a neuroidal architecture for cognitive computationweb.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/relation-pac.pdf ·...

A Neuroidal Architecture for Cognitive Computation LESLIE G. VALIANT Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Abstract. An architecture is described for designing systems that acquire and manipulate large amounts of unsystematized, or so-called commonsense, knowledge. Its aim is to exploit to the full those aspects of computational learning that are known to offer powerful solutions in the acquisition and maintenance of robust knowledge bases. The architecture makes explicit the requirements on the basic computational tasks that are to be performed and is designed to make these computationally tractable even for very large databases. The main claims are that (i) the basic learning and deduction tasks are provably tractable and (ii) tractable learning offers viable approaches to a range of issues that have been previously identified as problematic for artificial intelligence systems that are programmed. Among the issues that learning offers to resolve are robustness to inconsistencies, robustness to incomplete information and resolving among alternatives. Attribute-efficient learning algorithms, which allow learning from few examples in large dimensional systems, are fundamental to the approach. Underpinning the overall architecture is a new principled approach to manipulating relations in learning systems. This approach, of independently quantified arguments, allows proposi- tional learning algorithms to be applied systematically to learning relational concepts in polynomial time and in a modular fashion. Categories and Subject Descriptions: F1.1 [Computation by Abstract Devices]: Models of computa- tion—neural networks; I2.0 [Artificial Intelligence]: General—cognitive simulation; I2.4 [Artificial Intelligence]: Knowledge Representation Formalisms and Methods; I2.6 [Artificial Intelligence]: Learning General Terms: Algorithms, Theory Additional Key Words and Phrases: Cognitive computation, computational learning, learning rela- tions, nonmonotonic reasoning, PAC learning, robust reasoning 1. Introduction We take the view that intelligence is a large-scale computational phenomenon. It is associated with large amounts of knowledge, abilities to manipulate this knowledge to derive conclusions about situations not previously experienced, the This research was supported in part by NSF grants CCR 95-04436 and CCR 98-77049, ONR grant N00014-96-1-0550, and ARO grant DAAL-03-92-G-0115. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1443. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998, pp. 642– 669. Author’s address: Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. Permission to make digital / hard copy of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage, the copyright notice, the title of the publication, and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Inc. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. © 2000 ACM 0004-5411/00/0900-0854 $05.00 Journal of the ACM, Vol. 47, No. 5, September 2000, pp. 854 –882.

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Page 1: A Neuroidal Architecture for Cognitive Computationweb.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/relation-pac.pdf · Attribute-efficient learning algorithms, which allow learning from few examples in

A Neuroidal Architecture for Cognitive Computation


Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Abstract. An architecture is described for designing systems that acquire and manipulate largeamounts of unsystematized, or so-called commonsense, knowledge. Its aim is to exploit to the fullthose aspects of computational learning that are known to offer powerful solutions in the acquisitionand maintenance of robust knowledge bases. The architecture makes explicit the requirements on thebasic computational tasks that are to be performed and is designed to make these computationallytractable even for very large databases. The main claims are that (i) the basic learning and deductiontasks are provably tractable and (ii) tractable learning offers viable approaches to a range of issuesthat have been previously identified as problematic for artificial intelligence systems that areprogrammed. Among the issues that learning offers to resolve are robustness to inconsistencies,robustness to incomplete information and resolving among alternatives. Attribute-efficient learningalgorithms, which allow learning from few examples in large dimensional systems, are fundamental tothe approach. Underpinning the overall architecture is a new principled approach to manipulatingrelations in learning systems. This approach, of independently quantified arguments, allows proposi-tional learning algorithms to be applied systematically to learning relational concepts in polynomialtime and in a modular fashion.

Categories and Subject Descriptions: F1.1 [Computation by Abstract Devices]: Models of computa-tion—neural networks; I2.0 [Artificial Intelligence]: General—cognitive simulation; I2.4 [ArtificialIntelligence]: Knowledge Representation Formalisms and Methods; I2.6 [Artificial Intelligence]:Learning

General Terms: Algorithms, Theory

Additional Key Words and Phrases: Cognitive computation, computational learning, learning rela-tions, nonmonotonic reasoning, PAC learning, robust reasoning

1. Introduction

We take the view that intelligence is a large-scale computational phenomenon. Itis associated with large amounts of knowledge, abilities to manipulate thisknowledge to derive conclusions about situations not previously experienced, the

This research was supported in part by NSF grants CCR 95-04436 and CCR 98-77049, ONR grantN00014-96-1-0550, and ARO grant DAAL-03-92-G-0115.A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1443.Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998, pp. 642– 669.Author’s address: Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge,MA 02138.Permission to make digital / hard copy of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use isgranted without fee provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercialadvantage, the copyright notice, the title of the publication, and its date appear, and notice is giventhat copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Inc. To copyotherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permissionand / or a fee.© 2000 ACM 0004-5411/00/0900-0854 $05.00

Journal of the ACM, Vol. 47, No. 5, September 2000, pp. 854 –882.

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capability to acquire more knowledge, and the ability to learn and applystrategies of some complexity.

The large-scale nature of the phenomenon suggests two prerequisites forconstructing artificial systems with these characteristics. First, some theoreticalbasis has to be found within which the various apparent impediments to thisendeavor that have been identified can be addressed systematically. Second,some large-scale experiments need to be conducted to validate the suggestedbasis–it is possible that the fundamental phenomena do not scale down and thatsmall-scale experiments do not shed light on them.

Much effort has been devoted to identifying such a theoretical basis. Onemajor thrust has been to develop definitions of capabilities that are functionallyadequate. Functionalities that, even if realized, would not go far towardsachieving a significant level of performance are of little interest. Another thrusthas been the search for capabilities that are demonstrably computationallyfeasible. Functionalities that are computationally intractable are again of littledirect interest. A third viewpoint is that of biological plausibility. Perhaps anunderstanding of how cortex is constrained to perform these tasks would suggestspecific mechanisms that the other viewpoints are not able to provide.

The hypothesis of this paper is that for intelligent systems to be realized thesought after theoretical basis has not only to be discovered, but needs to beembodied in an architecture that offers guidelines for constructing them. Com-posed as these systems will be of possibly numerous components, each perform-ing a different function, and each connected to the others in a possibly complexoverall design, there will need to be some unity of nature among the components,their interfaces, and the mechanisms they use.

Our purpose here is to describe a candidate for such an architecture. Thiscandidate emerged from a study that attempted to look at the issues of functionaladequacy, computational feasibility and biological constraints together [Valiant1994]. We call the architecture neuroidal since it respects the most basicconstraints imposed by that model of neural computation. One feature of thatstudy was that it was a “whole systems” study. It addressed a range of issuessimultaneously insisting on biological and computational feasibility, plausible andsimple interactions with the outside world, and adequate explanations about theinternal control of the system. It suggested that, while definitions of intelligenceand thinking may continue to prove elusive, there may be a basic computationalsubstrate that systems that realize these phenomena need to share, which may beidentified more easily. We believe that the functions and mechanisms associatedwith this substrate characterize an area that transcends both natural and artificialcomputation and is appropriately described as cognitive computation.

In abstracting an architecture from that neural study, as we do here, wedispense with some of the most onerous constraints considered there to beimposed by biology. In the mammalian brain, these constraints include thesparsity of the interconnections among the components, the inaccessibility of theseparate components to an external teacher or trainer, and certain bounds on theweights of individual synapses. In artificial systems, these constraints are notfundamental, and in order to maximize the computational power of the architec-ture we free ourselves of them here.

Our purpose in describing the architecture is to suggest it as a basis for largescale experiments. A first critical issue clearly, is whether the architecture is

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theoretically adequate: Can some of the obstacles that have been identified byresearchers be solved, in principle, within the model? Are there further funda-mental obstacles?

We observe that the McCulloch–Pitts model may turn out to be a validarchitecture for intelligence if it turns out that threshold elements represent wellthe basic steps of cortical computation. Its shortcoming, clearly, is that it doesnot appear to offer useful guidelines for constructing systems or for understand-ing their capabilities.

Our architecture, in contrast, is designed to provide a design methodology. Inparticular, its main feature is that it comes with a set of associated algorithmsand mechanisms. The two basic constituents of the architecture are classicalenough, being circuit units consisting of linear threshold elements, and short-termmemory devices called image units. The novelty is that for aggregates of suchdevices we can detail how the accompanying mechanisms can perform a list oftasks that address significant problems. The bulk of this paper is devoted toenumerating these problems and describing how they can be addressed. Ourpurpose here is to point out that this broad variety of mechanisms can besupported on this single unified architecture, and that together, they go someway toward addressing an impressive array of problems.

In particular, we shall provide mechanisms to address the following eightquestions. We consider that any large scale system exhibiting intelligent behavioras we envision that here will have to take a position on each of them.

(1) Conflict Resolution. What mechanism is provided to ensure that choicesbetween plausible but inconsistent alternative actions or classifications areresolved in a principled manner?

(2) Learning from Few Examples. What mechanism is provided to ensure thatinductive learning can be performed even when few examples are availableand the description of each one is highly complex?

(3) Multiple Objects and Relations. When concepts need to be expressed in termsof relations among several objects rather than as a propositional combinationof predicates about one object, what mechanism is provided to ensure thatthe learning of the concept and the recognition of instances of the concept,are computationally feasible?

(4) Learning Strategies. How is the learning of sequential processes, such asstrategies, handled?

(5) Robustness. How is the system made resilient to errors or to inconsistent useof categories in the descriptions of the examples or the rules that aresupplied to the system, and hence able to cope with a noisy world?

