a specter legacy ch 6

Ch 6: Dawn of the Dead Ch 6 Soundtrack: “Dawn of the Dead” by Does It Offend You, Yeah?, “X&Y” by Coldplay, “Valentine’s Day” by Linkin Park, “Irreversible” by the Exies, & “The Walk” by Imogen Heap

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Post on 17-May-2015




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The heir is finally named and the kids all go to college and try to deal with relationships.


Page 1: A Specter Legacy Ch 6

Ch 6: Dawn of the Dead

Ch 6

Soundtrack: “Dawn of the Dead” by Does It Offend You, Yeah?, “X&Y” by Coldplay, “Valentine’s Day” by Linkin Park, “Irreversible” by the Exies, & “The Walk” by Imogen Heap

Page 2: A Specter Legacy Ch 6

So last chapter there was a lot of death. And I seem to remember leaving you with a childless, wifeless, founder screaming ‘Nooooooo’ into the camera. Or something like that. Let’s rejoin him, shall we?

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“Why? This wasn’t supposed to happen, so why? Is this what you planned all along, huh? Did I misunderstand you? I thought we had a deal, but you’ve taken away everything – everything!” Andy shouted at the ceiling, expecting an answer, but none came.

The jets were turned off now and the room was quiet. For a while, Andy had stood frozen in the doorway, watching the flames die out...

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Watching death take away the love of his life.

“Are you real?” Andy had to ask. Shaking his head, he could barely believe his eyes.

“Hells yeah,” was the hooded being’s response. “And dude, stop talking to yourself.”

“I’m not talking to myself. There’s this voice in my head.”

“Yeah, that’s what they all say.” Death nodded as he scribbled on his clipboard. “But you really are talking to yourself. She won’t answer you anymore.”

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“Wha?” But Death disappeared before he could ask another question. “Wait, come back! I need answers! Arrgh, why won’t you answer me?!” Andy yelled at the ceiling again.

“Who are you talking to?” Raye asked, barging in. “Never mind; doesn’t matter. I’ve just finished up - the challenge is ovah! Your heir has been chosen.”

Realization dawned on Andy. That sneaky little… “Ugh, I need to get out of this room.”

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Pulling himself together, Andy turned to Raye. “So what now? My whole family is dead.”

“Relax, Specter. That’s just the way it had to be this challenge-”

“Why? Why did they all have to die? Why did my wife die?”

“Look, I don’t know about your wife, that’s just life, okay?”

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“As for your kids, well, it’s the Year of the Saiyan.”

“Huh. …What the heck does that mean?”

“It’s basically a fancy way of saying tails. You know, as opposed to heads.”

“So why don’t you just-”

“Arrgh, not you too!”

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“Look, it means that the winner is the ‘loser’ and the loser is the ‘winner,’ okay?”


“It means that the challenge is scored backwards! The winner is the sim that would have normally lost and the loser is the sim that would have normally won.”

“That’s… confusing.”

“Tell me about it, but, hey, I didn’t make the rules.”

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“Anyway, that’s why they all had to die. The winner normally would have been the survivor – the one who died last, but since the rules are flipped, it’s the sim who died first. And so the loser is not the one who died first but-”

“The one who died last. I think I’m starting to understand this crazy logic. So I can resurrect my wife and kids now.”

“Close, but no guitar.”

“What do you mean?”

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“You can’t resurrect your wife. Or the ‘loser,’ so that-”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why can’t I bring back Kaylynn?”

“She died of fire.”


“And you can’t resurrect anyone who dies from a death that there isn’t a ghost color for.”

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“And, unfortunately for you, your actually wife died before the challenge was over, before the last contestant died, so-”

“So I can’t bring her back. …You know that’s complete bulls-”

“That may be, but, like I said, I didn’t make the rules.” Raye sighed. “Look, I’m sorry for your loss and all, but sometimes these things just happen.”

“Whatever. Let’s just get my kids back.”

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Andy followed Raye to the back of the shacks where a bone phone was set up, sighing and rubbing his temples. He had so many questions, but there wasn’t anyone he could ask anymore. Sighing again, he tried to steel himself so he could resurrect his children.

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“Okay, so the winner is – uh, what are you doing?”



“Mmmmpff uuuggghh, ahkaffff!”

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“So, um, I guess you need a minute, huh?”


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Several moments later, Andy had pulled himself together and bought back his heir.

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“Dad? Wha- mmph!” The rest of Asher’s questions were drowned out as Andy pulled him in for a hug.

“Um, can we hurry this up? It’s freezing.”

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Next, Zephyr and Aerith were brought back as well.

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“So,” Andy began tentatively. I’m sure you all have some questions-”

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“I’ll say. What am I doing here? I lost. …I mean… I died… first.”

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“Yeah, but remember I said it was the Year of the Saiyan? So the challenge was scored backwards. Congratulations, kid, you’re the heir.”

“What? N-No way.”

“Way. And so I guess my job here’s done. See ya’ll-”

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“Wait, where’s mom? Why isn’t she here? Are you and her still fighting?”

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“You wanna answer that, Raye?”

“The question was addressed to you.”

“Yeah, but you’re the one who-”

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“Will someone please tell us what’s going on?” Zeph practically shouted. He was in an unusually bad mood. Then again, burning to death had that effect on some people.

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“Right, well… There’s no easy way to say this… so I guess I’ll just… say it.” Andy sighed. “Your mother… died.

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“What?” Aerith, Zeph, and Asher exclaimed together.

