a smooth position-force controller for asbestos removal

HAL Id: hal-01753927 https://hal.uca.fr/hal-01753927 Submitted on 29 Mar 2018 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. A Smooth Position-Force Controller for Asbestos Removal Manipulator Kamal Mohy El Dine, Juan Antonio Corrales Ramon, Youcef Mezouar, Jean-Christophe Fauroux To cite this version: Kamal Mohy El Dine, Juan Antonio Corrales Ramon, Youcef Mezouar, Jean-Christophe Fau- roux. A Smooth Position-Force Controller for Asbestos Removal Manipulator. 2017 IEEE Inter- national Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Dec 2017, Macau, France. 10.1109/RO- BIO.2017.8324599. hal-01753927

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Page 1: A Smooth Position-Force Controller for Asbestos Removal

HAL Id: hal-01753927https://hal.uca.fr/hal-01753927

Submitted on 29 Mar 2018

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A Smooth Position-Force Controller for AsbestosRemoval Manipulator

Kamal Mohy El Dine, Juan Antonio Corrales Ramon, Youcef Mezouar,Jean-Christophe Fauroux

To cite this version:Kamal Mohy El Dine, Juan Antonio Corrales Ramon, Youcef Mezouar, Jean-Christophe Fau-roux. A Smooth Position-Force Controller for Asbestos Removal Manipulator. 2017 IEEE Inter-national Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Dec 2017, Macau, France. �10.1109/RO-BIO.2017.8324599�. �hal-01753927�

Page 2: A Smooth Position-Force Controller for Asbestos Removal

A Smooth Position-Force Controllerfor Asbestos Removal Manipulator

Kamal Mohy El Dine∗, Juan-Antonio Corrales-Ramon†, Youcef Mezouar‡, and Jean-Christophe Fauroux§

Institut Pascal, SIGMA Clermont, Universite Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, F-63000 ClermontFerrand, FranceEmails:∗Kamal.Mohy El [email protected], †[email protected],

[email protected], §[email protected]

Abstract—In robotic grinding tasks, the robot controller mustreactively adapt to sudden changes in the environment and beable to handle uncertainties in texture, change in materials,and disturbances caused by vibrations, impacts and frictionof the grinding tool operating at high rotational speed. Thisrequires managing sudden signal changes in sensor data. Inthis paper, we present a smooth hybrid force/position controllerbased on distance measurements from radars, enabling therobot to achieve a stable interaction with the environment whilegrinding an unknown three-dimensional surface. The controluses an actively compliant wrist that maintains a desired forcecentered on the disc and normal to the surface. Our controlleris based on a smooth transition between free space and contactmodes, significantly reducing the impact force. Additionally, thevibro-dynamic effects are suppressed and smooth environmentaltracking is ensured by the impedance/admittance control of thewrist. This framework is validated on a 6-dof anthropomorphicarm through dynamic simulation. The controller is able to adaptreactively to abrupt disturbances in the environment (ex: suddenimpacts on the disc) while ensuring good position and forcetracking performance.


Despite the advents in industrial automation, robotic solu-tions are not yet commonly used in construction and demo-lition industries. However, implementation of robots in civilengineering is strongly growing, as the International Federa-tion of Robotics (IFR) survey showed about 568 constructionand demolition systems were supplied in 2015, and the numberis estimated to increase to 2,800 in 2019 [1]. Currently, mosttasks are performed manually with the help of conventionalelectro-mechanic and hydraulic tools. For example, asbestosremoval by grinding is still performed by human operators,subjecting them to health hazards like cancer, since the as-bestos fibers can infiltrate into respiratory system even withthe use of protection. Additionally, the cleaning productivityis limited by human performance while the surface area ofcontaminated flats is considerable. Thus, the automation ofthis task to achieve efficient asbestos removal from a realworld rehabilitation site, without endangering the human lifeis recommended [2], [3]. A conceptual design of the systemcan be represented as shown in Figure 1. In order to developsuch system, investigation is carried out to build a multi-modal control based on the association between radar andforce informations that ensure a constant grinding force ofdesired magnitude and orientation. For this grinding task, thechallenge is to achieve a smooth cleaning of the surface while

