academy with the grading. he...


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Page 2: ACADEMY with the grading. He commented on the excellent performance of all students and the high quality of


Best wishes

Sara DaveyAcademy Principal

It has been another incredibly busy week here in the Academy.

We have welcomed over 50 guests from our European partner schools who have been working with our students on the Comenius project that we have been involved with over the last 18 months. The project is based on a study of student learning and how it is affected by the way they experience learning both inside and outside the classroom.

This has involved many students in visits to our partner schools, gaining fantastic experiences of living and learning in other cultures. We have been focussing this week on two challenges; "Is learning better inside or outside the classroom?” and “What might the future of learning be?”.

Principal’s Report

Victorian education

Sixties schooling

The week started with students taking part in immersive lessons set in the Victorian Era, the 60’s and finally the IMYC curriculum we are using today. Our guests have had the opportunity to take part in activities ranging from News Reporting in our TV Studio to external visits and being entertained at an event organised by our Gold Arts Award students at the Acorn Arts Centre.

Every day they reviewed their progress and used our special “Critique Wall” to make notes to help them revise and edit their work before publication.

Despite the fact that many of our guests were using iPads for the first time to assist them in documenting their findings, both Mounts Bay and guest students produced a wonderful exhibition of their reflective journals and “ challenge" findings for Thursday evening’s leaving event.

All of our guests enjoyed their time experiencing our “life less ordinary” and it is a testament to you all that they felt so at home whilst they were here.

Now it is time for all of you to enjoy a well earned Easter break to re-charge your batteries, especially our Year 11s who are still working hard in the run up to their GCSE examinations.

We will be back on Tuesday 22nd April ready to launch into our Summer programme, so until then I wish you a Happy Easter.

The ‘Critique Wall’

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“We’ve been welcomed by kind people, done specific and helpful activities and work. Now let’s be adventurous enough to share it with our colleagues.”

“Mounts Bay - the place to be, Europe - the place to share.”

“The optimistic spirit which prevails really encourages and improves student development.”

“At Mounts Bay the future of education and school policy has already started.”

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Marta Kusinska, Olivia Sanders and Mr. Blackabey represented Mounts Bay on a visit to the First World War battlefields of Ypres and the Somme from the First World War from the 16th to 19th March. They were joined by approximately fifty other students from other schools across the UK.

Students were taking part in a Belgium Government sponsored project which took two students from all secondary schools in the UK to take part in a remembrance programme to mark the centenary of the First World War. The purpose was to trial resources and major sites, which included museums, preserved trenches, battlefields and cemeteries including Tyne Cot the largest British cemetery in the world.

Belgian television crews, the BBC and members of the armed forces accompanied students on visits to many places of interest in Ypres and the Somme. One scheme involved making 600,000 pottery pieces to represent all those lost in the Ypres area. Each piece of pottery has a personalised dog tag with the name of a casualty and the person making it. On a personal note Olivia was able to find two great uncles from Irish Regiments serving in the Ypres area. Both girls were provided with a memorable experience and made many friends from other parts of the UK.

Watch out for the BBC News bulletin which will be broadcast in the middle of May.

Report by Mr Blackabey

First World War Centenary Battlefield Tour

Marta and Olivia being filmed

Click here for more pictures and links to TV reports.

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This week's AR winner is Mawgan Kewn. Mawgan has read a variety of books, taking 40 quizzes since September and gaining 85% or above! Mawgan wins a £15 iTunes voucher for his efforts.

Report by Reece Bowden

Madron Trip

On Tuesday, two Year 7 Geography classes went on their first trip to Madron.

They had just over an hour to walk around the whole village and learn about the history and location of the settlement.

The walk started at Mounts Bay Academy and then circled around the town. On this walk they passed Poltair Hospital, the two churches, an old Victorian workhouse and a reservoir (which people can wash their cars at). They also learned about shops being shut down because bigger ones replaced them and about the function of the settlement which changes over time.

There was a book sale held in Reception on Thursday 3rd April. Old library books were cleared out to make way for new stock. The proceeds of the sale were donated to Sport Relief.

Holiday Reading

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Following the success of Professor Sir Christopher Zeeman’s mathematics themed Christmas Lectures in 1978, secondary mathematics Masterclasses were started to engage and inspire young people.

On Saturday 29th March Mounts Bay students joined keen mathematicians from other Cornish schools for the last Masterclass this year. Visiting lecturers have included mathematicians from Plymouth University and Bath University. For the presentation ceremony, Samantha Durbin from The Royal Institution in London travelled to Truro College to present the certificates of attendance.

The Cornish Masterclasses have been running for 20 years and a special thank you needs to go to Mr Rowlands who has helped organise and run the sessions for many years.Pictured with their certificates are Jacques Stephan, Adam Edwards, Caitlin Barton-Sargeant and Aaron Dunkley.

Report by Miss Rooth and Mr Veal

Maths Masterclasses

Year 8 enjoyed wet weather lessons of indoor athletics during last week’s bad weather. They had great fun and lots of new skills were learnt. Well done 8b for a great effort in lesson time.

Indoor Athletics


Page 7: ACADEMY with the grading. He commented on the excellent performance of all students and the high quality of

Mounts Bay Shukokai Karate has now been going for a year. A hard-core group of students have been training twice a week over this period.

A recent grading has seen four students grade for their green belt or 6th kyu and show great determination and spirit in gaining their belts. These were Megan Bramley, Lois Evans, Lucy Grant and Rebecca Sincock.

Younger students achieved their yellow belt or 8th kyu, again showing great determination and stamina. These were Pema Bradley - Peer, Izzy Upton and Perran Tustin

Students had to show ability in basics, combinations, impact work, kata, kata application or bunkai and sparring. Part of their training also involves real life scenarios and self-defence. The gradings last over an hour and students have to show focus, stamina and good spirit throughout.