“She died trying to save you. She- she ran into one of the buildings and it was still on fire. She got trapped and… And well she died,” Andy said softly.

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“I can’t believe it. Mom’s really… and Skye. They’re both…”

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“I know it’s all hard to hear. But we all just have to get through it.” Andy gulped. “Life goes on and so must we. Which brings me back to the heirship.”

“Yawn. Well, like I said, I’m done here. Laters.”

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“Wait, wait, wait. Aren’t we going to bring her back? I mean, I know why Skye… I don’t like it, but I know why Skye can’t come back, but what about mom? Shouldn’t she come back, too?”

“Zephyr,” Andy said softly.

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“No can do. It’s against the rules for a number of reasons. And since I’m thoroughly bored with repeating myself, you’ll just have to believe me when I tell you that your mom and your brother are staying dead.”

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“Thank you Raye for that oh so subtle relay of information.” Andy sighed. “I’m sorry kids but, she’s right. We can’t bring your mother back.”

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“What? I can’t believe you dad! You’re just going to sit back and accept all this?!”


“No! Mom’s dead and Skye fried to death and you want us all to just suddenly be okay with all this?”

“I didn’t say-”

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“You know, what? Mom was right about you. You didn’t do a thing to save Skye and you’re still not doing anything to save them now.”


“You really don’t care if we all die, do you?”

“Zeph, how could say that? Of course I-”

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“Yeah, well it sure doesn’t look like it. I’m going by what I see and the only thing I see is a selfish jerk who’s content with ruining his family.”


“No. I’m done. I shoulda listened to mom. I’m done with you, this family, and your stupid legacy.” With that, he stalked off.

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Dumbfounded, Andy watched his son walk away from him, unable to summon the right words, or any words at all. It was some time before he spoke again.

“Zephyr has every right to his feelings, and so do you two. Aerith, Asher – I know you two are hurt and upset, but you have to remember that we’re a family. And this legacy-”

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“You don’t get it,” Aerith interrupted quietly. “You just don’t get it.”

“But I do, Aerith.”

“No, you don’t. Or else you’d realize that the stupid legacy is the last thing we’d all want to hear about right now.”


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“I’m sorry dad, but I can’t do this. I- I just can’t.” And she, too, walked off.

“Well, this is an awkward family moment,” Raye said after a beat. “I’ll just leave you two alone.”

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“Well, I guess it’s just us now,” Andy said lamely after Raye disappeared around a corner. He cleared his throat. “Now I know you don’t want to listen to me just now, but I do have some important stuff to tell you. As heir-”

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“I don’t want it.”


“I don’t want the heirship. I mean, are you kidding me dad? Did you not just see what happened? Do you not know what we all went through in that stupid challenge?” Asher shook his head. “If this is my legacy,” he gestured to the shacks, “If this is what I’m destined for, than I don’t want any part of it.”

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“You think I did? Really, Asher? I never thought my life would go this way. All I’m doing is trying to make the best of things, to make the best life that I can, for me and for you and-”

“But you didn’t! And worse of all, this is all your fault! We could have avoided this, all of it-”


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“I don’t want to be heir! I don’t want any part of this- this madness. I just want to be left alone. How could you do this to me, dad – to us? How could you want me to go through all this again – to go through what you’re going through now?” Asher had to stop, his voice was breaking. “…I can’t, dad, okay? I just can’t. I can’t be heir.”

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“Asher,” Andy said gently, “I know how tough this is-”

“You didn’t even go through the stupid challenge! You didn’t have to face all the flames and the smoke and the- the-”

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Andy reached out to lay a hand on his son’s shoulder. “No I didn’t. And for that, I am sorry. If I could have-” He stopped himself and shook his head. “It’s just no use thinking that way.” He swallowed and continued. “I do know what it’s like to be heir and no, it won’t be easy. It wasn’t easy fighting with your mother all the time, to lose her and Skye and to watch Zeph and Aerith walk away from me.”

“So why make me go through all that?”

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“Why would you want the same for me?”

“I don’t, but it’s evitable.”

“Mom always said that we make our own destiny.”

Andy shook his head. “Maybe that’s true, for some. But not for us. Not for you. Your resurrection, and your brother’s and sister’s, doesn’t come without a price.”

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“Look, go to college, Asher. Take some time and rest. You can even ignore me and vow never to speak to me again, if you wish. Just remember that you are the heir. You can try to run away from your destiny if you want, but sooner or later, it will catch up to you. And isn’t it better to stare fate down, then to be tripped up by it from behind?”


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Asher frowned as he walked away from that place. He saw the wisdom in his father’s words, but a part of him just wouldn’t - couldn’t - believe them. There had to be a way to fight this. There had to be.


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Zephyr was frowning, too; a permanent scowl seemed to have been fixed to his face after he walked out on his family. With nowhere else to go, he decided to go to college. Hopefully, he could figure some things out there.

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His new dorm was equipped with all the latest technologies and had plenty of things to keep a freshman occupied. So, after grabbing a corner room and a quick change of clothes, Zephyr set out to immerse himself in college life and forget the last twenty-four hours completely.


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Aerith, too, decided to go to uni, but she was much less interested in the social side of college, unlike her brother. Still quite shaken, she only ventured out only once to secure a new wardrobe.

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Except for when she went to class, she barely left the dorm, or conversed with anyone at all. She hardly noticed her surroundings or her dorm mates. Instead, she holed up in her room and studied.


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Asher was the last to arrive on campus. He, too, was in need of a new look.

