acronym definition source weight - european commission · bsdg-sdg business statistics directors...

List of acronyms 1 December 30, 2016 Acronym Definition Source Weight 5YP Statistical Five-year Programme RAMON AAP Absolute agricultural prices RAMON AAR Annual Activity Report (A Director-General’s management report to the Commission, concerning the performance of his/her duties, the realisation of policy objectives and the use of resources during one year's activities) RAMON AAU Agricultural area in use RAMON ABAC Accrual-based Accounting System RAMON ABB Activity Based Budgetting RAMON ABM Activity Based Management RAMON ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics RAMON ACC Acceding Countries RAMON ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States RAMON Acquis communautaire The "acquis" refers to the body of existing EU legislation to be adopted by countries before they can become full members of the European Union. The statistical 'acquis' refers to EU legislation in the field of statistics, but is often interpreted as including also the agreed definitions, nomenclatures, methods and questionnaires for collecting data in other statistical fields not covered by legislation and usually referred to as data collected by Gentlemen's agreement RAMON AD Administrator (Commission function level) RAMON AD Anaerobic Digestion MESH 3 ADB15 December 2015 away day of Eurostat's Directorate B (Methodology; corporate statistical and IT services) RAMON ADMIN Administrative data sources (part of the ESS Vision 2020 portfolio) RAMON ADMS Asset Description Metadata Schema RAMON AEA Air Emissions Accounts RAMON AEI Agri-environmental indicator RAMON AES Adult Education Survey RAMON AF Access Facility DARA 3 Afristat Economic and Statistical Observatory of Sub-Saharan Africa RAMON AGRI Directorate-General "Agriculture and Rural Development" RAMON AGRIS Agricultural Information System RAMON AHC Advisor "hors classe" RAMON AIDCO EuropeAid RAMON ALA Asia and Latin America RAMON ALI Agricultural Labour Input RAMON ALM Application Lifecycle Management RAMON AMP Annual Management Plan RAMON ANSI/IEEE American National Standards Institute/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers RAMON AOD Authorising Officer by Delegation RAMON AOSD Authorising Officer by Sub-Delegation RAMON API Agricultural price indices RAMON APS Annual Policy Strategy RAMON ARES Advanced REcords System (electronic document management system) RAMON ARIMA AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average SACE 3 AROP At-risk-of-poverty Net SILC 2 1 Asean Association of Southeast Asian Nations RAMON ASSIST Application used for handling user requests RAMON ASSOC Associated Service RAMON AST Assistant (Commission function level) RAMON ASWP Annual statistical work programme RAMON AT Austria Net SILC 2 1 AWP Annual Work Programme RAMON AWU Annual work unit RAMON BA Business Architecture CoE on DWH 3 BARG Business Architecture Reflection Group RAMON BASIS Briefings And Speeches Information System RAMON BAYESEA BAYEsian SEasonal Adjustment program SACE 3 BB Building Block RAMON BC Business Continuity RAMON BCC Business Cycle Clock RAMON BCC2 Business Cycle Clock v. 2 RAMON BCM Business Capability Model RAMON BCP Business Continuity Plan RAMON BE Belgium Net SILC 2 1 BEC Broad Economic Categories RAMON BEPA Bureau of European Policy Advisers RAMON

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Page 1: Acronym Definition Source Weight - European Commission · BSDG-SDG Business Statistics Directors Group — Strategic Development Group RAMON BUDG Directorate-General "Budget" RAMON

List of acronyms 1 December 30, 2016

Acronym Definition Source Weight5YP Statistical Five-year Programme RAMONAAP Absolute agricultural prices RAMON

AARAnnual Activity Report (A Director-General’s management report to the Commission, concerning the performance of his/her duties, the realisation of policy objectives and the use of resources during one year's activities)


AAU Agricultural area in use RAMONABAC Accrual-based Accounting System RAMONABB Activity Based Budgetting RAMONABM Activity Based Management RAMONABS Australian Bureau of Statistics RAMONACC Acceding Countries RAMONACP African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States RAMONAcquis communautaire The "acquis" refers to the body of existing EU legislation to be adopted by countries before they can

become full members of the European Union. The statistical 'acquis' refers to EU legislation in the field of statistics, but is often interpreted as including also the agreed definitions, nomenclatures, methods and questionnaires for collecting data in other statistical fields not covered by legislation and usually referred to as data collected by Gentlemen's agreement


AD Administrator (Commission function level) RAMONAD Anaerobic Digestion MESH 3ADB15 December 2015 away day of Eurostat's Directorate B (Methodology; corporate statistical and IT services)


ADMIN Administrative data sources (part of the ESS Vision 2020 portfolio) RAMONADMS Asset Description Metadata Schema RAMONAEA Air Emissions Accounts RAMONAEI Agri-environmental indicator RAMONAES Adult Education Survey RAMONAF Access Facility DARA 3Afristat Economic and Statistical Observatory of Sub-Saharan Africa RAMONAGRI Directorate-General "Agriculture and Rural Development" RAMONAGRIS Agricultural Information System RAMONAHC Advisor "hors classe" RAMONAIDCO EuropeAid RAMONALA Asia and Latin America RAMONALI Agricultural Labour Input RAMONALM Application Lifecycle Management RAMONAMP Annual Management Plan RAMONANSI/IEEE American National Standards Institute/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers RAMONAOD Authorising Officer by Delegation RAMONAOSD Authorising Officer by Sub-Delegation RAMONAPI Agricultural price indices RAMONAPS Annual Policy Strategy RAMONARES Advanced REcords System (electronic document management system) RAMONARIMA AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average SACE 3AROP At-risk-of-poverty Net SILC 2 1Asean Association of Southeast Asian Nations RAMONASSIST Application used for handling user requests RAMONASSOC Associated Service RAMONAST Assistant (Commission function level) RAMONASWP Annual statistical work programme RAMONAT Austria Net SILC 2 1AWP Annual Work Programme RAMONAWU Annual work unit RAMONBA Business Architecture CoE on DWH 3BARG Business Architecture Reflection Group RAMONBASIS Briefings And Speeches Information System RAMONBAYESEA BAYEsian SEasonal Adjustment program SACE 3BB Building Block RAMONBC Business Continuity RAMONBCC Business Cycle Clock RAMONBCC2 Business Cycle Clock v. 2 RAMONBCM Business Capability Model RAMONBCP Business Continuity Plan RAMONBE Belgium Net SILC 2 1BEC Broad Economic Categories RAMONBEPA Bureau of European Policy Advisers RAMON

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List of acronyms 2 December 30, 2016

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BERDR R&D Expenditure in the Business Enterprise Sector in a given year at the regional level RAMONBES Business enterprise sector RAMONBG Bulgaria Net SILC 2 1BIF Directors meeting on financial matters RAMONBIG data Big data sets RAMONBIGD Big data (part of the ESS Vision 2020 portfolio) RAMONBIS Bank of International Settlements RAMONBLEU Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union RAMONBOP Balance Of Payments RAMONBPM Business Process Model(ling) RAMONBPMN Business Process Modelling Notation RAMONBPMN Business Process Model Notation CoE on DWH 1BRIS Business Registers Interconnection System RAMONBSDG Business Statistics Directors Group RAMONBSDG-SDG Business Statistics Directors Group — Strategic Development Group RAMONBUDG Directorate-General "Budget" RAMONBUS Business-driven projects (examples: ADMIN, ICT, CDVP, etc.) RAMONBV4 Berliner Verfahren (Berlin procedure) SACE 3CAB Cabinet RAMONCAB Change Advisory Board RAMONCAD Document Management Centre (from French "Centre d'administration des documents) RAMONCAESAR World Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Statistical Applications RAMONCAF Common Assessment Framework RAMONCAFS Commission's Anti-Fraud Strategy RAMONCAN Competent National Administration RAMONCAN Andean Community RAMONCAP Common Agricultural Policy RAMONCAPI Computer Assisted Personal Interview. MESH 1CAPI/CASI/CATI Computer Aided Personal/Self/Telephone Interviewing RAMONCAPSIM Common Agricultural Policy Simulation Model RAMONCards EU Assistance Programme for Reconstruction Development and Stabilisation in the Western Balkans RAMONCARE Community road accident database RAMONCaricom Caribbean Community and Common Market RAMONCARP Countries and Regions Profiles RAMONCATI Computer Assisted Telephone Interview. MESH 1CB Central Bank RAMONCBNE Classification of Branches of the National Economy (COMECON) RAMONCBS Statistics Netherlands / Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek MESH 2CBS Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek DWH 2CBS Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Statistical office of The Netherlands) RAMONCC Candidate Country RAMONCC Classification of types of Constructions RAMONCCC Customs Cooperation Council RAMONCCCN Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature RAMONCCIO Classification of Commodities by Industrial Origin RAMON

CCN/CSI Common Communication Network & Common System Interface (network alternative like sTesta) RAMON

