ac6630 c30 handbook

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  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    Faculty of Health & Life Sciences


    in collaboration with

    MAHSA University College



    AC##$%AALS'( "O)LED(E FO* +*AC,'CE

    LE-EL #

    Cohort $%

    S,UDE,.S AME/…………………………………………………………

    Mo0ule ,eachers/ Kath Steele: [email protected]  Debbie Leetham: [email protected]


    Mo0ule Lea0/ Sandie Faircloth: [email protected]


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook



    Background to the Module

    !ature of the Module

    Module "ims # $utcomes %

    &ontent of Module %

     'eaching Strategy( "ssessment Strategy( Submission date )

    Dissertation 'imeline *

    Module 'imetable +

    $,tion ": -ractice Based /tended &ritical 0e1ie2 of Literature 3

    $,tion B: -ractice Based 0eflecti1e "ccount 45

    $,tion &: -ractice De1elo,ment 4%

    Marking &riteria


      Submissions 6Late "uthorised # -ersonal /tenuating &ircumstances7

    -rogramme Leads( Director of -rogramme # /ternal /aminer





    -resentation of 2ritten 2ork 49

    &onfidentiality"nonymity 5

    ;uidelines for Su,er1ision


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook



    'he "nalysing Kno2ledge for -ractice module ,ro1ides a 2ay of understanding traditional

    uestions relating to ,rofessional ,ractice in a 1ery different manner and e/amines:

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    Mo0ule Ai2s

    'he aims of the module are to:

    Facilitate demonstration of ,roblem sol1ing and decision making in ,racticeHbased


    nable students to engage in the ,roduction of an inde,endent( negotiated ,roIectthat analyses an as,ect of the studentEs ,ractice.

    Mo0ule Outco2es

    $n com,letion of the module( students 2ill be able to:

    4. &ritically analyse the nature( uncertainty( ambiguity( uses and limits of kno2ledge incommunity( health or social care ,ractice.

    . 1aluate strategies to de1elo, kno2ledge and understanding 2ithin community( healthor social care ,ractice.

    %. Demonstrate ,roblem sol1ing and decisionHmaking in ,ractice based enuiry.

    ). -roduce a detailed analysis of an as,ect of community( health or social care ,ractice(2hich demonstrates ability to effecti1ely communicate ,otential solutions to theselected issue.

    Mo0ule Content

    'he module 2ill co1er the follo2ing to,ics:

    Nature of knowledge: Sources of ,ractitioner kno2ledgeG different 2ays of kno2ingE.

    ?dentifying ,ractice 2isdom and e/,ert ,ractice. De1elo,ing a ,ersonal theory 2ithin

    an e/isting body of kno2ledge.

    Evidence based practice: -rinci,les of systematic re1ie2: ierarchies of e1idence.

    Models of data synthesis. Jalidity # reliability of e1idence. ",,roaches to thesystematic re1ie2. &once,tual re1ie2.  Systematic enuiry. thical issues #constraints. Sources of data. ",,roaches to data collection # analysis.

    Nursing Philosophy:  &ritiue of umanism as a ,hiloso,hy of care. ?ntuition(

    ,erce,tion and heuristics

    Praxis: -ractising theories H theorising ,ractice. ;enerating o,enness and curiosity

    from ,ractice. ierarchies and bureaucracies in ,ractice. !egotiating ,ra/is.

    Models of reflection: ?nter,retati1e 1ersus critical reflection. &ritiue of umanism as a

    ,hiloso,hy of care. ?ntuition( ,erce,tion and heuristics. 0efle/i1ity.

    Managing change: &hange theory. Lay and ,rofessional influences. Managerial #

    ,olicy issues. -o2er and authority. ;ender and cultural issues.


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    Mo0ule ,eaching Strategy

    'o enable students to engage in the ,rocess of ,roducing a detailed ,roIect inde,endently

    2hich demonstrates ,roblem sol1ing and decision making 2ithin a ,racticeHbased enuiry.

    'he module contains a mi/ture of introductory lectures( core lectures( a library 2orksho,

    on accessing e1idence( grou, 2ork( ,oster ,resentations( ,eer re1ie2 and directed study.

    'his 2ill be su,,orted by ,ersonal tutorials in class and after the module deli1ery( online

    1ia eHmail.

    Students 2ill be allocated an academic su,er1isor for the duration of the module to

    facilitate de1elo,ment of a 45(555 2ord dissertation. Students ha1e u, to 4.* hours for 

    tutorials 2ith their allocated su,er1isor 61ia eHmail7. 'he allocation 2ill be finalised to2ard

    the end of the t2o 2eek teaching block.

    The dissertation timeline is on the next page.

    Mo0ule Assess2ent Strategy

    'he assessment entails the ,roduction of a dissertation( 2hich should be no more than

    45(555 2ords long 6e/cluding references and a,,endices7 and must be sub2itte0 to

    MAHSA on/

    Fri0ay 45th A6ril 7%48

    'o assist you in managing the dissertation ,roduction 2e ha1e broken the ,rocess

    do2n into a number of key stages( illustrated in the timeline on the follo2ing ,age.

    'hese stages reuire you to communicate 2ith your academic su,er1isor 2ho 2ill

    facilitate your Iourney in ,roducing your dissertation. ?t is im,ortant that you follo2

    this ,rocess as it is designed to allo2 formati1e feedback as you ,rogress to2ards

    com,leting your dissertation.


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    Dissertation ,i2eline Cohort $%


    Fri0ay 9


     :anuary 7%48Submit your contents list and a *55 2orde/cer,t from your dissertation to both-rimary # Su,,ort Su,er1isors.

