a the hazel green yearsowner - library of congressone of the principal witnesses in the case living...

i A THE HAZEL GREEN HERALD o Established March 41885 Made Famous In the Story of Jonathan and His Continent by Max ORell = = = = o TWENTYTHIRD YEAR HAZEL GREEN WOLFE COUNTY KENTUCKY THURSDAY OCTOBER 3 1907 NUMBER 8il BP YearsOwner n Lexington and Eastern Railway Time Table in Effect Hoy 18 1906 on WEST BOUNDw 0No1 JI II IIKI No3 Diiiyers STATIONS II Dall IndW Sunday 1 r Sunday EAM I 6 10 am 0 Jackson 0 2 20 pm 6 18 pm OK Junction 2 25 pm 7 07 am 20 BeattyveJc 20 3 20 pm 7 30 am 40 Torrent 40 3 41 pm 7 45 am 44 Nat Bridge 44 3 65 pm 7 43 am 3 57 pm 8 16 am 57 Stanton 57 4 26 pm 8 25 am 62 Clay City 62 4 35 pm 900am 70 LEJuncn 70 507pm 9 12 am 90 Winchester 90 5 20 om I 65 am 94 Lexington 943O5 pm EAST 130UNDcJ I ell 1121 No4- e hiESanday I PM LyeAM I Lye 925 pm 0 Lexington 01 7 35 am 810 pmO Winchester 20 8 13 am 3 25 pm LEJunctionM 8 26 pm 4 00 pm 40 Clay City40 9 02 am 4 10 pm 44 Stanton 44 9 10 am 4 40 pm Campton Juntn 9 38 pm 4 45 pm 57 Nat Bridge 57 9 43 am 4 57 pm 62 Torrent 62 9 56 am 5 18 pm 70 BeattyveJc 7010 17m 6 10 90 OKJancn 80 1115 am 6 15 pm94l JacJuon 94 11 20 am of CONNECTIONS L A E JUNCTION Trains NOl 12 and in 3 will make connection with the C 0 By for Mt Sterling CAbPTOK JUNCTION Tr lni No 1 2 I and 4 connect with the Mountain Centrai Ky for Pine Ridge and Campton by BKATTYVLLK JUNCTION Tralni Noi 2 in And 4 will make connection at BeaUyrille with the L and A Railway for paurngeri to and from O 4 K Beattvl11eb Connect with station on the O K Railway W A MCDOWELL General Manager OBABSCOTT Gen Pail Agent OHIO KENTUCKY RAILWAY TIME TABLE MAY 21 1905 WEST BOUND No 38 E I No 21 Dally Sunay ex = STATIONS = DailYdex PM Ann 0 27 PM Ana 5 20 6 Cannel City 22 12 35I I 4 65 11 Helechavra 20 12 4 45 18 Lee City 13 12 13 I 4 05 20 Hampton 11 11 51 3 52 22 Wllhurst 6 11 44t 8 10 27 OK Junction 0 11 t 3 00 Jackson 11 05 EAST BOUND No 84 I X No 22i i DailYIex A STATIONS Daily ex Sunday r Sunday AM LVE PM LYE 7 10 27 Cannel City 0 1 00 7 33 21 Helecbawa 6 1 17 7 45 19 Lee City 11 1 23 8 24 13 Hampton 13 1 44 8 87 10 Wllhurst 20 151 I 9 25 1 OK Junction 22 2 25I I 9 30 0 Jackson 27 2 30I I Nos 21 and 22 will make close connectior at O K Junction with Nos 3 and 4 for points on the Lexington and Eastern Rail ¬ waySuperintendent c BUN MURPHYDE- ALER i JN GENERAL STORES NEOLA KYI Offers the citizens in and around Hele chavra the best line of goods ever seen in t this section at the price A big round dollar spent with him will bring youI more in return than it would anywhere Country produce and railroad ties takenI in exchanga for good II and your patron- age ¬ is respectfully solicited Until you buy from him you will never know how saveI much you can J I KILLTHI COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS j WITH Dr Kings DiscoveryCONSUMPTION t FOR j Sureat and Quickest Cure for all J rBOl1DI I LBS or MONEY BAOL Ao CAMPTON CURRENCY 0 B R Jouett is in town this week businessL of Jackson here last week C S Sample and son Daniel in town last week- I R Hollon has sold his lot on Marion street to S M Tutt Hon W 0 Mize of Hazel Green was attending court here last week Miss Nettie Gourley of Lexing- ton ¬ after a two weeks visit at this place left for hr me yesterday Sherman Brothers are drilling a water well on the lot recently pur ¬ by S M Tutt S S Combs of Madison county in town this week looking after interests in the court here I Quite a number of Campton people attended the funeral eervi j j- ces o John Brown at Laurel last SundayWill Rose has sold his stock of f I groceries to Moore Adams and will move with his family for North Middletown Ohio Dr J R Carroll is visiting some the Central Kentucky towns this week with a view to locating the Bluegrass in the near future Marion Knight Cashier of the J Hazel Green Bank accompanied J Joe Pieratt of Campton were Campton recently on business Mr Cook for some months past of the Combs House j vacated and Will Willis of j Winchester will take charge to- day ¬ MJBBCB G W Fleenor of Jack- son ¬ accompanied by Miss Edna Hurst of Roxer visited the tatters sister Mrs A B Cox of this place recentlyThe of K W A gave the students of that institution a- social in the Academy Chapel Fri ¬ day night Sept 20 It was a very enjoyable affair The well drilled by J W More head Co on the W E White lease on Bear Pen Creek came in dry last week No extension of the oil pool in that direction Hon S M Nickel of West Lib- erty ¬ was attending court here last week He was conducting the de ¬ I fense in the case against the Dykes Brothers charged with the murder of Hawk Tutt The new Presiding Elder of the- M E Church for this the Lexing ¬ ton district held his first quarterly meeting at this place on the 21st end 22d of September He is a scholarly and interesting preacher Special Judge Dorsey