CCSA Committee for the Co-ordination of Statistical Activities (United Nations) RAMONCCT Common Customs Tariff RAMONCDR Career Development Review RAMONCDVP Common Data Validation Policy RAMONCEI Classification of Trade in Invisibles RAMONCEIES The European Advisory Committee on Statistical Information in the Economic and Social Spheres RAMONCemac Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa RAMONCEN European Committee for Standardisation RAMONCENEX Centres of Excellence RAMONCensus hub Conceptually new system to achieve the dissemination of the 2011 census data. It is based on the concept

of data sharing, where a group of partners agree on providing access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies


CEPS/INSTEAD Centre d’Etudes des Populations, de la Pauvreté et des Politiques Socio-Economiques/International Network for Studies in Technology, Environment, Alternatives, Development (Luxembourg)

Net SILC 2 3

CERC Conseil de l’Emploi, des Revenus et de la Cohésion sociale Net SILC 2 3CERN European centre for nuclear research RAMONCES Conference of European Statisticians RAMON

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CESAR Community of European Semantic Asset Repositories RAMONCET Central European Time RAMONCF "Chef de File" RAMONCFL compact fluorescent lamps. MESH 3CFR Central FiT Register (United Kingdom). MESH 3CFT Call for Tender RAMONCG1, CG2, etc Coordination Group (CG1 "New Vision for European Statistics", CG2 "GDP and Beyond ", CG3 "Spatial

Dimension in Statistics", CG 4 "EU KLEMS", CG5 "Coordination of Quality Work", CG6 "Principal European Economic Indicators (PEEIs) including the EFC Status Report", CG7 "Single Market Monitoring")


CGB Central Government Budget RAMONCGST Coordination Group for Statistics on Transport RAMONCHM Cambridge Housing Model (United Kingdom). MESH 3CHP Combined Heat and Power generation. MESH 3CIF Cost, insurance, freight RAMONCIO Chief Information Officer RAMONCIRCA Communication and Information Resource Centre Administrator (an Internet based groupware tool) RAMONCIRCA Communication and Information Resource Centre Administrator DARA 3

CIRCABC Communication and Information Resource Centre for Administrations, Businesses and Citizens (


CIS Commonwealth of Independent States RAMONCIS Community Innovation Survey RAMONCISnet Computer application for Interservice consultations RAMONCITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora RAMON

CLASET An EDI message - for the exchange of classification structures and definition, correspondence tables, codelists and lifecycle RAMON

CLOUD EC Platform that provides an environment supporting volume spikes, peak periods, new programs, work-from-home agents, etc, with no additional on-site hardware and no new software requirements (


CLRTAP Convention on Long-Range, Transboundary Air Pollution RAMONCLSD Current lifestyle deprivation index RAMONCLUSTERS Classification for Land Use Statistics: Eurostat Remote Sensing RAMONCMDB Configuration Management DataBase RAMONCMF Common Metadata Framework CoE on DWH 3CMFB Committee for Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics RAMONCN Combined Nomenclature RAMONCN8 Combined Nomenclature (at eight digit level) RAMONCNA Competent National Authority RAMONCNRS National centre for scientific research (France) RAMONCOBIT Common Objectives for Business Information Technology RAMONCODED Concepts and Definitions Database RAMONCODIF Dissemination Committee (Comité de diffusion ) RAMONCoE Centre of Excellence (collaborative network to support implementation in the ESS) RAMONCoE on DWH Centre of Excellence on Data Warehousing CoE on DWH 2CoE on SDC Centre of Excellence on Statistical Disclosure Control CoE on SDC 2COFO Training Manager (Correspondant Formation ) RAMONCOFOG Classification of the Functions of Government RAMONCOG Content Oriented Guidelines (SDMX) RAMONCOICOP Classification of Individual Consumption according to Purpose Net SILC 2 1COICOP Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose RAMON

COICOP/HBS Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose Adapted to the Needs of Household Budget Surveys RAMON

COICOP/HICP Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose Adapted to the Needs of Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices RAMON

COLI Cost of Living Index RAMONComesa Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa RAMONCOMET Committee for Metadata RAMONCOMEXT Eurostat reference database for external trade statistics production and dissemination RAMONCOMM Directorate-General "Communication" RAMONCOMP Directorate-General "Competition" RAMONCOMTRADE United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database RAMONCONVAL Content Validation RAMONCoP Code of Practice RAMONCOPNI Classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions RAMON

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COPP Classification of outlays of producers by purpose RAMONCORA COmmon Reference Architecture RAMONCoRD Coordination of Raw Data Collection RAMONCORE Common Reference Environment RAMONCoSSI Common Structure of Statistical Information RAMONCOTS Commercial off-the-shelf products RAMONCP Commercial Paper RAMONCPA Country Profile Application RAMONCPA Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community RAMONCPC Central Product Classification RAMONCPI Consumer Price Index RAMONCPO Corporate Project Office RAMONCPSA Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics RAMONCR LCS Council Regulation on Labour Cost Structure RAMONCR SBR Council Regulation on Statistical Business Registers RAMONCR SBS Council Regulation on Structural Business Statistics RAMONCR STS Council Regulation on Short Term Statistics RAMONCRA Common Reference Architecture RAMONCRC Cross-cutting projects (examples: ESDEN, SERV, etc.) RAMONCRM Corporate Metadata Repository Model CoE on DWH 3CRM Customer Relationship Management RAMONCROS Portal Portal on Collaboration in Research and Methodology for Official Statistics RAMONCRSU Council Regulation on Statistical Units RAMON

CSB Assistants at Directorate level working mainly on finance issues (Contacts sectoriels budgétaires) RAMON

CSF Community Support Framework RAMONCSIS Center for Strategic and International Studies RAMONCSO Central Statistics Office (Statistical office of Ireland) RAMONCSPA Common Statistical Production Architecture RAMONCST Statistical and Tariff Classification for International Trade RAMONCSTAT Committee on Statistics RAMONCSTE Commodity Classification for Statistics of Transport in Europe RAMONCSU (ČSÚ) Czech Statistical Office (Český statistický úřad) RAMONCTI Informatics Technical Committee (CTI = Comité Technique Informatique) (replaced with DSF = Digital

Stakeholder Forum) RAMON

CUDD Heads of Unit of Directorate D (Chefs d'unité de la Direction D) RAMON

CVD Cycle de Vie des Données (Data Life Cycle) (French abbreviation for "Data Life Cycle": strategic project which aims to rationalise the statistical production chain in Eurostat from data collection to dissemination) RAMON

CVD-MH CVD Metadata Handler RAMONCVDSC CVD Steering Committee RAMONCVT Continuing Vocational Training RAMONCVTS Continuing Vocational Training Survey RAMONCWM Common Warehouse Metamodel CoE on DWH 1CY Cyprus Net SILC 2 1CYBERNEWS Eurostat's intranet network RAMONCZ Czech Republic Net SILC 2 1DA Differentiated Appropriations RAMONDAC Development Assistance Committee of the OECD RAMONDARA Decentralised and remote access to confidential data in the ESS RAMONDARA Decentralised and Remote Access to Confidential Data in the ESS DARA 2DARA pilot Remote access system with DARA Box and France as central node DARA 3DARA Box SD Box especially designed for international microdata access DARA 3DatQAM Data Quality Assessment Methods and Tools RAMONDBB Derivation building block RAMONDCBB Statistical disclosure control building block RAMONDCRO Data Collection Responsible Officer RAMONDCS Data Checking Service RAMONDDI Data Documentation Initiative RAMONDDI Data Documentation Initiative CoE on DWH 1DE Data Explorer RAMONDE Germany Net SILC 2 1DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change MESH 3DESAP Development of a Self-Assessment Programme RAMONDESI Digital Economy and Society Index RAMON

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DESIS External service provision for DEvelopment, Studies and support for Information Systems (DIGIT Framework contracts: a contractual way of satisfying the needs for information systems development, maintenance, studies and support)


DEV Directorate-General "Development" RAMONDEVCO Directorate-General "Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid" RAMONDG Director General or Directorate General RAMONDG DIGIT Directorate-General for Informatics (within European Commission) DARA 2DGAS Directors' Group on Agricultural Statistics RAMONDGINS Directors General of the National Statistical Institutes RAMONDGSI Directors Group on System Integration RAMONDGT Directorate-General "Translation" RAMONDHW Domestic Hot Water MESH 3DIF Data in focus RAMON

DIGICOMDigital communication, User analytics and Innovative products (part of the ESS Vision 2020 portfolio)


DIGIT Directorate-General for Informatics RAMONDIME Directors of Methodology Group RAMONDIME-ITDG steering group

Combined steering group of Directors of Methodology and Information technologies Directors RAMON

