administering avaya spaces

Administering Avaya Spaces Issue 3 September 2021

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Administering Avaya Spaces

Issue 3September 2021

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Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................  6Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 6Change history........................................................................................................................ 6

Chapter 2: Administration overview.......................................................................................  8Supported browsers and operating systems..............................................................................  8Avaya Spaces components......................................................................................................  9Role-based access control.....................................................................................................  10Data storage and encryption..................................................................................................  10

Chapter 3: Network access configuration............................................................................  12Required hosts and protocols.................................................................................................  12Media transport guidelines.....................................................................................................  14

Chapter 4: Company and user configuration....................................................................... 15Adding a company and domain..............................................................................................  15Options for adding users........................................................................................................  17

Adding one user at a time................................................................................................  17Importing users in bulk..................................................................................................... 18

Managing pending user invitations..........................................................................................  20Editing an active user............................................................................................................  21Deleting a user...................................................................................................................... 21

Chapter 5: Admin Area management.................................................................................... 23Accessing the Admin Area.....................................................................................................  23Working with the Settings tab.................................................................................................  24

Editing your company details............................................................................................ 24Adding a domain from the Admin Area..............................................................................  25Deleting a domain...........................................................................................................  25Configuring a company-wide message retention policy....................................................... 26Enabling the Avaya Spaces Calling feature.......................................................................  26Managing company policy permissions.............................................................................  27

Working with the Users tab..................................................................................................... 28Inviting users to your company.........................................................................................  28Viewing active and pending users.....................................................................................  28Deleting a pending user invitation.....................................................................................  29Deleting an active user from your company.......................................................................  29

Working with the Plans tab.....................................................................................................  30Managing your subscription plan......................................................................................  30Allocating user licenses...................................................................................................  31Deallocating user licenses................................................................................................ 32Feature comparison for each license type.........................................................................  33

Chapter 6: Login policy administration................................................................................  36

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Restricting the available login options.....................................................................................  37Pairing domains....................................................................................................................  38

Chapter 7: Avaya Spaces Calling extension configuration................................................  40Avaya Aura® and IP Office component configuration................................................................  40Configuring the Avaya Spaces Calling extension in your company profile................................... 41

Programming command script examples for the Avaya Spaces Calling extension................. 42General programming command script parameter descriptions...........................................  43Dialing rule settings.........................................................................................................  46

Chapter 8: Slack integration configuration..........................................................................  48Configuring the Equinox Cloud Client application in your company profile..................................  48Integrating Avaya Assistant with your Slack workspace............................................................  49

Chapter 9: Citrix environment configuration.......................................................................  50Citrix client requirements........................................................................................................ 50Citrix server requirements......................................................................................................  50Avaya Spaces limitations for Citrix environments.....................................................................  51Configuration recommendations.............................................................................................  51BCR configuration and usage.................................................................................................  52

BCR policies in Citrix Studio.............................................................................................  52Configuring BCR on the Citrix server................................................................................. 52Configuring BCR on a Citrix client..................................................................................... 53Verifying the Citrix configuration........................................................................................ 54

Chapter 10: Third-party room system administration settings..........................................  55Updating Poly administration settings...................................................................................... 55

Chapter 11: Troubleshooting.................................................................................................  57Avaya Spaces does not work properly due to firewall or proxy server settings............................  57

Chapter 12: Resources........................................................................................................... 58Documentation...................................................................................................................... 58

Finding documents on the Avaya Support website.............................................................  59Avaya Documentation Center navigation...........................................................................  60

Support................................................................................................................................  61Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base...........................................................................  61

Glossary................................................................................................................................... 63


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Chapter 1: Introduction

PurposeThis document provides information about advanced administration tasks for Avaya Spaces. It isprimarily intended for company, system, and network administrators.

This document includes information about the following:

• Configuring hosts and protocols in your network.

• Setting up the company and domain.

• Adding users to the company.

• Creating a login policy, which you can use to restrict the available login options.

• Using Admin Area to manage company settings, users, and subscription plans.

• Configuring the Avaya Spaces Calling extension in your company profile.

• Configuring Slack integration.

• Configuring Citrix environment integration.

This document does not include information about using Avaya Spaces. For general usageinformation, including information about using Avaya Spaces with other applications, see UsingAvaya Spaces. You can also get quick reference information from the Avaya Spaces articles onthe Avaya Documentation Center.

Change history

Issue Date Summary of changesIssue 3 September 21, 2021 • Added information about managing company-level permissions in the

Admin Area.

• Updated Feature comparison for each license type on page 33 withinformation about the new Essential license options and other minorclarifications.

Table continues…

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Issue Date Summary of changesIssue 2 September 3, 2021 • Added troubleshooting information.

• Updated the glossary.Issue 1 August 16, 2021 Restructured the Avaya Spaces documentation. This document provides

advanced administration information.

Usage information for end users is now in a separate document calledUsing Avaya Spaces.

Change history

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Chapter 2: Administration overview

Avaya Spaces is a cloud-based solution designed for team collaboration. With Avaya Spaces, youcan host meetings, send chat messages, and manage posts and tasks. Avaya Spaces can also beintegrated with other extensions and applications.Before using Avaya Spaces, you must set up a company, domain, and users. Ensure that you alsoadd the domain to the white list for the company site.Avaya Spaces uses JWT and OAuth2 for authentication and authorization. You can configure thelogin policy of your company and restrict which authentication mechanisms are available. Forexample, you can choose to only allow Microsoft Office 365 Single Sign-On (SSO) authenticationand disable all other login options.Many management functions are available through the Admin Area. You can manage:

• Company and domain settings• Users• Subscription plans and licensing

You can allocate the Business or Power licenses to company users. If you do not assign a license toa user, the free Essential license is automatically assigned.

Related linksEditing your company details on page 24Inviting users to your company on page 28Managing your subscription plan on page 30Allocating user licenses on page 31

Supported browsers and operating systemsSupported operating systems for the desktop applicationThe Avaya Spaces desktop application is available for the following operating systems:

• Windows 10• Mac 10.15 and later

Supported browsers for the web interfaceThe web version of Avaya Spaces supports the following web browsers:

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Windows Mac OS• Chrome 83 and later

• Firefox 77 and later

• Edge 83 and later

• Chrome 83 and later

• Firefox 77 and later

Avaya Spaces componentsAvaya Spaces is comprised of the following solution components:

Avaya accounts

Avaya Spacesapplication


Browser client (account admin)

Mobile application

PSTN phone


The following table describes each component:

Component DescriptionAvaya accounts A Cloud-native licensing engine, which provides a correlation of licensed

users, companies, and applications, including Avaya Spaces. You canintegrate this component with identity providers, such as Google or Office365, for authentication and authorization.

Media Platform-as-a-Service(MPaaS)

Avaya Spaces provides audio, video, and web conferencing capabilities.The meetings are hosted on a common Avaya-owned service, which isbased on MPaaS. This embedded component provides features formanaging multimedia meetings, but it is decoupled from the adoptingAvaya Spaces application.

Google Cloud Avaya Spaces is a cloud-native service that uses Google Cloud Platformservices, such as the Google Compute Engine. As part of its serviceoffering, Google Cloud provides networking, computation, storage,encryption, and resiliency capabilities.

PSTN phone Licensed users can schedule a conference within Avaya Spaces. If dial-inoptions are available, anyone can join the conference using a PSTN-connected phone if they have the space ID and password (if defined).

Avaya Spaces application Avaya Spaces is a front-end application that delivers collaborationfeatures to end users.

Table continues…

Avaya Spaces components

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Component DescriptionBrowser client You interact with the Avaya Spaces web interface using an HTML5 or

WebRTC-enabled browser.Mobile application The Avaya Spaces mobile application is supported on Android and iOS

mobile devices. Download the application from the Google Play or AppleApp Store.

Role-based access controlAvaya Spaces synchronizes with the data stored on Google Cloud. You cannot directly access thedata on the Cloud.Avaya Spaces gathers and stores data from company administrators and end users.

Company administrator dataAvaya Spaces gathers the following company administrator data:

• Company-specific information, such as users and associated licenses.• Account information, including user names, email addresses, photos, phone numbers, and

company details.

End user dataAvaya Spaces gathers the following end user data:

• Account information, including user names, email addresses, photos, phone numbers, andcompany details.

