creating accessible pdf documentw with adobe indesign cs6 v3

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  • 8/12/2019 Creating Accessible PDF Documentw With Adobe Indesign Cs6 v3


    Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    Creaing accessible PDF documens wih

    AdobeInDesignCS6Is criical ha conen is accessible o he wides possible audience and complies wih accessibiliy sandards

    and regulaions, such as WCAG 2.0 and Secion 508 o he U.S. Governmens Rehabiliaion Ac. An

    accessible elecronic documen is one ha is opimized or screen readers and oher assisive devices used by

    persons wih disabiliies. Producing accessible conen also plays a key role in opimizing PDF documens or

    successul indexing by Inerne search engines.

    Achieving his kind o accessibiliy requires agging all documen conen based on i s hierarchical srucure

    (headings, paragraphs, liss, ables, and so on) and ordering he conen in a linear pah rom sar o inish. An

    addiional requiremen or accessible documens is ideniying nonex conen, such as graphics and images,

    in conex and describing wha is shown.

    InDesign CS6 o ers a direc and simple worklow ha dramaically reduces he ime and e or required o

    produce accessible PDF documens rom an InDesign layou. Mos o he asks are execued wihin InDesign,

    wih only a ew inal seps required in Adobe Acroba. his allows hierarchical and srucural inormaion o

    reside in he InDesign ile, making updaes aser and easier when you need o generae a revised accessible

    PDF documen.

    o accomplish he asks described in his whie paper, you will need:

    Adobe InDesign CS6 sofwareo prepare a documen or accessible PDF expor using he processes


    Adobe Acrobat X Proessionalo finalize he accessibiliy process. You canno accomplish hese seps wih

    he ree Adobe Reader applicaion.

    Opionally, you migh also need access o assisive echnology (A) or esing and veriying resuls beyond he

    Acroba buil-in accessibiliy accommodaions.

    Workflow or generaing an accessible PDF documen rom InDesign CS6

    You can perorm he majoriy o he work necessary o properly srucure and prepare a documen or

    accessibiliy can be done direcly in InDesign CS6, reducing he pos-expor work required in Acroba X Pro o

    jsu a ew seps. You can speciy he documen s srucural hierarchy and conen order in he InDesign

    documen, which preserves ha srucure should you need o laer modiy he documen and expor a new


    Table of Contents

    1: Workflow or

    generaing an

    accessible PDF

    documen rom

    InDesign CS6

    3: Creaing an accessible


    15: Addiional resources

    Map paragraph styles to export tags

    Anchor images in text flow

    Assign ALT text to images

    Add Bookmarks/TOC/Hyperlinks/Cross-reerences

    Define content order in Articles panel

    Add required file metadata

    Assign language

    Set PDF tab order to UseDocument Structure

    Run Accessibility check

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    2Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    Required steps in InDesign CS6

    Use paragraph styles consistently throughout your document. Consisen use o InDesign paragraph syles

    hroughou a documen is criical or e icienly and successully exporing he conen o PDF. Base syles on

    heir hierarchical srucure (main headline, secondary headings, subheading, and so on) and apply hem

    appropriaely o paragraphs according o heir hierarchical role in he documen.

    Establish export tag relationships between InDesign styles and PDF tags. As you creae InDesign syles, se

    each syles Expor agging (in he Paragraph Syle Opions dialog) according o is role in he PDF documen

    paragraph (P), heading levels 1 hrough 6 (H1H6), or Ariac. ables and bulleed and numbered liss are

    recognized auomaically in he expor process and agged appropriaely.

    Anchor images within the content low. Images in a prin layou can appear anywhere in a spread, and sighed

    users can make he connecion beween he image and relevan ex as hey read. Screen readers process

    conen in a linear ashion. Because screen readers use ex-o-speech aciliies o describe images, hey should

    be placed as close as possible o he ex ha perains o he image. InDesigns drag-and-drop objec anchoring

    makes i simple o place he reerence o he image in an appropriae locaion wihou aecing he prin


    Add alternative text or images. Screen readers can only indicae he presence o an image. Conveying wha

    he image depics requires providing alernaive ex (al ex). Wih he Objec Expor Opions eaure in

    InDesign, you can speciy al ex rom meadaa in an image ile or add cusom al ex o any image, graphic or

    group o objecs in a layou.