What’s with the tees, geez? And yours doesn’t even meet your pants.

“Wha? V-Voice?”

The one and only. Now that you’re heir, you get the pleasure of hearing me all the time.

“Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. I am not the heir.”

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Still in denial, Asher went to get some new clothes and look for a wife.

Crap, I forgot to put the walls up.

“W-What? Listen, I am not looking for a wife. I’m not getting married and I’m not having kids. I’m not the heir, okay?”

Which is why I also said you’re in denial.

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Looking for some people to get to know, Asher noticed a girl out of the corner of his eye. She was having some trouble with the treadmill.

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“Hey, you need some help?”

“Yeah. That’d be nice - I’m not very good with these things. I’m kind of a klutz.”

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“No problem. My name’s Asher, by the way.”

“Cool. I’m Virginia.”

Ooo, she’s cute. A blonde with grey eyes - nice work, Asher. It’ll be good to marry someone with recessive genes to keep that red hair around.

“I’m not marrying her!” Asher exclaimed a little too loudly.

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“Um, are you talking to me? Because I don’t think I asked you to-”

Way to go, Ash. Now she thinks you’re crazy. Way to make an impression on your future wife.

“She’s not my future wife!”


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“Look, I’m sorry, I got to go.” *Runs away*

“…What a weirdo…”

You can’t fool me, Asher! I see the rest of that thought bubble!

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Needing a distraction from the cute girl in sweats and the voice in his head, Asher headed for the instruments.

“Could you stop that? All this narration is starting to give me a headache.”

Here’s a tip, kid. You don’t have to talk aloud to talk to me. Just think it and I’ll hear it.

Fine. Go away.

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But you’re my heir.

No, I’m not. And I’m not marrying a blonde. Or anyone else for that matter.

*Rolls Eyes* Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Look, do you really want to stop hearing voices in your head?

Yes. And I want you to go away.

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I’m not going anywhere, but I can make it so you don’t hear the narration. If you need me –

I won’t need you. Leave me alone.

*Sigh* Fine. But you should listen to your dad. He’s right you know.


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Alright, alright I get the hint. But never say I didn’t tell you to be careful what you wish for.

Wait, huh?

Nothing, nothing. Just my way of saying ‘I told you’ so in advance.

Pfft. Fine, duly noted. Just leave me alone.


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And so Asher soon became busy with college life, too. But though he was overwhelmed with the rush of new people, classes, and a house full of games to play, a certain dormie still managed to catch his eye.

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“Oh, er, hey.”

“Hey, yourself. You new here?”

“Yeah. I- I’m Asher.”

“Melanie. Welcome to Landgraab dorms. The common room gets kinda loud and the macaroni gets burnt every now and then, but you’ll have loads of fun, I promise.”

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“R-right.” Asher gulped as he looked into her eyes. It was taking all of his will not to look at her navel.

“Aw, you’re shy. That’s okay. Well, if you need anything, let me know. I’m just down the hall.” Melanie gave him a bright smile.

Asher gulped. “Um. Right.” Crap.

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I am not attracted to Melanie, I am not attracted to Melanie, I am not attracted to Melanie.

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But Asher had trouble getting Melanie out of his head. He kept bumping into her all over the dorm. Not to mention she had a habit of walking around in her underwear.

“Hey, mind if I use your bed? Some spiky haired chick’s in mine. Thanks.”

“Wha? Uh, um…”

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Stupid spiky haired chicks…


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Zephyr was busy with some ladies of his own, Blossom and Roxie. He had met Roxie as she passed by one day and they had instantly clicked.

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“You’ve got a tough look in your eyes,” Roxie had said. “And a devil-may-care, me-against-the-world attitude. I like you.”

Instant friendship.

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Zeph had spent a lot of time with her and her friend Blossom, eventually trading stories of their past.

“So basically, I’m a spare in a legacy. Me and my siblings had a fight to the death to choose the heir.”

“Whoa. And I thought I had it bad when I caught my ex cheating on me with a cheerleader.”

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“You know what you need,” the usually quiet Blossom exclaimed suddenly. “Bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles. Bubbles make everything better.”

“Somehow I doubt that.”

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But Blossom was right. The bubbles clouded his mind, chasing his haunting memories away.

“How did I not know about this?”

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“I told ya bubbles make it better.”

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“Welcome to the club, bro. You’re officially one of us.”

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And that’s how Zeph gained a reputation for being a party animal. He was out all night, practicing his music, drinking and blowing bubbles. He was always the life of the party, the center of any room. Between his partying and his classes, he barely had any time for sleep.

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But he liked it that way. When he slipped into bed at first light, he was too exhausted to dream. Which meant he couldn’t see the flames, couldn’t hear his siblings screams and couldn’t smell the death.


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“Crap it, not again.” Asher sighed to himself. It was no use; he might as well get out of bed. He’d only end up laying awake all night, staring at the ceiling. He never slept through the night anymore. Asher sighed again. “Maybe I’ll go soak in the hot tub.” Sometimes that helped. The jets soothed him and every once in a while he could be lulled to sleep.

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Asher was resting in the hot tub, trying to get back that sleepy feeling when he heard footsteps.

“Mind if I join you?” a soft voice asked.

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Asher opened his eyes just in time to see a lithe blonde body slip into the water.

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He gulped. “Uh… No, I guess…”

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And why should he mind, he asked himself. He thought of the past few weeks. Melanie had a habit of showing up where ever he was. He should be used to it by now.

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“What are you doing up so late?” she asked.

