adobe indesign cs6 brochure

Adobe InDesign CS6 What’s New Adap InDesign page layous or dieren page sizes, devices, and orienaions more e icienly —wihou sacriicing pixel-perec conrol over design and ypography. Inegrae wih Adobe Digial Publishing Suie* o publish o ables easily. Adobe InDesign CS6 soware inroduces new ools ha will radically change he way you work. Eicienly repurpose and adap your layous or he myriad prin pages and devices you design or in oday’s world. Liquid Layou, alernae layou, linked conen, and he Conen Collecor ools—used separaely or in combinaion—give you he lexibiliy o leverage your designs wih as much or as lile conrol as you need. Wheher you’re designing prin documen s, able apps, ineracive PDF iles, or working in all o hese media, new eaures in InDesign CS6 can help you reach your audience more eicienly. Dive in and explore new creaive horizons now ha i’s even easier o design .olio iles or use wih he Adobe Digial Publishing Suie* and publish digial conen o able devices. For example, you can now expor boh horizonal and verical layous o a able app rom a single InDesign documen. Include placed HML such as Google Maps and animaion creaed wih Adobe Edge Preview soware, which reains is ineraciviy when you expor a .olio ile. Enhanced packaging eaures help you ensure you’ll ge he resuls you expec. he Middle Easern version o InDesign, now available direcly rom Adobe, provides enhanced uncionaliy and helps make conen localizaion smooher. In all versions o InDesign CS6, you’ll save ime wih quick access o recenl y used ons, he ools o creae PDF orm ields in InDesign, he abiliy o view dieren layous in spli window mode, and many oher new eaures. Adobe ® InDesign ® CS6 Design pro essional layou s or prin and digi al publishing InDesign CS6 provides a range o new eaures ha le you repurpose conen wih as much or as litle conrol as you wan. Creae an alernae layou o adap your design or dieren page sizes and orienaions wihin a single InDesign le. Apply liquid page rules o le InDesign make iniial adjusmens o conen in he alernae layou, while you reain complee conrol. Te Conen Collecor ools provide anoher way o reuse conen in muliple layous—and o access iems you use requenly, such as logos. Linking conen helps you ensure ha repeaed conen s ays consisen wihin a documen or acros s muliple documens. Everything you need, everywhere you work Buy InDesign CS6 as a standalone desktop application or as part o an Adobe Creative Cloud™ membership. Adobe Creative Cloud is a creative hub where you can explore, create, share, and deliver your work using any o the Adobe Creative Suite desktop tools, plus Adobe Muse™ and other new applications. New internet-based services  enable creation o high-impact content experiences or delivery across screens and devices—rom interactive websites to stunning digital magazines. Adobe Creative Cloud redenes creativity, oering immediate and ongoing access to industry-dening tools and innovative technologies. Learn more at Adobe Creative Cloud includes these valuable tools: AdobeInDesign AdobePhotoshop®Extended AdobeIllustrator® AdobeMuse AdobeAcrobat®Pro AdobeDreamweaver® 

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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Adobe InDesign CS6 What’s New

Adap InDesign page layous or dieren page sizes, devices, and orienaions more

eicienly—wihou sacriicing pixel-perec conrol over design and ypography. Inegrae

wih Adobe Digial Publishing Suie* o publish o ables easily.

Adobe InDesign CS6 soware inroduces new ools ha will radically change he way you work.

Eicienly repurpose and adap your layous or he myriad prin pages and devices you design or in

oday’s world. Liquid Layou, alernae layou, linked conen, and he Conen Collecor ools—used

separaely or in combinaion—give you he lexibiliy o leverage your designs wih as much or as lile

conrol as you need.