• User preferences.• Content posted in a space, including text, files, and images.

Your role within a space affects what you can access. For more information about group spaceroles, see Using Avaya Spaces.

Data storage and encryptionThe Avaya Spaces application is built on Google Cloud. Data is stored on the cloud back-endapplication and in Avaya Spaces.

• Data required by the Cloud application is stored in an encrypted format through GoogleCloud.

• Data required by the Avaya Spaces web interface is stored in the browser.Browser data can be stored in the cache or as cookies.

• Data required by the mobile application is stored on the mobile application container serviceprovided by the device operating system.

Administration overview

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Recent operating system versions support the encryption of application container data.

Personal data encryptionWhen data is transmitted over a network, it is encrypted.Google Cloud stores personally identifiable information. The REST encryption controls for datastored on Google Cloud are provided through Google storage services.

• All stored data is encrypted.• All client-server data connections are encrypted in transit with TLS 1.2 or higher.• When dialing into an audio conference through a PSTN phone, Avaya Spaces cannot ensure

the end-to-end encryption of the voice signaling path across global service provider networks.

Data storage and encryption

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Chapter 3: Network access configuration

Use this chapter to configure Avaya Spaces from behind secure firewalls and proxies. Thisinformation is intended for network administrators.

When configuring your network, remember the following:

• Avoid whitelisting based on IP address. These addresses can change dynamically.

• Add the domain to your network whitelist.

• Leave HTTP headers, such as Authorization, intact.

Required hosts and protocolsAvaya Spaces uses the following transport protocols:

• HTTPS and WSS.• WebRTC, including ICE, STUN, and TURN protocols over DTLS-SRTP.• SIPS over TCP/TLS.

Use TLS traffic for HTTPS and WSS. TLS-inspection should support both or have an exception forAvaya Spaces hosts.For all Avaya Spaces features to function normally, ensure that the following settings areunrestricted. In the following table, the media host IP addresses for UDP are provided in the CIDRformat.

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Hosts Ports Protocol Transport Description* 1 80,443 HTTPS, WSS TCP/TLS Mandatory for any Avaya

Spaces features.Examples of featuresinclude chat, presence,video, and collaboration.

Thempaas.avayacloud.comURL can resolve to twoaddresses: both IP addresseswhen whitelisting.

5061 SIPS TCP/TLS For Avaya CU360 andAvaya XT Series RoomSystem connectivity inSIP mode.

* 80,443 HTTPS TCP/TLS For file sharing.* 80,443 HTTPS TCP/TLS For mobile application

authentication.ASN of 15169 5228,5229,52

302TCP TCP/TLS For push notifications. 80,443 HTTPS TCP/TLS For 80,443 HTTPS TCP/TLS For 80,443 HTTPS TCP/TLS For SSO.* 80,443 HTTPS TCP/TLS For SSO.* 80,443 HTTPS TCP/TLS Content Delivery Network

(CDN) 5061 SIPS TCP/TLS Allows SIP connectivity.

3000-4999 SRTP/SRTCP UDP Secure low latency audioand video traffic.

This is the preferredtransport protocol formedia.

Dynamic 80 TURN TCP For media tunneling.These options are:

• Only used if preferredtransport media fails.

Dynamic 443 TURN TCP/TLS

Table continues…

1 Includes,,,,,

2 If you cannot open these ports without IP address restrictions, add all of the goog.json addresses to the whitelist.

Required hosts and protocols

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Hosts Ports Protocol Transport DescriptionDynamic 3478 TURN UDP • Typically used for


Media transport guidelinesUDP is the preferred media protocol because it results in the best user experience. Tunnelingmedia over TCP or TLS is available for highly restrictive firewalls, but avoid using it as the primarymethod for accessing Avaya Spaces.To ensure that media traverses your network firewall securely, configure an address-restricteddynamic cone NAT or a port-restricted dynamic cone NAT for the specified UDP port range. Allmajor firewall vendors support this configuration. Avoid using a symmetric NAT because it canresult in sub-optimal tunneling of audio or video and connection failures.Since media is sensitive to latency, connect to the internet through the shortest path possible toreduce round trip times and improve the quality of service. You can use the media host IPaddresses for UDP to program software-defined network infrastructure to recognize media trafficand route to the internet seamlessly. This configuration is recommended for large enterprises withmultiple sites and a centralized network data center architecture.

Network access configuration

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Chapter 4: Company and userconfiguration

Avaya Spaces supports personal and company accounts. To manage users and allocate licensesfor a company, first configure your company.

Use this chapter to:

• Add a company and domain

• Add users one at a time or in bulk

• Manage the users you add

You can perform additional management tasks from the Admin Area in Avaya Spaces.

Related linksAdmin Area management on page 23

Adding a company and domainAbout this taskAdding a company and domain is an essential prerequisite for all other administration tasks in thisdocument. Set up your company to add users, manage login and message retention policies,allocate licenses, and configure integration with other applications.If required, you can add more than one domain for a company. After adding a domain name, youmust verify it unless the account you are using has site permissions.

Procedure1. In your browser, navigate to and log in with your

administrator credentials.

Alternatively, to access this web page, you can navigate to Profile & Account in AvayaSpaces when you are logged in with your administrator credentials.

2. To add a company, do one of the following:

• At the top of the screen, click the arrow next to your profile picture and click AddCompany.

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• In the left navigation pane, click Manage Companies and click Add New Company.

3. On the General tab, type a company name and description.

4. Click Save.

5. On the Domains tab, click Add Domain.

6. Enter the domain name.

You can find the domain in your company email address. For example, if your emailaddress is [email protected], then is the domain name.

7. Next to the domain name, click Verify to verify the domain name.

If the account has site permissions, you do not need to verify the domain.

8. Follow the on-screen instructions to verify the domain on your DNS server.

9. Click Verify.

If you cannot complete the verification independently, click Manual verify to have Avayapersonnel complete the verification process. This process could take several businessdays to complete.

Next stepsAdd users to your company.

Related linksPairing domains on page 38Adding a company and domain (video)

Company and user configuration

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Options for adding usersAfter adding your company and domain, add users. Each user's email address must be within theconfigured domain. For example, if your domain is, the user email addressmust end with can do one of the following:

• Add one user at a time• Import users in bulk using a CSV file

After adding users, you can edit or delete them. You can also manage users from the Admin Areain Avaya Spaces.The company policies you set apply to all users you add to your company. You can allocate theBusiness or Power licenses to company users from the Admin Area. The assigned license affectswhich features users can access.

Related linksAdmin Area management on page 23Allocating user licenses on page 31Feature comparison for each license type on page 33

Adding one user at a timeAbout this taskYou can invite company users one at a time. If you only need to add a few users, this is theeasiest way to do it.If you need to add many users, see Importing users in bulk on page 18.

Before you begin• Add your company and domain. You must also verify the domain.• The users you add must have an email address within the configured domain.

Procedure1. From, click Manage Companies and click your company


Options for adding users

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2. On the Manage Users tab, click Invite New User.

3. Enter the user's first and last name.

4. Enter the user's email address.

If the domain is, then [email protected] is an example of avalid email address.

5. Click Save.

6. (Optional) Repeat this procedure to add another user.

ResultThe users you add receive an invitation email, which they must accept to become active users.You can click Invites Waiting Confirmation to view the list of pending users who have not yetaccepted the invitation. To view or manage active users, click Active.

Related linksAdding a company and domain on page 15Managing pending user invitations on page 20Editing an active user on page 21Deleting a user on page 21Adding company users (video)

Importing users in bulkAbout this taskYou can invite users to your company in bulk using a CSV file. This option enables you to importmultiple users simultaneously.Create the CSV file using a simple text editor, such as Notepad.

Before you begin• Add your company and domain. You must also verify the domain.

Company and user configuration

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• The users you add must have an email address within the configured domain.

Procedure1. From, click Manage Companies and click your company


2. On the Manage Users tab, navigate to Tools > Import From CSV.

3. From Separator, select one of the following options to define how data is separated:

• Comma: The data items are separated by commas. Each comma-separated item isdisplayed in a separate cell in the CSV file.

• Tab: Press the Tab key to separate each data item. Each item is displayed in a separatecell.