    Fri0ay 5th ove2ber 7%4;Submit dissertation ,rogress form 6",,endi/ B7(including your structured ,lan # an outline of2hat stage you are at to both -rimary andSu,,ort Su,er1isors 

    Fri0ay 79th August 7%4;Submit your dissertation ,ro,osal form 6",,endi/ "to both -rimary and Su,,ort Su,er1isors

    Fri0ay 45th A6ril 7%48Dissertation submission

    :uly 7%4;'eaching Block

    0esubmission Date:

    44th Se6te2ber 7%48

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    Stu0ents select one of the following three o6tions for the 0issertation/

    O+,'O A/

    +ractice !ase0 E 6rogress for2s an0 final 0issertation?


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    O+,'O A/ +ractice !ase0 E

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    • Managing the situation an0 the self 

     "ny ,ersonal insights need to be situated in the reality of ,ractice. Students

    need to consider ho2 they( and all others in1ol1ed in ,ractice( manage the act

    of ,ro1iding the ser1ice. 'he influence of these insights on the studentEs

    ,ersonal ,ers,ecti1e should be made e/,licit in the dissertation.

    • '26lications for 6ractice an0 the future

    'he re1ie2 should contain insights that inform the studentEs ,ractice. Students

    may 2ant to identify areas of current ,ractice that reuire further research(

    e/,loration and de1elo,ment. ?n addition( students may also identify their o2n

    educational needs or those of their colleagues. 'he re1ie2 reflects a studentEs

    ,ersonal ,ers,ecti1e 2ithin the conte/t of ,ractice at a gi1en ,eriod in their 

    career. ?t may be useful to articulate ho2 a ,ersonal ,ers,ecti1e might be

    im,lemented( e1aluated and de1elo,ed in the future.

    'here are se1eral ty,es of literature 2hich may be rele1ant to the e/tended critical re1ie2G

    actual research studies( systematic re1ie2s( ,olicy based literature and critical e/,ertE

    commentaries. 'he student should demonstrate an ability to critically identify the ty,e of 

    literature in1ol1ed( in addition to critical e1aluation. 'his 2ould include( for instance( an

    ability to comment critically on a,,roaches taken 2ithin research studies.

    'hese guidelines are only indicati1e and students may decide to co1er additional or 

    different as,ects of the to,ic. 'he structure of the re1ie2 2ill be determined by the

    a,,roach to the to,ic ado,ted by each indi1idual student( 2ith a rele1ant thematicE

    a,,roach Iustified by the student. ?t is more im,ortant that students ,roduce a re1ie2 that

    ,ro1ides a detailed critical analysis of an element of ,ractice rather than strictly adhere to

    a rigid list of contents.

    ?n summary( a 2ell structured re1ie2 2ill clearly demonstrate the student Iourney through:

    ,roblem formulationG literature location( identification and selectionG literature a,,raisal

    and inter,retationG im,lications for ,ractice and further 2orkG critical ackno2ledgement of 

    limitations of the re1ie2.


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    O+,'O ! @ +ractice !ase0 *eflective Account

    'he assessment in1ol1es ,roduction of a reflecti1e account that identifies and critically

    a,,raises the strategies for understanding contem,orary ,ractice from a theoretical ,oint

    of 1ie2. 'he dissertation 2ill focus on the ,articular ,ractice issues that go1ern ser1ice

    deli1ery( the de1elo,ment of an inno1ati1e ,ractice or the ,oliticalsocialcultural conte/t of 

    health care.

    'he ,ur,ose of the reflecti1e account is to gi1e each student an o,,ortunity to undertake

    a detailed e/,loration of a chosen as,ect of ,ractice. Students are e/,ected to critically

    e/amine the to,ic from a range of ,ers,ecti1es such asG ,ersonal e/,erience( em,irical

    e1idence( ,rofessional and ,o,ular literature( ,olicy documents( electronic information

    and any other ty,e of information deemed a,,ro,riate by the student.

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    'he reflecti1e account 2ight co1er the follo2ing:

     &onte/t for the to,ic

    0ationale for choice of to,ic based on ,ersonal e/,eriences( local or national

    ,olicy changes or information about the studentEs area of ,ractice.

    • -ersonal theory

    De1elo,ment of ,ersonal insights into ,ractice based on discussion of a 2ide range of 

    materials selected from a 1ariety of sources deemed rele1ant by the student for 

    inclusion in the reflecti1e account.

    • 0efle/i1ity

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    'his list is only indicati1e and students may decide to co1er additional or different as,ects

    of the to,ic. 'he structure of the reflecti1e account 2ill be determined by the a,,roach to

    the to,ic ado,ted by each indi1idual student. ?t is more im,ortant that students ,roduce a

    reflecti1e account that ,ro1ides a detailed critical analysis of an element of ,ractice rather 

    than strictly adhere to a rigid list of contents.


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    O+,'O C/ +ractice Develo62ent

    'his assessment ,ro1ides students 2ith the o,,ortunity to engage in the 6lanning stages

    of a ,ractice de1elo,ment. Students 2ill demonstrate their abilities to:

    • &ritically reflect in and on ,ractice and the ,rocess of ,ractice de1elo,ment.

    • Manage the identification and ,lanning of change 2ithin their ,ractice setting.

    •  ",,raise and integrate a,,ro,riate forms of kno2ledge to su,,ort the ,rocess of 

    ,ractice de1elo,ment.

    ?n the first stage of the ,rocess( students 2ill critically reflect and theorise about their 

    ,ractice in a 1ariety of 2ays( for e/am,le through a critical incident techniue or analysisof current ,ractice.

