action research for teachers

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Post on 06-May-2015




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A look at all aspects of using Action Research to monitor impact of using ICT in Education


  • 1.The Teacher Researcher
    • Action Research Explained
  • Thanks to Fiona Grant for a lot of the content in this presentation

2. Taking the time to reflect critically on the things we are doing in our classrooms is perhaps the most effective thing we can do to ensure that what we are doing is having the desired outcomes, and is changing our practice in the ways we want it to."(Wenmoth, 2007) 3. So teachers can focus on what interests them as teachers at a level appropriate to them To put teachers in the learner situation where they are also engaged in inquiry To challenge and/or confirm our beliefs and assumptions as teachers To have time to talk and share with colleagues about teaching To contribute to the knowledge pool in our schools, our cluster and our profession 4. Teacher professional developmentThe Traditional View Workshops and meetings Focus on Teachingnot LearningAssumes transition of knowledge from Expert 5. Teacher professional developmentThrough Action Research Class based research Learner has knowledge to build on. Based on learners point of view 6. What are you going to do and why? How will you know when you havesucceeded? What steps will you take? Have you considered your own skills andthe experiences of your students? Will you need extra support? At what time will you complete each phase of the project? 7. S pecific In order to raise oral language skills, selected children will each create podcasts about the book of the week using Garageband which will then be published to the class intranet page using iWeb. This will be done every week for a term. One Possible Example 8. M easurable Children will be selected for this project based on low attainment using JOST (Junior Oral Language Screening Tool) They will be tested again after one term and compared to a similar child in another class not involved in the project to judge if this project has been a success. 9. Action Plan 1. Test children considered at risk using JOST. Take the lowest achieving five children to be part of this project. This is mirrored in a class not involved in the project. 2. Children are given time to discuss the book of the week in class and the project children are encouraged to answer key questions about the book and develop vocabulary appropriate for the book. These sessions are recorded as podcasts with children able to re-record as necessary in order to have a good model of themselves to listen back to. 10. 3. Project children listen back to the podcasts and are asked to comment on how well they responded and how clearly you could hear them. Other children are asked to listen and provide feedback. 4.At the end of the term, the children are asked to listen to their very first podcast and their last one and focus in on how they have improved. Their comments are recorded as a podcast (digital assessment object) 5. At the end of the term, the five children involved in the project and the five similar children not involved in the other class are tested using JOST and comparisons made. 11. R ealistic Only five children involved (though if successful, this could be widened.) School has agreed to some release time for the testing and analysis Access to the laptop pod means that more than one podcast can be completed at a time. This project may be changed to span two terms if it is deemed that one term is not a large enough sample period. 12. T imeframe 1.JOSH testing completed at end of previous term and children chosen. 2.Podcasts to be completed between Monday and Thursday each week with children asked to self-assess and choose a peer to assess on a Friday. 3. JOSH testing at the end of the term to be completed by the end of the Week 9. Final child analysis of how they think they have improved over the term to be completed during the last week of term and recorded as a podcast as part of the project. 4.Results shared at staff meeting at the beginning of the following term with other classes deciding whether or not to begin similar programmes. 13. 14. How can internet resources via a data projector, be used to enhance learning within the Visual Arts curriculum areas? 15. To view a variety of painting styles including realism, impressionism, expressionism and abstraction. To provide a suitable range of vocabulary to enable children to communicate their ideas about what has been observed. To extend their learning through the physical means of painting. F ocus 16. What are effective strategies for using learning objects to enhance my numeracy programme? 