DIMES Directors of macroeconomic statistics RAMONDIMESA Directors of sectoral and environmental statistics and accounts RAMONDISC Database for International Statistical Cooperation RAMONDIW Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Germany) Net SILC 2 1DK Denmark Net SILC 2 1DLBB Data Loader Building Block RAMONDLPS Data Leakage Prevention System RAMONDM Directors' meeting (has an advisory function to the Director General; it is a forum for discussion on the

basis of which the Director General takes decisions) RAMON

DM Data Manager DARA 3DMA Domain Manager RAMONDMC Direct material consumption RAMONDMES Director Group for Macroeconomic Statistics RAMONDMO Document Management Officer RAMONDOI Digital Object Identifier ( RAMONDOR Demande d'Organisation de Réunion / request for organising a meeting RAMONDOSIS Development Of Statistical Information Systems RAMONDOSME Demography of Small and Medium Enterprises RAMONDOUCEUR DOcument Utiles et Commun à EURostat RAMONDPC Data Protection Coordinator RAMONDQAF Data Quality Assessment Framework (IMF) RAMONDRP Disaster Recovery Plan RAMONDRS Debtor Reporting System RAMONDS Dedicated Section RAMONDSD Data Structure Definition RAMONDSF Digital Stakeholder Forum (fromer CTI = Comité Technique Informatique) RAMONDSS Directors of Social Statistics RAMONDSWS Dissemination Web Service RAMONDTA Desktop Administrator RAMONDTC Data Transmission Courier RAMONDTS DIGIT Training Service (DIGIT = Directorate-General "Informatics") RAMONDW Data Warehouse RAMONDWB Data without Boundaries RAMONDWG Dissemination Working Group RAMONDWH Data Warehouse RAMONDWH Data Warehouse CoE on DWH 1DWP UK Department of Work and Pensions Net SILC 2 3DWS Data warehouse system RAMONEA Enterprise Architecture RAMONEA ECT Enterprise Architecture Extended Core Team RAMONEAA Economic Accounts for Agriculture RAMONEAC Directorate-General "Education and Culture" RAMONEACT Enterprise Architecture Core Team RAMONEARF Enterprise Architecture Reference Framework RAMONEAS Directorate-General "Agriculture and Rural Development" RAMONEAS European Administrative School RAMONEBB Editing building block RAMON

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EBR European Business Register RAMONEBS European Business Statistics RAMONEC European Commission RAMONEC European Commission DARA 1ECA European Court of Auditors RAMONECAS European Commission Authentication Service RAMONECAS European Commission's user Authentication Service DARA 2ECB European Central Bank Net SILC 2 1ECB European Central Bank RAMONECB/SD European Central Bank / Statistics Division RAMONECE Economic Commission for Europe - of the United Nations RAMONECFIN Directorate-General "Economic and Financial Affairs" RAMONECHO Directorate-General "Humanitarian Aid" RAMONECHP European Community Household Panel (replaced by SILC) RAMONECHP European Community Household Panel Net SILC 2 2ECHP European Community Household Panel DARA 2ECIDES European Commission Corporate Information and Data Exchange System RAMONeCOLLECT Component of Edamis RAMONEcowas Economic Community Of West African States RAMONECSC European Community of Steel and Coal RAMONECU European Currency Unit - Replaced by the Euro RAMONEDAF European Data Access Forum RAMONeDAMIS Electronic Dataflow Administration and Management Information System RAMONEDC Enhanced Dissemination Chain RAMONEDI Electronic Data Interchange RAMONEDICOM Electronic Data Interchange on COMmerce RAMONEDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport RAMONEDIFLOW Database describing dataflows received by Eurostat, the senders and the receivers of the data RAMONEDIT Data EDITing Validation Tool (Software developed by Eurostat for data editing) RAMONEDMS Electronic Document Management System RAMONe-DOMEC Electronic Archiving and Document Management in the European Commission RAMONEDP Eurostat Dissemination Processes RAMONEDP Excessive Deficit Procedure RAMONEDPIM Eurostat Dissemination Processes - Impact Manager (ex SIM = Service Impact Manager) RAMONEE Estonia Net SILC 2 1EEA European Economic Area Net SILC 2 1EEA European Economic Area RAMONEEA European Environment Agency RAMONEEAICP European Economic Area Index of Consumer Prices RAMONEEAS European External Action Service RAMONEEC Eurasian Economic Commission RAMONEEC European Economic Community RAMONEEEA European Environmental Economic Accounts RAMONEFC Economic and Financial Committee RAMONEFF Extended fund facility RAMONEFGS European Forum for Geography and Statistics RAMONEFICS European Forestry Information and Communication System RAMONEFQM European Foundation for Quality Management RAMONEFSA European Food Safety Authority RAMONEFSI European Fund for Strategic Investments RAMONEFTA European Free Trade Association RAMONEGR EuroGroups Register RAMONEGSS Environmental Goods and Services Sector RAMONEHQR ESS Handbook for Quality Reports RAMONEHS English Housing Survey (United Kingdom). MESH 3EIB European Investment Bank RAMONEIBB Economic Indices Building Block RAMONEICP European Index of Consumer Prices RAMONEIF European Interoperability Framework RAMONEIGE European Institute for Gender Equality RAMONEIMS European Innovation Monitoring System RAMONEIP Excessive Imbalances Procedure RAMONEIPA European Institute of Public Administration RAMONEIS European Interoperability Strategy RAMONEISP Eurostat Information Security Policy RAMON

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EL Greece Net SILC 2 1ELARG Directorate-General "Enlargement" RAMONeLink Middelware building block of IDABC services RAMONEMAS Eco-Management and Audit Scheme RAMONEMI European Monetary Institute RAMONEMIS Explanatory Metadata Information System RAMONEMOS European Master in Official Statistics RAMONEMPL Directorate-General "Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities" RAMONEMU Economic and Monetary Union Net SILC 2 1EMU Economic and Monetary Union RAMONEN European Norm. MESH 2ENP European Neighbourhood Policy RAMONENTR Directorate-General "Enterprise and Industry" RAMONENV Directorate-General "Environment" RAMONEO Equal Opportunities RAMONEODS European Occupational Diseases Statistics RAMONEoV Exchange of Views RAMONEP European Parliament RAMONEPC Energy Performance Certificate for buildings. MESH 3EPC European Patent Convention (=Munich Convention) RAMONEPE Environmental Protection Expenditure RAMONEPIS Environmental Pressure Information System RAMONEPMS Eurostat Process Metadata Structure RAMONEPMS Euro Process Metadata Structure CoE on DWH 1EPO European Patent Office RAMONEPROS European Plan for Research in Official Statistics RAMONEPSAS European Public Sector Accounting System RAMONEPSC European Political Strategy Centre RAMONEPSCO Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council Net SILC 2 2EPSO European Personnel Selection Office RAMONEPSS European Programme of Social Surveys RAMONERA European Research Area RAMONERDF European Regional Development Fund RAMONERDR TF Task Force on Electronic Data Reporting (aimed at sharing solutions and experiences of electronic

reporting of raw data, covering issues related to the content, techniques and management) RAMON

ERETES Software programme for national accounts RAMONERIS European Regional Innovation Survey RAMONES Spain Net SILC 2 1ES Enterprise Surveys RAMONESA European System of Accounts RAMONESA European System of Accounts Net SILC 2 2ESA 95 European System of Accounts (Version 1995) RAMONESAC European Statistical Advisory Committee RAMONESAF Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility RAMONESAW European Statistics on Accidents at Work RAMON

ESBRs European System of Interoperable Statistical Business Registers (part of the ESS Vision 2020 portfolio) RAMON

ESC Eurostat "Safe Centre" RAMONESC Economic and Social Committee RAMONESCB European System of Central Banks RAMONESDEN European Statistical Data Exchange Network (part of the ESS Vision 2020 portfolio) RAMONESDS Economic and Social Data Service RAMONESEA European Strategy for Environmental Accounts RAMONESeC European Socio-economic Classification RAMONESF European Statistical Forum RAMONESGAB European Statistical Governance Advisory Board RAMONESHSI European Survey on Health and Social Integration RAMONESI Economic Sentiment Indicator RAMONESMS Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure RAMONESMS Euro SDMX Metadata Structure CoE on DWH 1ESMS INV Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure for Inventories RAMONESMS IP Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure Indicator Profile RAMONESOD European schedule of occupational diseases RAMONESP Eurostat Statistical Programme RAMONESPAC Eurostat Statistical Process Assessment Checklist RAMONESQR ESS Standard for Quality Reports RAMON

