22,1843.4frs.0621 52 Press Cutting relating to Franco-Belgian Trade Negotiations. December 20, 1843. 3frs.

Belgium, 1856-1867Volume Q.10624 Table of Contents. 6frs.0630 1 Belgian Constitution (extracts). n.d. 2frs.0632 2 Aliens' Law. n.d. 2frs.0634 3 Memorandum, n.d. Ifr.0635 4 Leopold, Duke of Brabant to Prince Albert [in French]. April 12,1856. 2frs.0637 5 Prince Albert to Leopold, Duke of Brabant [in French]. April 15,1856. 2frs.0639 6 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Prince Albert [in German]. April 18, 1856. 5frs.0644 7 Leopold, Duke of Brabant to Prince Albert [in French]. April 28, 1856. 2frs.0646 8 Lord Cowley to Foreign Office. April 30,1856.4frs.0650 9 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Prince Albert [in French]. May 5, 1856. 3frs.0653 10, 11 Belgian Press Laws [in French]. December 20, 1852 and March 22, 1856.2frs.0655 12,13 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. July 6,1861 and August 16,1861.3frs.0658 14 Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria. August 17, 1861.2frs.0660 15 Queen Victoria to Lord John Russell. August 18, 1861.2frs.0662 16,17 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. March 13,1862 and March 17, 1862.1 Ifrs.0673 18 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. March 15 (?), 1862.4frs.0677 19 Lord John Russell to General Charles Grey. May 7,1862.2frs.0679 20 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office (telegram). May 6, 1862. 1 fr.0680 21 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. May 14,1862. 3frs.0683 22 E.A. Grattan to A.H. Layard. May 31,1862.4frs.0687 23 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 30,1862. 3frs.0690 24 Prince de Chimay to King Leopold I of the Belgians [in French]. March 22,1864.2frs.0692 25 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. December 31,1864.2frs.0694 26-35 Dr. William Jenner to Queen Victoria. February 10, 1865, February 13, 1865,

February 15, 1865, April 20-25, 1865, and May 7, 1865. 22frs.0716 36 Sir James Clark to Queen Victoria. May 8, 1865. 3frs.0719 37 Dr. William Jenner to Queen Victoria. May 9,1865.2frs.0721 38 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. June 5, 1863. Ifr.0722 39 Sir Andrew Buchanan to Foreign Office. June 7,1865. Ifr.0723 40 Dr. William Jenner to Queen Victoria. July 24, 1865. 7frs.0730 41 King Leopold I of the Belgians to Queen Victoria. September 1, 1865. 3frs.0733 42 Dr. William Jenner to Queen Victoria. September 5,1865.2frs.0735 43,44 Leopold, Duke of Brabant to Queen Victoria [in French]. November 28-29, 1865. 6frs.0741 45 Katnerine Bruce to Queen Victoria, n.d. 2frs.


Page 62: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reels 9/10No. No(s).

0743 46,47 Leopold, Duke of Brabant to Queen Victoria (telegrams [in French]).December 2,1865.2frs.

0745 48 (Dr. ?) Wirnmer to Sir James Clark (telegram). December 5,1865. Ifr.0746 49-51 Leopold, Duke of Brabant to Queen Victoria (telegrams [in French]).

December 2-4,1865. 3frs.0749 52 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 4,1865.2frs.0751 53 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. December 4,1865.2frs.0753 54 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. December 5,1865.2frs.0755 55 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

December 5,1865. Ifr.0756 56 Sir C. Phipps to Queen Victoria. December 5, 1865.3frs.0759 57 Leopold, Duke of Brabant to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

December 6, 1865. Ifr.0760 58 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

December 5, 1865. Ifr.0761 59, 60 Dr. William Jenner to Sir C. Phipps (telegrams). December 6, 1865.4frs.0765 61 Leopold, Duke of Brabant to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

December 7,1865. Ifr.0766 62 Leopold, Duke of Brabant to Queen Victoria. December 8,1865.3frs.0769 63 Leopold, Duke of Brabant to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

December 8,1865. Ifr.0770 64 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria (telegram). December 8,1865. Ifr.0771 65 Monsieur Jules Devaux to General Charles Grey (telegram). December 8,1865. Ifr.0772 66 Leopold, Duke of Brabant to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

December 8,1865. Ifr.0773 67 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Sir C. Phipps (telegram [in French]).

December 8,1865. Ifr.0774 68 Leopold, Duke of Brabant to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

December 9,1865. Ifr.0775 69 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

December 9,1865. Ifr.0776 70 Major H.C. Elphinstone to Queen Victoria. December 9,1865. 3frs.0779 71 Duchess of Saxe-Coburg to Queen Victoria [in German]. December 10,1865.6frs.0785 72 Victoria, Crown Princess of Prussia to Queen Victoria. December 10,1865. 5frs.0790 73 Queen Augusta of Prussia to Queen Victoria [in German]. December 10,1865. 3frs.0793 74 Sir C. Phipps to Major General F. Seymour. December 10,1865.3frs.0796 75 Prince Arthur to Queen Victoria (telegram). December 10,1865. Ifr.0797 76 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales to Queen Victoria (telegram). December 10,1865. Ifr.0798 77 Frederick, Crown Prince of Prussia and Victoria, Crown Princess of Prussia to Queen

Victoria (telegram). December 10,1865. Ifr.0799 78 King and Queen of Hanover to Queen Victoria (telegram). December 10,1865. Ifr.0800 79 Augusta, Queen of Prussia to Queen Victoria (telegram). December 10,1865. Ifr.0801 80 Prince Arthur to Queen Victoria. December 10,1865.4frs.

ReeMOBelgium, 1856-1867 cont.

Volume Q.1 cont.0001 81 Marie Amelie, Ex-Queen of the French to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

December 10, 1865. Ifr.0002 82 Ferdinand, King Consort of Portugal to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

December 10,1865. Ifr.0003 83 Princess Alice to Queen Victoria (telegram). December 10,1865. Ifr.


Page 63: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 10, vol. Q. 1No. No(s).

0004 84 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales to Queen Victoria. December 10,1865.5frs.0009 85 Major General F. Seymour to Queen Victoria. December 10, 1865. 5frs.0014 86 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 10, 1865. 3frs.0017 87 Lady Augusta Stanley to Queen Victoria. December 10, 1865. 8frs.0025 88 Marie Ame"lie, Ex-Queen of the French to Queen Victoria [in French].

December 10,1865.2frs.0027 89 Louis, Due de Nemours to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 10, 1865. 2frs.0029 90 Lord Russell to Queen Victoria. December 10,1865.4frs.0033 91 Sir Charles Phipps to Lord Russell. December 10, 1865. 3frs.0036 92 Sir Thomas Biddulph to Queen Victoria. December 10, 1865.2frs.0038 93 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. December 10,1865.2frs.0040 94 Katherine Bruce to Queen Victoria. December 10, 1865. 2frs.0042 95 Sir Charles Phipps to Queen Victoria. December 10, 1865. 2frs.0044 96 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Sir Charles Phipps (telegram [in French]).

December 10, 1865. Ifr.0045 97 Frederick, Crown Prince of Prussia and Victoria, Crown Princess of Prussia to Queen

Victoria (telegram). December 10,1865. Ifr.0046 98 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Sir Charles Phipps. December 11, 1865. 2frs.0048 99 Lord Sydney to Sir Charles Phipps. December 11, 1865. 3frs.0051 100 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Sir Charles Phipps. December 11, 1865. Ifr.0052 101 Monsieur Charles Rogier to Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer (telegram [in French]).

December 11,1865. Ifr.0053 102 Major General Seymour to Sir Charles Phipps. December 11,1865. Ifr.0055 103 Lord Derby to General Charles Grey. December 11, 1865. 4frs.0059 104 Queen Victoria to Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. December 11, 1865.7frs.0066 105 Duchess of Athole to Queen Victoria. December 11,1865.4frs.0070 106 Baroness Louise Lehzen to Queen Victoria. December 11, 1865. Ifr.0071 107 George, Duke of Cambridge to Queen Victoria. December 11, 1865. 3frs.0074 108 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 11, 1865. 3frs.0077 109 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria [in French], n.d. Ifr.0078 110 Lord Broughton to Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer. December 11,1865. 3frs.0081 111 Count Alphonse Mensdorff to Queen Victoria [in German]. December 11,1865. 2frs.0083 112 Wilhelm, King of Prussia to Queen Victoria. December 11, 1865. 1 fr.0084 113 Dowager Empress of Brazil to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 11, 1865. Ifr.0085 114 Major General Seymour to Queen Victoria. December 11,1865. 5frs.'0090 115 Queen Victoria to (?) Sir Charles Phipps. December 12, 1865. 3frs.0093 116,117 Lord Sydney to Sir Charles Phipps. December 12,1865.4frs.0097 118,119 Major General Seymour to Sir Charles Phipps. December 12,1865.13frs.0110 120 Princess Clementine of Saxe-Coburg to Queen Victoria [in French].

December 12, 1865. 2frs.0112 121 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. December 12,1865.2frs.0114 122 Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg to Queen Victoria. December 12, 1865. 3frs.0117 123 Miss Skerrett to Queen Victoria. December 12, 1865. 3frs.0120 124 Duchess of Saxe-Coburg to Queen Victoria. December 12,1865.2frs.0122 125 Press Cutting relating to Death of King Leopold I [in German]. December 12,1865. Ifr.0123 126 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales to Queen Victoria. December 12, 1865.4frs.0127 127 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria. December 13, 1865. 3frs.0130 128 Alexandra, Princess of Wales to Queen of Denmark [in Danish].

December 13, 1865. 5frs.0135 129 Sir Charles Phipps to Major General Seymour. December 13,1865. 3frs.0138 130 Major General Seymour to Sir Charles Phipps. December 13, 1865. 3frs.0141 131 Sir Charles Phipps to Major General Seymour. December 14, 1865. 2frs.0143 132 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales to Queen Victoria. December 14,1865.2frs.0145 133 Count Alexander Mensdorff to Queen Victoria [in German]. December 14, 1865. 5frs.


Page 64: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 10, vol. Q.1No. No(s).

0150 134 Marie Henrietta, Queen of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in German].December 14, 1865. 4frs.

0154 135 Marie Amelie, Ex-Queen of the French to Queen Victoria [in French].December 15, 1865. 2frs.

0156 136 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria. December 16,1865. 3frs.0159 137 Queen Augusta .of Prussia to Queen Victoria [in German]. December 16, 1865. 6frs.0165 138 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. December 16, 1865. 8frs.0173 139 Lord Sydney to Sir Charles Phipps. December 16,1865. 3frs.0176 140 Prince Alfred to Queen Victoria. December 17,1865. 3frs.0179 141 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. December 16,1865.5frs.0184 142,143 Lord Sydney to Sir Charles Phipps. December 17,1865 and December 19,1865.5frs.0189 144 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales to Queen Victoria. December 17,1865.9frs.0198 145 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

December 17, 1865. Ifr.0199 146 Frederick, Crown Prince of Prussia to Queen Victoria [in German].

December 17, 1865. 3frs.0202 147 Duke of Cambridge to Queen Victoria. December 18,1865. 5frs.0207 148 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 19,1865. 5frs.0212 149 Major Elphinstone to Queen Victoria. December 19, 1865.9frs.0221 150 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 19,1865.3frs.0224 151 Lord Sydney to Sir Charles Phipps. December 19, 1865.3frs.0227 152 Lady Gardiner to Queen Victoria. December 21, 1865. 6frs.0233 153 Queen Victoria to Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. December 23,1865.7frs.0240 154 Sir E[dward] Cust to Sir Charles Phipps. December 29, 1865. 3frs.0243 155 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Sir Charles Phipps. n.d. 2frs.0245 156 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 30,1865. 5frs.0250 157 Prince de Joinville to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 31, 1865. 5frs.0255 158 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 31, 1865. 3frs.0258 159 Lord Sydney to Sir Charles Phipps. February 12,1866.2frs.0260 160 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 13, 1866.9frs.0269 161 Lord Sydney to Sir Charles Phipps. February 15, 1866. 5frs.0274 162,163 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 20, 1866 and

April 17, 1866. 8frs.0282 164 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. April 21,1866.2frs.0284 165 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. June 19, 1866. 3frs.0287 166 Lord Stanley to Lord Cowley. July 20, 1866.4frs.0291 167 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. August 21,1866. Ifr.0292 168, 169 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. August 21,1866 and

September 10, 1866. lOfrs.0302 170 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. September 13, 1866.3frs.0305 171 Lord Stanley to Queen Victoria. September 15, 1866. Ifr.0306 172 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. October 8, 1866. 3frs.0309 173 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. November 16,1866. Ifr.0310 174-176 Abstract of Despatches. November 23-24,1866 and November 7,1866.2frs.0312 177 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 4, 1866.8frs.0320 178 Princess Antoinette of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen to Princess Helena [in German].

December 15, 1866. 2frs.0322 179 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 18, 1866. 3frs.0325 180 Princess Antoinette of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen to Princess Helena [in German].

December 21, 1866. 2frs.0327 181 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 23, 1866. 5frs.0332 182 Queen Victoria to King Leopold II of the Belgians. December 24,1866. 3frs.0335 183, 184 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 27,1866 and

December 31, 1866. 9frs.


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Frame Document Reel 10No. No(s).

0344 185,186 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria and Enclosure. January 9,1867. 2frs.0346 187 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 9, 1867. 3frs.0349 188 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. January 9,1867.2frs.0351 189 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. January 9,1867.2frs.0353 190 Lord Stanley to General Charles Grey. January 10,1867.3frs.0356 191 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria, n.d. 2frs.0358 192 Princess Antoinette of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen to Princess Helena [in German].

January 14,1867. 3frs.0361 193 Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen to Princess Antoinette [in German].

January 13,1867.2frs.0363 194 Princess Antoinette of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen to Princess Helena [in German].

January 15,1867. 3frs.0366 195,196 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 16,1867 and

January 18,1867. 6frs.0372 197 Queen Victoria to King Leopold II of the Belgians [in French]. January 19, 1867. 2frs.0374 198 Princess Helena to Princess Antoinette of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen [in German].

January 19,1867.2frs.0376 199 Princess Helena to King Leopold H of the Belgians [in French]. January 20, 1867. 3frs.0379 200 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 22,1867. 3frs.0382 201,202 Princess Antoinette of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen to Princess Helena [in German].

January 22,1867 and January 28,1867.6frs.0388 203 Princess Helena to King Leopold U of the Belgians. January 30,1867. 3frs.0391 204 Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen to Princess Antoinette [in German].

n.d. Ifr.0392 205 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 30,1867. 3frs.

Belgium, 1867-1869Volume Q.20395 Table of Contents. 4frs.0399 1 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 1, 1867. 3frs.0402 2 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 1, 1867. 2frs.0404 3 Princess Antoinette of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen to Princess Helena [in German].

February 5,1867.2frs.0406 4 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 6, 1867. 3frs.0409 5 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 7, 1867. 2frs.0411 6 Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen to Queen Victoria (telegram [in German]).

February 9,1867. Ifr.0412 7 Queen Augusta of Prussia to Queen Victoria [in German]. February 9,1867. 3frs.0415 8 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. [February 10, 1867.] 2frs.0417 9 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 12, 1867. 6frs.0423 10 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 22,1867. 3frs.0426 11 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. March 4, 1867. 5frs.0431 12 Fraulein V. von Hohenthal to Queen Victoria. April(?) 27, 1867. lOfrs.0441 13 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. March 13,1867. Ifr.0442 14-18 King Leopold U of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 12, 1867,

March 26, 1867, April 2, 1867, April 9, 1867, and April 12, 1867. 32frs.0474 19-21 Court Ceremonies [for the marriage of Philippe, Count of Flanders and Princess Marie of

Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen at Berlin; in French and German]. April 23, 1867. 1 Ifrs.0485 22 Philippe, Count of Flanders and Marie, Countess of Flanders to Queen Victoria

(telegram [in French]). April 26,1867. Ifr.0486 23 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. April 26,1867.2frs.0488 24 Marie, Countess of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in German]. May 4, 1867. 2frs.


Page 66: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 10, vol. O.2No. No(s).

0490 25 Court Ceremonies [for the marriage of Philippe, Count of Flanders and Princess Marie ofHohenzollem-Sigmaringen at Berlin; in French and German]. April 22,1867. lOfrs.

0500 26,27 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. June 3-4,1867.2frs.0502 28-31 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. July 3,1867, July 8,1867,

July 11,1867, and July 15,1867.21frs.0523 32 Queen Marie Henrietta of the Belgians to King Leopold II of the Belgians [in German].

July 9,1867.3frs.0526 33-35 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. July 21,1867,

July 25,1867, and July 30,1867. llfrs.0537 36 Monsieur J. Morpungo to King Leopold II of the Belgians (telegram [in French]).

July 29,1867. Ifr.0538 37 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. August 2,1867. 6frs.0544 38 Lord Malmesbury to Queen Victoria. August 2,1867.3frs.0547 39 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. August 4,1867. 3frs.0550 40-46 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. August 5,1867,

September 3,1867, September 17,1867, September 24,1867, October 1,1867,October 8,1867, and October 29,1867.29frs.

0579 47 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. October 31,1867.2frs.0581 48-58 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. November 5,1867,

November 19,1867, November 26,1867, December 17,1867, December 24,1867,January 7,1868, January 14,1868, January 21,1868, January 28,1868,March 10,1868, and May 17, 1868.45frs.

0626 59 Sir William Jenner to Queen Victoria. May 21,1868. 3frs.0629 60 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. May 25,1868.2frs.0631 61 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 24, 1868.5frs.0636 62 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. May 27,1868.4frs.0640 63 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 30, 1868.2frs.0642 64 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. May 31,1868. 3frs.0645 65 Lord Howard de Walden to Foreign Office. June 11,1868.2frs.0647 66,67 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria with Note on French Designs on

Luxembourg [in French]. June 11,1868 and June 14,1868.8frs.0655 68 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. June(?) 15,1868. 5frs.0660 69,70 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. June 15-16,1868.4frs.0664 71,72 Lord Stanley to General Charles Grey. June 16-17,1868. 5frs.0669 73-82 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. July 12,1868,

July 19,1868, July 26, 1868, August 9, 1868, August 16, 1868, August 23,1868,August 30-31,1868, September 5,1868, and September 12,1868. 36frs.

0705 83 Sir William Jenner to Queen Victoria. September 12,1868. 3frs.0708 84,85 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. September 20,1868

and September 22,1868.12frs.0720 86 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. September 27,1868.3frs.0723 87 General Charles Grey to King Leopold n of the Belgians. September 27,1868.2frs.0725 88 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. September 27,1868. Ifr.0726 89 General Charles Grey to Benjamin Disraeli. September 27,1868.2frs.0728 90,91 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. September 27,1868

and October 3,1868.9frs.0737 92 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. October 4, 1868. Ifr.0738 93,94 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French] and Enclosure.

October 4, 1868.4frs.0742 95 General Charles Grey to Lord Stanley. October 7,1868. Ifr.0743 96-101 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. October 11, 1868,

October 15, 1868, October 18,1868, November 1,1868, November 21,1868, andNovember 29,1868.20frs.

0763 102 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria.January 13,1869. 3frs.


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Frame Document Reel 10, vol. Q.2No. No(s).