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    An '26ortant ote about Data Collection/

    Data collection is usually reser1ed for research ,roIects.

    our dissertation is not research and so -rimary data collection must not take ,lace as

    ,art of your dissertation 6for any of the three dissertation o,tions7.

    'o clarify:

    ?n its sim,lest form >data may be described as +ri2ary or Secon0ary?

    +ri2ary and secon0ary are terms used to define data relati1e to the ,ur,ose by

    2hich the data 2ere collected originally.

    • Primary data -data collected for the need at hand. 

    -rimary data is information 2hich is created for the first time and there is no ,re1ious

    source a1ailable. ?t is collected directly through methods such as sur1eys( inter1ie2s(

    focus grou,s or obser1ation.  -rimary data collection may be subIect to research

    go1ernance and ethical a,,ro1al.

    • Secon0ary 0ata H data collected for another reason but is being reused to

    address the need at hand. 

    Secondary data is ,ublished data and data collected in the ,ast or by other ,eo,le and is

    readily a1ailable data like data from 2ebsite statistics and audit( 2hich 2as collected by

    others but can be reused.

    .g.  ?f you are doing $,tion & and intend to su,,ort your rationale by using data to

    su,,ort your -ractice De1elo,ment ,lan( you could use organisational data such as

    accident statistics( infection control audit data mortality rates etc. 6remembering to

    anonymise the source7( but you could not a,,roach the ,atients or staff to create ne2


    +LEASE CLA*'F A UE*'ES )',H OU* SU+E*-'SO*?


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    Mar3ing criteria Level # C+D fra2ewor3 S,UDE, 'D UM!E*/ S,UDE, AME ,O,AL

    +resentation & Structure 4%B Un0erstan0ingan0 use of3nowle0ge

    $%B Critical analysis 8%B *eflection &reco22en0ations


    Mar3 awar0e0 Mar3 awar0e0 Mar3 awar0e0 Mar3 awar0e0

    95H455 M"S'0 $='S'"!D?!;

    Meets assessment criteria 2ithin the 2ord limit(2ith e/cellent ,resentation. &orrectly referenced.Satisfactorily maintains confidentiality of ,ersonsand location.

    Demonstrates su,eriorunderstanding of thesubIect. Breadth andde,th of reading ise1ident.

     "nalysis and synthesis substantiallydemonstrated in reasoned( insightful o,inions.$riginality is e1ident in the interHrelationshi,bet2een theory and ,ractice. Debates differentforms of e1idence to critically analyse theissues.

    1idence of reflection( inde,endentthinking( ,roblem sol1ing and decisionmaking. -roduces clear recommendatioandor ne2 ,ers,ecti1es for the disci,lin


    Meets assessment criteria 2ithin the 2ord limit(2ith e/cellent ,resentation. &orrectly referenced.Satisfactorily maintains confidentiality of ,ersonsand location.

    Demonstrates outstandingunderstanding of thesubIect. Breadth andde,th of reading is e1ident

     "nalysis is substantially demonstrated inreasoned o,inions Some originality is e1ident inthe interHrelationshi, bet2een theory and,ractice. Debates different forms of e1idence toanalyse the issues.

    1idence of reflection( ,roblem sol1ing adecision making. -roduces clearrecommendations andor ne2 ,ers,ecti1for the disci,line.

    85H89 N&LL!'  "B$J "J0";

    Meets assessment criteria 2ithin 2ord limit( good,resentation. &orrectly referenced. Satisfactorilymaintains confidentiality of ,ersons and location.

    Demonstrates e/cellentunderstanding of thesubIect. Breadth andde,th of reading is e1ident

     "nalysis is 2ell demonstrated in reasonedo,inions. Some originality is e1ident in theinterHrelationshi, bet2een theory and ,ractice.

     ",,raises different forms of e1idence toanalyse the issues.

    1idence of reflection and ,roblem sol1i-roduces clear recommendations andone2 ,ers,ecti1es for the disci,line.

    +5H+9 "B$J "J0";

    Meets assessment criteria 2ithin 2ord limit( good,resentation. Most references correct.Satisfactorily maintains confidentiality of ,ersonsand location.

    Demonstrates goodunderstanding of thesubIect. Breadth andde,th of reading is e1ident

    Some analysis is demonstrated in reasonedo,inions Demonstration of the interHrelationshi,bet2een theory and ,ractice. 0e1ie2s differentforms of e1idence to analyse the issues.

    1idence of reflection and ,roblem sol1i-roduces clear recommendations andone2 ,ers,ecti1es for the disci,line.

    *5H*9 "J0"; Mainly meets assessment criteria 2ithin 2ord limit(satisfactory ,resentation. Many references correct(2ith some minor inaccuracies. Satisfactorilymaintains confidentiality of ,ersons and location.

    Demonstrates satisfactoryunderstanding of thesubIect. Satisfactorye1idence of a,,ro,riatereading.

    Satisfactory analysis is demonstrated.Demonstrates some insights into the subIectarea. Demonstration of the interHrelationshi,bet2een theory and ,ractice. May use differentforms of e1idence to analyse the issues.

    1idence of some reflection and ,roblemsol1ing. -roduces a,,ro,riaterecommendations andor ne2 ,ers,ecti1for the disci,line.


    Meets some assessment criteria 2ithin 2ord limit(satisfactory ,resentation. Many references correct(

    2ith some minor and maIor inaccuracies.Satisfactorily maintains confidentiality of ,ersonsand location.

    Demonstrates satisfactorybut limited understanding

    of the subIect. 1idence of reading from a limitedrange of a,,ro,riateliterature.

    Limited analysis is demonstrated Demonstratessome insights into the subIect area. Limited

    attem,t to demonstrate the relationshi,bet2een theory and ,ractice. May use limitedforms of e1idence to describe the issues.