Fig. 1: Kinematic structure of the robotic system equippedwith a grinding tool, several 1D-distance radar sensors aroundit for attitude measurement, and a force/torque sensor toperform asbestos removal on the wall

adapting to it and to the random impacts from the largegrinding disc where the latter can not be neglected. The issuesmentioned direct the problem into two main tracks: controlstrategies for robot-environment interaction and robotic grind-ing. Concerning the interaction with the environment, manyimportant works have been carried out in the literature. Thecontrol strategies proposed can be grouped into two categories:indirect and direct force control, in which the former achievesmotion control without explicit closure of a force feedbackloop while the latter closes the force loop on the measuredforce value [4]. To the first category belong impedance and itsalternatives, explained by Hogan in [5], where he introduceda method for a manipulator to interact dynamically withits environment. A meaningful set of controllers and theirrespective design specifications to assure compliant motionwith stability robustness were described and analyzed in [6],[7] and a formalism for specifying compliant motion tasks andtracking was explained in [8]. The capabilities of impedancecontrol have been enhanced by providing means of force

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tracking to keep a desired contact force with the environmentdespite lacking the knowledge of its stiffness and position[9]. This framework has been proposed by two simple on-lineschemes. The first is based on generating the reference positionon-line as a function of the force-tracking error and the secondestimates environmental parameters using an indirect adaptiveapproach. Moreover, a force limited impedance and positionlimited force control were proposed in [10] by implementingan impedance controller as an inner loop and integral forcecontroller as an outer loop. This allowed changing the be-havior based on the limited external force. Hence, a goodposition, impedance and force tracking is obtained. A moreadvanced force tracking impedance control based on adaptivemethods has been proposed in [11]. It worked well for abruptchanges in the environmental stiffness. Then the author of[12] proposed a predictive force control that used a fuzzyscaling machine. The controller performance seems good butit needs the estimation of the environmental stiffness. In [13],[14] the controller is based on learning to reduce the errorand energy and make the robot behave like a human whileinteracting with unknown environments. It showed that therobot is resistant to uncertainties after learning but off-linetraining is essential. Carrying on performance improvement,[15] includes the redundancy resolution in the controller andsolves the interaction by allowing the end-effector to complyaccording to an impedance control law defined in the Cartesianspace. More works have been done on performance issuesof the impedance and regarding external forces as presentedin [16]–[20] where the researchers combined impedance withextra vision and tactile sensors.

On the other hand, hybrid position/force falls within thedirect force control category. When the manipulator is in con-tact with the environment, the end-effector coordinate spacecan be decomposed into position and force subspaces, thencontrol in each subspace can be done [21], [22]. The explicitmodel based hybrid control of rigid robot in contact withrigid environments has been studied in [21], [23], [24] andwith compliant environments [25]–[27]. A review about theapproaches used for controlling robots in constrained motionscan be found in [28]. These hybrid controllers suffer fromstability issues because of switching, impacts and uncertain-ties, which challenged researchers to investigate solutions.Attempts have been made to solve these issues using activestiffness and impedance control [29], [30]. Other solutionsreduced environmental stiffness using mechanical means suchas soft sensors or compliant covers [31], [32]. Passive anddynamic damping control was used [33]–[35] as an alternative.

As many studies deduced, using only one sensor limits thetasks the robot can do. Hence to ameliorate the force andposition performances in unknown environments, the hybridcontrol is extended with vision [36]–[38]. The controllerssuffered from disturbance and the closed loop stability was notproven. Then the uncertainties of the robot and the environ-ment were taken into account and more work on the precisionwas done in [39]–[46]. Moreover, the contact problem hasbeen addressed in the literature [37], [47], [48]. In [40], the

force was added after contact to reduce impact, while in [42],the control switches from ”position” before contact to ”force”control after-wise. The author in [49] used motion controlwhile approaching, followed by impact loading control thatdissipates the impact force by setting the force command valuenegatively proportional to the velocity of the end-effector uponcontact. In [50], the contact velocity is decreased based onvision and a rubber damper is added to reduce impact.