0766 103 General Charles Grey to Lord Clarendon. January 13, 1869.2frs.0768 104 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. January 14, 1869.2frs.0770 105 Lord Clarendon to J.S. Lumley. January 16,1869.4frs.0774 106 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 17, 1869. 3frs.0777 107 Queen Marie Henriette of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in German].

January 20,1869.2frs.0779 108 Sir William Jenner to Queen Victoria. January 20-21, 1869. 2frs.0781 109 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. January 22,1869. 2frs.0783 110 Monsieur Jules Devaux to General Charles Grey. January 24,1869.2frs.0785 111 J. Savile Lumley to General Charles Grey. January 25, 1869. 5frs.0790 112 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 31, 1869. 9frs.0799 113 J. Savile Lumley to General Charles Grey [with press cutting in French on death of the

Duke of Brabant, heir to the Belgian throne]. February 2,1869. 6frs.0805 114,115 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. February 5,1869.2frs.0807 116 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 7, 1869. 5frs.0812 116a Press Cutting in French on Death of the Duke of Brabant, Heir to the Belgian Throne.

n.d. Ifr.0813 117 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. February 11, 1869.4frs.0817 118 Queen Marie Henriette of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in German].

February 12, 1869.2frs.0819 119, 120 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. February 12, 1869. Ifr.0820 121 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 13, 1869. 6frs.0826 122 Press Extract [in French], n.d. Ifr.0827 123 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. February 17,1869.4frs.0831 124 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. February 18, 1869. Ifr.0832 125, 126 Press Cuttings [on French influence in Luxembourg]. February 18, 1869. 8frs.0840 127 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. February 16,1869.

128 Lord Clarendon to Lord Lyons. February 20, 1869. 3frs.0843 129 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office (telegram). February 20, 1869. Ifr.0844 130 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 20, 1869. 8frs.0852 131-134 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. February 20, 1869. Ifr.0853 135 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. February 20,1869. 3frs.0856 136 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 23, 1869.9frs.0865 137 [Belgian Senate proceedings on law to prevent foreign control of railways.]

February 23, 1869.16frs.0881 138 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. February 21, 1869. 2frs.0883 139 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. February 23,1869.2frs.0885 140 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. February 27, 1869.2frs.0887 141-144 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. February 23, 1869 and February 27,1869. 4frs.0891 145 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. February 28,1869.2frs.0893 146 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. February 28,1869.2frs.0895 147 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. March 1, 1869.4frs.0899 148 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. March 1,1869. Ifr.0900 149 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. March 1,1869. Ifr.0901 150 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. March 3,1869. Ifr.0902 151-155 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. March 2,1869 and March 4,1869.12frs.0914 156, 157 Lord Clarendon to Lord Lyons. March (?), 1869. 8frs.0922 158 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. March 6, 1869.2frs.0924 159 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. March 6,1869. 5frs.0929 160 Lord Clarendon to General Charles Grey. March 7, 1869. Ifr.0930 161 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). March 7, 1869. Ifr.0931 162 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office (telegram). March 6, 1869.2frs.0933 163 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. March 6, 1869. 2frs.0934 164-169 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. March 5-7, 1869. 6frs.


Page 68: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reels 10/11No. No(s).

0940 170 General Charles Grey to Lord Clarendon. March 7,1869.2frs.0942 171 General Charles Grey to King Leopold H of the Belgians. March 7,1869. 3frs.0945 172 Queen Victoria to King Leopold II of the Belgians [in French]. March 7,1869. 3frs.0948 173 Lord Clarendon to J. Savile Lumley. March (?), 1869.4frs.0952 174 Lord Clarendon to General Charles Grey. March 7,1869. Ifr.0953 175 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 7,1869. lOfrs.

Reel 11Belgium, 1869

Volume Q.30001 Table of Contents. 6frs.0007 1,2 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. March 7-8,1869. 8frs.0015 3 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. March 8,1869. 3frs.0018 4, 5 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. March 8,1869. 13frs.0031 6 Lord Clarendon to Lord Lyons. March 9,1869. 6frs.0037 7 General Charles Grey to Lord Clarendon. March 9,1869.2frs.0039 8 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. March 9,1869. Ifr.0040 9 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office (telegram). March 9,1869. Ifr.0041 10 Lord Clarendon to J. Savile Lumley (telegram). March 9,1869. Ifr.0042 11 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. March 9,1869.2frs.0043 12,13 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria and Enclosure [of Belgian proposal for

settlement of railway dispute with France; in French]. March 9,1869.13frs.0056 14 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. March 10,1869.2frs.0058 15 Lord Clarendon to Lord Lyons. March 10, 1869. Ifr.0059 16-18 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. March 10-11, 1869.1 Ifrs.0070 19 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. March 11, 1869. 3frs.0073 20-23 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. March 11,1869. 5frs.0078 24,25 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. March 12,1869.4frs.0082 26 Queen Victoria to Lord Clarendon. March 12,1869. Ifr.0083 27 Cabinet Paper: Memorandum on the Attempted Transfer to the French SocietS de 1'Est of

the Belgian Grand Luxemburg and Liege-Limburg Railways. March 12, 1869. 17frs.0100 28 Lord Clarendon to J. Savile Lumley (telegram). March 12,1869.2frs.0102 29 Lord Clarendon to J. Savile Lumley. March 12,1869.2frs.0104 30-33 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. March 12,1869 and March 14,1869.15frs.0119 34 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. March 13,1869.2frs.0121 35 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. March 12,1869.2frs.0123 36 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. March 13, 1869. 3frs.0126 37,38 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. March 13,1869. 5frs.0131 39 Press Cuttings relating to Franco-Belgian Railway Dispute [one in French].

March 13, 1869.2frs.0133 40 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). March 13,1869. Ifr.0134 41,42 Lord Clarendon to Lord Lyons. March 14, 1869. 6frs.0140 43^17 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office and Enclosure. March 13-14, 1869. 6frs.0146 48 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. March 14,1869.2frs.0148 49 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. March 14,1869.4frs.0152 50 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 14,1869. 9frs.0161 51 Prince Charles of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen to Philippe, Count of Flanders [inFrench].

March 11, 1869. 2frs.0163 52 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. March 15,1869. 2frs.0165 53 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. March 15, 1869.

54, 55 Lord Clarendon to J. Savile Lumley. March 16-17,1869.4frs.0169 56 Monsieur H.J.W. Frere-Orban to J. Savile Lumley [in French]. March 16, 1869.2frs.


Page 69: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 11. vol. Q.3No. No(s).

0171 57 Lord Clarendon to General Charles Grey. March 16, 1869. 2frs.0173 58 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office (telegram). March 16,1869. Ifr.0174 59 Lord Clarendon to J. Savile Lumley (telegram). March 16, 1869.4frs.0178 60 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. March 16,1869.2frs.0180 61 Lord Clarendon to Lord Lyons. March 17, 1869.2frs.0182 62 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office (telegram). March 17,1869. Ifr.0183 63, 64 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. March 17,1869. 3frs.0186 65 Lord Clarendon to Lord Lyons. March 17, 1869.2frs.0188 66 Lord Clarendon to J. Savile Lumley. March 17,1869. 3frs.0191 67 General Charles Grey to King Leopold H of the Belgians. March 17, 1869. 2frs.0193 68 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. March 18,1869. 3frs.0196 69 General Charles Grey to Lord Clarendon. March 19,1869.2frs.[Note: Item 69, 2 frames in length, has been filmed twice.]0200 70 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. March 19,1869. 3frs.0203 71 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. March 19, 1869. 2frs.0205 72-79 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. March 20-21, 1869. 6frs.0211 80 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. March 23,1869.4frs.0215 81-83 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. March 25-26, 1869 and March 28, 1869. 9frs.0224 84 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 28, 1869. 6frs.0230 85 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. March 31,1869. Ifr.0231 86 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. March 31, 1869.2frs.0233 87, 88 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 1, 1869. 4frs.0237 89 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 1,1869. 2frs.0239 90 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 2, 1869.2frs.0241 91-94 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. April 2, 1869 and April 4, 1869. 3frs.0245 95 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 3,1869. 2frs.0247 96 General Charles Grey to Lord Clarendon. April 3,1869.2frs.0249 97-99 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. April 3, 1869 and April 5, 1869. Ifr.0250 100,101 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office [with enclosure in French on Prussian

railway laws]. April 3,1869.4frs.0254 102 Lord Clarendon to General Charles Grey. April 3,1869.2frs.0256 103 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. April 4, 1869. 5frs.0261 104 General Charles Grey to Lord Clarendon. April 5, 1869.4frs.0265 105-107 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 6, 1869. 3frs.0268 108 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 7, 1869. Ifr.0269 109 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 8, 1869. Ifr.0270 110 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. April 9, 1869. 3frs.0273 111,112 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 9,1869.4frs.0277 113 Queen Victoria to Lord Clarendon. April 15, 1869. 2frs.0279 114 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. April 15, 1869. 3frs.0282 115 William E. Gladstone to General Charles Grey. April 17,1869. 15frs.0297 116 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. April 17, 1869. 2frs.0299 117-119 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. April 18,1869.1 Ifrs.0310 120 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. April 18, 1869. 8frs.0318 121 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 19, 1869. 2frs.0320 122 General Charles Grey to William E. Gladstone. April 19,1869. 5frs.0325 123 Queen Victoria to Lord Clarendon. April 19, 1869. 2frs.0327 124 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 19, 1869. Ifr.0328 125 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). April 20,1869. Ifr.0329 126 Lord Clarendon to General Charles Grey. April 20, 1869.2frs.0331 127 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 20, 1869. 2frs.0333 128 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office (telegram). April 20, 1869. Ifr.0334 129, 130 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. April 20,1869. 9frs.0343 131 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. April 21, 1869. 3frs.


Page 70: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 11, vol. Q.3No. No(s).

0346 132 Lord Clarendon to J. Savile Lumley (telegram). April 21,1869. Ifr.0347 133 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). April 22,1869. Ifr.0348 134 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 22, 1869. 3frs. [Note: two copies of

same despatch; copy at frame 0350 dated April 23.]0351 135 Lord Clarendon to Lord Lyons. April 23,1869.4frs.0355 136 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 22, 1869. Ifr.0356 137 Lord Clarendon to Lord Lyons. April 24,1869. 2frs.0358 138, 139 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 22,1869. 3frs.0361 140, 141 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. April 23,1869.4frs.0365 142 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 23, 1869. 3frs.0368 143, 144 Baron Beaulieu to Lord Clarendon [in French]. April 23-24,1869. 3frs.0371 145 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 24, 1869.2frs.0373 146 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 24, 1869.4frs.0377 147,148 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria and Enclosure [on Franco-Belgian

negotiations on settlement of railway dispute; in French]. April 21,1869 andApril 25, 1869. llfrs.

0388 149,150 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegrams). April 25-26,1869.2frs.0390 151 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 26,1869.2frs.0392 152, 153 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 27-28, 1869. 5frs.0397 154 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. April 27,1869. Ifr.0398 155 Odo Russell to Foreign Office. April 20, 1869. Ifr.0399 156 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office (telegram). April 27,1869. Ifr.0400 157 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office (telegram). April 27,1869.2frs.0402 158 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. April 27, 1869. 6frs.0408 159,160 General Charles Grey to Lord Clarendon (duplicates). April 26,1869. 6frs.

[Note: two copies of same despatch; copy at frame 0411 dated April 27.]0414 161 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. April 28,1869. 3frs.0417 162 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. April 30, 1869. 2frs.0419 163 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. May 1,1869.3frs.0422 164 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. May 4, 1869.3frs.0425 165 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. May 5,1869. Ifr.0426 166 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. May 8, 1869. Ifr.0427 167-169 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. May 15-16,1869.7frs.0434 170 Lord Clarendon to J. Savile Lumley. May 17,1869.2frs.0436 171 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. May 17,1869. 2frs.0438 172 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. May 18, 1869.2frs.0440 173 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. May 21,1869.2frs.0442 174 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. May 23, 1869. 3frs.0445 175 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. May 24,1869. 3frs.0448 176-178 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. May 28-29,1869 and May 31,1869. 3frs.0451 179 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. May 29,1869. Ifr.0452 180 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. May 30,1869.2frs.0454 181 Lord Bloomfield to Foreign Office. June 1,1869. Ifr.0455 182 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]). June 3,1869. Ifr.0456 183 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

June 1,1869. Ifr.0457 184 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. June 6,1869. 3frs.0460 185-187 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. June 12-13,1869.2frs.0462 188 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. June 13, 1869. 3frs.0465 189-191 Foreign Office Telegrams [from J. Savile Lumley in Brussels]. June 14, 1869. Ifr.0466 192 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. June 20,1869.2frs.0468 193 General Charles Grey to Lord Clarendon. June 19, 1869. 2frs.0470 194 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. June 20, 1869.4frs.0474 195 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. June 20,1869. 3frs.


Page 71: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 11No. No(s).

0477 196 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. June 21, 1869. 4frs.0481 197 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. June 21,1869.2frs.0483 198 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. June 22,1869. 3frs.0486 199,200 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. June 24-25, 1869.4frs.0490 201 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. June 26,1869.2frs.0492 202 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. June 27,1869. Ifr.0493 203 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. June 27, 1869. 6frs.0499 204,205 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. June 27,1869.8frs.0507 206 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. June 29, 1869. 2frs.0509 207, 208 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. July 1, 1869. 2frs.0511 209 Lord Clarendon to Queen Victoria. July 2,1869. Ifr.0512 210 Lord Augustus Loftus to Foreign Office. July 3, 1869. Ifr.0513 211 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. July 4,1869.2frs.0515 212 King Leopold II of the Belgians to J. Savile Lumley [in French]. July 4, 1869. Ifr.0516 213, 214 Lord Lyons to Foreign Office. July 8, 1869. Ifr.0517 215-217 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. July 10-11, 1869. 3frs.0520 218 Lord Clarendon to J. Savile Lumley. July 17, 1869. 2frs.0522 219 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. July 11,1869. 5frs.0527 220 Lord Clarendon to Lord Lyons. July 17,1869.2frs.0529 221 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. July 18,1869.4frs.0533 222 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. July 25, 1869. 2frs.0535 223 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. August 1,1869. 3frs.0538 224 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. September 26, 1869. 2frs.0540 225, 226 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. September 26, 1869

and October 3,1869. 6frs.0546 227 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. October 7, 1869. 2frs.0548 228-231 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. October 12, 1869,

October 17,1869, November 3,1869, and November 7, 1869.17frs.0565 232 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria [in French]. November 8, 1869. 6frs.0571 233 Address [of welcome] to King Leopold and Queen Marie Henriette of the Belgians

[from British mayors]. n.d. Ifr.0572 234 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria [in French]. November 8,1869. 3frs.0575 235 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. November 10,1869. 6frs.0581 236 Lord Sydney to Queen Victoria. November 19, 1869. 2frs.0583 237 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria [in French].

November 10, 1869. 3frs.0586 238 Sir J. Cowell to Queen Victoria. November 25,1869. 3frs.0589 239 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. November 28, 1869. 6frs.0595 240 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. December 5, 1869. Ifr.

Belgium, 1870-1877Volume Q.40596 Table of Contents. 4frs.0600 1 General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria. January 21, 1870. 3frs.0603 2-6 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 13,1870,

January 30,1870, February 6, 1870, April 17, 1870, and April 24, 1870. 22frs.0625 7 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. June 15, 1870. Ifr.0626 8-11 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. August 4,1870,

December 4, 1870, December 18, 1870, and January 1, 1871. 28frs.0654 12,13 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria with Enclosure [both in French].

Januarys, 1871.5frs.0659 14 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 15,1871. 3frs.


Page 72: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 11, vol. Q.4No. No(s).

0662 15-17 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Colonel H.F. Ponsonby with Enclosures [enclosuresin French]. January 14-15,1871 and January 18,1871.13frs.

0675 18,19 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 29,1871 andFebruary 12,1871.6frs.

0681 20 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office (telegram). February 28, 1871. Ifr.0682 21 Foreign Office to J. Savile Lumley (telegram). February 28, 1871. Ifr.0683 22-26 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 3, 1871,

March 12,1871, April 2, 1871, April 13,1871, and June 4, 1871.18frs.0701 27 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. November 9,1871.2frs.0703 28 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. November 11,1871.3frs.0706 29-31 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. November 24-25,1871. Ifr.0707 32 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. November 26,1871.4frs.0711 33-40 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. November 26, 1871, November 28-29, 1871, and

December (?), 1871.6frs.0717 41,42 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria (telegrams [one in French]).

May 9, 1872 and July 30, 1872.4frs.0721 43 Monsieur Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria [in French]. October 14,1872.1 Ifrs.0732 44 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

October 19,1872. Ifr.0733 45 Abstract of Despatches [J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office]. November 10,1872.2frs.0735 46-48 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. October 7,1873,

October 27, 1873, and October 31, 1873. llfrs.0746 49 Madame Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria. April 25,1874.9frs.0755 50 Madame Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

April 29, 1874. 2frs.0757 51 Sir Thomas Biddulph to Queen Victoria. April 30,1874. 3frs.0760 52 Telegram [on health of Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria]. April 30,1871.

53 Madame Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 1, 1871. Ifr.0761 54-56 Dr. W.A. Meredith to Queen Victoria (telegrams). May 2-3,1871. Ifr.0762 57 Princess Helena to Queen Victoria. May 4, 1871.2frs.0764 58, 59 Madame Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria. May 4, 1871 and May 6,1871. 9frs.0773 60,61 Dr. W.A. Meredith to Queen Victoria (telegrams). May 7-8,1871. Ifr.0774 62 Madame Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria. May 9, 1871. 6frs.0780 63-69 Dr. W.A. Meredith to Queen Victoria (telegrams). May 9,1871 and

May 11-15, 1871.3frs.0783 70 Madame Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria. May 17,1871. 8frs.0791 71 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 17, 1871.4frs.0795 72 Dr. W.A. Meredith to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 17,1874.

73 Dr. J. Erichsen and Dr. W.A. Meredith to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 18, 1874. Ifr.0796 74 Dr. W.A. Meredith to Dr. W. Marshall (telegram). May 21,1874.

75 Madame Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria (telegram). May 21, 1874.76-78 Dr. W.A. Meredith to Dr. W. Marshall (telegram). May 22-23,1874.2frs.

0798 79 Dr. W.A. Meredith to Dr. W. Marshall. May 23,1874. 3frs.0801 80 Queen Victoria to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. May 24,1874. 2frs.0803 81 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 24, 1874. 5frs.0808 82 Theodore Martin to Queen Victoria. May 26,1874.2frs.0810 83 Sir Thomas Biddulph to Queen Victoria. May 26,1874. Ifr.0811 84 Madame Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria. May 26,1874.18frs.0829 85 H. Sahl to Queen Victoria [in German]. May 26,1874.2frs.0831 86-88 Sir Thomas Biddulph to Queen Victoria (telegrams). May 27-28, 1874. 3frs.0834 89 Sir Thomas Biddulph to Queen Victoria. May 26, 1874.4frs.0838 90 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 29, 1874. 3frs.0841 91 Princess Helena to Queen Victoria. May 30,1874.4frs.0845 92 Madame Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria. June 6,1874. 8frs.


Page 73: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reels 11/12No. No(s).