    Limited e1idence of reflection and ,roblesol1ing. -roduces limited but a,,ro,riate

    recommendations andor ne2 ,ers,ecti1for the disci,line.

    %5H%9 F"?L MaIor ity of assessment cri teria not met or ,art ia llymet. May not ha1e adhered to 2ord limit guidance.-oor ,resentation andor structure. Manyreferences incorrect or absent. Fails to maintainconfidentiality of ,ersons and location.

    Demonstrates limitedunderstanding of thesubIect. Little e1idence ofreading from a,,ro,riatesources.

    !o or limited analysis is demonstrated.Demonstrates minimal insights into the subIectarea. Limited or no attem,t to demonstrate therelationshi, bet2een theory and ,ractice. Mayuse limited forms of e1idence to describe theissues.

    !o or limited e1idence of reflection and,roblem sol1ing. -roduces limitedrecommendations andor ne2 ,ers,ecti1for the disci,line.


     "ssessment criteria not met. May not ha1eadhered to 2ord limit guidance. -oor ,resentationandor structure Many references incorrect orabsent. Fails to maintain confidentiality of ,ersonsand location.

    Demonstrates limited orinaccurate understandingof the subIect.=nsatisfactory use ofe1idence from a limitedrange of sources.

    !o analysis is demonstrated. Demonstrates noinsights into the subIect area. Limited or noattem,t to demonstrate the relationshi,bet2een theory and ,ractice. May use limitedor unsatisfactory forms of e1idence to describethe issues.

    !o or 1ery limited reflection and ,roblemsol1ing. !o recommendations andor ne,ers,ecti1es for the disci,line

    45H49=! S"'?SF"&'$0

     "ssessment criteria not met. May not ha1eadhered to 2ord limit guidance. -oor ,resentationandor structure Many references incorrect or

    Demonstrates lack ofunderstanding.

    Jery descri,ti1e( demonstrates no insights intothe subIect area. !o attem,t to demonstratethe relationshi, bet2een theory and ,ractice.

    !o or 1ery limited e1idence of reflectionor ina,,ro,riate recommendations for thdisci,line.

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    absent. Fails to maintain confidentiality of ,ersonsand location.

    -oor use of e1idence to describe the issues.


     "ssessment criteria not met. May not ha1eadhered to 2ord limit guidance. -oor ,resentationandor structure. Many references incorrect orabsent. Breaches ,rofessional confidentiality code.

    Demonstrates nounderstanding.

     "ssessment criteria not addressed. !o e1idence of reflection included( norecommendations made.

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    ,urnitin Originality *e6ort

    'he "nalysing Kno2ledge for -ractice 6"&++%57 module uses the academic soft2are'urnitin to hel, students a1oid any unnecessary ,roblems.

    'urnitin is a soft2are facility that 2ill read your 2ork and com,are it to ,re1iouslysubmitted assignments( as 2ell as internet articles and 2ebsites( and also other ,ublishedmedia such as Iournal articles. Follo2ing the com,arison you 2ill recei1e something calledan originality report G this 2ill highlight any ,roblem areas and also gi1e you a ,ercentagescore indicating the amount of similarity bet2een your 2ork and the 2ork it has beencom,ared to.

    ou should use 'urnitin for a draft co,y( after 2hich you 2ill ha1e the o,,ortunity to rectifyany ,roblem areas that ha1e been identified. ou should also use if for your finished ,ieceof 2ork as a final check( although no changes can be made at this ,oint. 'he full

    originality re,ort from this second com,arison must be included 2ith both your dissertationhard co,ies 2hen you hand them in.

    'he 'urnitin facility is in the >assignments section”  of the learning ,ortal 2hich 2ill allo2you to submit a draft co,y of your assignment and a co,y of your finished 2ork beforesubmission to the &ollege.

    ?f you e/,erience difficulty 2ith the originality re,ort there are hel,ful guides a1ailable inthe eHlearning ,ortal( these can be accessed by clicking on the student hel, button. $nceyou ha1e submitted your draft co,y( and recei1ed your originality re,ort( you 2ill be

    familiar 2ith the system( ho2e1er if you ha1e difficulty generating your final re,ort ,leasecontact your dissertation su,er1isor 2ho 2ill endea1our to assist you.

    '26ortant things to re2e2ber about generating your originality re6ort

    Be a2are that the re,ort for your first draft 2ill be generated uickly. o2e1er( the secondre,ort( for your finished assignment may take bet2een ) and 8 hours to be generated.ou must ensure therefore that you submitted your final 2ork to 'urnitin 2ell before the,ublished submission date.

    $n the Blackboard 6 Learning site7 you 2ill find in the assignmentsassessment section a

    Manual on ho2 to use the 'urnitin facility. ou 2ill then see sections for 'urnitin H one isfor drafts of your 2ork and the other is for the final 1ersion of your 2ork. ?t is the 'urnitinre,ort of the final 1ersion that you MUS, submit 2ith your assignment

    You should be aware of the consequences of any academic misconduct; thisincludes Plagiarism, Collusion, Falsifying data, dishonest practice, see the CP!Programme "andboo# and also $ssessment %egulations for &orthumbria $wards$%&$''.


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook



    Students are ,ersonally res,onsible for submission of their 2ork( e1en if they entrust this

    task to others 62hich you are ad1ised not to do7.

    Late Sub2ission/tensions beyond the deadline gi1en for assignments are not normally ,ermitted.

    o2e1er( if for some reason you find you find you are unable to com,ly 2ith the assigned

    submission date there are t2o o,tions to consider:  $greed (ate $ppro)al  or Personal 

    *xtenuating Circumstances.

