advanced api design: how an awesome api can help you make friends, get rich, and change the world

Advanced API Design How an awesome API can attract friends, make you rich, and change the world Jon Dahl @jondahl [email protected]

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Advanced API Design: how an awesome API can help you make friends, get rich, and change the world

Advanced API DesignHow an awesome API can

attract friends, make you rich,

and change the world

Jon Dahl@jondahl

[email protected]

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Web Service

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Web is an API

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GET /records

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POST /record/new

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POST /record/new<xml> <data>Foo</data></xml>

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POST /record/new{ "data" : "foo"}

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(Don’t tell our investors that we don’t have a real product)

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Page 21: Advanced API Design: how an awesome API can help you make friends, get rich, and change the world

Some Examples

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1. Second InterfaceFlickrTwitterLinkedinFacebookPaypalGoogle Maps

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2. Internal APIsService Oriented ArchitectureMobile application backends

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3. Core TechAmazon Web ServicesTwilioGeoloqiZencoderSendgrid FactualSpreedlyRecurlySaploTropoCloudMailinUploadJuicer

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4. Science FictionPiCloudAmazon Mechanical Turk...

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so, how do you design a good API?

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Competitive Advantage

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REST conventions

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HTTP codes

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200 OK201 Created202 Accepted

400 Bad Request401 Unauthorized402 Payment Required404 Not Found409 Conflict418 I’m a teapot422 Unprocessable Entity

500 Internal Server Error503 Service Unavailable

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... and many more!

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Version it

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GET /api/records/38927

{ "color" : "green", "velocity" : 1000000}

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GET /api/records/38927

{ "color" : "10EE33", "velocity" : 1000000}

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GET /api/v1/records/38927

{ "color" : "green", "velocity" : 1000000}

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GET /api/v2/records/38927

{ "color" : "10EE33", "velocity" : 1000000}

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GET /api/records/38927?version=2

GET /api/v2/records/38927

GET /api/records/38927Accept: application/json+v2

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Smart validations

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POST /api/jobs HTTP/1.1Accept: application/jsonContent-Type: application/json

{ "api_key" : "Not A Real Key", "color" : "green"}

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HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

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HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

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HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

{ "errors": [ "api_key not found" ]}

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HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

{ "errors": [ "api_key not found.", "api_key may not include spaces." ]}

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HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

{ "errors": [ "api_key not found. Please log in to to retrieve your API key.", "api_key may not include spaces." ]}

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POST /api/user HTTP/1.1Accept: application/jsonContent-Type: application/json

{ "api_key" : "A23B92F281CC" "strength" : 18}

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HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

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HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

{ "errors": [ "JSON is not valid. Syntax error, unexpected TSTRING, expecting '}' at line 2" ]}

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POST /api/user HTTP/1.1Accept: application/jsonContent-Type: application/json

{ "api_key" : "A23B92F281CC", "strength" : 18}

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params[:strength] # 18

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respond_to do |wants| wants.json { render :json => @jobs.to_json } wants.xml { render :xml => @jobs.to_xml } end

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Document it

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Zencoder::API.define_setting :audio_channels, :section => section do |z| z.tip = "The number of audio channels: 1 or 2." z.description = %Q{ <p>The number of audio channels to use: 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo).</p> <p>Note that mono AAC audio sometimes erroneously self-reports as stereo when inspected. We recommend using iTunes to get the true number of channels for AAC audio.</p> } z.data_type = "Integer" z.valid = "1 or 2" z.default = "1 if the original file is mono; otherwise, 2." z.example = "1" z.see_also = [:audio_bitrate, :audio_quality]end

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Support it

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APIs are scary.

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Make it fast

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Rate limiting

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loop { MyApi.create("data") }

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Log requests

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Request builder

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GET /api/ideas

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Competitive Advantage

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1. Make friends

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Awesomeness is noticed

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(Assymetrical value curve)

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Bus Driving



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Bus Drivingvalue


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API designvalue


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"I know the following statement is going to sound dramatic, but it's the truth. Zencoder seriously uplifted my entire day.

The API is really well designed and has documentation for not only what each value should be but also what an example input/output would look like using the value. I had spent the earlier part of the day working with a web service that is the complete opposite of those things.

So when I started digging into Zencoder I felt like I was witnessing a double rainbow. Then when I found the API Builder, it went beyond a double rainbow to a level I can only imagine is equal to witnessing a unicorn birth.”

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2. Get rich

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Software is eating the world

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Software is eating the world

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2010 2014



Cloud computing revenue forecast

Source: Gartner 2010

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Need an idea?

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API to

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API to the government

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API to your body

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API to manufacturing

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3. Change the world

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In 2000...the cost of a customer running a basic Internet application was approximately $150,000 a month. Running that same application today in Amazon's cloud costs about $1,500 a month.

Mark Andreessen, “Why Software Is Eating The World”

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1,000 CPU cores:

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1,000 CPU cores:$204

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50 phone numbers:

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50 phone numbers:$50

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POST /api/awesome_things HTTP/1.1

{ "team_size" : 3, "productivity" : "10x"}

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Jon Dahl@jondahl

[email protected]