0853 93 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. June 6, 1874. 3frs.0856 94 Press Cutting relating to Death of Sylvain Van de Weyer [in French]. June 4, 1874. 2frs.0858 95 Sir H. Barren to Foreign Office. January 8,1875. Ifr.0859 96 Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell. January 12, 1875. Ifr.0860 97 Lord Odo Russell to Foreign Office. January 10, 1875. 2frs.0862 98 Queen Marie Henriette of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French].

January 28,1875. Ifr.0863 99 Princess Louise of Belgium to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 31, 1875. 3frs.0866 100 Prince Philip of Coburg to Queen Victoria [in German]. February 2, 1875. 3frs.0869 101 Queen Marie Henriette of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in German].

February 10, 1875.3frs.0872 102 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 14, 1875. Ifr.0873 103, 104 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. February 14, 1875 and February 21,1875. 3frs.0876 105 Abstract of Despatches [on German attitude to Belgium], n.d. Ifr.0877 106 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 21, 1875. Ifr.0878 107 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. February 26, 1875. 3frs.0881 108 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. February 28,1875. Ifr.0882 109-111 Abstract of Despatches [J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office]. February 27, 1875 and

March 5, 1875.4frs.0886 112 Lord Derby to Lord Odo Russell. March (?), 1875. 2frs.0888 113-116 Abstract of Despatches [J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office]. March 6, 1875,

March 20,1875, April 1,1875, and April 5,1875.4frs.0892 117 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. April 4, 1875. 4frs.0896 118,119 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria (telegrams [in French]).

April 8-9, 1875.2frs.0898 120-125 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. April 11, 1875. 6frs.0904 126 Benjamin Disraeli to Queen Victoria. April 12, 1875. 2frs.0906 127 Press Cutting relating to German Note to Belgium on Press Freedom. April 15,1875. Ifr.0908 128, 129 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. April 16,1875. 2frs.0910 130 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. April 16, 1875. 2frs.

Reel 12Belgium, 1870-1877 cont.

Volume Q.4 cont.0001 131 Queen Victoria to Major General HJ3. Ponsonby. April 16, 1875. Ifr.0002 132 Major General H.F. Ponsonby (note). April 21, 1875. Ifr.0003 133 Benjamin Disraeli to Queen Victoria. April 21, 1875.4frs.0007 134 Sir Andrew Buchanan to Foreign Office. April 21,1875. 2frs.0009 135 Lord Derby (note), n.d. 2frs.0011 136-143 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. April 25-27, 1875 and May 3, 1875. 8frs.0019 144 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. May 4,1875. 3frs.0022 145 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. May 5,1875.9frs.0031 146 Major General HJF. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. May 5, 1875.2frs.0033 147 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 9,1875. 2frs.0035 148 Major General HF. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. [May 5, 1875.] 2frs. [Date of March 5

on letter corrected in marginal note to May 5.]0037 149 Abstract of Despatches [J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office]. May 15,1875. 3frs.0040 150 Lord Derby to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. July 23,1875.

151 Major General H.F. Ponsonby (note). July 13, 1875.152 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Lord Derby. July 26, 1875. 2frs.

0042 153-156 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. April 16, 1876,May 7,1876, May 26, 1876, and June 8, 1876. 13frs.


Page 74: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 12No. No(s).

0055 157 Queen Victoria to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. June 8,1876.2frs.0057 158 Major General H J. Ponsonby to Queen Victoria. June 8,1876.3frs.0060 159, 160 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria (telegrams [in French]).

June 11, 1876.2frs.0062 161 Major General H J. Ponsonby to Lord Carnarvon. July 4,1876.2frs.0064 162 Lord Carnarvon to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. July 8,1876.3frs.0067 163 Queen Victoria to Major General HJF. Ponsonby. July 9,1876. Ifr.0068 164 Major General H.F. Ponsonby to Monsieur Jules Devaux. July 9,1876. 3frs.0071 165 Monsieur Jules Devaux to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. July 16,1876.2frs.0073 166, 167 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. August 20, 1876

and August 27,1876.6frs.0079 168,169 Sir H. Barren to Major General HJ. Ponsonby. October 2,1876 and

October 8, 1876. 5frs.0084 170 Madame Sylvain Van de Weyer to Queen Victoria. October 11,1876. ISfrs.0099 171-174 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. November 12,1876,

December 31, 1876, January 6, 1877, and September 2,1877. 16frs.0115 175 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. December 14,1877.2frs.0117 176 Queen Victoria to Major General HJ. Ponsonby. December 17,1877.2frs.0119 177 Lord Derby to Queen Victoria. December 17,1877. 2frs.0121 178 Monsieur Jules Devaux to Major General HJ. Ponsonby. December 20,1877. Ifr.0122 179 Queen Victoria to Major General H J. Ponsonby. December 21,1877. Ifr.

Belgium, 1878-1885Volume Q.50123 Table of Contents. 2frs.0125 1-5 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 13,1878,

April 21, 1878, April 28, 1878, May 12,1878, June 9, 1878, and July 14, 1878. 20frs.0145 6 J. Savile Lumley to Foreign Office. July 14,1878. 3frs.0148 7, 8 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. July 17,1878 and

August 4,1878. 6frs.0154 9 Sir Thomas Biddulph to Queen Victoria. August 9, 1878. 2frs.0156 10 Lord Salisbury to Lieutenant General H J. Ponsonby. August 19,1878.2frs.0158 11 Lord Torrington to Lieutenant General H.F. Ponsonby. August 20,1878. 5frs.0163 12 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

August 21,1878. Ifr.0164 13 Lord Torrington to Lieutenant General HJ. Ponsonby. August 21,1878.2frs.0166 14 Queen Marie Henriette of the Belgians to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

August 22, 1878. Ifr.0167 15 Lord Torrington to Lieutenant General HJ. Ponsonby. August 23,1878.4frs.0171 16 King Leopold II and Queen Marie Henriette of the Belgians to Queen Victoria

(telegram [in French]). August 23,1878. Ifr.0172 17 Queen Marie Henriette of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in German].

August 24,1878. 3frs.0175 18 Lord Torrington to Lieutenant General H J. Ponsonby. August 25,1878.3frs.0178 19 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. August 25, 1878. 6frs.0184 20 Lord Torrington to Queen Victoria. August 28, 1878. 8frs.0192 20a Sir Thomas Biddulph to Queen Victoria. August 30, 1878. 2frs.0194 21 Queen Victoria to King Leopold II of the Belgians [in French]. September 1, 1878. 6frs.0200 22 Lord Torrington to Queen Victoria. September 3, 1878. 2frs.0202 22a King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. September 8,1878.3frs.0205 23 William Law to Lord Tenterdon. September 23, 1878. 3frs.0208 24 Lieutenant General H J. Ponsonby to Mr. Lister. October 10, 1878. Ifr.0209 25 Lord Salisbury to Lieutenant General H J. Ponsonby. October 12,1878.2frs.


Page 75: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 12No. No(s).

0211 25a, 26 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. November 30,1878and September 14,1879. 7frs.

0218 27 Belgian Royal Family to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]). March 8,1880. Ifr.0219 28 Sir John Lumley to Foreign Office. March 14, 1880.4frs.0223 29, 30 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. July 11,1880 and

July 24,1880. 6frs.0229 31 Foreign Office Telegrams [Sir John Lumley to Foreign Office and reply].

August 17, 1880. Ifr.0230 33 Sir Henry Ponsonby to Lord Granville. August 18,1880. Ifr.0231 32 Lord Granville to Sir John Lumley (telegram). August 17,1880. Ifr.0232 34 Prince Philip of Saxe-Coburg to Queen Victoria. April 30, 1881. 1 fr.0233 35 Program of Court Ceremonies [for marriage of Princess Stephanie with Austrian

Crown Prince Rudolf in Vienna; thanks of King Leopold II to Belgian people;both in French]. May 3, 1881. 3frs.

0236 36, 37 Lord Torrington to Queen Victoria. May 6-7, 1881.4frs.0240 38 Sir John Lumley to Foreign Office. May 8,1881.4frs.0244 39-42 Lord Torrington to Queen Victoria with Enclosure. May 8-9,1881. llfrs.0255 43-45 Lord Torrington to Queen Victoria. May 10-12, 1881. 8frs.0263 45a-48 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. September 24,1881,

June 17,1883, June 24,1883, and July 22, 1883. 12frs.0275 49 Telegrams to Queen Victoria [in French]. September 2, 1883. Ifr.0276 50 Queen Marie Henriette of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in German].

September 4, 1883.2frs.0278 51-54 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. October 7, 1883,

October 14,1883, October 21,1883, and December 9,1883.12frs.0290 55 Monsieur Jules Devaux to Major General H.F. Ponsonby. December 11, 1883. 8frs.0298 56-59 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 6, 1884,

February 10, 1884, February 24, 1884, and March 2, 1884. 12frs.0310 60 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 12, 1884. 2frs.0312 61-65 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 25, 1884,

June 8,1884, June 15, 1884, July 6, 1884, and July 20, 1884. 15frs.0327 66 H.C. Vivian to Foreign Office. February 18, 1885.4frs.0331 67-71 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 8, 1885,

June 14, 1885, July 26,1885, September 19,1885, and October 4, 1885. 15frs.

Belgium, 1886-1891Volume Q.60346 Table of Contents. 2frs.0348 1 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 21, 1886. 3frs.0351 2 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales to Queen Victoria. March 30, 1886. 2frs.0353 3,4 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [with press cuttings relating to strikes

in Belgium; in French]. April 11, 1886 and April 18,1886. 6frs.0359 5,6 Lord Vivian to Foreign Office. May 29,1886 and June 5, 1886. 2frs.0361 7 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 29, 1887. 3frs.0364 8 Lord Salisbury to Queen Victoria (telegram). September 17, 1887. Ifr.0365 9-22 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. September 17, 1887,

January 29,1888, February 26,1888, July 1, 1888, July 8, 1888, November 4,1888,December 16, 1888, January 13, 1889, January 20,1889, March 31,1889,April 21,1889, May 19, 1889, June 16,1889, and Septembers, 1889.42frs.

0407 23 Lord Vivian to Sir Henry Ponsonby [and press cuttings relating to Antwerp explosion].September 8,1889.2frs.

0409 24-26 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. September 15, 1889,September 22, 1889, and October 20, 1889.9frs.


Page 76: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 12, vol. Q.6No. No(s).

0418 27,28 [Six] Telegrams to Queen Victoria and Sir Henry Ponsonby [on destruction by fire ofroyal palace of Laeken; one in French, one in German]. January 1,1890.3frs.

0421 29 Lord Vivian to Queen Victoria. January 2,1890.5frs.0426 30 Dowager Duchess of Athole to Queen Victoria. January 3, 1890.2frs.0428 31 Lord Vivian to Sir Henry Ponsonby. January 3, 1890. 2frs.0430 32 Dowager Duchess of Athole to Queen Victoria. January 8,1890.2frs.0432 33-36 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 2,1890,

April 11,1890, May 18,1890, and May 25,1890.13frs.[Note: Document number 37 was not used.]0445 38-40 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. June 1,1890,

July 8,1890, and July 13,1890. lOfrs.0455 41 Lord Vivian to Foreign Office. July 22,1890.4frs.0459 42 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. August 10,1890.3frs.0462 43 Lord Vivian to Foreign Office. August 15,1890.4frs.0466 44 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 31,1890.3frs.0469 45 [Seven] Telegrams to Queen Victoria [on death of Belgian Prince Baudouin;

two in French, one in German]. January 23,1891. 3frs.0472 46 Lord Vivian to Queen Victoria. January 23, 1891. 5frs.0477 47 [Two] Telegrams to Queen Victoria [on death of Belgian Prince Baudouin;

one in French]. January 25,1891. Ifr.0478 48 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 25,1891.5frs.0483 49 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. January 25,1891. 3frs.0486 50 Lord Vivian to Queen Victoria. January 25,1891. 3frs.0489 51 Press Cuttings relating to Death and Funeral of Belgian Prince Baudouin [in French].

January 25,1891.4frs.0493 52,53 [Four] Telegrams to and from Queen Victoria [on death of Belgian Prince Baudouin].

January 26-27,1891.2frs.0495 54 W.C. Greene to Foreign Office. January 27,1891. 2frs.0497 55 [Three] Telegrams to Queen Victoria [on death of Belgian Prince Baudouin; one in

French, one in German]. January 28,1891. Ifr.0498 56 General L. Gardiner to Queen Victoria. January 28,1891. 8frs.0506 57 Prince Henry of Battenberg to Queen Victoria (telegram [in German]).

January 29,1891. Ifr.0507 58 Lord Vivian to Queen Victoria. January 29, 1891.4frs.0511 59,60 Press Cuttings relating to Death and Funeral of Belgian Prince Baudouin [in French].

January 30,1891.8frs.0519 61 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]). January 30, 1891. Ifr.0520 62 Lord Vivian to Queen Victoria. January 31,1891.2frs.0522 63 Press Cuttings relating to Death and Funeral of Belgian Prince Baudouin.

January 31,1891.2frs.0524 64 Queen Marie Henriette of the Belgians to Victoria, Dowager German Empress

[in German]. January 31, 1891. 2frs.0526 65 Martin Le Gosselin to Foreign Office. February 6,1891. 2frs.0528 66-68 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 22, 1891,

March 8, 1891, and March 15,1891. lOfrs.0538 69 Lord Vivian to Foreign Office. March 21,1891. 3frs.0541 70 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 24, 1891. 6frs.0547 71 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. June 9,1891. 5frs.0552 72,73 [Three] Telegrams to Queen Victoria [two in French]. August 4-5, 1891.2frs.0553 74 Lord Vivian to Sir Henry Ponsonby with Press Cuttings relating to Illness of Queen

Marie Henriette. August 6,1891.3frs.0556 75 Queen Marie Henriette of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in German].

August 12, 1891.2frs.0558 76 Lord Vivian to Foreign Office. October 31, 1891. Ifr.


Page 77: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Reel 12No. No(s).

Belgium, 1892-1900Volume Q.70559 Table of Contents. 2frs.0561 1 Lord Vivian to Foreign Office. February 10,1892. Ifr.0562 2 Sir E. Malet to Foreign Office. February 20, 1892. Ifr.0563 3,4 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 14, 1892 and

March 20, 1892. 6frs.0569 5 Queen Victoria to Lord Salisbury (telegram). March 23, 1892. 2frs.0571 6,7 Martin Le Gosselin to Foreign Office. March 25-26,1892. 4frs.0575 8 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 25, 1892. 6frs.0581 9 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 27, 1892. 3frs.0584 10 Lord Salisbury to Sir Henry Ponsonby. April 1, 1892. 6frs.0590 11,12 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. April 3, 1892 and

April 10, 1892. 8frs.0598 13 Martin Le Gosselin to Foreign Office. May 21,1892. 3frs.0601 14-21 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. June 23, 1892,

July 10,1892, July 17, 1892, September 10, 1892, September 17, 1892,October 13, 1892, November 13, 1892, and November 27, 1892. 25frs.

0626 22 Sir Edmund Monson to Sir Henry Ponsonby. February 23, 1893.4frs.0630 23 Captain F.G. Thellusson to Sir Edmund Monson. February 15, 1893.4frs.0634 24 Sir Edmund Monson to Monsieur G. Jacques [in French]. February 17, 1893. 2frs.0636 25,26 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 5, 1893 and

March 12, 1893. 6frs.0642 27 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. March 18, 1893. 2frs.0644 28-34 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 19, 1893,

March 26, 1893, April 1, 1893, April 16, 1893, April 30, 1893, May 7, 1893,and May 21, 1893.20frs.

0664 35, 36 Sir Edmund Monson to Foreign Office. May 21, 1893 and June 2, 1893. 5frs.0669 37-39 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. June 4,1893,

August 6,1893, and September 3,1893. 9frs.0678 40 Sir Francis Plunkett to Foreign Office. November 26, 1893.2frs.0680 41-43 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 14, 1893,

December 31, 1893, and January 21,1894.15frs.0695 44 Philippe and Marie, Count and Countess of Flanders to Queen Victoria (telegram

[in French]). February 1,1894. Ifr.0696 45 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 4,1894. 3frs.0699 46 Lord Rosebery to Queen Victoria (telegram). February 5, 1894. 2frs.0701 47 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 25, 1894. 3frs.0704 48 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 24, 1894. Ifr.0706 48a Princess Josephine of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. March 24, 1894. 2frs.0708 49 Marie, Countess of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in German]. March 24,1894.2frs.0710 50 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]). May 25, 1894. Ifr.0711 51 [Three] Telegrams to Queen Victoria [one in French; one in German]. May 28, 1894. Ifr.0712 52 General L. Gardiner to Queen Victoria. May 28, 1894. 13frs.0725 53-56 Sir Francis Plunkett to Foreign Office. May 29, 1894, October 22,1894,

November 4, 1894, and November 25,1894. 7frs.0732 57 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 20, 1894. 3frs.0735 58,59 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 17, 1895 and

March 3,1895. llfrs.0746 60 Philippe, Count of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. May 22,1895. 3frs.0749 61-63 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. July 7, 1895, July 21,

1895, and September 27, 1895. lOfrs.


Page 78: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Frame Document Real 12No. No(s).

0759 64 Philippe and Marie, Count and Countess of Flanders to Queen Victoria (telegram[in French]). November 18,1895. Ifr.

0760 65 Queen Victoria to Due de Nemours (telegram). November 19, 1895. Ifr.0761 66 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. December 1,1895.3frs.0764 67 Princess Henriette of Flanders to Queen Victoria [in French]. February 11,1896.2frs.0766 68 Sir Francis Plunkett to Sir Arthur Bigge (telegram). February 12,1896. Ifr.0767 69 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. November 8,1896.3frs.0770 70 F.H. Villiers to Sir Arthur Bigge. August 30,1897. 3frs.0773 71 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

March 3,1898. Ifr.0774 72 Sir Horace Rumbold to Queen Victoria. March 4,1898.2frs.0776 73 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria [in French]. July 16, 1899. 3frs.0779 74 Queen Victoria to King Leopold II of the Belgians [in French]. April 2,1900.2frs.0781 75 Philippe and Marie, Count and Countess of Flanders to Queen Victoria (telegram

[in French]). June 1,1900. Ifr.0782 76 King Leopold II of the Belgians to Queen Victoria (telegram [in French]).

June 1,1900. Ifr.0783 77 Duke Carl and Duchess Marie Jose of Bavaria to Queen Victoria (telegram [in German]).

June 2,1900. Ifr.0784 78-80 Lieutenant Colonel W.HP. Carrington to Queen Victoria (telegram).

October 1-2,1900. lOfrs.

Belgium, Duke of Brabant on Defenses, 1857Volume Q.80794 Table of Contents. 2frs.0796 1 Duke of Brabant to Prince Albert [in French]. January 27, 1857. 3frs.0799 2 Duke of Brabant (memorandum [in French]). October 1856-December 1856.72frs.0871 3 Duke of Brabant to Prince Albert [in French]. March 1, 1857.2frs.0873 4 Duke of Brabant (memorandum [in French]). February 1857.27frs.

Page 79: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

CORRESPONDENT INDEXThe following is an alphabetical list of the correspondents found in Papers of Queen Victoria on Foreign Affairs, Part S.-

France and Belgium, 1848-1900. While distinction of a person's correct title at the time of the correspondence is made in the ReelIndex, no such attempt is made in the Correspondent Index. An individual's full surname relevant to the latest item ofcorrespondence on the microfilm is used, when discemable, and is spelled out in full at the main entry but foreshortened to the titlein all subentries. Hence, for example, the full main entry of Temple, Henry John, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, but Palmerston, Lordin all subentries. Titles are ignored when alphabetizing inverted names; hence Malet, Sir Alexander is placed before Malet, E.

