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    AD NUMBERAD394095


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    TO:Approved for public release, distributionunlimited


    DoD Controlling Organization: Departmentof the Army, Office of the AdjutantGeneral, Washington, DC 20310.

    AUTHORITY15 Nov 1978 per DoDD 5200.10 documentmarking; Adjutant General's Office [Army]ltr dtd 29 Apr 1980











    15 Nov 1969 per DoDD 5200.10 documentmarking




    WASHINGTON. D.C. 20310


    AGCA-P (M) (31 Jan 67) FOR •T 8 February 1967

    SUBJECT: Operational Report - Lessons Learned, EQ, 18th Military Police



    1. Forwarded as inclosure is Operational Report - Lessons Learned,

    Headquarters, 18th Military Police Brigade for quarterly period ending

    S31 October 1966. Information contained in this report should be reviewedand evaluated by CDC in accordance with paragraph 6f of AR 1-19 and by

    SCONARC in accordance with paragraph 6c and d of AR 1-19. Evaluationsand corrective actions should be reported to ACSFOR OT within 90 days ofreceipt of covering letter.

    2. Information contained in this report is provided to the

    SCommandants of the Service Schools to insure appropriate benefits inthe future from lessons learned during current operations, and may be

    ._ adapted for use in developing training materiil.


    ,5, vt 1 Incl£ t a!s KENNETH C. WICKHAM

    Major General, USA-DISTRIBUTION: The Adjutant General

    Commanding GeneralUS Army Combat DevelopmentsCommand • .US Continental Army Command

    Commandants n O" US Army Command and General Staff College

    US Army War CollegeUS Army Air Defense School Regraded UNCLASS37IFIUS Army Artillery and Missile School when separated fromUS Army Armor School CLASSIrIED


    US Army Chemical School

    US Army Engineer SchoolUS Army Military Police SchoolUS Army Infantry School Reproduced FromUS Army Intelligence SchoolUS Army Medical Field Service School

    Best Available Copy- US Army Ordnance School

    US Army Quartermaster School

    US Army Security Agency School

    i (Distribution continue-d on page 2)

    SECRET-~ ~ '~02 657


    DISTRIBUTION (Cont d)US Army Signal SchoolUS Army Transportation SchoolUS Amny Special Warfare SchoolUS Army Civil Affairs School

    Copies furnished:AgGstant Chief of Stsff for Force DevelopmentResearch Analysis Corporation



  • TO: Deputy Gomr:2afl6 rw General ?United Sta~tes krmy;, VietnamnATTN - AVC.-4T if A' LAiG 96307I


    as (U) GENRAL.: The poriod covared by t~his c~paraticn roport isfrori 20 May 1966 to 31 October 1966.~ It is diJvided into tho followingM11jor tiuc periods:

    (1) 20 M~ay 1966 to 19, Awsust 1966. During this period, thobrigrido w'ýs ur,;,nizcd, trý-inc-0 ý,md c"uippod at Fort Goorgo 0. Meado,Maryla~nd's

    (2) 19 ý'ugust 1966 to 25 Soptonbor 1966. Thu brign-do nodeotho ý4inistrativo move fron:r. Fort Mord~c to tho Republic of Viotnoai andproparoc! for tho -issixiptiorn of tho cotmw'nd tanc control of all r-ilitarypolice comibat service support operations within the theator with theaxcu~iptinn of those .arcas undor the control of t-wtic-J. units.

    (3) 26 Scptornibor 1966 to 31 Octobor 196. The brigado iasuuedccnn1mnd nnc control of assigzned ralitary polico groups and tittachadunits on 26 Sc~ptcnbor 1966. This oruý-xization provirdes miilitary policeconibrt service support to US Army taictical, -iýxiinintreitivu, logisticalnnd instct.llaticn ccuxiadors throughout tho Republic of Viotnan.

    (4) Tho reportin3 periods cow7or 165 Clays beginning with theassitjnmont of porsonnol on 20 M-ýy 1966 at Fort Murv~o, Maryl.and. Ofthis period, 31 d-Lys woru; spent in prop'xý * ti(fl for deployment; 31dtroainin,,; 14 days pro-2cploynient lo-io; 22 days travol from Fort Mootdoto RVN; 36 days, copratiý n J. The ron.-indor --f the tinc is accountod pr

    byS~y idhlidays. I

    G3-S--66Group 4HQ 18TH MP TIDE AVC.6436" (;Z$Dwidda ea n~a

    AV B Dccla~sitied after 12 years

    _Cvjk,9- 0 LPAlT b DOD DIR 5200.10jPAG~L~OKLPACES

    Inclopure 1 1


    AVBJG 15 NovGbor 1966

    SUBSJECT" Oporttionnl Roport For Quartorly Perind Fcling 31 October1966, ACS CSFOR - 65 (U)

    (5) On 1 Juno 1966, the Institute of Heraldry, Dopahnoant _,f

    the Arny, cuthorizod a distinctivo shoulder sloovo insignia for tho 11

    Military Police Brigado. Action was taken to procuro patchos ind ro-coipt is pending.



    (a) (U) Department of the Arry message number 756636 dated,3 March 1966 provided the authority for the activation of the 18th Mili-tary Police Brigade.

    (b) (FOUO) On 20 May 1966, the 18th Military Police Bri-gade was activated at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, under TOE 19-262F,dated 5 February 1966, with an authorized strength of 16 officers, 2warrant officers and 37 enlisted men, General Order Number 21, Headquar-ters, Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, dated 14 April 1966 activatedthe unit effective I June 1966. The effective date was changed to20 May 1966 per General Order Number 27, Headquarters, Fort George G.Meade, Maryland, dated 19 May 1966 (See Inclosure I =d 2).

    (c) (U) On 14 June 1966, an activation ceremony was con-

    ducted with the Co~mwding Officer, Fort George G. Meade presenting thecolors to the Brigpde Commander.

    (2) (U) ASUGNMNT

    (a) The brigade was initially assigned to Headquarters,First United States Army, and remained so assigned until 17 Auguat 1966.

    (b) On 17 August 1966, the unit was relieved from as-signmAent, Headquarters, First United States Army and aesigned to theUnitud States Army Pacific. On 18 August 1966, the unit was furtherassigned to United States Army Vietnam.


    (a) The unit was initially attached to Headquarters,Fort George G. Meade, horyland and further attached to Special TroopsRagiment, Fort Meado for dll purposes.


    PALA0-.Z AE

  • UNCLASSIFIEDA WVBGG 15 Novmbor 1966SUBJECM Operational Report For Quartorly Period Ending 31 October

    1966, 1CS CSFOR - 65 (U)

    (b) General Order Numoer 35 Headqi•artors, Fort Goorge G.Meade dated 15 Juno 1966, relieved the brig O.c from ttta, chmcnt to Hoad-quarters, Spocial. Troops Roegient effective 15 Juno 1966. The bais forbeing relieved ffrom the attr.chmant was due to the briL•ado being; on anequal level of cc-P, •Al its Sl•ocial Troops Rogimcnt (See Inclomuro 3). TheIHHD, 16th Militarý I ICo Gioup was attache. to the brigado for all purposes.

    (4) (U) COL'kID

    (a) On 1 Juno 1966, LTC (then Major) Edward K Broken-rido Jr, assunod tomporary crand per General Order Number 3, Head-quaortors, 18th lIilitory Police Brigade, dated 1 Juno 1966.

    (b) On 10 June 1966, COL Thcn.-.s F. Guidera assmuod cormandof the brigade per General Order Nunber 2, Headquarters, 18th MilitaryPolice 1 Brigade dated 10 June 1966.