4. From Quotechar, select one of the following:

• Single Quote: Use single quotes (') to split the text into two lines within the same cell.This option does not separate the text into different cells.

• Double Quote: Use double quotes (") to separate data into columns.

In the following example image, Id is the first column, Name is the second column, andAddress is the last column:

5. (Optional) In Tip, click the examples to download sample files with the correct formatting.

Use the samples as a guide for creating your file.

Options for adding users

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The following example shows a simple CSV file for importing users with only their emailaddresses:

6. In File, click Choose file and locate the CSV file with the user data to attach.

7. Click Import.

When the import is completed successfully, the number of invited users is displayed.

8. (Optional) To return to the Manage Users page, click Back to Manage Users.

ResultThe users you add receive an invitation email, which they must accept to become active users.You can click Invites Waiting Confirmation to view the list of pending users who have not yetaccepted the invitation. To view or manage active users, click Active.

Related linksAdding a company and domain on page 15Managing pending user invitations on page 20Editing an active user on page 21Deleting a user on page 21Importing company users to Avaya Spaces (video)

Managing pending user invitationsAbout this taskWhen you add users, they receive an invitation email, which they must accept to become activeusers. You can view the list of pending users who have not yet accepted the invitation.

Company and user configuration

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For each pending user, you can choose to:• Resend the invitation• Remove the previous invitation

Procedure1. From, click Manage Companies and click your company


2. On the Manage Users tab, click Invites Waiting Confirmation.

3. (Optional) To resend the invitation, click Resend Verification next to the user's name.

4. (Optional) To remove the previous invitation, click and click OK to confirm.

Editing an active userAbout this taskWhen users you add accept the invitation, they become active users. You can edit the name andemail address of an active user anytime.

Procedure1. From, click Manage Companies and click your company


2. On the Manage Users tab, find the user and click Edit.3. (Optional) Update the user's first and last name.

4. (Optional) Update the user's email address.

5. Click Save.

6. (Optional) To return to the Manage Users page, click Back to Manage Users.

Deleting a userAbout this taskYou can delete an active user that you added accidentally or that no longer works for yourcompany. If you want to delete more than one user, repeat this procedure.

Procedure1. From, click Manage Companies and click your company


Editing an active user

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2. On the Manage Users tab, find the user you want to delete and click .

3. Click OK to confirm.

Company and user configuration

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Chapter 5: Admin Area management

After adding your company, you can perform management functions from the Admin Area. You mustbe a company administrator to access the Admin Area. Other company employees cannot access it.This chapter describes how to use the Admin Area.The following tabs are available in the Admin Area:

Tab PurposeSettings To manage your company settings. You can add domains, configure a

company-wide message retention policy, and enable Avaya Spaces Callingfor company users.

Users To invite and manage users.Plans To manage your company's subscription plan. You can purchase Business

and Power licenses and allocate these licenses to users.

Accessing the Admin AreaAbout this taskAfter the initial company setup is complete, you can access the Admin Area. Use the Admin Areato manage company settings, users, and licenses.

Before you beginNavigate to and set up your company.

ProcedureTo open the Admin Area, do one of the following:

• In your browser, navigate to and log in with youradministrator credentials.

• In Avaya Spaces, click the arrow next to your profile picture at the top of the screen and thenclick Admin Area.

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Related linksAdding a company and domain on page 15Signing in to the administration portal (video)

Working with the Settings tabFrom the Admin Area Settings tab, you can manage your company configuration. You can changethe company name and description, add domains, and set up a message retention policy. You canalso enable the Avaya Spaces Calling feature.

Editing your company detailsAbout this taskUse the Admin Area Settings tab to manage your company. In the General area, you can updateyour company name and description.

Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Settings tab and navigate to the General area.

2. In the Company Name field, type a new name for your company.

3. In the Description field, type a company description.

4. Click Save to apply the changes.

Admin Area management

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Related linksAdding a company and domain on page 15

Adding a domain from the Admin AreaAbout this taskWhen you first set up your company, you must add and verify the company domain. You can usethe Admin Area to add another domain. When you add users, they must have an email addresswithin one of the configured domains.

Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Settings tab and navigate to the Domains area.

2. Click Add Domain.

3. Enter the domain name and click OK.

You can find the domain in your company email address. For example, if your emailaddress is [email protected], is the domain name.

4. From, click the Domains tab and verify the domain.

Related linksAdding a company and domain on page 15

Deleting a domainAbout this taskYou can use the Admin Area to delete a company domain that you no longer require.

Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Settings tab and navigate to the General area.

2. Click next to the domain name.

3. Click OK to confirm.

Working with the Settings tab

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Configuring a company-wide message retention policyAbout this taskFrom the Admin Area, you can configure a company-wide message retention policy. After theconfigured time, all Avaya Spaces data is deleted. The deleted data includes chat messages,posts, tasks, and recordings.End users with the Admin role in a space can also set a space-specific message retention policythat only affects their space. The message retention value they set cannot be higher than themaximum value you set in the Admin Area. By default, Avaya Spaces uses the lowest value. Forexample, if you set Delete messages after to 200 days and the space admin sets this value to150 days for a specific space, messages in that space are deleted after 150 days.

Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Settings tab.

2. Under Message Retention, select one of the following options to specify when data isdeleted:

• Use system policy: Select this option to use the system default value of 730 days. Touse this option, you and the space admin must select it. Data is automatically deletedafter this time.

• Delete messages after: All data is deleted after the number of days you specify. Aspace admin can set a lower value for a specific space.

There is a delay of approximately 24 hours before data is deleted. If you set the wrongvalue by mistake, you have some time to fix it before the data is permanently removed.

• Keep messages forever: Data is never deleted.

3. Click Save.

Enabling the Avaya Spaces Calling featureAbout this taskWhen Avaya Spaces Calling is enabled, company users can make audio calls through a softphone or using the Avaya Spaces Calling extension in the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge webbrowser.The Avaya Spaces Calling feature is automatically enabled in some countries. If it is not enabled,you can enable it manually from the Admin Area.

Important:If you enable the Avaya Spaces Calling extension, ensure that you also configure theextension in your company profile. You can do this from the Apps tab at For more information, see Avaya Spaces Calling extensionconfiguration on page 40.

Admin Area management

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Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Settings tab.

2. Under Avaya Spaces Calling, enable the Enable Avaya Spaces Calling switch.

3. Select one or more of the following options:

• Avaya Spaces Calling Chrome Extension: To use the Avaya Spaces Calling extensionin the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser with a Windows or Mac desktop. Touse this extension, you must have an operational Avaya Aura® or IP Office WebRTCinfrastructure. You must also enable the extension in your company profile.

• Avaya Workplace Client: To make audio calls through Avaya Workplace Client. Thisoption requires an Avaya SIP infrastructure.

For information about using Avaya Workplace Client, see Using Avaya Workplace Clientfor Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows.

• Any dialing application (Tel URI): To make audio calls using a non-Avaya soft phone.

4. Click Save.

Related linksAdministering Avaya Spaces Calling (video)

Managing company policy permissionsAbout this taskFrom the Admin Area, you can set company-level permissions that apply to all spaces. At thecompany level, you can manage which users can create content in a space and whether userscan upload files. Content creation affects all content in a space, including chat messages, posts,and tasks.In the web interface or desktop application, a space admin can manage permissions for membersor guests within a specific space. The company-level permissions you configure in the Admin Areaaffect the permissions that the space admin can set for a specific space. For example, if youdisable Attachment Upload in the Admin Area, the space admin cannot manage file uploadpermissions within the space.

Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Settings tab.

2. Navigate to Company Policy to manage company-level permissions.

3. In the Space User Role Policy area, do the following:

a. For users to create content within a space, ensure that the Content Creation checkbox is selected.

b. Select which user roles can create content.

For example, if you do not want guests to create content in a space, clear the Guestcheck box. Only select Admin and Member.

Working with the Settings tab

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4. In the User Role Policy area, ensure that Attachment Upload is selected to allowcompany users to attach files within a space.

This setting applies to all company users. If you disable the Attachment Upload option,users cannot upload files in any space.

5. Click Save Policy Settings to save your changes.

Working with the Users tabYou can add and manage users at Many of these usermanagement functions are also available from the Users tab in the Admin Area.

Inviting users to your companyAbout this taskFrom the Users tab in the Admin Area, you can invite a user with their email address or importusers in bulk using a CSV file.

Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Users tab.

2. Click Invite New User.3. Do one of the following:

• To invite a single user, type the user's email address and click Invite.

• To add users in bulk using a CSV file, click Import From CSV.

Related linksAdding one user at a time on page 17Importing users in bulk on page 18

Viewing active and pending usersAbout this taskWhen you add users, they must accept the invitation to become active users.In the Admin Area, you can view active users and pending users who have not yet accepted theinvitation.

Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Users tab.

Admin Area management

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2. (Optional) To view and manage pending users who have not yet accepted the invitation,select List Pending Users Invites.

3. (Optional) To view and manage active users, select List Active Users.

The license allocated to each active user is also displayed.

Deleting a pending user invitationAbout this taskYou can delete a pending user invitation from the Admin Area. For example, this option is useful ifyou sent an invitation by accident and want to rescind it.You can also manage pending user invitations from

Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Users tab.

2. Select List Pending Users Invites.

3. From the list of pending user invites, locate the user invitation to delete.

4. Next to the user's name, click .

5. When prompted, click OK to confirm.

Related linksManaging pending user invitations on page 20

Deleting an active user from your companyAbout this taskYou can delete an active user from the Admin Area. For example, you can delete an active userthat you added accidentally or that no longer works for your company.You can edit an active user from However, you cannot edit auser from the Admin Area.

Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Users tab.

2. From the list of active users, locate the user you want to delete.

3. Next to the user's name, click .

4. When prompted, click OK to confirm.

Related linksEditing an active user on page 21

Working with the Users tab

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Deleting a user on page 21

Working with the Plans tabYou can use the Admin Area Plans tab to purchase licenses and manage how licenses areallocated to users.

Managing your subscription planAbout this taskUse the Admin Area to manage your company's subscription plan. You can modify the number ofusers in your company and select a contract duration for your licensing plan. You can purchaseBusiness or Power licenses.

Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click Plans.

The Admin Area displays your current plan details.

2. Do one of the following:

• If you have not yet purchased licenses for your company, click Purchase.

• To update your existing license plan, click Upgrade.

The Admin Area redirects you to

3. Based on the number of users in your company, select a range.

You can use the slider or the drop-down menu to select a user range. For example, if yourcompany has 2500 users, select 2000-3999.

4. Select the contract duration.

For example, you can select a 3-year contract.

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5. Click Buy Now to purchase Business or Power licenses.

Related linksFeature comparison for each license type on page 33

Allocating user licensesAbout this taskAfter purchasing Business and Power licenses for your company, you can allocate licenses tousers. Only one license can be assigned to each user.You can allocate a license to one or more users at a time. You can change the license allocationanytime.If you do not allocate a license to a user, the free Essential license is automatically assigned.

Working with the Plans tab

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Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Plans tab.

2. Click Manage.

3. In the Unallocated Users list, select the check box next to the users to whom you want toallocate a license.

You can allocate licenses to one or more users at a time.

4. At the top of the screen, click the Actions button.

5. Select one of the following:

• Allocate to Spaces Business: To allocate the Business license.

• Allocate to Spaces Power: To allocate the Power license.

The users are moved to the Allocated Users list.

Related linksAllocating licenses to company users (video)

Deallocating user licensesAbout this taskYou can deallocate user licenses and then assign new licenses to those users. If you do notassign a new license to a user, the free Essential license is automatically assigned.

Procedure1. In the Admin Area, click the Plans tab.

2. Click Manage.

Admin Area management

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3. In the Allocated Users list, select the check box next to the users whose licenses you wantto deallocate.

You can deallocate licenses from one or more users at a time.

4. Click Deallocate.

The users are moved to the Unallocated Users list.

Related linksAllocating user licenses on page 31

Feature comparison for each license typeThe following license types are available:

• Essential: This is the basic license, which is free of charge.• Business: This is the mid-tier license. This license provides additional features that are not

available with the Essential license, including video conferencing and unlimited storage.• Power: This is the advanced license. This license provides features that are not available

with the Essential and Business licenses.You can purchase Business and Power licenses and allocate them to users. If you do not allocatea license to a user, the free Essential license is automatically assigned.The following table summarizes the features available for each license type:

Feature Essential Business PowerSingle Sign-On(Enterprise SSO,Google, Office 365,Salesforce)

✓ ✓ ✓

Role-based accesscontrol

✓ ✓ ✓

Personal meeting room ✓ ✓ ✓

One-on-one video calling ✓ ✓ ✓

Up to 100 participants

With an Essentiallicense, you can host upto 2 meetings a day.Each meeting can be upto 1 hour long.

Up to 200 participants.

Up to 1000 participants.3

Table continues…

3 Enable large meetings for a space before hosting meetings with more than 250 participants.

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Feature Essential Business PowerMulti-video view ✓

You can see up to 4active participants plusself-video view.

Up to 35 participants.

Up to 61 participants.

Unlimited group spacescreation

✓ ✓ ✓

Screen sharing ✓ ✓ ✓

Meeting recording - - ✓

AI noise removal - ✓ ✓

Phone dial-in option - - ✓

Direct and teammessaging

✓ ✓ ✓

Unlimited file storage -

1 GB total storage for 30days.

Unlimited storage. Eachfile can be a maximum of2 GB.

Unlimited storage. Eachfile can be a maximum of2 GB.

Group task management ✓ ✓ ✓

Application integration(Includes GoogleCalendar extension,Microsoft Outlook plug-in, Slack, and more)

✓ ✓ ✓

Calendar integration - ✓ ✓

Avaya Spaces Callingextension

- ✓ ✓

Audio calls throughAvaya Workplace Client

✓ ✓ ✓

Data encryption ✓ ✓ ✓

Password protection fora space

✓ ✓ ✓

API access ✓ ✓ ✓

Fair use policyAvaya Spaces is a shared resource, so your usage can affect others. Avaya Spaces uses a FairUse Policy (FUP) for monitoring and controlling usage to ensure that everyone has fair access tothe available capacity and resources.The FUP is used to monitor, notify, and restrict anyone who crosses the following simultaneoususage thresholds. The following table indicates the number of meetings or calls you can have atthe same time:

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Simultaneous usagethreshold limits

Power Business Essential

Simultaneous groupmeetings or conferencecalls hosted by thespace creator

5 3 1

Simultaneous peer-to-peer digital calls

5 3 0

Avaya Spaces Calling

Avaya Aura® or IP OfficePBX calls, excludingcalls answered byanother endpoint

5 3 0

Related linksAllocating user licenses on page 31Deallocating user licenses on page 32Understanding user licensing (video)

Working with the Plans tab

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Chapter 6: Login policy administration

By default, Avaya Spaces supports the following login options:• Native login using standard Avaya Spaces account credentials• Google SSO using your Google account credentials• Microsoft Office 365 SSO using your Microsoft account credentials• Salesforce SSO using your Salesforce account credentials• Avaya SSO using your Avaya credentials• Enterprise SSO using the SSO credentials of your company

To restrict the available login options, you can create a login policy. The login policy affects allcompany users within the configured domain.

Domain pairing optionsIf different login options are set for different domains, you can choose to pair the domains for usersto log in using the login options enabled for either domain.The following image illustrates a domain pairing scenario:

Domain A Domain B

Domains paired

Only allows Google SSO login

For example, [email protected] must log inusing Google

Only allows Salesforce SSO login For example, [email protected] must log inusing Salesforce

Google and Salesforce enabled

[email protected] and [email protected] can log in using Google and Salesforce

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Important:If you choose to pair domains, avoid separating them. Separating paired domains can causecomplications because users from both domains have new email addresses created for thedisconnected domain.

Restricting the available login optionsAbout this taskYou can configure a login policy to restrict the login options available to company users.

Procedure1. From, click Manage Companies and click your company


2. On the Policies tab, click Login Options.

The Allow All check box is selected by default indicating all login methods are available.To restrict the available options, you must clear the Allow All check box.

3. Ensure that only the login methods to allow are selected.

At least one login method must always be selected.

4. If your company has multiple domains, select the domains for which you want this loginpolicy to apply.

You can select Allow All if you want the login policy to apply to all configured companydomains.