“I could ask you the same question.” He went on when she frowned. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“I was about to. Go to sleep, that is. I had just finished my paper when I saw you out here, and well…”

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“You looked sort of lonely. I thought you could use the company.”

Asher shook his head. “I’m fine, really. I’m sort of getting used to being on my own.”

Melanie raised a brow.

Asher sighed and rubbed his head. How to explain? “I sorta come from a big family. I have – had – three siblings. I have a twin brother, a little sister, and… And well my youngest brother died. So did my mom.”

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“I’m sorry.”

“Me too… My family was pretty close, but after they died… We all sort of drifted apart. There was this big fight, then we all sort of just stopped speaking.” Asher shrugged.

“I was right, you are lonely.”

“No, not at all.” Melanie raised a brow. “I mean, I do miss them. Especially my twin... We were inseparable…” He smiled to himself a little.

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“But it’s good being on my own, too. We all want to do our own thing and that’s okay. We’ll find our way back to each other eventually.”



“If you don’t mind me saying so… Well, that’s the biggest bunch of crap I’ve ever heard.”

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And she splashed him for emphasis.

“Wha? What the hell?”

“You’ve got this great big family-”

“It’s not-”

“Do you know what some people would do for that? And here you are just throwing it all away.”


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“Relationships take work, Asher. You have to fight to keep the people you care about by your side.”

“I-I never thought about it like that.”

“Well, you should. …Listen, I can’t tell you how to feel. You lost your mom and your brother and that hurts. But if you let that grief take over your life, you’ll end up losing more than just them.”

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“Huh.” Asher sat back in silence for a bit. The sentiment wasn’t new, but it resonated within him and made him think. “How’d you get so smart?” he eventually asked.

“Infinite years of townie wisdom,” was the reply.

“Hey, Melanie?”


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“Thanks,” he said, splashing her.


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The talk with Melanie prompted him to make a few phone calls. His brother didn’t pick up, but someone else did.

“Hey. …It’s good to hear from you.”


“How’ve you been? How are classes and stuff? It’s funny; the campus is so big, I’ve barely seen you.”

“Oh, well. I haven’t been out all that much. …Mostly I’ve been in my room studying.”

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“You’ve been hiding up in your room? Aerith… You know that’s not healthy.”

“Well, excuse me if I don’t feel like talking to anyone.”

“Aer… I just meant… Are you okay?”

“Of course I’m not okay. I died, Asher. Most of our family did. Did you think I could just ignore it?”

“What does that mean? I’m not ignoring anything by talking to people.”

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“We all grieve in our own way, Asher.”

“That doesn’t mean you should isolate yourself.” When Aerith didn’t respond, he continued. “Do you remember that night before the challenge?”

“How could I forget it?”

“You wanted to make a pact.”


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“We’re family, Aer.”

“I know.”

“So… I’m going keep checking up on you. Because-”

“You worry. You’re a worrier, Ash. Look, I’m fine. Really.”

“I don’t believe you, but… Okay. Just call me sometimes. Alright, Pinky?”

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Aerith felt a flash of pain as memories washed over her. “I miss him so much, Ash.”

“Me, too.”

“And I…” Aerith gulped. “I never got to say goodbye to mom.”

“I know…” Asher sighed. “Dad was right about one thing. We have to make the best of what we’ve got.”

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“In time we’ll find a way to make it better. And it will get better. One day.”

“…Do you really believe that?”

Asher glanced over his shoulder and smiled in greeting to the girl passing by. “I have to,” he said quietly. “I’m the heir.”


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Talking with Aerith and Melanie got Asher thinking and gave him the final push he needed to visit home. Unlike during his first semester, Andy had been pestering him all Spring, urging him to come by to talk. Asher hadn’t been too keen on visiting home or talking about the legacy, but it was his dad after all. He supposed he ought to check up on him, too.

“Asher, you made it. It’s good to see you.”

“Yeah, well,” He shrugged.

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“Right. So, um… How’s the semester going. You meet anybody new?”

“If you called me down here to talk about marriage-”

“No, no – I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant if you were making friends, that sort of thing.”


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“Look, Ash, I know you’re upset, but this hasn’t been easy on me either. How do you think I feel, living in this big empty house with no one wanting to speak to me?”

Honestly, Asher mused, he hadn’t given it much thought. But he didn’t tell his dad that. He sighed and said, “I’m okay, dad. And yes, I’ve met some people. A lot of my dormmates are really cool people.”

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“So I bet you’re probably ready to move off campus and start your own Greek house, huh? That’s what I wanted to talk to you ab-”

“Whoa, whoa. I told you dad, I’m not doing any legacy stuff.”

“I just thought that you’d want your own place-”

“Well, I don’t!”

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“Really? You like having random people walk into your room, invading your personal space, watching you shower, and stealing the last bowl of burnt macaroni?”

“Yes. Yes I do.”

Andy sighed. “Okay, Asher. Fine. You don’t have to start a fraternity if you don’t want to. I’m much more concerned about you getting married.”

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“Come on, Asher, I want grandkids.”

“Dad! You know how I feel about that. I’m not getting married, okay?”

“Look, Asher, remember what I said about destiny catching up to you?”

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“Well, you may not plan to fall in love, you may even try to resist it. But one day, you’ll see her – that perfect vision of loveliness – and you won’t be able to help yourself.”

“Hey, how’d you - *Cough* I mean, um, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

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“Ah, so there is a girl.”

“No there isn’t.”

“Alright, alright. Look, try not to worry about the future so much, okay? Just enjoy yourself.”