    Upon rolief fron attachanent frou Special TroopsA;iCnont on 15 June 1966, the brig.x2eo assunod responsibility for riain-taining its own porsonmol mnd financial rm.cords. The S-1 and personnelstaff NCO uaintoinod th0., records mnd POR/PCM processed assigned personnel.The naintenanco of the records Lt the hcadquartors proved convenient inth,'t the POR/PCa orientations, iruzwinzations and record chocks wore in-corporated into the unit's tr.tining progrem and pormitted flexibilityin roschodulin6 training subjuots for POR procossing. This procedurealso eliminated transportation require.ents which would havo boon neces-sary to visit the pcrsonnel support -ctivltios. Thý. avdlability of therecords at the brigade headquarters providedO the personnel with imnodiatepersonnel and financial -cticns, which wculd not have othorwiac boonavailable.

    2. Cno other nrobl.ýu encountered in the POR processingrf personnel was the nonavailability of blank forms required to campeotothe processing. Quantitios roquir&' wore not always availab•c through theFort M4codo publication stockroon mnd it wa'.s necessary to visit other por-sornQl sections or units to obtain the required c riounts.

    a. Another ut'.dnistr-tivo problui uncounterod atFort eoado w".s that there were not anwugh IIrn rcjul-tiona available forissuu to newly -ictivatod ui• ts. Although the suipporting publicationsstockroom was cooperative in Lryin., to, hoot (Iui inds, it did not alwayshaivu the rquirocd itL..i or had an insufficiunt quantity. It shculd be



    AVBOG 15 1Novaber 1966SUBJECT: Operntion Report For (2urxrtorly Poriod Endina 31 October

    .1966, I,'CS OSFOP. - 65 (U)

    roquircO. that public-,tions porsonnol have 1rrior imowlcd-o of units ar-riv~i6a, or boin,~ activ'~tcd to uin-:blc thena to requisition in i(Wancethose rogtlr'tions necossary to orga~nize a hoadqurtrtors and those formsnocosartry for POR processing, The unit onco it is established, couldthen rocoivo accounts for pinlpoint distribution.

    A0g In ft.ur inst-ncoa, orlors v,- ruc,.%X v',Qx -~EN to the brig


    AVBOQ 13 November 1966SUBJECT Opsrational Report For Quarterly Period Ending 31 October

    1966, RCS CSPOR - 65 (U)

    £. Two E4, MOS 8IA1O (Jraft=Wn).

    One E3, MOB 36UlO (Switchboard operator).

    &. A personal visit by the Brigade S-i was made tothe OPO Enliutel Assignment Branch Department of the Anay on 14 Jwae, todetermine the status of filler requirments, Status of fill could notbe provided at that time since all the fill data cards had not been ro-ceived from the major ccmands. Constant liisoon was maintained withthat office until 14 July at which time a formal requisition for un-filled positions was submitted.

    $ The unit had recoived two EM who wore duplioateassignments against tho same OPO Control and Line Number. Ono was re-tainod to occupy the vacancy created by an U1 of equal grado who was re-assipned due to being non-POR qualified for medical reasons. One otherEA was malasuignod to the unit. Necessary action was taken to reporthim as surplus and ho was subsoquently roassigned.

    J. By the timo the unit was ready to deploy, one ofthe two draftsmen had boon assigned and assignment instructions had beenrocoivod for the Radio TT Team Chiof and the switchboard operator. (Up-on arrival in-country assignment ordors woro availablo for the seconddr,1tman). Tho only position not fillcd by D& against fillor r6quire-monts was the E6, Socrctary-stono (This position was filled from in-country rosourcos).

    7. Tho only porsonnol loss that the unit roalizodagainst its authorized strcngth was an E8 MOS 76K50 (Supply NO0). Anow physical profile disclosod him non-doployablo and he submitted anapplication for rotiroment. No problom was encountered in this area sincea woll-qualifiod E6, 76K,40, was avalable to fill thie position.

    .4. Tho unit h•'d a fiold artillory surveyor, MOB82C10, who was curtailod frcu his assignmont In Europe, and assignnd asa draftsman, MOS 81A10. Upon arrival, roviow of his records rovo o.od thathG did not possoss any qualifications or oxperionceo a a draftmsa No-cossary action was taken to reasaign him.

    (6) (u) INTELLIGENCE

    (a) TOE 19-262F states that tho intolligonco officor is



    AVBG 15 NovGnber 1966SUBJECT: Oporational Report For Quarterly Period aiding 31NOctoberSOctober

    1966, PCS CSFOR - 65 (U)

    a part of the Brigadc Plans and Oporations Section. While perfonxing asan S-3 staff i-,ibor, nocossary action was initiated. to insure 'that allstaff membcrs wure cloar•d for accoss to classified defense information.Security lectures wore presented as part of the POR/POM training ro-quiramonts with mandatory attendance rcquircd for all personnel.

    (b) Goneral Order Number 6, Headquarters, 18th MilitaryPolice Brigade dated 4 August 1966, made the Intelligence Officer aseparate satff officer ro )orting dircct':r to the Chief of Staff.


    (a) (U) Brigade porsonnol comaencod tu extensive four weektraining progr.n under the direction of the S-3. The progron included ro-quirod ' ORp PCMOJ¶T and selected subjects, based upon anticip 'ted pro-ficicncios that tro personnol could noAd when the unit deployed.

    (b) (U) The four week training program was increased tosix weeks upon the confirm-Ition of the unit's deployment date. Additionalsubjects woro added which would increase the unit's proficiency infield operations and nero tine was allotted to OJT (Sao Inclosura 4)

    (c) (U) Personnel participatodin aCPX to deterrine theunit's ability to function in the field prior to deployment. The unitwas classifid as doployablc.

    (d) (U) OJT wvs utilized to familiarize the sectionporaonnnl in theý spocific field of operations to which they wore as-signed. Dra-ft rogulati(ns nd SOP's wuro prepared which wouJld be used Asa basis for finol ruproduction, once the contents wore modified to fitthe situation in the tfoater.

    (c) (U) Training of signal personnel on authorized TOEoquipiaont was ncn-oxistont bcatiso scigntl equipment came in just priorto dcpirture. Atteapts were •ado to obta-in similar equipment at FortMu,•do, but nonc w's avnailable.

    (f) (FOUO) On 21 Junu 1966, Lcttcr Order 89-2, Head-quartor-s. F~rt Meade, was publishod directing the unit' s permanentchange of station. Thc uniit's equipment readinoss date was ost-,hlishudas 23 August 1966 and lersonncl roedinuss date as 9 Scptuxbor 1966.Based upon a roquirwi.nt for the unit to ,rrivo at its overseas destination



    AVI3GG 1.5 November 1.966SUflJ .CT; Voerational Report For Quarterly Period -ndirig 31. October

    1966, fiGS CSFOR - 65 (11)

    oarlleor -than prograyii.iced, the oquiprient rncsdntL, ,,nd personnul.readinoss date wore, changý,d to 1 mnd 18 August 1960', reýspectively(Soo Inclosuro 5).

    (8) (U) LOGISTICS

    (a) Hu-tdqu-Lrtcrs, Spec~ial Troops Regiment had thG pri-na~ry responsibility for l~ogisticalJ support of the brigade to include pro-paration of initial requisition, opening o.C property books and esttablish-.mont of an expendableý supply aeco nt. The support and cooporation re-ceived from~ the S-4 section of Special Troops was considered as atde-quate, Because of the nuriber of units Fort Meade was activating, soraiodolay waýs oxpericrnccd in obtaining TOE property. Whcn the final move-meont date of the brigandi wQ5 pushed fon~arcI almiost 30 days, it was nc-cessary to s~ek coaam~d support in order to obtain ccrt-L.n items suchas rAdi~o and vehicles prior to departuro for R\TN. As a result, nothorough chock out of equipmeont w-.s made through actual WMT use.

    (b) A r',ther serious problen was oncountered in ob-taining DA publicit.ýons ý.~nd a supply of blank ferns. Certain logisticaldata andl rucords wore iiiproperly perclbecause of tho absonce of thesepublications. Much tine -zx! effort could be saved if -. ccr~iplete stockof regulations, publications and blanic fox-,.is were ruaklily -ý.vnilablc forissue; to Lny unit sch(eduled for deploynent. A& newly -ictivated( unMit willwxperience considecr.-ble difficulty in preparation of requisitio'n -n(1shipping documeints if these ferns %nd, regulations are not 'Ivailablo.