The arabic number preceding the colon refers to the reel, while the four-digit number after the colon refers to the framenumber at which the user will find the referenced correspondence.

Abbott, Charles Stuart Aubrey, 3rd Baron Tenterdenfrom: Law, William 12: 0205

Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0108to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0224

Abdul Aziz, Sultan of Moroccoto: Victoria, Queen 9: 0428

Abercromby, Sir Ralphfrom: Palmerston, Lord 1:0548to: Foreign Office 3: 1022

Palmerston, Lord 1: 0806, 0822Russell, Lord John 1: 0866

Aberdeen, Lordsee Gordon, George

Adams, Francis Ottiwellto: Foreign Office 7: 0313; 8: 0132, 0167, 0174

Thiers, Madame 8: 0171Addlngton, Henry Unwln

from: Hervey, Lord William 1: 0269Lonsdale, Lord 1: 0524

Admiralty, Secretary offrom: Baldock, Capt. Thomas 1: 0158

Albert Edward, Prince of Walesfrom: Eugdnie, Empress 7: 0693

Gallifet, Gen. 8: 0719; 9: 0361, 0420Paris, Comte de 8: 0697Victoria, Queen 10: 0059,0233

to: Gallifet, Gen. 9: 0358,0422Victoria, Queen 9: 0134, 0152,0797; 10: 0004,

0123, 0143,0189; 12: 0351

Albert of Saxe-Coburg, Prince Consortfrom: Aberdeen, Lord 3: 1045; 4: 0607; 5: 0036;

9: 0449, 0492, 0512,0555, 0581Anson, George 1: 0161Bunsen, Chevalier C.C.J. 1: 0350,0723, 0830Clarendon, Lord 5: 0360, 0368, 0375, 0389,0401,

0409, 0680, 0844; 6: 0146Ernest, Duke 1: 0447; 5: 0706; 6: 0020Hohenlohe, Prince 4: 0785,0820, 0885Jerome Napoleon, Prince 6: 0106Lansdowne, Lord 1: 0841; 3: 0557Leopold I, King 1: 0150, 0217, 0247,0275, 0322,

0334, 0439, 0481, 0536,0613, 0685, 0811,0872, 0893, 0970, 0993,1003,1011; 2: 0129,0277, 0344, 0396, 0421, 0575, 0866; 3: 0670,0739, 0799, 0852, 0942, 0997,1056, 1079;4: 0161, 0171, 0230, 0252, 0557, 0616, 0793,0796,0892; 5: 0022,0033, 0754, 0857, 0896;9: 0440, 0465, 0563,0635, 0639, 0644;12: 0796, 0871

Louis Philippe, King 1: 0788Malmesbury, Lord 3: 1110Mensdorff, Count Alexander 1: 0627Napoleon III 5: 0284. 0357,0532Nemours, Duke de 1: 2074Nicholas I, Tsar 2: 0073Orleans, Duchess of 1: 0953Palmerston, Lord 1: 0467, 0755; 6: 0006,

0016, 0042Peel, Sir Robert 2: 0097, 0441Persigny, Count 5: 0272Phipps, Sir Charles 3: 0332, 0390; 5: 0991


Page 80: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Albert of Saxe-Coburg, Prince Consort contfrom: Russell, Lord John 1: 0156, 0159,0312,0864,

0882, 0984; 3: 0450; 6:0012, 0260Spencer, Lord 1:0608; 6: 0032Stanley, Lord 4: 0628Stockmar, Baron C.F. 1: 0375; 9: 0446Van de Weyer, Sylvain 1: 0058, 0152,0515;

6: 0088,0195; 9: 0650Wellington, Duke of 1: 0372William I, King 6: 0262

memoranda 2: 0657; 3:0249, 0765; 4:0717; 5: 0051,0095, 0261,0425, 0717; 6: 0083

to: ? 2: 0657Aberdeen, Lord 3: 1052; 9: 0518,0552, 0584Clarendon, Lord 5: 0398Frederick William IV, King 1: 0430Granville, Lord 3: 0764Hohenlohe, Prince 4: 0722, 0833Jerome Napoleon, Prince 6: 0104Leopold I, King 1: 0244,0623, 0902, 0977;

3: 0758,1013; 4: 0182; 9: 0483,0576,0637Mensdorff, Count Alexander 1: 0697Napoleon III 5: 0362Stanhope, Lord 6: 0041Stockmar, Baron C.F. 5: 0386

Alencon, Due d'to: Victoria, Queen 9: 0129

Alexandra, Princess of Walesto: Denmark, Queen of 10:0130

Alfred, Prince, Duke of Edinburghto: Victoria, Queen 10: 0176

Alice, Princess, Grand Duchess of Hesseto: Victoria, Queen 7:0900; 10: 0003

Ampthlll, Lordsee Russell, Odo

Anson, Georgefrom: Ashley, Lord 1: 0521to: Albert, Prince Consort 1:0161

Antoinette, Princess of Hohenzollern-Slgmaringento: Helena, Princess 10: 0320,0325, 0358, 0363,

0382, 0404,0374Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen

10: 0361, 0391Apponyi, Count Rudolf

from: Rechberg, Count 6: 0504to: Mensdorff, Count 7: 0008

Arnim, Baron vonto: Bulow, Baron 9:0534

Frederick William IV, King 1: 0329Arthur, Prince, Duke of Connaught

to: Gervais, Admiral 8: 0864Victoria, Queen 7: 0696; 9: 0133, 0268,

0796, 0801

Ashley, Lordsee Cooper, Cropley

Athole, Dowager Duchess ofto: Victoria, Queen 10: 0066; 12: 0426, 0430

Augusta, Empress of Germanyfrom: Victoria, Queen 7:0846to: Victoria, Queen 6: 0775; 9: 0790,0800;

10: 0159, 0412Augusta, Queen of Prussia

see Augusta, Empress of GermanyBacon, Thomas

from: James, William 1: 0663Baldock, Captain Thomas

to: Admiralty, Secretary of 1: 0158Barrera, Vice Admiral E.

to: Monson, Sir Edmund 9: 0118Harrington, Eric

to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0820, 0838,0848Barren, Sir Henry Page-Turner

to: Foreign Office 11: 0858Ponsonby, Sir Henry 12: 0079

Bassano, Due deto: Victoria, Queen 8: 0761

Baude, Baronfrom: Moustier, L. 7: 0454

Beaconsfield, Earl ofsee Disraeli, Benjamin

Beaulleu, Baronto: Clarendon, Lord 11: 0368

Beust, Baronfrom: Hohenthal, Baron 1: 0808

Beyens, E.to: Materne, Monsieur 4: 0989,1013

Blddulph, Sir Thomasto: Stanley, Lord 7: 0312; 8: 0122

Victoria, Queen 7: 1025; 10: 0036; 11: 0757,0810,0831,0834; 12: 0154, 0192

Blgge, Sir Arthurfrom: de Courcel, Baron 9: 0065, 0147, 0158

Foreign Office 9: 0224Le Clerc, Capt E. 8: 0900Lister, Reginald 9: 0291Monson, Sir Edmund 9: 0111,0153Pembroke, Lord 9: 0309Plunkett, Sir Francis 12:0766Reuter, Baron 9: 0151Salisbury, Lord 9: 0156Sanderson, Sir Thomas 9:0021Villiers, F. H. 12:0770

to: Victoria, Queen 8: 0388, 0445,0599, 0909;9: 0288, 0343, 0406,0427

Bingham, Richardto: Palmerston, Lord 3: 0553


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Blackwood, Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple, 1stMarquis of Dufferln and Avafrom; Victoria, Queen 9: 0020,0033to: Foreign Office 8: 0941,0947; 9: 0010, 0024,0030

Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0907, 0987Victoria, Queen 8:0914,0927,0959,0989,1004,

1011, 1015,1035,1047,1053,1063; 9: 0003,0008, 0012, 0029,0032, 0036,0055, 0081

Bloomfield, Lordsee Douglas, John

Bonaparte, Prince Louis Luclento: Victoria, Queen 8:0710

Bonaparte, Napoleonsee Napoleon III

Bonaparte, Prince Victor Napoleonto: Victoria, Queen 8:0804

Bowles, Major Generalfrom: Grey, Sir George 1: 0450

Rowan, Lt Col. C. 1: 0449,0517Brazil, Dowager Empress of

to: Victoria, Queen 10: 0084British Ministers at Berne and German Courts

from: Clarendon, Lord 7: 0033Brougham, Lord

see Peter, HenryBruce, Lady Augusta

from: Bruce, Lady Charlotte 2: 0472,0484, 0607,0634, 0509

Mohl, J. 6: 0140, 0325to: ? 4: 0925

Howard, Lady 4: 0869Kent, Duchess of 4: 0980Speth, Baroness de 4:1030

Bruce, Lady Charlottefrom: Le Bouette, Monsieur 2: 0603to: Bruce, Lady Augusta 2: 0472,0484, 0607,

0634, 0509Bruce, Henry Austin

from: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 7:0954to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 7:0958

Bruce, James, 8th Earl of Elgin, 12th Earl of Kincardinefrom: Russell, Lord John 6: 0072to: Grey, Col. Charles 6: 0009

Bruce, Katherineto: Victoria, Queen 9: 0741; 10: 0040

Brunnow, Baron Ernest Philipfrom: Nesselrode, Count 3: 0673, 0907; 5: 0029to: Russell, Lord John 4: 0929

Buchanan, Sir Andrewto: Palmerston, Lord 3:0356

Foreign Office 4: 0259; 6: 0523, 0623, 0925;7:0199,0279; 9:0722; 12:0007

Buckingham, Duke offrom: Grey, Gen. Charles 7:0354

Bulow, Baronfrom: Arnim, Baron von 9: 0534to: Bunsen. Chevalier C.C.J. 9: 0462,0538, 0594

Bulwer, Sir Henry L.to: Foreign Office 5: 1009

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert, 1st Earl of Lyttonto: Foreign Office 8: 0074, 0084, 0706,0716, 0723,

0788,0792, 0802Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0729,0731,0770Victoria, Queen 8: 0766, 0791

Bunsen, Chevalier C.C.J.from: Bulow, Baron 9: 0462, 0538,0594

Canitz, Baron von 1: 0363, 0634, 0727Frederick William IV. King 3: 0696Manteuffel, Baron 4: 0378

memorandums: 0651to: 74:0563,0771

Albert, Prince Consort 1: 0350, 0723,0830Frederick William IV, King 1: 0131, 0407;

4: 0772; 9: 0462, 0607Stockmar, Baron C.F. 3: 0692

Buol-Schavensteln, Count Karl Ferdinanddespatch 4: 0760to: Colloredo, Count von 4:0537

Seymour, Sir George 5: 0355Byng, George, 7th Viscount Torrlngton

to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 12: 0158,0164, 0167, 0175Victoria, Queen 12: 0184,0200, 0236, 0244, 0255

Cambridge, Duke ofsee George Frederick, Duke of Cambridge

Canitz, Baron vonto: Bunsen, Chevalier C.C.J. 1: 0363,0634, 0727

Caradoc, John Hubert, 2nd Baron Howdento: Foreign Office 3: 0727

Carl, Duke of Bavariato: Victoria, Queen 12: 0783

Carnarvon, Lordsee Herbert, Henry

Carnot, Cecllefrom: Victoria, Queen 8:1044to: Victoria, Queen 8: 1061

Carnot, SidIfrom: Victoria, Queen 8: 0885to: Monson, Sir Edmund 9: 0264

Victoria, Queen 8: 0730Carr, Police Sergeant D.

to: Police, Commissioners of 1: 0226Carrlngton, Lieutenant Colonel William Henry Peregrine

to: Victoria, Queen 8: 0485; 9: 0074; 12: 0784Carrlngton, Lord

see Robert, CharlesCavalgnac, General Louis-Eugene

to: Normanby, Lord 2: 0863


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Cavendish, Caroline F.to: Victoria, Queen 8: 0129

Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-, 3rd Marquess ofSalisburyfrom: Victoria, Queen 8: 0755,0764, 0813, 0856;

9: 0365; 12: 0569note: 9:0063reports 9: 0205, 0341to: Bigge, Sir Arthur 9: 0156

Edwards, Sir Fleetwood 9: 0258Howard, H. 9: 0095Monson, Sir Edmund 9: 0207Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8:0247, 0759, 0801;

12: 0156, 0209, 0584Victoria, Queen 8: 0197, 0205, 0699, 0712,0753,

0757, 0760, 0763, 0768,0810, 0857,0882;9: 0051,0222, 0225, 0256; 12: 0364

Charles, Prince of HohenzoIlern-SIgmarlngento: Philippe, Count 11: 0161

Chimay, Prince deto: Leopold I, King 5: 0756,0902; 9: 0690

Christie, William Dougalto: Foreign Office 3: 0774

Clrcourt, Count A. deto: Reeve, H.I: 0835, 0959; 3: 0287, 0300.

0329, 0541Clanwilllam, Lord

see Meade, RichardClaremont, Colonel Edward Stopford

to: Cowley, Lord 5: 0567,0588, 0994,1038;6: 0340,0990; 7: 0182,0326

Lyons, Lord 7: 0483,0746Sydney, Lord 7: 0607

Claremont, Colonel W.to: Cowley, Lord 6: 0689

Clarendon, Earl ofsee Villiers, George

Clark, Mr.to: Clark, Sir James 1: 0878

Clark, Sir Jamesfrom: Wimmer, (Dr.?) 9: 0745to: Clark, Mr. 1: 0878

Victoria, Queen 9: 0716Clementina, Princess of Saxe-Coburg

to: Victoria, Queen 10: 0110Cobden, Richard

to: Russell, Lord John 6: 0053Colloredo, Count von

from: Buol, Count 4: 0537to: Malmesbury, Lord 4: 0760

Connaught, Duke ofsee Arthur, Prince

Conolly, Colonel Jamesto: Lyons, Lord 8: 0053, 0090, 0109

Consuls at Le Havre and Cherbourg, Britishfrom: Palmerston, Lord 1: 0129

Conway, E.to: Leopold I, King 3: 0767

Cooper, Cropley Ashley, 6th Earl of Shaftesburyto: Anson, George 1:0521

Cowell, Sir John Stepneyto: Victoria, Queen 11: 0586

Cowley, Earlsee Wellesley, Henry

Cowley, Ladyfrom: Sophie, Queen 5: 0506

Crampton, Sir John F.T.to: Foreign Office 6: 0414, 0502

Crespigny, Hussey, 3rd Baron Vivianto: Foreign Office 12: 0327,0359,0455, 0462,

0538,0558, 0561Ponsonby, Sir Henry 12:0407.0428,0553Victoria, Queen 12: 0421,0472, 0486,0507, 0520

Crowe, Sir Joseph Archerto: Foreign Office 7:0189

Cust, Sir Edwardto: Phipps, Sir Charles 10: 0240

d'Agloult, T.from: Victoria, Queen 8: 0089to: Lyons, Lord 8: 0071

D'Arcos, Christineto: Ely, Lady 8: 0421

De Blancas, Comteto: Eliott, Sir Henry 8: 0528

de Courcel, Baronfrom: Hanotaux, G. 9: 0149to: Bigge, Sir Arthur 9: 0065, 0147,0158

Victoria, Queen 9: 0070de Gasser, Mr.

from: Oettingen-Wallenstein, Prince 1: 0498Denman, Joseph

notes: 6:0107Denmark, Queen of

from: Alexandra, Princess 10: 0130Derby, Earl

see Stanley, EdwardDevaux, Jules

from: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 12: 0068to: Grey, Gen. Charles 9: 0771; 10:0783

Ponsonby, Sir Henry 12: 0071,0121,0290de Walden, Lord Howard

from: Malmesbury, Lord 4: 0220to: Foreign Office 4: 0080,0186, 0956; 5: 0035,0093,

1050; 7: 0192; 9: 0662, 0679,0680,0692,0721,0753; 10: 0282, 0291, 0645

d'Harcourt, Marquisto: Stanley, Lord 8: 0142


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d'Hoflschmidt, C.from; Ligne, Prince de 1:0542

O'Sullivan de Grass, Count 3:1085to: ? 1: 0221

Leopold I, King 1:0253Van de Weyer, Sylvain 1: 0458Willmar, Baron 1: 0454

Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworthfrom: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8:0631

Dlsbrowe, Sir Edward Cromwellfrom: Palmerston, Lord 1: 0712to: Palmerston, Lord 1: 0750

Disraeli, Benjaminfrom: Grey, Gen. Charles 10: 0726

Rothschild, Baron 7: 0340to: Victoria, Queen 8: 0037, 0065; 11: 0904; 12: 0003

Douglas, John Arthur, 2nd Baron Bloomfieldfrom: Clarendon, Lord 7: 0004, 0019,0044

Malmesbury, Lord 3: 1131; 4: 0136Russell, Lord John 6: 0464

to: Foreign Office 3: 0866,1127; 4: 0029, 0093,0108,0141, 0372, 0652,0670,0730,0803, 0810,0952; 6: 0571, 0574, 0640; 7: 0017, 0180,0188, 0461; 10: 0900; 11: 0397,0436, 0445, 0454

Palmerston, Lord 1:0798,0804Douglas, Marchioness of

to: Kent, Duchess of 3: 0271Drouyn de Lhuys, Edouard

from: Cowley, Lord 4: 0483to: Cowley, Lord 4: 0493; 6: 0512,0552

Dufferin, Lordsee Blackwood, Frederick

Dundas, Rear Admiral J.W.from: Paul, Comdr. J. 1: 0313

du Plat, Colonel George G.C.W.to: Palmerston, Lord 3: 0470

du Pontavlce, J.report: 9: 0078

Easthope, Sir John W.D.from: Macdonald, F. 1: 0533

Edinburgh, Duke ofsee Alfred, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh

Edwardes, Richardmemorandum 4: 0664to: Foreign Office 4: 0663

Edwardes, William, 4th Baron Kensingtonto: Victoria, Queen 8:0952

Edwards, Sir Fleetwoodfrom: Monson, Sir Edmund 9:0228

Salisbury, Lord 9: 0258Elgin, Lord

see Bruce, James

Elizabeth of Bavaria, Empress of Austria-Hungaryto: Victoria, Queen 9: 0143

Ellice, Edwardto: Russell, Lord John 2: 0676

Wood, Sir Charles 2: 0680Elliot, Sir Henry George

from: De Blancas, Comte 8: 0528Russell, Lord John 6: 0638

to: Foreign Office 6: 0599Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0550

Elphlnstone, Major Howard Crawfordto: Victoria, Queen 9: 0776; 10: 0212

Ely, Ladyfrom: Harcourt, Sir William 8: 0438

D'Arcos, Christine 8: 0421Thierry, Augustine 8: 0353Walwaski, Count 5: 0288

to: Victoria, Queen 5: 0269, 0275,0290; 7: 0701Enfield, Lord

to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 7: 0787Erlchsen, J.

to: Victoria, Queen 11: 0795Ernest H, Duke of Saxe-Coburg

memorandums: 0714to: Albert, Prince Consort 1: 0447; 5: 0706; 6: 0020

Ersklne, Edward Morristo: Foreign Office 6: 0594

Eugenie, Empress of Francefrom: Victoria, Queen 5: 0300; 6: 0762; 7: 0337memorandum 6: 0720to: Albert Edward, Prince 7: 0693

