a simple guide to workplace recycling stardom


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Page 1: A simple guide to workplace recycling stardom




Page 2: A simple guide to workplace recycling stardom

This guide will help you and your colleagues reach recycling stardom! You don’t have to be a facilities manager or deal with waste contracts tohave an impact. These tips aim to provide you with positive environmentalactions to implement whatever your current role is at work.

These have been divided intotwo categories:



Supports Planet Arkprograms

Governmentsupport available

RESPONSIBLE RECYCLERS:Easy things to implementwith immediate results.

ROCKSTAR RECYCLERS:The next steps to becomelegendary at recycling.

Page 3: A simple guide to workplace recycling stardom

1 . S E T U P A R E U S A B L EP A P E R T R A Y

2 . R E M O V E B I N S F R O M U N D E R D E S K S


Find a spare paper tray to set up next to theprinter so people can reuse paper that has onlybeen printed on one side. This saves the energyand resources that would otherwise go intomaking new paper (as well as reducing papercosts).

Let your co-workers know about this initiativeby using this handy email template.

It encourages staff to take regular breaks fromtheir desks (which is good for health andproductivity!) to dispose of their waste andrecycling.

This is proven to increase recycling rates! Individuals become more conscious of what they arethrowing out and it reduces plastic bin liner use.

M a n y w o r k p l a c e s s u c h a s t h e U n i v e r s i t y

o f Q u e e n s l a n d a n dW a s h i n g t o n U n i v e r s i t y

h a v e i m p l e m e n t e dt h i s , t o a n i n c r e a s e i nt h e i r r e c y c l i n g r a t e s .A t U Q t h e r e c y c l i n g

r a t e t r i p l e d !

For this to work you need a communal bin stationwith at least two bins (mixed recyclables andwaste), though ideally three (mixed recyclables,office paper/organics and waste – more on bin setups in tip 4).

Print our free reusable

paper traysignage here!


Page 4: A simple guide to workplace recycling stardom

3 . U S E O U R R E C Y C L I N G N O - B R A I N E R C H E C K L I S T

c) Buy it back

Recycling only really works if you are buying backrecycled products! Kickstart your workplacerecycling journey by getting some easily sourcedrecycled products for your everyday operations.

a) Start small and score yourself freebies!

Sign up your workplace to free recycling programs. You’llreceive a collection unit for the materials which will berecycled into new products. Find free solutions for:

Hot tip: Place these units in places where the waste is generated. For example, yourcartridge box next to the printers, coffee capsules box in the staff kitchen and the

mobile phone unit at the foyer or common areas.

b) Send the right signs

Use bin signage so colleagues know exactly which bin their wasteshould go in. Using prompts can help colleagues remember andmove them in the direction of the desirable action. The bestlocation is near the bin opening.

Visit our recycled

productsdirectory formore ideas

Use these free posters thatPlanet Ark hasprepared for


Hot tip: Go a step further with a sustainable procurementpolicy and check out our recommendations.



Recycledcoasters forcafés, bars...

Recycledbollards forconstruction...

Cartridges Coffee Capsules Mobile Phones

Download the No-Brainer

Checklist to tick off...

Download free signage


Page 5: A simple guide to workplace recycling stardom

3 . U S E O U R R E C Y C L I N G N O - B R A I N E R C H E C K L I S T

Visit our recycled

productsdirectory formore ideas

Use these free posters thatPlanet Ark hasprepared for


Recycledbollards forconstruction...

Download the No-Brainer

Checklist to tick off...

Download free signage


c) Buy it back

Recycling only really works if you are buying backrecycled products! Kickstart your workplacerecycling journey by getting some easily sourcedrecycled products for your everyday operations.

a) Start small and score yourself freebies!

Sign up your workplace to free recycling programs. You’llreceive a collection unit for the materials which will berecycled into new products. Find free solutions for:

Hot tip: Place these units in places where the waste is generated. For example, yourcartridge box next to the printers, coffee capsules box in the staff kitchen and the

mobile phone unit at the foyer or common areas.

b) Send the right signs

Use bin signage so colleagues know exactly which bin their wasteshould go in. Using prompts can help colleagues remember andmove them in the direction of the desirable action. The bestlocation is near the bin opening.