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Acronym Definition Source WeightESQRS ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure CoE on DWH 2ESQRS ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure RAMONESR Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on

energy statisticsMESH 2

ESS European Social Survey Net SILC 2 2ESS European Statistical System Net SILC 2 2ESS European Statistical System DARA 2ESS EA European Statistical System Enterprise Architecture RAMONESS EARF European Statistical System Enterprise Architecture Reference Framework RAMONESS European Statistical System RAMONESS.VIP European Statistical System Vision Implementation Programme RAMONESSC European Statistical System Committee RAMONESSC European Statistical System Committee Net SILC 2 2ESSC European Statistical System Committee DARA 2ESS-CVD Extension of the CVD (Cycle de Vie des Données - Data Life Cycle) concept to the ESS RAMONESS-DISC European Statistical System DISsemination and Communication strategy RAMONESS-MH European Statistical System Metadata Handler RAMONESSnet ESS network DARA 2

ESSNetsEuropean Statistical System collaboration networks (projects carried out by a team of institutions aiming at developing results which can be used by the whole ESS community) RAMON

ESS-PMS European Statistical Syste Process Metadata Structure RAMONESSPROS European system of intregrated social protection statistics RAMONESS-SGF European version of the Statistical Geospatial Framework (SGF) RAMONESTAT Eurostat RAMONESTIF European Solar Thermal Industry Federation. MESH 3ESTP European Statistical Training System RAMONESU European size unit RAMONET External Trade statistics CoE on DWH 2eTF Electronic Task Force RAMONETL Extract Transform Load CoE on DWH 1EU European Union Net SILC 2 1EU European Union RAMON

EU-KLEMSEU level analysis of capital (K), labour (L), energy (E), materials (M) and service (S) inputs on a detailed activity level: statistical and analytical research project to analyse productivity and growth across Europe RAMON

EUR Euro RAMONEUREKA European Research Co-ordination Agency RAMONEUROBASE Eurostat reference database (has replaced NewCronos) RAMONEUROCUBE Statistical production system managing mulidimensional data, based on Oracle Olap (on line analytical

processing) RAMON

EUROFARM Project for standardisation of methods for obtaining agricultural statistics RAMONEUROIND European and national short term indicators RAMONEUROSTAT Statistical Office of the European Communities RAMONEurostat Statistical office of the European Union Net SILC 2 2Eurotrace Software programme for external trade RAMONEUSA European School of Administration RAMONEU-SILC European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions DARA 2EU-SILC EU statistics on income and living conditions Net SILC 2 2EU-SILC Community statistics on income and living conditions RAMONEVA Family of end-user interfaces operating on NewCronos data for advanced or occasional users RAMONeVE eDAMIS Validation Engine RAMONEVUG eDAMIS and Validation Services User Group RAMONeWA eDAMIS Web Access RAMONeWF eDAMIS Web Forms RAMONeWP eDAMIS Web Portal RAMONEXTRASTAT Statistics of Member States' trade in goods with non Member States RAMONFADN Farm Accountancy Data Network RAMONFAME Forecasting Analytical Modelling Environment (Statistical production system specialised in processing

time series) RAMON

FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations RAMONFATS Foreign Affiliates Statistics RAMONFD Financing Decision RAMONFDES Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics RAMONFDI Foreign direct investment RAMONFEC Final Energy Consumption. MESH 3FENSTATS Federation of European National Statistical Societies RAMON

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FGP Factoryless Goods Producers RAMONFI Finland Net SILC 2 1FIDES Financing Decision System RAMONFIFO First-in-first-out RAMONFIPREP Financial Initiation of Payments REPorting RAMONFISIM Financial intermediation services indirectly measured RAMONFiTs feed in tariff scheme is a policy mechanism designed to accelerate investment in renewable energy

technologies.MESH 3

FMB Functional Mail Box RAMONFOB Free on board RAMONFP Fuel Poverty MESH 2FP6 Sixth Framework Programme RAMONFP7 Seventh Framework Programme RAMONFPFIS Flexible Platform for Internet Services RAMONFR France Net SILC 2 1FRAME Framework for Resource Allocation Management in Eurostat RAMONFRIBS Framework Regulation Integrating Business Statistics RAMONFRIC Framework Regulation Integrating Classifications RAMONFRIM Framework Regulation Integrating processes, standards and metadata RAMONFRIS Framework Regulation Integrating Social Statistics RAMONFROCH FRiends Of the CHair group RAMONFROOP Frequent out-of-pocket purchases RAMONFRS Family Resources Survey Net SILC 2 3FSC Food supply chain RAMONFSO Federal Statistical Office DARA 2FSS Farm Structure Survey RAMONFTE Full Time Equivalent RAMONFYROM Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Net SILC 2 1GA Guided Access RAMONGBAORD Government budget appropriations or outlays on research and development RAMONGBI Gestionnaire des biens inventoriés RAMONGCOMX Generic COMEXT RAMONGCV Gross Calorific Value. MESH 3GDDS General Data Dissemination System (IMF) RAMONGDP Gross Domestic Product Net SILC 2 1GDP Gross Domestic Product MESH 1GDP Gross Domestic Product RAMON

GEONOM Nomenclature of countries and territories for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States RAMON

GERD Gross domestic expenditure on R&D RAMONGERDR Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D in a given year at the regional level RAMONGESMES GEneral Statistical MESsage RAMONGFCF Gross fixed capital formation RAMONGFS Government Finance Statistics RAMONGGIM See "UN-GGIM" RAMONGHG Greenhouse gas RAMONGIC Gross inland (energy) consumption RAMONGIS Geographical Information System RAMONGISCO Geographical Information System of the Commission RAMONGSIM Generic Statistical Information Model CoE on DWH 1GLC Group of Local Coordinators RAMONGNI Gross National Income RAMONGNP Gross National Product RAMONGOV Government sector RAMONGOVERD R&D Expenditure in the Government Sector RAMONGOVERDR R&D Expenditure in the Government Sector in a given year at the regional level RAMONGOVIS GOVernance for Information Systems (IT tool for the maintenance of the inventory of IS systems) RAMONGPO Group Policies Object RAMONGPS Generic Production System, based on MDT RAMONGRM Global Registry Manager RAMONGSAST Generic SAS Tool, a generic system for treating micro-data and operations of micro and macro-data from

surveys RAMON

GSBPM Generic Statistical Business Process Model RAMONGSBPM Generic Statistical Business Process Model CoE on DWH 1GSG Global Strategic Goal RAMON

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List of acronyms 10 December 30, 2016

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GSIM Generic Statistical Information Model RAMONGSOEP German Socio-Economic Panel Net SILC 2 3GSS Global Statistical System (GSS) RAMONGTFOR Group of REFOI from all DGs in the Commission (REFOI = Responsible for Informatics Training) RAMONGUF General university funds RAMONGUI Graphical User Interface RAMONGVA Gross value added RAMONHAN HERMES, ARES, NOMCOM RAMONHAS Historical Archives Service RAMONHBS Household Budget Survey RAMONHBS Household Budget Survey Net SILC 2 2HBS Household budget Survey MESH 2HDI Human Development Index Net SILC 2 3HERD R&D expenditure in the Higher Education Sector RAMONHERDR R&D expenditure in the Higher Education Sector in a given year at the regional level RAMON

HERMES HERMES is a technological platform which harmonises the Commission's various digital document and file management applications in a common structure [through the Hermes Repository Services (HRS)] RAMON

HES Higher education sector RAMONHETUS Harmonised European Time Use Survey RAMONHFCE Household Final Consumption Expenditure RAMONHFCS Household Finance and Consumption Survey Net SILC 2 2HFMCE Household Final Monetary Consumption Expenditure RAMONHICP Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices RAMONHICP-AP Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices - Administered Prices RAMONHICP-CT Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices at Constant Taxes RAMONHIPCs Heavily Indebted Poor Countries RAMONHLCIT High Level Committee on IT (Information Technologies) (highest IT body in the Commission) RAMONHLG High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Statistical Production and Services (originally called HLG-


HLG-BAS High-Level Group for Strategic Developments in Business Architecture in Statistics (replaced with HLG) RAMON

HLG-MOS High-Level Group "Modernisation of Statistical Production and Services" RAMONHMP Programme of Community action on health monitoring RAMONHORECA Hotel and restaurant sector (HORECA is an acronym for Hotel, Restaurant, Café) RAMONHoS Head of Section RAMONHOS Hardware and Operating Systems RAMONHoU Head of Unit RAMONHPC High Performance Computing RAMONHPI House Price Indices RAMONHPS Hermes Preservation Services RAMONHR Human resources RAMONHR Directorate-General "Human Resources and Security" RAMONHRS Hermes Repository Services RAMONHRST Human resources in Science and Technology RAMONHRSTC Human resources in Science and Technology Core RAMONHRSTE Human Resources in Science and Technology Education RAMONHRSTI Human Resources in Science and Technology Inactive RAMONHRSTN Human resources in Science and Technology employed in a non S&T occupation RAMONHRSTO Human resources in Science and Technology Occupation RAMONHRSTU Human Resources in Science and Technology Unemployed RAMONHRSTW Human resources in Science and Technology without third level education RAMONHS Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System RAMONHU Hungary Net SILC 2 1HUB Meeting of Heads of Units of Directorate B RAMONHUM Meeting of Heads of Units (meeting composed of the Director-General, the deputy Director-General, the