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“And I know you said you didn’t want to move off campus, but here, just in case.”

“I don’t need it, dad.”

“I know, I know. But still. In case. So you don’t have to worry about money.”

Asher sighed. “Can I ask you something dad?”


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“How can you be so… calm? How can you just… You’re always so-”

Andy laid a hand on his son’s shoulder. “I’m calm because I have to be. I seem okay and put together because I know someone has to be. So that if you or Aerith or Zephyr come to me, you won’t feel like… like you’re lost. You’ll know that you can always depend on me to hold you up. …I know it’s tough, Ash, but that’s what’s being an heir means. It’s up to you to hold the family together now. I’ll help you out as much as I can, but… I’m not heir anymore. This time is yours.”

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“But I just don’t think I can do this.”

“Don’t worry, son, you’ll figure it out. You’ll find your own path. You just need some time.”

But Asher just shook his head as he headed back to campus. He didn’t know if he could keep this legacy going. He didn’t know if he could put his kids through what he went through.

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He decided to talk it over with Aerith.

“Sis! It’s good to see you!”

“You too. But what’s with the jacket? Is that a llama? …And a skull-”

“Oh, never mind that. It’s just part of this secret club I joined.”

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“But look at you, all grown up! So skinny, too. Have you been eating anything? You look like you’ve lost weight. And that skirt! It’s practically been swallowed by your shirt. It could definitely use another inch or too, missy.”

Aerith rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Listen, you really didn’t come all the way over here to talk about my outfit, did you?”

“No, but maybe I should have.”

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“Ash! Leave my outfit alone.” She swatted his hands away.

“Okay, okay.” He filled her in on his visit home. “Dad’s okay. The house is the same and the dogs really miss us.”


“And he wants me to get married, of course. He also mentioned something about founding a Greek house.”

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“Right, well… What do you think?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know about anything. I- I just feel sort of guilty, not talking to dad, you know? He’s back home all alone… I mean I know you and Zeph stopped speaking to him-”

“I didn’t stop speaking to him.”

“You didn’t?”

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“Well, maybe I did, a little at first, you know? But that didn’t last long.” Aerith gave a lopsided smile. “He calls me like ten times a day. Eventually I had to answer, if only to stop the ringing.”

“You, too, huh? And I thought it was just me.”

Aerith shook her head. “…A part of me’s really mad at him. And isn’t sad at all that he’s alone-”

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“Cuz it’s all his fault anyway and maybe this is what he deserves-”

“Right. But then… I just can’t help but think…”

“That he’s dad. That he’s still our family.”

“And I kind of miss him.”

Asher nodded. “I kinda miss everybody. And the way things used to be.”

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“Me too.”

“… I don’t know what I’m going to do, about anything. But I do know that all this- legacy stuff, doesn’t mean we can’t still be close. You’re my sister, so… Well, you know. Don’t be a stranger and all that. I’m here for you.”

Aerith smiled. “I’ll remember that. …Did you talk to Zeph by any chance?”

Asher shook his head. “He won’t answer my calls. I have no idea what he’s up to.”

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“I don’t know if I can get through to him.”

“You will. If anyone can, you will. You’re his twin. You know him best right?”

“Well, yea- hmm. …Maybe not.”


“I gotta go, sis. Got an idea. Talk to you later.”


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“So whatd’ya think of this place? Cool club, huh?”

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“What?” Zeph paused and asked. He couldn’t hear a thing over the music, but he liked it that way.

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“Oh, geez, you’re getting to be as bad as Blossom. Come on, punks, time to hit the hot tub before you two fully fry your brains.”

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“I think it’s a little late for that,” Zeph shouted back as he and Blossom did a flip. “But sure thing.”

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Because really, what guy didn’t want to be in a hot tub full of beautiful ladies?

“Well. Fancy seeing you here, Heather.” Zeph raised his brows at the other two – well, mostly at Roxie – as if to say ‘be nice.’

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“Yeah, like what a total coincidence. Except it’s really not because you’ve been stalking Zeph around campus for like three weeks now.”

“I have not!”

“You totally have,” Blossom cut in. “You’re always lurking by the bathrooms.”

“I do not lurk!”

“Ladies, I thought we were playing nice.”

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Heather smiled a thanks at Zeph. “It’s not my fault we happen to frequent the same clubs. The party scene at the Académie is only so big. And anyways, I’m only trying to get Zephyr to join my Greek house.”

Roxie snorted. “Yeah, sure.”

“Um, I thought you were in a sorority?”

“Oh, for Zeph, we’d make an exception.” She smiled playfully at Zeph, but he wasn’t paying attention.

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Zeph knew he was still a bit fuzzy from the bubbles. And the hot tub room wasn’t exactly the center of clarity with it’s mirrors, strobe lights, and steam. But all the same. He could have sworn he’d just seen his ex-girlfriend in one of those mirrors.

“Right, Zeph? Zeph?” Heather’s voice cut into his thoughts.


“You okay, man?” This time from Blossom.

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“Cuz if you’re not, I have this medicine that will-”

“Uh, yeah, no thanks, B, I’m- I’ll… I’ll just be right back.” He hopped out of the tub and caught up to the girl before she left the room.

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“Liz? Is that- It is you! Liz!”

“Oh, h-hey.” The girl turned. “Zephyr.”

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But before she could say more, he pulled her in for a hug. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“Oh, yeah?”

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“What’s with you? You could be a little happier to see me. I can’t believe you were really just going to leave without saying hi.”