Vision is very useful for locating the environment, anddetermining the relative position and orientation of the robot’send-effector. It has been widely used to improve the human-robot and robot-environment interactions. [51] shows howvision can be used to detect the system states to ensure safeinteraction with the human. In [19], [45], [52], vision sensorswere exploited in applications that require interaction withthe environment. Although vision is powerful in cancelingunwanted control behaviors and in adding the knowledge aboutenvironment, it is usually not sufficient when the environmentis rugged and dusty. Hence, in Section II of this paperwe present a unified control strategy based on 1-D radars,furnished with smooth transition function to minimize theimpact force as it is explained in Subsection II-C. The grindingforces similar to the ones analyzed in [53] are limited bythe controller. A detailed model is presented in SubsectionII-F for grinding walls with abrasive disc, where it is usedto validate the controller. Hence, taking the advantage offorce measurements and radar information, better fitting to thesurface can be achieved while grinding and ensuring a normalcontact force on the wall coinciding with the tool center.


Without loosing generality, the control scheme presented inthis paper can be applied to any robotic arm where position andorientation can be decoupled. The first three joints of the armare used to ensure a desired force on the wall and trajectorytracking using hybrid position-force control. The control ofwrist joints is based on admittance to ensure the adaptation ofthe tool to the wall as shown in Figure 1. The control schemeis explained in the following subsections:

A. Hybrid Control in Operational Space

In complex and unpredictable environments, e.g grindingoperation, the end-effector motion may be subjected to sud-den disturbances occurring due to excessive forces. Thus, inorder to accommodate these unexpected interactions, the end-effector motion must be adapted by on-line modifications.Expressing the task in operational space requires a precisecontrol of the end-effector motion, which can be achieved bythe hybrid control proposed in [4]. Based on dynamics, thecontroller can be expressed as follows:

hc = Λ(q)Svαv +S f Fcmd +µ(q, q) (1)

where hc ∈ Rn (applied on the 1st 3 joints and n = 3) denotesthe output wrench of the end-effector in operational space; qcorresponds to joint values, Sv and S f are the selection matri-ces of position and force controlled directions respectively; αv

Page 4: A Smooth Position-Force Controller for Asbestos Removal

Fig. 2: Hybrid controller block diagram: force control loop(green), position control loop (blue), admittance control loop(red) (refer to Section II)

and Fcmd are the acceleration and force commands respectively,Λ(q) is the pseudo-inertia matrix defined by:

Λ(q) = JH(q)−1J (2)

with J denoting the (n× n) kinematic Jacobian matrix, H isthe (n× n) robot inertia matrix; µ is the (n× 1) function tocompensate for Coriolis, gravitational and friction forces inthe workspace. It is defined by:

µ(q, q) = Γ(q, q)q+η(q) (3)

where Γ is the wrench mapping the centrifugal, Coriolis andfriction effects c(q, q) from joint space into operational space:

Γ(q, q) = J−T c(q, q)J−1−Λ(q)JJ−1 (4)

and η is the wrench mapping the gravitational effects g(q)from joint space into the operational space as:

η(q) = J−T g(q) (5)

Finally the joint torques τ can be calculated by:

τ = JT hc (6)

The control loop expressed in equation (1) allows full de-coupling between the force and velocity controlled subspaces(refer to Figure 2).

B. Force and Position Control Loops:

The desired force Fd can be achieved by setting:

Fcmd = Fd(t)+KPF [Fd(t)−Fres(t)] (7)

Fcmd is the command to force controller, Fres is the reactionforce value and KPF is a suitable positive-definite gain matrix.The proportional feedback is able to reduce the force errordue to disturbance forces.