    Incorporate internal document navigation mechanisms. In an accessible PDF, ables o conens, bookmarks,

    hyperlinks, and cross-reerences can ac as navigaion mechanisms o he reerenced conen. hey also allow

    screen reader users o e icienly navigae he documen by using he links hese mechanisms creae.

    Establish content order in the Articles panel. he agging order o a PDF documen is essenial o is

    readabiliy. he Aricles panel in InDesign CS6 enables you o precisely deine which conen in your documen

    ges agged and in wha order. You can add conen by dragging and dropping rames and objecs ino he

    Aricles panel and hen arranging hem in he desired reading order. You can also break he conen up ino

    smaller aricles wihou aecing he page layou.

    Speciy a document title and description as metadata. For accessibiliy, as well as or search engine

    opimizaion, a PDF ile requires a documen ile and a descripion o is conens. When you save his

    inormaion in he InDesign File Inormaion dialog, is auomaically ranserred o Acroba Pro X as required


    Export as PDF with settings optimized or accessibility. When you use he InDesign PDF expor opions (prin

    or ineracive), he agging, organizing, and bookmarking esablished in he layou become he agging

    srucure, order, and navigaion scheme o he resuling PDF documen.

    Required steps in Acrobat X Pro

    Set the language in Document Properties. You canno se he documens language in InDesign. You mus

    speciy he language in he Advanced opions area o he Acroba Documen Properies dialog.

    Change display name rom Filename to Document Title. By deaul, Acroba displays he PDF ilename in he

    ile bar o he documen window. For accessibiliy purposes, his should be replaced by he documen ile

    esablished in InDesigns File Inormaion dialog. o do so, choose Documen ile insead o Filename in he

    Iniial View opions o Acrobas Documen Properies dialog.

    Set the tab order to use the document structure in the Page Thumbnails pane. he srucure esablished in

    he InDesign Aricles panel is saved in he expored PDF ile, bu you mus insruc Acroba o honor ha

    srucure. o use he order speciied by he InDesign documens srucure, selec all he pages in he Acrobas

    Page humbnails pane, choose Page Properies rom he Opions menu, hen selec Use Documen Srucure

    or he ab order.

    Run the Acrobat accessibility check. Aer hese seps are compleed, conirm ha he documen has no errors

    by choosing Full Check rom he Acroba accessibiliy ools.

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    3Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    Creaing an accessible PDF

    Add Export Tagging instructions to paragraph styles

    Deining expor ags in a paragraph syle creaes an associaion beween he ex using ha syle and is role in

    he semanic srucure o he PDF documen. You can se any paragraph syle o one o eigh basic PDF ags.

    PDF tag Applied to

    Any sandard, narraive paragraph o ex ha is no a heading

    hrough A heading ha relecs he documens organizaional hierarchy

    Any page conen ha he screen reader should ignore

    I you do no assign expor ags, all syles deaul o Auomaic. he Auomaic seing honors any syle-o-XML

    agging ha migh have been esablished in an older XML-based worklow. I no syle-o-XML relaionships

    have been esablished, he Auomaic seing ranslaes hem o a P ag in Acroba. here is no addiional

    parsing o he documen o deermine a heading srucure. Because o his deaul behavior, explicily assigning

    expor ags o paragraph syles is an essenial accessibiliy sep.

    You se he Expor agging opions or a syle in he Expor agging area o he Paragraph Syle Opions dialog.

    I you use InDesigns Bulles and Numbering eaure, bulleed and numbered liss are agged as unordered or

    ordered liss, respecively, and convered auomaically, depending on he opions seleced in he expor

    process. Manually creaed liss are no recognized as lis iems.

    InDesigns Expor agging setings allow wo differen agging schemes. Te opions or EPUB and HML have no bearing on he opions or PDF,

    which mus be se i ndependenly. Alhough he role assigned o a speci fic paragraph will likely be similar be ween he wo, PDF has ewer opions

    and no cusom agging opions.

    Understanding roles in

    a tagged PDF

    Assigning a paragraph

    syle o a paricular

    expor ag defines is

    role in he agged PDF

    file. For insance, ex

    using an InDesign syle

    named Main Headline

    migh appear in he

    Acroba ags panel

    wih a

    ag wrapped around

    i, bu in he Edi Role

    Map dialog in Acroba,

    ha Main Headline ag

    is assigned he role o

    , i H1 was defined

    as he syles expor ag

    in InDesign.

