a look back at my sisters' early years


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Post on 06-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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My younger sisters are turning 60. It is time for a look back at their early years. Thanks to our late dad for keeping such an extensive photo collection.


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In the Beginning there was a couple who travelled the world as government agents. They were given code names by which they were universally known. …


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After a lifetime of service to the country they settled in a paradise known as Riversmead

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They created an ark which they also called MOUSA


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They begat a bunch of children, four of whom grew to be …

Freddie Helen Barbara George

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Helen, the eldest, took to herself a mate who she named Jim but she sometimes called him other things

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In a short time they begat four brethren who they called….





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All were happy when the brethren could visit the paradise called Riversmead until . . .. ..

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Helen and Jim got to doing some more begetting…….

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Philip begged his mother not to do it !

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..to no avail. Soon the brethren had two more mouths to feed.

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The brethren had to work long hours in the fields

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. . . while the sisters just stood around looking cute!

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Attempts were made to eliminate the sisters by… turning them inside out

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By abandoning them on a mountain

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By leading them in to deep waters

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And finally by getting wild horses. . .

…to carry them away

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However soon the brethren came to realize that the sisters could be ignored but they would not go away.

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In truth it was a happy family that enjoyed going to worship together

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The coming of the sisters seemed to open the floodgates of begetting among the relatives!!!

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Soon cuteness abounded

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The sisters were even included in the family Christmas Eve photo

1956 1957 1958

1959 1960 1961


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Christmas was a time for great family gatherings

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Sometimes the sisters showed their charitable side and took in the less fortunate

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Of course great pyramids had to be constructed

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The ‘Nine-Year-Old Club’ plus two

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In 1957 Pop and Mousa created an oasis at Riversmead

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The oasis brought members of the tribes from far and wide to visit the paradise called Riversmead

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It was an all season playground

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The sisters felt they had a special claim to the oasis

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Others had to wait their turns…

…and pay homage from the diving board

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Boys lined up to pay their homage

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But the sisters, encouraged by their mother, turned their back on all suitors

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A cure was found for the sisters….

…. Education

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We can’t stay young forever so in time the brethren and the sisters moved away from paradise and lived happily ever after.

The paradise was put in the capable hands of…

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The Limbo King !!!

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From time to time the clans returned to Riversmead to re-live the past and honour the departed


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And every so often history would repeat itself.