Directors, the Principle Adviser, the Heads of Unit, the Advisers and the Assistant to the Director-General) RAMON

IAC Internal Audit Capacity RAMONIACS Integrated Administration and Control System RAMONIAEG-SDG Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators RAMONIAG Inter-Agency Group on Economic and Financial Statistics RAMONIAOS International Association for Official Statistics RAMONIAS International Accounting Standards RAMONIAS Internal Audit Service RAMONIASB International Accounting Standards Board RAMON

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IASC International Accounting Standards Committee RAMONIASS International Association for Statistical Computing RAMONIATA International Air Transport Association RAMONIBRD SeeInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development RAMONIBSFC International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission RAMONICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation RAMONICD International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems RAMONICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea RAMONICGS International standard Classification of all Goods and Services RAMONICS Internal Control Standards RAMONICSA Internal Control Standards Assessment RAMONICSE International standard Classification of Status in Employment RAMONICST (94) International Classification of Ships by Type, Revised 1994 RAMONICT Information and Communication Technology DARA 1ICT Information and Communication Technologies RAMONIDA Interchange of Data between Administrations RAMONIDA International Development Association RAMONIDABC Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to public Administrations, Businesses and

Citizens (a Community programme managed by the European Commission's Directorate General for Informatics)


IDAE Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy MESH 3IDB Injury Database ( RAMONIE Ireland Net SILC 2 1IEA Illegal Economic Activities RAMONIEA International Energy Agency RAMONIEA International Energy Agency MESH 1IEEAF Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting for Forestry RAMONIESS Integrated European Social Statistics RAMONIFFIM International Finance Facility for Immunisation RAMONIFRS 2 Share-based Payment International Financial Reporting Standard 2 Share-based Payment RAMON

IFRS International Financial Reporting Standard RAMONIIP International investment position RAMONILO International Labour Organisation Net SILC 2 1ILO International Labour Organization RAMONIM Information Management DARA 3IM Information Model RAMONIM Intramuros RAMONIMF International Monetary Fund RAMONIMS Information Models and Standards RAMONIMSB Information Management Steering Board RAMONINE Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (Portugal) DWH 2INE National Statistics Institute from Spain. MESH 2INE (E) Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Statistical office of Spain) RAMONINE (P) Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Statistical office of Portugal) RAMONINFSO Directorate-General "Information Society and Media" RAMONINSEE Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (France) Net SILC 2 2

Insee (F) Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques / French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies RAMON

INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe RAMONINTRASTAT Statistics of Member States' trade in goods with other Member States RAMONIOP Inter Operability RAMONIPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance RAMONIPC International Patent Classification RAMONIPCIS Interoperability Platform for Corporate Information Systems RAMONIPD Implicit price deflator RAMONIPG Information Providers Guide RAMON

IPM Interactive Policy Making (two Internet-based instruments which enable Commission to collect feedback directly from citizens) RAMON

IPP Intellectual Property Products RAMONIPPE Index of purchasing power of the euro RAMONIPR Intellectual Property Rights RAMONIPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards RAMONIPSIS Commission corporate integration platform RAMONIPT Interactive Profiling Tool RAMON

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IRM IT Resource Manager (IT = Information technology) RAMONIS Information System RAMONIS4SP Information Systems for Statistical Purposes RAMONIS4STAT Information System for Statistics RAMONISA Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations ( RAMONISC Inter-Service Consultation RAMONISCED International standard classification of education Net SILC 2 1ISCED International Standard Classification of Education RAMONISCO International Standard Classification of Occupations RAMONISCO-88 International Standard Classification of Occupations RAMONISER Institute for Social and Economic Research of the University of Essex (United Kingdom) Net SILC 2 3ISG Interinstitutional Style Guide RAMONISI Information Systems Infrastructure RAMONISI International Statistical Institute RAMONISIC International Standard Industrial Classification MESH 1ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification RAMONISIN International Security Identification Number RAMONISMP Information Systems Management Policy RAMONISO International Organization for Standardization RAMONISPMB Information System Project Management Board RAMONISTAT Istituto nazionale di statistica (Italy) Net SILC 2 2ISTAT Istituto Nazionale di Statistica DWH 2Istat (I) Istituto Nazionale di Statistica / Italian National Institute of Statistics RAMONISWG Inter Secretariat Working Group RAMONIT Information Technologies RAMONIT Italy Net SILC 2 1IT AGE IT Architecture Group of Experts RAMONITAC IT Advisory Committee RAMONITDG Information Technologies Directors Group RAMONITIC IT Infrastructure Consolidation RAMONITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library RAMONITMP Information Technologies Master Plan RAMONITRS International transaction reporting system RAMONITS International Trade Statistics RAMONITS International Trade in Services RAMON

ITSCIT Steering Committee (internal to Eurostat) (The high-level group for IT governance in Eurostat. It represents the view of the business units in IT decisions, and takes decisions in the implementation of the IT strategy as expressed in the IT Master Plan)


ITSG IT Strategic Goal RAMONITU IT Unit DARA 3ITU Intermodal transport unit RAMONIWEPS Institut Wallon de l’Evaluation, de la Prospective et de la Statistique (Belgium) Net SILC 2 3IWT Inland waterways transport RAMONIWWP Industrial waste water plants RAMON

JAMIE Joint Action on Monitoring Injuries in Europe (


JFSQ Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire RAMONJIS Joint Initiative on Standardisation RAMONJLS Directorate-General "Justice, Freedom and Security" RAMONJMO Jean Monnet Building RAMONJOINUP Collaborative platform created by the European Commission in order to offer a new set of services to help

e-Government professionals share their experience with interoperability solutions and support them to find, choose, re-use, develop, and implement open source software and semantic interoperability assets (


JOSGAP Joint Overall Statistical Greek Action Plan RAMONJRC Joint Research Centre RAMONJSG Joint Steering Group RAMONJSIS Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme RAMONJSON JavaScript Object Notation (data-interchange format) RAMONKAU Kind-of-activity-unit RAMONKI Key Initiative RAMONKIS Classification of knowledge intensive services RAMON


EU level analysis of capital (K), labour (L), energy (E), materials (M) and service (S) inputs on a detailed activity level: statistical and analytical research project to analyse productivity and growth across Europe RAMON

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KPI Key Performance Indicator RAMONkW thousands of Watts. Watt is the unit of power in the International System of Units (SI). MESH 3kWh kilowatt hour, a unit of energy equal to 1 000 Watts hours or 3.6 megajoules MESH 3LAB Eurostat Laboratory for developments in cross-cutting statistical domains RAMONLAMAS Labour Market Statistics Working Group RAMONLAS Legislative Advancement Sheet RAMONLAU Local administrative units RAMONLC Local Coordinator (the main contact point to Eurostat for the effective implementation of electronic data

transmission and a contact point for members of their own organisation) RAMON

LCI Labour cost index RAMONLCS-R Council Regulation on Labour Cost Structure RAMONLCV Lower Calorific Value (NCV). MESH 3LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (Internet protocol that email and other programs use to look up

information from a server) RAMON

LDF Learning & Development Framework RAMONLED light emitting diodes. MESH 3LEG Leadership Expert Group RAMONLFS Labour Force Survey RAMONLFS Labour Force Survey DARA 1LFS Labour Force Survey Net SILC 2 1LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate RAMONLIFO Last-in-first-out RAMONLIHC Low Income High Cost (Fuel Poverty, United Kingdom). MESH 3LIM Logical Implementation Model RAMONLIS Luxembourg Income Study Net SILC 2 3LISO Local Informatics Security Officer RAMONLLL Life Long Learning RAMONLMP Labour Market Policy RAMONLocal KAU Local kind-of-activity unit RAMONLocal UHP Local unit of homogeneous production RAMONLOD Linked Open Data RAMONLOMAT LOan MAnagement Tool RAMONLRA Local Registration Authority RAMONLSA Local System Administration RAMONLSO Local Security Officer RAMONLSU Livestock Unit RAMONLT Lithuania Net SILC 2 1LTAA Long term annual average RAMONLTP Lunchtime presentation RAMONLU Luxembourg Net SILC 2 1LUCAS Land Use and Cover by Area frame Sampling RAMONLUZ Larger Urban Zones (Urban Audit) RAMONLV Latvia Net SILC 2 1MAMS Microdata Access Management System DARA 3MAP Methodology Architecture and Portfolio Management Working Group RAMONMAP Multi-Annual Programming RAMONMAPS Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics RAMONMARE Directorate-General "Maritime Affairs and Fisheries" RAMONMARKT Directorate-General "Internal Market and Services" RAMONMATIS Management of time Series RAMONMBE Model based estimation RAMONMBP Multi-Beneficiary Programme RAMONMCS Modernization Committee on Standards RAMONMCS Microgeneration Certificate Scheme (United Kingdom). MESH 3MCV Metadata Common Vocabulary RAMONMCV Metadata Common Vocabulary CoE on DWH 1MDG Millennium Development Goal RAMONMDT Statistical production system for multi-dimensional tables (MDT = Multi-dimensional tables) RAMONMedstat An EU regional programme for co-operation between Euro-Mediterranean statistical institutes RAMONMEDTOUR Euro-Mediterranean co-operation in tourism statistics RAMONMEETS Modernisation of European Enterprise and Trade Statistics RAMONMEP Member of European Parliament RAMONMercosur Southern Common Market (Mercado común del Sur) RAMONMESH Manual for statistics on energy consumption in households RAMONMESH Manual for statistics on energy consumption in households MESH 2METAC Methodology Advisory Committee RAMON