    Similarly, i a ex flow

    in InDesign is agged as

    , i is auomai-

    cally mapped o he

    secion () role in


  • 8/12/2019 Creating Accessible PDF Documentw With Adobe Indesign Cs6 v3


    4Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    I a projec already has syles, you can map all s yles in he documen in one sep by choosing Edi All Expor ags in he Paragraph Syles panel menu

    (lef). In he resuling dialog (righ), selec he PDF opion and assign PDF ags rom he pull-down menus i n he righ column o he paragraph s yle

    names in he lef column.

    In Acroba, he Role Map reflec s he associaions made beween he InDesign Header syle and he H1 ag and be ween he Secion headers syle

    and he H2 ag, boh o which were assigned in he Expor agging opions or he respecive syles in InDesign.

    Add Alt text using Object Export Options

    Images in an accessible PDF documen require alernaive ex so ha he image can be described by a screen

    reader or assisive device. In previous versions o InDesign, you could only add al ex or an image hrough

    he XML Srucure pane. ha opion is sill available, bu in InDesign CS5.5 and CS6, you can also add al ex

    wih Objec Expor Opions (Objec > Objec Expor Opions). his dialog is non-modal, so i can remain open

    as you work in he documen, allowing you o move quickly rom image o image and assign meadaa wihou

    repeaedly closing and opening he dialog.

    he Objec Expor Opions dialog has hree absAl ex, agged PDF, and EPUB and HML. Al ex applies

    o boh he PDF and EPUB/HML worklows. You can generae he al ex rom he documens XML srucure

    (i any exiss) or he images XMP meadaa (i presen). Or you can direcly add he al ex o he speciic

    insance o he image in he layou by selecing Cusom rom he Al ex Source pull-down menu.

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    5Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    Te XMP meadaa or an image (op, shown in Adobe Bridge) is available as poenial al ex in InDesign.

    In he InDesign Objec Expor Opions dialog box, you can assign al ex (lef) rom eiher daa in a documens XML srucure or inormaion sored

    in is XMP meadaa. You can also ener cusom al ex. Tis dialog box i s also where you designae which objec ag Acroba applies (righ) in he

    PDF documen. ypically, he Based On Objec opion is he appropriae choice, bu you can also choose a ag rom he documen s XML srucur e (iany) or ag he objec as an ariac o be ignored by screen readers.

    Speciying al ex rom XMP meadaa is he bes choice in mos cases, because he link beween he al ex

    and he meadaa in he ile is dynamic. I he meadaa changes, al ex is updaed when you updae he

    image link in your InDesign documen. No including al ags or all o your images will resul in errors laer in

    he worklow when you run he Acroba accessibiliy check.

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    6Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    In he final PDF documen, al ex appears as a oolip when he u ser hovers over an image. Te al ex is also read as a descripion o he image

    when Acrobas Read Ou Loud eaure is u sed, or when he PDF is read by an assisive device or screen reading sofware.

    Anchor images into the text low

    When images are placed on a page in a prin layou, hey do no necessarily need o be placed adjacen o he

    copy ha reers o hem. For sighed users, is no unusual or ex o conain reerences o an image locaed

    elsewhere in he documen. However, when youre esablishing a low o conen or an accessible PDF

    documen, hose images should be described he appropriae poin wihin he low. InDesign allows you o

    place a machine-readable reerence o he image in he ex by anchoring he graphic rame conaining he

    image o an appropriae locaion wihin he ex rame. his process has been a mulisep ask in earlier

    versions o InDesign, bu was dramaically simpliied in InDesign CS5.5.

    Each InDesign rame and objec group displays a small blue square on is op edge. o anchor an objec in an

    accessible locaion in he ex low wihou changing he original posiion o he objec, click and hold he blue

    square, and hen drag i o he desired locaion wihin he ex and release. he blue square changes o an

    anchor icon indicaing ha he objec is anchored.

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    7Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    o anchor an objec, drag he blue square on a rame (lef) o he desired locaion in he ex. When anchored (righ), he blue square becomes an

    anchor icon.

    In he PDF file, he Figure ag or he anchored image appears wihin he appropriae ag in he main aricle and will be reerenced and

    described by is al ex a ha poin.

