add content from youtube, slideshare and other sites to your online campus

Sclipo Web Learning Application a Library tutorial Learn to add content from other sites Learn to add content from other sites to the Library of your Web Academy! Add docs, presentations, videos, images from: > Slideshare, Scribd, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Screenr Copy & paste URL, and done! Assign content to courses, events, groups Edit description and privacy settings

Post on 22-Oct-2014




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Now you can add content - docs, presentations, videos, images - from Slideshare, Scribd, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Screenr to the Library of your Online Campus! Check out this tutorial to see how easy it is to boost your Online Campus with great educational content.


Page 1: Add content from YouTube, Slideshare and other sites to your Online Campus

S c l i p oWe b L e a r n i n g A p p l i c a t i o n

a Library tutorial

Learn to add content from other sites

Learn to add content from other sites to the Library of your Web Academy!• Add docs, presentations, videos, images from:>  Slideshare, Scribd, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Screenr• Copy & paste URL, and done!• Assign content to courses, events, groups• Edit description and privacy settings

Page 2: Add content from YouTube, Slideshare and other sites to your Online Campus

Select “Add Content” from My Academy menuAdd content from other sites

Page 3: Add content from YouTube, Slideshare and other sites to your Online Campus

Copy & paste the URL of the content you wish to add from the external site where it is hosted.

Add content from other sites

Page 4: Add content from YouTube, Slideshare and other sites to your Online Campus

Describe the content and define your privacy settings.

Add content from other sites

Page 5: Add content from YouTube, Slideshare and other sites to your Online Campus

The content now shows in your Library. Share it on Twitter, Facebook and other social media!

Add content from other sites

Page 6: Add content from YouTube, Slideshare and other sites to your Online Campus

View, rate, comment, embed the content!Add content from other sites

Page 7: Add content from YouTube, Slideshare and other sites to your Online Campus

Assign the content to Courses, Events and Groups!Add content from other sites

Page 8: Add content from YouTube, Slideshare and other sites to your Online Campus

Edit the content title, description and privacy settings!

Add content from other sites

Page 9: Add content from YouTube, Slideshare and other sites to your Online Campus

Web Academy OverviewThe Web Academy is your dedicated eLearning space. It comes with easy tools to support your face2face and online teaching activities.

Page 10: Add content from YouTube, Slideshare and other sites to your Online Campus

Learn to add content from other sites to the Library of your Web Academy!• Add docs, presentations, videos, images from:>  Slideshare, Scribd, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Screenr• Copy & paste URL, and done!• Assign content to courses, events, groups• Edit description and privacy settingsa Library tutorial


Learn to add content from other sites

S c l i p oWe b L e a r n i n g A p p l i c a t i o n