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METIS Statistical Metadata (Eurostat/UNECE – Metadata Work Session) RAMONMETR Marginal Effective Tax Rate Net SILC 2 3MFA Material Flow Accounts RAMONMFD Multi-Functional-Devices RAMONMFI Monetary financial institution RAMONMGDD Manual of Government Deficit and Debt RAMONMH Metadata Handler RAMONMIGs Main Industrial Groupings RAMONMIMAC Middle Management Committee RAMONMIP Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure RAMONMIPS Computer application for the management of missions RAMONMIT Matrix/mobility for IT RAMONMMM Middle Management Mobility RAMONMNE Multinational Enterprise RAMONMOOCs Massive Open Online Courses RAMONMoU Memorandum of Understanding RAMONMove Management of vision at Eurostat / European Statistical System RAMONMPP Main (public) power producer RAMONMS Member State RAMONMS Member State DARA 2MS Member State MESH 2MSD Metadata Structure Definition RAMONMSD Metadata Structure Definition CoE on DWH 1MSIS Management of statistical information systems RAMONMSITS Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services RAMONMSW Municipal solid waste RAMONMT Malta Net SILC 2 1MTC Maritime Transport Commodity Classification RAMONMUICP Monetary Union Index of Consumer Prices RAMONMW Mega Watt. MESH 1MWG Metadata Working Group RAMONMYRA Multiyear Rescheduling Agreement RAMONNA National Accounts RAMONNA/BOP National Accounts / Balance of Payments RAMONNABS Nomenclature for the Analysis and Comparison of Science Programmes and Budgets RAMONNACE EU statistical classification of economic activities - breakdown of ISIC RAMONNACE Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community. MESH 2NACE 1970 Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community, 1970 version (NACE stands

for Nomenclature générale des activités économiques dans les Communautés européennes) RAMON

NACE Rev. 1 Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community, Revision 1 (NACE stands for Nomenclature générale des activités économiques dans les Communautés européennes) RAMON

NACE/CLIO General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities in the European Communities - version used for the input-output tables (European System of Accounts 1979) RAMON

Nafta North American Free Trade Association RAMONNAICS North American Industry Classification System RAMONNAMA National Accounts quarterly and annual Main Aggregates RAMONNAMEA National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts RAMONNAPS National Account Production System RAMONNAPS-S National Accounts Production System - Services RAMONNCB National Central Bank RAMONNCV Net Calorific Value (LCV). MESH 3NDA Non-Differentiated Appropriations RAMONNDP Net Domestic Product RAMONNEAFC North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission RAMONNEC (n.e.c.) Not elsewhere classified RAMONNEED national Energy efficiency data framework from United Kingdom. MESH 3NEPT National Experts in Professional Training RAMONNet-SILC Network for the Analysis of EU-SILC Net SILC 2 2NEWCRONOS The New Cronos reference database contains around 100 million statistical data covering every economic

and social sector. The information normally covers all European Union Member States; in many cases it is also available for Japan, the United States of America and other Union trade partners. RAMON

NG Network Group RAMON

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NGO Non-governmental organisation RAMON

NIMEXE Nomenclature of Goods for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States RAMON

NIS New Independent States (former Soviet Union republics) RAMONNL Netherlands Net SILC 2 1NL The Netherlands Net SILC 2 1NMCA National Mapping and Cadastral Authorities RAMONNMR National Methodological Report RAMONNNAs National Numbering Agencies RAMONNOAH IT communication tool built for the specific needs of Business Continuity Management (BCM) in the

Commission RAMON

NOAP Next Office Automation Platform RAMONNOMCOM Nomenclature Commun - classification of master files RAMONNORIS Nomenclature Of Research In Statistics RAMONNOSE Nomenclature for Sources of Emissions RAMONNPIs Non-profit institution RAMONNPISH Non-profit institutions serving households Net SILC 2 1NPISHs Non-profit institutions serving households RAMONNPO National Patent Office RAMONNPV Net Present Value of Debt RAMONNQG NewCronos Query Generator RAMONNRME National Reference Metadata Editor RAMONNSA National Statistical Authority DARA 2NSA Not Seasonally Adjusted RAMONNSDS National Strategy for the Development of Statistics RAMONNSI National Statistical Institute RAMONNSI National Statistical Institute CoE on DWH 2NSI National Statistical Institute Net SILC 2 2NSI National Statistical Institute DARA 2NSI National Statistical Institutes MESH 2NSRSPSI National Strategy Reports on Social Protection and Social Inclusion Net SILC 2NSS National statistical system RAMONNST/R Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics, revised RAMONNTTS New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics RAMONNUACs National Urban Audit Coordinators (Urban Audit) RAMONNUTS Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics MESH 2NUTS Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics RAMONOADM Office Automation and Document Management RAMONOBT Online Booking Tool RAMONOC Output Checker DARA 3ODA Official Development Assistance RAMONODBB Outlier Detection Building Block RAMONOECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development RAMONOECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Net SILC 2 1Ofgem Office of Gas and Electricity Markets from United Kingdom. MESH 3OIB Office for Infrastructures and Logistics in Brussels RAMONOIL Office for Infrastructures and Logistics in Luxembourg RAMONOLAF European Anti-Fraud Office RAMONOMC Open Method of Coordination Net SILC 2 3OMG Object Mangement Group CoE on DWH 1ONA Other Statistical Authority RAMONONS Office for National Statistics DWH 2ONS Office of National Statistics (UK) RAMONONS Office for National Statistics (United Kingdom) Net SILC 2 2OOH Owner Occupied Housing (Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices) RAMONOP Publications Office RAMONOPP Own produced products Net SILC 2 3OS Operating System RAMONOSOR Open Source Observatory and Repository project for European public administrations (OSOR and SEMIC

merged into JOINUP in December 2011) RAMON

OSS Open Source Software RAMONOST Office for Science and Technology RAMONÖSTAT Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt RAMONPalop African Countries of Portuguese Official Language RAMON

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PANORAMA A Eurostat reference database - includes profiles and analysis of over 25 major industrial sectors, the current market forces affecting them, environmental and regulatory considerations and trends for the future


PARIS21 Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century RAMONPCC Potential Candidate Country RAMONPCT Patent Co-operation Treaty RAMONPDA Personal digital assistant RAMONPDB Provisional Draft Budget RAMONPDU Unit Development Plan (PDU = Plan de développement de l'unité) RAMONPEEI Principal European Economic Indicators RAMONPEGSCO Pan-European eGovernment Services Committee (takes the decisions on IDABC projects) RAMONPFM Product Family Management RAMON

PGPartnership Group (Group of Directors General of the National Statistical Institutes of the ESS whose mission is to further the development of the ESS through, mainly, facilitating the work of the ESS Committee)


PGI Principal Global Indicators RAMONPGTF2, 3 Partnership Group Task Force on Statistical Challenges (2) and Use of Resources (3) RAMONPhare Action plan for coordinated aid to Poland and Hungary (subsequently extended to the remainder of the

Central and East European countries). It comprises programmes financed by the EU since 1990 to assist with economic restructuring in the Central and East European countries.