    (c) The bulk of theý brigade' r, TO,;' aquipiuent, includ~ingvchiclcýs, was ccnvaycd fron Fort 11caod to Nc~cfolk, Virginia on 12 Au--gust 1966. It was loaded in the vu~ssu, Trans York, en 15 August 1966 anddep.7rted Norfolk for RVU on 16 August 1966. The. remaining equipen=t ituIscairried by the maidn bod~y aboard ship.

    (di) Brigade~l pe-rsonnel were issued winter (,),ar such -ýs.SIleping bags ,ind overshoes aýs paýrt of thdJr peraonal cquipi-icit. Thisissue, of personal1 cquipmeunt was unnecessary boca-use of thu weatherconditions which _ýxist in Vietnam.

    (9) (U) INFORMATION: Gene.ral Odr Luinb~r 6, floadquairters,18th Military Policu, Brigade~, d&,tted 4 Auigust 1.966, ustablishedx ani In-for~iation Officer as a scp-ratui 8taff officcr r(.-.orting directly tothe. Chief o~f Sta~ff,



  • 15 Novcsber 1966SUBJEhCT: Operaticn,,l Report For Qu-rterly Period Endina 31 October

    1966, RCS OSFOR - 65 (U)

    k U) 19 AUCGUST a.966 TO 25 S-,TAE 1966


    (a) ovauent cf Vhe brigade head~quarters was cbnon in tw'Cjincroiacnts. The advance party ccnalsting cf the BriLgade Cormjtuder,, S-3v$-4, S(G4 and Operitions "'GT departed Furt Mcvtde on 17 August 1966. ThoBrigade Cciriandoar stoppoUý over ii. Hawaii for a briofin.1 by the USARPAC andU52.tV ±?rovost 14arsh-'as. Thu', renaindT-r of the party arrivedl in RVN on 19Augst 1966 followed1 by the BriLjide Comi-nd7er on 22 Aýugust 1966.

    (b) Tho uai-i body '"-p-xtoC. Fort Meade -.t 0130 hours IS.iU,ýust 1966 ar~r'ivinf, at ]Thltiraorc. Friendship d.rpcrt ait 0200 hours, itC. ,"rtee. tho airpo~rt at 0300 hours, EST, arriving aýt Oaklanmd :.irport at0505 hours, PST. Perscnrol were loadeQ. into bussoýs 'nO, trarisportocl directlyto tho Oakland ArmyV Termincal.

    (c) tft 0730 hours, the brigade boardod. t oe USN,-. UFSURt.Tho Brigade D,-' uty Cormamnder assurmcd dutics as trcop corn. "nflcr aboard7the ship. Thu brigýado was the first unit to board the vcsso1 tnne. C~i-pr'isod' the voy-. go Ltafi which o~rUanized the cribark~'icn of the units aindachc(7 ulox troop d~uties, On 20 Aug.ust 1966, the UPSHUP.t departed' Oakland.On 5 Soptonbor 1966, tho vussel aýrrivedC at Subic B-'y, Phi:Lippines, fcrrefuelling. Li-berty wa-s grantuC to the troops from~ 1000 hours until1600 hcu,'S. At 1900 hours, thu) UPSHU1% (dcpartod Subic Bay for Victnau.

    (W Durinr, the voyag~e,, the personnel staff NCO broughtthu porsonnel. rocordts up to date by posting the dIate of departure frouCGOLUS -xnd port of embarkation. He also prupared the: .Xurust paýy vouchersso, t~h -t within three (lays ~ftcr arrival in.-country, 1,. personne-l couldreceive their ,ugust D)ay. Other untitlienonts which couldl not be pro-ccsse(I prior to Cup-rtur,. frcn Fort ilc'-.o weor rod2onue curing th,h voyage,ipr~cessQý! )fter arrival an" p-ay -action acecnpl~ished.

    (o) Traininj- cunducted( abc-Lrd! qh¾. during; the novernent toKVý,C(nfoiltu' (,f daidly hysic-l tr!-inin- ,n(1 cfficer/cirNCd-

    cu3sioil purleuis ais inlic-tu_(' In Inclosurc 6.

    (f) On the ovu;n~iri of 7 Suptmibor 1966, thu UPSHUR arrivodIn Vuim, T-m, UVL. A'i xoxlý.i'tcly 11330 h(,urs, 8 September 1966, the ii;7.-nbueld (iubcnrkced, waos tran .ui rtc to shore in LCI' s, truoku-1 to Vungý, Thu_irfilodc wtlj;iu t(- Tan S3on N-hut Air B~ase.


  • AYBGG 5i lNova.,bor 1966SUB"ST- OperatIonnl 'Report For Quortcrzy Poriod Erndlg "I. October

    1V166, M5i CX5FURl - 65 (U)


    (a) Prior to tbhe arriv~a of thc main bodfy. p orsox-noa ofthe rdvanco p-xty roccivoe, brir.iiugs, workoc- with counterparts of tlv- 189thIdilitrary Polic~c Group, -pla:nned for and receivedl office, an bile o'ing opricot-md prop-7.rod t'~ose :,emms £c~r tho nrival of thie main body of personnol.During this pori rAd th,., Brigado Com,-Lnjidor ind the S-3 -visited mailitaryPolice unitts within RVN Land r~ecivod oriont'ýt~onsi on rilitary polico mis-siens bcing-1 perforni-. throughout the country. No scrious probleus wereencounterodt eurin- this period of tirac, Cooperation ý.n assist-vice of the89t~h Military Polico Group rumi~ Iotxluarters , b'SUM, rom cutAtanding.

    (b) Main bc.NV personnel beýgi-n to finfaiiz living -md workingftillicis co~~ncod by, the odvrnce party. Construction yiý.cassry to the

    off i ,ixil. opertion of -the brAig-%L(k w-Lo began on 19 Soptuabor 1966. Itincludod gen'-rriJ modifica'tions of the headquarters buildings, a conferenceroon Z.nd a secv'rc area for classificd nateri:1l, AdditionnI tolophonos',ain intercom systc..ýia nd lightinpwr 'ded

    (c) Acco..nipmic L'ilt oquip~Žent -rrivod at Vung Tau on3 Soptombcr 1~966. The cqulpimot wi-i off-loadeod to birgos and brought toSaigon, ThQ Log3istic.% TICLO and Roadqu-trtors Dotachxacmt S~upply Sergeontworo loft with thips eq-i~p-net ond. ecompaiod it up-river to S-igon.'Thi~s procedure insured tho ý-ifo *oind proimpt tranxsit of TOE prqparfty,. Theprcvu;rv of noving tmd unpackinfy, of imit TOE. was n. coordinaýtcd effoirt andno sorie 'o dcl-ýy or protlim ware oneotmntered.

    (d) On 2'2 Septemaber 1966, GonorL!l. Order N'umber 5785 waispub3 ishxd by HaqatsUX.Vas-signing the 31.6th Millita,-ry PoliceeGroaup ruind the ',(,th Rii1It-ry Pontiou.ý' Grcup'% tf. the brlfýigad effactive27 beptciiber '1966. This monr-cl ordcr w~~1asm arkond&, to cha-ng-3 thooffuoctivo date to 26 S3>ptoiaoer 1960 (See imclosux~c 7 'UX 8).