    Establish a reading order with the Articles panel

    InDesigns Aricles panel allows you o esablish a documens conen reading order or Acroba enirely wihin

    InDesign wihou using he XML srucure pane. Acroba undersands his order and will ollow i in he

    expored PDF once you insruc i o do so in Acroba X Pro.

    o esablish he reading order in InDesign, open he Aricles panel (Window > Aricles) and click he desired

    objec or objecs on he page o include in he aricle. Drag he objecs ino he Aricles panel, and release he

    mouse. Objecs are lised in he order ha you click hem. Name he aricle when promped o, or keep he

    deaul name Aricle 1. Alernaively, you could use Selec All (Cmd/Crl-A) and click he New Aricle buton ahe botom o he Aricles panel o add all seleced objecs and creae a new aricle in one sep (you can

    rename i laer). Objecs are given deaul names based on he objecs ype and conen. I an objec has

    already been given a specific name in he Layers panel, i reains ha name in he Aricles panel.

    Tagging anchored text


    You can anchor ex

    rames wihin oher

    ex rames. In previousversions o InDesign,

    anchored ex rames

    were incorrecly agged

    as , bu in

    InDesign CS6, hey are

    now agged as .

    However, he conen

    wihin he anchored

    ex rame receives no

    addiional paragraph,

    able, or lis agging

    when expored. All

    conen in he rame

    is enclosed only in he

    ag.When possible, use

    he Aricles panel o

    organize addiional ex

    rames such as sidebars

    o preserve desired

    conen ags.


    When you add muliple

    opjecs o he Aricles

    panel a he same ime,

    he objecs are lised

    in he Aricles panel

    in he order in which

    hey were clicked on

    he page. I you selec

    page elemens o add

    using Edi > Selec All

    or by using he opions

    available in he Aricles

    panel menu InDesign

    deermines he order,

    which migh no

    correspond wih your

    desired order.

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    8Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    When adding a new aricle o he InDesign Ar icles panel, you mus selec Include When Exporing (he deaul) or he ar icle o be properly agged

    and ordered in he PDF file.























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    eggsaresimplynottobemissed.Itshardtothinkofdishesthisrefinedas comfort



    German |Old own4100ChestnutStreetMeridien, MV



















    Font of Knowledge Pub

    Speakeasy|Old own2130WalnutStreetMeridien, MV



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    Originalbarbitesareavailableallday andrunthegamutfrompankoandherb-




    Tryon RowMarket

    VariousCuisines|Old own100Hazel StreetMeridien, MV
















    Table of Contents


    1 Acqua E Farina 5

    2 F o nt O f K n ow l ed g e Pu b 6

    3 Gabel and Lffel 5

    4 HeritageGrowersAssociation 8

    5 MeridiensOutdoor Film Festival 7

    6 ry on Ro w Ma rk et 6

    Green Light District

    1 Celery 12

    2 Garys Gari 12

    3 Chain SpottingBar 13

    4 3 Crate Coffee 13

    5 DI Y S wap Me et 1 4

    6 TeFoundersGuild 15

    2011,Local Magazine.ALLRIGHTSRESERVED.No part

    ofthisdocumentor therelated filesmay bereproduced or transmit-

    ted in any form,by any means(electronic,photocopying,record-

    ing,or otherwise) withouttheprior written permission ofthe





    FOUNDED 1840

    POPULATION DENSITY 4,439/km2 (11,496/mi2)

    TOTAL AREA 365.13 km2(140.98 mi2)

    LAND AREA 47.95 km2(18.51 mi2)

    WATER AREA 53 km2(20.5 mi2)











































    o make sure ha he order in he Aricles panel is communicaed o Acroba when you expor , selec Use or Reading Order in agged PDF opion

    rom he Aricles panel menu.

    Organize your conen in he Aricles panel by dragging an iem wihin an aricle up or down unil all iems are

    in he desired order. he reading order is rom op o boom. Reordering in he Aricles panel does no aec

    he posiion or appearance o iems on he InDesign page. You can also add elemens rom dieren pars o

    your layou ino an exising aricle by dragging hem rom he layou ino he Aricles panel, or selecing hem

    and choosing Add Selecion o Seleced Aricles rom he Aricles panel menu. o break up your conens

    srucure appropriaely, you can creae muliple aricles.

