abdelilah soussi gounni phone: 1-204-975-7750.doc

Abdelilah Soussi Gounni Phone: 1-204-975-7750 Department of Immunology Fax: 1-204789-3921 University of Manitoba Email: [email protected] Faculty of Medicine Manitoba, R3E 0W3 Present Positions 2007- Present Associate Professor with tenure Department of Immunology University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Winnipeg 2004-present Member, Biology of Breathing Group University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine 2002-present Member, Manitoba Institute of Child Health University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine Previous Positions Held 2001-2007 Assistant Professor Department of Immunology University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Winnipeg 2000-2001 Research Associate Meakins-Christie Labs McGill University 1997-2000 Post doctoral Fellow Meakins-Christie Labs McGill University, Montreal 1996-1997 Post doctoral Fellow Swiss Tropical Institute, Basel University, Basel 1

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Abdelilah Soussi Gounni Phone: 1-204-975-7750Department of Immunology Fax: 1-204789-3921University of Manitoba Email: [email protected] of MedicineManitoba, R3E 0W3

Present Positions 2007- Present Associate Professor with tenure

Department of ImmunologyUniversity of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Winnipeg

2004-present Member, Biology of Breathing GroupUniversity of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine

2002-present Member, Manitoba Institute of Child HealthUniversity of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine

Previous Positions Held2001-2007 Assistant Professor

Department of ImmunologyUniversity of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Winnipeg

2000-2001 Research AssociateMeakins-Christie LabsMcGill University

1997-2000 Post doctoral Fellow Meakins-Christie Labs

McGill University, Montreal

1996-1997 Post doctoral FellowSwiss Tropical Institute, Basel University, Basel

Education 1991-1995 Ph.D Centre d’Immunologie et de Biologie Parasitaire

(CIBP), Pasteur Institute, Lille, FranceSupervisor: Prof. M. Capron

1989-1991 D.E.A. Microbiology, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France Supervisor: Prof. F. Amalric

1985-1989 B.Sc. Biochemistry, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France


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Honors and Awards 2002 Canadian Institutes of Health Research New

Investigator Salary Award ($250,000)

2001 Excellence in Post-doctoral Research Award, McGill Respiratory Research Day, Montreal, Canada

2001 Ranked 3rd for Henning Lowenstein Award for Research excellence in Allergy, ALko Abello, Denmark

2000 Post doctoral Fellowship from CAAAIF/Glaxo Welcome/ CIHR, Ottawa, Canada ($38,500)

1999 Post doctoral Fellowship from Medical Research Council (MRC), Ottawa, Canada ($35,000)

1999 International Award for Excellence in Allergy Research from Pharmacia Allergy Research Fdt. Uppsala, Sweden ($3200; 6 given worldwide)

1998 Post doctoral Fellowship from Montreal Chest Institute and Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation, Montreal, Canada ($29,500)

1996 Post doctoral Fellowship from Swiss National Foundation, Bern, Switzerland ($65,000)

1995 Graduate Studentship from Pasteur Institute, Lille, France ($12000)

1994 Best Oral Presentation, Association Maghrebine des Jeunes Chercheurs, Tunisia

1992 Mérieux Foundation Graduate Studentship, Lyon, France (3years: $60000)

1990 Studentships from Moroccan government ($10,000)

Society Memberships1997-present American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology

1997-present World Allergy Organization

1997-present Canadian Lung Association

1998-present Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

1998-present Bio Alliance Canada-Maroc, Montreal

2006-present American Physiological Society

2006-present American Association of Immunologists

2008-present Canadian Society of Immunology


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Travel Awards

2007 Manitoba Institute of Child Health Travel Award

2003 Manitoba Institute of Child Health Travel Award

2002 Manitoba Institute of Child Health Travel Award

2001 International Travel Award from AAAAI, New Orleans

2000 Travel grant from Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

1999 International travel award from AAAAI, Orlando

1998 International travel award from AAAAI, Washington

1997 Travel grant from Swiss Tropical Institute, Basel

1995 International travel award from AAAAI, New York

1995 Travel grant from Pasteur Institute, Lille, France

1992 Travel grant from Pasteur Institute, Lille, France

University of Manitoba Academic Responsibilities

Teaching 2005-present Course coordinator, Medical Immunology, 3 credits:

graduate course. Lecturer, redesigned course organization and content

2004-present Lecturer, Introductory Immunology, 3 credits: graduate course

2003-present Facilitator, Med I Problem based learning course

2001-present Lecturer, Immuno-biology, 6 credits: graduate course

2002-present Course coordinator, Fundamentals of Allergy and Asthma, 3 credits graduate course

2002-present Lecturer, Immunological Methodology, 3 credits: graduate course

2002-present Lecturer, Molecular Immunology, 6 credits: graduate course

2001-present Facilitator and session leader, Med I Tutorial, redesigned tutorial content

1990-1991 Introduction to Microbiology, undergraduate course; Dept of Microbiology, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France

Thesis advisor (Dept of Immunology, University of Manitoba)

Naresh Redhu Ph.D. Current


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Stephane Dragon Ph.D. Current

Martin A Prince M.Sc. 2005

Arash S. Saffar M. Sc. 2008

Current trainees and laboratory staffPost doc: Dr. J. Zhang

Graduate StudentsStephan Dragon: Ph.D. Naresh Redhu: Ph.D.

