administration and supervision of gifted programs weekend 1 february 25-6, 2011

Administration and Supervision of Gifted Programs Weekend 1 February 25-6, 2011 s

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Course Outcomes  To deepen understanding of the components of comprehensive gifted and talented programming  To determine the extent to which g/t services are infused in the total education program  To construct and/or improve a written comprehensive gifted and talented program plan  To determine how to set priorities for g/t programming and students served  To identify and use data necessary to provide, drive, and improve g/t programming


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Administration and Supervision of Gifted

ProgramsWeekend 1

February 25-6, 2011

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Agenda Welcome and Introductions Goals Norms Iowa Code Foundation

– Vision– Mission– Beliefs

Program Goals Home Play Closure

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Course Outcomes To deepen understanding of the components of

comprehensive gifted and talented programming To determine the extent to which g/t services are

infused in the total education program To construct and/or improve a written

comprehensive gifted and talented program plan To determine how to set priorities for g/t

programming and students served To identify and use data necessary to provide,

drive, and improve g/t programming

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Group Norms Talk freely - think out loud Questions establish a culture of

curiosity Freedom to change your mind Connect to Iowa Core, previous

learning and district initiatives Support one another in the


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Gifted and Talented Identification

What is it?Why do it?What then?

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The Target Population Definition of

“gifted” Multiple Criteria


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State of Iowa Definition General Intellectual Ability Specific Ability Aptitude Creativity Leadership Visual and Performing Arts

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Characteristics With your team Review areas in your target population Talk about the assessments that help

you find kids in each category How is that working? What other assessments might you


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Starting the Process Screening

– Use existing data sources Nomination/Referral

– Who may/should refer?– How will they do it?– How will they know they can?

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Digging Deeper What stands out about the child? What more do you need to know?

– Cast a wider net– No single piece of data screens a child “in”

or “out” Are the criteria valid for the construct

being measured? How will you analyze the information? At what point can you make a decision

with confidence? Notification

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Activity Consider the list of multiple criteria Identify which area(s) of giftedness

for which each would be a valid criterion to consider.

Are all the criteria appropriate at all grade spans?

Add other examples at the bottom. Share with someone you haven’t

yet worked with today.

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Placement Which children need which

services? Not about assigning a label According to need

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Some Things to Ponder

Once identified, always identified? Procedure for staffing out? Your questions?

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Gap AnalysisWith your team1. Study Guiding Principles, Attributes

That Define High-Quality Identification Procedures (p. 51-2), and SART results

2. Identify desired state3. Outline your current identification

procedures (current state)4. List steps needed to move toward

desired state

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Home Play Write the identification plan for your

district OR evaluate the existing plan against attributes on p. 52-3

Share draft of Vision/Mission/Beliefs with building/district GT teacher(s), GT Advisory, and/or Administrative Team– Get input

Read chs. 9, 16, & 17 and journal Complete differentiated program section

of SA/RT

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Home Play Choose some aspect of

identification that raises questions for you. Identify those questions and research the issue.

Prepare a short presentation for the group to share the information and how it fits for you into the bigger picture of identification.

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Next Weekend Friday 5-9; Saturday 8-6 Location: Chase Suite Hotels11428 Forest AveClive