5. Click Save.

6. When prompted, click Save to confirm.

ResultWhen company users enter their email address on the Avaya Spaces Login screen, they see theavailable login options based on the login policy you set. For example, if you disable the nativelogin option, they cannot see the Password field or Sign In button. Company users can only login using the login options you enable.

Related linksConfiguring your company's login security policy (video)

Restricting the available login options

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Pairing domainsAbout this taskIf different login options are set for different domains, you can choose to pair the domains for usersto log in using the login options enabled for either domain. If one domain allows all login methods,all login methods are available for both paired domains.One domain can be paired with any number of others. Each pairing is a one-to-one relationshipthat does not affect any other pairing involving either domain.

Important:If you choose to pair domains, avoid separating them. Separating paired domains can causecomplications because users from both domains have new email addresses created for thedisconnected domain.

Procedure1. From, click Manage Companies and click your company


2. On the Policies tab, click Login Options.

3. Clear Allow All under the “Allowed emails with the following domains” section.

4. In Enter a valid domain to white list, enter the domain to pair with and click Add.

5. When prompted, click Add to confirm.

Login policy administration

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6. Click Save.

7. Ensure that the administrator for the other domain repeats this procedure.

If the administrators for both domains do not follow this procedure, then the pairing isunsuccessful. Both domains must accept the pairing.

Pairing domains

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Chapter 7: Avaya Spaces Calling extensionconfiguration

Install the Avaya Spaces Calling extension from the Google Chrome web store and use it to makeaudio calls from your Avaya telephone system. If Avaya Spaces Calling is not already enabled, youcan enable it from the Settings tab in the Admin Area. Before company users can use the AvayaSpaces Calling extension, you must configure it in your company profile.

This chapter describes how to configure the extension in your company profile.

Related linksEnabling the Avaya Spaces Calling feature on page 26

Avaya Aura® and IP Office component configurationTo use the Avaya Spaces Calling extension, you must have an operational Avaya Aura® or IPOffice WebRTC configuration.

Avaya Aura® configurationIf you have an Avaya Aura® infrastructure, ensure that you configure Avaya Aura® Web Gatewayand Avaya Aura® Device Services. When you configure your company profile to support the AvayaSpaces Calling extension, point Avaya Spaces to your Avaya Aura® Web Gateway FQDN.For more information about Avaya Aura® Web Gateway and Avaya Aura® Device Services, seethe following documents:

• Deploying the Avaya Aura® Web Gateway• Administering the Avaya Aura® Web Gateway• Deploying Avaya Aura® Device Services• Administering Avaya Aura® Device Services

These documents are available on the Avaya Support and Avaya Documentation Center websites.

IP Office configurationIf you have an IP Office infrastructure, ensure that you configure Avaya one-X® Portal for IP Office.When you configure your company profile to support the Avaya Spaces Calling extension, pointAvaya Spaces to your IP Office FQDN.

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For more information about IP Office configuration and administration, see the followingdocuments:

• IP Office SIP Telephone Installation Notes• Installing and Maintaining an IP Office Application Server• IP Office SIP Phones with ASBCE• IP Office Resilience Overview

Configuring the Avaya Spaces Calling extension in yourcompany profile

About this taskBefore company users can use the Avaya Spaces Calling extension, you must configure it in yourcompany profile. As part of this configuration process, you must configure a script pointing to yourAvaya Aura® Web Gateway or IP Office FQDN.

Procedure1. From, click Manage Companies and click your company


2. On the Apps tab, do the following to add Avaya Spaces Calling Extension if it is not alreadypresent:

a. Click Configure New App.

b. From the drop-down list, select Avaya Spaces Calling Extension.

3. In the Avaya Spaces Calling Extension Application Settings window, enter the appropriateprogramming command script for your environment.

Configuring the Avaya Spaces Calling extension in your company profile

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Avaya Aura® IP Office

4. Click Save.

The new profile settings are used the next time company users log in to the extension.

Related linksProgramming command script examples for the Avaya Spaces Calling extension on page 42General programming command script parameter descriptions on page 43

Programming command script examples for the Avaya SpacesCalling extension

When configuring the Avaya Spaces Calling extension in your company profile, you must enter aJSON script that is appropriate for your Avaya Aura® or IP Office environment. The script settingsare case sensitive.Change the Name parameter in the script to a suitable description for your environment.

Avaya Aura® script exampleThe following example includes two profiles in a single script:{"Aura_Web_Gateway_Server_Profile":[{"Name": "Alpha Aura","Address": "","AccountsToken": true,"LogDownload": true,"DialRule": false},{"Name": "Beta Aura","Address": """AccountsToken": true,

Avaya Spaces Calling extension configuration

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"LogDownload": true,"DialRule": false}]}

IP Office script exampleThe following is an example of the script for an IP Office environment:{"IP_Office_Server_Profile":[{"Name": "IPO Gamma","Address": “","AccountsToken": true,"LogDownload": true,"DialRule": false,"STUNHost": “","STUNPort": "3478","AutoFailover": false,“VoiceMail”:”*17”}]}

General programming command script parameter descriptionsThe following table describes the parameters in the Avaya Spaces Calling extension programmingcommand script. It also indicates whether the parameters are applicable for Avaya Aura®, IPOffice, or both.

JSON parameter Applicable for AvayaAura® or IP Office?

Description Values and examples

Name Both Enter a name for theprofile. This is amandatory parameter.

If there are multipleAvaya Aura® or IP Officeprofiles, you will see thename when logging in tothe extension.

Example name: IPOGamma

Table continues…

Configuring the Avaya Spaces Calling extension in your company profile

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JSON parameter Applicable for AvayaAura® or IP Office?

Description Values and examples

Address Both This is a mandatoryparameter.

If you are using anAvaya Aura®

environment, enter yourAvaya Aura® WebGateway FQDN.

If you are using an IPOffice environment,enter your Avaya one-X®

Portal FQDN.

To access the servicefrom the public internet,the public DNS mustresolve the address youspecify to the public IPaddress on AvayaSession BorderController for Enterprise(Avaya SBCE).


AadsAddress Avaya Aura® only Enter the Avaya Aura®

Device Services FQDN.This is an optionalparameter.

If this parameter is set,the Avaya SpacesCalling extensionsearches for contactsand retrieves dialing ruleconfiguration informationfrom Avaya Aura®DeviceServices. In this case,the DialRule parametersetting is ignored.

Avaya Aura® DeviceServices does notcurrently support AvayaSpaces SSO. Therefore,the AccountsTokenparameter is alwaystreated as false.

Table continues…

Avaya Spaces Calling extension configuration

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JSON parameter Applicable for AvayaAura® or IP Office?

Description Values and examples

AccountsToken Both This optional parameteris for Avaya SpacesSSO. Set this parameterto true if yourenvironment has SSOenabled. The defaultvalue is false.

Set to true or false

LogDownload Both Set this optionalparameter to true toenable users todownload logs from theAvaya Spaces Callingextension interface.

The default value istrue.

Set to true or false

DialRule Both This is an optionalparameter.

When set to true, anadministrator must setglobal dialing rules.

When set to false, endusers can configure localdialing rules through theAvaya Spaces Callingextension interface.

The default value isfalse.

Set to true or false

STUNHost IP Office only This is an optionalparameter.

To enable serviceaccess from internal andpublic networks, thisFQDN must be set to theAvaya SBCE publicaddress on a public DNSand the Avaya SBCEprivate address on aninternal DNS.

STUNPort IP Office only This is an optionalparameter.

The standard STUN portis 3478.

Example: 3478

Table continues…

Configuring the Avaya Spaces Calling extension in your company profile

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JSON parameter Applicable for AvayaAura® or IP Office?

Description Values and examples

AutoFailover IP Office only Set this optionalparameter to true ifredundant WebRTC orAvaya one-X® Portalgateways are available.

When this parameter isset to true, if theprimary server goesdown, the applicationtries to automaticallyconnect to thesecondary server.

When this parameter isset to false, theinterface displays anerror when the primaryserver goes downbecause connectivitywith a secondary servercannot be established.

The default value isfalse.

Set to true or false

VoiceMail IP Office only This is an optionalparameter.

Match this value to theIP Office voicemail shortcode. If not specified, thedefault value of *17 isused.