Research assistant Lianyu Shan

Research associate Dr. Ali Saleh

Advisory Committee

Qiujiang Du M.Sc.2004. Dept of Immunology, University of Manitoba

Bogden Jennifer M.Sc.2004. Dept of Oral biology, University of Manitoba

Samuel Cheung M.Sc.2005. Dept of Immunology, University of Manitoba

Renee Douville Ph.D.2007. Dept of Immunology, University of Manitoba

Hong Yu Ph.D.2007. Dept of Medical Microbiology, University of Manitoba

MinQqi Xu M.Sc.2007. Dept of Oral Biology, University of Manitoba

Sara Martin M.Sc.2008. Dept of Physiology, University of Manitoba

Alex Silaghi M.Sc.2008. Dept of Immunology, University of Manitoba

Larissa Lotoski M.Sc. candidate. Dept of Immunology, University of Manitoba

Helen Mulem M.Sc.candidate. Dept of Immunology, University of Manitoba

Ryan Gaudet

Undergraduate and Coop Students

Ka-Yee Choi; Ken Mendoza; Ferid Imam; Peyman Ezzati; ZhiZhi Shun; Stephane Dragon

Lena Saleh; Jennifer Turner; Selena Kural; Chantal Ferre; Ahmed AbdulRehman

External examiner

Pota Christodolopoulos Ph.D 2003. Dept of Pathology, McGill University


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Sasmita Mishra Ph.D 2006.Dept of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Ottawa University

Membership in Departmental and Faculty Committees 2006-2007 Member of the Department of Immunology Headship

Search Committee, University of Manitoba

2005-present CIHR Research Advisory Group (CRAG) to the Office of the Vice President (Research), University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB

2004-present Member of the faculty of Medicine Graduate Studies Committee

2004-present Member of the Department of Immunology visiting speakers Committee

2002-present Member of the Steering Committee of the CIHR National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma

2002-present Mentor of the CIHR National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma (NTPAA)

2002-present Member of the CIHR NTPAA trainee’s selection committee

2003-present Co-Graduate Chair of the Department of Immunology Graduate Studies Committee

2001-2004 Judge Faculty of Medicine Research Day

Grant Review Panels and other international committees 2008 Committee Member, Canadian Lung Association,


2007-present Committee Member, Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) Bridge Funds

2007 External committee Member:” Physio 2007 “; Agence National de Recherche (ANR); INSERM, Paris, France

2007 Poster Selection Committee, AAAAI, Basic and Clinical Immunology

2005 Committee Member, NIH/NIAID panel: Asthma and Allergic Diseases Cooperative Research Centers

2005-2007 Committee Member, CIHR New Investigator C Award Panel

2005 Committee Member, Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) Operating and Establishment Grant Panel


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Ad hoc Reviewer for Granting Agencies and International Journals 2002-present CIHR, NSERC, Sick Children Hospital Foundation,

Manitoba Health Research Council, Health Sciences Foundation

2001-present Reviewer for international journals:Journal of Immunology; International Archives of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; American Journal of Respiratory and Molecular Cell Biology; American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology; American Journal of Pathology; European Journal of Immunology; European Respiratory Journal; European Cytokine Network; Experimental Allergy; Expert Review of Clinical Immunology ; Paediatric Pulmonology; Clinical Immunology; Immunology Letters

Professional Development Courses 2002 New Faculty Orientation, U of Manitoba

2002 UTS workshop, Teaching Improvement Program (TIPs), November 27-29, 2002, U of Manitoba

2003 Problem Solving Workshop, U of Manitoba

2003 UTS workshop: Strategies for Promotion and Tenure, November13, U of Manitoba

2004 UTS workshop, difficult conversation, January 7, 2004 U of Manitoba

2006 Workshop on Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Personal & Organizational Success, U of Manitoba

2007 Myers Briggs Workshop, Personality profile, U of Manitoba

Outreach activities

April 30, 2007 Public lecture: “Maladies allergiques, nouveau fléau ou maladie de toujours”. College Saint Boniface, Science Day. ACFAS Manitoba Section

2001-present Teaching and coaching in week-end school, Churchill High School. Winnipeg, Manitoba

2002-present “Our cells have a great look!” Presentation aimed for school children. Christine L’esperance elementary school, Winnipeg, Manitoba


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Awards to Trainees Arash Shoja Saffar: M.Sc. 2008

2007-2008 Manitoba Health Research Council Graduate Studentship ($17,850)

2007 Department of Immunology Graduate Student Award for Academic Excellence ($200)

2007 St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre Nick Shepel Travel Award ($500)

2007 Manitoba Canadian Student Health Research Forum Poster Competition ($250)

2007 Manitoba Institute of Child Health Travel Award ($1500)

2007 Canadian Society for Allergy & Clinical Immunology Travel Award ($750)

2007 Faculty of Graduate Studies Travel Award ($200)

2006 ADE company/Department of Immunology Best Research Presentation award ($200)

2006 National Training Program in Allergy & Asthma best debater ($200)

2006-2007 Manitoba Health Research Council Graduate Studentship (($17,850)

2006-2007 Tom Olenick Graduate Studentship for Excellence in Immunology ($10000)

2006-2007 Manitoba Institute of Child Health Graduate Studentship ($16000, declined)

2005 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma Graduate Studentship ($18000)

Stephane Dragon: Ph.D student

2007-2008 Tom Olenick Graduate Studentship for Excellence in Immunology ($11000)

2007-2008 CIHR Doctoral Award ($25,000)

2007 Manitoba Institute of Child Health Travel Award ($1500)

2006-2007 Health Sciences Foundation Studentship ($17000)

2005-2006 Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) Studentship ($17850)

2005-2006 Health Sciences Foundation Studentship ($17000)

2004-2005 Health Sciences Foundation Studentship ($17000)


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2005 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma Graduate Studentship ($3000, top-up)

2004 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma Graduate Studentship ($3000, top-up)

2004 Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Travel Award ($1000)

2004 Faculty of Graduate Study Travel Award ($500)

2004 Graduate Student Conference Travel Award ($200).

Naresh S. Redhu: Ph.D. Student

2008-2009 Manitoba Institute of Child Health studentship Award ($16500)

2007-2008 Manitoba Institute of Child Health studentship Award ($16500)