called the case of the Commonwealth vs W R Day in court here last week and passed the same until Wednesday October 2 that the Commonwealth might obtain some of its most im ¬ portant witnesses S G Druphel one of the principal witnesses in the case living at Edna Texas is expected to arrive today C C Fulka and family Joel Gevedou and family and H H Combe and wife all leave Lexing ¬ ton today for the Sunny South They have bought farms in South western Texas and will make the I Lone Star State their future home The best wishes of a host of Wolfe I county kindred and friends go I with them and they are commend ¬ ed to the good people of the com ¬ munity where they are locating The jury in the case of tho Com- monwealth ¬ against George DykesI for the murder of Hawk Tutt after having had the caBOBiibmit ted to them for five days were I finally discharged Monday morn ¬ ing ay being hopelessly hung The jury stood six for conviction and six for acquittal The jury trying Martin Fugate charged with killing Campbell Razor col ¬ ored after three days deliberation t could not agree and were discharg ¬ ed Monday The case of the Com ¬ monwealth against Scott MoQuinn I for the killing of Frank Smith re ¬ sulted in an acquittal In the civil action of James M > Jt Boothes heirs vs Wm Boothe judgment was entered for plain ¬ tiffs Miles Fallen vs The HazelJ J Green Oil and Gas Co judgment for plaintiff J D Spencer vs Ed Profitt judgment for plaintiff Cal Cundiff vs Asa Rose judg ¬ ment for defendent Oot 1 S G S OAsrOJ1A Bear theThe Kind You Hare Always I Botghi Blgnatareof 4 TRENT MISSIVES 0 J M Trent moved back tJ old Laurel one day last week Willie Byrd of Grassy attended the funeral service at Trent Miss Ida Blankenship attended the meeting at Laurel Sunday Cal Cnndiff of Trent made a flying trip to Campton Monday < T M Lee and wife were theI I guests of Cal Cuudiff and family I SundayQuite a crowd attended the fun ¬ eral of John Brown at Laurel SundayRichard Herald of Oakdale was driving with his best girl Saturday I evening Guess whoI Mrs Cal Cundiff and daughter Miss Ora were in town shopping MondayQuite a number were the guests of Cal Cundiff and family Sunday About twentyfive took dinner among whom were Mr Dennis and family of Maytown Sept 80 MAXIMAS PET I His Dear Old Mother liMy dear old mother who is now eightythree years old thrives on Electric Bittere writes W B Brunson of Dublin Ga She has taken them for about two years I and enjoys an excellent appetite feels strong and sleeps well Thats the way Electric Bitters af ¬ fect tho aged and the same happy results follow in all cases of female weakness and general debility Weak puny children too are greatly strengthened by them Guaranteed also for stomach liver and kidney troubles by all leading druggists of Wolfe coun ty at 50X f LANDSAW LACONICS o Saving fodder is the order of tho dayJ WOmbs is preparing to erect a nice dwelling at the Seminary Logan Linden of Gillmore was visiting at Landsaw the past week Miss Mary Miller is very sickat this writing and has been for some time NV H Taylor bought of Bas Mc Guire on the 27tha mare Price 8000E Kash has the lumber on the ground and is preparing to enlarge his storehouse Bas McGuire is preparing to lo- cate ¬ in the West and will start about the 10th of October E T Kash sold to Rose and Campbell on the 25th twentyeight head of nice yearling steers Clay Cecil and brother have been in this section the past week bal ¬ ing hay for A 0 Kash Sons J M Tester an attorney of Landsaw returned from Campton where he has been attending court Miss Ollie Swango has been em ¬ ployed to teach the Tar Ridge Pub ¬ lie School aid began teaching the 23dA fine cow belonging to A C Kash broke into a corn field last weekand died from the effects eating too much There is a protracted meeting in progress at the Murphy School house conducted by Revs Murphy Madden and Hatton Died on Sept 22d at 11 oclock p i in Mrs Sylvia Combs wife of NL Combs She leaves a hus ¬ band and six children to mourn her loss Sept 29 ANON L JoJ SEARCHES FOR SON I Heartbroken Mother Asks the Po ¬ lice to Find Her Boy CINCINNATI 0 Sept 29Mrs James Hargis wife of Judge Har gis has been in Cincinnati since yesterday searching for her son Beech Hargis 22 years of age who has been missing from his home for four weeks She made an ef ¬ fort to find her boy and enlisted friends to join in the search Fi ¬ nally the heartbroken mother gave up the search and notified the police Mrs Hargis says she will remain in this city until she finds something definite concerning her son STATE OF OHIO CITY OF TOLEDO 1 99LuCAs j Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney Co doing business in the City of Toledo county and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Catarrhcure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and sub ¬ scribed in my presence this Oth day of December A D 1880 > W GLEABON S l lA S SEAL > Noto Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken in ¬ ternally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY Co Toledo 0 Take Halls Family Pills for constipation I A Dread Disease IThe big head is a popular way of expressing a common and very frequent ailment It aripes from various sources but the real foun ¬ dation is the lack of sense A litI tle money develops it in some peo ¬ ple a few good clothes gives it to others i a little office where a chance is given to exercise a little authority is often the cause of itI while others get it having a little better job than their associates The truth is no sensible man gets the big head The one who be- came ¬ stuck up and stiffnecked from sources of any kind are weak in the intellectual caliber Out of Sight Out of sight out of mind is an old saying which applies with special force to a sore burn or wound thats been treated with Bucklens Arnica Salve Its out of sight out of mind and out of existence Piles too and chil ¬ blains disappear under its healing influence Guaranteed by all lead ¬ druggists of Wolfe county at 5g A Card To the Voters of Wolfe County Having been solicited by Demo ¬ orats from the different precincts of the county to make the race for Sheriff for the next term I take this method of announcing myself a candidate for said office subject to the will and action of the Dem ¬ ocratic primary to be held some time in 1908 This is the first time that I have ever announced as a candidate for any office but ever since I became twentyone years of age havo been found in the ranks of the party fighting for the success of the principles of the party which are dear to the heart of every true Democrat and when the nominees have been selected by the party I have spent both my time and money in securing their conf ¬ sider my candidacy and if I am nominated and elected I will de ¬ vote my time and attention to tho duties of said office and that the door of said office will be open dur ¬ ing all businosn hours of the day to transact any business that may come to said offitie Solicitiugyour support and with best wishes for the Great Common People I re ¬ main yours for success ROY SMITH Sick HeadacheWhen is a storm in the nervous syst- em centering in the brain This irritation produces pain in the head and the turbulent nerve current sent to the stom ¬ ach causes nausea vomiting This is sick headache and is dangerous as frequent and prolonged attacks weaken the brain resulting in loss of memory inflammation epi ¬ lepsy fits dizziness etc Allay this stormy irritated aching condition by taking Dr Miles AntiPain Pills They stop the pain by sooth ¬ ing strengthening and reliev ¬ ing the tension upon the nerves not by paralyzing them as do most headache remedies Dr Miles AntiPain Pills do not contain opium morphine chloralcocaine or similar drugs Sick headache Is hereditary In my family Jly father suffered a great deal and for many years I have hail spells that were so severe that I was unable to attend to my business affairs for a day or so at a time Durlna a tookDr relieved me almost immediately Since slioncoming JOHN J McERLAlN Frea 8 B Eng Co south Bend Ind Dr Miles AntiPain Pills are sold by your druggist who will guarantee that the tint package will benefit It It moneyt5 In bull Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind FLORID AI CUBA THE WINTER PLAYGROUND t Easily and Quickly Reached via the SOUTHERN RAILWAY AND QUEEN AND CRESCENT ROUTE Fast and Convenient Schedules Com ¬ fortable Pullman Equipment Lining Car Service ATTRACTIVE TOURS through Florida including a delightful ilea voyage to Havana Cuba Key Yeafc or KiKsau NP at low rates VARIABLE ROUTE TICKETS ruing via Asheville tied the Land ot the Sky returning direct or vice versus with stop over privilege FLORIDA SPECIAL in service again beginning January 7th Solid Train with the latest Pullman Equipment to Jacksonville and St Au- gustine without change Florida Lim I iced now on daily Cheap Hoiueseebers Tickets on sale t It > Texas Oklahoma Indian Territory Ar- kansas ¬ Kaunas and other points in the Wet Southwest and Southeast Decem ¬ ber 18th JanuNry tat and 15th Febru ¬ e ary Lib anti pith and March 5 and 19th BFor illustrated Literature Rates and complete information address any Agent of the Southern Railway or J F LOltAN T P A Lexington Ky C H HUVUEUFORD DP A Louisville Ky C BEAM Jr A G P A St Louis Alo I MAGAZINE READERS SUIfSET MAGAZINE odstories 50aad all the Far Wuta 1W CAMERA CRATT devoted each moatli to the ar liitic reproduction el the but 100 work of amateur and prolaal a jttt photographers ROAD Or A THOUBAHP WOROEUS a book of 75 page containing I f 075plClureaque tad Oregon Total 325 All for 150 Address all orders to SUNSET MAGAZINE Flood Building 5r Francisco Buya Taa Ion MttcUiU merit OIIr a nI < tkqr ua tile mainstay cf tAe coanwity lfuctUlsle J