PIAP Public Internet Access Point RAMONPIM Perpetual Inventory Method RAMONPIM Physical Implementation Model RAMONPIM Process Improvement Methodology RAMONPL Poland Net SILC 2 1

PLANe Electronic Planification and Monitoring System (the letters which make up the acronym have no meaning as such) RAMON

PLC Project Life Cycle RAMONPLI Price level index RAMONPMM or PM² Project Management Methodology RAMONPMO Office for Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlements RAMONPMO Pay Master's Office RAMONPMO Project Management Office RAMONPMR Planning, Monitoring, Reporting RAMONPNC Procedure for negotiation with candidates (Budgetary term) RAMONPNP Private non-profit sector RAMONPNPERD R&D expenditure in the Private Non Profit Sector RAMONPNPERDR R&D expenditure in the Private Non Profit Sector in a given year at the regional level RAMONPoC Points of Contact RAMONpp Percentage points Net SILC 2 3PPI Producer price indices RAMONPPId Producer price indices of the domestic market RAMONPPIx Producer price indices on the export market RAMONPPM Project portfolio management RAMONPPP Purchasing Power Parity Net SILC 2 1PPP Purchasing Power Parity RAMONPPPs Public-private partnerships RAMONPPS Purchasing Power Standard RAMONPPS Purchasing Power Standard Net SILC 2 1PQ Parliamentary Question RAMONPRGF Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility RAMONPrinCESSe PrinCESSe - DIGIT framework contract for printers replacement RAMONPROCOME Classification and Coding of the Purposes of Final Consumption of Households RAMONPRODCOM European Comunity Industry Production (statistics of industrial production) RAMONPSI Provider of Statistical Information RAMONPST Project Support Team RAMONPT Portugal Net SILC 2 1PTM Proximity Times and Means RAMONPUF Public Use Files CoE on SDC 3PV photovoltaic, referring to solar panels producing electricity. MESH lPV/X Present Value of Debt-to-Exports Ratio RAMONQAF Quality Assurance Framework RAMONQ-Conference Quality Conference RAMONQNA Quarterly National Accounts RAMONQPI's Quality and performance indicators RAMON

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QTM Quoted Time and Means (form to be used for specific contracts under a framework contract) RAMONR&D Research and Development RAMONRAA Regional Agricultural Accounts RAMONRAMON Reference Architecture for Metadata Online (Eurostat's Metadata Server) RAMONRBAC Role-based access control RAMONRC Reference Configuration RAMONRDBMS Relational Database Management System RAMONRDC Research Data Centre DARA 3RDF Resource Description Framework (Family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications

originally designed as a metadata data model. It has come to be used as a general method for conceptual description or modeling of information that is implemented in web resources, using a variety of syntax formats)


RDG Resource Director's Group RAMONRDIS Rural Development Information System RAMONRDS Remote Desktop Services RAMONRE Reference Environment RAMONRE Resource Efficiency RAMONREDESIGN Re-design of Intrastat (ESS Vision 2020 portfolio) RAMONREFOI Responsible for Informatics Training RAMONREGIO Eurostat database of regional statistics RAMONREGIO Directorate-General "Regional Policy" RAMONRELEX Directorate-General "External relations" RAMONRELOP Local Career Guidance Officer RAMONREMI Renewal of e-mail infrastructure (DIGIT project; in practical terms, extension of mailbox quota to 500 MB

and few other improvements) RAMON

REPROM Re-engineering the production methods of EU statistics RAMONRFC Request For Change RAMONRICA Réseau d'Information Comptable Agricole (FADN = Farm Accountancy Data Network) RAMONRIDER Interdisciplinary Research on Regional Development RAMONRMC Raw material consumption RAMONRME Reference Metadata Editor RAMONRMF Reference Metadata File RAMONRO Romania Net SILC 2 1ROS Research in Official Statistics RAMONRPPIs Residential Property Price Indices RAMONRR Rolling Review RAMONRTD Directorate-General "Research" RAMONRUE Restreint UE documents RAMONS&T Science and Technology RAMONSA Seasonal Adjustment SACE 2SA Seasonal adjustment RAMONSAB Sharing Advisory Board RAMONSABB Seasonal Adjustment Building Block RAMONSABL Seasonal Adjustment – Bell Laboratories SACE 3SACE Seasonal Adjustment Centre of Excellence SACE 2SAE Small area estimation RAMONSAEG Seasonal Adjustment Expert Group SACE 2SAF Structural Adjustment Facility RAMON

SafeGuard LAN Crypt Ultimate data protection enabling secure team collaboration while protecting against internal threats RAMON

SAM Directors meeting on staff and administrative matters RAMONSAM Social accounting matrix RAMON

SAMStatistical production system managing multidimensional data, oriented more to simple domains (Statistical Administration and Management) RAMON

SANCO Directorate-General "Health and Consumer Protection" RAMONSAPM Survey on Agricultural Production Methods RAMONSASG Seasonal adjustment steering group RAMONSAUG Seasonal adjustment user group RAMONSAUG Seasonal Adjustment User Group SACE 2SBR Statistical Business Register CoE on DWH 2SBR Statistical Business Register RAMONSBR-R Council Regulation on Statistical Business Registers RAMONSBS Structural Business Statistics CoE on DWH 2SBS Structural Business Statistics RAMONSBS-R Council Regulation on Structural Business Statistics RAMON

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Acronym Definition Source WeightSCB Statistical Capacity Building RAMONSCB Statistics Sweden DWH 2SCD Sub-City Districts (Urban Audit) RAMONSCIC Directorate-General "Interpretation" RAMONSCL Standard Code Lists RAMONSDC Statistical Disclosure Control CoE on SDC 2SDC Statistical Disclosure Control DARA 2SDC Statistical Disclosure Control RAMONSDDS Special Data Dissemination Standard RAMONSDG Sustainable Development Goals RAMONSDI Sustainable Development Indicators RAMONSDL Software Development Lifecycle RAMONSDMX Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange CoE on DWH 1SDMX Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange RAMONSDMX-DDI SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange) + DDI (Data Documentation Initiative) RAMONSDMX-EDI EDIFACT format for exchange of SDMX-structured data and metadata RAMONSDMX-IM SDMX Information Model CoE on DWH 1SDMX-IM SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange) Information Model RAMONSDMX-JSON SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange) + JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) RAMONSDMX-ML SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange) + XML (extensive mark-up language) RAMONSDMX-NA SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange) in National Accounts RAMONSDMX-RI Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange - Reference Infrastructure RAMONSDMX-SWG SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange) Statistical Working Group RAMONSDMX-TWG SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange) Technical Working Group RAMONSDMX-WS SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange) Web Services RAMONS-DWH, SDWH Statistical Data Warehouse CoE on DWH 3SDWS SDMX Dissemination Web Service RAMONSE Sweden Net SILC 2 1SE Statistics Estonia DWH 1SEASABS Seasonal adjustment package used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics SACE 3SEATS Signal Extraction in ARIMA Time Series SACE 3SECEM Procedure for encrypting or digitally sign e-mails for exchanging sensitive information RAMONSECH SECH Pilot Projects was a programme promoted by Eurostat in the Member States for development of

detailed statistics on energy consumption in households. MESH 3

SEEA System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (official name adopted by the UN Statistical Commission in 2012) RAMON

SEMIC Semantic Interoperability Centre (SEMIC and OSOR merged into JOINUP in December 2011) RAMONSEP Single Entry Point RAMON

SERT Business Statistics and Telematic Networks (Statistique d'Entreprises et Réseaux Télématiques) RAMON

SERV Shared services (part of the ESS Vision 2020 portfolio) RAMONSES Structure of Earnings Survey Net SILC 2 2SES Structure of Earnings Survey RAMONSFTC Standard Foreign Trade Classification (COMECON) RAMONSG Secretariat-General RAMONSGF Statistical Geospatial Framework RAMONSGM Standard gross margin RAMONSHODI Simple HOt Deck Imputation RAMONSI Structural Indicators RAMONSI Slovenia Net SILC 2 1SI2 See SINCOM RAMONSICON Secure Infrastructure for Confidential Data Access RAMONSICS Statistical Indicators Common Sites - e.g. Euro SICS RAMONSICTA Standard International Classification of Tourism Activities RAMONSIF Statistics in Focus RAMONSILC Statistics on Income and Living Conditions RAMONSIM Service Impact Manager RAMONSIMPLE Single Integrated Management PLan for Eurostat RAMONSIMS Single Integrated Metadata Structure RAMONSIMSTAT Single Market Statistics (part of the ESS Vision 2020 portfolio) RAMONSINCOM System for follow up of financial transactions in the Commission RAMONSIRE European infra-regional information system (Système d’informations infrarégionales européen) RAMONSISAI Statistical Information Systems Architecture and Integration RAMONSITC REV.3 Standard Industrial Trade Classification, third revision RAMONSJ Legal Service RAMON

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SK Slovakia Net SILC 2 1SL Statistics Lithuania DWH 2SLA Service Level Agreement RAMONSLIM Simpler Legislation in the Internal Market RAMONSLIM Simpler Legislation for the Internal Market - a European Council initiative RAMONSME Small and Medium-sized Enterprises RAMONSMS Statistical Metadata System CoE on DWH 2SMT Service Management tool RAMONSNA System of National Accounts (United Nations) RAMONSNA 93 System of National Accounts from 1993 (United Nations) RAMONSO Standard Output RAMONSO System Owner RAMONSO Support Officer DARA 3SOA Service Oriented Architecture RAMON

SODI SDMX Open Data Interchange (an alignment project under SDMX, a proof of its concept of data sharing, within the European Statistical System) RAMON