Cowley, Lord 5: 0939Victoria, Queen 5: 0298, 0528; 6: 0765;

7: 0334; 9: 0130Fane, John, llth Earl of Westmorland

from: Aberdeen, Lord 9: 0522Malmesbury, Lord 3: 1029; 4: 0049, 0064,0271Palmerston, Lord 1: 0490, 0710

to: Aberdeen, Lord 9: 0591Foreign Office 3:1072-1075; 4: 0084, 0090;

9: 0532, 0557, 0610Palmerston, Lord 1: 0704, 0791

Fane, Julianfrom: Stanley, Lord 7: 0318to: Foreign Office 7: 0048, 0207, 0230, 0246, 0260,

0314, 0320, 0325, 0326,0342, 0359Faure, Berthe

from: Victoria, Queen 9: 0297to: Victoria, Queen 9:0330

Faure, Felixfrom: Victoria, Queen 9: 0245to: Victoria, Queen 9: 0131,0247,0254

Featherstonehaugh, George Williamto: Palmerston, Lord 1: 0231, 0388; 2: 0114


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Ferdinand, King Consort of Portugalto: Victoria, Queen 10: 0002

Flahault, Comte A.C.J. defrom: Napoleon III 6: 0004

Florian, Comte deto: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0815, 0822, 0807

Foley, Ladyto: Victoria, Queen 8: 0113, 0123

Foreign Officefrom: Abercromby, Sir Ralph 3: 1022

Adams, Francis 7: 0313; 8: 0132,0167, 0174Ampthill, Lord 4: 0365; 7: 0540.0682,0689,

0940,1020; 8: 0621; 11: 0398,0860Barron, Sir Henry 11:0858Bloomfield, Lord 3:0866,1127; 4: 0029, 0108,

0141, 0372,0652,0670,0730, 0803,0810,0952; 6: 0571,0574,0640; 7: 0017, 0180,0188, 0461; 10: 0900; 11: 0397,0436,0445, 0454

Buchanan, Andrew 4:0259; 6: 0523,0623.0925;7: 0199,0279; 9: 0722; 12: 0007

Bulwer, Sir Henry 5: 1009Christie, William 3: 0774Cowley, Lord 3: 0772,0827,0833,0873,0918,

0957, 0960, 0977, 0987,1065,1118,1122;4: 0016,0045, 0062,0086, 0095,0111,0143,0155, 0175,0196, 0224, 0247,0257,0263,0335,0347,0408,0461,0469,0546,0560,0645, 0657,0674, 0683.0703, 0801,0816,0854, 0873,0878,0881, 0899, 0912,0940,0998,1039; 5: 0001, 0011,0025,0038, 0043,0239,0241,0305, 0327,0331,0377,0411,0415, 0468,0479,0492, 0503,0509,0521,0534, 0566,0579, 0586, 0605,0613,0669,0677, 0684,0690, 0698,0735,0761,0776,0790,0806,0829, 0836,0869, 0878,0894,0906, 0913,0927,0930, 0935, 0949,0964,0982, 0988,1012,1020. 1034,1054; 6: 0044,0051, 0065, 0094, 0145, 0149, 0172, 0193,0227,0237,0273,0286, 0309,0322,0327,0348, 0372,0376,0397,0405, 0409,0422,0430, 0439,0484,0496.0509,0512,0515,0520, 0525,0551, 0553,0583, 0595,0601,0619, 0627,0634,0642, 0649, 0662,0666,0706, 0719, 0728, 0767, 0782, 0792,0796,0804, 0820,0829, 0846,0865, 0875,0882,0895, 0897,0920, 0927,0946,0954,0959,0962,0988,0992,1021; 7: 0026,0038, 0060,0076, 0092,0120,0124,0142, 0152,0167,0173, 0191,0195, 0201, 0210, 0280,0291,0303; 9:0461, 0500, 0506, 0525,0532,0605,0614, 0646

Crampton, Sir John 6: 0414,0502Crowe, Joseph 7: 0189

de Walden, Lord 4: 0080,0186, 0956; 5:0035,0093,1050; 7: 0192

Dufferin, Lord 8:0941,0947; 9: 0010,0024,0030Edwardes, Richard 4: 0663Elliot, Henry G. 6: 0599Erskine, Edward 6: 0594Fane, Julian 7: 0048,02007,0230, 0246,0260,

0314,0320,0325,0326,0342,0359Greene, William 12:0495Grey, William 5: 0454; 6:0695,0843Hardinge,Charles9:0411Harris, Capt. Edward 6: 0269Henies, E. 7: 0513Howard, E.S. 4:0421Howard, H.G. 4: 0146, 0655,0672,0728, 0768Howard, Sir Henry 3: 0821; 6: 0153, 0437, 0704Howden, Lord 3: 0727Hudson, Sir James 3: 0812; 4: 0047, 0245; 5: 0780Jemingham, George 3: 0762,0825; 5: 0008Jervoise, H. 7: 0926Kane, Capt H.C. 8:0657Le Gosselin, Martin 12: 0526, 0571, 0598Loftus. Lord 3: 0398; 4:0101; 5:0379; 6: 0503;

7: 0141. 0276, 0302,0322,0367, 0371, 0409,0505; 10: 0853,0885, 0934; 11: 0126,0250,0297,0400, 0426, 0451,0490,0512

Lumley, Sir John 6: 0699; 7: 0437,0510, 0537;10: 0805,0831,0843,0852, 0881,0887,0893,0931; 11: 0040,0042, 0070, 0104,0148, 0165,0173,0178,0182, 0205,0215, 0241,0249,0270,0299,0333, 0334, 0425,0427, 0442,0448,0452, 0460,0465, 0474,0499, 0509,0513,0517, 0533,0538, 0625,0681, 0701,0706,0711,0733, 0853, 0873,0882,0888,0898,0908; 12: 0011,0037,0145,0219,0229,0240

Lyons, Lord 3: 0389; 7: 0359, 0361, 0370,0415,0426,0444, 0463,0469,0473,0484,0503,0511,0516, 0538,0543, 0549,0563,0583,0611,0619,0672, 0680, 0687,0691, 0731,0754,0762, 0766, 0773,0798,0802,0804,0814,0851, 0856, 0895, 0929,0938, 0941,0965,0973,0987,0991, 0994,1024,1031;8: 0016,0026,0046,0051,0055, 0061,0100,0164,0193,0217, 0226.0279,0365,0407.0423,0428, 0478, 0593, 0664,0672, 0679;10:0813,0819,0827,0840,0891,0902,0930;11: 0018,0073,0121, 0133,0140,0183,0203,0211,0233,0239, 0265,0269,0318,0327,0328,0331, 0347,0355, 0358,0365, 0373,0388,0392.0399,0417, 0422,0438, 0486,0507,0516

Lytton, Lord 8: 0074,0084,0706,0716, 0723,0788,0792,0802


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Foreign Office conkMacDonell, Hugh 7: 0994; 8: 0281Malet, Sir Alexander 5:0495Malet, Sir Edward 7: 0803; 12: 0562Milbanke, Sir John 4:1001Monson, Sir Edmund 9: 0009, 0102,0114, 0195,

0203, 0250. 0333,0404, 0409, 0412, 0425;12:0642, 0664

Napier, Lord 6: 0282,0456, 0535,0543, 0615,0625,0641,0665,0676

Paget, Sir Augustus 3: 0385; 7: 0362,0376,0400,0410, 0436,0460

Phipps, E.C.H. 8: 0953Plunkett, Sir Francis 8: 0547, 0567, 0573;

9: 0335; 12: 0678,0725Rumbold, Sir Horace 8: 0717; 9: 0103,0192Sackville-West, Lionel 7: 0925Seymour, Sir George 3:0702,0779.0869,0914,

0949,0983,1017; 4: 0192,0353,0376, 0425,0635,0649,0737,0757,0805, 0908; 5: 0370,0513, 0745, 0910; 9: 0456. 0494,0527,0600, 0617

Stuart, William 7: 0450Talbot, Col. R. 8: 0921Vivian, Lord 12: 0327, 0359,0455, 0462,0538,

0558, 0561Walden, Lord 9: 0662,0679, 0680,0692, 0721,

0753; 10: 0282, 0291,0645Westmorland, Lord 3: 1072-1075; 4: 0084,0090;

9: 0532,0557,0610to: ? 8: 0657

Bigge, Sir Arthur 9:0224Lumley, Sir John 11: 0595, 0682Monson, Sir Edmund 9: 0226,0274,0327,0338Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8:0549Victoria, Queen 7: 0760,0829; 8: 0188

Fox, Henry Edward Vassal, 4th Baron Hollandto: Lansdowne, Lord 3: 0386

Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austriato: Napoleon III 6: 0506

Frederick HI, Emperor of Germanyto: Victoria, Queen 9: 0798; 10: 0045,0199

Frederick William IV, King of Prussiafrom: Albert, Prince Consort 1:0430

Arnim, Count von 1: 0329Bunsen, Chevalier C.CJ. 1:0131,0407; 4: 0772;

9: 0462,0607Victoria, Queen 1: 0427

to: Bunsen, Chevalier C.CJ. 3: 0696,0745Victoria, Queen 1:0355

French Foreign Officeto: Tallenay, Monsieur 2: 0687

Frere-Orban, H J.W.to: Lumley, Sir John 11: 0169

Galilfet, Generalfrom: Albert Edward, Prince 9: 0358, 0422to: Albert Edward, Prince 8: 0719; 9:0361,0420

Gambert, Monsieurmemorandum 2:0406

Gardiner, General L.to: Victoria, Queen 12:0498,0712

Gardiner, Ladyto: Victoria, Queen 10: 0227

George Frederick, Duke of Cambridgefrom: Reynett, Sir James 1: 0326to: Victoria, Queen 1: 0324; 8: 0392; 10: 0071, 0202

Gervais, Admiralfrom: Connaught, Duke of 8: 0864to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0905

Gladstone, William Ewartfrom: Clarendon, Lord 7: 0658

Grey, Gen. Charles 11:0320Victoria, Queen 8: 0610

memorandum 7:0992speech 8:0518to: Grey, Gen. Charles 6: 0670; 11: 0282

Victoria, Queen 7: 0685,0868,0950;8: 0264, 0332, 0605

Goddard, Monslgnorto: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0797

Gordon, George Hamilton, 4th Earl of Aberdeenfrom: Albert, PrinceConsort3: 1052; 9: 0518,

0552, 0584Cowley, Lord 9: 0454Gordon, Sir Robert 9: 0545Guizot, Francois 3: 0792; 4: 0608Leopold I, King 9: 0514Lieven, Princess 3: 1048Seymour, Sir George 9:0519,0546,0586Westmorland, Lord 9: 0591

to: Albert, Prince Consort 3: 1045; 4: 0607; 5: 0036;9: 0449,0492,0512,0555, 0581

Leopold I, King 9: 0450Russell, Lord John 4: 0883Victoria, Queen 4: 0997,1006,1046;

9: 0550,0559Westmorland, Lord 9: 0522

Gordon, Sir Robertto: Aberdeen, Lord 9: 0545

Gower, Lordsee Sutherland, Ronald

Granvllle, Earlsee Leveson-Gower, George

Grattan, Edward Arnoldto: Layard, Sir Austin 9: 0683

Greene, William Conynghameto: Foreign Office 12: 0495


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Grey, Colonel Charlesfrom: Brougham, Lord 4: 0434, 0726

Clarendon, Lord 10: 0929,0952; 11: 0171,0254, 0329

Devaux, Jules 9: 0771; 10:0783Elgin, Lord 6: 0009Gladstone, William 6: 0670; 11: 0282Grey, Sir George 6: 0475Lumley, Sir John 10: 0785,0799Phipps, Sir Charles 3: 0864Ponsonby, Lord 4: 0208,0276Russell, Lord John 9: 0677Stanley, Lord 7: 0225, 0257; 10: 0055, 0353,0664

to: Buckingham, Duke of 7: 0354Clarendon, Lord 10: 0766,0940; 11: 0037, 0196,

0247,0261,0408,0468Disraeli, Benjamin 10: 0726Gladstone, William 11: 0320Leopold II, King 10: 0723, 0942; 11: 0191Palmerston, Lord 6: 0652, 0734Russell, Lord John 6: 0425, 0525Stanley, Lord 2: 0278; 7: 0255, 0242, 0290,0508;

10: 0309, 0351,0441,0500,0629, 0642,0660,0737, 0742

Victoria, Queen 6:0358, 0423,0432, 0516,0659,0685, 0737,0746, 0757,0761, 0879,0909,0915, 0951; 7: 0162,0170, 0226,0331, 0561;9: 0673,0751; 10:0038, 0112, 0165, 0179,0302, 0349,0356, 0415,0426, 0547,0579,0636, 0655,0720, 0725,0763, 0781,0895,0924; 11: 0015, 0059,0078,0123,0146, 0231,0279, 0343,0361, 0402, 0419, 0440.0466,0477,0483,0546,0600

Grey, Sir Georgeto: Bowles, Maj. Gen. 1:0450

Grey, Gen. Charles 6: 0475Grey, William G.

to: Foreign Office 5: 0454; 6: 0695, 0843Gulzot, Francois

to: Aberdeen, Lord 3: 0792; 4: 0608Brougham, Lord 3: 0023

Hamilton, Lord George Francisto: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8:0829, 0836, 0847,

0850, 0889Hammond, Edmund

to: Victoria, Queen 7: 0825Hanotaux, G.

to: de Courcel, Baron 9: 0149Hanover, King and Queen of

to Victoria, Queen 9: 0799Harcourt, Sir William

to: Ely, Lady 8: 0438Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardlnge of Penshurst

to: Foreign Office 9: 0411

Harris, Captain Edward Alfredto: Foreign Office 6: 0269

Harris, James Howard, 3rd Earl of Malmesburyfrom: Colloredo, Count von 4:0760

Cowley, Lord 4: 0008Napoleon III 3:0796Seymour, Sir George 4: 0152Victoria, Queen 4: 0284, 0439,0465, 0535, 0605,

0621,0691,0765; 5:0799, 0824, 0975Walewski, Count 4: 0500; 5: 0752

memorandum 4: 0707to: Albert, Prince Consort 3:1110

Bloomfield, Lord 3: 1131; 4: 0136Cowley, Lord 4: 0441,0529; 5: 0768,0810,

0848,0889de Walden, Lord Howard 4:0220Hudson, Sir James 5: 0882,0928Magenis, Sir Arthur 3:0895Malakoff, Due de 5: 1060Seymour, Sir George 3: 0924; 4: 0517Victoria, Queen 4: 0099, 0286,0345. 0362,0417,

0437,0459, 0498, 0603,0642,0687,0692,0718,0763; 5: 0749,0759,0774,0788,0804,0825.0832,0855.0863,0873.0933,0962,0980,1006,1016,1023,1025; 10: 0544

Walewski, Count 4: 0512Westmorland, Lord 3:1029; 4: 0049,0064, 0271

Harris, Lordto: Victoria, Queen 9: 0183

Hatzfeldt, Countto: Manteuffel, Baron 4: 0567

Helena Augusta Victoria (Princess Christian ofSchleswlg-Holstein)from: Antoinette, Princess 10: 0320, 0325, 0358,

0363,0382,0404to: Antoinette, Princess 10: 0374

Leopold II, King 10: 0376, 0388Victoria, Queen 11: 0762,0841

Henriette, Princess of Flandersto: Victoria, Queen 12: 0764

Henry, Prince of Battenbergto: Victoria, Queen 12: 0506

Herbert, George Robert Charles, 13th Earl of Pembroketo: Bigge, Sir Arthur 9: 0309

Victoria, Queen 9: 0312, 0320Herbert, Henry Howard Molyneaux, 4th Earl of

Carnarvonfrom: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 12: 0062to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 12: 0064

Herbert, Michael Henryfrom: Victoria, Queen 9:0366to: Victoria, Queen 9: 0364

Herrles, E.to: Foreign Office 7: 0513


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Hervey, Lord Williamto: Addington, Henry 1: 0269

Hohenlohe, Princefrom: Albert, Prince Consort 4:0722,0833,0885to: Albert, Prince Consort 4:0785,0820

Walewski, Count 4:0840Hobenlohe, Princess

from: Leopold I, King 4: 0830to: Victoria, Queen 4: 0790, 0828

Hohenthal, Baronto: Beust, Baron 1: 0808

Hohenthal, Frauleln V. vonto: Victoria, Queen 10: 0431

Holland, Lordsee Fox, Henry

Hope, John Adrian Louis, 7th Earl of Hopetounto: Victoria, Queen 9: 0305

Hopetoun, Lordsee Hope, John

Hore, Captain E.to: Cowley, Lord 6: 0283,0712

Horsfall, Thomas B.to: Palmerston, Lord 6:0007

Howard, E.S. [Vienna, 1852]to: Foreign Office 4: 0421

Howard, Lady Fannyfrom: Bruce, Lady Augusta 4: 0869

Howard, H.from: Salisbury, Lord 9: 0095

Howard, H.G.to: Foreign Office 4: 0146,0655, 0672, 0728, 0768

Howard, Sir Henry F.to: Foreign Office 3: 0821; 6: 0153, 0437, 0704

Palmerston, Lord 3: 0503Howden, Lord

see Caradoc, JohnHudson, Sir James

from: Malmesbury, Lord 5: 0882,0928to: Foreign Office 3: 0812; 4: 0047, 0245; 5: 0780

Jacques, G.from: Monson, Sir Edmund 12: 0634

James, Williamto: Bacon, Thomas 1:0663

Jarnac, Comte Deto: Stanley, Lord 8: 0082

Jarnac, Comtesse Deto: Victoria, Queen 8:0119

Jenner, Sir Williamto: Phipps, Sir Charles 9:0761; 10: 0626,0705, 0779

Jernlngham, George Sulyardeto: Foreign Office 3: 0762,0825; 5: 0008

Jerome Napoleon, Princeto: Albert, Prince Consort 6:0104,0106

Jervolse, H.S.C.C.to: Foreign Office 7: 0926

Joiovllle, Prince deto: Victoria, Queen 9: 0230; 10: 0250

Jolnvllle, Princess deto: Victoria, Queen 9:0154

Josephine, Princess of Flandersto: Victoria, Queen 12: 0706

Kensington, Lordsee Edwardes, William

Kent, Duchess offrom: Bruce, Lady Augusta 4: 0980

Douglas, Marchioness of 3: 0271KImberley, Earl of

see Wodehouse, JohnKnollys, Sir Francis

to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0251,0634Lamartine, Alphonse de

from: Normanby, Lord 1: 0174Wellington, Duke of 1: 0385

to: Normanby, Lord 1:0173Palmerston, Lord 1: 0658Wellington, Duke of 1: 0381, 0694

Lansdowne, Marquis ofsee Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry

Law, Williamto: Tenterden, Lord 12: 0205

Layard, Sir Austin Henryfrom: Grattan, Edward 9: 0683

Le Bouette, Monsieurto: Bruce, Lady Charlotte (?) 2: 0603

Le Clerc, Captain E.to: Bigge, Sir Arthur 8: 0900

Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0827, 0842Le Gosselln, Martin

to: Foreign Office 12: 0526, 0571,0598Lehzen, Baroness Louise

to: Victoria, Queen 10: 0070Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern-Slgmaringen

to: Antoinette, Princess 10: 0361, 0391Victoria, Queen 10: 0411

Leopold, Prince of Saxe-Coburgto: Victoria, Queen 10: 0114

Leopold I, King of the Belgiansfrom: Aberdeen, Lord 9: 0450

Albert, Prince Consort 1: 0275, 0623,0902, 0977,0244; 3: 0758,1013; 4: 0182; 9: 0483, 0576