17. Seeking out appropriate and relevant learning objects at Digistore. Building an organized list of learning objects in the eResources section of the school intranet. Developing effective management strategies to make the learning objects an integral part of learning in maths. Supporting children to locate and navigate the right learning objects. F ocus 18. How can I provide an extension Mathematics programme for a gifted group of children through with the support of ICT? 19. Set up a computer enhanced mathematics programme for children working at level 4. Work alongside children to create individual Wikis and links to online resources Each child will reflect on their learning and use teacher-monitored links though their personal Wiki. F ocus 20. How can I provide an extension writing programme for a gifted group of children through the use of a wiki? 21. Set up a computer enhanced writing programme for children working at Level 4. Work alongside children to create individual wikis and links. Each child will reflect on their learning and will use teacher monitored links through their personal wiki F ocus 22. How can the digital learning objects be utilised more effectively by students for independent activities during reading time? 23. To organise the reading digital learning objects so that they can be easily integrated into reading times for groups to use independently and also that they are being used to support the specific learning and teaching. F ocus 24. 25. Types Structured Observation Standardised Interviews Tests Questionnaires Types Anecdotal observation Open ended interview Documents and artifacts Research Diaries (using blogs?) Characteristics Data may appear as numbers Data takes one form - response is determined by design of collection method. Characteristics Data appears as words Data may take many forms - field notes, documents, interview notes, tapes etc 26. What are we hoping to learn from the data? What are you hoping to learn from using this particular data collection strategy? Is there a match between what we hope to learn and the method we chose?are we collecting this data? 27. What different sources of data will allow us to learn best about this topic? What previously existing data can we use? How much data do we need to really learn about this topic?exactly are we collecting? 28. Are there any limitations to collecting the data? What support systems need to be in place to allow for the data collection to occur? Are there ways to build data collection into the normal activities of the classroom?are we going to collect the dataand for how long? 29. Have we built into the plan collecting data at more than one point in time? Are there strategies we can use to easily observe and record data during class? Can you afford the time to gather and record data using the strategies you have selected?are we going to collect the dataand for how long? 30. Are there data which can be generated by students? Is there a colleague who can observe in your room or a student teacher who can assist with data collection? What can you do yourself without it being too overwhelming?is going to collect the data? 31. How will you collect and display the qualitative data/the quantitative data? What plan do you have for analysing the data? To whom will you present what you have learned? will data be collected and displayed? 32. 33. Name and background information, school, level Your question and why you selected it. You might include a statement about why this is important to you and your educational philosophy if relative. How you collected and organised data and the results. Dates, themes etc List of references if you used any. Feedback on challenges at any stage of the process Guidelines Some ideas to include in your report: 34. Guidelines Some ideas to include in your report: Changes you've gone through during the process including insights. Conclusions what have you found out and your interpretations Reflections on assumptions that you might have made prior to or during the study Feelings, intuitions not encountered in the study 35. Guidelines Some ideas to include in your report: Future directions:What recommendations would you make to colleagues? Have you formulated new questions? Do you have any ideas for implementing change in your practice? Reflection on the action research process that is separate from the topic 36. Post presentations online toSlideshareorAuthorstreamfor others to view Make a video of the process and post toTeacherTube Use a blog for reflection during the project and to share results. Perhaps have Cluster Shares afternoons at different schools. 37. 38. Teachers need: See for themselves Necessity for Change 39. Teachers need to be: Supported 40. Teachers need: that things work 41. Teachers need: Time out from the classroom 42. Teachers need: From management Encouragement and Interest 43. Teachers need: 44. Advice for schools includes using: To reduce teacher frustration and support them In-class Modelling 45. Advice for schools includes to have: Support Structures in Place 46. Advice for schools includes to link between: Action Research Projects Staff Appraisal 47. Advice for schools includes: For staff to read materials related to their project 48. Advice for schools includes: Scheduling meetings to share and discuss projects ICT Action Research Staff meeting 49. Advice for schools includes for management to: Expect teacher reflection (electronic where possible) 50. Benefits include: Improved teaching and better student outcomes Improved teacher confidence due to evidence based teaching 51. While teachers hold initial concerns about additional work involved in action research projects, these tend to dissolve as teachers realise the benefits these projects have on their practice and the enjoyment of their profession.