Example: *17

Dialing rule settingsWhen DialRule is set to true, you must configure the following global dialing rule parameters inthe JSON script for both Avaya Aura® and IP Office:

JSON parameter Description Values and examplesOutsidePrefix The prefix used on the telephone

system for placing external calls.

For example, in some cases, youmust enter 9 before you canmake an external call outside ofyour company.


Table continues…

Avaya Spaces Calling extension configuration

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JSON parameter Description Values and examplesCountryCode The country code. For example,

the country code is 1 in theUnited States and 44 in theUnited Kingdom.


CityCode The area code. To includemultiple area codes, use acomma-separated list.

555Example with multiple areacodes: 555,613,777

PbxPrefix Specify if the telephone systemhas its own prefix within anetwork.


LongDistancePrefix The prefix for making externalcalls to national, non-local phonenumbers.

For example, 1 is the longdistance prefix in North America.


InternationalPrefix The prefix used for external callsto international phone numbers.

For example, the internationalcalls prefix in North America is011.


ExtensionLength The length of internal extensionnumbers. To specify multiplevalues, use a comma-separatedlist.

4Example with multiple extensionlength values: 3,4

NationalLength The length of national phonenumbers, including the area code.For example, a national numberin North America has 10 digits.

To specify multiple values, use acomma-separated list.

10Example with multiple values:10,12

RemoveAreaCode In some areas, you can makelocal calls without entering anarea code.

Set this parameter to true toremove the area code. By default,this parameter is set to false.

Set to true or false

ApplytoPlusNumber The default value is true, whichmeans that the dialing rules areapplied to phone numbers thatuse the + format.

Set to true or false

Configuring the Avaya Spaces Calling extension in your company profile

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Chapter 8: Slack integration configuration

Integrate Avaya Assistant with Slack and configure it to work with your Avaya Spaces environment.When the integration is complete, Avaya Spaces company users can send an invitation to theirAvaya Spaces meeting room from a Slack channel. The Slack channel members can also launchthe Avaya Spaces meeting from Slack.

Configuring the Equinox Cloud Client application in yourcompany profile

About this taskYou must configure Equinox Cloud Client settings on the Apps tab of your company profile.The programming command script that you enter during this configuration process requires you topoint Avaya Assistant to your Avaya Equinox® Conferencing portal URL. The script values arecase-sensitive. The values you enter do not affect any other applications.This configuration is not required if you are using Avaya Equinox® Meetings Online.

Important:Any settings that you configure through the Conferencing application override the settings youconfigure here. To clear the changes made through the application interface, you must removethe application and resinstall it, so the values you configure in this procedure are usedinstead.

Procedure1. From, click Manage Companies and click your company


2. On the Apps tab, do the following to the add Equinox Cloud Client if it is not alreadypresent:

a. Click Configure New App.

b. From the drop-down menu, select Equinox Cloud Client.3. In the Equinox Cloud Client Settings window, enter the following programming command

script:{"Meeting_Portal_Settings": [{

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"Meeting_Portal_Name": "Equinox Meetings","Meeting_Portal_Url": "https://<yourportalURL>"}]}

In this script, <yourportalURL> is the URL for the Avaya Equinox® Conferencing Portal.

You can optionally include the port number in the Conferencing portal URL.

For multi-tenant installations, add /portal/tenants/<tenant-id>/ to the end of thestring. For example,

4. Click Save.

The new profile settings are used the next time company users log in to the application.

Integrating Avaya Assistant with your Slack workspaceAbout this taskUse Avaya Assistant to complete the integration with Slack.

Procedure1. In your browser, navigate to

2. Click Add to Slack.

Avaya Assistant redirects you to the Slack platform.

3. In the Sign in to your workspace window, enter your Slack workspace URL.

For example,

4. Click Continue.

5. Enter your Slack email and password, and then click Sign In.

6. To allow Avaya Assistant to access your Slack workspace, click Allow.

A confirmation message is displayed indicating that Avaya Assistant is successfullyinstalled in your Slack workspace.

ResultAfter completing this integration process, company users can use their Slack channel to startmeetings in their Avaya Spaces meeting room. For more information about starting an AvayaSpaces meeting from Slack, see Using Avaya Spaces.

Related linksIntegrating Slack with Avaya Spaces (video)

Integrating Avaya Assistant with your Slack workspace

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Chapter 9: Citrix environment configuration

To join Avaya Spaces meetings from a Citrix virtual desktop, follow the instructions in this chapter.You must configure the Citrix client and server. For optimal audio and video quality, ensure that youalso configure Browser Content Redirection (BCR).

You can also use your Citrix virtual desktop environment with the Avaya Spaces Calling extension.

Citrix client requirementsThe Citrix client requires the following:

• Microsoft Windows 10 operating system• Google Chrome web browser with the Sites can send pop-ups and use redirects setting

enabled• Citrix Workspace application

Avaya recommends using Citrix Workspace application version 2002 or later for BCR andscreen sharing. If you are using an earlier version, you can see content that others aresharing, but you cannot share your screen.

Related linksAvaya Spaces limitations for Citrix environments on page 51

Citrix server requirementsThe Citrix server requires the following:

• Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7, version 1811 or later• Virtual Delivery Agent operating system: Windows 10 (minimum version 1607) or Windows

Server 2016• Virtual Delivery Agent web browser: Google Chrome version 72 or later

Related linksAvaya Spaces limitations for Citrix environments on page 51

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Avaya Spaces limitations for Citrix environments• BCR does not work with Citrix Receiver. You must install the Citrix Workspace application on

the client.• Citrix BCR supports Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. BCR does not support

other operating systems.• When using BCR, you cannot share your browser tab in an Avaya Spaces meeting. You can

still share an application or your entire screen.• Citrix BCR does not support push notifications, so Avaya Spaces does not display chat and

other message notifications.• BCR does not work with the Citrix Workspace application for Windows version 1912 Long

Term Service Release (LTSR) because of the removal of the embedded browser. For moreinformation, see recommends using Citrix Application version 2002 Current Release (CR) or later.

• Citrix Workspace application version 2002 or later is required for screen sharing in an AvayaSpaces meeting. If you are using an earlier version, you can see content that others aresharing but you cannot share your screen.

• The Citrix server requires Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent version 1811.1 or later to supportGoogle Chrome.

• With Citrix Workspace version 1905 and earlier, websites that use Integrated WindowAuthentication (IWA) might not work because BCR cannot interpret the Windows Securitydialog box. This does not affect Avaya Spaces, but SSO websites used for authenticationthat employ IWA do not work.

• Google Chrome console logging is not supported.

Configuration recommendationsFollow these recommendations to optimize your Avaya Spaces experience with a Citrix virtualdesktop environment:

• On the Windows display settings, set the Scale and layout value to 100% or less.Avaya Spaces does not work correctly if the Windows display scale is larger than 100%.

• Configure the Citrix client to use high DPI for the best resolution and performance. Set thisusing Advanced Preferences on the Citrix Workspace taskbar.

• Enable BCR for the Citrix client and server.

Avaya Spaces limitations for Citrix environments

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BCR configuration and usageUse BCR for optimal audio and video quality. Before virtual desktop users can use BCR, you mustwork with them to configure it on the Citrix server and client.Using BCR offloads network usage, page processing, and graphics rendering to the Citrix clientinstead of occupying server resources.For more information about BCR, see

BCR policies in Citrix StudioThe following table summarizes the available Citrix Studio BCR policy options:

Policy name Value DescriptionBrowser Content Redirection Allowed or Prohibited Enables or disables the BCR


The default is Allowed.

Browser Content Redirection ACLConfiguration

List of URLs Defines which websites toredirect to the local client.Wildcards are permitted but notas part of the protocol or domain.

Browser Content RedirectionAuthentication Sites

List of URLs Defines which websites can beused to authenticate the users onthe sites listed under the BrowserContent Redirection ACLConfiguration policy.

Configuring BCR on the Citrix serverAbout this taskAs an administrator, you must set up each Citrix server to make Client Fetch and Client Renderingwork for BCR.

Before you begin• On the Citrix server, install Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7.• On a Citrix client, install the Citrix Workspace application. Do not install Citrix Receiver.• Verify that Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent version 1811.1 or later is installed, because earlier

versions do not support Google Chrome.

Procedure1. Open the Chrome browser on the Citrix server, go to

and enter Browser Redirection Extension in the Search field. Install the extension.

