about authintic (long version)

more sales from site and social TM

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Post on 26-May-2015




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What is predictive analytics? How can retailers harness big data to drive sales? And how does data privacy fit into all this? Welcome to Authintic, analytics technology for permission marketing. Want more sales from site and social? Read on.


Page 1: About Authintic (long version)

more sales from site and socialTM

Page 2: About Authintic (long version)

In 2012, Target sent baby product coupons to a teenage girl in Minneapolis*.

Her father angrily asked the store manager, “Are you trying to encourage her to get pregnant?”

*Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/19/magazine/shopping-habits.html?smid=pl-share

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“She’s due in August. I owe you an apology.”

Two days later when the store manager followed up, the father had a surprising response.

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“Privacy breach...”“...Disturbing”“Creepy...”

Marketers were vocal with their disapproval.

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But behind closed doors they asked,

“How can we do that?”

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The early days of parenthood are one of those windows. The key is to reach them before the baby is born and the parents

get flooded with advertising.

Enter predictive analytics. Target’s data scientists built a model to identify pregnant women based on purchases like unscented lotions and soaps (2nd trimester), hand sanitizers and washcloths (3rd trimester).

Why is this valuable? Because people buy on habit. And outside of a few brief windows in life, it’s hard for marketers to break those habits.

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shopper recommendation engine



Big retailers now have data scientists on staff turning data into recommendations to drive sales.

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“It’s like an arms race to hire statisticians nowadays.” - Andreas Weigend, former Chief Scientist, Amazon

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Three companies used predictive analytics to redefine retailing for books, movies, and music...

...while others are simply storing data or following dashboards. What does it take to do big data right?

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Technology Data Sciences Marketing

Making data work takes three disciplines pursuing the same goal under one roof.

And you need the right data. On the right terms. What does that mean? ...

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Seth Godin summarized it best in his 1999 book Permission Marketing. The strongest messages are

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Respect for privacy is one of our founding pillars. Want proof? Our Chief Science Officer helped write the privacy act for the Digital Analytics Association.

The best data is private. It requires permission.

Scraped data isn’t often accurate or complete. And cookies are more than just creepy - The Federal Trade Commission and the EU are clamping down hard on privacy policies.

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The auth-in is the key. Really valuable data can’t be scraped or bought; it needs to be user-authorized.




shopper recommendation engine

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Will people auth-in? Yes, if they find value. eMail marketing and loyalty programs prove it.

How many of your fans and customers will auth-in? Every brand is different. We’ll find out before we build anything.

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more sales from site and social

Auth-in... authentic data... see what we did there? Welcome to Authintic. We are Analytics technology for permission marketing.

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Our CEO was an agency exec handling digital for the world’s top brands. He has been working closely with Facebook since 2007.

Andrew CherwenkaCEO

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Christopher BerryChief Science Officer

Our Chief Science Officer is a rare breed of data scientists. He’s a pioneer in making unstructured social data useful while respecting privacy.

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One size rarely fits all in retail. Even less so with predictive analytics. Here’s how we handle every engagement.

Step 1: Assess. Before committing to anything, let's see how predictive analytics can help you. We'll cover off a series of question sets used to identify opportunities in driving more sales from your site and your social presence.

Step 2: Analyze. If the assessment uncovers opportunity then we'll take a sample dataset to see what evidence stands out. Can social behavioral data drive sales? Is Facebook a valuable channel? It could be as simple as inviting your fans into your email channel or as intimate as serving them personalized recommendations on any device.

Step 3: Implement. This could be anything from a report to a recommendation engine built as a stand-alone plug-in. But you don’t commit to anything until the assessment and analysis shows it makes sense.