    Agree0 Late A66roval:

    ou 2ill be ,ro1ided 2ith a submission date for your assessed course2ork 2hich 2ill ha1e

    been de1ised to allo2 sufficient time for com,letion of the 2ork before the deadline. ?f 

    there are good reasons 2hy you are unable to meet the agreed deadline( you should

    contact the email address [email protected]  to reuest an  Application

    for Authorisation for ate !ubmission of Assessed "ork E.

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    +ersonal E

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook



    -oor ,lanningmanagement of time( holidays( 2ork commitments or com,uter ,roblems

    are !$' 1alid reasons for a late submission.

     "uthorisation must be obtained before the ,ublished submission date.

    ?f an assignment is submitted after the hand in date and has not been a,,ro1ed for a late

    submission it 2ill be marked as 5O.

    Mo0ule tea2 & E

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    +resentation of )ritten )or3

    'he standard of 2ritten 2ork is im,ortant to the achie1ement of module outcomes. 'he

    nature of the module reuires an academic a,,roach to ,resentation of material. Students

    are e/,ected to submit ,)O  co,ies of the dissertation( 2hich dis,lay the follo2ing


    • &o1er sheet 2ith: !ame( student number( date( module name( title of the 2ork( names

    of su,er1isors( o,tion choice and the declared 2ord count 6e/cluding reference list

    and any a,,endices7.

    • &ontents ,age.

    • 'he 2ork should be double s,aced( both margins indented to + mm 6one inch7.

    • 'he ,ages should be numbered( 2ith numbers aligned to the right.

    &orrect use of abbre1iations( a,,endices and inde/content ,ages.• 0eferencing must conform to the ar1ard system and must be consistent throughout

    the ,a,er( including the reference list.

    • &orrect identification of ,age numbers should be gi1en for any direct book uotations.

    • 'he 2ork should be bound so that it cannot fall a,art for e/am,le sta,ling in a ,lastic

    co1er or thermally bound.

    •  "ttention must be gi1en to structure( organisation and nglish grammar and


    'he module assessment has a ma/imum 2ord length of 45(555 2ords. ou should not

    e/ceed this limit. Students 2ho e/ceed the 2ord limit 2ill be ,enalised. Students 2ill also

    be ,enalised for incorrect referencing.

    =se you checklist at the back of this handbook to ensure you ha1e com,lied 2ith all the


    )or0 li2its are im,ortant in maintaining ,arity and you should not e/ceed the 2ord limit

    that is clearly stated for each module. Students 2ho e/ceed the 2ord limit 2ill be,enalised accordingly.


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    4%B or 2ore 4% 2ar3s

    Use of your co26lete0 an0 2ar3e0 0issertation by future stu0ents

    Many current students 2ish to see good e/am,les of recent dissertations done by

    students on this degree course. 'here are some e/am,les of student dissertations in the

    M"S" library.

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    +enalties for breach of confi0entiality

    'he o1erarching ,rogramme handbook ,ro1ides s,ecific guidance on ,enalties and

    res,onsibilities of students and states:

    ?nstances 2here the identification by name of an indi1idual or indi1iduals has taken ,lace(other than:

    • 2ith informed consent

    • by the citation of ,ublished 2ork

    • by information in the ,ublic domain

    2ill normally result in the ma/imum of the ,ass mark for the module. o2e1er( in

    instances considered to be of a serious nature( this may result in a mark of ero.

    ?nstances 2here identification of 2ork,laces or em,loying authorities has taken ,lace(

    other than:

    • 2here this has been agreed bet2een the studentEs em,loyer and a the

    -rogramme Manager

    • through the citation of ,ublished 2ork

    • through information in the ,ublic domain

    may result in the 2ork recei1ing a ma/imum of the ,ass mark for the module. 

    ,he final 0ecision as to the 0egree of severity an0 the 6enalty awar0e0 rests withthe E statutory or regulatory


    ?n addition( in both ,re and ,ost ualifying ,rogrammes 2here the ,rofessional body has

    sti,ulated that it 2ould be unacce,table( a breach of confidentiality or anonymity in

    assessments may constitute ,rofessional misconduct. ?n such cases the =ni1ersity may

    be obliged to re,ort breaches to the rele1ant ,rofessional( statutory or regulatory bodies.


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    (ui0elines for Stu0ent Su6ervision

    Student su,er1ision forms an essential feature of the module irres,ecti1e of choice of 

    assessment. 'he ,ur,ose of these guidelines is to ensure ,arity in studentsE e/,eriences

    of su,er1ision 2hilst undertaking the ,roduction of the dissertation.


    • 'he student 2ill be res,onsible for communicating 2ith their su,er1isor. nsuring that

    you gain the su,er1ision needed to com,lete your dissertation is your res,onsibility.

    'o facilitate this ,rocess you must com,lete a dissertation ,ro,osal form 6a,,endi/ "7

    and a dissertation ,rogress form 6a,,endi/ B7 and submit electronically 1ia eHmail to

    your su,er1isor by the dates s,ecified:

    Dissertation +ro6osal For2 sub2itte0 to su6ervisor an0 your MAHSA 2entor by/=

    Fri0ay 79th August 7%4;

    Dissertation +rogress For2 sub2itte0 to su6ervisor an0 your MAHSA 2entor by/=

    Fri0ay 5th ove2ber 7%4;

    Dissertation E

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    About )riting


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    to suare one.

    'he t2o diseases can be e/,lained in Freudian terms.

