
Behavioural priors: Learning to search efficiently in action planning Aapo Hyvärinen Depts of Computer Science and Psychology University of Helsinki

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Behavioural priors: Learning to search efficiently in action planning Aapo Hyvärinen Depts of Computer Science and Psychology University of Helsinki. Abstract. Prior knowledge important in perception What kinds of objects/scenes are typical/frequent? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Abstract

Behavioural priors: Learning to search efficiently

in action planning

Aapo Hyvärinen

Depts of Computer Science and PsychologyUniversity of Helsinki

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Prior knowledge important in perception What kinds of objects/scenes are

typical/frequent? Formalized as prior probabilities in

Bayesian inference We propose same needed in action

planning What kind of action sequences are typically

good? Number of possible action sequences

large:computationally more efficient to constrain search those which are typically good

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Basic framework: Planning

Thoroughly investigated in classic AI Agent is in state A

and wants to state B:What sequence of actions is needed?

Agent assumed to have a world model Exponential explosion in computation:

for a actions and t time steps, at possibilities

Exhaustive search impossible

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Biological agents are different

A biological agent faces the same planning problems many times Moving the same limbs Navigation in the same environment Manipulating similar objects, etc.

Good action sequences obey regularities, due to the physical structure of the world

“Good” means action sequences selected by careful, computationally intensive, planning

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Learning regularities aids in planning

Initially, agent considers whole search space

It can learn from information on which action sequences were good / typically executed “Typical” and “good” are strongly correlated

because only rather good sequences are executed

Search can then be constrained Examples of regularities:

No point in moving limb back and forth Many sequences contain detours Skills: learning more regularities in particular


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A prior model on good sequences

A probabilistic approach: build a model on the statistical structure of those sequences which were executed (= lead to goal, or close)

Use a model which can generate candidate sequences in future planning E.g. A Markov model

After sufficient experience, search only using action sequences generated by the prior model

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Simulation 1

Grid world, actions: “up”, “down”, “left”, “right”

Food randomly scattered Initially, planning is random Markov prior learned,

used in later test period Result 1: Markov model learns the “rules”

Do not go back and forth Do not change direction too often

Result 2: Performance improved

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Simulation 2

Using behavioural prior to improve model-free reinforcement learning

Same grid world, one goal Value function incompletely

learned by Q-learning After Q-learning, plan to

find maximum of value function

Similar results as in Simulation 1

Value function previously learned

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Related and future work

A lot of work on chunking actions, “macro-actions”: A special form of priors

Options (Sutton et al): probabilistic interpretation also possible?

Case-based planning: different because new action considered also depends on world state

Behavioural priors in model-free reinforcement learning? motor control? (motor synergies)

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Perceptual priors are widely considered important for perception to work

We propose action planning needsbehavioural priors

Priors tell which action sequences are typically useful

Improves planning by constraining search More simulations needed to verify utility