a11y presentation-2017

Accessibility Guidance 2017 PRESENTED BY KEVIN ERICKSON

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Accessibility Guidance 2017PRESENTED BY KEVIN ERICKSON


Kevin EricksonWeb [email protected]

We will have a Q&A towards the end so please hold questions until then.

A11Y (p2)

A + (ccessibilit=11) + Y = A11Y

Five W's of A11y







What is A11Y?

What is WCAG

What are the four principles of accessible content

What defines a disability

What are AT's

What is WCAG?

This is a collection of guidelines known as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

These are guidelines published by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

The W3C is the main international standards organization for the internet.

What are the four principles of accessible content?

Perceivable - must not be invisible to the users' senses

Operable - users must be able to operate the features

Understandable - users must be able to understand the content and the user interface

Robust - the code that makes the content must be advanced enough to be used by all technologies, e.g., user agents, screen readers, and other accessibility devices

What does it mean to be disabled?

To be disabled entails but is not limited to:

elderly/degenerative impairments, blind, low vision, colorblind, motor/physical impairment, cognitive/brain injury, partial or total loss of hearing.

Many disabled use Assistive Technologies (AT's) to access digital information.

What are ATs?

Computer software and hardware, such as voice recognition programs, screen readers, and screen enlargement applications, which help people with mobility and sensory impairments to use computer technology.

In the classroom and elsewhere, assistive devices, such as automatic page-turners, book holders, and adapted pencil grips, allow learners with disabilities to participate in educational activities.

Closed captioning allows people with hearing impairments to access video content.

Why Use A11y?

Access to information is a basic human right. Implementing A11Y is a crucial!

"When we care about a11y we can say we know about a really good user experience"

- Marcy Sutton (A11Y developer and advocate)

Why Use A11y? (p2)

It is the law. These are the rules we need to follow. Lawsuits are happening at an increased rate throughout the country and expected to continue.

Compliant or Complaint

We want to avoid complaints to ensure a great UX (User Experience). Complaints are happening when users cannot complete tasks online or access information they need.How might complaints come to you?

Office of Civil Rights

Who will be a part of A11y?







3rd party vendors -VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template)


When does compliance count? Compliance counts now. There are several laws that have been put into place over the years to establish a11y standards. Since 2005 all federally funded entities must be compliant to the level of WCAG 1.0 Level A.

When does the level of compliance increase? It was announced in April 2016 that WCAG 2.0 Level AA will go into effect in 2018. While we only have an estimation of less than two years, we recommend initiating this move now.

Keep in mind - Complaints pertaining to any level of compliance can happen at any time even though the WCAG 2.0 Level AA is not yet enforced.

Where do you need to address compliance?

Website code

Website text





Complex charts



How do we get this done?

Create a Website Accessibility Policy

Measure your current state of accessibility

Prioritize violations

Use a variety of tools to find all errors

Website A11y Policy

Define or edit your policy

Establish a timeline

Document your progress

Measure your current state of A11y

§ 508-1194.22 Web Sites and Applications

Images missing alt tags

The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it

Color contrast

Parts of the website used color combinations that made text difficult or impossible for people with low vision to see.

Keyboard Only

Some important content of the website can only be accessed by people who can use a computer mouse, which means that content is not available to those who are blind, many who have low vision, and those with disabilities affecting fine motor control


Suggestion: Use the following items in a table with assigned values for tracking violations:

Name (e.g., homepage accordion)

Media type (e.g., video stream, graphic, PDF, webpage, JavaScript, etcetera)

Occurrence rate (e.g., number of places violations on the website/app)

Severity, (e.g., how does this effect the user's experience and ability to complete their tasks) 1-10, 10 is the most severe

Noticeability, (e.g., how much are users likely to interact with this) 1-10, 10 is the most noticeable

Tractability, (e.g., how difficult is this to remediate) 1-10, 10 is the most tractable/most easily remediated

Priority, (e.g., critical, high, moderate, low) 1-10, 10 is the highest priority

How? (p2)

Techniques, browser add-ons, applications, etcetera

IT Accessibility Standards, Website Standards, Website Guidelines

World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative

WAVE website

WAVE Chrome Extension

Accessible University mock site

WebAIM website

The Incredible Accessible Modal Window

The Paciello Group Colour Contrast Analyser

WebAIM Color Contrast Checker

PDF accessibility from Adobe

WebAIM on accessible PDF

The World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) WCAG to Non-web Information and Communication Technology

W3C PDF Techniques for WCAG 2.0

Website Accessibility Evaluation Tools List

Planning and Managing Website Accessibility -WAI - W3C


Things to Consider

What works & doesn’t work

Don't wait until it is too late. A11y must be implemented at each stage of the process. From idea to design to development, A11y needs to be addressed to avoid rework, additional code and delays.

Don't think A11y is ever "Done". A11y is an ongoing process. Accessible code can easily be reversed or erased by those who are not aware that it is there. New or updated content needs to be retested before being released.

Do start as soon as possible to get a team together. Do not put off A11y implementation for a later time.

Do meet with those who are needed for all parts and stages of getting your web content accessible.

Final Note

We should all want to have our web content available to those who need it. Inaccessible content excludes whole sections of the population from the benefits of technology. We hope this simple 5-W format presentation will help your team create more inclusive content that works better for everyone.

Thank you! Questions?

Kevin Erickson Web [email protected]