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    d. diting.a? Clarification of the Ai2s of the Essay

    &larification of aims should be considered in terms of

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    ,here is no one right way of 6lanning an essay?

    o2e1er( some im,ortant general ,oints about formal as,ects of the structure can be

    made. Firstly( your 2riting should ha1e a beginning( middle and an end. 'his may seem

    like another truism( but many student essays only ha1e middle. ou need an introduction

    in 2hich you elaborate the aim of the ,iece and state ho2 this aim is to be achie1ed in the

    essay and a conclusion in 2hich you summarise your argument.

    ?ne/,erienced 2riters are often afraid to ,roduce introductions and conclusions in case

    they are accused of re,etition. o2e1er( they underestimate the difficulties inherent in

    communication. " succinct introduction ,ro1ides an o1er1ie2 of the entire argument.

    'his makes it easier to understand the significance of each ,art of the essay in relation to

    the 2hole. " conclusion highlights the most im,ortant ,arts of your argument. Many

    2riters neglect the conclusion because they ha1e run out of steam or use the conclusion

    to introduce ne2 ideas 2hich they ha1e only Iust thought of. Lack of a final conclusion is

    as frustrating as a ,iece of music 2ithout its last note. Such essays seem badly thought

    out and are often marked do2n.

    ?n longer ,ieces of 2ork( such as a dissertation( each section should ha1e a beginning(

    middle and end. Secondly( you should try to incor,orate a logical structure in your ,lan so

    that each section dra2s on the argument of the ,re1ious one.

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    iii? Avoi0 re6etition

    ?n an effort to make himherself clear the author may re,hrase 2hat he has already said.

    0e,etition bores rather than clarifies and it 2ould be better to 2ork at making the original

    statement as clear as ,ossible.

    iv? Ma3e the structure su66ort the content

    our main ,oints( 2hether in the essay( a section( a ,aragra,h or a sentence( should

    stand out from subsidiary or su,,orting ,oints. $ne 2ay to do this is to ,ut the main ,oints

    at the beginning of a module. DonPt force the reader to 2ade through less im,ortant

    material to get to the ,oint. DonPt sa1e the best ,oint until last for a dramatic denouement.

    'he reader 2ill ,robably lose interest and miss your main ,oint entirely.

    v? Su66ort abstract conce6ts with concrete 0etails an0 e

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    ou can use a 2ordH,rocessor to 2ork in a structured 2ay. Begin by thinking about the

    aims of the essay. 'hen di1ide the discussion into a small number of maIor areas and ty,e

    titles for these into your 2ordH,rocessor. 0emember that you al2ays need to start 2ith

    P?ntroductionP and finish 2ith P&onclusionP. ?t is im,ortant to note that the 2ord ,rocessor 

    hel,s you to structure the dissertation( but that you need to identify that structure. 'he

    ne/t section considers ho2 the use of cha,ters can hel, introduce this structure.

    Use of cha6ters

    For cha,ters of a dissertation( you shouldnPt need more than % or ) headings bet2een the

    introduction and the conclusion. 'hen estimate the relati1e im,ortance and com,le/ity of 

    each area and allocate an a,,ro/imate 2ord estimate for each area to be discussed. ou

    can no2 2ork 2ithin each section( generating subHheadings 2ithin sections before 2riting

    them if necessary 6e.g. for dissertations7. ?t is not necessary to start 2ith the first section. ?

    usually start 2ith the section ? feel most confident about( in order to break the ice( and

    2rite the introduction and conclusion last.

    ?f a section of the essay turns out to be longer or shorter than estimated( you can choose

    2hether to edit the length or modify the ,lan. 'he ,lan is only an initial guideline.

    o2e1er( in general( you should try to a1oid straying from the ,lan too far as it reflects

    your considered 1ie2 of the essay as a 2hole.

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    • ;ainfully e/,lore issuesincidents that ha1e ,er,le/ed( e/hilarated( ,uled( sur,rised(

    andor 2orried you.

    • Dra2 out kno2ledge and skills embedded 2ithin your actions( 2hich ,erha,s you

    didnEt kno2 you had.

    • Share that kno2ledgeHinHaction 2ith other ,ractitioners 2ithin the grou,G and benefit

    from theirs.

    • -ercei1e 2ays of building on the understandings gained.

    ou 2ill do this through reflection:

    4. ?n action.

    . 'hrough e/,lorati1e 2riting.

    %. 'hrough discussions of that 2riting.

    ). $n action affected by 4( ( and %.

    *. $n ,erce,tion of theory as affected by 4H).

    +. $n a,,ro,riate theoretical,rofessional te/ts youE1e read( as affected by 4H*.

    8. $n alternati1e te/ts 6fiction( ,oetry( s,iritual( radio( ,hiloso,hy( 'J( ad1ertising( etc.7 in

    the light of 4H+.

    3. $n the ne2 links formed bet2een ,re1iously isolated themestheories.

    9. ?n action( as affected by 4H3.

    'his kind of enuiry 2ill ,robably not ,ro1ide right ans2ersE( but it may thro2 u,in1aluable uestions( startling links( fresh light on relationshi,s( ne2 angles on hitherto

    unuestioningly held 1ie2s. 'he effect on future action( ho2e1er( may not be

    straightfor2ard. /,ect to be sur,rised( or e1en unsettled for a timeQ Many ,ractitioners

    res,ond to this 2riting and reflection ,rocess by e/claiming >? didnEt kno2 ? kne2 thatQ

    0eflecting in this fashion o,ens you to confusion and notHkno2ingE( leading to

    1ulnerability. 'his can either result in defensi1e attitudes as a co,ing strategy( or an o,en

    e1aluation that 2ill lead to change and de1elo,ment. ?ssues arise sometimes through the

    2riting( 2hich 2ould normally be felt to be too threatening to e/,ose to the ,ossible

    ridicule or censure of others. et instead of losing face( other members of the grou,

    describe similar e/,eriences( a com,assionate understanding and offer of su,,ort in

    creating a strategy for future action6s7 based on these 1arious e/,eriences.