2007-2008 Health Science Foundation Studentship Award ($15,000, decilned)

2006-2007 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma Graduate Studentship ($18000)

Martin Alphonse Prince: M.Sc. 2005

2004 Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Travel Award ($1000)

Faculty of Graduate Study Travel Award

Viventia Biotech Travel Award

Manrit Takar: Graduate student

2002-2003 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma Graduate Studentship ($18000)

Muhammad Shahidur Rahman: Post Doc: 2003-2005

2005 Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) Award for Excellence in Post doctoral Research ($3000)

2002-2003 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma post doctoral fellowship ($40,000)

2003-2004 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma post doctoral fellowship ($40,000)

2004 Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Travel Award ($1000)

Akira Yamasaki: Post Doc 2003-2005


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2004-2005 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma post doctoral fellowship ($40,000 )

2004-2005 MICH-Biology of Breathing post doctoral fellowship ($15000)

2003-2004 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma post doctoral fellowship ($40,000)

2004 American Thoracic Society Travel Award ($1500)

Lena Saleh: Summer student

2003 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma Graduate Summer Studentship ($6000)

Selena Kural: Summer student

2004 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma Graduate Summer Studentship (($6000)

Chantal Ferre: Summer Student

2005 Human resources and Development Canada Summer Placement Award ($1200)

Ferid Imam: Summer Student

2006 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma Graduate Summer Studentship (($6000)

Ken Mendoza: Summer Student

2007 Manitoba Institute of Child Health Summer Studentship Award ($6000)

Grace Choi: Summer Student

2007 National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma Graduate Summer Studentship (($6000)


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Referred papers published/In press (NB: In some of my papers: my first name has been confused with my last name)

1-Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B, Ochiai K, Tanaka Y, Delaporte E, Capron A, Kinet J P & Capron M. High affinity IgE receptor on eosinophils is involved in defence against parasites. Nature. 367: 183-186, 1994.

2-Yoichi T, Delaporte E, Dubucquoi S, Soussi Gounni A, Porchet E, Capron A, & Capron M. Interleukin-5 messenger RNA and immunoreactive protein expression by activated eosinophils in lesional atopic dermatitis skin. J. Invest .Dermatol. 103, 589-592, 1994.

3-Lamkhioued B, Soussi Gounni A, Gruart V, Pearce A, Capron A, & Capron M. Human eosinophils express a receptor for secretory component. Role in secretory IgA dependent activation. Eur. J. Immunol. 25, 117-125. 1995.

4-Lamkhioued B, Aldebert D, Soussi Gounni A, Delaporte E, Goldman M, Capron A & Capron M: Synthesis of cytokines by eosinophils and their regulation. Int. Arch. Allergy.Immunol. 107, 122-123, 1995.

5-Lamkhioued B, Soussi Gounni A, Aldebert D, Delaporte E, Prin L, Capron A, & Capron M. Synthesis of type 1 (IFN gamma) and type 2 (IL-4, IL-5 and IL10) cytokines by human eosinophils. Ann.N.Y Acad. Sci. 31, 203-208, 1996.

6-Morita M, Lamkhioued B, Soussi Gounni A, Aldebert D, Delaporte E, Kinet J.P, Capron A &Capron M. Regulatory effects of interferons on eosinophil apoptosis. Eur. Cyt. Net; 48,152, 1996.

7-Aldebert D, Lamkhioued B, Dessaint C, Soussi Gounni A., Prin L, Capron A & Capron M. Expression of IFN- receptor in human eosinophils. Blood, 18, 167-170, 1996.

8-Joseph M, Soussi Gounni A, Kusnierz J. P, Vorng H, Kinet J.P, Capron A & Capron M. High affinity receptor for IgE induces platelet mediated cytotoxicity. Eur. J. Immunol. 27, 2212-2218. 1997.

9-Capron M, Morita M, Woerly G, Lengrand F, Soussi Gounni A, Delaporte E, & Capron A.Differentiation of eosinophils from coord blood cell precursors: Kinetics of Fc epsilon RI and Fc Epsilon RII expression. Int. Arch. Allergy.Immunol.113, 48-50, 1997.

10-Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B, Masao M, Aldebert D, Truong MJ, Capron A &Capron M. Molecular characterisation of low affinity receptor FcRII expressed by human eosinophils. Int. Immunol, 10, 395-404, 1998.

11-Nakamura Y, Ghaffar O, Olivensten R, Taha R, Soussi Gounni A, Zhang D.H, Ray A,& Q Hamid. Gene expression of the GATA-3 transcription factor is increased in atopic asthma. J. Allerg. Clin. Immunol.103: 215-222, 1999.

12-Shimbara A, Christodolopoulos P, Soussi Gounni A, Cameron L, Olivenstein R, Wallaert B, Fahy O, LaFitte JJ, Tsicopoulos A, Tonnel A-B, Hazcku A, Holroyd K, Nicolaides N, Levitt R & Q Hamid. Expression Of IL-9 And Its Receptor (IL-9R) In Allergic And Non-Allergic Lung Disease: Increased Expression In Asthma. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol.104:108-115, 1999.

13-Soussi Gounni A, Gregory B, Nutku E, Aris F, Koussih L, Minshall E, Tavernier J, Nicolaides N, Levitt R, D. Robinson & Q Hamid. Interleukin-9 enhances interleukin-5


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receptor expression, differentiation, and survival of human eosinophils. Blood. 96: 2163-2173, 2000.

14-Nutku E, Soussi Gounni A, Olivenstein R & Q.Hamid. Evidence for a reduced expression of eosinophil associated IL-12 mRNA and immunoreactivity in bronchial asthma. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol.106, 288-292, 2000.

15-Soussi Gounni A, Nutku E, Koussih L, Aris F, Louahed J, Nicolaides N, R.C Levitt, & Q Hamid. Expression of interlekin-9 by human eosinophils. Regulation by TNF-and IL-1. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol. 106:460-466, 2000.