SOEC Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat) RAMONSoQ Sponsorship on Quality RAMONSORS Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. MESH 2SoS Sponsorship on Standardisation RAMONSOS Staff Opinion Survey RAMONSPC (EU) Social Protection Committee Net SILC 2 3SPC Statistical Programme Committee RAMONSPLUNK An IT tool which makes machine data accessible across an organization and identifies data patterns,

provides metrics, diagnoses problems and provides intelligence for business operation. Software to support system monitoring (


SPOC Single Point of Contact RAMONSPP-ABM Strategic Planning Process - Activity Based Management RAMONSpS Sponsorship on Standardization RAMONSPSS SPSS is a statistical software package. MESH 1SQ Sponsorship on Quality RAMONSRC Statistical Requirements Compendium RAMONSRE Statistical Regions of Europe RAMON

SRI = SDMX-RI (Reference Infrastructure based on the SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange) standard) RAMON

SS System Supplier RAMONSSA Supported Self-Assessment RAMONST AT Statistics Austria MESH 2STA Scientific and Technological Activities RAMONSTADIUM STAtistical Data Interchange Universal Monitor RAMONSTAMP Structural Time Series Analyser, Modeller and Predictor SACE 3STAP Statistics Accessibility and Presentation group RAMONSTATEL STAtistical TELetransmission RAMONSTATPUB Tool for publication flow management RAMONStBa (D) Statistisches Bundesamt (Statistical office of Germany) RAMONsTESTA Secure Trans European Services for Telematics between Administrations DARA 3sTESTA Pan-European communication platform; network alternatives like CCN/CSI (see this entry) RAMONSTET Scientific and Technical Education and Training RAMONSTI Science, Technology and Innovation RAMONSTL Filtering procedure for decomposing a time series into trend, seasonal, and remainder components. SACE 3STNE Statistics Telematic Network and EDI RAMONSTPFS Short Term Public Finance Statistics RAMONSTRIDE Science and Technology for Regional Innovation and Development in Europe RAMONSTRUVAL Structural Validation RAMONSTS Short-term statistics CoE on DWH 2STS Short-Term Statistics RAMONSTS Scientific and Technological Services RAMONSTS-R Council Regulation on Short Term Statistics RAMONSUF Scientific Use Files CoE on SDC 3SVC Statistical Value Chain RAMONSWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats RAMONSWP Statistical Work Programme RAMONSYSLOG System for follow up of training in the Commission RAMON

SYSPER; SYSPER2 Information system considered to cover all needs concerning the treatment of information for the Commission’s management of Human Resources RAMON

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List of acronyms 20 December 30, 2016

Acronym Definition Source Weight

SYSRES SYStème de REServation online de salles de réunion (BECH et JMO) RAMONTAB Technical Advisory Board RAMON

Tacis EU technical assistance programme for the Commonwealth of the independent states and the beneficiary countries hereof RAMON

TAIEX Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument RAMONTAPAS Technical Action Plans for Agricultural Statistics RAMONTARIC Integrated Tariff of the European Communities RAMONTAXUD Directorate-General "Taxation and Customs Union" RAMONTBP Technology Balance of Payments RAMONTCAB Technical Consultancy Advisory Board RAMONTCO Total Cost of Ownership RAMONTCO Transmission COordinator RAMONTDS Target Data Storage, generic database model RAMONTEG Transnational Enterprise Group RAMONTF PS Task Force on Priority Setting RAMONTF Task Force RAMONTFC Total final consumption RAMONTFEU Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union RAMONTFIDC Task Force on International Data Cooperation RAMONTGM Table, Graphs and Maps; presentation tool in the dissemination database RAMONTIC Technical Implementation Committee RAMONTMT Tree Management Tool (Application allowing the creation of hierarchies for dissemination) RAMONToblerone units Group of Heads of Unit in Eurostat with special horizontal responsibilities RAMONTOGAF The Open Group Architecture Framework RAMONTOR Terms of Reference RAMONTPP Technological product & process RAMONTQM Total Quality Management RAMONTRADE Directorate-General "Trade" RAMONTRAMO Time Series Regression with ARIMA Noise, Missing Observations, and Outliers SACE 3TREN Directorate-General "Energy and Transport" RAMONTRIS TRansport Information System RAMONTSA Tourism Satellite Accounts RAMONTSD Total Survey Design RAMONTSV tab separated values RAMONTSW TRAMO SEATS for Windows SACE 3TUR last resort tariff (Spain). MESH 3TUS Time Use Survey RAMONTWG Technical Working Group RAMONUAA Utilized Agricultural Area RAMONUDB Users’ database Net SILC 2 3UGESA User Group for ESS Statistical Applications (ESS = European Statistical System) RAMONUHP Unit of homogeneous production RAMONUK United Kingdom Net SILC 2 1UN United Nations RAMON

UN/LOCODE5 character code where the first two characters are the ISO 3166 country codes while the remaining three are derived from Recommendation 16 from the UNECE in Geneva, together with Eurostat supplied codes for ports not yet included in the UN system


UN/SPSC United Nations Standard Product and Service Classifications RAMONUNCCS United Nations Common Coding System RAMONUNDP United Nations Development Programme RAMONUNDP United Nations Development Programme Net SILC 2 1UNECE Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations RAMONUNECE CES United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Conference of European Statisticians RAMONUNESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP or ESCAP) RAMONUNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation RAMONUNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change RAMONUNFPA United Nations Population Fund RAMONUNGGIM United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management RAMONUNICEF United Nations Children's Fund RAMONUNIPEDE International Union of Producers and Distributors of Electrical Energy (in 2002 merged with Eurelectric,

and is now European Grouping of Electricity Undertakings, EEIG) RAMON

UNSC United Nations Statistical Commission RAMONUNSD United Nations Statistics Division RAMONUOE UNESCO-UIS / OECD / EUROSTAT (The administrative data collection on education systems, jointly

managed by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the OECD and Eurostat) RAMON

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List of acronyms 21 December 30, 2016

Acronym Definition Source Weight

US United States (of America) Net SILC 2 1USPTO United States Patent and Trademark Office RAMONUSS User Satisfaction Survey RAMONUTC User and Technical Committee RAMONU-value a measure of thermal efficiency of walls MESH 3VALIDATION Common data validation policy (part of the ESS Vision 2020 portfolio) RAMONVAM Norwegian Research Council Net SILC 2 3VAT Value added tax RAMONVBB Virtual Blue Book RAMON

VFAX Virtual Fax RAMON

VIG Vision Implementation Group RAMONVIN Vision Implementation Network (network of high-level contacts in national statistical institutes for all

Vision related matters) RAMON

VIP Vision Implementation Project RAMONVIP EDC Vision Implementation Project : Enhanced Dissemination Chain RAMONVIP ICT Vision Implementation Project : Information and Communication Technologies RAMONVIP SICON Vision Implementation Project : Secure Infrastructure for Confidential Data Exchange RAMONVIP WINS Vision Implementation Project : Web Infrastructure for Statistics RAMONVIP-SICON Vision Infrastructure Project on Secure Infrastructure for CONfidential data access DARA 3VOA Valuation Office Agency from United Kingdom MESH 3VRM Validation Rule Manager RAMONVSS WINS Virtual Statistical System RAMONVTL Validation and Transformation Language RAMONWACS Web and Audio Conferencing service RAMONWAEMO West African Economic and Monetary Union RAMONWAR Weekly activity report RAMONWB World Bank RAMONWBS Work Breakdown Structure (Project Management Methodology) RAMONWCO World Customs Organization (former CCC - Customs Cooperation Council) RAMONWebinar Web-based seminar RAMONWG Working Group RAMONWG Working Group DARA 2WGSC Working Group on Statistical Confidentiality RAMONWGSC Working Group on Statistical Confidentiality DARA 3WGSIM Working Group of Statistical Information Management RAMONWHO World Health Organisation RAMONWHO World Health Organisation Net SILC 2 1WI Work Intensity of households Net SILC 2 3WINS Web Infrastructure for Statistics RAMONWIPO World Intellectual Property Organisation RAMONWP Work Package DARA 2WSC World Statistics Congress RAMONWTO World Trade Organisation RAMONWTO World Tourism Organisation RAMONX-11 Seasonal adjustment software SACE 3X-11-ARIMA Seasonal adjustment software with ARIMA SACE 3X-12-ARIMA Enhanced seasonal adjustment software SACE 3XBRL eXtensible Business Reporting Language (a language for the electronic communication of business and

financial data) RAMON

X-DIS XML for Data Interoperability in Statistics RAMONXML Extensible Markup Language CoE on DWH 1XML eXtensible Markup Language RAMONXT-NET External Trade Network RAMONYPSILON Young Professional Statisticians Induction And Learning Offer RAMON

NotationIdentical definitionsSlightly deviating definitions for the same Acronym Different definitions for the same Acronym