addleman terry dianne 1976 puertorico

GOOD NEWS MISSION TERRY AND DIANNE ADDLEMAN {Proverbs "As cold weiers lo a thirsty soul so is GOOD NEWS Irom a far eouniry" FORWARDING AGENTS: Mr. and Mis. Bob Miller, R.D. 3 Box 338, Uniontown, PA 13401 August, 1976 Dear Christian Friends, It's been so good visiting with all of you again after four years in Puerto Rico. We've been to churches in Indiana, Ten nessee, Alabama, and Pennsylvania and we thank the Lord for safe trips. The boys have enjoyed it too - making lots of new friends, although they are a little confused as to where "home" is right now. We enjoyed seeing spring turn into summer too. We've missed the seasons. Soon our furlough will be ended and it will be September and time to return to Puerto Rico, and a new work. While we were staying in the Knoxville, Tennessee area, we saw our Samuel Car- dona several times. He rode his bicycle two and a half hours one way from Clinton, where he was working and staying the summer, to Johnson Bible College, where we stayed. Some students at JBC gathered up enough money to buy him a round trip ticket to Mayaguez, for a summer visit. He was really excited about going home and working with Juan and Jesus for about a month and a half. Charley and Inez Beteta, also students at JBC and from the Mayaguez church, are working this summer in New York City. Both Charley and Sam are impatient and anxious to get back to Puerto Rico to work full time for our Lord. Pray for them both as they begin another semester of study. They both have been helping Neal and Dot with the work at Clinton. JUAN MAURICIO Earlier we mentioned Juan being in Mayaguez. Yes, now there are two families working together in Mayaguez. We have told you about Jesus and Juanita Ramirez being there. We worked with them for a few months before we came to the states. Juan and Romelia Mauricio and their three children arrived about the same time we - left and are renting the house we left, i so worship services are still at the same/ place. Juan and his wife are both Mexican, like Jesus, and also graduates of Colegio Biblico in Eagle Pass, Texas. Juan was a missionary in Chile before the cost of living there made it impossible for him to stay. They still don't have near enough support to live in Puerto Rico so please keep them in your prayers. JOHN AND MARY GIDLEY AND CHRISTY TO STUDY The Gidleys, who we worked with in Mayaguez, are also on furlough now and will be going to Costa Rica Spanish Lan guage School in January, to stay and study for one year. They became like family to us and we miss them already. Pray for them also. They hope to return to Ptierto Rico after language study. MAYAGUEZ We just received several letters from the folk there and the work seems to be pro gressing. Just last week there were several baptisms at the beach. It seems we might make it back for Tita and Junior's wedding.

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Page 1: Addleman Terry Dianne 1976 PuertoRico



"As cold weiers lo a thirsty soul so is GOOD NEWS Irom a far eouniry"


Mr. and Mis. Bob Miller, R.D. 3 Box 338, Uniontown, PA 13401

August, 1976

Dear Christian Friends,It's been so good visiting with all of you

again after four years in Puerto Rico.We've been to churches in Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama, and Pennsylvania and wethank the Lord for safe trips. The boyshave enjoyed it too - making lots of newfriends, although they are a little confusedas to where "home" is right now. Weenjoyed seeing spring turn into summertoo. We've missed the seasons. Soon ourfurlough will be ended and it will beSeptember and time to return to PuertoRico, and a new work.

While we were staying in the Knoxville,Tennessee area, we saw our Samuel Car-dona several times. He rode his bicycletwo and a half hours one way from Clinton,where he was working and staying thesummer, to Johnson Bible College, wherewe stayed. Some students at JBC gatheredup enough money to buy him a round tripticket to Mayaguez, for a summer visit.He was really excited about going homeand working with Juan and Jesus for abouta month and a half.

Charley and Inez Beteta, also studentsat JBC and from the Mayaguez church,are working this summer in New YorkCity.

Both Charley and Sam are impatient andanxious to get back to Puerto Rico to workfull time for our Lord. Pray for them bothas they begin another semester of study.They both have been helping Neal and Dotwith the work at Clinton.


Earlier we mentioned Juan being inMayaguez. Yes, now there are two familiesworking together in Mayaguez. We havetold you about Jesus and Juanita Ramirezbeing there. We worked with them for afew months before we came to the states.Juan and Romelia Mauricio and their threechildren arrived about the same time we -left and are renting the house we left, iso worship services are still at the same/place. Juan and his wife are both Mexican,like Jesus, and also graduates of ColegioBiblico in Eagle Pass, Texas. Juan was amissionary in Chile before the cost of livingthere made it impossible for him to stay.They still don't have near enough supportto live in Puerto Rico so please keep themin your prayers.


The Gidleys, who we worked with inMayaguez, are also on furlough now andwill be going to Costa Rica Spanish Language School in January, to stay and studyfor one year. They became like family tous and we miss them already. Pray forthem also. They hope to return to PtiertoRico after language study.


We just received several letters from thefolk there and the work seems to be progressing. Just last week there were severalbaptisms at the beach. It seems we mightmake it back for Tita and Junior's wedding.

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Bob and Marty Miller


We again would like to thank you allfor your very faithful support during thepast four years and also for the willing helpyou have given to us and the Clapp's duringthat time.