Position control can be achieved by setting:

αv = rd(t)+KDr[rd(t)−Vres(t)]+KPr[rd(t)−Pres(t)] (8)

Vres and Pres are the velocity and position response of the end-effector computed by the direct kinematics; KDr and KPr are

suitable gain matrices; rd(t), rd(t) and rd(t) are the desiredacceleration, velocity and position tracking inputs, obtainedfrom the trapezoidal trajectory generator with continuousacceleration as detailed in [54].

C. Smooth Transition Control

As described in Section I, the switching problem is of mainconcern. In order to avoid the discontinuous switching betweenthe controllers, and to reduce the impact force, a new strategyis introduced to change the selection matrix element S(i, j)corresponding to the desired direction of motion from 0 to 1smoothly. This way, the controller inputs are continuous andthe control scheme smoothly flips from full position to hybridcontrol according to the distance from the grinding tool to thewall Dwall obtained from radar readings:

Dwall = min(Dradar1 ,Dradar2 ,Dradar3 ,Dradar4) (9)

Hence, exponential variation has been chosen for this issue as:

S f (i, j) = S f0eka∗Dwall (10)

Sv(i, j) = 1−S f (i, j) (11)


ka =−log(

S f f inalS f0


D f inal+ ε (12)

ε = D f inalwall −Dinitial

wall (13)

S f f inal is chosen as a small scalar close to 0, S f0 = 1 and theimpact control is regulated by ε according to the distance rangedefined by [D f inal

wall −Dinitialwall ]. When S f (i, j) reaches 1, Fd starts

from 0 to reach the maximum desired value:

Fd(t) =

0 if t ≤ timpact

r f (t− timpact)+F0 if timpact < t ≤ timpact +wFd

f inal if t > timpact +w(14)

where r f =Fd

f inalw is the force rate, F0 is the initial value of Fd

and w is the desired period to reach the maximum force.

D. Impedance/Admittance Based Orientation Control

In order to ensure soft interaction with the environment andstability against impacts, joint based impedance/admittancecontroller has been utilized for the wrist joints [55]. It ensuresthe tool-wall adaption with minimal torques (refer to Figure3). The torque acting on the end-effector when moving alongthe surface is:

τext = Kreacτreacwrist (15)

Kreac is gain of reaction forces, τreacwrist is the reaction torque

on the wrist, obtained from the torque sensor. Hence, thecontroller can be realized based on accelerations referencesas:

qtotalre f =


(τext −Diqtotalre f −Kiqtotal

re f ) (16)

Page 5: A Smooth Position-Force Controller for Asbestos Removal

Fig. 3: Joint based admittance controller block diagram (referto Sections II-D, II-E)

where Mi, Di and Ki are the impedance gains. They can betuned by fixing the 2nd order dynamics as:

qre fwristτext


Mis2 +Di +Ki(17)

The natural frequency ωi and the damping ratio ζi are definedas:

ωi =


Miand ζi =




Finally, the motors angular acceleration can be defined as:

qre fwrist = − qtotal

re f +Kp(qcmd−qtotalre f −qwrist

resp )

+Kd(qcmd− qtotalre f − qwrist

resp )(19)

and the torque for wrist joint as,

τre fwrist = Iwrist q

re fwrist (20)

where Kp and Kd are the PD gains respectively, and Iwrist isthe wrist inertia matrix.

E. Radar Based Orientation

Based on radar measurements, the absolute rotations be-tween the tool and the wall, shown in Figure 4 can becalculated as: {

θy = sign(r3− r2)(π

2 − γ)

θz = sign(r1− r2)(π

2 −α)(21)


γ =



) if r3 ≤ r2


) if r3 > r2

α =



) if r1 ≤ r2


) if r1 > r2

r1,r2 and r3 are the radar measurements respectively, and drir j

is the distance between radars i and j (refer to Figure 4).

Fig. 4: Tool absolute orientation

TABLE I: Parameters used in grinding model.