16-Soussi Gounni A, Koussih L, Nutku E, Cameron L, Nicolaides N, Levitt R & Q Hamid. Expression Of Functional IL-9 Receptors On Polymononuclear Neutrophils. J Immunol, 166: 2768-74, 2001.

17-Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B, Koussih L, Chiseii R, P Renzi & Qutayba H. Expression of the high affinity receptor for IgE (FcRI) by human neutrophils. Role in asthma. FASEBJ. 15: 940-49, 2001.

18-Nutku E, Qiang Li, Soussi Gounni A, Mazer B, Q Hamid. IL-12 R expression on eosinophils: regulation of receptor. J Immunol. 167:2, 2001

19-Soussi Gounni A, Spanel-Borowski K, Palacios M, Heusser C, Moncada S & E. Lobos. Pulmonary inflammation induced by recombinant Brugia malayi gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase homolog: involvement of autoimmune responses. Mol. Med. 7:344, 2001.

20-Lamkhioued B, Soussi Gounni A, Hamid Q, Delespesse G & Renzi P. Eotaxin receptor CCR-3 is expressed in hematopoeitic CD34+ progenitors and is involved in eosinophil differentiation. J. Immunol. 170:537 2003.

21-Fiset PO, Soussi Gounni A, Christodoulopoulos P, Tulic M, Sobol SE, Frenkiel S, Lavigne F, Lamkhioued B, Hamid Q. Modulation of allergic response in nasal mucosa by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides for IL-4. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 111:580, 2003.

22-Cameron L, Soussi Gounni A, Gould H, Vercelli D,& Hamid Q. Regulation of IgE isotype switching in allergic rhinitis. J. Immunol,171:3816, 2003

23-Soussi Gounni A., Q Hamid, Sahidur M Rahman, J Hoeck, J Yang, LianYu. Interleukin-9 mediated induction of Eotaxin1/CCL11 in Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cells. J. Immunol. 173:2771, 2004

24-Muhammad SR, L Shan, J Yang, H Unruh, X Yang, A Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. IL-17 activation of ASM cells induces CXCL-8/IL-8 expression via a transcriptional mechanism. Clinical Immunology. 115, 268-276, 2005

25-Soussi Gounni A., V Wellemans, J Yang, F Bellesort, K Kassiri, A J. Halayko, Genounou M, Q Hamid, and B. Lamkhioued. A Critical Role for the High Affinity Receptors for IgE (FceRI) in Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Function. J. Immunol. 175, 2613-2621, 2005

26-Joubert P, Lajoie-Kadoch S, Labonte I, Soussi Gounni A., Maghni K, Chakir J, Laviolette M Lamkhioued B, Hamid Q. CCR3 expression and function in asthmatic airway smooth muscle cells J. Immunol., 175, 2702-2708, 2005

27- Lajoie-Kadoch S, Joubert P, Létuvé S, Soussi Gounni A., and Hamid, Q.. TNF-and IFN- inversely modulate IL-25 receptor expression in human airway smooth muscle cells. AJP-Lung.Cell. Mol. Physiol , 290: L1238-L1246, 2006.

28-Gosens R, Stelmack GL, Dueck G, McNeill KD, Yamasaki A, Gerthoffer WT, Unruh H,


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Soussi Gounni A, Zaagsma J, Halayko AJ. Role of caveolin-1 in p42/p44 MAP kinase activation and proliferation of human airway smooth muscle. AJP-Lung.Cell. Mol. Physiol, 291:L523-34.2006.

29-Soussi Gounni A, Wellemans V, Agouti M, Genounou M, Hamid Q, Beck L, Lamkhioued B.Increasde expression of TH-2 associated chemokines in Bullous pemhigoid disease. Role of eosinophils in the production and release of these chemokines. Clin Immunol, 120:220-31, 2006

30-Muhammad SR, Yamasaki, A, Yang J, L Shan, A. Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. IL-17 induces eotaxin/CCL-11in ASM cells via MAPK (p38, ERK1/2, JNK) pathways. J Immunol, 177:4064-4071, 2006.

31-Saffar S.A, MP Alphonse, L Shan, K. HayGlass, E. Simons, Soussi Gounni A. Monomeric IgE enhanced neutrophil survival: role of mitochondrial pathway. J Immunol, 15;178:2535-41, 2007.

32- Dragon S. , Muhammad SR, Yang J, L Shan, A. Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. IL-17 enhances IL-1 mediated CXCL-8 expression by human airway smooth muscle cells involves MAPKs, NF-kB and AP1. AJP-Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol. 292:L1023-9. 2007

33- Zhang K , L Shan, SR Muhammad, H. Unruh, A. Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. Constitutive and Inducible Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin Expression in Human Airway Smooth Muscle cells: Role in COPD. AJP-Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol, 293:L375-82. Epub 2007 May 18.

34-Fawaz L M, Sharif-Askari E, Hajoui O, Soussi Gounni A., Hamid Q, Mazer BD. Expression of IL-9 receptor alpha chain on human germinal center B cells modulates IgE secretion. J. Aller. Clin. Immunol,120:1208-15, 2007

35-Dragon S., Saffar S A, L. Shan, Soussi Gounni A. IL-17 attenuates the anti-apoptotic effects of GM-CSF in human neutrophils. Mol Immunol, June 5, 2007 [Epub ahead of print]

36- Joubert P, Lajoie-Kadoch S, Welman M, Dragon S, Létuvée S, Tolloczko B, Halayko AJ, Soussi Gounni A , Maghni K, Hamid Q. Expression and regulation of CCR1 by airway smooth muscle cells in asthma. J Immunol. 180:1268-75, 2008