Wheher you’re designing prin documens, able apps, ineracive PDF iles, or working in all o hesemedia, new eaures in InDesign CS6 can help you reach your audience more eicienly. Dive in and

explore new creaive horizons now ha i’s even easier o design .olio iles or use wih he Adobe Digia

Publishing Suie* and publish digial conen o able devices. For example, you can now expor boh

horizonal and verical layous o a able app rom a single InDesign documen. Include placed HML

such as Google Maps and animaion creaed wih Adobe Edge Preview soware, which reains is

ineraciviy when you expor a .olio ile. Enhanced packaging eaures help you ensure you’ll ge he

resuls you expec.

he Middle Easern version o InDesign, now available direcly rom Adobe, provides enhanced

uncionaliy and helps make conen localizaion smooher. In all versions o InDesign CS6, you’ll save

ime wih quick access o recenly used ons, he ools o creae PDF orm ields in InDesign, he abiliy

o view dieren layous in spli window mode, and many oher new eaures.

Adobe®  InDesign® CS6Design proessional layous or prin and digial publishing

InDesign CS6 provides a range o new eaures ha le you repurpose conen wih as much or as litle conrol as you wan. Creae an

alernae layou o adap your design or dieren page sizes and orienaions wihin a single InDesign le. Apply liquid page rules o

le InDesign make iniial adjusmens o conen in he alernae layou, while you reain complee conrol. Te Conen Collecor

ools provide anoher way o reuse conen in muliple layous—and o access iems you use requenly, such as logos. Linking

conen helps you ensure ha repeaed conen s ays consisen wihin a documen or acros s muliple documens.

Everything you need,

everywhere you work

Buy InDesign CS6 as a standalone

desktop application or as part o an

Adobe Creative Cloud™ membership.

Adobe Creative Cloud † is a creative

hub where you can explore, create,

share, and deliver your work

using any o the Adobe Creative

Suite desktop tools, plus Adobe

Muse™ and other new applications.

New internet-based services† 

enable creation o high-impact

content experiences or delivery

across screens and devices—rom

interactive websites to stunning

digital magazines. Adobe Creative

Cloud redenes creativity, oering

immediate and ongoing access

to industry-dening tools and

innovative technologies. Learn more


Adobe Creative Cloud includes these

valuable tools:







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2Adobe InDesign CS6 What’s New

Top features















With Adobe InDesign CS6, you can:

Create beautiul page layouts and adapt them or any size, medium, or device. Adap your

InDesign CS6 documen or alernae page dimensions: Use liquid page rules o auomaically

adjus he layou or a new orienaion or page size, giving you a head-sar on designing an

alernae layou in InDesign, where you reain complee conrol.

Design or print, screen, and tablet more eiciently than ever. Design page layous or any

medium aser and easier han ever. Link conen wihin or across InDesign documens o ensure

images, ex, and ineraciviy remain consisen. Easily repurpose conen rom one layou ino

anoher. Access recenly used ons convenienly. Creae PDF orm ields wihin InDesign.

Create and publish interactive, digital publications or tablets. Inegrae wih Adobe Digial

Publishing Suie* o publish able applicaions wihou wriing code. Expor boh horizonal and

verical layous rom one InDesign ile. Include placed ineracive HML such as Google Maps or

animaion creaed wih Adobe Edge Preview soware.

Who uses InDesign?

Designers, production specialists, and printers use InDesign o lay ou, preligh, and publish

documens or prin, online publicaion, or delivery o able devices. InDesign oers precise

conrol over ypography o produce excellen resuls or boh prin and digial disribuion. Creaive

proessionals ake advanage o is igh inegraion wih leading indusry ools, including Adobe

Phooshop, Adobe Illusraor, and Adobe Acroba soware.

Publishers, designers, and advertisers can ake advanage o ools ha inegrae wih Adobe

Digial Publishing Suie* o creae and publish digial conen hrough leading mobile markeplaces

or consumpion on able devices.

op new eaures o Adobe InDesign CS6

Alternate Layout

I’s increasingly common o reuse conen in muliple layous. For example, you may need o adap

a prin ad or dieren sizes or orienaions. For digial publishing, you can design boh he

horizonal and verical layous or a .olio ile in a single InDesign ile. Or creae similar bu

cusomized layous or dieren devices, such as he Apple iPad and he Moorola Xoom, wihinone InDesign documen.

he Alernae Layou eaure makes i easier o adap your primary InDesign layou or oher

orienaions, page sizes, or devices while reaining complee conrol over he design. InDesign does

he edious work o adding pages and copying your conen so ha you can ocus on he design.

he Creae Alernae Layou command duplicaes your exising pages wihin he same documen—

including ex syles and he relaionship beween objecs—using a dieren page size or

orienaion. I you choose o apply liquid page rules when you creae an alernae layou, InDesign

arranges conen according o hose rules; oherwise, i places he conen in exacly he same

posiion as in he original pages. You can link sories, so ha i’s easier o keep he layous in sync.