Variable Unit ExplanationMRR m3/s Material removal rate

U J Kinetic energyω0 rad/s Free rotational speed of the discF N Applied forcem Kg Masst m Thickness of the cut ahead

R1,R2,R3 m Contact radii on the discd m Depth of the cutb m Width of the cutD m Disc diameterυ m/s End-effector velocitya m/s2 End-effector acceleration

Acontact m2 Wall-disc contact areaK1 J.m Constant relating the cut ahead to the energyβ rad/(m.N.s) Speed reduction to torque constantµ Friction constantδ N.m Delta functionn N.m Limited noise

F. Disturbance Model of Grinding Torque

In order to test the control response, and to simulate itagainst noises and impacts of the grinding process, a torquedisturbance model is needed. In [53], a metal grinding processwas modeled. The normal force on the disc was estimatedbased on it’s physical parameters. Moreover, speed reductionvalue is formulated based on this normal force as:

speed reduction value = βRµFnorm (22)

R is the radius to the point of contact, the variables β ,µ andFnorm are defined in in Table I. In [56], the grinding force wasestimated as a function of tool kinetic energy (U), materialremoval rate (MRR) and the disc speed on the wall (υnorm)as:

Fnorm =U ∗ MRRυnorm


In our case, as the disc lies in plane of the wall, force exertedon the disc and it’s speed are known. The interest here is tostudy the effect of grinding parameters defined in Table I andFigure 5 on the generation of the reaction torque. A modelhas been developed based on existing studies as:

τreacdisc = sign(Fnorm)∗U ∗

( (MRR)tan +(MRR)norm


)+N(n,δ )


Page 6: A Smooth Position-Force Controller for Asbestos Removal

Fig. 5: Grinding parameters

Fig. 6: Adams/Matlab co-simulation

with,ωoverload = β µ(R1FR1

norm +R2FR2norm +R3matan)

(MRR)tan = υtandb(MRR)norm = υnormDAcontact

U = K1/t

Where tan and norm subscripts stand for tangential and normaldirections respectively. Additionally, random impacts δ andlimited noise n have been included in the noise function N torepresent a real case scenario.


The control framework in Section II is implemented fora 6-R robot using Adams-Matlab co-simulation (Figure 6).The system is simulated with a trapezoidal trajectory generatorthat provides continuous acceleration in the variable velocityphases and constant speed otherwise. The robot is commandedto apply a force of 90 N on a desired path on the wall. It startsfrom free space and goes into the wall by a smooth transitionfrom position to force control avoiding impact and maintainingthe desired force. The admittance controller ensures centeringthe force and adapting to the wall.

A. Hybrid Force-Position Control Behavior

The command-response of trajectory position and velocityare shown in Figures 7 and 9 respectively. The controllershows good performance in free space and after contact, limit-ing the position errors to 0 mm before and 5 mm after contactat t = 1.4 s as shown in Figure 8. This variation in positionerrors is due to the 0.4 N dynamic friction force between

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14













zresImpact time

Fig. 7: Position command-response

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


or (

m) ×10-3






Fig. 8: Position command-response errors

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14












vreszImpact time

Fig. 9: Velocity command-response

the tool and wall, that is defined in Adams. Consequently thevelocity errors are between 0.035 m/s and −0.05 m/s afterimpact and are shown in Figure 10.

Concerning the force control performance, the force com-mand versus response are plotted in Figure 11. The controlwith smooth transition in Figure 11b shows negligible impactforce when touching the wall. Then the desired force referencevalue is reached in a behavior similar to a step function. Theforce value is maintained along the path with an error less than2 N as shown in Figure 12b. The smooth transition controlshows better values compared to the ones obtained by directswitching in Figure 11a, where the impact is clearly high andthe force error can exceed 100 N as shown in 12a. Thanksto the smooth transition control presented in II-C that flipssmoothly from position into force control in a unified mannerthat avoids switching as Figure 13 shows.