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Page 1: A THE HAZEL GREEN YearsOwner - Library of Congressone of the principal witnesses in the case living at Edna Texas is expected to arrive today C C Fulka and family Joel Gevedou and



THE HAZEL GREEN HERALDo Established March 41885 Made Famous In the Story of Jonathan and His Continent by Max ORell == == o


Lexington and Eastern Railway

Time Table in Effect Hoy 18 1906 on


Diiiyers STATIONS II Dall IndWSunday 1 r SundayEAMI

6 10 am 0 Jackson 0 2 20 pm6 18 pm OK Junction 2 25 pm7 07 am 20 BeattyveJc 20 3 20 pm7 30 am 40 Torrent 40 3 41 pm7 45 am 44 Nat Bridge 44 3 65 pm7 43 am 3 57 pm8 16 am 57 Stanton 57 4 26 pm8 25 am 62 Clay City 62 4 35 pm900am 70 LEJuncn 70 507pm9 12 am 90 Winchester 90 5 20 omI 65 am 94 Lexington 943O5 pm

EAST 130UNDcJI ell 1121 No4-

e hiESandayI

PM LyeAMI Lye925 pm 0 Lexington 01 7 35 am810 pmO Winchester 20 8 13 am3 25 pm LEJunctionM 8 26 pm4 00 pm 40 Clay City40 9 02 am4 10 pm 44 Stanton 44 9 10 am4 40 pm Campton Juntn 9 38 pm4 45 pm 57 Nat Bridge 57 9 43 am4 57 pm 62 Torrent 62 9 56 am5 18 pm 70 BeattyveJc 7010 17m6 10 90 OKJancn 80 1115 am6 15 pm94l JacJuon 94 11 20 am


L A E JUNCTION Trains NOl 12 and in3 will make connection with the C 0 Byfor Mt Sterling


I and 4 connect with the Mountain CentraiKy for Pine Ridge and Campton by

BKATTYVLLK JUNCTION Tralni Noi 2 inAnd 4 will make connection at BeaUyrillewith the L and A Railway for paurngerito and from