“Yeah, well… You seemed… busy.” She glanced back over at the hot tub, then at all the reflections on the walls.

“Oh, them? They’re just my friends. Well, Roxie and Blossom are. They’re really nice – well, Blossom is. Roxie’s a bit touchy. But she’ll warm up to you, you’ll see. Come join us.”

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“Um, I’d really rather not. It’s not exactly my scene. I didn’t think it was your scene either. In fact, I couldn’t believe it when your dormmates told me I’d find you here. But… Here you are. Smelling of booze and bubbles.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t know. Nothing. Just… You’ve obviously changed.” She glanced back at the mirrors.

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Zeph shook his head. “I can’t believe you came all this way to give me a lecture. Well, yeah, my friends and I like to have a little fun. So what? What’s it to you?”

“What’s it to me? Well, for starters, I care about you.”

“You sure have an odd way of showing it.”

“Oh, come on, Zephyr, what am I supposed to think? Especially after I find you in a shady club like this in a hot tub full of girls like- like that!” She gestured at the mirrors.

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“You didn’t call me- didn’t even tell me anything. I had to find out from your father that you were even alive-”

“My father?” Realization dawned on his face. “I get it now. He thought helping you get into the Académie would make me forgive him. He thought he could buy me.”

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“What? No. He didn’t even-”

“Well, he can forget it. As far as I’m concerned, he’s dead to me.”


“You’re right, Liz, I have changed. All because of my stupid family and the stupid legacy and its stupid rules.”

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“Zeph, I didn’t come here to talk about your family.”

“Good, because I don’t want to hear a word about them. Look, Liz, you can either join me or leave. Your choice.”


“This is my life now. If you don’t like it, there’s the door. No one’s stopping you.”

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Liz was silence for a moment. “What happened to you, Zeph?” she asked softly.

“You said it. I’ve changed. Dying will do that to a person.”

“…I see.” She glanced down at the hot tub, and the girls clearly still waiting for Zephyr. “And I can see you have no room for me in your new life.”


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“No. It’s obvious I’m the one that doesn’t belong here. …Call me when you grow up, Zeph.”

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Zeph stood there for a moment, debating whether to go after Elizabeth, but after a moment he closed his eyes and pushed his feelings aside. Then he headed back towards the tub.

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“Who was that?”

“I’ve never seen her around here before-”

“You’re not, like, involved, are you?”

“It was…” Zeph stared at the questioning faces around him. “It was no one. No one important anyway. Forget about it.”


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“So what’s this big surprise, Ash?”

“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?”

“Oh, come on already. You’ve been dropping hints for like a week now. Just tell me.” Aerith could tell that her big bro was immensely proud of whatever he had cooked up, so while she was curious to know what was going on, a part of her was just glad to see a smile on his face. His mood was infectious.

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“Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait too long anymore, Aer. He should be here any minute.”


“Did I say he? I meant it. As in your surprise.”

“Asher! What hav-”

“Hey,” a voice interrupted.

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“T-Taz? Oh my plumbbob, it is you. I can’t be- How did- When-” Aerith turned to Asher. “You.”

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“Well, I can see you two have some catching up to do.”


“No need to thank me, sis. I’ll be going now – call me later, when you two manage to tear your lips apart. Bye.”

“Asher!” Aerith blushed, but her brother was already out the door.

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“So… Hey, I guess.”

“Hey, yourself.”

There was an awkward pause before both of them spoke up again, at the same time: “It’s good to see you.” They laughed.

“It’s a bit noisy in here. Let’s go into the study lounge. No one’s ever in there.”

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The two sat down on the couch.



“How’ve you been?”

“I died, you?”

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“Me too.”


“Okay, well not really. But it was torture not seeing you again. Not knowing if…”

“I’m sorry. I should have called.”

“No worries. You were busy. I get it. … I just really missed you.”

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“Taz,” Aerith said softly after a beat.


“I missed you too.”

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And that was all they needed to say.


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Things couldn’t be going better, Asher thought to himself as he fooled around at the pool table outside his room. He’d seen the way his little sister had lit up when she saw Taz. He knew now that she’d be okay. There was still a lot running through his mind - he was hoping that Liz could get through to Zeph for instance – but, for the moment he was okay just knowing that one of his siblings was happy. He didn’t have any such plans for himself, though.

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No, Asher was quite content without a girlfriend. He kept himself busy studying hard for his classes – he had a thought to go into education and was working hard to get a jump start in his career. And when he wasn’t studying, he was making friends and throwing the occasional dorm party. He was even learning how to play the drums. So you see, he was much too busy for a girlfriend.

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He didn’t even want to think about a girlfriend. In fact, he was trying his hardest to put a certain girl – and really, all girls in general – out of his mind.

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So of course, Melanie showed up.

“Hey, Ash.”

“H-Hey. What a coincidence…”

“How so?”

“I was just thinking about you,” Asher blurted without thinking. Crap. I probably shouldn’t have said that.

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But Melanie brightened, unfazed by Asher’s wince. “Now that really is a coincidence. I was thinking about you too.”

“Oh?” Please don’t ask me out, please don’t ask me-

“I was wondering if you’ll still be in the dorms next semester. I’m moving off campus myself.”

Asher sighed in relief. “Oh. Uh, yeah. I guess I’ll still be here. I planned on staying in the dorms.”

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“Cool. So did you get your assignment? Do you have the same room?”

“Hmm?” He frowned. “I guess.”

“You guess?”