Adobe Edge Preview


motion and interaction design

tool that allows designers to bring

animated content to websites, using



When you creae an alernae

layou, InDesign duplicaes he

conen on new pages, using

he dimensions, orienaion,

and opions you selec in he

Creae Alernae Layou dialog

box. Each layou appears

separaely in he Pages panel.

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3Adobe InDesign CS6 What’s New

You can even copy he ex syles, and hen cusomize he syles or each layou. Aer InDesign has

creaed he new pages, adjus heir conen however you like o achieve your design goals.

Enhancemens o he Pages panel help you see each layou clearly. he Pages panel displays he

pages or each layou separaely. I also les you spli he documen window so ha you can

compare muliple layous as you work on hem.

Liquid Layout

When you need o repurpose a layou or pages wih dieren dimensions, le Liquid Layou do

some o he heavy liing. Apply liquid page rules o individual pages in your layou. hen, when

you creae an alernae layou, InDesign applies hose rules o arrange conen in relaionship o he

new page size. You can sill make manual changes o he design, bu i you apply liquid page rules

sraegically, mos o he conen will auomaically be in posiion when you creae a new layou.

Selec he appropriae liquid page rule or he ype o page: Scale works bes when you’re adaping

a page or a layou ha has he same aspec raio and orienaion. Re-cener is appropriae when

you’re repurposing conen or a similar device and orienaion wih a larger size. Guide-based is

useul or simpler pages ha include mosly ex and a ew images. Objec-based les you

cusomize he way each objec will be adjused or he new page.

Linked contentEnsure ha repeaed conen—wheher ex, images, or ineraciviy—remains consisen in he

same documen or across muliple documens. You can link anyhing a rame conains, including

ransiion imes and oher ineracive seings. When you’ve linked conen, ediing he original

(paren) conen causes InDesign o aler you ha he link has been modiied or every linked

insance o he conen, wheher hey’re in he same InDesign documen or oher documens.

Spli he

window o

view wo



as you make

adjusmens o

he design.

Liquid Layou adjuss conen in rel aionship o he page when you creae an

alernae layou in InDesign. Te Objec-based liquid page rule les you speciy

how each objec resizes and where i is posiioned. You can pin an objec o one

or more page edges, se is conen o auo-, and enable i o grow wider, aller,

or boh. Here, he pinned objecs reain heir relaions hips in a verical layou. 

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4Adobe InDesign CS6 What’s New

Jus selec he conen, choose Edi > Place And Link, and hen place i in any open documen. he

link appears in he Links panel. When you make a change o he paren conen, InDesign displays

an aler icon in he child rame, and he Links panel shows ha he linked conen is ou o dae;

simply click he aler icon o updae he child conen. When you make changes o child conen,

only ha insance is aeced.

In prin worklows, you can make sure he same logo or boilerplae inormaion exiss in all

company maerials by linking ha conen o a paren documen and making all changes here. In a

digial publishing worklow, you can now be cerain ha horizonal and verical layous o he same

able app have he same ex, images, and ineracive behavior.

Content Collector toolsQuickly reuse ex and objecs in he same documen or oher InDesign documens using he

Conen Collecor ools: he Conen Collecor ool, he Conen Conveyor, and he Conen Placer

ool. Use he Conen Collecor ool o selec he rame you wan o grab, place i in he Conen

Conveyor, and hen go o he locaion in any documen where you wan o use he iem again. Use

he Conen Placer ool o place he iem on he page.

By deaul, once you’ve placed an iem, i disappears rom he Conen Conveyor. However, you can

op o leave an iem in he Conen Conveyor so ha i will be available in any InDesign documen.

his is handy i here are company logos, boilerplae ex, or oher iems ha you use requenly.