Chimay, Prince de 5: 0756,0902; 9: 0690Conway, E. 3:0767d'Hoffschmidt, C. 1: 0253Frederick William IV, King 1: 0691,

0899; 3: 0745Metternich, Prince 1:0618Niebuhr, Baron 3: 1006; 4: 0236


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Leopold I, King of the Belgians contfrom: van Praet, Jules 3: 1035

William II, King 1:0814to: 73:0043

Aberdeen, Lord 9: 0514Albert, Prince Consort 1:0150, 0217, 0247,0322,

0334,0439,0481, 0536, 0613,0685,0811,0872, 0893,0970,0993,1003,1011; 2: 0129,0277, 0344,0396, 0421, 0575, 0866; 3: 0670,0739, 0799,0852, 0942, 0997,1056,1079;4: 0161,0171, 0230, 0252, 0557,0616,0793,0892; 5: 0033, 0754, 0857, 0896; 9: 0440,0465, 0563,0639

Hohenlohe, Princess 4: 0830Palmerston, Lord 1:0305Victoria, Queen 2: 0570; 3: 0686; 4: 0832,0943,

1007; 9:0730Leopold n, King of the Belgians

from: Albert, Prince Consort 9: 0637Grey, Gen. Charles 10: 0723, 0942; 11: 0191Helena, Princess 10: 0376,0388Marie Henrietta, Queen 10: 0523Morpungo, J. 10: 0537Van de Weyer, Sylvain 5: 0087Victoria, Queen 10: 0332, 0372, 0945; 12: 0194,

0211,0779memoranda 12: 0799,0873to: Albert, Prince Consort 4: 0796; 5: 0022; 9: 0635,

0644; 12: 0796, 0871Lumley, Sir John 11: 0515Victoria, Queen 8:0442, 0462; 9: 0735,0743,

0746, 0759,0765, 0766, 0769,0772,0774;10: 0014, 0074, 0127, 0156,0198, 0207, 0255,0260, 0274,0284, 0292, 0306, 0312,0322.0327, 0335,0346, 0366, 0379, 0399,0406,0417,0442,0502, 0526, 0538, 0550,0581,0631,0640,0669,0708, 0728.0738,0743,0774, 0790,0807,0820, 0844,0856, 0953;11: 0043,0152, 0224, 0256, 0310,0377, 0456,0457, 0462,0470,0493,0522, 0529,0535,0540, 0548,0575, 0589, 0603,0626,0659,0675, 0683,0703, 0707, 0717,0735,0791,0803, 0838,0872, 0877,0892, 0910; 12: 0033,0042, 0060,0073, 0099, 0125,0148, 0163,0171, 0178, 0202, 0218, 0223, 0263, 0278,0298,0312,0331,0348,0353, 0361,0365,0409, 0432,0445, 0459,0478, 0528,0541,0563,0581,0590, 0601, 0636,0644.0669,0680, 0696,0701,0735, 0749, 0761,0767,0773, 0776,0782

Leveson-Gower, Granvllle George, 2nd Earl Granvlllefrom: Albert, Prince Consort 3:0764

Lyons, Lord 8: 0452

from: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 7: 0780,0786,0789,0796,0864,0943,0951, 0993,1010; 8: 0007; 12: 0230

Victoria, Queen 6: 0680, 0683; 7: 0781, 0799,0879; 8: 0316,0419,0492,0608

memorandum 7: 0992to: Clarendon, Lord 5: 0336

Lumley, Sir John 12: 0231Lyons, Lord 7: 0759, 0786,0927, 0937, 0962,

0990,0992; 8: 0333Ponsonby, Sir Henry 7: 0784, 0956,0996,1013,

1033,1038; 8: 0010,0232,0237, 0241,0261,0414,0425,0433,0441

Victoria, Queen 3: 0689; 6: 0679, 0681, 0687,1031; 7: 0738, 0752,0755, 0763, 0780, 0794,0800,0808, 0824,0843, 0863,0865,0963,0971,1027,1035; 8:0230,0235, 0239,0244,0255,0260, 0275, 0287,0291,0304,0310,0317,0319, 0340,0379, 0420,0428, 0431,0465,0490,0494, 0510, 0514, 0530, 0542,0558,0596, 0602, 0615, 0623

Lleven, Princess Dorotheato: Aberdeen, Lord 3: 1048

Llgne, Prince deto: d'Hoffschmidt, C. 1: 0542

Lister, Mr.from: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 12: 0208

Lister, Reginaldto: Bigge, Sir Arthur 9: 0291

Loftus, Lord Augustusfrom: Stanley, Lord 7: 0259,0363, 0467to: Foreign Office 3: 0398; 4: 0101; 5: 0379; 6: 0503;

7: 0141,0276,0302,0322, 0367, 0371, 0409.0505; 10: 0853,0885, 0934; 11: 0126,0250,0297,0400,0426, 0451,0490,0512

Lonsdale, Lordsee Lowther, William

Loubet, Emlleto: Victoria, Queen 9: 0349,0355,0414

Louise, Princess of Belgiumto: Victoria, Queen 11: 0863

Louise, Queen of the Belgiansto: Victoria, Queen 1: 0237; 2: 0629; 3: 0201

Louis Napoleon, Prince Imperial of Francesee Napoleon, Eugene Louis

Louis Philippe, King of the Frenchfrom: Victoria, Queen 1: 0344to: Albert, Prince Consort 1: 0788,0336

Louis Philippe Albert, Comte de Parisfrom: Victoria, Queen 8: 0685,0692to: Albert Edward, Prince 8:0697

Victoria, Queen 8: 0684,0688,0695Lowther, William, 3rd Earl of Lonsdale

to: Addington, Henry 1: 0524


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Lumley, Sir John S.from Clarendon, Lori 10: 0770,0948; 11:0041,0100,

0102. 0165,0174,0188, 0346, 0434,0520Foreign Office 11:0682Frere-Orban, H.J.W. 11: 0169Granville, Lord 12: 0231Leopold II, King 11: 0515

to: Foreign Office 6: 0699; 7: 0437, 0510,0537;10:0805, 0831, 0843, 0852,0881,0887, 0893,0931; 11: 0007, 0040,0042,0070,0104, 0148,0165, 0173, 0178,0182, 0205, 0215,0241,0249, 0270, 0299,0333, 0334, 0425, 0427,0442, 0448, 0452,0460, 0465,0474, 0499,0509, 0513, 0517,0533, 0538, 0595, 0625,0681, 0701, 0706,0711, 0733, 0853, 0873,0882, 0888, 0898,0908; 12: 0011, 0037,0145, 0219, 0229,0240

Grey, Gen. Charles 10: 0785, 0799Lyons, Lord

see Pernell, RichardLytton, Lord

see Bulwer-Lytton, EdwardMacdonald, F.

to: Easthope, Sir John 1: 0533Macdonald, Norman

to: Phipps, Sir Charles 4: 0934,0969MacDonell, Hugh Gulon

to: Foreign Office 7: 0994; 8: 0281McGregor, Mr.

to: Lori in Waiting [to Queen Victoria] 1: 0101Magenls, Sir Arthur Charles

from: Malmesbury, Lori 3: 0895MalakofT, Due de

from: Malmesbury, Lori 5: 1060Malet, Sir Alexander Charles

to: Palmerston, Lord 1: 0632Malet, Sir Edward Baldwin

to: Foreign Office 7: 0803; 12: 0562Malmesbury, Earl of

see Harris, JamesManteuffel, Baron

from: Hatzfeldt, Count 4: 0567to: Bunsen, Chevalier C.C J. 4: 0378

Marie, Countess of Flandersto: Victoria, Queen 10: 0485, 0488,0695,0759, 0781;

12: 0708Marie Alexandrovna, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg

to: Victoria, Queen 9:0779; 10: 0120Marie Amelie, Queen of the French

from: Victoria, Queen 1: 0348to: Victoria, Queen 1: 0339, 0868; 10: 0001,


Marie Henrietta, Queen of the Belgiansto: Leopold II, King 10: 0523

Victoria, Dowager Empress 12: 0524Victoria, Queen 10: 0150,0777, 0817; 11: 0862,

0869; 12: 0166,0171, 0172, 0276, 0556Marie Jose, Duchess of Bavaria

to: Victoria, Queen 12: 0783Marshall, William

from: Meredith, W.A. 11: 0796,0798Martin, Theodore

to: Victoria, Queen 7: 0720, 0720, 0826;0139; 11: 0808

Materne, Monsieurfrom: Beyens, E. 4: 0989,1013

Meade, Richard Charles Francis Christian, 3rd Earl ofClanwllllamto: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0831, 0844

Mensdorff, Count Alexanderto: Albert, Prince Consort 1: 0627, 0697

Apponyi, Count 7: 0008Victoria, Queen 10: 0145

Mensdorff, Count Alphonseto: Victoria, Queen 10:0081

Meredith, W.A.to: Marshall, William 11: 07%, 0798

Victoria, Queen 11: 0761, 0773, 0780, 0795Metternich, Prince Klemens von

to: Cowley, Lord 6: 0788Leopold I, King 1: 0618Neumann, Baron 9: 0542

Meyer, Dr.from: Reeve, H. 1: 0475, 0832; 3: 0353

Van de Weyer, Sylvain 1:0169Mllbanke, Sir John Ralph

to: Foreign Office 4: 1001Mocquart, Monsieur

to: 76:0063,0086Palmerston, Lord 1: 0640, 0700,0802

Mohl, J.to: Bruce, Lady Augusta 6: 0140, 0325

Monson, Sir Edmundfrom: Barrera, Vice Adm. E. 9: 0118

Carnot, Sidi, Jr. 9: 0264Foreign Office 9: 0226, 0274, 0327,0338Salisbury, Lord 9: 0207Thellusson, Capt. F.G. 12: 0630Victoria, Queen 9: 0260? 9: 0350Bigge, Sir Arthur 9: 0111, 0153Edwards, Sir Fleetwood 9: 0228Foreign Office 9: 0009, 0102, 0114,0195,

0203, 0250,0333, 0404.0409, 0412, 0425;12: 0642, 0664

Jacques, G. 12: 0634


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Monson, Sir Edmund contto: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 12: 0626

Victoria, Queen 9: 0097, 0106,0113, 0122,0127, 0132,0144, 0155, 0164,0186,0187,0198, 0209, 0231,0266, 0271,0276,0284,0296, 0299,0352, 0356, 0367,0392,0393,0400, 0413

Morpungo, J.to: Leopold II, King 10: 0537

Mouchy, Duchesse deto: Victoria, Queen 9:0415

Moustier, L.to: Baude, Baron 7: 0454

Napier, Lord Francisfrom: Russell, Lord John 6: 0657to: Foreign Office 6: 0282,0456, 0535, 0543, 0615,

0625,0641,0665,0676Napoleon in

from: Albert, Prince Consort 5: 0362Francis Joseph, Emperor 6: 0506Nicholas I, Tsar 3: 0789Victoria, Queen 4: 0531; 5: 0985; 6: 0210,

0476; 7: 0244to: Albert, Prince Consort 5:0284, 0357,0532

Cowley, Lord 6:0360Flahault, Monsieur de 6: 0004Malmesbury, Lord 3: 0796Victoria, Queen 3: 0262; 5: 0407, 0460,0465,

0511, 0519,0523, 0526, 0973; 6:0208, 0419Napoleon, Eugene Louis Jean Joseph, Prince Imperial

of Franceto: Gower, Lord 7: 0960

Nemours, Duke defrom: Victoria, Queen 12: 0760to: Albert, Prince Consort 1: 2074

Victoria, Queen 3:0623; 6: 0868; 10: 0027Nesselrode, Count Karl Robert von

to: Brunnow, Baron 3: 0673, 0907; 5: 0029Neumann, Baron Philipp von

from: Metternich, Prince 9: 0542Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia

to: Albert, Prince Consort 2: 0073Napoleon III 3: 0789

Niebuhr, Baronmemorandum 3: 0750to: Leopold I, King 3: 1006; 4: 0236

Normanby, Lady Mariafrom: Phipps, Sir Charles 1: 0033journal extracts 1: 0289to: Phipps, Sir Charles 1: 0008, 0064, 0117, 0202,

0259,0277,0764,0856,0918, 0938,0947,1001; 2: 0290, 0485, 0554; 3: 0492, 0563

Victoria, Queen 1: 0577; 2: 0144, 0226, 0249,0359, 0378,0536, 0586, 0659 (?)

Normanby, Marquis ofsee Phipps, Constantine

Northcote, Sir Staffordto: Victoria, Queen 8: 0186

Oettlngen-Wallensteln, Princeto: de Gasser, Mr. 1: 0498

Olberg, Colonelto: 74:0619

Olozaga, Monsieurto: Sancho, Gen. 9: 0453

O'Reilly, Andrewto: Clarendon, Lord 5: 0609

Normanby, Lord 2:0404; 4: 0598,0677,0947,1024

Orleans, Due d'from: Victoria, Queen 9: 0424to: Victoria, Queen 9: 0165, 0167

Orleans, Duchess ofto: Albert, Prince Consort 1: 0953

O'Sulllvan de Grass, Countto: d'Hoffschmidt, C. 3:1085

Paget, Sir Augustusfrom: Stanley, Lord 7: 0424,0447,0459to: Foreign Office 3: 0385; 7: 0362,0376, 0400, 0410,

0436,0460Palmerston, Viscount

see Temple, HenryParis, Comte de

see Louis Philippe Albert, Comte de ParisParis, Comtesse de

from: Victoria, Queen 9: 0417Paul, Commander J.

to: Dundas, Rear Adm. J.W. 1: 0313Peel, Sir Robert

to: Albert, Prince Consort 2: 0097, 0441Pembroke, Lord

see Herbert, GeorgePernell, Richard Bickerton, 1st Earl Lyons

from: Claremont, Col. Edward 7: 0483,0746Clarendon, Lord 7:0615; 10:0840.0914;

11: 0031,0134,0180, 0186, 0351, 0356,0527Conolly, Col. James 8: 0053,0090, 0109d'Agioult,T.8:0071Granville, Lord 7: 0759,0786,0927, 0937, 0962.

0990,0992; 8: 0333Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0101,0342Stanley, Lord 3: 0395; 7: 0357, 0372,0423, 0438,

0451,0451, 0470, 0499, 0463Victoria, Queen 8: 0412,0447VUliers, Col. George P.H. 8: 0458


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Pernell, Richard Blckerton, 1st Earl Lyons contto: Clarendon, Lord 11: 0058

Foreign Office 3: 0389; 7: 0359, 0361,0370,0415,0426, 0444,0469.0473, 0484, 0503, 0511,0516, 0538, 0543,0549,0563, 0583, 0611,0619, 0672, 0680,0687, 0691, 0731, 0754,0762, 0766, 0773, 0798, 0802, 0804, 0814,0851, 0856, 0895,0929, 0938, 0941, 0965,0973,0987, 0991,0994,1024,1031; 8: 0016,0026,0046, 0051,0055, 0061, 0100, 0164,0193,0217, 0226,0279, 0365, 0407, 0423,0428,0478, 0593,0664, 0672, 0679; 10: 0813,0819, 0827, 0840,0891, 0902, 0930; 11: 0018,0073, 0121, 0133,0140, 0183, 0203, 0211,0233, 0239,0265,0269, 0318, 0327, 0328,0331, 0347, 0355,0358, 0365, 0373, 0388,0392,0399, 0417,0422,0438, 0486, 0507,0516

Granville, Lord 8: 0452Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0092, 0102, 0343Thomas, Monsieur 8: 0049Victoria, Queen 8:0413, 0426,0467, 0654

Perslgny, Countfrom: Palmerston, Lord 6: 0161

Walewski, Count 5:0865to: Albert, Prince Consort 5:0272

Peter, Henry, Baron Brougham and Vauxfrom: Guizot, Francois 3: 0023to: Grey, Col. Charles 4: 0434,0726

Van de Weyer, Sylvain 10: 0078Petty-Fltzmaurlce, Henry Charles Keith, 3rd Marquess

of Lansdownefrom: Holland, Lord 3: 0386to: Albert, Prince Consort 1:0841; 3: 0557

Philip, Prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gothato: Victoria, Queen 11: 0866; 12: 0232

Philippe, Count of Flandersfrom: Charles, Prince 11: 0161to: Victoria, Queen 9:0687; 10: 0221.0392,0402,

0409,0423, 0485,0486, 0695, 0759, 0781;11: 0455, 0732,0896; 12: 0310, 0466,0483,0519,0547,0575,0704, 0710, 0732, 0746

Phlpps, Constantine Henry, 1st Marquess of Normanbyfrom: Cavaignac, Gen. Louis-Eugene 2: 0863

Lamartine, Alphonse de 1: 0173O'Reilly, Andrew 2: 0404; 4: 0598, 0677,

0947,1024Palmerston, Lord 1:0127, 0189, 0492, 0569,

0875,0931; 2: 0271; 3: 0282Phipps, Sir Charles 3: 0599Turobull, A. 1:0886

to: Lamartine, Alphonse de 1: 0174Palmerston, Lord 1: 0012, 0023,0027, 0053,

0078, 0081, 0097, 0108,0166, 0173, 0175,0199, 0233, 0401, 0469,0551, 0591, 0610,0681, 0713, 0739, 0746,0759, 0781, 0719,0847, 0883, 0890, 0906,0912, 0934, 0945,0955, 0979,0999; 2: 0006, 0044, 0076, 0094,0112, 0125,0141, 0155,0159, 0181, 0193,0209, 0241, 0260, 0267,0269, 0275,°0286,0295, 0312, 0321, 0329,0337, 0347, 0387,0389, 0428, 0446, 0461,0480, 0501, 0531,0561, 0616, 0625, 0642,0650, 0672, 0685,0741, 0760, 0765, 0774,0786, 0873, 0877,0893, 0895; 3: 0007,0036, 0047, 0061, 0074,0096, 0134, 0143, 0148,0162, 0185, 0206,0219, 0227, 0251, 0258,0261, 0263, 0276,0280, 0284, 0293, 0309,0363, 0366, 0371,0377, 0396, 0406, 0424,0432, 0436, 0443,0473, 0508, 0531, 0547,0555, 0571, 0588,0592,0601

Phipps, Sir Charles 1: 0018, 0557; 2: 0438;3: 0413, 0598

Russell, Lord John 2: 0100,0791, 0852, 0861Phipps, Sir Charles B.

from: Cust, Sir Edward 10: 0240Gambert, Monsieur 2: 0406Jenner, Sir William 9: 0761Macdonald, Norman 4: 0934, 0969Normanby, Lady 1: 0008,0064, 0117, 0202,

0259,0277, 0764, 0856,0918, 0938, 0947,1001; 2: 0290, 0485,0554; 3: 0492,0563

Normanby, Lord 1:0018, 0557; 2: 0438;3:0413,0598

Palmerston, Lord 6: 0745Seymour, Maj. Gen. F. 10: 0053, 0097,0138Seymour, Sir George 5 : 0695Sydney, Lord 10: 0048, 0093, 0173, 0184,