“Well, I didn’t get an assignment, but-”

“What? But the semester’s almost over! When did you reapply for a room?”

Asher gulped. “Um, reapply?”

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“Asher, you do know that each year you have to reapply for a housing contact?”

“Well, I do now,” he said, putting down his pool stick.

“Oh, dear. You’re in trouble.”

“Why? Surely I have some preference being a sophomore.”

“Yeah, but you were supposed to apply at the start of spring semester.”

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“Which was months ago.”

“Yeah, but I’m sure-”

“The housing office already gave out next year’s assignments, too.”


“And rumor has it, next year’s freshman class is huge. You’ll be lucky just to get on the waitlist.”

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“Anyone who doesn’t get an assignment goes on the waitlist. And trust me, you do not want to be on the waitlist.”

“I’m sure there’s something I can do.”

“Yeah. Hope somebody you know needs a roommate for an off-campus apartment.”

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“And lucky for you, I happen to be such a person. You can always stay with-”



“Uh, no offense or anything, but I don’t think that’ll be a good idea. I’m sure if I call housing, something will turn up.”

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Melanie snorted. “Yeah, okay. Listen Asher-”

“No, really. I appreciate the help, but I’ll be fine.”

Melanie sighed. “Alright, but you’d best get a move on. Apartments fill up fast, too, you know. Now you’ll probably have to pay an arm and a leg for something decent.” She paused. “Ash, if you change your mind… You know where to find me.”

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“Thanks, but like I said, I’ll be okay.”

She gave him a long look before saying, “Okay.” Then she walked away.

Asher winced again, knowing that he’d hurt her and that he should probably apologize, but he didn’t have time for that at the moment. He had to find a room.

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“Hello, housing? I’d like to apply for a room.”

*Muffled Laughter*

“No, I’m serious. I didn’t know I had to reapply. I thought I could just stay in my room.”

*More Laughter*

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“No, I didn’t see the signs on the message boards. …No, I don’t remember getting that email… Please, there must be something you can do.” Asher listened for a moment. “The waitlist? Well, do you think there’s a chance I could still get a room if I-”

*Muffled laughter*

“Really, again? That’s just rude. Look, what are my options?”

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“An apartment? Well, okay, is there anything near campus?”

*More Laughter*

Asher sighed. “Yes. Yes, I’m serious. …I know, but how much? …What? Did you say thousand? But that’s outrageous!”

*Stern voices*

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“Yes, I know that. But I’m in a bind here and you and your laughing aren’t exactly helping. … Look, please. Isn’t there something, anything else I could do? … Pledge a Greek house. Great. … Yes, I know. … Fine. Thank you for your time. Can I have that number of that real estate agent? … Thank you.” Asher sighed as he hung up the phone. “Crap.”


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“So, sis. What do you think about moving off campus with me?”

“Off campus? But I already got assigned my old dorm room.”

“You reapplied?”

“Yeah, didn’t you?”

“Uh, not exactly.”

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“Oh, Ash, how could you forget-”

“I didn’t know, okay?”

“How could you not know? There’s been-”

“Fliers and emails, apparently. Yeah, I get that. Look you interested or not?”

“Is there even any place worth looking at? Good apartments tend to-”

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“Fill up fast, so I’ve heard. How come everyone knows these things except me?”

“I don’t know. Have you been living under a rock?”

“Haha. Look, I found a place near campus. It’s a farmhouse – well, it used to be, anyway. I’m going to have it renovated.”

“That sounds… expensive.”

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“It is. Was. Dad gave me money when I visited him on break. I swear, it was like he knew something like this would happen.” Ash looked at his sister. “Aer?”

“I don’t know, Ash.”

“Look, I know what you’re thinking. But it’s not a legacy thing. I need a place to live. Why camp out in some crappy, booze-soaked Greek house when I can have my own? And if I’m going to live in a house, I might as well have some company, right?”

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“I was thinking that you, me, Taz, and Liz could stay there.”

“Liz? So her and Zeph?”

Asher shook his head. “No idea what happened. She won’t talk about it and Zeph’s still awol. So what do you say?”

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Aerith thought about her first year in the dorms. It was nice. It was quiet. And it was boring as hell.

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Aerith sighed. It would be nice to be with her brother again. “I know I’m probably going to regret this, but-”

“Great! The renovations are almost done, too, so we can move in before summer semester.”

“Aren’t you going to let me say yes?”

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“But you already did. See you soon little sister.”


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‘Soon’ came quicker than anyone thought.

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“Asher, this place is amazing. Dad really agreed to all this?”

Asher shrugged. “It’s a bribe.”

“To start a frat?”

He snorted. “I wish it were only that. To get married.”

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“Oh. You know, I was wondering how come you didn’t invite that girl from your dorm to move in. What was her name?”

“Uh, I don’t really know who-”

“Oh, yeah, Melanie! What happened to her? You’re always talking about her.”

Asher gulped. “I am?”

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“You are. Half the time, when you call me, she’s there in the background.”

“She is not.”

“Is too; I can hear her. It’s obvious you two have a thing-”

“Wha- We do not. There’s nothing going on. And I most certainly do not have a – a thing for Melanie.”

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“Uh, okay. Whatever happened to ‘you should be happy’ and ‘don’t worry about the legacy, just live your life?’ Isn’t that what you’ve been telling me? What happened to ‘everything will be alright?’ Wh-”

“It’s different for me, okay?”


“Because I’m heir, okay?”

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“But Ash-”

“Look, just do as I say, not as I do, alright?”