(6) Context. What mechanisms are provided to help cope with the fact thatindividual rules usually apply only in restricted contexts?

(7) Reasoning. What mechanisms are provided for reasoning, and to what extentare they sound and computationally tractable?

(8) Reasoning with Partial Information. How are the issues of incomplete infor-mation and nonmontonic reasoning addressed?

The extent to which the architecture constitutes progress toward constructingintelligent systems remains to be determined. The performance of a system


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would clearly depend on both the high-level design as well as the quality of thetraining data. The magnitude of the problems that each of these two componentspresents will become apparent from any large-scale experimentation.

The largest benefit that this architecture promises is a capability for realizinglarge robust knowledge bases by learning by a process that one might call massiveknowledge infusion. We expect that in order that this potential be fully realizedthere will be needed a significant new kind of effort directed towards thepreparation of teaching materials. It would be convenient if currently availableresources such as dictionaries and annotated corpora of text were usable.However, since the system will not operate identically to humans, the teachingmaterials needed cannot be expected to be identical to those that are effectivefor humans. The system and teaching materials need to be chosen so as to fiteach other, and we believe that the development of these in tandem is a majorchallenge for future research. Although, clearly, there is much data currentlyavailable in natural language form, aside from the issue of natural languageunderstanding, there is the independent question of whether these materialsmake explicit all the commonsense and other information that one would wish asystem to know.

To summarize, the main feature of the architecture is that it brings learning tothe heart of the general problem of intelligence. Recent advances in machinelearning help to distinguish those aspects of learning that have very effectivecomputational solutions, from those for which none is known. For example, theproblem of finding new compound features that are particularly effective in aspecific learning task is not one to which general effective solutions are known.In contrast, we know that for some classes of functions the presence of irrelevantfeatures can be tolerated in very large numbers without degrading learningperformance. Our proposal, therefore, is that insights of this kind be incorpo-rated into the design of systems that perform cognitive computations. We claimthat this approach does offer a new view of some of the now traditional problemsof artificial intelligence, and alleviates at least some of them.

On a historical note, it is interesting to recall Turing’s [1950] paper on“Computing Machinery and Intelligence” in which he describes his “Test”. Whilehe considers the possibility that a programmed system might be built to solve it,he appears to come out in favor of a learning machine. In the subsequent historyof research on general intelligent systems, the overwhelming emphasis has beenon programmed systems. We believe that this was largely because there existed amathematical basis for following this avenue, namely mathematical logic. How-ever, in the intervening years there has been much progress on the theoreticalfoundations of machine learning, as well as success in the experimental study oflearning algorithms. It is, therefore, particularly appropriate now to reexaminewhether a synthesis can be found that resolves Turing’s dilemma.

2. The Architecture

A system having the proposed architecture is composed of a number of circuitunits and a number of image units. The image units can be thought of as theshort-term or working memory of the system: In the course of an interaction withthe world or of a complex reasoning act, this is where the intermediate resultsare stored. The circuit units are the long-term repositories of large amounts of

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knowledge: their contents can be updated both by inductive learning as well asthrough explicit programming, but each individual update changes only a smallpart of the total long-term knowledge base.

The circuit units are defined so as to ensure that they have the most desirablelearning capabilities, in particular error-resilience and attribute-efficiency. Forthis reason, we shall define them here to consist of one layer of linear thresholdgates. The circuit units have one layer of inputs that are the inputs to these gates,and one layer of outputs that are the outputs of the gates themselves. Theweights of the threshold elements can be either learned or programmed. Inprinciple, any set of functions that is superior as far as expressiveness orlearnability could be used instead of threshold functions to enhance the architec-ture.

The intention is that each output gate in a circuit unit recognize somepredicate. We say that it “fires” if such recognition has occurred in the sense thatthe output has taken value one or “true.” The inputs may be Boolean or realvalued. The latter is needed if, for example, some of the inputs are from inputdevices or image units that produce numerical values.

The image units are the main repositories for the transient information that iscomputed in a recognition, reasoning or planning task (cf. Miller [1956]). In thispaper, we shall, for illustrative purposes, employ a particular instance of themdesigned to make them directly comparable to predicate calculus mechanisms. Inthis instance, the contents of the image at any time consists of a set of tokenobjects, and a set of relational expressions that describe the properties of andrelationships among the objects represented. The information in the image unitmay be provided to the inputs of circuit units. The contents of the image unitsmay be modified by the outputs of circuit units or by input devices that take inputfrom the outside world. Thus, image units can be used both to store informationreceived from the outside world through sensory devices, as well as to store“imaginary constructs” that are useful for the system’s internal computationalprocesses. It is possible to have a number of such constructs in the imagesimultaneously in a novel combination. The system can then bring to bear thepower of the large knowledge base stored in its circuits on a representation of acomplex situation not previously represented in it. In general, an image unit maybe used to analyze an input, to perform deduction on it, or to perform planningby enumerating a sequence of imaginary depictions of possible sequences offuture situations. Our use of predicate calculus notation is mainly for illustrativepurposes. For processing visual information, for example, other representationsmay be preferable and image units might be formalized in other ways toincorporate that fact.

The circuit and image units will be composed together in a block diagram sothat the outputs of some of the units are identified with the inputs of others.Typically, image units will interface directly with circuit units, rather than otherimage units. Some inputs of some units are identified with the outputs of inputdevices, and some outputs with the inputs of output devices. The block diagrammay ultimately contain feedback or cycles. It will typically include a stack ofcircuit units that represent concepts that are more and more complex and furtherremoved from the perceptual data inputs.

In any implementation of the architecture, mechanisms need to be specifiedfor realizing a range of tasks, such as those enumerated in Section 4. In addition,


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some further mechanisms are needed to allow the acquisition of programmedknowledge. For example, new output gates may be added to a circuit unit and theparameters or weights of these gates assigned appropriate values so that they fireunder the intended conditions. These added gates can then also serve as targetsfor inductive learning or as inputs to other units. One method of adding to thecircuit is to add gates to represent various fixed functions of existing nodes so asto enrich the feature space. Thus, one may add nodes that compute theconjunction of all pairs from a certain set of existing nodes. Another method ofprogramming a circuit is to change a weight between an existing pair of nodes.Thus, one can create a subcircuit to realize “grass f green” by making theweight from the node representing “grass” to that representing “green” largerthan the threshold of the latter.

2.1. OVERVIEW. We shall outline here the properties that are required for adevice to be an image unit. In the section to follow, we shall describe oneparticular realization of image units that is based on predicate calculus notationand highlights how our approach can be used to generalize the capabilities ofcertain logic-based AI systems.

An image unit will at any instant contain some data that we call a scene S . Thescene itself consists of a number of object tokens a1, . . . , aN as well asinformation about the properties of the objects and about the relationshipsamongst them. This information may be represented, in principle, in any numberof ways, among which predicate calculus notation is one.

The computational processes that we describe are entirely in terms of interac-tions among the circuit units and the image units. The circuit units are therepositories of rules that may have been acquired by either learning or program-ming. These rules are applied in the image units to the scene in question. Welimit the number N of objects in the image units to some moderate number, say10, so as to limit ab initio the computational cost of the so-called bindingproblem, which is concerned with matching variables in the stored relationalrules to objects in the scene.

Although we use standard logical notation to describe the contents of theimage or to label circuit nodes, our interpretation of this notation is slightlydifferent from the usual. In particular the objects a1, . . . , aN in our architectureare best viewed as tokens or internal artifacts of the system. They are notintended to refer to the external world in the same direct way as in more familiaruses of the predicate calculus. Further, the primary semantics that we ascribe tonodes in the system are the PAC semantics described in Section 3 and in Valiant[2000] rather than the standard semantics of predicate calculus.

Each node of a circuit unit is at any one instant in some state. Most simply, itis in one of two states that indicates whether or not the predicate associated withthe node is true of the current scene in the associated image unit. However, itcan, in principle, also contain further information, such as a real number thatexpresses a confidence level for the validity of the predicate (cf. neuroids inValiant [1994]).

Each node can be thought of as representing a relation, for example,

R~ x1, x2, x3! ,

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where the variables range over the objects a1, . . . , aN in the scene. We shall, forsimplicity, emphasize in this paper the restricted case that all the quantifiedvariables are quantified existentially. Thus, the threshold gate at this node willfire, in general, if R( x1, x2, x3) holds for the current scene for some binding ofx1, x2, x3 to a1, . . . , aN. As discussed in Valiant [2000], this case can begeneralized without any substantial changes to allow arbitrary use of universal inaddition to existential quantifications.

While no general assumptions are made about how R is represented, it isassumed that when an expression of the form R( x1, x2, x3) is recognized to holdfor the current scene, a corresponding binding, or mapping u from { x1, x2, x3} 3{a1, . . . , aN} is made explicit in the system. To be precise, therefore, when anode for R fires, it fires for a particular binding u. For brevity, where this leads tono ambiguity, we shall use R variously to refer to the predicate computed, thevalue of the predicate or to the node itself that evaluates R.

An aggregate of circuit units is a directed graph in which each connectionbetween a pair of nodes that is connected is associated with a weight. Each nodehas an update function that updates its state as a function of its previous state,the states of nodes from which there are directed edges to it as well as theweights of these edges. More particularly each circuit unit is a directed graph ofdepth one (i.e., one layer of input nodes, one layer of output nodes, and no“hidden layer”) and the update functions are linear threshold functions.

A directed edge from a node representing R1 to a node representing R2

contains binding information called the connection binding R1 3 R2. If the nodesrepresent R1( x1, x2, x3) and R2( y1, y2, y3), then the binding information couldspecify, for example, that x1 and y2 have to represent the same object in theimage but that x2, x3, y1 and y3 may be objects arbitrarily different from eachother.