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    'he ,roduct of your reflections in some studentsE dissertations 2ill reuire students to

    challenge one of the assum,tions made about academic 2riting( the use of the first

    ,erson. 'he ne/t section 2ill hel, guide such students in ho2 to 2rite in the first ,erson.

    )riting in the First +erson/ Using the G'. )or0

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    Library Services

    'here is a dedicated library ser1ice for distance learners H 2hich hel,s you to access

    material no matter 2here you are studying. Rust click on the eLibrary tab at the bottom left

    of the =ni1ersity 2eb,age and follo2 the link to the ,art time or distance learners tab or 

    go to:


    ?f you e/,lore the eLibrary you 2ill ha1e access to o1er (555 electronic Iournals and a

    range of s,ecialist databases.

    Finding your 2ay through the e/tensi1e online collection is best managed using !$0"

    your library search engine. 'he materials !$0" searches for you are tailor made to meet

    your study needs. !$0" 2ill connect you to the articles you retrie1e in your search if 2e

    ha1e a subscri,tion or other means of access. !$0" lists all the electronic Iournals 2e

    ha1e access to and ,ro1ides links to those Iournals. 'he uickest 2ay to e/,lore the

    library online is 1ia the eLibrary tab from the =ni1ersity home ,age.

    -lease remember that you 2ill need your uni1ersity com,uter username and ,ass2ord to

    log into !$0" as this ser1ice has been s,ecially de1elo,ed for and is targeted to students

    on !orthumbria ,rogrammes

    For 2ore infor2ation about resources an0 services 6rovi0e0 by the University

    Library visit the web site at/   or click on

    the eLibrary tab from the =ni1ersity 2eb ,age.

    Using ',

    Full details about ?' Facilities and ?' el, and 'raining( including ;etting Started el,

    ;uides( are a1ailable 1ia the !orthumbria 2eb site. ou can enter the site as a current

    student by clicking on the eLibrary tab and follo2 the link on the left of the ,age or godirect to "sk)el, 1ia: htt,,


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    orthu2bria S3ills +lus 

    Skills -lus H is a selfHdirected course that ,ro1ides you 2ith o,,ortunities to de1elo, skills

    that 2ill hel, you become an effecti1e learner in higher education. ?t is a collection of 

    training materials and hel, guides that you can use to hel, de1elo, your library( ?' and

    study skills.

    • ou can choose the format or style of hel, that you 2ant.

    • 'here are short tutorials that you can 2ork through or( if you ,refer( you can 1ie2 a

    brief 1ideo demonstration or use a ,rintable hel, guide.

    •  "ccess S3ills +lus through the library 2eb,ages:,lus

    Skills -lus sits 2ithin the eLearning -ortal under the Study Skills tab

    Fin0ing 'nfor2ation on the )eb for our Assign2ents

     "s a student you may be o1er2helmed 2ith the information you can find by searching the

    2eb. ou need to e1aluate 2eb ,ages because the reliability and accuracy of the content

    and the source of the information is not al2ays immediately a,,arent. 'he Evaluating

    'nfor2ation section in Skills -lus 2ill gi1e you some hel,.

     "s 2ell as using the Skills -lus materials( you might also 2ant to look at the -irtual

    ,raining Suite 2hich ,ro1ides free internet tutorials for all subIect areas to hel, de1elo,

    internet research skills.

    ou can access these materials using the =0L belo2:



  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    orthu2bria University an0 MAHSA University!achelor of Science Honours ursing Health +ractice Develo62ent

    Chec3 List for Sub2ission of ,eaching !loc3 ; Dissertation/AC##$% = AALS'( "O)LED(E FO* +*AC,'CE

    'his check list is for you to use 2hen you feel you ha1e com,leted your dissertation.

    =se the marking criteria sheet 6from the module handbook7 during ,re,aration of your dissertation.$n com,letion( go through the follo2ing check list before submitting your dissertation( ensuring thatyou ha1e dealt 2ith all items to the best of your ability.

    ?f you can ans2er ,ositi1ely and confidently to all items( then you can hand in your dissertation tothe "ssignment 0ecei1ing &entre.

    o 'te2 'ick

    4? Front 6age cover sheet/

    !orthumbria =ni1ersity and M"S" =ni1ersity identified

    -rogramme title identified Bachelor of Science 6onours7 !ursing -racticeDe1elo,mentE or( Bachelor of Science 6onours7 ealth -ractice De1elo,mentE

    Module name: "&++%5 "nalysing Kno2ledge for -ractice

    'itle of dissertation 6o,tional7

    $,tion chosen 6"( B or &7

    Student uni1ersity number 

    Student ?& number,ass,ort number 

    !ame of -rimary su,er1isor

    !ame of Su,,ort su,er1isor 

    Date of submission

     "ctual 2ord count:inclu0ing te/t and direct uotations(e

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    4+. " statement of the issue( its im,ortance( su,,orting statistics 6if a1ailable7( thebackground.Discussion of ho2 the studentEs re1ie2 fits 2ith ,re1ious re1ie2s 6if any7

    48. 'he a,,roach taken by the student to the re1ie2( including the ty,e of re1ie2being done6broad or s,ecific re1ie27( the uestion or statement( key2ords( thedatabases utilied( number of hits( inclusion( e/clusion criteria.