Aerith rolled her eyes. “Alright, alright. I think I see Taz and Liz anyway.”

“Great, let’s go in.”

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“Wow. This place is…”

“Amazing?” Aerith finished for Liz. “I knew Ash got some money from dad, but I didn’t think he got this much money.”

“I know,” Taz agreed. “I was kinda thinking we’d be in some dinky hole-in-the-wall and spend the next three years fixing it up.”

“Well, it certainly looks like that won’t be the case. I’ve never seen a more… polished… college house,” Liz said.

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“I don’t know. I think it’s missing something.”

“What?” Three voices said in unison.

“I’m just teasing. Come on, let me give you the tour.”

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“We’re in the living room, obviously. It’s small but fully equipped for all your skilling needs.”

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“Back to the left is the kitchen with a door that leads to the deck and on the right is the dining room.”

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“Upstairs there’s the boys’ room and the girls’ rooms and a study with some computers and extra desks.”

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“Finally, there’s three bathrooms, one downstairs and two upstairs. Make yourselves at home guys.”

And so they did.


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Dear Diary,

Things are going great. But seriously, though, I’ve got start writing at a desk or something. Or at least put on some pants when I sit on the floor. Anyway.

Things are heating up around here. Asher won’t admit, but he’s totally crushing on that Melanie chick. I saw them “talking” out on the deck last week –

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And then they spent the entire party together yesterday. I don’t know why he’s fighting it so hard – well, I guess I do know, but I also know it’s a futile effort. He’s practically a basket case as long as he doesn’t have a girlfriend – family sims can be such desperate romantics. He isn’t about to have a breakdown, as far as I know, but he is one step away from throwing himself at any girl with a pulse. He thinks about marriage and love and babies and all that family stuff ALL the time. Again, he denies it, but it’s written all over his face. It’s almost like there’s a huge sign over his head, telling everybody what he’s thinking… But eh, he likes to live in denial.

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As for Taz and me, we been catching up. Things are going great for us.

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More than great. And that’s all I’ll say about that for now.

But I think it’s making things worse for Elizabeth. Watching me and Taz and whatever’s going on between Melanie and Ash can’t be easy on her. She puts on a happy face, but…

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She’s also started picking fights with the cheerleader. Granted, the girl probably shouldn’t be inviting herself in all the time, but still. It’s not like the cheerleader did anything wrong. And Liz is usually a nice person.

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But I’m starting to question her taste in friends. One day, she and the cow actually had a burping contest! It must be a sloppy sim thing.

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Anyway, I think it’s all a sign of repressed anger. She can’t yell at who she’s really mad at – Zephyr – so she’s acting irrationally and taking things out on random passersby.

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Finally, my last bit of news: Asher officially made us a Greek house.

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He says he might as well with all the parties we have around here, but… Honestly, we don’t party all that much. I think he’s just too guilty to admit he wants some of the same things dad wants for him.

I’ve thought about it and decided that I don’t really care all that much – it would be nice for our kids to come back here one day and the free pizza is nice.

Well, that’s all for now.



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“So then she slapped her! Totally out of the blue. No one really wants to talk to her about it – I mean, if she wants to pick a fight with the cheerleader, that’s her prerogative, you know? But between that and the whole burping contest thing, something’s definitely up,” Asher said, wrapping up his tale.

“Right. Well, you know, as entertaining as that story was, I really didn’t come over here to gossip, Ash. …I was hoping I could talk to you.”

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“Sure thing, what’s up?”

“Right, well, I don’t believe in beating around the bush, so I’ll just say it. You have a thing for me.”


“You have feelings for me. A crush. And I think you know how I feel about you.”

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“M-Melanie, I don’t- We can’t-” Asher gulped.

“Why are you so hesitant? I don’t understand. It’s obvious there’s something between us,” she frowned. “I don’t bite, Ash. …Well, not unless you want me to.”

Asher never thought he could blush so hard. “I-I- You- It’s complicated,” he finally blurted lamely.

“So uncomplicate it. Talk to me.”

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“But I can’t,” he stopped and sighed at Melanie’s frowning face. “It has to do with a lot of family legacy stuff. Stuff I don’t even know how to begin to explain.” He took a deep breath. “You’re right. I do like you. I do have feelings for you. But I swore to myself and my family that I would never get married.”

“I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m asking you to date me.”

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“Yes, I know that but… I could never get serious with you. I couldn’t-”

“I’m not asking you to. Geez, Asher, we haven’t started to date and you’re worrying about breaking up with me.”

“You don’t get-”

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“Just stop, okay? Look, we’re young and in college. I don’t expect every relationship I have to lead straight to the altar and neither should you. Chill out and take things slow. Enjoy the moment. Worry about tomorrow tomorrow.”

Asher gulped again. “I know that’s all easy to say b-but-” he trailed off as Melanie put her arms around his neck.

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“What are you doing?”

“Relax, Ash. Let’s just enjoy ourselves and see where this thing goes. Okay?”

But Asher never did answer.


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Dear Diary,

Things are okay around here. Everything’s pretty normal – well, normal for a frat, anyway.

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Asher and Melanie finally hooked up (I so called that) and now gross out everyone with their PDA.

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Liz and the cheerleader finally fought it out and surprise, surprise, the ten-body-point cheerleader won. Can’t say I know what Liz was thinking, really, and no doubt she’ll be complaining about the fight for days now.

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As for me and Taz? Well. He proposed. And really, that’s all there is to say.



The end. Later simmers, and happy reading.