O 4 K Beattvl11ebConnect withstation on the O K Railway

W A MCDOWELL General ManagerOBABSCOTT Gen Pail Agent




No 38 E I No 21


ex = STATIONS =DailYdex

PM Ann 0 27 PM Ana5 20 6 Cannel City 22 12 35II4 65 11 Helechavra 20 124 45 18 Lee City 13 12 13 I4 05 20 Hampton 11 11 51

3 52 22 Wllhurst 6 11 44t8 10 27 OK Junction 0 11 t

3 00 Jackson 11 05


No 84 I X No 22iiDailYIex A STATIONS Daily ex

Sunday r Sunday

AM LVE PM LYE7 10 27 Cannel City 0 1 007 33 21 Helecbawa 6 1 17

7 45 19 Lee City 11 1 238 24 13 Hampton 13 1 448 87 10 Wllhurst 20 151 I

9 25 1 OK Junction 22 2 25II

9 30 0 Jackson 27 2 30II

Nos 21 and 22 will make close connectiorat O K Junction with Nos 3 and 4 forpoints on the Lexington and Eastern Rail ¬







Offers the citizens in and around Helechavra the best line of goods ever seen in

tthis section at the price A big rounddollar spent with him will bring youImore in return than it would anywhereCountry produce and railroad ties takenI

in exchanga for good II and your patron-age


is respectfully solicited Until youbuy from him you will never know howsaveImuch you can




WITH Dr Kings


t FOR j

Sureat and Quickest Cure for all J





B R Jouett is in town this week

businessL of Jacksonhere last week

C S Sample and son Danielin town last week-

I R Hollon has sold his lot onMarion street to S M Tutt

Hon W 0 Mize of HazelGreen was attending court herelast week

Miss Nettie Gourley of Lexing-ton


after a two weeks visit at thisplace left for hr me yesterday

Sherman Brothers are drilling awater well on the lot recently pur ¬

by S M TuttS S Combs of Madison countyin town this week looking after

interests in the court here I

Quite a number of Camptonpeople attended the funeral eervi jj-

ces o John Brown at Laurel lastSundayWill

Rose has sold his stock offI

groceries to Moore Adams and willmove with his family for NorthMiddletown Ohio

Dr J R Carroll is visiting somethe Central Kentucky towns

this week with a view to locatingthe Bluegrass in the near futureMarion Knight Cashier of the J

Hazel Green Bank accompanied J

Joe Pieratt of Campton wereCampton recently on business

Mr Cook for some months pastof the Combs House j

vacated and Will Willis of j

Winchester will take charge to-


MJBBCB G W Fleenor of Jack-son


accompanied by Miss EdnaHurst of Roxer visited the tatterssister Mrs A B Cox of this placerecentlyThe

of K W A gavethe students of that institution a-

social in the Academy Chapel Fri¬

day night Sept 20 It was a veryenjoyable affair

The well drilled by J W Morehead Co on the W E Whitelease on Bear Pen Creek came indry last week No extension ofthe oil pool in that direction

Hon S M Nickel of West Lib-


was attending court here lastweek He was conducting the de ¬


fense in the case against the DykesBrothers charged with the murderof Hawk Tutt

The new Presiding Elder of the-

M E Church for this the Lexing ¬

ton district held his first quarterlymeeting at this place on the 21stend 22d of September He is ascholarly and interesting preacher

Special Judge Dorsey called thecase of the Commonwealth vs WR Day in court here last week andpassed the same until WednesdayOctober 2 that the Commonwealthmight obtain some of its most im ¬

portant witnesses S G Druphelone of the principal witnesses inthe case living at Edna Texas isexpected to arrive today

C C Fulka and family JoelGevedou and family and H HCombe and wife all leave Lexing ¬

ton today for the Sunny SouthThey have bought farms in Southwestern Texas and will make theI

Lone Star State their future homeThe best wishes of a host of WolfeI

county kindred and friends goI

with them and they are commend ¬

ed to the good people of the com ¬

munity where they are locatingThe jury in the case of tho Com-


against George DykesI

for the murder of Hawk Tuttafter having had the caBOBiibmitted to them for five days wereI

finally discharged Monday morn ¬

ing ay being hopelessly hungThe jury stood six for convictionand six for acquittal The jurytrying Martin Fugate chargedwith killing Campbell Razor col ¬