Neal and Dot's resignation as forwardingagents, becomes effective August 1st. Wewant to thank them with all our hearts forthe many, many hours they have selflesslygiven to Good News Mission. It took alot of hours, love, and tears to begin GoodNews Mission —to make it all leg^— morethan any of us realize. Thank you justdoesn't say enough. We love you Neal andDot. We couldn't have done it withoutyou.

We now want to introduce you to Boband Marty Miller —our new forwardingsecretary team. Bob is evangelist at theChristian Church of Hopwood, Pennsylvania. They have three children —Robert Jr.,Marsha, and Kim. They are looking forward to sharing with us in our endeavor towin souls for Christ in Ponce, PuertoRico. Let's all pray for them as they beginthis new ministry.

Please send all correspondence to:Mr. & Mrs. Bob MillerR.D. 3 Box 338Uniontown, Penn. 15401

If you need to call the Millers use areacode 412, number 245-8116. Thank youBob and Marty for undertaking this challenge and responsibility.


The city to which we hope to go (Ponce)is on the southern coast of Puerto Rico.It is the island's second largest city and issurrounded by a dry desert area.

There are sevei^ reasons why we arehoping to go to Ponce (Lord Willing).First, Canada would not allow us to enterfor^wprk in Vancouver. Second, Ponce isthe largest "uhevangelized city in PuertoRico. Third, there is opportunity therefor further Spanish language study. Andfinally, Ponce is close enough to Mayaguezto allow fellowship with the church there.(A one hour drive.)

We hope to leave for Ponce by September1, 1976, if we have sufficient support bythat time. Terry will be going done atfirst, to ship the car and find housing before the rest of the family arrives. This willbe the first time we will be working alone,so we ask your prayers.


Approximately $1,000 is needed forshipping of our car and entrance taxes.$200 more monthly is needed to be usedfor the physical needs of a new con^e-gation, language study, increased utilities,inflation, etc. If you can help with any ofthese needs, please contact our forwardingsecretary at once.


Hi, Friends. I'm glad my brother and Igot to meet you all. Our trip to the states

has been fun. I've been learning a lot too.We went to the zoo, and took a ride on a

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big boat, and went to a big amusementpark and visited a real farm, and I even sawsome real, live, snow. There's not any neatlizards or cockroaches up here but thebunnies and squirrels are pretty much fun,except they hop and run fast too. Jasonand I like all the fresh fruit and vegetablesup here. But I'm confused. I always askMommy and Daddy, "Where's our home?".They say pretty soon weH have a home^ain in Puerto Rico and I'll make lots ofnew friends. I'll tell you aU about it in ournext letter.


My big brother, Nathan, says I'm morefun since I learned to walk. Some churchfriends gave us red wagons and Nathanpulls me all around Grandpap's yard. Hedoesn't dump me out much anymorebecause I hold on real tight. I had a greatbig birthday cake on July 23rd, with onec^dle. I'm getting old. I had my firstvisit to a hospital too. I wasn't even scaredand everyone seemed real nice until they

Jason and Nathan

started sticking big, ugly, needles in me.That hurt. My ears hurt me lots of timesthis summer so the doctor did some microsurgery and put two tiny tubes in my ears.I was really scared when I woke up in a big,white, room and Mommy and Daddyweren't there. But a nurse found them forme and guess what? My ears are all betternow. Adios.


It is with mixed feelings that we informyou that we will no longer be serving asforwarding agents for Terry and DianneAddleman. Martha and Bob Miller ofUniontown, Pa., presently serving thechurch in Hopwood, Penn. have assumedthese duties and responsibilities on August

'We continue our interest in Good NewsMission and the Lord's work in PuertoRico and will continue to serve on theBoard of Directors of Good News Mission.Our decision has been necessary for severalreasons. The new work in Clinton needsmore of our time. The church has submitted plans to the city for a much neededbuilding which hopefully can begin thisfall. 'Die saints here are growing and maturing in Christ, but they need additionalteaching and uplifting. Our book, "TheForwarding Agent: A Vital Link in Direct-Support Missions", has been very wellreceived. As a result, we have been spending many hours corresponding with missionaries and forwarding agents, whichtakes us away from the local congregation's needs and the needs of Good NewsMission. Our interest in missions is onlybeing re-channeled.

Your many personal letters to theAddlemans and to ourselves over the pastfour years have been very much appreciated. We trust you will continue to correspond with the Addlemans and Millers-encouraging them and letting them knowthey are in your prayers. We continue tocovet your prayers as we have in the past.

God bless each of you as you serve andwitness for our Precious Lord and Savior.

In His Service,Neal and Dot Clapp

Page 4: Addleman Terry Dianne 1976 PuertoRico


(January X1976 through July 31,1976)

Income Expenses




$1,464.33 $1,008.00

bruary 905.63 932.50

irch 1,006.83 2,990.22

ml 1,028.33 166.41

^y 798.63 1,190.92

ne 1,111.33 1,999.36

ly 1,268.07 1,390.51

$7,583.15 $9,677.92Add Jan. 1,1976 Balance 2,094.77




The checking account for Good NewsMission at Hamilton First National Bank(Clinton, Tenn.) will be closed in August.A check written July 31, 1976 in theamount of $383.02 is the July balance forGood News Mission and will be transferred

to the Good News Mission account in

Uniontown, Pa. which will be handled bythe new forwarding agents, Bob and MarthaMiller.



Mr. Bob Miller

R.D. 3 Box 338

Uniontown, Penn. 15401

Address Correction RequestedAiJS. 2 6 1970