    Add bookmarks, cross-reerences, and hyperlinks or navigation

    Cross-reerences (or example, See Dining, page 24), hyperlinks, and bookmarks are conveniences o sighed

    readers, bu are also essenial navigaion ools or he visually impaired. hese navigaion mechanisms are he

    means by which users wih disabiliies move hrough a documen and ge an overview o is conen and how

    ha conen is organized. A able o conens (OC) generaed in InDesign can add bookmarks auomaically

    when he Creae PDF Bookmarks opion is seleced in he able o Conens dialog. You can also add cusom

    bookmarks independen o a dynamic OC in he Bookmarks panel (Window > Ineracive > Bookmarks). You

    can link bookmarks o eiher ex anchors (bookmarks creaed when speciic desinaion ex is seleced) or

    pages (bookmarks creaed when viewing a page in InDesign wih no ex seleced).

    Recommendations for

    organizing content

    Each sory in an aricleis enclosed in a

    ag wihin he paren

    ag, ideniy-

    ing i as a secion o

    he overall aricle

    and mainaining he

    conexual connecion

    beween he differen

    pieces o conen.

    o ensure ha conen

    relaed o a specific

    aricle, such as a

    sidebar, mainains

    is connecion o

    ha aricle, add heconen o he aricle

    in he Aricles panel

    raher han adding i as

    a new aricle.

  • 8/12/2019 Creating Accessible PDF Documentw With Adobe Indesign Cs6 v3


    9Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    You can arrange bookmarks hierarchically in he InDesign Bookmark s panel (lef) as well as nes specific bookmarks under broader caegorical

    bookmarks or a clearer indicaion o a documens disinc sec ions. When expored o PDF wih he proper setings, he InDesign bookmarks and

    heir organizaional sruc ure are mached exacly in he Acroba Bookmark s pane (righ) and work as clickable links o he appropriae conen.

    Hyperlinkseiher o exernal locaions like websies or o in-documen locaions like ex anchorsprovideaddiional navigaion poins on a more micro level ha migh no be appropriae or necessary in he

    documens bookmark srucure. PDF hyperlinks are creaed upon expor or links creaed in he InDesign

    Hyperlinks panel, and any cross-reerences esablished using he InDesign Cross-reerences eaure.

    Cross-reerences creaed in InDesign (lef) ranslae auomaically o hyperlinks in he expored PDF documen (righ). Noe ha he enire Green

    Ligh Disric reerence, including is page number, is wihin a ag in he Acroba ags pane. Te improved expor unci onaliy o InDesign

    also correcly includes he Link OBJR elemen required or proper link uncionaliy in an accessible PDF documen.

    Add interactive orm elements

    Wih he addiion o orm-creaion eaures in InDesign CS6, here is now addiional suppor or agging o

    cerain ineracive elemens, such as orm ields and buons. An expored InDesign orm conains he

    necessary (annoaion) ags o make i accessible in he resuling PDF documen.

    InDesign CS6 suppors creaion o checkboxes, combo and lis boxes, radio buons, ex ields, and signaure

    ields, all o which are creaed in he Buons and Forms panel (Window > Ineracive > Buons and Forms).

    Each orm elemen has boh a name value and a descripion value ha mus be par o is deiniion. he

    descripion is essenial or accessibiliy, because i acs as boh he oolip and as he al ex or he orm iem.

    he orm can also have a visible label (or example, Name, Company, Phone) on he page, bu as a user abs

    rom ield o ield or box o box, only he inormaion assigned o he orm elemen is read ou; he adjacen

    ex is no.

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    10Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    When seting up orm elemens in InDesign, properly ideniying he buton is es senial or accessibiliy. In his radio buton example, each o he

    hree choices shares he same name and descripion in he Butons and Forms panel. Te shared name idenifies he hree opions as par o he

    same eiher/or choice (only one can be seleced). Te descripion acs as boh he oolip and an idenifier read ou by s creen reading sofware. Te

    Buton Value field idenifies he specific choice and i s also read by he screen reader. In his example, as he user makes a radio buton choice usi ng

    he keyboard, Reasons. Business. Radio Bu ton. Checked would be read aloud.

    Is essenial o make sure ha he ab order o he various orm elemens (including Submi buons) is

    esablished correcly prior o expor so ha as he user abs hroughor is guided wih an assisive device

    he orm ields and opions, he user is advanced o each sep in he proper order. When your orm is designed

    and is uncionaliy is deined in he Buons and Forms panel, review he ab Order dialog (Objec >

    Ineracive > Se ab Order) o conirm ha all orm elemens are lised in he proper order. Make any

    necessary adjusmens or correcions using he Move Up and Move Down buons. Alernaely, you can add

    your orm elemens o he Aricles panel in he appropriae ab order, bu double-checking he order in he ab

    Order dialog is sill a good qualiy conrol measure.