37-Alphonse M; Saffar S A, L Shan, K. HayGlass, E. Simons, Soussi Gounni A. Regulation of the high affinity IgE receptor (Fc epsilonRI) in human neutrophils: role of seasonal allergen exposure and Th-2 cytokines. PLoS ONE. 3(4):e1921, 2008

38-Saffar SA, S. Dragon, P. Ezzati, L Shan, Soussi Gounni A. PI3K and p38 MAPK regulate induction of Mcl-1 and survival in glucocorticoid treated human neutrophils. J. Aller. Clin. Immunol, Feb , 2008. [Epub ahead of print] Nov 2007

39- Xu M, Scott JE, Liu KZ, Bishop HR, Renaud DE, Palmer RM, Soussi Gounni A, Scott DA. The influence of nicotine on granulocytic differentiation - inhibition of the oxidative burst and bacterial killing and increased matrix metalloproteinase-9 release. BMC Cell Biol. Apr 15;9:19. 2008

Papers under revision/ In preparation

1- S. Dragon, M. Takhar, L Shan, K. HayGlass, E. Simons, Soussi Gounni A. Regulation of IL-9 R expressed by human neutrophils. Submitted to Journal of Cellular Molecular Medicine.


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2-A. Saleh, L Shan, A. Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. A Critical role of STAT3 in IL-17A mediated inflammatory gene expression in human airway smooth muscle cells. Submitted to JBC.

3- Yamasaki, A, A. Saleh, A. Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. IL-9 signalling pathway in human airway smooth muscle cells in Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cells. In preparation.

Reviews in peer reviewed Journals 1- Soussi Gounni A, The high affinity IgE receptor (FcRI) a critical regulator of airway smooth muscle cells. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 291:L312-21, 2006 [Epub ahead of print] Mar 31;

2-Soussi Gounni A. IL-9 and allergic diseases. Rev Biol Biotech.Vol, 2- 1, 12-20, 2001

3-Soussi Gounni A., Kontolemos M & Qutayba H. Role of IL-9 in the pathophysiology of allergic diseases. J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol. 107:575-83, 2001

4-Fiset P., Soussi Gounni A. 2001. Antisense Oligonucleotides: problems with use and solutions. Reviews in Biology and Biotechnology 2:27-33.

5-Nutten S, F Trottein, Soussi Gounni A, J.P Papin, Capron A & Capron M. From allergy to schistosomes: Role of Fc receptors and adhesion molecules in eosinophil effector function. Memor. Oswaldo Cruz, 9-14, 1997.

6-Capron M, Soussi Gounni A, Morita M, Truong MJ, Prin L, Kinet JP & Capron A. Eosinophils: From low to high affinity IgE receptors. Allergy. 50; 20-23, 1995.

7-Capron M, Desreumaux P, Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B & Capron A. L'éosinophile, bénéfique ou néfaste: une cellule à part entière dans la réponse immunitaire. C. R. Soc. Biol., 188, 39-46. 1994

8-Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B, DelaporteE, Dubost A, Kinet JP, Capron A & Capron M. The high affinity IgE receptor on eosinophils : From allergy to parasites or from parasites to allergy? J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol. 94, 1214-1216, 1994.

9-Capron M, Lamkhioued B, Aldebert D, Soussi Gounni A, Dubost A, Delaporte E, & Capron A. Eosinophil functional aspects. Prog. Aller.Clin. Immunol. 3: 26-29, 1994.

Other reviews and proceedings

1--Saffar S.A, Soussi Gounni A. Neutrophils in Health and diseases. Medlab. 2008.

2- Soussi Gounni A. The Role of Neutrophil in Asthma. 5pages, Handout review prepared for the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 2006 Annual Meeting. www.AAAAI.org.

3- Soussi Gounni A. IgE receptors in ASM cells. 10 pages, Handout review prepared for the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 2008 Annual Meeting. www.AAAAI.org.

4- Soussi Gounni A. IgE mediated neutrophil function. 6 pages, Handout review prepared


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for the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 2008 Annual Meeting. www.AAAAI.org

Invited conferences (Selected)2008 Chair, American Association Allergy Asthma and

Immunology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

2007 Pediatric section, Indiana University, Indianapolis

2007 Department of Immunology, Indiana University

2007 Chair Bronchial Hyper-responsiveness in Asthma: Insights into New Signaling Pathways, American Association Allergy Asthma and Immunology, San Diego, California

2006 Chair, role of neutrophils in asthma session, American Association Allergy Asthma and Immunology, Miami Beach, Florida

2006 Invited speaker, Meakins-Christie Workshop, St Adele, Quebec, Canada

2005 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Sultan Quaboos University. Muscat, Oman

2005 Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA

2005 CIHR Young Investigator Forum, Institute of Infection and Immunity, Toronto

2005 Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, U of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada

2004 RBMC Research Day, Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, Qc. Canada

2004 CIHR Young Investigator Forum, Winnipeg

2003 Chair, plenary session, International Association of Asthma, InterAsthma, Marrakech, Morocco

2003 Meakins-Christie Workshop, St Saveur, Quebec, Canada

2002 CIHR Young Investigator Forum, Institute of Genetics, Toronto

2002 Respiratory division, Health Sci. Center, Winnipeg

2002 St Boniface Research Center, University of Manitoba

2001 Cancer Care Manitoba, Winnipeg

2001 Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pnemologie, Laval University, Quebec


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2001 Department of Immunology, University of Manitoba

2000 Meakins-Christie & Laval University Hospital/Scientific exchange day, Quebec city, Canada

2000 Magainin Pharmaceuticals Inc, Plymouth, Philadelphia

2000 “Beer” Seminar, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

1997 Center of Reproductive Biology, Dept of obstetrics & gynecology, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland

1995 Swiss Tropical Institute, Department of Molecular Parasitology, Basel University, Basel, Switzerland

Abstracts published in Peer Reviewed Journals

1- *Saffar AS, Dragon S, Ezzati P, Shan L, Soussi Gounni A. Glucocorticoid receptor signaling in survival of human neutrophils. Keystone Symposia: Cell Signaling and Proteomics Mar 2007 – Steamboat Springs, CO. Keystone Symposia Cell Signaling & Proteomics 2007 Abstract book; Abstract #311, page 137

2- *Saffar AS, Dragon S, Ezzati P, Shan L, Soussi Gounni A. The molecular basis for glucocorticoid mediated survival of neutrophils. Canadian Society of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (CSACI) Meeting Oct 2006 – Montreal. Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology.

