a look into what started the renaissance ms. nardo english i

THE TUTORS & QUEEN ELIZABETH I A look into what started the Renaissance Ms. Nardo English I

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Page 1: A look into what started the Renaissance Ms. Nardo English I


ELIZABETH IA look into what started the Renaissance

Ms. Nardo

English I

Page 2: A look into what started the Renaissance Ms. Nardo English I

KING HENRY VIII His last name was

Tutor Most infamous king

of England Reigning from

1509–1547 known for being a

“Ladies Man” Did good things for

England but known more for his love life

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The daughter of Isabell & Ferdinand who were the King & Queen of Spain (very powerful at the time)

Devout Catholic (with rumored church connections)

Very well-liked by the country of England.

Had one daughter, Mary, and was unable to create a male heir which was important for his blood line to continue

Henry was known to sleep with Catherine’s Ladies in Waiting (personal Maids) which is how he met Anne.

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ANNE BOLEYN: 2ND WIFE Anne’s father, Sir

William Boleyn, was a social climber

Introduced both her and her step-sister to Henry (The Other Boleyn Girl)

A Protestant unlike Catherine

It is said that Anne even promised Henry a boy something Catherina could not deliver

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CATHERINE VS. ANNE In order for Anne to marry Henry he had to get their

marriage a null (get the Catholic Church, the church of the country, to say that the marriage was never real); no consummation.

Since Catherine was well involved with the church it was clear that they would not grant it.

Infuriated by the church, Henry charged the entire them with having taken away royal authority in canon law (church laws) which governs faith, discipline and morals. He declared himself supreme head and decided to renounce the Catholic Church and turned England in to a Protestant country and formed The Church of England

The country did not like this since they adored Catherine but some of the country preferred the Protestant rule. With that, Anne won.

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Gave birth to a daughter Elizabeth He disowned his older daughter Mary

and made her Anne’s nanny When Catherine died, Anne became

pregnant for the 2nd time Aware that if she did not give birth to a

son, her life as queen would end; with both wives dead, Henry would be free to remarry and no one could claim that the union was illegal.

Luckily Anne Gave birth to a boy! However he was a still born.

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Since Anne could not live up to her promise Henry decided it was time to get rid of her

Rumors surrounded Anne saying she was unfaithful to the king; possible relationship with her brother (George Boleyn who refused the Order of the Garter)

She was accused of heresy (unlawful action against the church) and treason then sentenced her to death by decapitation. Off with her head!

At this point he also places Elizabeth in bastard status

Henry at the time took up another mistress named Jane Seymour

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JANE SEYMOUR: 3RD WIFE Anne’s lady in

waiting A wife Henry

loved very much The only one that

was able to give him a son, Edward

Birth was so grueling that Jane did not make it

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Anne of Cleves: Was from Germany; Henry sent out a painter to capture all the ladies & come back so he could pick. He picked Anne but legend stands that when he saw her arrived realized she wasn’t at all what he painting looked like and soon after had their marriage annulled; Henry moved on to the next laid in waiting

Katheryn Howards: 30 years younger than Henry (was deteriorating by now); rumored to having an affair with one of Henry’s closest friends; also have connection to Anne Boylen; Accused of treason for having the affair (to which she never admitted to) and was beheaded.

Katherine Parr: Last wife; influenced Henry to pass the Third Succession Act; was married 3 times before she married Henry and was appointed to lead England while he was away and until Edward came of age; educated his children (especially Elizabth) only queen to publish two books under her name; was with Henry until he died

4th: Anne of Cleves

5th: Katheryn Howards

6th: Katherine Parr

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SO WHO’S WATCHING ENGLAND? Edward took the thrown when he was 9 however he was a

sickly boy and dies by the age of 15 Henry’s only two heirs: Elizabeth & Mary (who do not have a

good history) Mary was older so she received the thrown even though

Elizabeth and Edward were close due to their religion (Protestant)

She reigned from 1516–1558 and her main mission was to make England a Catholic country again (Like her mother Catherine)

The country was divided, so Mary made it law to either convert or be put to death. She even went as far as to send her sister to the Tower of England since she refused to convert.

Thus she earned the name Bloody Mary Mary then becomes very sick and send s a letter to Elizabeth

in the tower stating that she will not kill her if when she dies she continues her “good” work and convert (because she would be next in line). Elizabeth refuses again but this time Mary dies before she can sign the letter of death.

Then England receives it’s most prized leader, Elizabeth I.

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QUEEN ELIZABETH I Coronate in 1559 the most loved queen of England

and during her reign between 1558 -1603 it was known as the “Golden Era” due to the 50 years of peace

Makes the English Navy much more powerful and defeats the Spanish Armada (Even suited up in armor and deliver what is known as Speech to the Troops at Tilbury)

She never marries and earns the nickname of “The Virgin Queen”

Was the one to recognize Shakespeare’s talent and was a major role in his writings especially the ones where women are stronger than men.

“I know I have the body of a weak, feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king” – Speech to the Troops Tilbury