ored after three days deliberationt

could not agree and were discharg ¬

ed Monday The case of the Com ¬

monwealth against Scott MoQuinn I

for the killing of Frank Smith re¬

sulted in an acquittalIn the civil action of James M

> Jt

Boothes heirs vs Wm Boothejudgment was entered for plain ¬

tiffs Miles Fallen vs The HazelJJGreen Oil and Gas Co judgmentfor plaintiff J D Spencer vs EdProfitt judgment for plaintiffCal Cundiff vs Asa Rose judg¬

ment for defendentOot 1 S G S

OAsrOJ1ABear theThe Kind You Hare AlwaysI Botghi

Blgnatareof 4TRENT MISSIVES0J M Trent moved back tJ old

Laurel one day last week

Willie Byrd of Grassy attendedthe funeral service at Trent

Miss Ida Blankenship attendedthe meeting at Laurel Sunday

Cal Cnndiff of Trent made aflying trip to Campton Monday <

T M Lee and wife were theII

guests of Cal Cuudiff and familyI

SundayQuitea crowd attended the fun ¬

eral of John Brown at LaurelSundayRichard

Herald of Oakdale wasdriving with his best girl Saturday


evening Guess whoIMrs Cal Cundiff and daughterMiss Ora were in town shoppingMondayQuite

a number were the guestsof Cal Cundiff and family SundayAbout twentyfive took dinneramong whom were Mr Dennis andfamily of Maytown


His Dear Old MotherliMy dear old mother who is

now eightythree years old thriveson Electric Bittere writes W BBrunson of Dublin Ga Shehas taken them for about two yearsI

and enjoys an excellent appetitefeels strong and sleeps wellThats the way Electric Bitters af¬

fect tho aged and the same happyresults follow in all cases of femaleweakness and general debilityWeak puny children too aregreatly strengthened by themGuaranteed also for stomach liverand kidney troubles by all leadingdruggists of Wolfe coun ty at 50Xf


Saving fodder is the order of tho

dayJWOmbs is preparing to erect

a nice dwelling at the SeminaryLogan Linden of Gillmore was

visiting at Landsaw the past weekMiss Mary Miller is very sickat

this writing and has been for sometime

NV H Taylor bought of Bas McGuire on the 27tha mare Price

8000EKash has the lumber on

the ground and is preparing toenlarge his storehouse

Bas McGuire is preparing to lo-


in the West and will startabout the 10th of October

E T Kash sold to Rose andCampbell on the 25th twentyeighthead of nice yearling steers

Clay Cecil and brother have beenin this section the past week bal ¬

ing hay for A 0 Kash Sons

J M Tester an attorney ofLandsaw returned from Camptonwhere he has been attending court

Miss Ollie Swango has been em ¬

ployed to teach the Tar Ridge Pub ¬

lie School aid began teaching the

23dAfine cow belonging to A C

Kash broke into a corn field lastweekand died from the effectseating too much

There is a protracted meeting inprogress at the Murphy Schoolhouse conducted by Revs MurphyMadden and Hatton

Died on Sept 22d at 11 oclockpi in Mrs Sylvia Combs wife ofN L Combs She leaves a hus ¬

band and six children to mournher loss

Sept 29 ANON



Heartbroken Mother Asks the Po ¬

lice to Find Her BoyCINCINNATI 0 Sept 29Mrs

James Hargis wife of Judge Hargis has been in Cincinnati sinceyesterday searching for her sonBeech Hargis 22 years of age whohas been missing from his homefor four weeks She made an ef¬

fort to find her boy and enlistedfriends to join in the search Fi ¬

nally the heartbroken mother gaveup the search and notified thepolice Mrs Hargis says she willremain in this city until she findssomething definite concerning herson

STATE OF OHIO CITY OF TOLEDO 199LuCAsjFrank J Cheney makes oath that

he is senior partner of the firm ofF J Cheney Co doing businessin the City of Toledo county andState aforesaid and that said firmwill pay the sum of ONE HUNDREDDOLLARS for each and every case ofCatarrh that cannot be cured bythe use of Halls Catarrhcure


Sworn to before me and sub¬

scribed in my presence this Othday of December A D 1880

> W GLEABONS llAS SEAL > Noto Public

Halls Catarrh Cure is taken in ¬

ternally and acts directly on theblood and mucous surfaces of thesystem Send for testimonials free