    Te ab Order dialog liss he order ha a u ser moves hrough a orm wi h eiher he ab key or an assisive device rom op o botom.

    Add ile metadata to the InDesign document

    Accessible PDF documens require, a a minimum, a documen ile and a brie descripion o he conens. hisinormaion is sored in he iles meadaa, which you can access rom he Documen Properies dialog in

    Acroba. he meadaa can (and should) originae in he InDesign documens File Inormaion dialog (File >

    File Ino), where i can be modiied and updaed easily and preserved each ime a new PDF documen is



    Form field order is

    mos consisenly

    mainained when

    orm fields and oher

    elemens (checkboxes,

    radio butons, and so

    on) are anchored in a

    ex rame conaining

    he enire orm.

    Because ex in a rame

    is a linear flow, ha

    flow auomaically

    esablishes he aborder o he orm


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    11Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    File meadaa enered in he Descripion ab o he InDesign File Inormaion dialog.

    File meadaa rom InDesign refleced in he Descripion ab o he Acroba Documen Properies dialog.

    Export or accessibility

    Aer you prepared he documen or accessibiliy in InDesign, you are ready o expor i (File > Expor) o PDF

    using he Adobe PDF (Ineracive) or Adobe PDF (Prin) orma opions. Which PDF ype you choose depends

    upon wheher or no your documen conains ineracive elemens such as orms, buons, audio, or video.

    Alhough he ormaing is he same or boh PDF ypes, hey oer di eren opions in heir respecive dialog

    boxes.. he Adobe PDF (Prin) orma expors bookmarks and hyperlinks bu no buons, audio, video, oranimaion. You can only op o include he appearance o hese ineracive elemens no heir

    uncionaliy or o no include hem a all.

    o be accessible, he expored PDF mus be agged, so make sure you selec he Creae agged PDF opion in

    he Expor dialog box or eiher PDF ype. In he Expor o Ineracive PDF dialog, selec he Use Srucure or

    ab Order opion o save yoursel ha sep in Acroba laer on. o acivae bookmarking, hyperlinks, cross-

    reerences, and buons, se he Forms and Media opion o Include All. All oher seings in he dialog are

    opional and subjec o your speciic needs or preerences. o auomaically open he PDF documen as soon

    as he expor is compleed, selec he View Aer Exporing opion. You can hen move on o he inal ew seps

    required in Acroba X Pro.


    In he expor process,

    a semicolon and space

    are added beore he

    firs keyword in he

    Keywords field o he

    Acroba Documen

    Properies dialog.

    Tis semicolon can

    cause problems

    wih he successul

    inerpreaion o he

    keywords. You shoulddelee he semicolon

    each ime you creae a

    new PDF documen.

  • 8/12/2019 Creating Accessible PDF Documentw With Adobe Indesign Cs6 v3


    12Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    Wheher you require an ineracive PDF wi h he appropriae eaures or a prin PDF, you mus selec he Creae agged PDF opion o add he

    necessary agging or screen readers. o enable all bookmark, hyperlink, and cross-reerence unc ionaliy in a prin PDF, selec he Bookmarks and

    Hyperlinks opions. When exporing an ineracive PDF, choose Include All Forms and Media o enable boh navigaional eaures and ineracive

    elemens. o save a laer sep in Acroba, choose he Use Srucure or ab Order opion. Te order in he Aric les panel is always used fir s. I heres

    no Aricles panel ordering, he documens XML sruc ure (i any) is ollowed.

    Review the exported PDF in Acrobat X Pro

    As wih any published documen, is always a sound policy o review he inal version or any poenial

    unexpeced resuls. Looking a he agging srucure in he Acroba ags pane may help oser a beer

    undersanding o he connecion beween your InDesign preparaion and he inal PDF documen.

    he Acroba Order pane migh no mach he order you esablish in InDesigns Aricles panel, and i doesn

    necessarily relec he reading order used by assisive echnologies and he Acroba Read Ou Loud eaure.

    Only he ags panel ordering, as deermined by he arrangemen o conen in he InDesign Aricles panel,represens he reading order o he PDF conen, regardless o he sequence shown in he Order panel or in he

    Acroba Relow mode.