There may be several connections from R1 to R2, each one corresponding to adifferent connection binding and having a different weight. For example, if R2

represents the notion of grandparent and R1 that of parent, then in thedefinition of the former one may wish to invoke the latter twice with differentbindings.

Thus, if grandparent_via( x1, x2, x3) is to represent that x1 is the grandparentof x3 via x2, and if parent( y1, y2) represents that y1 is the parent of y2, thenthere would be two connections from parent to grandparent_via: In one, thebinding would be x1 5 y1, x2 5 y2 while in the other x2 5 y1 and x3 5 y2. If theweight of each connection is 1 and the threshold at the node grandparent_via is2, then the appropriate conjunction parent( x1, x2)∧parent( x2, x3) would becomputed.

The scene s in an image unit contains information about which relations holdfor which object sets. An aggregate of circuit units will be evaluated for any onescene S node by node. For a node that represents relation R( x1, . . . , xi) the setof all bindings u{ x1, . . . , xi} 3 {a1, . . . , aN} that make R hold will beevaluated. If the node R has inputs from nodes R1 and R2, and the gate at Revaluates the threshold function R1 1 R2 $ 2, for example, then R will fire fora binding u if there exist bindings u1, u2 of the variables of R1 and R2 that areconsistent with u with respect to the connection bindings R1 3 R and R2 3 R,and make both R1 and R2 true.


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We note that in the example of the previous paragraph, if R 5 grandparent_via and R1 5 R2 5 parent, and N 5 5, then for u ( x1) 5 a5, u ( x2) 5 a2,u ( x3) 5 a4, the node for R would fire for binding u if the following conditionsheld: parent(a5, a2) 5 1 and parent(a2, a4) 5 1. The reason is that thebindings u1 and u2, where u1( y1) 5 a5, u1( y2) 5 a2, u2( y1) 5 a2 and u2( y2) 5a4 are consistent with u with respect to the stated connection bindings for thetwo occurrences of parent( y1, y2), and make these two occurrences true.

More generally, it may be that R( x1, x2) is a function of R1( y1, y2) andR2( z1, z2) and arguments occur in R1 and R2 that are not bound to thearguments of R by the connection bindings. Suppose, for example, that y1 5 x1,z1 5 x2 and that y2 and z2 are not bound. Then, the architecture allows theunbound variables to be quantified, either universally or existentially, and thisinformation to be encoded in the corresponding connection binding, as long asthe quantification in R1 is independent of that in R2. Thus

f~?yR1~ x1, y! , @zR2~ x2, z!! f R~ x1, x2! (2.1)

is possible where f is a threshold function of two Boolean arguments. Theexistential quantification ?yR1 denotes that, for some object y in the scene,R1( x1, y) is true. The universal quantification @zR2 denotes that, for all objectsz in the scene, R2( x2, z) is true. The important constraint is that the quantifica-tions in the various arguments of f cannot constrain each other. This restrictionwe call independently quantified arguments (IQA). This is the main singletechnical innovation that permits the architecture to successfully unify learningand reasoning in a relational setting while retaining computational tractability. Itprovides a direct method of learning in a relational domain by means of apropositional learning algorithm. This is described in more detail in Valiant[2000]. Certain alternative ways of treating relations systematically in a learningcontext appear to introduce intractability almost from the start [Haussler 1989].

2.2. AN IMPLEMENTATION OF IMAGE UNITS. We shall describe an implemen-tation that is oriented towards predicate calculus notation, but extends it in thedirections advocated in this paper to allow for effective learning with attribute-efficiency and error-resilience. We consider the following restriction of thelanguage of predicate calculus (e.g., Russell and Norvig [1995, p. 186]). Asconstants, we shall choose the base objects !B 5 {a1, . . . , aN} of the imageunit. We allow a set 5 of base relations of arities that are arbitrary but upperbounded by a constant a. We use no function symbols. We represent variablenames by { x1, . . . , xn} and relations will be defined in terms of these. Forillustrative purposes, we shall observe that any programmed system in whichknowledge is described as Horn clauses, without function symbols can beembedded into this framework. The central role in AI systems of this language ofdescription is discussed by Russell and Norvig [1995, pp. 265–277] and this is alsothe datalog framework in databases [Ullman 1984]. We are observing, therefore,that in at least this one possible implementation of our architecture, it is the casethat a significant class of existing programmed systems can be embedded. Ourmain claim, however, is that the additional benefits of being more expressive andof having a powerful learning capability make our system superior in kind overHorn representations. Also, while we are showing here that the functioncomputed at a circuit gate can be interpreted as a logical rule, it is the case that

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such a function can be associated with probabilistic information in addition, suchas a probability of being correct.

The two features of predicate calculus that we exclude, therefore, are constantsthat refer directly to individuals in the world, for example, Shakespeare, andfunctions that can be applied to them to refer to other individuals, for example,mother_of(Shakespeare). In our system, the only constants are the predefinedbase objects of the image, which are internal constructs of the system. In order torefer to an individual like Shakespeare, we shall use a unary predicate that canbe applied to a base object. Thus, Shakespeare (a3) would express the fact thata3 has the attributes of Shakespeare. Also, we dispense with function symbols byreferring to the resulting object as a base object, and by expressing the necessaryrelationship by an appropriate relation symbol. Thus instead of saying x1 5mother_of( x2) we would say mother_of( x1, x2), where the latter is a binaryrelation. In these senses, we ensure that the two linguistic restrictions, onconstants and functions symbols, do not constrain absolutely what can beexpressed. The aim of these restrictions is to impose some upper bound, namelyN, on the number of token objects that the system needs to represent in an imageat any one time. Note that by using appropriate encodings one can have such atoken object in the image represent a set of many objects in the world.

A term will be therefore a base object ai, and an atomic sentence will be asingle relation such as mother_of [ 5 applied to the appropriate number of baseobjects (e.g., mother_of(a3, a7). A Horn rule will be an implication

Ri1~ xi1,1, · · · xi1,a(i1)! ∧ · · · ∧ Rir

~ xir,1, · · · , xir,a(ir)!

f Ri0~ xi0,1, · · · , xi0,a(i0)! .

where Rij[ 5 and a(k) is the arity of Rk [ 5. We note that 5 may include the

zero arity relation False which signifies logical impossibility and may be usedmeaningfully for Ri0

on the right-hand side of an implication. Horn rules mayhave some of the x arguments instantiated by fixed values from !, but all theother x variables are to be interpreted as quantified universally over !.

A binding u is a mapping from { x1, . . . , xn} to {a1, . . . , aN}. We say that arelation R( x1, x2, x3) is made true by u if R(u ( x1), u ( x2), u ( x3)), or R(u ( x))for short, holds. The derivation rule modus ponens is the following:

“if Ri1( x) ∧ . . . ∧ Rir

( x) f Ri0( x)” is a rule,

and if, for some binding u, Rij(u ( x)) holds for 1 # j # r,

then Ri0(u ( x)) also holds.

In a logic-based system, we would program a set of rules of the form (2.1) andconsider the input to be a set of atomic sentences. We could then consider theoutput to be the set of all atomic sentences that can be deduced from the inputby applying the rules using modus ponens in all possible ways. This output couldbe derived in the logical framework by means of forward chaining [Russell andNorvig 1995, p. 273].

Let us now describe the implementation of the neuroidal architecture intowhich this process embeds naturally. In this implementation, the contents of theimage will be simply the atomic sentences of the input. The circuits willimplement the rules as follows: For each relation R [ 5, there will be a gate in


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the circuit. We shall assume that each relation R occurs on the right-hand side injust one rule – otherwise, we replace multiple occurrences of R on the right-handside by different names, say R1, R2, . . . , Rm and add a new rule R1 ∨ R2 ∨ . . .∨ Rm f R. For such rules, we can use the identity connection binding from eachRi to R.

For each Horn rule Ri1∧ Ri2

∧ . . . ∧ Rirf Ri0

, we shall make a connection toRi0

from each Rij(1 # j # r). This connection will have the appropriate

connection binding, defined below. At the Ri0node, we shall implement the

equivalent of an AND gate in terms of a threshold gate with threshold r. In otherwords, we regard the values of the Rij

as Boolean {0, 1}, and have a gate thatrealizes

Ri05 1 if and only if O



Rij$ r .

Executing this threshold gate will correspond, therefore, to performing oneapplication of modus ponens.

To simulate OR gates, which are used as shown above if multiple occurrencesof the same relation occurs on the right-hand side, we also use a threshold gatebut have 1 as the threshold instead of r, that is, ¥ Rij

$ 1.In this implementation we consider the network to evaluate for each gate all

possible bindings u: { x1, . . . , xn} 3 {a1, . . . , aN} so as to find all the ones, ifany, that make the gate evaluate to one. In the case that the aggregate of circuitunits is acyclic, we can form a topological sort of their nodes (e.g., Knuth [1973])and for one such topologically sorted order evaluate each node in succession.The evaluation of each node is for all the Nd bindings u, where d # a is the arityof the relation R at that node. More generally the circuits will contain cycles,which allow recursive rules to be expressed. This makes the evaluation mecha-nisms slightly more complex, though still polynomial time for constant a. Fulldetails of this can be found in Valiant [2000].

