a strategy for addressing cyber security challenges

A Strategy for Addressing Cyber Security Challenges Mustaque Ahamad Professor of Computer Science, Georgia Ins>tute of Technology Global Professor of Engineering, New York University Abu Dhabi Cofounder and Chief Scien>st, Pindrop Security

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Page 1: A Strategy for Addressing Cyber Security Challenges

A  Strategy  for  Addressing  Cyber  Security  Challenges  

Mustaque  Ahamad  Professor  of  Computer  Science,  Georgia  Ins>tute  of  Technology  Global  Professor  of  Engineering,  New  York  University  Abu  Dhabi  

Co-­‐founder  and  Chief  Scien>st,  Pindrop  Security  

Page 2: A Strategy for Addressing Cyber Security Challenges

A  Couple  of  Observa>ons  •  Cyber  security  has  become  an  extremely  important  problem  for  people,  businesses  and  governments.  

•  Addressing  cyber  security  challenges  presents  serious  challenges.  

•  Cyber  now  reaches  into  cri>cal  physical  systems.  

•  Cyber  security  is  going  to  be  a  journey,  not  a  des>na>on.  

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Are  Things  Really  Bad?  •  Growing  sophis>ca>on  of  the  threat  landscape  –  Cyber  criminals,  hack>vits,  terrorists  and  na>on-­‐states  –  Cyber  crime  costs  are  reaching  half  a  trillion  dollars  (In  India,  0.21%  of  GDP,  McAfee  2014  Report)  

– Greatest  transfer  of  wealth  (Keith  Alexander,  hXp://foreignpolicy.com/2012/07/09/nsa-­‐chief-­‐cybercrime-­‐cons>tutes-­‐the-­‐greatest-­‐transfer-­‐of-­‐wealth-­‐in-­‐history/  )  

•  Complex  technology  ecosystem  –  “Reflec>ons  on  trus>ng  trust”  

•  People,  processes  and  coordina>on  across  mul>ple  stakeholders  


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Threats  +  Vulnerabili>es  =>  AXacks  •  Can  we  make  threats  go  away?  

•  AXribu>on  is  extremely  difficult  •  Global  and  transna>onal  

•  How  can  we  address  vulnerabili>es?  •  Security  errors  in  sofware  (over  1700  entries  in  NVD  in  last  3  months)  

•  Asymmetry  –  aXackers  only  need  to  find  one  bug,  we  need  to  fix  all  

•  People  are  weak  links  •  Only  higher  assurance,  no  perfect  security  –  Stronger  preven>on  and  early  detec>on  –   Faster  recovery  and  remedia>on  

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So,  What  Can  We  Do?  •  Educa>on  – Developing  the  “security  mindset”  – Undergraduate  and  graduate  programs  

•  Research  – Rapidly  evolving  field  

•  Policy,  legal  and  regula>on  –  It  is  much  more  than  technology  

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Educa>ng  Cyber  Security  Professionals  •  US  Na>onal  Ini>a>ve  for  Cybersecurity  Educa>on  (NICE)  hXp://csrc.nist.gov/nice/framework/  


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Capacity  Building  for  Educa>ng  Cyber  Security  Professionals  

•  What  do  we  do?  –  Undergraduate  or  graduate  programs?  –  Integra>ng  security  concepts  in  CS  curriculum?  –  Voca>onal  programs?  

•   How  do  we  do  it?  –  So,  where  do  we  find  cyber  security  faculty?  –  Developing  hands  on  projects  and  laboratories  

•  US  Response  –  Centers  of  Excellence  Program  (NSA/DHS)  –  Scholarship-­‐for-­‐Service  (SFS)  Program)  –  NSF  SaTC  Educa>on  Projects  

•  Curriculum  development,  sharing,  workshops  etc.  