     "n indication and rationale of the ,rotocols 6frame2ork7 selected to structurethe re1ie2

    43. &ommon themes and conflicts identified from the literature and discussed inrelation to the general literature on the to,ic

    49. 'abulated summary of the data from each article

    5. &ritical discussion of the findings

    4. Discussion of the im,lications of the findings for ,ractice( including 2hether ornot the e1idence is strong enough to su,,ort change and de1elo,ment of,ractice.

    . &onclusion

    For O6tion ! only G+ractice !ase0 *eflective Account.> in a00ition to theabove 6oints 4=48> chec3 the following 6oints 7$=79/

    %. ?dentification of a ,ractice issue through reflection 6e.g. critical incident7 thatraises uestions of ethical( ,rofessional( habitual( unsu,,orted or unHe1idenced,ractice.

    ). &hoice of reflecti1e model discussed gi1ing the rationale and 2hy other modelsare not suitable.

     "nalysis of kno2ledge de1elo,ment and a,,lication

    *. Literature re1ie2 included and the re1ie2 ,rotocol 6frame2ork or model7identified

    +. &ritical discussion of ,ractice issue 2ith each ste, of the model being utiliedand de1elo,ed. "nalysis and critical a,,raisal of a,,ro,riate theory.

    8. De1elo,ment of refle/i1ity discussed

    3. ?m,lications and recommendations for ,ractice discussed and related to ,ra/is

    9. &onclusion

    For O6tion C only G+ractice Develo62ent.> in a00ition to the above6oints 4=48> chec3 the following 6oints $%=$5/

    %5. 0eflection from ,ractice briefly described

    %4. &ritical re1ie2 of the literature allo2ing for the identification of the issueemerging from ,ractice and de1elo,ed into a uestion or statement

    %. Diagnosis of the need for change( 2ith reference to ,ractice and the literaturere1ie2 2ithin -ractice De1elo,ment frame2ork

    %%. &lear identification of the ,ro,osed change in ,ractice( ,olicy etc. 2ithreference to the e1idence identified in the literature

    %). ?dentification of change theory and model of leadershi, 2ith rationale for choice

    including critical re1ie2 of alternati1e change theories%*. Detailed discussion of action ,lan for the ,ro,osed change

    %+. Discussion of formal strategy for e1aluation of the measuring of theeffecti1eness of change

    %8. &onclusion

    N$: nothing in this check list is to be interpreted as going against Northumbria %niversity orMA&!A %niversity policies or regulations

    Draft * D"SFSS ",ril 54%


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    A66en0i< !

    !Sc Hons ursing +ractice Develo62ent

    AC##$% Analysing "nowle0ge for +ractice = 0issertation 2o0ule

    D'SSE*,A,'O +*O(*ESS FO*M

    't is the stu0ent.s res6onsibility to 2a3e sure that the 0issertation su6ervisor receivesthis co26lete0 for2 by/ Fri0ay 5th ove2ber 7%4;

    Stu0ent.s na2e/

    Cohort nu2ber/

    Contact 0etails/

    Clinical Area/

    +ri2ary Su6ervisor/

    Su66ort Su6ervisor/

    O+,'O A/ +ractice !ase0 E

  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    A66en0i< !

    !Sc Hons ursing +ractice Develo62ent

    AC##$% Analysing "nowle0ge for +ractice = 0issertation 2o0ule

    D'SSE*,A,'O +*O(*ESS FO*M

    't is the stu0ent.s res6onsibility to 2a3e sure that the 0issertation su6ervisor receivesthis co26lete0 for2 by/ Fri0ay 5th ove2ber 7%4;

    Stu0ent.s na2e/

    Cohort nu2ber/

    Contact 0etails/

    Clinical area/

    +ri2ary Su6ervisor/

    Su66ort Su6ervisor/

    O+,'O !/ +ractice !ase0 *EFLEC,'-E ACCOU, 

    'he reflecti1e account 2ight co1er the follo2ing:

    • &onte/t for the to,ic

    • -ersonal theory

    • 0efle/i1ity and heuristics

    • Moral( legal and ethical considerations( ,ersonal and ,rofessional ,olitics

    • Managing the situation and the self 

    • ?m,lications for ,ractice and the future

    )rite brief notes on your 6rogress to 0ate un0er each of the above hea0ings an0

    inclu0e your structure0 6lan an0 in0icate at what stage of your 6lan you are at/

    Su6ervisor Fee0bac3


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook


    A66en0i< !

    !Sc Hons ursing +ractice Develo62ent

    AC##$% Analysing "nowle0ge for +ractice = 0issertation 2o0ule

    D'SSE*,A,'O +*O(*ESS FO*M

    't is the stu0ent.s res6onsibility to 2a3e sure that the 0issertation su6ervisor receivesthis co26lete0 for2 by/ Fri0ay 5th ove2ber 7%4;

    Stu0ent.s na2e/

    Cohort nu2ber/ 

    Contact 0etails/

    Clinical area/

    +ri2ary Su6ervisor/

    Su66ort Su6ervisor/

    O+,'O C/ +*AC,'CE DE-ELO+ME,

    • Critically reflect in an0 on 6ractice an0 the 6rocess of +ractice Develo62ent

    • Manage the i0entification an0 6lanning of change within their 6ractice setting

    • A66raise an0 integrate a66ro6riate for2s of 3nowle0ge to su66ort the 6rocess of 

    6ractice 0evelo62ent?

    )rite brief notes on your 6rogress to 0ate un0er each of the above hea0ings an0inclu0e your structure0 6lan an0 in0icate at what stage of your 6lan you are at/

    Su6ervisor Fee0bac3

    A66en0i< C!Sc Hons ursing +ractice Develo62ent


  • 8/18/2019 AC6630 C30 Handbook