0224, 0258,0269Van de Weyer. Sylvain 9: 0773; 10: 0044,

0046, 0051, 0243Victoria, Queen 10: 0090

memorandum 1: 1010to: Albert, Prince Consort 3: 0332,0390; 5: 0991

Grey, Col. C. 3:0864Normanby, Lady 1: 0033Normanby, Lord 3:0599Russell, Lord John 10: 0033Seymour, Maj. Gen. F. 9: 0793; 10: 0135, 0141Victoria, Queen 9: 0756; 10: 0042

Phipps, E.C.H.to: Foreign Office 8: 0953

Phipps, Miss Harrietfrom: Russell, Sir Arthur 9: 0369


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Phlpps, Mrs. Edmundfrom: Phipps, Rev. Edmund 2: 0172,0195

Phlpps, Reverend Edmundto: Phipps, Mrs. Edmund 2: 0172, 0195

Plunkett, Sir Francis W.to: Bigge, Sir Arthur 12: 0766

Foreign Office 8: 0547,0567,0573; 9: 0335;12: 0678, 0725

Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0570, 0582Police, Commissioners of

from: Carr, Police Sergeant D. 1:0226Ponsonby, William, 3rd Baron Ponsonby

to: Grey, Col. Charles 4: 0208, 0276Palmerston, Lord 1: 0539,0645, 0709, 0796

Ponsonby, Sir Henry Frederickfrom: Harrington, Eric 8: 0820,0838, 0848

Barren, Sir Henry 12: 0079Bruce, Henry 7: 0958Carnarvon, Lord 12: 0064Carrington, Lord 8: 1051Clanwilliam, Lord 8: 0831, 0844Devaux, Jules 12: 0071, 0121,0290Dufferin, Lord 8: 0907,0987Elliot, Sir Henry 8: 0550Enfield, Lord 7: 0787Florian, Comte de 8: 0815, 0822,0807Foreign Office 8: 0549Gervais, Adm. 8: 0905Goddard, Monsignor 8:0797Granville, Lord 7: 0784, 0884,0956,0996,1013,

1033, 1038; 8: 0010, 0232,0237,0241, 0261,0414,0425,0433,0441

Hamilton, Lord 8: 0829, 0836, 0847, 0850, 0889Knollys, Francis 8: 0251, 0634Le Clerc, Capt. E. 8: 0827,0842Lyons, Lord 8: 0092, 0102, 0343Lytton, Lord 8: 0729,0731, 0770Monson, Sir Edmund 12: 0626Plunkett, Sir Francis 8: 0570,0582Pritchett, Robert J. 8:0840Reuter, Baron 7: 0831, 0921,0924Robinson, J.R. 8: 0090Salisbury, Lord 8: 0247, 0759, 0801; 12: 0156,

0209, 0584Simmons, Sir John 8: 0618Stanley. Lord 8: 0060, 0087, 0136, 0144, 0148Sydney, Lord 8: 0703Tenterden, Lord 8: 0224Torrington, Lord 12: 0158, 0164,0167, 0175Van de Weyer, Sylvain 11: 0662

from: Victoria, Queen 8: 0005, 0058,0228, 0271,0382,0626, 0633,0639, 0854; 11:0801; 12: 0001,0055,0067,0117,0122

Vivian, Lord 12: 0407, 0428, 0553

Waddington, William 8: 0825, 0852, 0887, 0896Wellesley, Rev. Gerard 8: 0094

notes: 8: 1068; 12: 0002, 0040to: Bruce, Henry 7:0954

Carnarvon, Lord 12: 0062Devaux, Jules 12:0068Dilke, Sir Charles 8: 0631Granville, Lord 7: 0780,0786,0789, 0796, 0864,

0943,0951, 0993,1010; 8: 0007; 12: 0230Lister, Mr. 12: 0208Lyons, Lord 8:0101,0342Stanley, Lord 8: 0045,0107,0137,0153;

12:0040,0041Tenterden, Lord 8: 0108Victoria, Queen 7: 0670, 0683,0782, 0853, 0860,

0881,0918, 0948, 0982; 8: 0021, 0034, 0042,0069,0086, 0097, 0146,0199,0256,0267,0301,0308, 0317, 0323,0327.0456, 0472,0504,0516,0519,0531, 0601,0613,0628,0641; 11: 0881; 12: 0019,0031, 0035, 0057

Wellesley, Rev. Gerard 8:0095Powblon de Fontenaz, Monsieur

to: ? 2: 0663Primrose, Archibald Philip, 5th Earl of Rosebery

to: Victoria, Queen 8: 0663,0668,0933,0944; 12: 0699

Prltchett, Robert J.to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0840

Rechberg, Count J.B. vonto: Apponyi, Count 6: 0504

Reeve, H.from: Circourt, Count A. de 1: 0835, 0959; 3: 0287,

0300,0329, 0541to: Meyer, Dr. 1:0475, 0832; 3: 0353

Reuter, Baron Paul Julius vonto: Bigge, Sir Arthur 9: 0151

Ponsonby, Sir Henry 7: 0831, 0921,0924Reynett, Sir James

to: George, Duke of Cambridge 1: 0326Robert, Charles, Marquis of Lincolnshire

to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 1051Robinson, J.R.

to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0090Rogler, Charles

to: VandeWeyer, Sylvain 10: 0052Rosebery, Lord

see Primrose, ArchibaldRothschild, Baron

to: Disraeli, Benjamin 7: 0340Rowan, Lieutenant Colonel C.

to: Bowles, Maj. Gen. 1: 0449,0517Rumbold, Sir Horace

to: Foreign Office 8: 0717; 9: 0103,0192Victoria, Queen 12: 0774


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Russell, Sir Charles Arthur, 1st Baron Russell of Klllowenmemorandum 9: 0370to: Phipps, Miss Harriet 9: 0369

Russell, Lord John and afterwards 1st Earl Russellfrom: Abercromby, Sir Ralph 1: 0866

Aberdeen, Lord 4: 0883Brunnow, Baron 4: 0929Clarendon, Lord 2:0132Cobden, Richard 6:0053Cowley, Lord 4: 0959; 6: 0360,0369Ellice, Edward 2: 0676Grey, Gen. Charles 6:0425,0525Normanby, Lord 2: 0100, 0791,0852, 0861Palmerston, Lord 1:0991; 2: 0755;

3: 0246; 6: 0015Phipps, Sir Charles 10: 0033Victoria, Queen 2: 0035, 0301, 0722, 0729,0749,

0767; 3: 0180, 0197, 0207, 0239; 4: 0880,0932; 6: 0057; 9: 0655,0660

Wellington. Duke of 1: 0379, 0571,0694memorandum 6: 0518note: 6:0828to: Albert, Prince Consort 1: 0156,0159, 0312, 0864,

0882,0984; 3: 0450; 6: 0012, 0260Bloomfield, Lord 6: 0464Cowley, Lord 5: 0013; 6: 0067,0157, 0233,0394,

0471,0479, 0510,0541, 0545,0561, 0632,0653,0772,0789

Elgin, Lord 6: 0072Elliot, Henry G. 6: 0638Grey, Gen. Charles 9: 0677Napier, Lord 6: 0657Palmerston, Lord 1:0195, 0386, 0986; 6: 0647Victoria, Queen 1: 0062, 0164, 0310, 0341,0370,

0653; 2: 0032, 0304,0377, 0724, 0731, 0745,0752, 0771.0779,0789, 0850, 0860; 3: 0106,0192, 0210, 0233,0244; 4: 0898, 0927, 0938;6: 0048,0059,0070, 0166, 0175,0353, 0368,0412, 0418, 0427,0451, 0468, 0477, 0570,0665, 0702, 0780; 9: 0658; 10: 0029

Wellington, Duke of 1: 0575, 0694Russell, Odo William Leopold, 1st Baron Ampthlll

from: Derby, Lord 11: 0859,0886to: Foreign Office 4: 0365; 7: 0540, 0682, 0689,0940,

1020; 8: 0621; 11: 0398,0860Russian Embassy, Paris

from: Russian Foreign Office 4: 0742Russian Foreign Office

to: Russian Embassy, Paris 4: 0742Sackvllle-West, Lionel

to: Clarendon, Lord 7: 0574Foreign Office 7: 0925

Sahl, H.to: Victoria, Queen 11: 0829

Saint Hllalre, B. deto: ? 6: 0342

Salisbury, Marquis ofsee Cecil, Robert

Sancho, Generalfrom: Olozaga, Monsieur 9: 0453

Sanderson, Sir Thomas Henryto: Bigge, Sir Arthur 9: 0021

Saxe-Coburg, Duchess ofsee Maria Alexandrovna

Say, L.to: Victoria, Queen 8: 0233

Seymour, Major General Francisfrom: Phipps, Sir Charles 9: 0793; 10: 0135, 0141to: Phipps, Sir Charles 10: 0053,0097, 0138

Victoria, Queen 10: 0009,0085Seymour, Sir George Hamilton

from: Buol, Count 5: 0355Malmesbury, Lord 3: 0924; 4: 0517

to: Aberdeen, Lord 9: 0519,0546,0586Foreign Office 3: 0702,0779, 0869,0914, 0949,

0983,1017; 4: 0192,0353, 0376, 0425, 0635,0649, 0737,0757, 0805,0908; 5: 0370, 0513,0745, 0910; 9: 0456,0494, 0527, 0600, 0617

Malmesbury, Lord 4: 0152Phipps, Sir Charles 5 : 0695

Shaw, Robert G.to: Palmerston, Lord 1: 0909

Simmons, Sir John L.A.to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0618

Skerrett, Missto: Victoria, Queen 10: 0117

Sophie, Queen of the Netherlandsto: Clarendon, Lord 6: 0018

Cowley, Lady 5: 0506Spencer, Frederick, 4th Earl Spencer

to: Albert, Prince Consort 1:0608Speth, Baroness de

from: Bruce, Lady Augusta 4: 1030Stanhope, Philip Henry, 8th Earl Stanhope

to: Albert, Prince Consort 6: 0032, 0041Stanley, Lady Augusta

to: Victoria, Queen 7: 0832, 0871; 10: 0017Stanley, Edward Henry, 15th Earl of Derby

from: Biddulph, Sir Thomas 7: 0312; 8: 0122Cowley, Lord 5:1032d'Harcourt, Lord 8: 0142Grey, Gen. Charles 2: 0278; 7: 0242, 0255, 0290,

0508; 10: 0309,0351, 0441. 0500, 0629,0642,0660, 0737, 0742

Jamac, Comte De 8: 0082Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0045, 0107,0137, 0153;

12: 0040, 0041Victoria, Queen 3: 0831, 0846; 5: 0948


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Stanley, Edward Henry, 15th Earl of Derby cont.note: 12:0009to: Albert, Prince Consort 4: 0628

Ampthill, Lord 11: 0859, 0886Cowley, Lord 7: 0089, 0115, 0166; 10: 0287Fane, Julian 7: 0318Grey, Gen. Charles 7: 0225, 0257,0259; 10: 0055,

0353, 0664Loftus, Lord 7: 0363, 0467Lyons, Lord 3: 0395; 7: 0357,0372, 0423, 0438,

0451,0451,0470,0499Paget, Sir Augustus 7: 0424, 0447,0459Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0060, 0087, 0136,

0144, 0148Victoria, Queen 3: 0847, 0891, 1115; 4: 0467,

0689, 0693, 0699; 5: 0750, 0801,0852, 0943,1030; 7: 0091, 0122,0136, 0138,0167, 0228,0240, 0338; 8: 0040, 0057, 0063,0085, 0126,0127, 0172,0184, 0190; 10: 0305; 11: 0878;12:0022,0115,0119

Stockmar, Baron Christian F. vonfrom: Albert, Prince Consort 5: 0386

Bunsen, Chevalier C.CJ. 3: 0692Van de Weyer, Sylvain 3: 0731van Praet, Jules 3: 0805, 0883Victoria, Queen 5:0256

memorandum 3: 0841to: Albert, Prince Consort 1:0375; 9: 0446

Victoria, Queen 5: 0232Stuart, William

to: Foreign Office 7: 0450Sutherland, Ronald Charles

from: Napoleon, Prince 7: 0960Sydney, Earl

see Townshend, JohnTalbot, Colonel R.

to: Foreign Office 8: 0921Tallenay, Monsieur

from: French Foreign Office 2: 0687Temple, Henry John, 3rd Viscount Palmerston

from: Abercromby, Sir Ralph 1: 0806, 0822Bingham, Richard 3: 0553Bloomfield, Lord 1: 0798, 0804Buchanan, A. 3: 0356Clarendon, Lord 5: 0296Disbrowe, Sir Edward 1: 0750du Plat, Col. George 3: 0470Featherstonehaugh, George 1:0231, 0388; 2: 0114Grey, Gen. Charles 6: 0652, 0734Horsfall, Thomas B. 6: 0007Howard, Sir Henry 3: 0503Lamartine, Alphonse de 1: 0658Leopold I, King 1: 0305Malet, Sir Alexander 1: 0632

from: Milbanke, J.R. 1: 0640, 0700,0802Nonnanby, Lord 1: 0012,0023,0027,0053,0078,

0081,0097, 0108, 0166, 0173,0175, 0199,0233,0401, 0469, 0551,0591,0610, 0681,0713, 0719, 0739, 0746, 0759, 0781, 0847,0883,0890, 0906, 0912, 0934,0945, 0955,0979,0999; 2: 0006,0044, 0076, 0094,0112,0125,0141,0155, 0159, 0181,0193, 0209,0241,0260, 0269,0275, 0286,0295, 0312,0321,0329,0337,0347, 0387,0389,0428,0446,0461, 0480,0501, 0531,0561,0616,0625,0642, 0650,0672, 0685,0741,0760,0765,0774.0786, 0873, 0877,0893, 0895;3: 0007,0036, 0047,0061,0074,0096, 0134,0143,0148, 0162,0185, 0206,0219, 0227,0251, 0258, 0261, 0263,0276, 0280, 0284,0293,0309, 0363, 0366,0371,0377,0396,0406,0424, 0432, 0436, 0443,0473, 0508,0531,0547, 0555, 0571, 0588,0592, 0601

Ponsonby, Lord 1: 0539, 0645, 0796Russell, Lord John 1: 0195, 0386, 0986; 6: 0647Shaw, Robert G. 1:0909Victoria, Queen 1: 0197; 2: 0105, 0413, 0696,

0719,0747; 3: 0214; 6: 0251, 0754Westmorland, Lord 1: 0704, 0791

note: 6:0643to: Abercromby, Sir Ralph 1: 0548

Albert, Prince Consort 1: 0467, 0755; 6: 0006,0016,0042

Clarendon, Lord 5: 0486Consuls, British 1: 0129Disbrowe, Sir Edward 1: 0712Nonnanby, Lord 1: 0127, 0189, 0492, 0569,0875,

0931; 2: 0267, 2: 0271; 3:0282Persigny, Count 6: 0161Phipps, Sir Charles 6: 0745Ponsonby, Lord 1: 0709Russell, Lord John 1: 0991; 2: 0755;

3: 0246; 6:0015Victoria, Queen 1: 0171, 0229,0315, 0399, 0494,

0656; 2: 0103, 0408,0444,0691, 0712, 0727,0736,0758; 3: 0182,0194, 0204, 0225, 0621;5: 0599; 6:0069, 0239, 0254, 0532,0645,0716,0729,0759

Westmorland, Lord 1: 0490, 0710Tenterden, Lord

see Abbott, CharlesThellusson, Captain F.G.

to: Monson, Sir Edmund 12: 0630Thierry, Augustine

to: Ely, Lady Jane 8:0353Thiers, Madame Adolpbe

from: Adams, Francis 8: 0171


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Thomas, Monsieurfrom: Lyons, Lord 8:0049

Torrington, Lordsee Byng, George

Townshend, John Robert, 3rd Viscount and Earl Sydneyfrom: Claremont, Col. Edward 7: 0607to: Phipps, Sir Charles 10: 0048,0093,0173,0184,

0224, 0258,0269Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0703Victoria, Queen 8: 0702; 11: 0581

Turnbull, A.to: Normanby, Lord 1: 0886

Van de Weyer, Sylvalnfrom: Broughton, Lord 10: 0078

d'Hoffschmidt, C. 1: 0458Rogier, Charles 10: 0052

to: Albert, Prince Consort 1:0058, 0152, 0515;6: 0088,0195; 9: 0650

Leopold II, King 5: 0087Meyer, Dr. 1:0169Phipps, Sir Charles 10: 0044, 0046, 0051,0243Ponsonby, Sir Henry 11: 0662Stockmar, Baron C.F. 3:0731Victoria, Queen 9:0749, 0755, 0760,0770,0775;

10: 0077, 0245,0344; 11: 0565, 0572, 0583,0654, 0721

Van de Weyer, Madame Sylvalnto: Victoria, Queen 11: 0746, 0755, 0760,0764, 0774,

0783,0796, 0811,0845; 12:0084van Praet, Jules

to: ? 1: 0225Leopold I, King 3: 1035Stockmar, Baron C.F. 3: 0805, 0883

Victoria, Dowager Empress of Germanyfrom: Marie Henrietta, Queen 12: 0524to: Victoria, Queen 7: 0838; 9: 0142, 0785,

0798; 10: 0045Victoria, Queen of Great Britain

from: Abdul Aziz, Sultan 9: 0428Aberdeen, Lord 4:0997. 1006,1046;

9: 0550,0559Albert Edward, Prince 9: 0134, 0152, 0797;

10: 0004, 0123,0143, 0189; 12: 0351Alencon, Due d' 9: 0129Alfred, Prince 10: 0176Alice, Princess, Grand Duchess 7: 0900; 10: 0003Arthur, Prince 7: 0696; 9: 0133, 0268,0796, 0801Athole, Dowager Duchess of 10: 0066;

12: 0426, 0430Augusta, Empress 6: 0775; 9: 0790, 0800;

10:0159,0412Bassano, Due de 8: 0761

from: Biddulph, Sir Thomas 7: 1025; 10: 0036;11: 0757, 0810,0831, 0834; 12: 0154, 0192

Bigge, Sir Arthur 8: 0388, 0445,0599, 0909;9: 0288, 0343, 0406, 0427

Bonaparte, Prince Louis 8: 0710Bonaparte, Prince Victor 8: 0804Brazil, Dowager Empress of 10: 0084Bruce, Katherine 9: 0741; 10: 0040Cambridge, Duke of 8: 0392; 10: 0071, 0202Carl, Duke 12: 0783Carnot, Cecile 8: 1061Carnot, Sidi 8: 0730Carrington, LL Col. W.H.P. 8: 0485;

9: 0074; 12: 0784Cavendish, Caroline F. 8: 0129Clarendon, Lord 5: 0085, 0238, 0240, 0262, 0273,

0302, 0325, 0329,0335,0378, 0414, 0420,0474, 0500,0524, 0530,0569, 0577, 0603,0611, 0664, 0676, 0682,0688, 0723, 0733,0737; 6: 0845, 0873,0881, 0889, 0913, 0926,0938, 0961, 0961,1009,1020, 1034; 7: 0548,0606, 0610, 0618; 10: 0768, 0883, 0899,0901,0922; 11: 0039,0056, 0119, 0163, 0193,0200,0230,0237, 0245,0268,0273, 0348, 0371,0390, 0414,0481, 0492,0511