Our architecture is more expressive than is required for evaluating these Hornclauses in several respects. The ability to quantify arguments is one such respect.We shall therefore now clarify the nature and meaning of the connectionbindings and independent argument quantifications: Each rule with r relations onthe left corresponds to a threshold function with r arguments, where eachargument has its own connection binding. Consider the following rule with r 5 2:

?x1R1~ x1, x2, x3! ∧ ?x4R2~ x3, x4, x5! f R3~ x2, x3, x5! . (2.2)

This notation expresses the connection bindings implicitly. The binding of theconnection from R1 to R3 says simply that the second parameter of R1 binds withthe first parameter of R3, the third parameter of R1 binds with the second of R3,and that x1 is quantified existentially. Similarly the binding of the connectionfrom R2 to R3 identifies the first parameter of R2 with the second parameter ofR3, and the third parameter of R2 with the third of R3. The naming of thevariables in each rule or gate can express this precisely. Note that in this examplethe implication is that any binding of x1 that makes R1 true, can be combinedwith any binding for x4 that makes R2 true, in order to make R3 true. For

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example, if elsewhere in the rule set, we have the rules R4 ( x7, x8, x9) f R1 ( x7,x8, x9) and R4 ( x7, x8, x9) f R2( x8, x7, x9), then it will be sufficient for thesetwo rules to be satisfied for two different values of u ( x7) in order to make R3true, since (2.2) did not require otherwise.

If from some Ri there is more than one connection, then for conceptualpurposes it is simplest to think about an expanded circuit in which the Ri node isreplicated so that each node now has just one connection directed away from itand hence the circuit is a tree. This is because connection bindings impose jointconstraints on the several inputs to a node but not to the several outputs.

Note also that any correspondence between two variables occurring in tworelations on the left hand side (i.e., x3 in the example (2.2)) can be enforced onlyby having x3 as an explicit variable in the right hand side relation, that is, R3 inthe example. This can be circumvented, however, in the following sense: Wecould create a gate called R6( x2, x5) for computing ?x1?x3?x4 (R1( x1, x2, x3) ∧R2( x3, x4, x5)) by first evaluating R3( x2, x3, x5) as in (2.2) and having anadditional rule ?x3R3( x2, x3, x5) f R6( x2, x5).

The evaluation process can be viewed as being performed on a graph structure.In this graph, the input nodes with no predecessors will each represent arelational expression, such as R(a3, a4, a7). To evaluate a gate at R, we simplyenumerate all the Nd bindings of the d variables that appear in it. First, we scanall the atomic sentences in the image that contain R and see which bindings makeR true before any rules are applied. Then, for each binding, and for eachpredecessor node, if any, we determine whether that binding can make true thequantified expression, for example, ?x1R1( x1, x2, x3) that is the correspondingargument in the rule for R. Having done this for each predecessor, we can, foreach binding compute the value of the gate at the current node, whether it is adisjunction, conjunction, or more generally, an arbitrary linear threshold gate.Note that the complexity of this task that is contributed by the binding problem isNd. It is exponential in the maximum arity of the relations, and not in the numberof base objects or the number of relations in a rule! This fact encapsulates thecomputational benefits of IQA. (Note, however, that the arity may be madelarger than in some equivalent predicate calculus representations by the restric-tion that all binding information is in the connections. This necessitates that ifsome correspondences among the variables need to be enforced on the left-handside of a rule, they must be made explicit on the right-hand side. For example, ifwe wish to represent father( x, z) ∧ mother( z, y) f grandfather( x, y), then inanalogy with how R6 above is represented by means of R3, our representation ofgrandfather will need to be in terms of grandfather_via that has a thirdargument, say t, that is to be identified with the two occurrences of z byconnection bindings.)

It is easy to verify that such an evaluation algorithm will compute all satisfyingbindings for each relation that is represented at the nodes, in exactly the sameway as would applying modus ponens in all possible ways to the rules.

From what has been said, it should be clear that our architecture is expressiveenough that programmed systems based on modus ponens and the Horn rules wehave described can be embedded into it. What the architecture adds to suchsystems is more expressivity and a capability for learning. The gates we allow arenot just Boolean conjunctions and disjunctions, but linear threshold functions.This allows a host of learning algorithms, discussed in later sections, that provide


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provable learning capabilities that are not known to be available in strictly logicalrepresentations.

Learned rules can be incorporated in the architecture in a number of ways. Alearned rule takes the form of an equivalence, rather than an implication in thefirst instance [Valiant 2000]. Even then it is natural to use it in just onedirection–as if it were an implication–in order to justify the deduction that acertain base relation R holds for a set of base objects when a certain complex setof conditions is satisfied.

With regard to learnability, we note that there are theoretical results that showfor certain classes of functions that extending the representation of the learnermay make the original class more easily learned, while restricting the learner tothe minimal Boolean representation needed for expressing the functions wouldmake the task NP-complete [Pitt and Valiant 1988]. While the quoted resultsrefer to the polynomial time criterion, as we shall discuss below at length, we alsodesire and seek here the very significant further advantages that learning beachieved with both attribute-efficiency and error-resilience. The expressivenessof our architecture reflects these considerations.

3. Semantics

We cannot expect to develop a set of robust mechanisms for processingrepresentations of knowledge without a robust semantics for the representation.The emphasis here is both on the necessity of semantics, that relates therepresentation to some reality beyond itself, as well as robustness to the manyuncertainties, changes and errors in the world or in communications with theworld, with which the system will need to cope.

The need for semantics explains the attractiveness of formal logic and proba-bility theory in AI research. It is the need for robustness that forces us to lookbeyond these, to notions centered on learning. The semantics we shall describehere, PAC semantics is based on the notion of computationally feasible learningof functions that are probably approximately correct [Valiant 1984].

To explain the contrast in viewpoints consider the situation calculus describedin McCarthy and Hayes [1969]. There, a situation is “the complete state of theworld”, and general facts are relations among situations. Thus, P f Q meansthat for all situations for which P holds Q holds also. This is an all embracingclaim about some universe that is difficult to grade gracefully and becomesproblematic in the real world where authoritative definitions of P and Qthemselves may be difficult to identify.

In contrast, PAC semantics makes qualified behavioral assertions about thePAC behavior of a particular system in a particular environment. In PACsemantics, P and Q would be defined as functions computed by fixed algorithmsor circuits within a system that takes input through a fixed feature set from afixed but arbitrarily complex world. The inputs range over a set X that consists ofall possible combinations of feature values that the input feature detectors candetect. There is a probability distribution D over this set X that characterizes theworld in all the aspects that are discernible to the feature detectors of the system.The P and Q could correspond to nodes in a circuit. The relationship between Pand Q would be typically of the following form: If a random example is takenfrom D that makes the P node fire, then it also makes the Q node fire with a

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certain probability. The latter probability would, at best, be known to be in somerange with a certain confidence. Thus, the semantics is relative to both thecomputational and sensory abilities of the system, and refers to an outside worldabout which direct observations can be made only one observation at a time. Theclaims that the semantics makes about a rule do not go beyond what isempirically verifiable in a computationally feasible way by the system operatingin the world.

In addition to making observations from D, the system can also acquire rulesby being told them. It can then use these as working hypotheses, subject tosubsequent empirical testing by the system against observations from D, andmake deductions using them. The general goal of the system is to accumulateknowledge about the world in the form of rules that hold in D with a probabilitythat is estimatable by the system.

Rules are intended to capture the time-invariant aspects of the world. Theirsubject matter may, nevertheless, be how things change with time. A rule may,for example, express the later consequence of an action. Such rules, which relatedifferent points in time, can be invariants of the world and hence PAC learnable.

In this paper, PAC semantics has the following more particular aspect. Thedomain X of observations refer to the possible contents of an image, or thesystem’s “mind’s eye” rather than the external world directly. A person’sknowledge of physics, kings or dinosaurs is rarely based on direct observations.The computational significance of this approach is that it restricts the domain ofdiscourse to the fixed set of internal token objects a1, . . . , aN. The philosophicalsignificance is that, unlike the conventional semantics of predicate calculus whenapplied to unaxiomatized knowledge, it makes the domain of discourse specific.

In constructing an artificial system, we envisage that one would take advantageof the possibility of training each circuit unit separately. Typically a unit will takeas inputs the outputs of input devices or other circuit or image units to which it isconnected. It would see the world through a set of features that are themselvesfiltered through the input devices and circuits of the system. In contrast, theoutputs of the unit being trained will be directly accessible to the trainer, whocan venture to train each such output to behave as desired. If the system consistsof a chain of circuit units trained in sequence in the above manner, then theerrors in one circuit need not propagate to the next. Each circuit will aim to beaccurate in the PAC sense as a function of the external inputs–the fact thatintermediate levels of gates only approximate the functions that the trainerintended is not necessarily harmful as long as each layer relates to the approxi-mations at the previous layer in a robustly learnable manner. At each internallevel, these internal feature sets may nevertheless permit accurate PAC learningat that next stage. That this is indeed possible for natural data sets remains to beproved. Some analysis of this issue of hierarchical learning has been attempted[Rivest and Sloan 1994].

We note that by iteratively modifying the contents of image units by means offunctions computed by circuit units our architecture can perform computationsthat are more dynamic than what the conventional static view of circuits mightsuggest. All the computational functions of the system, including those that usethe image for reasoning as outlined in Section 4.7, for example, need to beeffective in the PAC sense.


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The key advantage of PAC semantics is that it gives an intellectual basis forunderstanding learning and thereby validates empiricism and procedural views ofknowledge. Inductive learning will be the key to overcoming the impedimentsthat are to be enumerated in the next section. These will include defaults,nonmonotonic reasoning, inconsistent data, and resolving among alternatives.Intelligent systems will inevitably meet the dilemmas that these issues raise butthey will have a learned response to at least the more common manifestations ofthem. For knowledge that can be systematized and expressed consistently byformal logics, the traditional declarative semantics offer the important advan-tages of compositionality, and easier comprehensibility. For other kinds ofknowledge, where systematizations are not known, these benefits of traditionallogic may not be attainable in the same sense.