Congratulations to all students who took part in the recent gradings, a brilliant performance all round. Thanks must also be given to Sensei Jamie Pilcher 3rd Dan from Gulval, who assisted with the grading. He commented on the excellent performance of all students and the high quality of technique.

Two new students have recently joined us; these are John and Joe Warne aged only seven and eight years of age.

Any students interested in starting karate please speak to Mr Blackabey or come along for a taster session on Wednesday evening at 7.00 p.m. Classes run throughout the year including holidays.

Report by Mr Blackabey

Mounts Bay Shukokai Karate March 2014


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Acorn Evening

On Tuesday evening the Comenius visitors and their host families were treated to an amazing evening of fun and entertainment at the Acorn Theatre in Penzance. The evening was organised by Mounts Bay Gold Arts Award students Eleanor Peters and Imogen Forster.

The guests were treated to fantastic peformances from Year 11 performers Emily Walker, Jai New, May Robson, Georgia Ellery, Theo Black, Shania Curnow and Isaac King. In between performances Eleanor tested the audience’s knowledge with a quiz written by Imogen. The various teams were tested on literature, song intros and general knowledge. Food for the evening was provided by host families and staff, who provided an impressive and delicious selection of dishes to share. Miss Hick said, “It was lovely not to have to apologise to the French about the quality of British food!”

The event was the culmination of weeks of preparation for Eleanor and Imogen, who have been working hard this year to achieve their Gold Arts Award certificates, a qualification equivalent to an AS level. For their award they had to organise the whole event, from booking the venue and performers to providing risk assessments and liaising with SLT and staff at the venue. Luke New said, “I am incredibly proud of Eleanor and Imogen, they have worked tirelessly to produce such an amazing event.” The girls’ work was also filmed on the evening for the Arts Council, who are producing a film celebrating the great work being produced by Gold students.

Students and staff at the Acorn Theatre

Imogen and Eleanor announce the winners of the quiz

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Art of Spin

Year 7 have been investigating the work of Damien Hirst this Semester and in particular his "spin paintings".

Students producing a spin painting

We created our own in class by using the pottery wheel as the spinning device and added different quantities of paint in a range of colours. Interestingly, the paper around the edges of the wheel looked really creative too and could be used as Art work in themselves. The final spin paintings are going to be used as a base for final designs on the theme of Entomology.A Damien Hirst spin painting

Healthy Food

In Year 7 Food Technology we have been learning about healthy eating and healthy snack products. We have also learnt about the different types of food and what is good for you and what is not. We then made some healthy products which included fruit salad, pasta salad and rock cakes.

For our end of semester assessment we got to choose a recipe that had to be healthy. We did some research into snack products, healthy eating and then chose what to make. I think that we have all enjoyed learning about healthy eating and are now more aware of what to eat.

Report by Abigail-Rose Wallace

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Translate the word of the week from either French, German, Spanish or Italian and send your answer to [email protected] to be entered into the weekly competition.

Use the word of the week in your Language lesson and get a credit from your teacher!

Maths Quiz

This Week’s Puzzle:

Buses to Truro set off from Penzance every 12 minutes. Buses to Camborne set off every 15 minutes.

If a buses leaves Penzance for Truro at 09:00 and at the same time one leaves for Camborne, when is the next time they will leave at the same time? Extension for Bonus Points:

Last week’s solution: 12Kg

Extension: 28Kg and therefore 56mg

Could you write the next puzzle?If you would like to set the numeracy puzzle for a future week click here. You will win house points.

Win an iTunes voucher

For each correct answer throughout this semester we will put your name in the hat for a chance to win an iTunes voucher – the more correct answers, the more chance of winning.

House Competition

Green: 157 PointsPurple: 54 PointsYellow: 20 PointsBlue: 16 PointsRed: 12 Points

Orange: 6 Points

Click here to submit your answer

Last week's answer was holidays

The winner was Tegan Shutt. Well done!

Using the link below, find out what is the time of the last train that leaves Penzance that gets you to Truro before 20:00 on Friday, 11 April. Click here for link.

Closing date for Entries: 12.00 Thursday 24th April

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To enter, simply write an original sentence correctly using the word Easter. Send in your sentence using the link below.


Congratulations to Jessica Davy who wins a WH Smith Voucher.

Click Here to enter the competition

Jessica receives her prize.

This week’s word is: Easter

Definition: Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar. It celebrates the resurrection from the dead Jesus, three days after he was executed. The Easter story is at the heart of Christianity.

Etymology: The modern English term Easter comes from the Old English word Ēastre or Ēostre. This is generally held to have originally referred to the name of an Anglo-Saxon goddess, Ēostre, an Indo-European dawn goddess.

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Invigilators and Readers/Scribes Required

We require a number of invigilators and readers/scribes for the summer GCSE period and beyond.

Hours will depend on the exam timetable but flexibility is essential.

Good levels of literacy and numeracy are required to fulfil this role.

Rate of pay: £6.69 per hourA CRB check will be required

If you are interested in applying for this role, please e mail Julia Robinson at [email protected] or phone her on 01736 363240 ext 207


Morning Arrival at School

We have a few students arriving at school as early as 7.30am in the morning. They are therefore unsupervised. Could we ask parents to ensure that their children arrive on site at a more appropriate time please. Staff are on duty from 8.15am.

Thank you.

Holiday Dates

We are breaking up for the Easter Holiday at 12.30pm on Friday 4th April.

The Summer Term begins on Tuesday 22nd April. It will be a Week 1.

We hope you all have a great Easter Holiday.