
SIMPLE PAST The Simple Past tense is used to describe actions that have happened at an earlier time and have already completed, When the verb is regular, the statements are constructed using the infinitive and they added the ending “ed” (or” d” if the infinitive ends in “e”.) To express a denial last time, you need to use both regular and irregular verbs, auxiliary in the past did not + the verb infinitive. Structure Subject+ verb past + C Example: Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. complete the sentence in simple past using the correct verb (use, paint, need) The teacher ________________a red pencil to correct the exams. answer the following questions of the movie. 1.- Leah use that to see her that was in the trunk? a) Leah used paint b) Leah used water c) Leah used her hair

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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SIMPLE PASTThe Simple Past tense is used to describe actions that have happened at an earlier time and have already completed, When the verb is regular, the statements are constructed using the infnitive and they added the ending ed!"or! d! i# the infnitive ends in e!$%To e&press a denial last time, you need to use both regular and irregular verbs, au&iliary in the past did not ' the verb infnitive$StructureSub(ect' verb past ' )E&ample* Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. complete the sentence in simple pastusing the correct verb (use, paint, need)The teacher ________________a red pencil to correct the exams. ans+er the #ollo+ing ,uestions o# the movie$-$. Leah use that to see her that +as in the trun/0a% Leah used paint b% Leah used +ater c% Leah used her hairSIMPLE P1ESE2T To con(ugate the present simple use the inifnitivo #or sub(ects 3I3, 3you3, 3+e3 and 3they3 and another #or 3he3, 3she3 and 3it3, +e added a 3.s3 to end o# the verb$StructureSub(et ' verb present ') E&ample* 4e eats$Change the verb into the correct form, I usually 555555 "go% to school$ans+er the #ollo+ing ,uestions o# the movie$Irregular verb2ounany verb +hose past tense and past participle are not #ormed by adding .ed, .d,or .t to the present tense, a verb that does not #ollo+ the general rules o# in6ection$A verb in +hich the past tense is not #ormed by adding the usual .ed ending$ E&amples o# irregular verbs are-$ sing "past tense sang%7 8$ #eel "#elt%7 and go "+ent%$)omplete the #ollo+ing irregular verb "9E:I2% Began Begun Bought Brought Begun Beginans+er the #ollo+ing ,uestions o# the movie$-$ dracula did +hen he died his +i#e0