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Research  Capacity  Building  •  Evolving  threat  landscape  and  rapidly  changing  technologies  – Gelng  ahead  of  emerging  threats  – “Test  and  verify”  rather  than  “trust  but  verify”  

•  Diverse  set  of  research  challenges  – Trustworthiness  of  technology  to  human  dimension  

•  Real-­‐world  impact  of  research  – Tech  transfer  and  commercializa>on  

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Example  I:  Malware  Analysis  •  Scalable  malware  analysis  system  processes  approximately  250K  samples  a  day  

•  Extrac>ng  features  from  communica>on  paXerns  

•  Big  data  due  to  deep  packet  analysis  and  event  volume  

•  Machine  learning  for  aXribu>on  •  Visualiza>on  and  ac>onable  intelligence  


Mariposa  Botnet  Tracking  and  Takedown  

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Example  II:  Data-­‐Driven  Cyber  Risk  •  Collect  cyber  risk  relevant  data  from  mul>ple  sources  – Vulnerabili>es  – Exploit  kits  and  malware  – AXack  data  (public  and    private)  

•  Analy>cs  and  visualiza>on  – Lean  back  and  lean  forward  


Calendar  view  of    reported  vulnerabili>es  

Page 11: A Strategy for Addressing Cyber Security Challenges

Na>onal  R&D  Strategy:  US  Example  •  Na>onal  Science  Founda>on  Secure  and  Trustworthy  

(SaTC)  –  Launched  afer  developing  a  na>onal  strategy  (


–  Interdisciplinary  including  behavioral  and  economic  aspects  •  DHS,  DARPA  and  NSA  Ini>a>ves  

–  Cri>cal  infrastructure  security  (CPS)  –  Resilient  and  transparent  compu>ng  –  Science  of  security  

•  Networking  and  Informa>on  Technology  Research  and  Development  (NITRD)  Program  –  Coordinated  across  mul>ple  agencies  –  High  level  goal  is  to  maintain  US  technological  leadership  in  this  field  

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Cyber  Security  Policy  •  Policy  development  is  as  important  as  best  technical  safeguards  

•  Should  companies  and  government  agencies  required  to  prac>ce  certain  level  of  cyber  hygiene?  

•  Informa>on  sharing  and  coordina>on  •  Privacy  •  Legal  and  enforcement  issues  

Page 13: A Strategy for Addressing Cyber Security Challenges

Lessons  Learned  •  Educa>on  capacity  building  – Aggressively  support  centers  like  CERC  IIIT  Delhi    – CS  curriculum  needs  to  be  augmented  with  cyber  security  offerings  at  all  levels  

– “Educa>ng  the  educators”  –  summer  schools,  workshops  and  hosted  programs  

– What  do  we  do  about  faculty?  •  Incen>ves  for  CS  faculty  members  to  shif/expand  their  research  into  cyber  security  •  Be  crea>ve  (professor  of  prac>ce,  global  professor  etc.)  

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Lessons  Learned  Contd.  •  Research  capacity  building  

–  You  cannot  be  a  major  player  without  a  strong  research  base    •  How  many  papers  at  security  conferences  from  India?  

–  Launch/seed  a  few  ambi>ous  (and  high  risk)  research  projects  like  NSF’s  fron>ers  

–  Start/get  security  conferences  to  India  to  grow  the  community  –  Applied  research  exper>se  

•  Cannot  only  rely  on  security  vendor  professionals  for  crisis  handling  •  CDC  for  cyber,  CERT  2.0?  

–  Coordina>on  across  Na>onal  Labs,  DRDO??  –  Home  grown  cyber  security  companies??  

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Lessons  Learned  Contd.  •  Cyber  security  is  much  more  than  technology  – Policy,  regulatory  and  legal  dimensions  – Cyber  security  maturity  model  and  best  prac>ces  – Preparedness  assessment  – Conversa>ons  at  the  highest  level  (WEF  ini>a>ve)  –  Informa>on  sharing,  coordina>on  and  mutual  aid  –  Informal  trust  networks  

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Conclusions  •  Cyber  risk  ranks  among  the  top  global  risks  (2015  WEF  Global  risks  report)  

•  Na>onal  response  is  of  cri>cal  importance  •  Need  to  move  at  “network  speed”  •  It  is  all  about  capacity  building  •  Ignore  research  at  your  own  peril