F J CHENEY Co Toledo 0Take Halls Family Pills for


A Dread DiseaseIThe big head is a popular way

of expressing a common and veryfrequent ailment It aripes fromvarious sources but the real foun ¬

dation is the lack of sense A litItle money develops it in some peo ¬

ple a few good clothes gives it toothers i a little office where achance is given to exercise a littleauthority is often the cause of itIwhile others get it having a littlebetter job than their associatesThe truth is no sensible man getsthe big head The one who be-


stuck up and stiffneckedfrom sources of any kind are weakin the intellectual caliber

Out of SightOut of sight out of mind is

an old saying which applies withspecial force to a sore burn orwound thats been treated withBucklens Arnica Salve Its outof sight out of mind and out of

existence Piles too and chil ¬

blains disappear under its healinginfluence Guaranteed by all lead ¬

druggists of Wolfe county at5g

A CardTo the Voters of Wolfe County

Having been solicited by Demo ¬

orats from the different precinctsof the county to make the race forSheriff for the next term I takethis method of announcing myselfa candidate for said office subjectto the will and action of the Dem ¬

ocratic primary to be held sometime in 1908 This is the firsttime that I have ever announcedas a candidate for any office butever since I became twentyoneyears of age havo been found inthe ranks of the party fighting forthe success of the principles of theparty which are dear to the heartof every true Democrat and whenthe nominees have been selectedby the party I have spent both mytime and money in securing theirconf ¬

sider my candidacy and if I amnominated and elected I will de ¬

vote my time and attention to thoduties of said office and that thedoor of said office will be open dur ¬

ing all businosn hours of the dayto transact any business that maycome to said offitie Solicitiugyoursupport and with best wishes forthe Great Common People I re ¬

main yours for successROY SMITH

SickHeadacheWhenis a storm in the nervous syst-em centering in the brain

This irritation produces painin the head and the turbulentnerve current sent to the stom¬

ach causes nausea vomitingThis is sick headache and

is dangerous as frequent andprolonged attacks weaken thebrain resulting in loss ofmemory inflammation epi¬

lepsy fits dizziness etcAllay this stormy irritated

aching condition by takingDr Miles AntiPain Pills

They stop the pain by sooth ¬

ing strengthening and reliev¬

ing the tension upon the nervesnot by paralyzing them as

do most headache remediesDr Miles AntiPain Pills do

not contain opium morphinechloralcocaine or similar drugs

Sick headache Is hereditary In myfamily Jly father suffered a greatdeal and for many years I have hailspells that were so severe that I wasunable to attend to my business affairsfor a day or so at a time Durlna atookDrrelieved me almost immediately Sinceslioncoming

JOHN J McERLAlNFrea 8 B Eng Co south Bend Ind

Dr Miles AntiPain Pills are sold byyour druggist who will guarantee thatthe tint package will benefit It Itmoneyt5 In bullMiles Medical Co Elkhart Ind

FLORID AI CUBATHE WINTER PLAYGROUND tEasily and Quickly Reached via the


QUEEN AND CRESCENT ROUTEFast and Convenient Schedules Com ¬

fortable Pullman Equipment LiningCar Service

ATTRACTIVE TOURSthrough Florida including a delightfulilea voyage to Havana Cuba Key Yeafcor KiKsau N P at low rates

VARIABLE ROUTE TICKETSruing via Asheville tied the Land otthe Sky returning direct or vice versuswith stop over privilege

FLORIDA SPECIALin service again beginning January 7th

Solid Train with the latest PullmanEquipment to Jacksonville and St Au-gustine without change Florida LimIiced now on daily

Cheap Hoiueseebers Tickets on sale tIt >

Texas Oklahoma Indian Territory Ar-kansas


Kaunas and other points in theWet Southwest and Southeast Decem ¬

ber 18th JanuNry tat and 15th Febru ¬ eary Lib anti pith and March 5 and 19th

BFor illustrated Literature Ratesand complete information address anyAgent of the Southern Railway orJ F LOltAN T P A Lexington KyC H HUVUEUFORD DP A

Louisville KyC BEAM Jr A G P A St Louis Alo


SUIfSET MAGAZINEodstories50aadall the FarWuta 1W

CAMERA CRATTdevoted each moatli to the arliitic reproduction el the but 100work of amateur and prolaal a jtttphotographers

ROAD Or A THOUBAHP WOROEUSa book of 75 page containingI f075plClureaquetad Oregon

Total 325All for 150

Address all orders to

SUNSET MAGAZINEFlood Building 5r Francisco

BuyaTaa Ion MttcUiU merit OIIr anI <

tkqr ua tile mainstay cf tAe coanwitylfuctUlsle J