    Assign a document language in Acrobat X Pro

    Aer youve creaed he PDF ile, you can move o Acroba X Pro o complee he remaining seps o make he

    PDF documen accessible. he irs sep is o se he documens language in he Advanced ab o he File

    Properies dialog (File > Properies). InDesign has no corresponding seing, so you mus se he language in

    Acroba. Is also recommended ha you se he documen o display is ile in he documen windows ile

    bar raher han is ilename. You can make ha change in he Iniial View opions o he Documen Properies


  • 8/12/2019 Creating Accessible PDF Documentw With Adobe Indesign Cs6 v3


    13Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    Language choices in he Reading Opions area o he Advanced Documen Properies opions i n Acroba X Pro.

    Because he documen ile (botom) sored in he PDF files meadaa is ofen more logical, accurae, and screen reader-riendly han a PDF filename

    (op), i should be se o display in he ile bar.

    Speciy the tab order

    he srucure creaed in he InDesign Aricles panel is expored o he PDF ile, bu i i s no auomaically se as

    he order ollowed when abbing hrough ineracive elemens like hyperlinks and orm ields. You mus

    esablish he ab order he Acroba Page humbnails pane (View > Show/Hide > Navigaion Panes > Page

    humbnails). Highligh all o he documens page humbnails, and hen choose Page Properies rom he

    Opions menu in he Page humbnails pane. In he ab Order area o he Page Properies dialog, change he

    conen order rom Unspeciied o Use Documen Srucure.

    I youve expored your documen as an Ineracive PDF ile and seleced he Use Srucure or ab Order

    opion, you can skip his sep. Because prin version o he InDesign Expor Adobe PDF dialog does no have

    his opion, you mus selec i in Acroba.


    o quickly selec allpage humbnails in

    he Acroba Page

    Tumbnails pane,

    click he firs page

    humbnail, hen press

    Command+A (Mac

    OS) or Conrol+A


  • 8/12/2019 Creating Accessible PDF Documentw With Adobe Indesign Cs6 v3


    14Adobe InDesign CS6 Whie Paper

    Te ab order o a PDF file expored rom InDesign is se o Unspecified by deaul, which is no a reflec ion o he srucure esablished in he

    InDesign Aricles panel. o esablish he InDesign srucure in he PDFdocumen, you mus selec U se Documen Srucure.

    Run the Acrobat X Pro accessibility check

    From he Acroba ools pane, expand he Accessibiliy opions (View > ools > Accessibiliy), and selec Full

    Check. Make sure ha he Creae Accessibiliy Repor opion is seleced. his opion shows wheher he

    documen is error ree, and i no, deails he problems.

    Te deaul setings o he Acroba Accessi biliy Full Check dialog, i ncluding he opion o creae a repor afer compleion.

  • 8/12/2019 Creating Accessible PDF Documentw With Adobe Indesign Cs6 v3



    Adobe Systems Incorporated345 Park AvenueSan Jose, CA

    Adobe, he Adobe logo, Acroba, he Adobe PDF logo, InDesign are ei her regisered rademarks or rademarks o Adobe Sysems Incorporaed in he Unied Saes and/or ohercounries. Mac, he Mac logo, and Mac OS are rademarks o Apple Inc., regisered in he U.S. and oher counries. Microsof and Windows are eiher regisered rademarks orrademarks o Microsof Corporaion in he Unied Saes and/or oher counries. All oher rademarks are he propery o heir respecive owners. Te names and logos reerredo in he sample arwork are ficional and no inended o reer o any acual organizaion or producs.

    2011 Adobe Sysems Incorporaed. All righs reserved. Prined in he USA .

    9500XXXX 9/11

    Te Accessibiliy repor should indicae ha no errors were ound. I he check revealed an error, such as missing al ex or an image, is bes o fix

    ha error in InDesign, reexpor , and repea he Acroba seps raher han fixing he problem only in he PDF. Keeping he source InDesign file ully

    opimized or accessible oupu affords he smoohes process or any uure updaes and expors.

    Addiional resources U.S. Governments Official Section 508 website

    Video on creating PDF orms with InDesign CS6

    Adobe Systems Accessibility Resource Center

    InDesign Accessibility Product Page

    Video on preparing accessible PDF documents with Adobe InDesign CS5.5: Part I


    Video on preparing accessible PDF documents with Adobe InDesign CS5.5: Part II


    InDesign voluntary product accessibility template