Clark, Sir James 9: 0716Clementina, Princess 10: 0110Cowell, Sir John 11: 0586de Courcel, Baron 9: 0070Disraeli, Benjamin 8: 0037,0065;

11: 0904; 12: 0003Dufferin, Lord 8: 0914, 0927. 0959.0989,1004,

1011, 1015, 1035, 1047,1053. 1063; 9: 0003,0008, 0012, 0029, 0032,0036, 0055, 0081

Elizabeth, Empress 9: 0143Elphinstone, Maj. Howard 9: 0776; 10: 0212Ely, Lady 5: 0269,0275, 0290; 7: 0701Erichsen, 1.11:0795Eugenie, Empress 5: 0298, 0528; 6: 0765;

7: 0334; 9: 0130Faure, Berthe 9: 0330Faure, Felix 9: 0131, 0247, 0254Ferdinand, King Consort 10: 0002Foley, Lady 8:0113,0123Foreign Office 7: 0760,0829; 8: 0188Frederick III, Emperor 9: 0798; 10: 0045, 0199Frederick William IV, King 1: 0355Gardiner, Gen. L. 12: 0498,0712Gardiner, Lady 10: 0227George, Duke 1:0324Gladstone, William 7: 0685, 0868, 0950; 8: 0264,



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Victoria, Queen of Great Britain cont.from: Granville, Lord 3: 0689; 6: 0679,0681,0687,

1031; 7: 0738, 0752, 0755, 0763,0780,0794,0800, 0808,0824, 0843, 0863, 0865,0963,0971, 1027,1035; 8: 0230,0235,0239, 0244,0255, 0260,0275, 0287,0291, 0304,0310,0317, 0319,0340, 0379, 0420, 0428,0431,0465, 0490, 0494, 0510, 0514,0530,0542,0558, 0596,0602, 0615, 0623

Grey, Gen. Charles 6: 0358,0423, 0432,0516,0659, 0685,0737, 0746, 0757, 0761,0879,0909, 0915,0951; 7: 0162,0170,0226, 0331,0561; 9: 0673, 0751; 10: 0038, 0112, 0165,0179, 0302,0349, 0356,0415, 0426,0547,0579, 0636,0655, 0720, 0725, 0763,0781,0895, 0924; 11: 0015, 0059,0078, 0123, 0146,0231, 0279, 0343, 0361, 0402, 0419,0440,0466, 0477,0483, 0546, 0600

Hammond, Edmund 7: 0825Hanover, King and Queen of 9: 0799Harris, Lord 9: 0183Helena, Princess 11: 0762,0841Henriette, Princess 12: 0764Henry, Prince 12: 0506Herbert, Michael 9: 0364Hohenlohe, Princess 4: 0790, 0828Hohenthal, Fraulein V. von 10: 0431Hopetoun, Lord 9: 0305Jarnac, Comtesse De 8:0119Jenner, William 9: 0694, 0719, 0723, 0733;

10: 0705, 0626, 0779Joinville, Prince de 9: 0230; 10: 0250Joinville, Princesse de 9: 0154Josephine, Princess 12: 0706Kensington, Lord 8: 0952Kimberley, Lord 9: 0007Lehzen, Baroness 10: 0070Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen

10:0411Leopold, Prince of Saxe-Coburg 10: 0114Leopold I, King 2: 0570; 3: 0686; 4: 0832,0943,

1007; 9: 0730

Leopold II. King 8: 0442,0462; 9: 0735,0743,0746,0759, 0765,0766,0769,0772, 0774;10: 0014, 0074,0127, 0156,0198, 0207,0255,0260,0274,0284, 0292, 0306,0312, 0322,0327,0335, 0346, 0366, 0379,0399, 0406,0417,0442, 0502,0526, 0538,0550, 0581,0631,0640, 0647,0669, 0708,0728, 0738,0743,0774, 0790, 0807,0820,0844,0856,0953; 11: 0043,0152, 0224, 0256, 0310,0377,0456,0457, 0462,0470, 0493,0522, 0529,0535.0540, 0548,0575, 0589,0603, 0626,0659,0675, 0683, 0703, 0707,0717,0735,0791,0803,0838, 0872, 0877,0892, 0910;12: 0033,0042,0060,0073, 0099, 0125, 0148,0163,0171, 0178, 0202, 0211,0218, 0223,0263,0278, 0298, 0312, 0331,0348, 0353,0361,0365, 0409, 0432, 0445,0459, 0478,0528.0541, 0563, 0581, 0590, 0601,0636,0644,0669,0680, 0696, 0701,0735, 0749,0761,0767,0773, 0776, 0782

Loubet, fimile 9: 0349,0355,0414Louise, Princess 11: 0863Louise, Queen 1: 0237; 2:0629; 3: 0201Louis Philippe, King 1: 0336Louis Philippe Albert, Comte de Paris 8: 0684,

0688,0695Lyons, Lord 8: 0654, 0413,0426, 0467Lytton, Lord 8: 0766, 0791Malmesbury, Lord 4: 0099,0286, 0345, 0362,

0417,0437, 0459, 0498, 0603,0642, 0687,0692,0718, 0763; 5: 0749, 0759, 0774,0788,0804,0825, 0832, 0855, 0863,0873, 0933,0962,0980, 1006, 1016,1023,1025; 10: 0544

Marie, Countess 10: 0485, 0488; 12: 0695, 0708,0759,0781

Marie Amelia, Ex-Queen 1: 0339,0868; 10: 0001,0025,0154

Marie Henrietta, Queen 10: 0150, 0777,0817; 11: 0862 0869; 12: 0166, 0171,0172.0276, 0556

Marie Jose, Duchess 12: 0783Martin, Theodore 7: 0720, 0720,0826; 8: 0139;

11:0808Mensdorff, Count Alexander 10: 0145Mensdorff, Count Alphonse 10: 0081Meredith, W.A. 11: 0761. 0773, 0780, 0795Monson, Sir Edmund 9: 0097, 0106, 0113,0122,

0132,0144, 0155,0164, 0186,0187, 0198,0209,0231, 0266, 0271. 0276,0284,0296,0299,0352, 0356, 0367,0392,0393,0400,0413,0127

Mouchy, Duchesse de 9: 0415Napoleon III 3: 0262; 5:0407,0460, 0465, 0511,

0519,0523, 0526,0973; 6: 0208,0419


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Victoria, Queen of Great Britain cont.from Nemours, Duke de 3: 0623; 6: 0868; 10: 0027

Nonnanby, Lady 1: 0577; 2: 0144, 0226, 0249,0359, 0378, 0536,0586, 0659

Northcote, Sir Stafford 8: 0186Orleans, Due d' 9:0165,0167Palmerston, Lord 1: 0171, 0229, 0315.0399,

0494, 0656; 2: 0103, 0408, 0444,0691, 0712,0727, 0736, 0758; 3: 0182, 0194,0204, 0225,0621; 5: 0599; 6: 0069,0239, 0254, 0532,0716, 0729, 0759,0645

Pembroke, Lord 9: 0312,0320Philip, Prince 11: 0866; 12: 0232Philippe, Count 9: 0687; 10:0221, 0392, 0402,

0409, 0423, 0485, 0486; 11: 0455, 0732, 0896;12: 0310, 0466, 0483, 0519,0547, 0575, 0695,0704, 0710, 0732,0746, 0759, 0781

Phipps, Sir Charles 9: 0756; 10: 0042Ponsonby, Sir Henry 7: 0670,0683, 0782, 0853,

0860,0881,0918,0948, 0982; 8: 0021, 0034,0042, 0069, 0086,0097, 0146, 0199, 0256,0267, 0301, 0308,0317,0323,0327, 0456,0472, 0504, 0516,0519,0531, 0601,0613,0628, 0641; 11: 0881; 12: 0019, 0031,0035,0057

Rosebery, Lord 8: 0663, 0668, 0933,0944;12: 0699

Rumbold, Sir Horace 12: 0774Russell, Lord John 1: 0062,0164, 0310,0341,

0370, 0653; 2: 0032, 0304, 0377,0724,0731, 0745,0752,0771, 0779,0789, 0850,0860; 3: 0106, 0192,0210, 0233,0244;4: 0898,0927, 0938; 6: 0048,0059, 0070,0166,0175, 0353,0368, 0412, 0418,0427,0451,0468, 0477,0570, 0665,0702, 0780;9: 0658; 10: 0029

Sahl,H. 11:0829Salisbury, Lord 8: 0197, 0205,0699, 0712, 0753,

0757,0760,0763,0768,0810,0857, 0882;9: 0051,0222, 0225, 0256; 12: 0364

Saxe-Coburg, Duchess of 9: 0779; 10:0120Say, L. 8: 0233Seymour, Maj. Gen. F. 10:0009, 0085Skerrett,MisslO:0117Stanley, Lady Augusta 7: 0832,0871; 10: 0017Stanley, Lord 3: 0847, 0891, 1115; 4: 0693;

5: 0750,0801, 0852, 0943,1030; 7: 0122,0138, 0167,0228,0240,0338; 8: 0040, 0057,0085, 0126,0172,0184, 0190; 10: 0305;11:0878;12:0022,0115,0119

Stockmar, Baron C.F. 5: 0232Sydney, Lord 8: 0702; 11: 0581Torrington, Lord 12: 0184,0200,0236,


from: Van de Weyer, Madame Sylvain 11: 0746,0755, 0760, 0764, 0774, 0783, 0796,0811,0845,0084

Van de Weyer, Sylvain 9: 0749, 0755, 0760, 0770,0775; 10: 0077,0245, 0344; 11: 0565, 0572,0583, 0654, 0721

Victoria, Empress of Germany 7: 0838; 9: 0142,0785, 0798; 10: 0045

Vivian, Lord 12: 0421, 0472,0486, 0507, 0520Waddington, Mary 8: 1008William I, King 10: 0083

memoranda 3: 0325, 0613; 5: 0243; 8: 0891telegram 8: 1013to: Albert Edward, Prince 10: 0059, 0233

Augusta, Empress 7: 0846Carnot, Cecile 8:1044Carnot, Sidi 8: 0885Clarendon, Lord 5: 0478; 6: 1029,1036;

11:0082,0277.0325d'Agioult, T. 8: 0089Dufferin, Lord 9: 0020, 0033Eug6nie, Empress 5: 0300; 6: 0762; 7: 0337Faure, Berthe 9: 0297Faure, Felix 9: 0245Frederick William IV, King 1: 0427Gladstone, William 8: 0610Granville, Lord 6: 0680,0683; 7: 0781, 0799,

0879; 8: 0316, 0419,0492, 0608Herbert, Michael 9: 0366Leopold II, King 10: 0332, 0372, 0945;

12: 0194, 0779Louis Philippe, King 1: 0344Louis Philippe Albert, Comte de Paris

8: 0685, 0692Lyons, Lord 8: 0412, 0447Malmesbury, Lord 4: 0284,0439, 0465, 0535,

0605, 0621,0691, 0765; 5: 0799, 0824, 0975Marie Amelie, Queen 1: 0348Monson, Sir Edmund 9: 0260Napoleon III 4: 0531; 5: 0985; 6: 0210,

0476; 7: 0244Nemours, Duke de 12:0760Orleans, Due d' 9: 0424Palmerston, Lord 1: 0197; 2: 0105, 0413, 0696,

0719, 0747; 3: 0214; 6: 0251, 0754Paris, Comtesse de 9: 0417Phipps, Sir Charles 10: 0090Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0005, 0058, 0228, 0271,

0382, 0626, 0633, 0639,0854; 11: 0801;12: 0001,0055,0067, 0117, 0122

Russell, Lord John 2: 0035,0301, 0722, 0729,0749,0767; 3: 0180,0197, 0207, 0239;4: 0880,0932; 6: 0057; 9: 0655, 0660


Page 98: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Victoria, Queen of Great Britain cont.to: Salisbury, Lord 8: 0755, 0764,0813,0856;

9: 0365; 12: 0569Stanley, Lord 3: 0831, 0846; 4: 0467,0689, 0699;

5: 0948; 7: 0091, 0136; 8: 0063, 0127Stockmar, Baron C.F. 5: 0256Waddington, Mary 8: 1002

Vllliers, F.H.to: Bigge, Sir Arthur 12: 0770

Villlers, Colonel George P.H.to: Lyons, Lord 8: 0458

Villiers, George William Frederick, 4th Earl of Clarendonfrom: Albert, Prince Consort 5: 0398

Beaulieu, Baron 11: 0368Cowley, Lord 5: 0667, 0845Granville, Lord 5: 0336Grey, Gen. Charles 10: 0766, 0940; 11: 0037,

0196, 0247,0261, 0408,0468O'Reilly, Andrew 5: 0609Palmerston, Lord 5:0486Sackville-West, Lionel 7: 0574Sophie, Queen 6: 0018Victoria, Queen 5: 0478; 6: 1029, 1036; 11: 0082,

0277, 0325to: Albert, Prince Consort 5: 0360, 0368, 0375, 0389,

0401, 0409,0680, 0844; 6: 0146Bloomfield, Lord 7: 0004, 0019, 0044British Ministers at Berne and German Courts

7:0033Cowley, Lord 5: 0047,0557;6: 0891, 0896,0918,

0922, 0939,0955,0984,1010; 7:0030,0073Gladstone, William 7: 0658Grey, Gen. Charles 10: 0929, 0952; 11: 0171,

0254, 0329Lumley, Sir John 10: 0770, 0948; 11: 0041, 0100,

0102, 0165,0174, 0188, 0346,0434,0520Lyons, Lord 7: 0615; 10: 0840, 0914; 11: 0031,

0058, 0134,0180, 0186, 0351,0356,0527Palmerston, Lord 5:0296Russell, Lord John 2: 0132Victoria, Queen 5: 0085,0238, 0240, 0262, 0273,

0302, 0325,0329, 0335,0378, 0414,0420,0474, 0500,0524, 0530, 0569,0577,0603,0611,0664,0676,0682, 0688, 0723,0733,0737; 6: 0845, 0873, 0881, 0889,0913, 0926,0938, 0961,0961,1009,1020,1034; 7: 0548,0606, 0610, 0618; 10: 0768,0883, 0899,0901,0922; 11: 0039, 0056, 0119,0163, 0193, 0200,0230, 0237, 0245, 0268, 0273, 0348, 0371,0390, 0414, 0481, 0492, 0511

Vincent, C.H.report: 8: 0336

Vivian, Lordsee Crespigny, Hussey

Waddlngton, Maryfrom: Victoria, Queen 8: 1002to: Victoria, Queen 8: 1008

Waddlngton, William Henryto: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0825,0852,0887,0896

Wales, Prince ofsee Albert Edward, Prince of Wales

Walewskl, Countfrom: Hohenlohe, Prince 4: 0840

Malmesbury, Lord 4: 0512to: Ely, Lady 5: 0288

Malmesbury, Lord 4: 0500; 5: 0752Persigny, Count 5: 0865

Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellingtonfrom: Lamartine, Alphonse de 1: 0381, 0694

Russell, Lord John 1: 0575,0694Wellesley, F.I: 0386,0574

to: Albert, Prince Consort 1: 0372Lamartine, Alphonse de 1: 0385Russell, Lord John 1: 0379,0571, 0694

Wellesley, F.to: Wellington, Duke of 1:0386, 0574

Wellesley, Reverend Gerard (Dean of Windsor)from: Cowley, Lord 6: 0742

Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0095to: Ponsonby, Sir Henry 8: 0094

Wellesley, Henry Richard Charles, 1st Earl Cowleyfrom: Claremont, Col. Edward 5: 0567,0588, 0994,

1038; 6: 0340, 0990; 7: 0182, 0326Claremont, Col. W. 6:0689Clarendon, Lord 5: 0047, 0557; 6: 0891,

0896,0918,0922, 0939, 0955,0984,1010; 7: 0030, 0073

Drouyn de Lhuys, Edouard 4: 0493; 6: 0512, 0552Eug6nie, Empress 5: 0939Foreign Office 6:0520,1021.Hore, CapL E. 6: 0283, 0712Malmesbury, Lord 4: 0441,0529; 5: 0768, 0810,

0848,0889Mettemich, Prince 6: 0788Napoleon III 6: 0360Russell. Lord John 5: 0013; 6: 0067, 0157,0233,

0394,0471.0479, 0510,0541,0545, 0561,0632,0653,0772, 0789

Stanley, Lord 7: 0089,0115,0166; 10: 0287memoranda 4:0485; 6: 0100,0399,0725, 0816; 7: 0148to: Aberdeen, Lord 9: 0454

Clarendon, Lord 5: 0667, 0845Drouyn de Lhuys, Edouard 4: 0483


Page 99: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

Wellesley, Henry Richard Charles, 1st Earl Cowley cont.to: Foreign Office 3: 0772,0827,0833, 0873, 0918,

0957, 0960,0977,0987,1065,1118,1122;4: 0016,0045, 0062,0086, 0095,0111, 0143,0155,0175,0196,0224, 0247,0257,0263,0335,0347, 0408,0461,0469,0546, 0560,0645,0657, 0674,0683,0703,0801, 0816,0854, 0873, 0878,0881,0899, 0912,0940,0998,1039; 5: 0001, 0011, 0025,0038,0043, 0239, 0241,0305,0327, 0331, 0331,0377, 0411, 0415,0468,0479, 0492, 0503,0509, 0521,0534,0566, 0579, 0586, 0605,0613, 0669, 0677,0684, 0690, 0698, 0735,0761, 0776, 0790,0806,0829, 0836, 0869,0878, 0894, 0906,0913, 0927, 0930, 0935,0949, 0964, 0982,0988,1012,1020, 1034,1054; 6: 0044, 0051,0065.0094,0145,0149,0172,0193,0227, 0237, 0273, 0286,0309, 0322, 0327,0348, 0372, 0376, 0397,0405,0409, 0422,0430, 0439, 0484,0496,0509, 0512,0515,0525,0551, 0553,0583,0595, 0601, 0619,0627,0634, 0642,0649,0662, 0666,0706,0719,0728, 0767,0782,0792, 0796. 0804,0820, 0829,0846, 0865,0875,0882,0895, 0897,0920, 0927,0946,0954, 0959,0962,0988.0992; 7: 0026,0038, 0060, 0076,0092,0120, 0124,0142,0152, 0167, 0173,0191,0195, 0201, 0210,0280, 0291,0303; 9: 0461, 0500,0506,0525, 0532. 0605,0614, 0646

Malmesbury, Lord 4: 0008Russell, Lord John 4: 0959; 6: 0360,0369Stanley, Lord 5: 1032Wellesley, Rev. Geraid 6: 0742

Wellington, Duke ofsee Wellesley, Arthur

Westmorland, Earl ofsee Fane, John

William I, King of Prussiamemorandum 4: 0709to: ? 3: 0954

Albert, Prince Consort 6: 0262Victoria, Queen 10: 0083

William II, King of the Netherlandsto: Leopold I, King 1:0814

Wlllmar, Baronfrom: d'Hoffschmidt, C. 1: 0454

Wimmer, (Dr.?)to: Clark, Sir James 9: 0745

Wodehouse, John, 1st Earl of Kimberleyto: Victoria, Queen 9: 0007

Wood, Sir Charlesfrom: Ellice, Edward 2: 0680


Page 100: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of he Papers of ...and Prince Albert, Coburg, 1985, in the series of essays edited for the Prince Albert Society by A. M. Birke, gives a short but

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