We mention that PAC learning, when offered as a basis for intelligent systemsor cognitive science, suggests the following view. The world is arbitrarily complexand there is little hope that any system will ever be able to describe it in detail.Nevertheless by learning some simple computational circuits such systems canlearn to cope, even in a world as complex as it is. In the first instance, we definethese circuits to act in a deterministic way. It is the complexities of the world andthe uncertainties in the system’s interactions with it that force the framework ofthe semantics to be probabilistic.

The circuits can be represented as a set of rules [Valiant 2000] and each rulecan be associated with probabilistic information, such as an estimate of theprobability that the rule holds and a confidence level that is justified for thisestimate. If such extra information is available then a variety of probabilisticreasoning mechanisms (e.g., [Pearl 1988] beyond those described in this papercan be brought to bear in addition. We note, however, that probabilistic rulesmay make the learning task less tractable [Kearns and Schapire 1994].

Besides the question of whether the rules correspond to probabilistic state-ments, there is the independent question of whether the circuits are allowedrandomization in their behavior, so that under identical conditions they producedifferent results at different times as a result of internal random choices.

Reasoning with probabilistic rules, and randomization in the circuits could beboth incorporated within the scope of PAC semantics and the neuroidal architec-ture. This paper, however, emphasizes that deterministic circuits that representrules that are correct with high probability may form an adequate basis forconstructing systems for cognitive computations.

4. Some Algorithmic Mechanisms

In this section, we shall enumerate a series of algorithmic techniques for thedescribed architecture. We claim that these mechanisms address issues that arefundamental to large-scale systems that are to perform cognitive computations.Our observation here is that they can be brought together to provide a powerfuloverall methodology within a single framework.

4.1. CONFLICT RESOLUTION. The circuit units will contain large numbers ofnodes. In general, each node corresponds to a concept or action and has somereference to the world or to the internal constructs of an image unit. Let ussuppose that each one, when regarded separately, is highly accurate, correct say

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on 99% of the natural input distribution. The problem that arises is that becauseof the sheer number of nodes, perhaps in the hundreds of thousands, a largenumber of the nodes will typically behave incorrectly on almost any one input.

In a natural scene, we expect a certain moderate number of the predicatesrepresented in the circuits to hold and the corresponding nodes to fire. However,among the large numbers of remaining nodes a certain number that should notfire will do so also. Further, some of these will be in semantic conflict with thecorrect ones. They may recommend inconsistent actions (e.g., “go left” asopposed to “go right”) or inconsistent classifications (e.g., “horse” versus “dog”).

This is a fundamental and inescapable issue for which a technical solution isneeded. A conventional approach might be to suggest that each node be given anumerical “strength,” and that in situations where several nodes fire in conflictthe one with highest strength be chosen to be the operative one. However, beforethis can be offered as a technical solution, one would need to exhibit mechanismsfor deriving and updating these strengths. Further, this approach makes theassumption, without justification, that a single totally ordered set of numericalstrengths is sufficient for the overall resolving process.

Our approach is the following: we have a large number of circuit nodes,computing functions u1, . . . , un, say, of the scene S. We assume that each ui iscorrect in the PAC sense with high probability. The proposed resolving mecha-nism is to have another set v1, . . . , vn of nodes where vi corresponds to ui. Thepurpose of vi is the following: When vi fires this will be taken to assert that ui isfiring, and further that ui is preferred over all the other uj that may be firing. Theimplementation will have a circuit unit with uj (1 # j # n) as inputs and vi (1 #i # n) as outputs, and with a connection from each uj to each vi. Each vi will bea linear threshold function of the uj. Thus, if u7, when firing, is to be preferred toall the other uj except for u2, u5 and u8, any of which are preferred over u7, thenthe appropriate linear inequality to be computed at v7 will be

u7 2 u2 2 u5 2 u8 $ 1 . (4.1)

This will have the effect that v7 will fire if and only if u7 fires and none of u2, u5

or u8 fires.The force of this approach is two-fold. First, it is more expressive than the

regime in which there is a single global ordering on strengths. For each ui, onecan individually specify which uj dominate it. Second, the representation neededfor expressing the preferences, namely linear threshold functions, are learnableattribute-efficiently and with error-resilience as further discussed in subsequentsubsections.

We are therefore suggesting that the conflict resolution problem when formu-lated in this reasonably expressive sense has a simple and effective technicalsolution: the correct resolutions can be learned from examples of past behavior.

The justification of our architecture that we further elaborate in subsequentsections can be viewed as the conjunction of a variety of facets of the samefundamental idea: learning can resolve many otherwise problematic issues, andthe neuroidal architecture can support an appropriate learning mechanism ineach case. We chose to discuss this conflict resolution problem first as it is aparticularly simple and convincing instance of this idea.


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4.2. LEARNING FROM FEW CASES. Systems based on massive knowledge basesneed to have effective mechanisms for coping with the issues of scale. In theprevious section, for example, we suggested that a learning mechanism for linearthreshold functions can address the issue of conflict resolution. In a similarfashion, we shall invoke learning as the solution to a variety of other questionsalso. It is, therefore, necessary to address the problem of how the learningprocess itself faces the issue of scalability.

The basic problem is fundamental and widely recognized. If there are nfunctions represented in the system, and each one can depend potentially on alarge fraction of the n 2 1 others, as a linear threshold (or some other) function,then there are potentially of the order of n parameters to set when learning anyone of these functions. It is a remarkable fact that biological learning systemsappear to be able to learn from relatively few examples, certainly many fewerthan n for which reasonable estimates exceed 105. Some mechanism needs to bepresent to enable very high dimensional systems to learn from a number ofinteractions with the world that are very small compared with this dimension.The most generic statistical considerations suggest that to learn a function of nvariables, of the order of n examples are needed [Ehrenfencht et al. 1989]. Incognition, many fewer seem to be sufficient.

The theory that has been developed to shed light on this phenomenon is thatof attribute-efficient learnability. The remarkable fact is that for certain functionclasses of n variables one can prove that certain learning algorithms converge to agood hypothesis after a number of examples that depends on n not linearly, butmuch more slowly, sometimes logarithmically.

The phenomenon of attribute-efficient learning was first demonstrated byHaussler [1988]. A striking embodiment of this idea followed in the form ofLittlestone’s Winnow algorithm for learning linear threshold functions [Little-stone 1988]. The algorithm is similar in form to the classical perceptronalgorithm except that the updates to the weights are multiplicative rather thanadditive. Thus, algorithm WINNOW2 maintains as its hypothesis a linearthreshold function ¥ wivi . Q, where Q is fixed and each coefficient wi $ 0. Oneach input vector v, the algorithm multiplies each coefficient wi by (1 1 b) ifvi 5 1, the example is positive and v does not satisfy the hypothesis. It multipleswi by 1/(1 1 b) if vi 5 1, the example is negative and v does satisfy theinequality. In all the other cases, wi is unchanged. The modification gives thealgorithm the remarkable property that when learning a monotone k-variableBoolean disjunction over {u1, . . . , un} the number of examples needed forconvergence, whether in the PAC or mistake-bounded sense, is upper boundedby ck log2 n, where c is a small constant [Littlestone 1988; 1989]. Thus, thesample complexity is linear in k, the number of relevant variables, and logarith-mic in the number of irrelevant ones.

Littlestone’s Theorem 9 [Littlestone 1988] adapted to the case where coeffi-cients can be both positive and negative (his Example 6) has the following moregeneral statement; For X # {0, 1}n suppose that, for the function g: X 3{0, 1}, there exist d (0 , d , 1), n1, n2, . . . , nn $ 0 and n# 1, n# 2, . . . , n# n $0 such that for all (u1, . . . , un) [ X



~n iui 1 n# i~1 2 ui!! $ 1 if g~u1, · · · , un! 5 1

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~n iui 1 n# i~1 2 ui!! # 1 2 d if g~u1, · · · , un! 5 0 .

Then the algorithm WINNOW2 with Q 5 2n and b 5 1 1 d/ 2 applied to thevariable set (u1, . . . , un, 1 2 u1, . . . , 1 2 un) makes at most a fixed constanttimes the following number of mistakes:

nd22Q21 1 ~d21 1 d22 ln Q! Oi51


~n i 1 n# i! . (4.2)

Here, Q and b are parameters of the algorithm and d, which quantifies themargin by which positive and negative examples are separated, is a parameter ofthe space of examples. For a monotone disjunction of k out of n variables, wecan have n i 5 1 for the k variables in the disjunction, with all the other n i 5 0,and all n# i 5 0. Then, clearly d 5 1. Hence, Eq. (4.2) becomes O(k log n). Forlinear inequalities with (positive and negative) integer coefficients whose magni-tudes sum to Z, (4.2) becomes O(Z2 log n) (e.g., Valiant [2000]). In all thesecases the algorithm can be adapted so that it has similar bounds in the PACmodel [Littlestone 1989].

For linear inequalities of the form (4.1), we see that the particular examplegiven is equivalent to 1/4 (u7 1 (1 2 u2) 1 (1 2 u5) 1 (1 2 u8)) $ 1 so thatd 5 1/4. In general, if there were k negative terms, then d 5 1/(k 1 1). In orderto make the margin larger, it is better to learn the negation of (4.1), namely (1 2u7) 1 u2 1 u5 1 u8 $ 1 so that d 5 1. The generalization of this to k termswould also give d 5 1 and hence the O (k log n) bound.