Hot tip: Go a step further with a sustainable procurementpolicy and check out our recommendations.

Recycleddesk trays

Recycledoffice paper

Recycledcoasters forcafés, bars...

Cartridges Coffee Capsules Mobile Phones

Page 6: A simple guide to workplace recycling stardom

Do you work in NSW?

Find out if your business is eligible fora free waste assessment through the

NSW Environment ProtectionAuthority’s Bin Trim Program and youcould get a rebate of up to $50,000

for onsite recycling equipment!

Find recyclerswho collect

different materialsand ask if they

supply bins too

Make sure you have at least 2 bins (general waste andrecycling) that are accessible to everyone and next toeach other. Additionally, think about the type of wastethat your workplace creates most and focus on finding asolution. For example, a café or restaurant could set upfood organic collection bins, whereas an office wouldbenefit from a separate paper and cardboard bin. Thismeans those materials are diverted from general waste(saving landfill costs) and put to productive use again.


Do you have MASSIVE amounts of one type ofwaste such as plastic wrap, polystyrene orcardboard? Consider investing in an on-site pieceof equipment to help you compact, crush or baleyour waste. It will save you time, money andspace. You will find suppliers and their productson our Small Scale Recycling EquipmentCatalogue.

5 . G E T O N S I T E H E L P

4 . G E T T H E R I G H T B I N S

Image credit: @spell

Here is a list of bin suppliers

Image credit: Bottle Cycler

Page 7: A simple guide to workplace recycling stardom


Make sure you have at least 2 bins (general waste and recycling)that are accessible to everyone and next to each other.Additionally, think about the type of waste that your workplacecreates most and focus on finding a solution. For example, a caféor restaurant could set up food organic collection bins, whereas anoffice would benefit from a separate paper and cardboard bin.This means those materials are diverted from general waste(saving landfill costs) and put to productive use again.

Do you have MASSIVE amounts of one type ofwaste such as plastic wrap, polystyrene orcardboard? Consider investing in an on-site pieceof equipment to help you compact, crush or baleyour waste. It will save you time, money andspace. You will find suppliers and their productson our Small Scale Recycling EquipmentCatalogue.

5 . G E T O N S I T E H E L P

4 . G E T T H E R I G H T B I N S

Image credit: @spell

Here is a list of bin suppliers

Image credit: Bottle Cycler

Find onsite recycling

options here

Find recyclerswho collect

different materialsand ask if they

supply bins too

Page 8: A simple guide to workplace recycling stardom

6 . E X P A N D Y O U R S P E C I A LI T E M S S T A T I O NDownload

free signagehere

In addition to cartridges, coffee capsules andmobiles, you can have collections for otherspecialised items that are still free, but need to betaken to a drop off location.

Soft plastics packaging - Return your softplastics packaging to Coles and Woolworthstores participating in the REDcycleprogram. Only small amounts of productpackaging are accepted, so no largeamounts of bubble wrap or pallet wrapping.

Batteries - Find drop off locations likeBattery World and Officeworks on Business Recycling.

Computers & accessories - Find drop offlocations on Business Recycling.

To help you build a business case for reducing waste at work, promote new initiatives tocolleagues and much more, check out the War on Waste Toolkit for Business.

Image credit:Her Kitchen Garden

Get your workplace involved by organising aRecycling Trivia Night. You can hold it face-to-faceor online. We developed all the questions and allyou need to do is download it for free!

7 . O R G A N I S E A W O R K P L A C EE N G A G E M E N T S E S S I O N

For more information please [email protected].

Planet Ark can deliver a tailored face-to-face oronline workplace engagement session to helpeducate and motivate staff on the initiatives thatyou have put in place. We deliver these sessionsto a variety of businesses in industries rangingfrom entertainment and telecommunications tobanking and financial institutions.