3- *Dragon S, Saffar AS, Shan L, Soussi Gounni A. IL-17 antagonizes GM-CSF induced survival in human neutrophils: role of MAPKs. American Academy of Immunology (AAI) Meeting May 2006 – Boston, MA. J Immunol, Vol 176, Suppl Apr 2006, Abstract# 149.29, page S311

4- *Saffar AS, Dragon S, Ezzati P, Shan L, Soussi Gounni A. Molecular mechanisms of Dexamethasone induced neutrophil survival. Keystone Symposia: Nuclear Receptors Mar 2006 – Banff, AB. Keystone Symposia Nuclear Receptors 2006 Abstract book; Abstract #310, page 169

5- *Saffar AS, Alphonse MP, Shan L, HayGlass KT, Simons FER, Soussi Gounni A. Impact of IgE binding to neutrophils in asthma. Canadian Society of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (CSACI) Meeting Sep 2005 – Winnipeg. Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology Vol 1, No 3, 2005; Abstract #14, page 114

6- *Dragon S, Saffar AS, Shan L, Soussi Gounni A. IL-17 counter-regulates GM-CSF induced human neutrophil survival. Canadian Society of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (CSACI) Meeting Sep 2005 – Winnipeg. Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology Vol 1, No 3, 2005; Abstract #8, page 103.

7- *Saffar AS, Dragon S, Ezzati P, Shan L, Soussi Gounni A. Glucocorticoid receptor signaling in survival of human neutrophils. Keystone Symposia: Cell Signaling and Proteomics Mar 2007 – Steamboat Springs, CO Keystone Symposia Cell Signaling & Proteomics 2007 Abstract book; Abstract #311, page 137.


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8- Minq Xu., Liu KZ, Soussi Gounni A, Scott JE, Rector E., D. Scott. The influence of nicotine and continine on HL-60 cell Line differentiation. The Canadian Federation of Biological Societies 48th annual meeting. Guelph, June 2005.

9- *Dragon S., Shan L., Soussi Gounni A. Interleukin-17 inhibits GM-CSF mediated neutrophil survival via MCl-1 dependent pathway. Canadian Society of Immunology, Whistler, April 7-10, 2005

10- Dragon S and Soussi Gounni A. Interleukin-17 modulates human neutrophil survival. Canadian Student Health Research Forum, Winnipeg, June 9, 2004.

11- *Alphonse M, Lian Lyu, Simons E, Hay Glass K and Soussi Gounni A. Regulation of the high affinity receptor for IgE in human neutrophils. Clin. Inv. Med. 27:4, 2004. International Congress of Immunology and 4th annual conference of FOCIS, Montreal July 18-23, Quebec, Canada

12- *Yamasaki A, A Vörös, K McNeill, G Stelmack, H Unruh, A Soussi-Gounni, AJ Halayko. Phenotype diversity of mesenchymal cells from different compartments of the human airway wall. Am J Resp Cell Mol Biol. 2004. American Thoracic Society, May21-26, Orlando, USA

13- *Soussi Gounni A, V.Wellemans, J. Yang, A. Halayko, and B. Lamkhioued. A critical role of FcRI in human airway smooth muscle cell function. Can Respir J, 11, 251. A81. 2004. CIHR-National Research Forum for Young Investigators in Circulatory and Respiratory Health. Winnipeg May 6-8, 2004

14- Soussi Gounni A. Modulation of human neutrophils survival by Immunoglobulin-E: Role of FcRI. Plenary session. Regroupement des biologistes Marocains au Canada (RBMC). VIII annual scientific meeting, Montreal, 5June, 2004.

15- *Dragon S, Shan L and Soussi Gounni A. Interleukin-17 modulates human neutrophil survival. (Th20.6). Clin. Inv. Med. 27:4, 2004. International Congress of Immunology and 4th annual conference of FOCIS, Montreal July 18-23, July, Quebec, Canada, 2004.

16- Rahman MS., J. Yang, L. Yu, A. Halayko and A. Soussi Gounni. Functional expression of interleukin-17 receptor by airway smooth muscle cells. Canadian Student Health Research Forum, Winnipeg, June 9, 2004.

17- *Soussi Gounni A, Q. Hamid, S. M. Rahman, L Yu, J. Yang. Interleukin-9 mediated eotaxin1/CCL11 induction in human airway smooth muscle cells. Can Respir J, 11: 251. A80. 2004. CIHR -National Research Forum for Young Investigators in Circulatory and Respiratory Health. Winnipeg May 6-8, 2004.

18- *Dragon S., Shan L., Soussi-Gounni A. Interleukin-17 modulates human neutrophil survival. Can Respir J, 11: 234. A18. 2004. CIHR-National Research Forum for Young Investigators in Circulatory and Respiratory Health, Winnipeg May 6-8, 2004.

19- *Rahman MS., J. Yang, L. Yu, A. Halayko and A. Soussi Gounni. Functional expression of interleukin-17 receptor by airway smooth muscle cells. Can Respir J, 11: 249. A74. 2004. CIHR-National Research Forum for Young Investigators in Circulatory and Respiratory Health, Winnipeg May 6-8, 2004.