It appears that some mechanism for attribute-efficiency is essential to anylarge scale learning system. The effectiveness of Winnow itself has been demon-strated in a variety of experiments. A striking example in the cognitive domain isoffered in the work of Golding and Roth on spelling correction [Golding andRoth 1999]. Even in the presence of tens of thousands of variables, Winnow isable to learn accurately from few examples, sometimes fewer than 100. Theperceptron algorithm also performs well if the examples have few nonzeroattributes.

The question arises whether attribute-efficient learning is possible for moreexpressive knowledge representations. Recently some positive evidence for thishas been found. Under a certain projection operation attribute-efficient learningalgorithms can be composed to yield algorithms for more expressive representa-tions that are still attribute-efficient. In Section 4.4, we shall discuss this further.

Finally, we note that attribute-efficient learning is closely related to the issueof relevance, which has been widely discussed in the statistics and AI literature.Conventionally, in statistical analysis, for example, one would expect to prepro-cess a database containing historical observations in order to identify theattributes that are relevant to the classification or action in question. One wouldthen eliminate the irrelevant attributes, apply a learning algorithm to thedatabase after the irrelevant features have been removed, and then apply the


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learned hypothesis to new cases. There is, however, no evidence that biologicalsystems have such an explicit preprocessing stage. Winnow achieves the sameoverall effect implicitly, without explicitly identifying which variables are irrele-vant in a preprocessing stage. What it offers therefore seems novel and impor-tant. (Note that A. Beimel has observed that given an implicit method, such asWinnow, one can explicitly identify the relevant variables by a binary searchtechnique that needs about k log n applications of the implicit method.)

4.3. LEARNING AND REASONING ABOUT MULTIPLE OBJECTS. It is well knownthat even in the propositional context both learning and reasoning need to becarefully formulated if exponential computational complexity is to be avoided. Itis further known that if this is to be achieved in a multi-object rather than apropositional framework, then further orthogonal sources of computationalintractability present themselves [Haussler 1989]. The main technical achieve-ment of the neuroidal architecture is that it brings together learning, reasoning,and multi-objects domains within a computationally tractable formulation. Thetechnique that is central to this is that of IQA – independently quantifiedarguments – which was defined in Section 2 and is analyzed extensively in Valiant[2000].

Most basically, if there are relations R0, R1, . . . , Rm represented as nodesthen the circuit can represent, evaluate and learn rules of a form of which thefollowing is an instance:

f~?y1?y2R1~ y1, x1, y2! , @y3?y4R2~ x1, x2, y3, y4!! ; R0~ x1, x2! . (4.3)

Here, f is a two argument function from an easily learned class, such as linearthreshold functions. Such a rule is to be evaluated for a particular scene s in animage. Evaluation means that the truth value of f is computed for a fixed bindingu: { x1, x2} 3 {a1, . . . , aN}, and this value is assigned as the value of R0( x1, x2). The quantification over the y variables refers to quantifications over theobjects in one particular scene. Thus, for a scene where R2 is defined for every4-tuple of objects and x1, x2 are fixed by u, the quantified expression@y3?y4R2( x1, x2, y3, y4) is either true or false. Hence, for any one scene, anyfixed function f acquires a Boolean value, as will also therefore R0( x1, x2). Forthis reason, if relational expressions such as 4.3 are to be learned then this can bedone by an arbitrary propositional learning algorithm for f. Learning can then beviewed as taking place from a set of scenes taken randomly from a distribution Din the PAC sense. All the algorithmic techniques of propositional learning canthen be applied directly. The only restriction needed is that the variablesquantified over in the different arguments of f be disjoint. This is satisfied if they variables that are quantified over in the respective Ri relations are disjoint fordistinct values of i.

To ensure that both learning and evaluation are polynomial time in therelevant parameters, including particularly the number of object tokens N in theimage, the only substantial restriction that is needed is that the relations all havearities bounded by a fixed constant a. We therefore need to assume thatknowledge can be represented in terms of relations of bounded arity. This isdiscussed further in Valiant [2000].

4.4. LEARNING MORE COMPLEX FUNCTIONS AND STRATEGIES. While in ourcurrent state of knowledge there is compelling evidence that linear threshold

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functions offer an attractive building block because of their learning properties,it remains unresolved whether a better choice exists. Clearly, the intention of ourarchitecture is that each new function that is learned or programmed beexpressible in terms of old ones already represented in the system. Whendiscussing learning in general the crucial issue always is how far removed the newfunction can be allowed to be from the old ones already represented, withoutnecessitating a learning capability that is computationally intractable. In otherwords, the issue is one of the granularity of the relative complexity of thesuccessive functions that can be learned.

From what we have said, linear threshold functions offer a level of granularitythat is computationally attractive. The two questions raised therefore are: (1) isthis level of granularity sufficiently large to offer a convincing approach tobuilding cognitive systems and (2) can this granularity be enlarged (i.e., to richerknowledge representations) while retaining attribute-efficient learning and error-resilience.

Even when a function class is expressible as linear inequalities, this represen-tation may be impractically large if many compound features need to be created.For example, for Boolean variables {u1, . . . , un} each of the 22n

Booleanfunctions can be expressed as a linear disjunction of monomials over {u1, . . . ,un, u# 1, . . . , u# n} and hence as a linear inequality, but this requires a new variablefor each potential monomial, and there are 3n of these (since each ui can bepresent positively, present negatively, or absent.)

Examples of function classes that can be expressed as linear inequalities overthe n base variables are: disjunctions, conjunctions, and threshold-k functions. Inthe last case we would have



wi $ k ,

where wi is a variable over the reals that is given value 1 if ui 5 1, and zerootherwise. A further class that can be so expressed is that of 1-decision lists[Rivest 1987]. These test for a sequence of literals vi1

, . . . , vim, where vij

[ {u1,. . . , un, u# 1, . . . , u# n}. If the literal vij

is true, then the function is defined to bea constant cj for cj [ {0, 1}; otherwise, the next literal vij11

is tested. Decisionlists can be expressed as linear inequalities over n variables w1, . . . , wn

corresponding to u1, . . . , un. The size of the coefficients grows exponentially,however, with n. In the special case that the cj sequence alternates between 0and 1 a small number of times, this growth is more limited [Valiant 1999]. Forexample, if cj has value 0 for all except d of the m values of j, then the decisionlist can be expressed as a linear inequality with integer coefficients, where themagnitudes of the coefficients, and also their sum, is upper bounded by (2m/d)d.If d ,, m then this is much better than the general upper bound which isexponential in m. Also, we see that this inequality can be expressed so as to fitthe requirements of expression 4.2 for Winnow. We then have d 5 (2m/d)2d

and the sum of the magnitudes of the coefficients bounded by 1, so that themistake bound is quadratic in (2m/d)d and logarithmic in n.


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The question of characterizing the classes of linear inequalities that arelearnable attribute-efficiently remains unsettled. The possibility that unrestricted1-decision lists can be so learned has not been excluded.

Another question is whether attribute-efficient learning can be achieved byclasses of functions beyond linear inequalities. A positive indication on this isprovided by projection learning, which is a technique that extends the scope ofattribute-efficient learnability. It allows algorithms that are attribute-efficient tobe composed so as to obtain learning algorithms for more expressive representa-tions that are still attribute-efficient. These representations can be viewed asrestricted multilayer networks, as contrasted with the single layer linear thresholdfunctions. Since Winnow is the paradigmatic attribute-efficient algorithm cur-rently known, the present applications of projection learning are based oncomposing Winnow with itself.

The basic idea is that for Boolean variables u1, . . . un we define a set J 5 {r1,. . . , r r} of projections that each map {0, 1}n to {0, 1}. For example, we couldhave r 5 2n and for each literal , [ {u1, . . . , un, u# 1, . . . , u# n} we have aprojection r, defined on a vector u of Boolean values as r,(u) 5 1 iff , 5 1 onu. This is the class of single variable projections. An alternative class has r 5 2k

with each member of J being a conjunction l1l2. . . lk where l i [ {ui, u# i}, that is,

if k 5 3 and r 5 u1u# 2u# 3 then r(u) 5 1 iff u1u# 2u# 3 5 1.For each r [ J we consider the function f(u)r(u). Clearly this equals zero for

u such that r(u) 5 0, and it equals f(u) otherwise. The hope is that for some ofthe restrictions r, the function f(u)r(u) can be learned more accurately than canf(u) directly, and that the f(u)r(u) that are learned for the various r’s cover thewhole domain {0, 1}n of f(u).

Suppose that, for the various choices of r [ J, the function learned thatapproximates f(u) on r(u) 5 1 is f9r(u). Then ¥ f9r(u)r(u) is taken as theapproximation of f that has been learned. The main result in Valiant [1999]states that if the f(u)r(u) belong to a class that is learnable attribute-efficientlyon the restricted domain {u u r(u) 5 1} by an algorithm A say, and if adisjunction can be learned attribute-efficiently by an algorithm B that sharescertain specified properties with Winnow, then provided f(u) 5 ¥ fr(u)r(u),f(u) can be learned attribute-efficiently, in the sense that the needed samplecomplexity depends linearly on the number of relevant r’s and the number ofrelevant variables in all the fr, but only logarithmically on the total number r ofprojections and the total number n of variables.

The motivation of projection learning is to learn more effectively in cases inwhich a representation more complex than linear thresholds is needed. In anyone application domain, we may have no a priori reason to believe that such arepresentation is necessary. What we expect to find is that projection learningwill always yield at least as good results as simple Winnow, (but at the expense ofrequiring more examples) and may yield better results when linear representa-tions are insufficient.