Linking sories, images, and ineraciviy wihin a documen or

among muliple les helps you mainain consisency. Her e, a

verical and horizonal layou were linked. Changes were made o

ex in he verical layou, and a phoo was subsiued. In he

horizonal layou, he linked ex and phoo displayed alers.

Double-click he aler icons, and he conen updaes.

Link collected content

Te Content Collector tools become

even more powerul when you link


store a copy o boilerplate text in the

Content Conveyor or easy access,

and link it to parent content in amaster document. Afer you change

the text in the parent content, you’ll

be prompted to update every linked

version when you open a document

containing the child content. Collec conen rom one or more

documens. When you selec muliple

objecs a once, he Conen Conveyor

displays one o hem and a number

indicaing how many objecs are in he se.

When you place conen rom he

Conveyor, you can choose o place i once

and remove i, place i once and leave i in

he Conveyor, or place i muliple imes

and leave i in he Conveyor.

When you marquee-selec muliple iems a

once o collec hem, he Conveyor

remembers heir relaionship o each oher.

You can drop he iems individually, or you

can drag o place hem wih heir original

relaionships inac.

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5Adobe InDesign CS6 What’s New

PDF orms within InDesignCreaing engaging, ineracive PDF orms jus go easier. Now you can no only design an aracive

orm in InDesign, you can creae he orm ields exacly as you wan hem beore you expor he ile

o PDF.

You can creae ex, radio buon, check mark, combo box, and signaure ields, as well as buons

or prining, submiing he orm by email, and clearing he orm. You can even include oolips,

deermine he ab order or orm ields.

Middle Eastern language supportNow you can ge a Middle Easern version o InDesign direcly rom Adobe. he new version

provides ull suppor or Arabic, Hebrew, and oher Middle Easern languages, making conen

localizaion smooher or designers, publishers, and anyone who creaes global conen. he

Middle Easern version o InDesign CS6 provides enhanced uncionaliy, including suppor or

ables in he Sory Edior, improved Kashida jusiicaion, enhanced diacriic posiioning, and oher

ex-handling improvemens. Because i’s an Adobe version, you’ll also ge updaes as soon as

hey’re available, and you can depend on direc suppor rom Adobe.

Productivity gainsInDesign CS6 inroduces many improvemens ha help you work more e icienly, no maer wha

ype o layous you creae:

• Alignselecteditemsinthelayouttoakeyobjectyoudene.

Add ineraciviy o PDF orms wihou leaving InDesign. You can creae, syle,

and add uncionaliy o orm elds, so ha your orm is ready or use as soonas you expor o PDF. Use he Butons And Forms panel o add PDF acions

such as prining or submiting he orm. You can even show and hide or m

elds based on riggers such as responses o oher quesions on he orm.

Export to PNG

You can export your InDesign docu-



document, part o the document, or

individual items.

InDesign CS6 provides a

new way o align conen.

Wih muliple objecs

seleced, you can deneone as a key objec

(highlighed wih a hick

blue ouline). Ten apply

an alignmen opion; he

key objec serves as he

guide or he ohers.

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6Adobe InDesign CS6 What’s New

• Usecomplexcalculationstocalculatevaluesdirectlywithinpanelsanddialogboxes.For

example, you could ener 12.5p/2x3 o compue he size o an objec’s widh.

• ZoomindirectlytoalinkedobjectwhenyouviewitincontextfromtheLinkspanel .

• Accuratelypreviewyourlayoutingrayscaletoproofitforablack-and-whitedeviceorblack-and-

whie prining.

• UsetheExtensionManagertoenableordisableentiregroupsofextensionsthatyoudeneas

cusom ses, so ha you have exacly —and only—wha you need or your workow.

• ChooseIDMLasaleformatintheSaveAsdialogboxtoeasilysaveinaformatthatpeopleusingearlier versions o InDesign can open.

Enhancements or digital publishing

Adobe coninues o reine he digial publishing experience wih several new eaures in

InDesign CS6. You’ll ind i’s easier o produce digial conen, wheher you’re creaing .olio iles

o publish as able apps wih he help o Adobe Digial Publishing Suie* or exporing EPUB

documens or eBook readers.