    (e) The brigado coimunrieaticono secti.n ca tabli shod an AýMadotoletypo netupn uivt in-country with the 504th Ki] i tary Polime

    Bittoaion -(nd theý 16t'k lMilit~rry Policc 0 rcup. Thia net was cst*iblLhodxfor the purposie -)i ptrissPng brigade oper-itionn.1 and xoiministrative traffic,MCI f~or IlSARV soeriouo, Incideint renerts to b riga' C.duar"Is

    Dri rn14e s.9tmdling; oigivO. Instr~icti cot(r ) wae pro e .mcl :. -iix~o toIl ~i~ilit-vry ~1eiunits in ]Uh( IkC


  • A1VBCwG 15 N~ovem~ber 1966SUBJLCT: Oporralina3. Report For Quarterly Period Lnding 31 October

    1966, RCS CSFOR - 65 (U)

    (g) The brig.~do switchbo-,rd wasi established' as an in-terna). corixuni cation systc~i, Loci. linos w,ýro set up betw,.on the bri-gado rind the USAiRV PMO whilo a trunk line wa.s costiblishbd tc the 89M1Military Police Group. The group ox-tended the trunking systemi to two oftheir military police battalions laiprovingr on mind lightening the load onan already ovcrloadued AIrpy sw~itchbo ~rd system.

    (h) Duritng this period, all stiff secticns continued ne-ccssfary org;naiz 'ltion 'ýnd coordination with hijhor =nd subordin-.te hoad-

    q-u~irtera- in propirrttion for boconing oporational. USA.RV publicationswerc, racolvcd irnd brigade rogulaticns, circularsp mrzoaorandtuis and re-pofts wore propaired.

    d,.~~T~BR16 O3 OTBR16 PRTOA

    (1) ()A~SRE0

    (a) Kay personncl assignments .md1 dopa'rturcs:

    .1. 1KJ Paul Trina, 21 October 1966, from Bdo AdIj toJst Log Goa-d,

    O. PT Claude S Owen,, 2? October 1966, fron S-1504+th Milit: r-4 Police Bn tc, Bdo S-1.,

    2. CT Donrad Grocnwald, 27 October 1966, from AsstS-3, 716th Milit.-ry Police Bn to Eda Traffic Control Officer.

    SCPT~ Rudd Johnson,, 5 October 1966, frci,:. S-1 95thf. ti-itry Plce'jc En tc last AIAJ .

    5. CW2 JruIos Maguirc., 26 October 1966., fro;m Forts Off,7lbtUh Yiilit',ty Polie En 'to Bdu Porn Officer.

    ~.WO B~illy J Far-row, 26 O)ctober 1966, froma Bde PorsOff tc. Pers Off', 716th Milit-ury Police, Bn.

    ?~LI Charlos Dralo, 15 Saptoubor 1966, fron. Lide, toB '11601 1Miitity Polico Bn.

    W. SFC Johr Krancehjck, 7 Octobw-r 1966, frolm Wed Trnf-fic contro~l to Mh-dlc-a hc~~oit CN~S

    2. SF0 Da-%rro:1 Quillen, 19 (ocuoP- 19)6, frcr, 90thR~up Bn tc Edc IS-h Soctdun.


  • AVBGG 15 1r*ovcnbor 1966SUBJIXT: Oporationci. Wuport For Quarte Cly Period E~nding 31 Ootubar

    1966, iicb csOr.m - 65 (U)

    (b) ý,Icjsar-'- Nui-,bor .AVHG.X-& 29566, fluac'.qu-.rtcra, (JSARV,2iuthorizud tho Bri-,vdu Go m:7nder to award th.. 1Puxpl Heart to raenbors ofthe ccrmrand, .Alfootivo 1 October 1966.

    (c) On 13 Octobe-r 1966, mn ýITOE was subriittced to Hoad-quarters, U6bARV. It roquested approval for q~ pcrsonn-,l soction, an in-forr~iation soction, an intcllitgercc socticn anti -n incr- ae of porsonnolin the S-i section -in(,' Hcý,dqu,-rtcrs Dotachnenmt. .ý a maa~or commaindwhich includeos two groups, scvcn b-'ttalicuns -zid nunbcrous dot-'chx-ionts,the current authorizcd personnel strongth of the hcifdqu.-trtor% if, not. vuf-ficicmt to nect the rcquir.ýýaents in the arcaa of into11iacncc, infer-Li-.ticn, civi~c iactions :-.n(2 gnra pesne-1diisrtiv(. -ctiollB.Total pcrsonrol increase of 3 officcrs and 18 Eli plus oquidp~unt ru-quiro.Cl- to support sirac wcoe rcqucstýC.. ,pprov-a fur thy. HiTOE in ponflinj:.

    (a) On 26 S,.pturnber 1966, the bri;,ndu issu-,t QCl~-Order Numbar 7 which asinc.all organic sop'.rato units t( suh rdln A(grcups r-md battcLions (See Inclosure 9).

    (c) The brigado conducted a study of provint V1tc vaxssignucnts within the cocinvind. Thc -ourposo cf this study w-a t4, In-stituto rxi iif'usicn progr~in which wouldO insu~ru -mn ordurly -Lml ,,r Oi %Iropl-iccatcnt of key comzid -'nd sttff pormcnri... Thc InfuIoltor priii{riUplqcod r.-cently promoted officers in -xuthorlaot!Ip'icGo rc)r tho fiI it, wstriggcred the c.Lfoct of rotaition IActes on oubozrIinn't uni ts jid ~ :in thc, ovorall career dolclvlopnnt of isi,,,od officers.

    (2) (U) IN2ZaIGEQCZ

    (a) Tho ectablishnont of rm S-2 sactIcn pr-vill' th-brigade witl% the oporatic~naJ. flexibility roqu~lrW~ for tho ;t'thurin'j; rimejdCseeoi-ination of intolligunco inforiv'tion cf coiintur-insuripmeuy jeusrotllvvithin RVN.. In ruc'ditionr -i noro noiipruh1onaivo intollig~cmev prt~,r~uirosponsive tc thL briijodo's sup~port i;Assion uvolvod,. Thg brivp1 r,coivud tlic following; dclogaticn of 2uthnrity fr(,i Hwulvqu-Irturei, U,',d'V1

    ~.Grant, vuspcnd, deny and rtvok, Cojnfir .,.t~m iur rw..

    ~.Gromt Intoriri Sucrct ind Trp Sucrot. clouirnoc&.

    Vndai(:ntc 01l clo-arnnce;- to -inc] inclu~i,'n! Top SotrA.

    k. Authorize crypt~og~raphic accuso to, ~id inc]ýAdng, T C1p

    j,0 /1CLSIPACJ'ý' /A G E

  • .SECRETAVG 15 Novonbor 1966SUBJPiCT: Oparationvni Ruport For Quarterly Period Ending 31 October

    1966, RiCS OSFOR -65 (U)

    Secret. This ý.uthority w'.s further dao,,c-itci to the two 14Pl groups inorder to ruc~ucc the tixic J. :. involvod in the procossin-, of cle:.rc'Jncos:oriý;natod at br.ttalion vndl cc.ipany level.

    on(b) A rcqu,;st for intelli,-encc 0ntt'x- "d --.utloriz -.tior. tobo 1,31-=d on 1CV J-2 distribution list w-s subr.dit~tx1e throu,'h ULZARV toMIACV J-2, Intelligonco infox~xition was rccciv,ýll throuEgh thc USA.RVWJeokly Intolli[;cnco SumImry anxd weekly :.-ic;.ing-s of intolligonco toe-prmuontativeo of units .2nd all,:neis throug;hout thc Capita-l M~ilitaryDistrict. Portinent '):%rts of this inforration woro di~ssain!Atd through-out tho cormand tc suborein 'tQ units. Tinoly intelligencmc briefin[gs onthe onx~.Iy situ ticn -'.nd indications of futuro onemy aoztivitios wor-. pro-antC to tho comm~dor -'ne st--IT by the S-2 section,

    (3) (S) OPEPV-TICTS

    (a) (S) Prior to 'this hc-adquaýrtcrs baconing, opera-tional inVitnxi U,. 89th Milit-ry Polica Group w-'s taslcud for nilitary policesupport by USARV OiL kS. Sinco the o-pr".tions were nearly conaplctocl,this ho,,dqu-irtcrs 01id not issue; written implmornting instructicns; however,dic! iaimwu responsibility for succossfful ccmpletion. OPLANS in ofcoctVOTOo t

    1. (S) OPL'N No 78-66 (Operration ',0BIN) (U) datodl 10Juiy 1966, period covxre 7 ..ugust - 14 October 1966. Mission:

    Z., Provido SC~urity for shipping a.nd portsof (luI Nh,.n, Ilh 'ir'u'ig, C:-i~ 11 nh Bay, Vun(g Tau, ksaigon Port and Vung, RbDahy d~uring duba~rkin:, -'-anC procussin,- clf personnel anm uquiprmont of the4th Ir~f jitry Division.