Projection learning can be viewed in the first instance as an intuitive approachto the problem of distinct varieties or contexts. For example, to develop a systemthat distinguishes apes from other animals it may be useful to have projectionsfor the four varieties of apes, and in that way learn a recognizer for each oneseparately.

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An area in which complex representations may need to be learned is that ofstrategies and plans. Here production systems are widely believed to have usefulexpressivity [Newell and Simon 1972]. Khardon has shown that a rich class ofthese can be learned using decision list algorithms [Khardon 1988]. The dilemmahere is that no attribute-efficient learning algorithm is known for decision lists,unless the number of alternations is small, as explained in the previous section.Hence, we may have to look at the flatter disjunctive structures that arise inprojection learning to find representations that are learnable attribute-efficiently.

4.5. LEARNING AS AN APPROACH TO ROBUSTNESS. Learning appears to be aninevitable and central component to any large scale intelligent system because ofits unique role in ensuring robustness and avoiding brittleness. Robustness hasmany aspects, and we believe that no alternative approach is currently known foraddressing these on a broad front.

One aspect of the robustness problem is that different parts of a large systemneed to be compatible with each other. For example, in a large system consistingof many programmed rules some mechanism is needed to ensure that the basicpredicates in terms of which the rules are expressed are used consistently acrossthe system. This compatibility has to be maintained even for systems that arecontinuously modified and enlarged. This issue is addressed directly by PACsemantics, as previously discussed.

A second important aspect of robustness is resilience to errors. Systems willacquire knowledge both by inductive learning as well as by explicit programming.Errors and inconsistencies may occur in either kind of input, and mechanisms areneeded for coping with these.

In the case of inductive learning, the issue of noise has been studiedextensively. On the theoretical side a range of noise models have been consid-ered, ranging from a malicious adversarial model [Kearns and Li 1993; Valiant1985] to the more benign random classification noise model, where the onlynoise is in the classification of the examples and this is random [Angluin andLaird 1988]. At least for the more benign models, there are some powerfulgeneral techniques for making learning algorithms resilient to noise in somegenerality [Kearns 1993].

For the problem of learning linear separators, there exist theoretical resultsthat show that there is no fundamental computational impediment to overcomingrandom classification noise [Blum et al. 1996; Cohen 1997]. Currently somewhatcomplex algorithms are needed to establish this rigorously. In practice, fortu-nately, natural algorithms such as the perceptron algorithm and Winnow behavewell on natural data sets (e.g., Roth [1998]) even where there is no a priorireason to believe that linear thresholds should work at all, or evidence that thenoise is generated by any one fixed process. This empirical evidence lendscredence to the use of linear threshold algorithms for complex cognitive datasets.

The issue of coping with noise also arises when knowledge is acquired byprogramming. The view we take here is that we use the same PAC semantics forprogrammed rules as for inductively learned rules. Thus, the system would havehigh confidence in a rule that agreed with many examples. A programmed rule istherefore one which is treated as a working hypothesis, and discarded if evidencebuilds up against it.


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In addition to the opportunity to discard rules there is also one for refiningthem. Thus we may have programmed rules P f R and Q f ¬R as workinghypotheses, but discover that they do not hold in all cases. In particular, it mayhappen that in some relatively rare cases both P and Q hold and therefore therules contradict each other. It may be that after sufficiently many observations itis found that P ∧ Q f ¬R is a reliable rule. In that case, we would refine P fR to P ∧ ¬Q f R. The main point is that the dilemma that arises from twopotentially contradictory rules is resolved by learning, even in the case that theoriginal rules themselves are programmed rather than learned. The refined rulemay be derived by any one of the several mechanisms we have discussed, as thereader may verify: P ∧ ¬Q may be generated automatically as a compoundfeature, a linear conflict resolution mechanism may establish a priority, or,thirdly, projection learning may be invoked.

4.6. LEARNING AS AN APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM OF CONTEXT. It has beenwidely observed that rules that express useful commonsense knowledge oftenneed qualification – they hold only in certain contexts. Thus, a rule P f R orP [ R may hold if context Q is true, but not necessarily otherwise. Frames in thesense of Minsky [1975] can be viewed as contexts that have a rich set ofassociated rules. The PAC semantics of such a rule is that on the subdomain inwhich Q holds, P f R is the case, at least with high probability. In ourarchitecture, the simplest view to take is that it can cope easily with a context Qif it has a node for recognizing whether an input satisfies Q. If there is a node ina circuit unit that recognizes Q, then a subcircuit that implements P ∧ Q f Rwill implement exactly what is wanted, the rule P f R applying in the subdomainin which Q holds. The question remains as to how domain sensitive knowledgecan be learned. One answer is suggested immediately by projection learning;each concept R that is learned is also learned for the projections defined by everyother concept Q that has been previously learned or programmed. Thus, if wehave nodes for Q and R, then a complex set of conditions P that guarantee R inthe context of Q can be learned from examples, for any Q and R. This would be,of course, computationally onerous unless the choice of Q is restricted somehow.

4.7. REASONING. Reasoning is concerned with arriving at a deduction about acombination of circumstances that has been encountered rarely before or not atall. It, therefore, complements inductive learning. In the neuroidal architecture,the rare or novel combination of circumstances is represented in an image, andthe reasoning process is carried out, in the most basic case, by the circuit unitsthat evaluate the contents of this image. In more complex cases, the results of thecircuit evaluation will modify the contents of the image so that one or morefurther circuit evaluations can be applied to it in succession. For example, aninstance of planning would be to run through several stages of the expectedfuture sequence of events that would follow from a set of circumstances. Eachcircuit evaluation would update the contents of the image so as to describe thecircumstances at the next stage in time.

What is the general nature of the reasoning process that can be expected to beachieved in one stage of circuit evaluation?

Much past effort has been put into seeing whether the various formalisms thathave been suggested for reasoning in AI, at least those outside the probabilisticrealm, can be formulated within predicate calculus. The general answer found to

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this question is in the affirmative – many of the various alternative formalisms,including those based on graph models, can be so expressed. Some of thesealternative formalisms, and the necessary transformations are described byRussell and Norvig [1995].

Instead of reformulating this body of work so as to fit our architecture, weshall be content here to claim that a substantial part of it can be supporteddirectly without change. In particular, we described an implementation of ourarchitecture that can support generalized modus ponens on function free Hornclauses by performing an appropriate circuit evaluation. It follows that ourarchitecture can do reasoning in all these frameworks whenever the translationresults in Horn clauses. Further, the computational costs of this reasoningprocess can be quantified, as can the accuracy of the deductions made, as indescribed more fully in Valiant [2000].

In addition, our architecture has capabilities for reasoning beyond thoseprovided by circuit evaluations alone. In particular, the circuits and the imageunits can be used together more proactively within the reasoning process. Aspreviously mentioned, the evaluation of a circuit may result in various actions onthe image, such as the addition of further objects, the addition of statements offurther relationships, or the deletion of an object. Thus, a circuit may cause theexecution of a step of a more complex reasoning strategy. In evaluating a scene,a circuit may add an object to the image to represent something already in thescene but at a later time, and add a relationship that expresses the futurecondition of the object. In this way, the circuits evaluate a representation of alikely scenario following on from the one currently depicted. In other words, weneed circuits that are able to make useful modifications to the scene in a highlycontent dependent manner.

The upshot is that in addition to information about the external world, asimplied in previous sections, the circuits will contain further information con-cerning the strategies that are to be used for the internal deliberations of thesystem. These deliberations will be seriously restricted, of course, by computa-tional constraints, such as limits on the number N of objects that are allowed in ascene.

4.8. LEARNING AS AN APPROACH TO INCOMPLETE INFORMATION AND NONMONO-TONIC PHENOMENA. A fundamental issue in the design of any system thatreasons is to define what the reasoning process is to accomplish in cases in whichthe available information is incomplete. Systems that attempt to describe theworld declaratively appear to encounter methodological problems here. Thedifficulty is that such systems need to take a generic view of how to treatincomplete information – they need a uniform theory, such as circumscription orthe closed world assumption that takes positions on how to resolve the unknown[Ginsberg 1989; McCarthy 1980; McDermott and Doyle 1980].

PAC semantics offers an advantage here – it resolves the unknown separatelyin each case by using information learned from past experience of cases wheresimilar features to the case in hand were similarly unknown. Consider theparadigm of nonmonotonic reasoning exemplified by the widely discussed exam-ple of the bird called Tweety [Ginsberg 1989]. The system is invited to takepositions on whether Tweety flies both before and after it is revealed to it thatTweety is, in fact, a penguin. The observation that motivates our approach here


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is that gates in circuits take values at all times. Suppose that in a brain, forexample, there is a two-valued gate intended to recognize penguins. This wouldtake value 1 say, when a penguin is identified, in the PAC sense, and 0 whenwhat is seen is identified in the PAC sense as not being a penguin. However, thisgate must also take some value in cases where conventionally one would say thatthe system has not taken a position on whether the object in question is apenguin or not. Suppose that in these cases the gate takes the value 0. Then, wecould say that a 1 value means {penguin} and a 0 means {not penguin,undetermined}. In this sense, circuits represent internally the three cases {yes,no, undetermined} even if no explicit provision has been made for the third case.This means that learning and rule evaluations in the system are carried out witha semantics in which the undetermined value of each variable is represented.This is true both when a predicate is represented by a single gate having just twopossible values (whether representing {yes, undetermined}/{no} or {yes}/{no,undetermined} by the two values) and also when there is a more explicitrepresentation, say by a pair of binary gates whose four possible value combina-tions do distinguish among the three cases {yes}, {no}, and {undetermined}.Hence, once the system has reached stability in learning it will cope withinstances of incomplete information exactly as it does with ones with completeinformation [Valiant 1994; 1995]. One could say further that in natural learningsystems instances of incomplete information are the natural ones, and usually theonly ones available.