20- *Alphonse M, Lian Lyu, Simons E, Hay Glass K and Soussi Gounni A. Regulation of the high affinity receptor for IgE in human neutrophils. Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology, 1: P11, 2004. Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Ottawa, October 21-24, 2004.

21- *Dragon S., Shan L., Soussi-Gounni A. Interleukin-17 inhibits GM-CSF mediated neutrophil survival via MCl-1 dependent pathway. Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology, 1: P14, 2004. Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Ottawa, October 21-24, 2004.


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22- *Rahman MS., Yang J., Yu L., Halayko A. and Soussi Gounni A. IL-17 induces eotaxin/CCL-11 in ASM cells via ERK/MAPK pathway. Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology, 1: P17, 2004. Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Ottawa, October 21-24, 2004.

23- *Lamkhioued B, Lajoie K, Maghni K., Soussi-Gounni A, Hamid Q and P Joubert. Chemokine receptors in human airway smooth muscle cells: Inducible expression of functional CCR3. J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol, 111, A1105, 2003. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), Denver, March 7-12, 2003.

24- *Takhar M, Soussi-Gounni A. Regulation of interleukin-9 receptor expression by human neutrophils. Allergy. Clin. Immunol. Inter. AO-4-1, 7, 2003. World Allergy Organization Meeting, Vancouver, September 7-12, 2003.

25- *Soussi-Gounni A, Wellemans V, Kamrouz K, Halayko A, Hamid Q and Lamkhioued B. Human smooth muscle cells express the high affinity receptor for IgE (FcRI). Allergy. Clin. Immunol. Inter. AO-4-1, 7, 2003. World Allergy Organization Meeting, Vancouver, September 7-12, 2003.

26- Alphonse M, Lian Lyu, Simons E, HayGlass K and Soussi Gounni A. Regulation of high affinity receptor for IgE expressed by human neutrophils. Canadian Student Health Research Forum, Winnipeg, June7, 2003.

27- Takhar M, Soussi-Gounni A. TH-2 cytokines Regulate interleukin-9 receptor expression in human neutrophils. Canadian Student Health Research Forum, Winnipeg, June7, 2003.

28- Soussi Gounni A. Role of neutrophils in asthma: new insights. Plenary Session Chairman and keynote speaker, INTERASMA, International Association of Asthmology, Regional Asthma Meeting. Marrakech, Morocco, 27-30 November, 2003.

29- *Fawaz L, Soussi Gounni A, Q Hamid and B Mazer. Expression of IL-9R alpha on germinal center B cells: potential role for IL-9 on B cell maturation. J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol, 109, A1111, 2002. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), New York, March 1-6, 2002.

30- *Fiset PO, Soussi-Gounni A, Christodoulopoulos P, Cameron L, Sobol SE, Frenkiel S, Lavigne F, Hamid Q. Local Interleukin-4 suppression by antisense oligonucleotides blocks IgE synthesis event. J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol, 109, A1130, 2002. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), New York, March 1-6, 2002.

31- *Soussi Gounni A, Q Hamid. Expression of the high affinity IgE receptor on human neutrophils from asthmatics subjects. Keystone Symposia, A135, 2002, Santa Fee, New Mexico, USA.

32- Soussi Gounni A, Muro S, R levitt, Q Hamid. Role of IL-9 on human smooth muscle function. Am J.Res.Cri.care.Med. 163: (3), A, 2001. American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, May18-23, 2001.

33- *Soussi Gounni A, Q Hamid. Expression of the high affinity IgE receptor on human neutrophils from asthmatics subjects. Can. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol, 6, 197, 2001. Banff, Alberta

34- *Soussi Gounni A, B Gregory, E Nutku, J Tavernier, R Levit, N Nicolaides, D Robinson, and Q Hamid. Interleukin-9 enhances IL-5 receptor expression, differentiation and survival of human eosinophils. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol, 103, A761, 2000. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), March 3-8, 2000, San Diego, USA.

35- *Fawaz L, Soussi Gounni A, Zhuang Q, Hamid Q and B Mazer.The human IL-9 receptor is preferentially expressed on germinal center B lymphocytes. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol, 105, A330, 2000. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), March 3-8, 2000, San Diego, USA.


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36- *Soussi Gounni A, N Nicolaides R Levit, and Q Hamid. Expression and regulation of IL-9 in human airway smooth muscle cells. Am J.Res.Cri.care.Med. 161: (3), A700, 2000. American Thoracic Society, May 5-10, 2000. Toronto, Canada

37- *Nutku E, Soussi Gounni A, Aris A, Olivenstein R and Q.Hamid. Expression of interleukin-18 receptor in human eosinophils and the eosinophil differentiated HL-60 cell line. Am. J. Res.Cri .Care .Med. 161: (3), A542, 2000. American Thoracic Society, May 5-10, 2000, Toronto, Canada.

38- *Taha R, Hamid Q, Muro S, Soussi Gounni A, Toda M, and R Olivenstein. Transcription factors expression in induced sputum. Am. J. Res.Cri.Care.Med. 161: (3), A327, 2000. American Thoracic Society, May 5-10, 2000 Toronto, Canada.

39- *Soussi Gounni A, B Gregory, E Nutku, D Robinson, and Q Hamid. Interleukin-9 enhances IL-5 receptor expression, differentiation and survival of human eosinophils. Can. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol, 5, 293, 2000. Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Toronto, Canada

40- *Nutku E, Aris A, Soussi Gounni A, B Mazer, and Q.Hamid. Expression of interleukin-18 receptor by human eosinophils and regulation of its expression by IL-12. Can. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol, 5, 291, 2000. The Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Toronto, Canada

41- *Soussi Gounni A, Nutku E, Hazcku A, Holroyd K, Nicolaides N, Levitt R & Q Hamid Expression Of IL-9 Receptors On Polymononuclear Neutrophils: Regulation By IL-4 And GM-CSF. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol, 103, 927, 1999. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), Feb26-March 3rd, 1999, Orlando, USA.