    P. rovicdo tra.ffic control cmn! s;cu~rity forncvem~unt of ccnvedyf thrcuir;h thu for-xicriti~ nod ports r7's o'quiroe. totilur (I itinitic~n (r t~zintOlocatI~ois.

    J. (p5) G, L'.IV No 61-67 (Opcratioii ST'I3LE) (U) dated 15July 1,L66, c'.idcvovred 5 boptw:ibur - 9 October l)S66. Misnion: ce.-t.blish trf fic cui~trcl and. rcyviL!L eo.curity for LuOV,-Zlnt Of confvoys of9Lh Inf!,ntry Divisiaon (-fliitý. Hors..) RCK, through Nhi 2ranjýCari Ri nh Baoyto Tuy Hon, Ninh klo-i, Dcr> La 11..n.

    1. (U) 011LJJ No 63-67 (Opjcr-a~oii MEXDOWLJUC) (U) datod15 Jul.y 1966, 1),.;ic-d covorod! 7 Soptemiber - .30 Suptunbor 19%6. Mission:ý,rcviWo n,ýccvE-.ry B~curlty andl tr-ffic ccrntrcl for m~crv,:Inont of 11th AnxrorjCav.-Ury flc.Liu~rt' 0 oquili-mnt *r.I Sairon eIrt tr the st-tý;n2 ?aroa ;:t


  • SECRETJJDGG15 Ncvumbo: 1966

    SUBJAJTs Oporuitiunal Aop(urt FPor .ugarturly Period inding 31 Octobor

    A. (a) U11ial~ Nc 64-67 (Uporction 14tA) (U) dated 5 1966, ,uriod covorud 16 Soptcnubor - 19 October 1966., issicni Pro-vidc nw-ousbaxy' route security and trcffic cý,ntrcl points for movomont oftroops and oqui,?mont of tho Philippine Civic "~ction Group Vietnam(PIla GV) through baigcnr to Tayj 1inh.

    (b) (ýý) Td.'is hoa~dquartors was tasked 15y U~S.RV (,zL" 65-67(Operation lLC~i.) (1J), datod 21 October 19669 )oriod covored 16 flecoribor- 1 Fobruxry 1967. M4ission3 A'stablish traffic control points and pro-vido security for novmonert of tho 9th Infantry Division and associatedunits through daigorý/Vung Tau to Nhon Trach, Long Thanh Korth and PhuMy. 01LX 1-66 (Operation MML) 0U), this hoadquartors, dated 23 Oct-ober, tasks tho 89thi idlitary Polico Group with ixaploraontatiun. Cit-uaticn maps aix'. 1iro~x(ss charts proprexd for control at this By the t inc this headquartors rocuivod the U&.RV (JlkI"N, +,hy15th Enginoor Battal-ion of thc 9th Division already had arrived and do-picyod to the prc6T-r#anued area in thu vicinity of Bear Cat.

    (a) (U) ?,crco dovol-o~raont compirisod an important and ro-curring part of the brigaO.ol la lomning thrc~ugout this samo poriod. Thoua~ligitcnt anC1 roi si$uio~int of units prosontly in Vietnam and thojo

    schoe.ulud to arrive was Clirocted tciward roro officient use of militaxypolice ousoutcos. Thu *jrogramu.~d forco structure is at inaolsuro 10and )rolposud unit loocaticne zrt inclosuro 11.

    (d) (U) HIN, 1J-.R, soumd rusponsibi1ity for thu US Force.prisorwr cf ý,~ program on 26 beptumber, 9ffoctivo thu sazae date thebrigado was c~ssiencd theo uissiL.n of ovazuating PWs Cmpturad by Ud Foroesfrcr, divisiý, o.lluoting 1points to AMkVIN oW amps. Procedures wora outlined4n ucgsevgs tc the 16th and 89th 1-ilitary Police Groups. Thoso promaedurus hrave been refined based on methods usAd during actual avao-uationo nC'l r brigadu 30 was ,ruparodo To data, brigade units have oveto-watud 229 1Kb, the bulk of those captured during Oyoriatiqr IRVING oon-ductod in the Phu Cat naountlaina north of %ui Nhon. It is anticipatedthat futuro oporatiLns will inroramo support roquiromnts for movement of

    Wc (U) The; role or th. brigr'do In oonfiriemont was thatOf uIcIidtorinq tetivitia cnt the UbfiJd& stockado. Tho 557th IýLlita~ry P~ol-ice Ounpyany (Guard), tho supiporting guard compWn, is a brigade unit sub-oi~incrte to the 95th Military Pclice Battalicn. Tho stcolwdo is to booverntua'lly coennaied by tho Long Binh Po:st Coerumndor. The IProvost hiax-ashal 179th Iiilitary 1-clice Dotachrient will then acot as his ý)rcvostivarshim., pcrKdiný th1x ostabliahnont of a FM( position anO. the assigm~ontof a !ýM to thu post 00'a sta~ff. Staff siupurvision of the is re-ta-inod by UWLRV. Thu Brigado C, ,inanduor is kept infortioA of rll pha~soof stookado ac~tivity, visits the sto~kadot and proposoe actions concerningits oporatiozi to tho !Y1, b6-t-



    A VW 15 November 1966 /4tWBWCTs Operational Report For Quarterly Period Ending 31 October

    1966 ECS CSFOR - 65 (U)

    (f) (C) The 720th Military Police Battalion, cmmandedby LTC Glen A. Hill, arrived in Vietnam during the brigade's operationalperiod. The battalion consisted of a battalion headquarters and lettercompanies A, B. and C. Their arrival on 19 October 1966, increased themilitary police strength in-country by 21 officers, 4 warrant officers,and 567 enlisted men. Presently located at Long Binh, the 720th is sche-duled to become operational on 15 November 1966. At that time, thebattalion will immediately take over the commitments of the platoon fromthe 560th Military Police Company at Bion Hoa and the squad of the 148thMilitary Police Platoon at Xuan Loc. The battalion's mission will bethe enforcement of military law and order to include control of trafficand stragglers, circulation of individuals, protection of property,escort of military prisoners, handling of PWa, operation of chock points,route security, convoy escort, combat support of II Field Force Victortactical units, rural pacification and to provide a rapid reacticn forceupon request.

    (g) (U) On 25 Septembor 1966, the 212th Military PoliceCompany (Sentry Dog) became a soparate coi.ipauy under this command. Theunit presently has 12 detachments operating throughout RVK.

    1. A problon of parasites lowering the quality otdog food shilmonts was substantially reduced through ccntinued inspoc-4' ns by the veterinary units of the "4th Medical Brigade and the 936th

    terinary lotach-iont.

    •. Repl:comonts from CJVUS for gentry dog handlerscontinue to bo divertod to Okinawa, USARFAC Sentry Dog School for 30 daysTDY-training prior to arriving in Viotnam.