Citrix environment configuration

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2. Navigate to Citrix Studio on the Citrix server.

3. In the Policies settings, edit the Browser Content Redirection policy and click Allowed.

4. Add the following entries to the Browser Content Redirection ACL Configuration >Policies list:*****

This ACL configuration list defines which websites to redirect to the local client.

You can use wildcards in the list entries, but only after the protocol and domain. Forexample, after

5. Add the following entries to the Browser Content Redirection Authentication Sites >Policies list.*****

Configure the list of URLs that support authentication using third-party websites, such asGoogle or Microsoft Office 365. These are the URLs for which BCR remains active(redirected) when navigating away from a URL in the ACL configuration list.

You must add any website used for SSO to the authentication sites list. A single websitecan have multiple URL entries in the list.

Related linksBCR policies in Citrix Studio on page 52

Configuring BCR on a Citrix clientAbout this taskWork with virtual desktop users to ensure that BCR is configured on their Citrix clients.You can install the BCR extension from the Chrome web store. This extension redirects webpages in Citrix environments where BCR is enabled.

Before you beginOn the Citrix client, install the Citrix Workspace application. Do not install Citrix Receiver.

Procedure1. On the Citrix client, use the Google Chrome web browser to log in to the Citrix server.

You do not need to log in to the Citrix Workspace application.

2. Connect any devices, such as a microphone or camera, to the local client.

BCR configuration and usage

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The Citrix Workspace application accesses these devices directly through the local client.

3. On the Citrix server virtual desktop, click Preferences and then click the SelectConnections tab.

4. Under Microphone and webcams, set Session Settings to Do not connect.5. Open the Chrome browser on the Citrix server, go to

and enter Browser Redirection Extension in the Search field. Install the extension.

6. Use Chrome on the Citrix server to join an Avaya Spaces meeting.

When you browse to a website, the color of the BCR extension logo indicates the BCRstatus:

Green The connection is successful.

Grey The connection is not active or is idle.

The site URL is not allowed or not configured to use the BCR feature.

Red The site cannot connect to the Citrix server or the Citrix Workspace applicationon the client.

Verifying the Citrix configurationAbout this taskAfter configuring BCR on the Citrix client and server, you must verify that both Client Fetch andClient Render are working.

Procedure1. Using a local Windows client, connect to the Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent server.

2. Launch the Chrome browser on the Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent server and join an AvayaSpaces meeting.

3. Ensure that you can send and receive audio and video and that screen sharing is workingproperly.

Citrix environment configuration

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Page 55: Administering Avaya Spaces

Chapter 10: Third-party room systemadministration settings

You can join an Avaya Spaces meeting from the following third-party Poly room systems:• Poly Studio, Studio X30, and Studio X50• Poly Group Series 310, 500, and 700

Generate a third-party room system URI in Avaya Spaces. You can then use that URI to make a callto Avaya Spaces from your Poly device. For more information about obtaining the URI in AvayaSpaces, see Using Avaya Spaces.

Important:Ensure that the protocol is unrestricted. For more information about protocols, see Required hosts and protocols on page 12.

Before making a call to Avaya Spaces, you must configure a few settings in your Poly webadministration interface. The following procedure describes these settings at a high level.

Updating Poly administration settingsAbout this taskThis high-level procedure summarizes the settings you must update in your Poly webadministration interface before you can make a call to Avaya Spaces. The layout of the webadministration interface varies depending on which Poly device you are using.For more information about Poly devices, see the following resources:

• For Poly Studio, see• For the Poly Group Series, see


Procedure1. On the Poly web administration interface, navigate to one of the following paths depending

on the Poly system you are using:

• For Poly Group Series, navigate to Admin Settings > Network > IP Network.

• For Studio X30 or Studio X50, navigate to Call Configuration > SIP.

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2. Ensure that the Enable SIP check box is selected.

3. In Transport Protocol, select TLS.

4. Click Save to save your changes.

5. Navigate to one of the following paths on the Poly web administration interface:

• For Poly Group Series, navigate to Admin Settings > Security > Global Security >Encryption.

• For Studio X30 or Studio X50, navigate to Call Configuration > Call Settings.

6. In Require AES Encryption for Calls, select Required for All Calls.

7. Click Save to save your changes.

Perform the following additional steps for the Poly Group Series.

8. On the Poly Group Series administration interface, navigate to Admin Settings > GeneralSettings > System Settings > Call Settings.

9. Ensure that you select the Display System Name Instead of SIP Address check box tosend the system name in the SIP invite.

10. Click Save to save your changes.

Third-party room system administration settings

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Chapter 11: Troubleshooting

Avaya Spaces does not work properly due to firewall orproxy server settings

ConditionAvaya Spaces does not work as expected. Avaya Spaces might time out unexpectedly or thespace might be greyed out. Users cannot join meetings or access other content in the space.

CauseThis issue can occur if firewall port settings are not correctly configured.

SolutionReview the “Network access configuration” chapter. Configure your network firewall settings usingthe table in Required hosts and protocols on page 12.

Related linksNetwork access configuration on page 12

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Chapter 12: Resources

DocumentationAvaya Spaces customer documentation, articles, and videos are available on the AvayaDocumentation Center. You can also find Avaya Spaces documentation on the Avaya Supportwebsite.

Title Use this document to: AudienceUsingUsing Avaya Spaces Understand how to use Avaya Spaces

features on the mobile and desktopapplications. This document providesdetailed navigation and usage information,including information about:

• Using My Meeting Room, group spaces,and direct messaging spaces

• Working with meetings, recordings, chat,posts, and tasks

• Making one-on-one digital calls throughAvaya Spaces

• Making audio calls through the AvayaSpaces Calling extension or AvayaWorkplace Client

• Using meeting scheduling add-ons forGoogle Chrome and Microsoft Outlook

End users

VideosAvaya Spaces Videos Watch short videos on how to navigate

through Avaya Spaces, use Avaya Spacesfeatures, and perform administration tasks.

End users andadministrators

ArticlesLogging in to and out of AvayaSpaces

Access Avaya Spaces, create an account ifyou do not have one, and log in. This articlealso describes how to log out of AvayaSpaces.

End users

Table continues…

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Title Use this document to: AudienceTypes of spaces Get an overview of My Meeting Room,

group spaces, and direct messagingspaces. This article also provides high-levelinformation about making and managing acall.

End users

Working with the Avaya SpacesDashboard

Use the Avaya Spaces Dashboard on theweb interface and desktop application.

End users

Working with group spaces Set up and manage group spaces. End usersJoining and managing an AvayaSpaces meeting

Manage meetings in Avaya Spaces. Thisarticle also describes the features that areavailable in an Avaya Spaces meeting.

End users

Accessing a recording in AvayaSpaces

Access and work with meeting recordingsin Avaya Spaces.

End users

Working with posts in Avaya Spaces Create and manage posts in AvayaSpaces.

End users

Creating and managing tasks inAvaya Spaces

Create and work with tasks in AvayaSpaces.

End users

Working with chat in Avaya Spaces Work with chat messages in Avaya Spaces.This article also describes how to start adirect messaging chat conversation.

End users

Avaya Spaces license types Learn about Avaya Spaces licensing. Thisarticle includes a comparison of thefeatures you can access with differentlicense types.

All users, with afocus on end users

Using the Avaya Spaces schedulingadd-ons for Google Chrome andMicrosoft Outlook

Set up and use Avaya Agenda ChromeExtension and Avaya Meeting Schedulerfor Microsoft Outlook. Use these add-ons toschedule meetings.

End users

Developer documentationAvaya Spaces developer documentation includes information about APIs. You can find thiscontent at

Finding documents on the Avaya Support websiteProcedure

1. Go to

2. At the top of the screen, type your username and password and click Login.

3. Click Support by Product > Documents.

4. In Enter your Product Here, type the product name and then select the product from thelist.


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5. In Choose Release, select the appropriate release number.

The Choose Release field is not available if there is only one release for the product.

6. In the Content Type filter, click a document type, or click Select All to see a list of allavailable documents.

For example, for user guides, click User Guides in the Content Type filter. The list onlydisplays the documents for the selected category.