Creae a single InDesign documen or your able app, including boh he horizonal and verical

layous. You no longer have o keep rack o muliple documens or a single projec. When you

expor he ile o .olio orma or Digial Publishing Suie*, boh layous are included. Now when

you package documens or hando or Digial Publishing Suie, you can include uncionaliy such

as overlays.

You can pase or place ineracive HML conen, including Google Maps or animaion creaed in

Adobe Edge Preview. When you expor he documen o HML, EPUB3, or .olio orma, he

ineraciviy remains acive.

Addiionally, numerous small enhancemens make he EPUB publishing process smooher. For

example, he EPUB Expor dialog box has been redesigned. EPUB documens now suppor cusom

bulles and numbers, more robus ables, and much more.

Text-handling improvementsInDesign CS6 provides enhancemens ha help you compose and orma ex e ecively:

• Quicklyaccessthefontsyou’veusedrecentlyfromthetopofthefontlist.

• Keepparagraphstogetherevenwhenoneparagraphspli ts 

or spans columns, so ha you can deermine how InDesign

breaks ex.

• Mapstylesinlinkedtexttocontrolhowtextdiersbetween 

he paren ex and he child. For example, you migh wan he

same ex o be 24 poins in he prin version o he headline

bu 12 poins on an iPad.

• Usethedictionarythatbesttsyourproject.Hunspellopen

source dicionaries are he deaul in InDesign CS6, and you can

choose any o more han 100 dicionaries o insall.

• Settheframetomovewiththetext;astextexpandsorshrinks,

so does he rame around i. You’re in conrol. You can enable

his eaure or any ex rame, and include i in objec syles.



in Adobe Creative Cloud. With a

membership, you will be able to

develop an unlimited number o 


Flexible column widths



text into additional columns when

you resize the page. You speciy a

maximum width; i the column growswider than that, InDesign creates a

new column.

You no longer need o scroll hrough

dozens or hundreds o ons o nd

one you use requenly; ons you’ve

used recenly are easily accessible a

he op o he lis in he Fon menu

and in he Conrol panel.

Give your ex rame reedom o grow

or shrink as you add, delee, or edi

ex. Auo-Size opions deermine

wheher he ex rame can ge aller,

wider, or boh, and in which direcions.

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7Adobe InDesign CS6 What’s New

• Use he World-Ready Composer, a composiion engine in InDesign, o work wih Hindi, Punjabi,

and oher Indian languages, as well as complex scrip languages such as Arabic and Hebrew. (o

access a broader range o ypographical conrols, use he Middle Easern version o InDesign.)

Greater lexibility with PDF ilesWheher you’re designing prined publicaions or creaing ineracive digial documens, PDF iles

play an imporan role in many worklows. InDesign CS6 builds on he robus PDF eaures o 

earlier versions. I’s now much easier o se ab order, expor grayscale PDF iles, and expor

ineracive PDF iles as pages.

he ab order in a PDF ile deermines which orm ield, aricle, or oher conen is seleced nex

when you press ab. When a documen is read aloud by an applicaion wih accessibiliy eaures,

he applicaion ollows he reading order; i you ab o a dieren area o he documen, i’s

highlighed as i’s read. In he pas, seing he ab order required opening he PDF ile in Adobe

Acroba Pro or working wih he XML panel in InDesign. Now you can easily se he ab order using

he Aricles panel in InDesign.

Expor a grayscale PDF ile rom InDesign CS6 using one o he grayscale desinaion proiles in he

Expor Adobe PDF dialog box. Easily repurpose color documens or black-and-whie newspapers

or lower-cos prining.When you expor ineracive PDF iles, you can choose wheher o expor each spread as a page (as

in earlier versions) or spli he spreads ino individual pages. Readers experience he ineracive

PDF ile as you inend hem o.

Sill using InDesign CS5?For hose sill using InDesign CS5, upgrading o InDesign CS6 also gives you he chance o cach up

on all he grea eaures added in InDesign CS5.5. hese include:

• DPS Desktop tools. Creae and preview digial magazines, newspapers, and caalogs or a variey

o ables. Upload o Adobe Digial Publishing Suie* or ur her producion and disribuion.