    ,. Closo coordination between the USARPAC SentryDog School, Okinawa and the 212th MiLitary Police Company continued throughtho reporting period. Plans for a supervisor training course and a ra-freshor training courso wero inltiatod during the last quarter. At pro-Mont, only the rofrosher training class haa boen actually held withsuporvisora' classos scheduled in the near future. Close coordinationhas resulted in bettor underutinding of the use of dogs in Vietnam andsentry dod and dog handler training in Okinawa has been enhanced withparticutlar omphasis on lossons learnod in V•tnam,

    J. A roquiromont for a small lightweight man trans-portable radio prosontl•y exists on oach man-dog post. The present AN/PRC25 is Wo hoavy Wcd interfores with tho carrying of a weapon and the con-trol of thu sont.•y dog. % radio with a 3 to 5 mile capability of trans-niasion, cumposo4 of light material, and substantially reduced in uise isdesired. USARV has boon roqucetod to provide tho smaller PM-4/PRT-9radios for utilization on a trial basis.


  • '2 AVBGG 15 Novonbor 1.966SUBJE~CT: Oporaticnal Roport For Quarterly Period FMndinc 31 Octobor

    1966, RCS OSFOR (U)

    (4) (U) LOGISTICS

    (a) Yi-o~ross ccrtiiiuod' en ,prof ,.rin,.,j the hoatdquirtors -2ndbillets aroa to :.iott cdhsiroC. specificaýtions.

    (b) Supply -ccounts ancl i.iprost fun(7s wcr,- ost2.blishodwith aippropriate agencies.

    (c) BiLg,.do regiUltions neces'sary for logisticzil oper-ations and reports wore publishod ind disaorinatod to subordlinnte units,

    (di) The provont-%tivo :;iaintonanco progroxa for tho bri-

    gndo w-as ost-ýblishoxl and gPiven co,ýY-nd onphasis.

    (o) Justification for issuo of tho Com.mdico "ruorod Ve-hideo, V-100) waýs sta±?cJ1 for suh-1-ission to highor hc-Zqu-art1 ors. Vo-hiclos, if received, will ho usedL to revilt o tho presont armcr-protectodjeops which presently -ire bui2Ig utilizc:- for route, escort and' convcysecurity.

    (f) TOEL cqulpi-ont sent as the bulk shipniont aboatrd thevasoci Tra.ns York aýrrived -t Baigon Fort on 29 October 1966. Do17y wascauseW by boiler prcblons rn thu Tr-ns York.

    (5) (U) INF~rI'tTION

    (a) Tho infer. i-tion progrmn for the bri-e1 rmd' subor-din'-.t. units w".a initi'tud. x~ruoa reie'so woro coordin-itod with thoU5*.V a.nd MACV Officu- of Infori-tici). Infcr..iation -uidlance -mc! pol~lcioxwore disoe in-itodI to tho ccii.i-nt.

    (b) Thoa Civic ',ctir n Pro~rrr.i -nd rul~orting procc~uroawere cochlin'tud with aul.irdirv'te unite.-

    Cc Prlir-rAi, nou ind coordin-ttic n for thu printing oftho nionthly brit;do nowol)apor woru initi-ýtod. The first Inoue Ins che-cluict! for public-ition or. 30 lkvciibur 1966.

    PAGE.Lý ovi-Z, PxGP

  • UNCLASSIFIEAVBGG 15 Novonbor 1966STBJT3XT: Operationna. Report For (2uarterly Period Zndin(g 31 October

    1966, Itcs OSFOR - 65 (U) /



    PR .'_T I


    APO NL04BE1

    Itcu: Failurc to rocoivc; APýO nuribor prior to doploymont.

    Discussion: The unit wis infornod prior to its eloploymcnt tha~tit would bo furnishcd -.r APO nunbor by sop'~rnto corraiunication. Thnatnutibor w28a noever received prior to (7oployflont, or officially after airriv4lin-country,

    Observations; PreITT. tho A.O niuribcr prior to doployriontwould h-tvc anblod porsonnel to prcvid'o their f~ni~lics with -.n -ippro-priato radling; ad(!ross, in orCer to h-wo n-11l w-aitingl for then upon arrivailin-country. A1s n result of thoi current MA policy, individu-le imodiatOlyracoivod a Lgroat donl of junk j-ii2 forw-.r;'oA f'rom their fonior st-tions,but receivod nc: lettars fron their f--;iiliu-s for over a mcnth.

    Items Iriti-I DA publicaitir-ns -md Blank Forn-i.

    Discuasir nt A nowly ictivitkid unit will enccuntor eola. inthu procuxrimunt of oqilkipA nt ,i u.,pu)riunco difficulty in sUhipinc; a-quiptx1 nt, unloes -in and coniploto stock of nocussary MA publi-c-tic .so '-,x Ldaxnk fornis r~rc cn h .nd or Uij d'-to of -ictiv-%tion.

    (1) Public ticns roi -tvdLablu 't depots lonoýtod in B-atirioro,Ilnr'yl-nd the ..(, ,ubliciticri esitur, ind bt L~uo, Missouri.

    (2) Th, or-onsorini, (,at should na-ku proviad~n for the timelyr..quLisit1' n of roqulruC' publioctiund 12 to tho arriv'-2 of unit par-aennol.

    (3) Thaa,' public'itions i ~d fonins 'c oeasonti~d to oxpoditoU1op)oynlnt of wil4ts tcO RVN,

    Ob'iorv:-.tAonas >r.ts whirch &soncm.- w its achcxlulod for deploynantto RVN~ be advisocx of this roquir(c.-!int rxrt et t-zkn to 4pgoure prcanptcliatri~bution of Ml public:uticna -mnP0 tcrna.

    PACYZ_ý fnF.-471 PACES ICA IN


    AVBGG 15 Novmaubor 1966SUB3JECT: Oporation Roport For CQuirtcrly Porio(l amding 31 October

    () ~1966, RCS CSFORl - 65 (U)nEV%~I Go . D NG ORDfERS

    Itca:; Failure of ccri-nnds to -,uYcnd or rcvoký. orOcors and fur-ni~sh copies to units rccciving) initi-.d crC:,crs.

    Discussion: In four instances orclers were roccivec'. assigniný-;EM to the brig,-.,, who failed to report on their reporting daites. Af-ter waiting thu roquir,;d five diy period, queries wore sent, to the losinLgunits. In two cases the or~cýýs h-id been rcvokoL., andl copie.s not furnishodthe initialý gaining corz-nC.n. The thir' case rovealecd thr't 04 had, beenrucyclaC in tra~ining and orders ha.d not bee.n ~rncnOed. Thu fo~urth caserevealod tha-)t EM was still at his Oluty stati-n boycnd his departurc onc.reportin[; date to his flow unit. No axpl-naticn eculdl be furnishedý -sto why EIJ was baingl rctainX.

    Obsorvaýtions: Th't losinr- corm~inC s are uct rcvclkinG or a-ncnCding; orders in a tiucoly ra-aner -rnc furnishing copics t( 'genicLatha-t wore. on distribution of the initial orders,

    b. PI!. M None.

    c. M.1990N ",ND OP.Q..IZATION

    Iton: Trainingl rcquir'enonts.

    Discussicn: Tho unit'r c oparxtur,, d 'tc was adrvanmced aftertho training prrofl-rfln h-41, been initi-itu'. POR/POM subje)cts, however, h-4feri.i"( the initill p~h-,s. c- the_ trinin;l :rx)LjroT.i aind did noý suff or byth. cutbick in tri-inin- n, cuasitatecC by an ý)-arlior dop-irture dnto.

    Obsorvntiezns: Units tt be 'ctiv-t ' in thea futurc sh, uld in-isur,. 1OdA/PCM a.nd Cory..-nc'or cir'subju.cts .rL. schc,(ul:O,( cearly In theCunit's rljorati n-l prupaýr'iti, ns, sc as to ixiiuru -icoqu'tc cciiplcioi,sL~luld Oej iloynont datoe be, NIViiiel-A.

    0. LOGISTICM3 Non,'

    Iton: Pt-cpxr ti n of Sign-i3 Oporatin,l Instructions (scli) aUldSt "uinAm bcir-1- Instructions (SSI).