Pursuing this example further, suppose that the system has a rule “bird 5 1and penguin 5 0f flies 5 1”. Suppose also that the gates “bird”, “penguin”, and“flies” all have value 0 if the truth of the corresponding predicate is undeter-mined in the system. Suppose further that this rule has been found to beconsistent with most natural cases experienced by the system in accordance withthe probability distribution D. It will then follow that for instances in whichbirdhood is confirmed but penguinhood is undetermined, it will be a reasonableconclusion that flies will be true and that the corresponding gate should indeedhave value 1 to indicate that. This will be a valid inference since the same wastrue for past cases in the PAC sense. Thus, the undefined is resolved here bylearning from the distribution D, as seen through the feature set of the system. Inthis example, D captures the fact that in the particular source of examples towhich this system was exposed, in the majority of cases where a bird wasidentified but nothing was said about penguinhood, the bird did indeed fly.

In artificial systems, of course, the undefined value p may be treated moreexplicitly. For example, as previously mentioned, gates may take three values {0,1, p}, or, closer to the spirit of our architecture, the three values may be encodedby a pair of binary gates.

Defaults may be viewed from this same perspective. Ignorance of the value ofa predicate is rightly interpreted as not relevant to the value of another predicateif in natural past cases of ignorance of the former, a certain consequence wastrue with high probability for the latter. We regard defaults as rules wherecertain predicates are assumed to have the undetermined value in the precondi-tion. Their validity arises from the fact that they had proved accurate in the past,or that they could be deduced from those that had. Further examples are given inRoth [1995] and Valiant [1994; 1995].

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5. Systems Design

We shall be concerned here with the issue of constructing systems using theneuroidal architecture that have superior capabilities over existing systems insome useful task. Considerable experimentation in this direction will be neededbefore the potential and limitations of the general approach can be evaluated.

It has been asked whether in our architecture one still has to design systems,exactly as one would in a programmed approach to artificial intelligence systems,and all that is offered are some mechanisms for the automatic adjustment ofweights. While in some sense the answer to this is yes, the important point is thatthe additional learning capability appears to offer a new level of functionality.Above all, it offers a robust unified approach to infusing knowledge into a systemin bulk. Further, it offers a unified methodology for dealing with a broad rangeof issues, including conflict resolution, nonmonotonic phenomena, incompleteinformation, and the problem of context among others.

Because of the learning-intensive nature of the architecture, it is an inherentcharacteristic of it that any discussion of the design of a system cannot bedivorced from that of the nature of the training data. Indeed, the primaryimpediment to experimentation at present is the scarcity of suitable training data.Natural language and vision are potentially sources of ample data. The charac-teristics that make a data set appropriate are that the data is labelled, implicitlyor explicitly, that the knowledge it contains is self-contained and that theinformation can be extracted using known techniques. Thus, the system designhas to bypass unsolved problems in natural language processing or computervision.

There is already ample evidence that the basic learning mechanism used by thearchitecture is appropriate. It has been demonstrated on a wide range of naturallanguage tasks, and one from computer vision, that attribute-efficient learning oflinear separators is effective on existing data sets [Golding and Roth 1999; Roth1998; 2000]. This basic learning mechanism can be contrasted with alternativeapproaches: learning with hidden units as in back-propagation, reinforcementlearning, learning using feature sets that are hand-crafted separately for eachapplication, and learning with heuristics for constructing new features. Attribute-efficient learning with linear separators appears to offer a successful unified andmechanized approach to the inductive component of the problem.

Conventional design principles offer a start in designing systems in thisarchitecture. In a programmed system, one expects to construct various modulesfor various functionalities, and have these interface with each other. In particu-lar, one may have a hierarchy of functions, lower-level modules processing theinputs directly, and higher level modules processing the outputs of the lowerlevel ones. Thus, an acyclic graph of circuit units, in which some low levelmodules mimic the modules that would be used in, say, a language system, is onepossible starting point.

There are also some design choices that are unique to the architecture. Forcreating new compound features, there are various possibilities. Because of thecentrality of attribute-efficient learning algorithms, an obvious method is togenerate large numbers of combinations of attributes in a systematic simple way.Any relevant ones so discovered will be valuable, and the irrelevant ones will dolittle harm. One approach is to generate for any variable set the set of


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conjunctions of all pairs of them. Another choice is to create conjunctions of justthose pairs that occur with high correlation. More generally one can generatesome set of polynomially generable combinations [Valiant 1985]. The intention isthat large numbers of variables, even if most are irrelevant, will not degradeperformance.

Figure 1 gives a block diagram of a simple example of a system that extractsknowledge from natural languages text inputs. The first layer performs someshallow parsing, determining, for example, subject– object classifications. Thesecond layer extracts the atomic relationships found. The goal is to extractwhatever knowledge can be reliably extracted, ignoring any parts of the text thatcannot be analysed with confidence. The third layer contains rules amongrelationships, and hence may already capture complex facts about the world. Thesecond and third layers are both connected to an image unit that records therelations that have been established as holding for the text being analysed.Where accurate programmed knowledge is available, such as dictionaries andthesauri, these would be used where possible, for example, to recognize syn-onyms or the “is-a” relation.

The construction of such a system would then involve designing the feature setand interfaces among the modules, and providing the necessary training data foreach module.

We note that Roth’s evolving SNOW system incorporates some of themechanisms described in this paper, and this is discussed further in Khardon etal. [1999].

FIG. 1. Block diagram of a simplified example of a potential neuroidal system. The thesaurus is anexample of an available programmed resource. Layers 2–5 consist of circuit units that contain all thelearned knowledge, and may be trained separately in succession. The text categorizer is specific to theapplication, while the other circuit units may store more generic knowledge that might be shared bymany applications.

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In order to construct significant systems along these lines, corpora suitablyannotated with the appropriate levels of knowledge may have to be created. Inother words, substantial infrastructure will need to be manufactured to providethe teaching materials for these systems. This would compensate for anyshortcoming in the range of preprogrammed features that we are able to devise.Although large amounts of reliable knowledge are already available in linguisticformat, there are many obstacles to preparing or selecting useful linguisticteaching materials. Much commonsense knowledge is nowhere encoded, andmuch text produced by humans contains linguistic constructs that are currentlydifficult for machines to analyze. These facts make the preparation of theteaching materials challenging, but, we believe, not insurmountable.

6. Conclusion

We have described a series of arguments that suggest that many of the problemsthat have been identified as obstacles to artificial intelligence systems at aconceptual level, can be solved in principle if one gives inductive learning asuitable central role. In this respect the proposed architecture differs from othergeneral approaches to cognitive architectures that have been described, such asAnderson [1983]; Newell [1990], and Newell and Simon [1972], in which induc-tive learning plays a much smaller role.

Central to the proposed architecture is the notion of an image unit that relatesto the concepts of short-term and working memory in psychology and cognitivescience. Its computational role can perhaps be best understood by consideringthe notion of registers in computer systems. Registers are the most active storageelements in a digital computer – it is there that new values are evaluated.However, they make up only a negligible fraction of the overall storage capacity.Their constrained and localized nature appears to be a consequence of the factthat the circuits that are needed to act on them are complex and require asubstantial investment. We believe that in an architecture for performing cogni-tive computations the active storage area that represents general relationalinformation needs to be constrained and localized for broadly similar reasons,namely the complexity of the circuits that need to act on this area. It is this activestorage area that we seek to capture with the notion of an image unit.

Also central to the development is the use of PAC semantics. Its role can beviewed in terms of a modification of the Turing Test that it suggests. Turing’scriterion for whether a machine could think was that the performance of themachine should be indistinguishable in a specified sense from that of a human, toan interrogator communicating via a teleprinter [Turing 1950]. The significanceof this informally stated criterion is that it is a purely behavioral one. What PACsemantics offers is a precise way of formulating such behavioral criteria. Inparticular it insists that both the task being learned, and the distribution of inputsover which learning is performed and performance measured, need to beidentified. Any pairing of a specific task and a specific distribution then defines adifferent instance of this modified Turing Test.

The tasks in which we are interested here are those involving a large amount ofknowledge that has not been systematized into an exact science. A possiblelimited area in which one might hope to test the performance of a system at sucha task is that of intelligent word processing. One can imagine a word processor


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that not only detects misspelled words, but does a succession of more and moreintelligent tasks, such as suggesting alternative words and phrasing, or notingconfusions or inconsistencies, much as a teacher might when correcting an essay.There appears to be a continuum of tasks of increasing difficulty in this area.Systems could invoke more and more world knowledge in their suggestions, andtheir perceived performance would increase correspondingly. One can imagineexperiments in which commentary to writers is provided variously by humans andmachines, and the writers’ task is to distinguish which one was the source. Suchan instance of a modified Turing Test would therefore refer to a concrete realworld distribution of cases generated, for example, by twelve-year-old students,and created independently of the context of the test. Each such distributionwould define a different task and therefore a different test. For an empiricalvalidation of our architecture, one would need to show that systems can be builtthat pass such specific tests of ever higher levels of difficulty.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I am grateful to Roni Khardon, Dan Roth, and RoccoServedio and several referees for their helpful comments on various versions ofthis paper.


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Journal of the ACM, Vol. 47, No. 5, September 2000.