• Enhanced eBook authoring. Creae more engaging eBooks, wih less need or developers.

Include rened ypography and images ha resize o virually any screen.

• Articles panel. Conrol he order o ex, images, and graphics when you expor o EPUB or

HML wihou changing he InDesign layou. Drag conen ino he Aricles panel o dene

he order.

• Dynamic image resizing. Design and publish an EPUB eBook whose imagery will look good on

virually any size screen on which i is played.

• Styles mapped to tags. Map paragraph and characer syles direcly o HML, EPUB, and PDF

ags so hey expor using appropriae specicaions.

Support for Indian languages

Te World-Ready Composer supports

the ollowing Indian languages:











I’s much easier o se he ab order or a PDF le wihin InDesign

now. Jus add iems o he Aricles panel in he ab order you wan,

and hen choose Use For Reading Order In agged PDF rom he

panel menu; when you expor he PDF, make sure o selec Creae

agged PDF and Use Srucure For ab Order.

7/30/2019 Adobe InDesign CS6 Brochure 8/8

Adobe Systems Incorporated 

345 Park Avenue

San Jose, CA 95110-2704



digitalpublishingsuite or more inormation. 





Adobe, he Adobe logo, Acroba, Creaive Cloud, he Creaive Cloud logo, Creaive Suie, Dreamweaver, Flash, Illusraor, InDesign, Muse, and Phooshopare eiher regisered rademarks or rademarks o Adobe Sysems Incorporaed in he Unied Saes and/or oher counries. AMD Ahlon is a rademark orregisered rademark o Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Apple, Mac, and Mac OS are rademarks o Apple Compuer, Inc., regisered in he Unied Saes andoher counries. Inel and Penium are rademarks or regisered rademarks o Inel Corporaion or is subsidiaries in he Unied Saes and oher counries.Microso and Windows are eiher regisered rademarks or rademarks o Microso Corporaion in he Unied Saes and/or oher counries. All oherrademarks are he propery o heir respeci ve owners.

© 2012 Adobe Sysems Incorporaed. All righs reserved.

Expected ship date

Second quarer 2012

For more information

Produc deails:

• Drag-and-drop anchored objects. Add inline graphics and oher anchored objecs quickly and

inuiively by simply dragging hem o he desired anchor locaion in he ex. 

• PDF accessibility enhancements. Reduce he ime i akes o creae PDF documens ha include

accessibiliy eaures or people wih disabiliies. Add, edi, and view al ex atribues associaed

wih an objec.

Sill using InDesign CS4?Upgrading rom InDesign CS4 o InDesign CS6 also adds all he new eaures inroduced in

InDesign CS5. hese include sreamlined review worklows and oher produciviy enhancemens:

• Interactive documents and presentations. Add ineraciviy, moion, sound, and video o

documens and presenaions, exporing direcly o SWF or playback in he Adobe Flash

Player runime.

• Simplifed object selection and editing. Perorm repeiive layou asks efcienly using

convenien ools and on-objec conrols.

• Text-handling enhancements. Creae ex ha spans or splis ino muliple columns in jus a ew

seps. Mark up ex direcly in InDesign, easily racking copy revisions. Generae saic or live

capions auomaically rom image meadaa.

• Multiple page sizes. Creae pages wih dieren sizes in a single documen.

• Layers panel. Easily manage page iems wih a Layers panel ha is similar o he one in AdobeIllusraor soware.

• Production enhancements. Find and drag images ino page layous rom Adobe Mini Bridge

wihou leaving InDesign. Help eliminae on subsiuion issues wih documen-insalled ons.

Expor PDF documens in he background. 

Abou Adobe Sysems IncorporaedAdobe is changing he world hrough digial experiences. For more inormaion, visi

System requirements











•1024x768display(1280x800recom -









activation. Broadband Internet connection


activation, validation o subscriptions, and

access to online services.†Phoneactiva-

tion is not available.


Mac OS







volume that uses a case-sensitive le








activation. Broadband Internet connection


activation, validation o subscriptions, and

access to online services.†Phoneactiva-

tion is not available.