  • AXI3GG 15 November 1966SUjBJJO'T: Oporational Report, For Quartcrly Period Ending 31 Ocetober

    1966, hCS csFoR - 65 (U)

    Discussion: ThQ SCI contains specific instructiens for the oype)r-ation of comrun~icr'tions systems and the SSI contiins instractions ox-pl-ainin-, theý use of theý itkms incluce. in thc. LGI. TUpon ari~,thorcis little tine.1 -walabl, tc'wv into thu elaýboraito propar 'tions requiredto propi-ro thc; S01 and SSI and put thor.i into juriediate offoct,

    Obserwations: .'n adOva-nco roquost shculd bcrde to hifgherhL-4qu~artors for ai cc-,y of their SOI and SS1, so thAt substantial stepscan be t-uIcon towards coý.plction of -.t least --ovonty-fivo (75) per centof both docuients.

    PRTW I I

    a. ffiRSONNEL

    (1) That Dupy'rtrient of the Amny ra-enphasizc tc maijor com~-manndrs the kiportirmcc cf tin~o:ly rvowcation of or nnendmont to orders,m-d prcvidinýý '11 activitiuýs cn the ori~inal crdors with erpics cf cha-nges,

    (2) ThatL inotaula--ticns required t( support newly -.rrivec. oraIctivatced uni.-ta, inclwlke publicaticns stockroctas or (2aýcts in theirpla-nninf, ",CtiVitiLS, t, insure th-t requiroc' ro.-,;uati, ns MO. fL rriscan bc oxirocre and ro e~n h-ind,

    (3) Th it all units bcin:;, coployc%2. bL -dvimeQ. cf their :',.Onunbor Ipric.r t(- the, unit' s Llcp-~rturo froni C0IHUL, in crdclur tc maintain a veryi:-tpart-int ior-doe facter~.

    (4) Th-t icticn bý t ýkcn t( iflfoxz¶ ccrru~imiors, wh( "ro ro-quircd' to fill roquisitic~ns, t~h't porsciinol app~led aJntthcao re-quisitic.ns be qualifi,ý,. tfe porfcem in tho MOS ag~ainst wunich 'ýppliukl.

    c. 2TL-INING .'ND(&jATIA: cu

    jikIT;LLICjJENCF, N~ rnc




    AVBGG 15 Novmnber 1966SUBJECT: Operational Report For Quartorly Period Ending 31 October

    I 1 1966, RCS CSFOR - 65 (U)o. LOGISTICS: That units doploying to Vietnaon not bo oquipped with

    um nncossary winter gear such as sleeping bags ond vovr3hoo3.

    .41 Inl 3 tROBERT J KRIWANEKas , , / COL MPC

    Deputy Co+rmandorDISTRIBUTION:



  • Predeplhyrmnt training condutted dung the period 20 June 1966to 15 August 1966 at Fort Meade, MarylaMx, pla, c emphasis on those sub-jects required for PO4/POR by Department of the Army. Additionual subjectswere added at the direction of the Brigade Ccmmander, A complete listof subjects taught, including number of hours, is shown below. Asterisksindicate mandatory FOM/POR eubjecta.


    a. CSR and Nuclear 2*b. Perimeter Defensec. Sentry DutySd. Sanitation I

    e Jungle SurvivalP. Ambush Drillo 8*g. Evasion and Escape 1*h. Lansons learned 1*i. Misc Material and Summary 1*j. Oversoas Orientation 2*k. Qual &id Fam wv/pistol cal .45 8*1. Qual and Fero w/rifle M-14 12*m. Character Guidance 1t Physice'1 Training i0qo. Tent erec'tion 2p. First Aid 4q. Communications procedures 4r. Driver T'raiinig 6

    t. L Fading and Urdoadint 7t. CUmmander's Time 22u. Operational Traulnn 86v. Security Orientation 2w. Code of Conduct1x. Arty Fire and Adjosmtent

    y. Opereational Readinas8 Te•tz. Qual and Fam w/RL 3.5 in 6

    aa. Qua? and Faro w/MG M46C 12bb. Q-al and Ftl w!/GL M-79 (40 amm) 6

    , This test was developed to test perbomwel reactions to situaliornwhich might ar3se in Vietnam.

    ,- .; / / IU N C LA S, F IEO I'A L ._ - ._OZ£

  • UNCLASSIFIEDTraininit Conducted DurinR M

    (U) Training tonducted aboard the USNS USSHUR during the movementtn RVN consisted of daily physical training and officer/senior NCOdlecussion periods as indicated' lmelvw:

    a. Infilitration, Partisan and Guerrilla Warfarei.

    b. Casu4lty Reporting

    c. Th~AM

    d. Administ.r.Ation of Military Justice awd Discipline

    a. Psvcho2.ogical Warfare

    f. Military symbols

    g. Estimate of the Situation

    h. Operation Orders and Reports

    i. Conference Data

    j* Confinement of Military Prisoners

    k. CBR/Riot Control Agents

    1. Traffic Control

    m. Intelligence Dissemination and Use

    n. Public Information

    o. PW Operations

    p. Physical Security

    q Serious Incident Reports

    B Both officeis and enlisted received instructions on the M-16 rifle,the 14-60 machine g'tzi from units of the 2d Squadron, 11th ACR.

    UNCLA"SWi) 1 ED 0

  • ( 04"St stuO Of ciwrent ... r.gth ... dmission A tt the owrent disp ttions wre no longerthe =et dWSIent. Proosed location v Ktasions of pr•oent progr••mwdImits are MMM below

    16th MP OP Hha TxW

    93 NP Bnqui Nhon

    66th HP Co (GD) Wui Mhon Physical iecurity (QuiD/58 Inf (GD) (/) Qui Nhm IHhon Supp4rt Conand,(one plt fres D/51 Inf includes vessels, depots,will be attached if beaches, pipeline, piprequired) station san9 ASP

    127th HP Co Qui Nhon Edercesmnt of militarylaw, orders and regulationsto Include traffic controland patrolling on Hwy #1(Relieves Co C, 504th MP Br

    97',h HP E Cam Ranh Bay

    630th NP Co (Lae GD) Cam Ranh Bay Physical security (Cam Ran)(MM0S ubmitted to Bay Support Comiad) and tVprovIAe a 1w and order enforcement of military lavcapability) orders, and regulations.

    Includes Dong Ba Thin area.

    llfth HP Co Nha Trang (Co HQ, Enforcement of military lai.lot pit) ord,,%r and regulations toPhan RMan (2d flt(-)) include protection of pro-Da Lat (4th Sqd 2d Plt) perty. This kkesmNeeoe-Ttr Au(,'10 PIt I-)) ments of MB Con, 504thBan Me Tnhout (0,h N9, MP Dn. (When the 630th MP3d Plt) Co is reorgatised it will

    share the missions now •assJignd to the li9th MP Co

    ReHgoad unclassified to For OfficialUs, Only, 60 days after arrival of last

    PAiMt in-couPtry.

    CON•FIDEN'TIAL PAGE:+['..+Z____(.,__2'_I+I.. PAG•(:ES+


    0/52 inf (CID) Cam Ranh Bay Port and vessel secerity to6/51 YhI 00 C) Cam Ranh BayInld w04,(oneitt wiL II1 be

    £I if x quretZ)

    C/5,4 ými TNy Hoa (No WQ & lot Security of air fiolds, de-Pit) pots ani port operations•'Phan Hang (2d Plt)Nba Trang (3d Flt)

    5041th )0,,i vi HHIM Bn k•- will dieplsce to Eforcement of military law,PleFts from Qul Mhon orders and Jim 67. b~hasis on route security,

    N evacuation6 cotsat Sup-A Co Coriwany will didplac pert to units of FFVI, rural

    ýo Pleiku from Mta Trang, pacification and a rapidDong BU Thin, Phan Rang, reaction force for comatinkand Thy Hoa by Jun 67 VC road tax collections.