7. Click Enter.

Avaya Documentation Center navigationFor some programs, the latest customer documentation is now available on the AvayaDocumentation Center website at


For documents that are not available on Avaya Documentation Center, click More Sites >Support on the top menu to open

Using the Avaya Documentation Center, you can:

• Search for keywords.

To filter by product, click Filters and select a product.

• Search for documents.

From Products & Solutions, select a solution category and product, and then select theappropriate document from the list.

• Sort documents on the search results page.

• Click Languages ( ) to change the display language and view localized documents.

• Publish a PDF of the current section in a document, the section and its subsections, or theentire document.

• Add content to your collection using My Docs ( ).

Navigate to the Manage Content > My Docs menu, and do any of the following:

- Create, rename, and delete a collection.

- Add topics from various documents to a collection.

- Save a PDF of the selected content in a collection and download it to your computer.

- Share content in a collection with others through email.

- Receive collection that others have shared with you.

• Add yourself as a watcher using the Watch icon ( ).


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Navigate to the Manage Content > Watchlist menu, and do the following:

- Enable Include in email notification to receive email alerts.

- Unwatch selected content, all content in a document, or all content on the Watch list page.

As a watcher, you are notified when content is updated or deleted from a document, or thedocument is removed from the website.

• Share a section on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

• Send feedback on a section and rate the content.


Some functionality is only available when you log in to the website. The available functionalitydepends on your role.

SupportGo to the Avaya Support website at for the most up-to-datedocumentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes,downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a servicerequest. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to asupport team if an issue requires additional expertise.

Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge BaseThe Avaya InSite Knowledge Base is a web-based search engine that provides:

• Up-to-date troubleshooting procedures and technical tips

• Information about service packs

• Access to customer and technical documentation

• Information about training and certification programs

• Links to other pertinent information

If you are an authorized Avaya Partner or a current Avaya customer with a support contract, youcan access the Knowledge Base without extra cost. You must have a login account and a validSold-To number.

Use the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base for any potential solutions to problems.

1. Go to Log on to the Avaya website with a valid Avaya user ID and password.

The system displays the Avaya Support page.3. Click Support by Product > Product-specific Support.


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4. In Enter Product Name, enter the product, and press Enter.

5. Select the product from the list, and select a release.6. Click the Technical Solutions tab to see articles.7. Select relevant articles.


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browser contentredirection

Browser Content Redirection (BCR) on a Citrix virtual desktopinfrastructure provides optimized audio and video quality. When BCR isenabled, media travels between the Citrix client and the Avaya Spacesback-end cloud infrastructure, providing optimized transmission.

CDN A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a geographically distributed networkof proxy servers and their data centers. A CDN minimizes loading delaysand increases content availability.

STUN Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) is a standard set of methodsand transport protocol that allows a phone to discover its public IPaddress and ports.

whitelist An explicit list of permitted domains or addresses for your network.

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Aaccess control ......................................................................10adding

additional domain ......................................................... 25company ....................................................................... 15domain ..........................................................................15users to company ......................................................... 17

Admin Areaaccessing ......................................................................23adding domains ............................................................ 25Avaya Spaces Calling ...................................................26company policy .............................................................27deleting existing users .................................................. 29deleting pending users ................................................. 29inviting users .................................................................28managing company ...................................................... 24message retention policy ..............................................26overview ....................................................................... 23permissions .................................................................. 27subscription plan ...........................................................30user licenses .................................................................31viewing active users ..................................................... 28viewing pending users .................................................. 28

administration overview ......................................................... 8allocating

user licenses .................................................................31Avaya Aura Device Services configuration ..........................40Avaya Aura Web Gateway configuration ............................. 40Avaya Spaces Calling extension ..........................................40

Avaya Aura configuration ..............................................40company profile ............................................................ 41IP Office configuration .................................................. 40programming command script ...................................... 42script ............................................................................. 42

Avaya Spaces components ................................................... 9Avaya support website .........................................................61

BBrowser Content Redirection (BCR)

Citrix benefits ................................................................52policies ..........................................................................52recommendation ...........................................................51verification .................................................................... 54

browsers ................................................................................ 8

CCalling feature ......................................................................26Citrix

Avaya Spaces limitations ..............................................51client configuration ........................................................53

Citrix (continued)configuration ................................................................. 50recommended configurations ....................................... 51requirements .................................................................50server configuration ...................................................... 52verification .................................................................... 54

Citrix Studiopolicies ..........................................................................52

client system ........................................................................ 50collection

delete ............................................................................60edit name ......................................................................60generating PDF ............................................................ 60sharing content ............................................................. 60

companyadding ...........................................................................15

company permissions .......................................................... 27company profile

Avaya Spaces Calling extension .................................. 41components ........................................................................... 9configuration

Avaya Aura ................................................................... 40Avaya Spaces Calling extension .................................. 40Citrix ............................................................................. 50initial company ........................................................12, 15IP Office ........................................................................40users .......................................................................12, 15

configuringEquinox Cloud Client .................................................... 48message retention policy ..............................................26

configuring Avaya Spaces Calling extensioncompany profile ............................................................ 41

contentpublishing PDF output .................................................. 60searching ...................................................................... 60sharing ..........................................................................60sort by last updated ...................................................... 60watching for updates .................................................... 60

Ddata encryption .................................................................... 10data storage .........................................................................10deallocating

user licenses .................................................................32deleting

domain ..........................................................................25users .............................................................................21

dial plan settings .................................................................. 46dialing rules ..........................................................................46DialRule

true ............................................................................... 46document changes ................................................................ 6

September 2021 Administering Avaya Spaces 64Comments on this document? [email protected]

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documentation center .......................................................... 60finding content .............................................................. 60navigation ..................................................................... 60

documentation portal ........................................................... 60finding content .............................................................. 60navigation ..................................................................... 60

domainadding ...........................................................................15adding from Admin Area ...............................................25deleting ......................................................................... 25

domainspairing ...........................................................................38


users .............................................................................21Equinox Cloud Client ........................................................... 48extension

Avaya Spaces Calling ...................................................40

Ffinding content on documentation center .............................60

Gglobal dialing rules ............................................................... 46


users to company ......................................................... 18InSite Knowledge Base ........................................................61IP Office configuration ..........................................................40

Llegal notices

hosted service ..................................................................license information features .................................................33limitation

Citrix ............................................................................. 51login options

restricting ...................................................................... 37login policy ........................................................................... 36

pairing domains ............................................................ 38restricting login options .................................................37


subscription plan ...........................................................30media transport ....................................................................14message retention policy

configuring .................................................................... 26

My Docs ...............................................................................60


hosted service ..................................................................................

Oone-X Portal for IP Office .....................................................40operating systems ..................................................................8


domains ........................................................................ 38pending invitations

viewing ..........................................................................20pending users

deleting ......................................................................... 29permissions

company policy .............................................................27Poly administration settings ................................................. 55programming command script

examples ...................................................................... 42paramaters ................................................................... 43

Rrelated documentation ......................................................... 58required hosts ...................................................................... 12required protocols ................................................................ 12restricting

login options ................................................................. 37role-based access control ....................................................10

Sscript descriptions ................................................................ 43script examples ....................................................................42script parameters ................................................................. 43searching for content ........................................................... 60server specifications ............................................................ 50Settings tab ..........................................................................24sharing content .................................................................... 60Slack

integration .....................................................................48Slack integration

Avaya Assistant ............................................................ 49Equinox Cloud Client .................................................... 48overview ....................................................................... 48

sort documents by last updated ...........................................60SSO ..................................................................................... 52subscription plan ..................................................................30support .................................................................................61


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supported browsers ............................................................... 8supported operating systems .................................................8

Tthird-party conference room system .................................... 55third-party room

admin settings .............................................................. 55transport guidelines ............................................................. 14troubleshooting

Avaya Spaces times out ............................................... 57greyed out content ........................................................57


Poly Group 300 settings ............................................... 55Poly Group 500 settings ............................................... 55Poly Studio X30 settings ...............................................55Poly Studio X50 settings ...............................................55

user invitations .....................................................................20user licenses

allocating ...................................................................... 31deallocating .................................................................. 32

usersadding to company ....................................................... 17deleting ......................................................................... 21editing ........................................................................... 21importing to company ................................................... 18


Citrix configuration ........................................................54viewing

pending invitations ........................................................20

Wwatch list .............................................................................. 60


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