B. Admittance Control Behavior

As described in II-D, the wrist motors are based on ac-celeration control (eq.19) in addition to the torque sensor tomeasure the reaction torques τreac

wrist . The controller gains Mi, Diand Ki are tuned for 2nd order differential equation to ensurestability and equivalent distribution of contact forces on the

Page 7: A Smooth Position-Force Controller for Asbestos Removal

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


or (











Fig. 10: Velocity command-response errors

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


e (N




200F cmdnormal


Impact time

(a) Force command-response without smooth transition

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


e (N





F cmdnormal


Impact time

(b) Force command-response with smooth transition

Fig. 11: The command-response of normal force on the wall

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


or (





X: 2.774Y: -15.43

(a) Force command-response error without smooth transition

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


or (



(b) Force command-response error with smooth transition

Fig. 12: Normal force command-response errors

end-effector (eq.17 & 18). Kp and Kd are proportional andderivative gains tuned for good tracking of the reference valuesgenerated from commands and external torques (eq.16 & 19)as shown in Figure 17, where the joint positions are modifiedbased on external torques. The effectiveness of the admittance

Distance(m) ×10-30 1 2 3 4 5





1 Sv(1, 1)Sf (1, 1)

(a) Gains for direct switching from position to force control

Distance(m) ×10-30 1 2 3 4 5





1 Sv(1, 1)Sf (1, 1)

(b) Gains for smooth transition from position to force control

Fig. 13: Smooth switching from position to force control. (1,1)is the index to the first element of the selection matrix

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
















Fig. 14: The reaction torques on 5th and 6th joints

controller in adapting the tool to the wall, can be deduced fromthe fact of keeping minimal torques on 5th and 6th joints, thatare responsible for the pitch and yaw of the tool as Figure 14shows. Figure 15 shows how the controller maintains the forcecentered as the zero-moment-point of the tool-wall contactgets about the center of the tool (except for the first contact)overcoming lateral forces.

Adding external torque to the disc with some impacts,mainly results on the 4th joint because of the mechanicallinkage of the wrist that is similar to universal joint thatcouples rotation between two drive-line shafts: the base shaft(axle of the disc) and the follower shaft (joint 4). The resultsare shown in Figure 16 where the τ4 in 16a shows the behaviorof joint 4 without external torque. However, when the endeffector is subjected to external torque as in 16b, τ4 acts asshock absorber and it can suppress noise and impacts of thedisc as 16c shows, thus avoiding high impacts on the joint.

Page 8: A Smooth Position-Force Controller for Asbestos Removal

Time (s)0 5 10



e (m




0.1 zmptoolx


(a) Zmp coordinates

Xtool (m)-0.1 0 0.1


ol (




0.1 zmptool

(b) Zmp trajectory

Fig. 15: Zero-moment-point on the end-effector expressed inthe tool frame shown in Figure 4

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14







5 τresp


(a) Response of τ4 without the disc reaction torque

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14










(b) Disc reaction torque plus noise and random impacts

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14







5 τresp


(c) Response of τ4 with the disc reaction torque added

Fig. 16: Suppressing the disc noise and random impacts byimpedance control

Time (s)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


t Ang

le (










Fig. 17: Position compensation by admittance control


This article presents a smooth position-force hybrid con-troller that can reactively adapt to sudden changes in theenvironment and the resulting impacts while grinding. The

controller is based on 1D-distance measurement radars andactive admittance for tracking unknown three-dimensionalsurfaces while maintaining a desired force centered on thedisc and normal to the surface. The switching problem isovercome by proposing a smooth transition control. Thecontroller changes smoothly between free space and contactmodes, thus reducing impact force close to zero and avoidinguncertainties. Additionally, a disturbance model to estimatethe reaction torque of the tool has been developed in orderto test the controller capable of suppressing vibro-dynamiceffects. The control is validated by simulations on a 6-dofanthropomorphic arm. The results show good position andforce tracking performances and impact force close to zero. Inthe near future, the controller will be implemented and testedby real robot on flat and curved surfaces in order to betterevaluate and ameliorate its performance.


”The research leading to these results has received fund-ing from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research andinnovation programme under grant agreement No. 687593.”


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