    C Co Qui Whoa (Co HQ)An Kb. (Det)

    177th MP Det ('M) Qui Nhon Oper&te PM office north oflatitude 13 degree•30' N(Subject to change)

    179th lip Pet (•R) Cam Ranh Bay Operate PH office south oflatitude 13 degrees 30'N(Subject to change)

    89th MP GP S•igon (Long Binh)

    92d H rP S 34Son

    1,th WT Co Saigon Port ant vesel oecurity300th MI• Co Saigon in support of 4th It (Tml).(p..y sec) Iincludes Saigos Port, PNha£/52 inf (04)) Saigon Do, Now Port, Cat AIi, Cogi.(.1"? Inf (Go) 3%igon do and Vung Tau and voenei615th MT Co, 3d H.t Saigan sact.ity while In transit.

    Co • (Phy Soc) V g Tau Port YAN voesso secur±ity(upon ictA v adtt.-I. will.relltve the J560th MF C: 0



    i~• • ... . .... . ........ ..• ... .. . .. .. .. % ........ . ..... . . .... . .. . * • . . , : .,, • , INLA , . .. P• '• " - ' •: -•. .. .._•


    4') 95th "rP Bn Saigon (Long Hillh)

    56Oth MP Co Co HQ will dirplace to Enforcom6:t. of military l•aw,Vung Tau from Can Tho orders1 &nd rmgulationsoand the 2A pIt will die- Will provide Intransitplace to Tau from veaeel sociwlty untI thoBien Hoa. unnumbered MP Co (Phy Sec)

    Vung Tau (let PIt) im activated at Vung TautCan Tho (3d Plt(-))Soc Trang (4th Sqd,3d pit)

    148th M1F Plt Saigon USARV F security (Will bereduced to normal strength& relieved of Zuan Loc &

    convoy security irnssions)

    91st MP Dot (Conf) Long Binh (attached to Admlnistration of stockadeLong Binh Post)

    557th MP Co (VD) Long Binh Stockade guard

    249th 04 Dot (Ross) Long Binh Stockade support

    D/57 Inf (GI) Long Binh Depot & area security

    716th MP Bn (w/3 lettered Saigon Enforcement of military law,Conmanies) orders and reglilatione.

    Static securitr at installa-527th MP Co (Phy See) tions and billits wlthbin HAC615th MP Co (- 3d Plt) area of responsibility(to be detached and (under opcon of HAC). The

    assignd to the 720th 527th MP Co (Phy Sec) has91 B) been relieved of Twy 1A


    720th MP Dn (w/3 Long Binh (with Dot in Operational 15 Nov 66.leotArnek Coo nies) Bian Hoa and Xuan Loc) griforcemmnt of military law,

    onders, and regulations.Emphasis on route senurlty,convoy escort, PW evac,Qombat support to units ofFFVIIJ rural pacificationani a rapid reaction forcercr coyabating V'C road tax

    u7th MI' t, (PM) Dieim Hoa/lnm RLx:h Operate A Pet 'ov&ir•ng IIIC7


    18th M? 34c Unite

    212th 10W Co (30)

    IThe it~ h detaemento iM ely O$loper.d throuhout RVN a• iniicate~ibelow.

    2. A PloikU 6 Cu HollowaypStorage Areas3. B W Man 6 Nthon SC p Cod, Depot & ASP14. 0 An the 6 it avDiv, Depot &ASP5- R Me k3 5th SF, Depot

    6 o Bih5 3d Ord Bn, ASP7. C So No Thut 4 Installation, K)L, ASP, and

    airfield8- J Da tat I 362d Sig Co, TBROF Site9. T M Rang 3 Phan Rang Spt CGrd, POL & ASP

    10. S Ca, Tho 3 Installation, airfield11. L Sw Trana 5 Installation, POL, ASP and

    airfield12. M Vlnh Left 3 Installation, airfield13. F Vu Tau 7 Vmg Tau Spt Cmd, ASP

    148th MP Dot (Dimounted Patrol)Axsigam4 to V,. 212th U(P Co (SD).Its pwgoa and dg are interatedinto Wte s .tructure of the 212th

    rand no c oerentiation between units

    .5WIth MP Pit (N Proc) SaigonAssigned to the lth MPBrigde and is p•emently atzero stvmw1th.




    ... .. .. ... ...

  • e.1 the Period .ulnfg

    I== TATUAW VJM , AM~ &mx rmi raeo 9--,3WJ p'-: C 1966

    70s~fr Chie I Wfý, Tkalte &a4Us &W, Pacific, ALM; GPOPO?4T

    1.(1) fte Operati~mAl 2ttp ,4**ts Leamied wabait tod b7 the18th Kill"x Pollee BrApda for tko quarter odvg31 October 1966

    2. (C) mhis, orqeten ban reviee the r*Wprt and axdde thefollowfrg 600at

    a. Wofrenae Section 1,, Pargrph dCJ.) Cc), Page 1D~ TheNMIE A&@ been received an±d is beinug staffed in this headquarters.

    b. leferano. Bootioit 1, Paagph d(,3)(g)jt, Peoo 14: Inaccordance with for imam and forecasted deliveries, the18th Kilitary' Police Bzsigse is per edto receive 186 each AN/FRR-9/PRT4 vadlon at the and of the ftheal Year 1967.

    a. Reference a&atio Iv Pa sph d(4)(.), Pap. 15: AmRkpodito Ica-'wtAxd&rd U~rgent 2eurwt for Aqaimo TISUI) forthe Cmjas34 Arwed Vehicle, V-1l0Olis being prepared..

    d. tefrano. Section II, Pa-t I., Paz'agrapL, a (AMO lawn),Section N., Part Ii,, Paragraph a(3)s Current D&i politcy require. thatAPO umubarzs be withheld until unit departs fras COIUS.

    e. Rofere~nae Section 11, Part 110 Para ph eg

    (1) CORAM INCUS asesags 69875 DTG 21208Z October 1966,Subj eats Dsplopmnt of Overuhoes., informed UMMR that the issuie ofovrerh~oiw t~o perbonnel deployinig to ON wi-11 be &iscontinued iUediatell.


    WL3~A= I 00AMMI1 .7ZW3D


    DODM iý SE RE LC y

  • AT=- (03 War m) oB DEC 19 r ca~f DUtismal 3eport-48atý Leaned for the Period &ndlng

    31, Ootobscr 1966 (WEiG X-5

    (2) 7011PO wema 679%5 dated. 23211l22 Septemxber1.966 inArwsd UU that unite dspli~tn to MN Carps Tactical Zone

    (OnS) III or IT wil Lot deploy with sleeping bags. Units deploying toWl Cfl I or 11 or utase aresý of seal Vma is iutkwn will deploy

    with sleeping bagi.

    11 cIt3 THORNTONIs Lt. AGCAMs A*ucni GmnaA



    UPOP-MY (i,5 Nov 66) 92d.nd(,QBYE)P•A ( erNtilwa PO Po 2 Learned for the Ndrvod Ending

    31 October 1966 (R(,S CSFOR-,65)

    HQ, K3 ARI PACIFIC, AFO &W Francmco 9,658 j7 J Nfii

    TO: Asistant Chief of Utaff for Force Davelopunt, Japartment of theAr%7, WeA.hingtc, D. 0. 20310

    1. This headquarters concurs in the basic reportz ,s iid(•rxcd,

    2, Reference paragrarh 4d, page 13 of basic report: The tirctL

    sentence would more properly reflect the true position of the U:. 0.with respect to PMr ½ I RVN if it -,*r chanped ,; foil 1otis.: "PM ISAR'V

    assumed responsibility, for the administration and operctionalsupervision of the U. S. Prisoner of War program under cxi tin, nat icc'policy in Vietnam on 26 Septermber 1966."

    FOR fliH COM4P.,1A P IN CHII.F:

    UT', AGOCSIi in-I Asst AG





    ! 'I