42- *Nutku E, Soussi Gounni A, Hazcku A, Holroyd K, Nicolaides N, Levitt R & Q Hamid. Stimulation Of IL-9 Receptors On Human Eosinophils Upregulates IL-5 Receptor Expression. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol, 103, A431, 1999. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), Feb26-March 3rd, 1999, Orlando, USA.

43- *Shimbara A, Soussi Gounni A, Cameron L, Olivenstein R, Wallaert B, Fahy O, LaFitte JJ, Tsicopoulos A, Tonnel A-B, Hazcku A, Holroyd K, Nicolaides N, Levitt R & Q Hamid. Expression Of IL-9 And Its Receptor (IL-9R) In Allergic And Non-Allergic Lung Disease: Increased Expression In Asthma., J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol, 103, A408, 1999. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), Feb26-March 3rd, 1999, Orlando, USA.

44- *Nutku E, Soussi Gounni A & Q.Hamid. Evidence for interleukin-12 effect on eosinophil apoptosis. Am J.Res. Cri.care.Med. 159: (3), A94, 1999. American Thoracic Society, April 23-28, 1999, San Diego, USA.

45- *Muro S, Soussi Gounni A, Nutku E, Hazcku A, Holroyd K, Nicolaides N, Levitt R & Q.Hamid. IL-9 Causes Upregulation of the membrane bound IL-5 Receptor On Human Eosinophils. Am J.Res.Cri.care.Med. 159: (3), A93, 1999. American Thoracic Society, April 23-28, 1999, San Diego, USA.

46- *Shimbara A, Soussi Gounni A, Cameron L, Olivenstein R, Wallaert B, Fahy O, LaFitte JJ, Tsicopoulos A, Tonnel A-B, Hazcku A, Holroyd K, Nicolaides N, Levitt R & Q. Hamid. IL-9 And Its Receptor (IL-9R) In Allergic And Non-Allergic Lung Disease: Increased Expression In Asthma. Am J.Res. Cri.Care.Med. 159: (3), A854, 1999. American Thoracic Society, April 23-28, 1999, San Diego, USA.

47- *Soussi Gounni A, B Lamkhioued, P Christodoulopoulos, E Nutku, & Q Hamid Human Neutrophils Express the High Affinity Receptor for IgE (FcRI). J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol, 101, A714, 1998. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), March 13-18, 1998, Washington DC, USA.

48- *Nutku E, Soussi-Gounni A, B Lamkhioued, R Olivenstein, Renzi P & Q Hamid. Peripheral Blood Eosinophils Express IL-12 Immunoreactivity. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol, 101, A 891,


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1998. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), March 13-18, 1998, Washington DC, USA.

49- *Maghni K, Lamkhioued B, Soussi Gounni A, Tolloczko B, Nicolescu OM, Hamid Q & JG Martin. Characterization of functional neurokinin receptor (NK-1) on lymph node CD4+ T lymphocytes. J. Allergy Clin.Immunol, 101, A793, 1998. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), March 13-18, 1998, Washington DC, USA.

50- *Shablovsky G, Ghaffar O, Taha R, Soussi Gounni A, Olivenstein R, Ray P, Ray A, & Q Hamid. Expression of Stem Cell Factor and C-kit in Allergic Asthma. J. Aller. Clin.Immunol, 101, 925, 1998. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), March 13-18, 1998, Washington DC, USA.

51- *Allakhvardi Z, Lamkhioued B, Ghaffar O, Soussi-Gounni A, Renzi P, & Q Hamid. Human Bronchial Smooth Muscle Cells Express the High Affinity Receptor for IgE (FcRI). Am J. Res.Crit. Care. 157, A702, 1998. American Thoracic Society, Chicago, April 24-29,1998, USA.

52- *Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B, Christodoulopoulos P, Nutku E & Q Hamid Expression of the high affinity receptor for IgE (FcRI) by human neutrophils from asthmatics. Can J Allergy. Clin .Immunol, 1998. The Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1998, Toronto, Canada.

53- Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B, & Q Hamid. Expression du récepteur de forte affinité pour l’IgE (FcRI) par les neutrophiles de patients asthmatiques. Association des Pneumologues Quebecqois (APQ) Meeting, 1998. Quebec City, Quebec.

54- *Maghni K., Taha R, Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B, Hamid Q & Martin J.G. Endogenous neurokinis are implicated in allergen-induced late airway responses (LAR), airway inflammation and interleukin-5 (IL-5) expression in sensitized Brown-Norway (BN) rats. Can. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1998. The Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Toronto, Canada

55- Soussi Gounni A, B Lamkhioued, JP Kinet, A Capron & Capron M. High affinity IgE receptor (FcRI) on human eosinophils. Revue de L’Association Maghrebine des Jeunes Chercheurs. Page 45. L’Association Maghrebine des Jeunes Chercheurs Annuel Meeting. Nov12-16, 1994. Hammamet, Tunisia,

56- *Soussi Gounni A, B Lamkhioued, JP Kinet, A Capron & Capron M. Eosinophils functional aspect. International Congress of Immunology and Clinical Immunology. June 17-24, 1994, Stockholm, Sweden.

57- *Soussi Gounni A, M Joseph, JP Kinet, A Capron & Capron M. High affinity receptor for IgE is involved in platelets cytotoxicity against parasites. J.Allergy. Clin.Immunol, 112,1,512, 1995. American Academy of Allergy asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), Feb 24-March 1rst, 1995, New York, USA

58- *Aldebert D, B Lamkhioued, C Dessaint, Soussi Gounni A, L Prin, A Capron, & Capron M. Expression of IFN- receptor in human eosinophils. International Congress of Immunology and Clinical Immunology, San Francisco, 1995.