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Advanced Nutrition Detox Recipe Book GroundedNutrition

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Advanced NutritionDetox Recipe



Advanced Nutrition Detox Recipe Book

Grounded Nutrition 2014

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Setting yourself up for success


Benefits of Juices Juicing can be thought of as the most natural vitamin and mineral

infusion you will ever consume. One of the reasons that juices are so nourishing, is

because juicers are extracting all of the amazing nutrients that are locked away inside

the cell walls of the plant. Generally speaking, humans do not have the digestive

enzymes needed to fully break down the cells walls contained in some plants - leafy

greens and other tough veggies are the most difficult. This means that when you are

eating these plants you are not going to be actually digesting and absorbing a large

portion of the nutrition held within the tough cell walls of the plant. Juicing effectively

extracts the vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals so that your body can access

and benefit from them.

Juicing is also super healing for the digestive system, and the body in general. Due to

the fact that juices contain no fibre, your body does not have to do any digestive work

to make the nutrients absorbable. This means that your body can allocate more of its

energy towards healing, as opposed to spending it on digesting. Giving your body the

super hit of nutrition and the break from digesting together create an amazing

environment for repair and healing.

Juice Recipes

Whitney’s Classic Juice: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 long english cucumber • 6 ribs celery• handful of parsley • handful of cilantro • 1 lemon, peeled• 6 green apples, cored • 4 stalks kale• 1 cup filtered water

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer. Best to consume immediately, but you can also store contents in a glass jar until ready to drink.

Citrus Cocktail Juice: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 4 oranges, peeled• ½ lemon, peeled• ½ lime, peeled• 2 apples, cored • 1 carrot

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer. Best to consume immediately, but you can also store contents in a glass jar until ready to drink.

Orange Juice with a Twist: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 6 oranges, peeled• ½ inch piece of fresh ginger

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer. Best to consume immediately, but you can also store contents in a glass jar until ready to drink.

Juice Recipes

Advanced Green Juice: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 lemon, peeled• ¼ bulb fennel • 2 green apples• 2 large handfuls cilantro • 1 cucumber• 6 ribs celery

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer. Best to consume immediately, but you can also store contents in a glass jar until ready to drink.

Green Green Juice: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients:• 1 cucumber• 5 ribs celery• 1 handful cilantro• 1 lime, peeled• 2 handfuls spinach • ½ pineapple, peeled

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer. Best to consume immediately, but you can also store contents in a glass jar until ready to drink.

Sweet Green Juice: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients:• 1 cucumber• 1 bulb fennel• 2-4 green apples, seeds removed• 1 handful mint• 1 lime, peeled

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer and consume immediately.

Juice Recipes

Veggie Cocktail: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients:• 1 small beet• 1 carrot• 2 ribs celery• ½ cucumber• 1 bell pepper• 2 tomato• 1 handful parsley• 1 lemon, peeled

Directions:Run all ingredients through a juicer. Best to consume immediately, but you can also store contents in a glass jar until ready to drink.

Purple Punch: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 2 red beets• 4 carrots• 2 apples• 1 lemon, peeled• 1 orange, peeled • small piece fresh ginger

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer. Best to consume immediately, but you can also store contents in a glass jar until ready to drink.

Watermelon Slammer: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • ¼-½ large watermelon • 1 lime, peeled

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer. Best to consume immediately, but you can also store contents in a glass jar until ready to drink.

Juice Recipes

Healing Cocktail: 1-2 Servings


• 1 cucumber• 3 leaves kale• 1 small beet• 2 ribs celery• 1 handful cilantro• 1 handful parsley• 1 lime, peeled

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer. Best to consume immediately, but you can also store contents in a glass jar until ready to drink.

Juice Recipes

Benefits of Smoothies Smoothies are one of the quickest vehicles we know of for a

complete and nutrient dense meal. Smoothies can be considered “pre-digested” meals,

because your blender has already started the breaking down process for you. Keep in

mind that your body basically has to liquify everything you eat within the stomach before

those foods can be passed along to the intestines where the actual nutrients can be

absorbed and utilized by your body. The fact that the beginning stages of digestion are

already done for you. This makes smoothies an ideal option if you are suffering from any

digestive issues, are busy and on the go or are otherwise in a situation where you need

a quick boost of energy. Smoothies will digest faster than a meal that you did not blend,

which will give you a faster release of energy to power you through your day.

Having a smoothie for breakfast is one of the best ways to wake up your digestive

system after your nights rest and to ease the body into its digestive functions. Smoothies

are also amazing because you can pack so many nutrient dense foods into one

compact little meal. Having some fruit, some greens, a little plant based fat and then any

other nutrient dense option you like will mean that you are getting a complete meal,

brimming with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, enzymes, fibre, carbohydrates, fats

and proteins all in one shot.

Smoothie Recipes

Detox Green Smoothie: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 celery stalk, chopped (optional) • 2 kale leaves• 1 handful spinach• Small handful of cilantro• 1/4 lemon peeled• 1 apple, cored • 2 cups frozen pineapple • 2+ cups water

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Detox Red Smoothie: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 cup frozen raspberries• ½ cup frozen strawberries• ½ cup fresh or frozen pineapple• 1 cup coconut water• 1-2 oranges, peeled

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Advanced Green Smoothie: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • ½ cucumber• 1 rib celery• ½ lemon peeled• 2 ripe spotted bananas• 2 cups frozen fruit of choice • handful fresh mint leaves • 2 cups spinach or other greens of choice

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Smoothie Recipes

Pineapple Painkiller Smoothie: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 2 cups frozen pineapple• 1 cup frozen mango • ¼ tsp turmeric powder or ¼ in fresh turmeric • 1 cup packed kale • 2 cup coconut water

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Craving Buster Smoothie: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 fresh or frozen banana• 1 cup fresh or frozen pineapple• 2 medjool dates, pitted• 1 cup spinach• 1 tbsp hemp seeds• 1 cup almond milk

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Chocolate Dream Smoothie: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 2 peeled and frozen bananas• 1 tbsp carob or cacao powder• 1 tsp maca powder • 6 pitted medjool dates • 2 cups coconut water

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Smoothie Recipes

Apple Pear Detox Smoothie: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 2 pears, core and stem removed• 1 apple, core and stem removed• 2 medjool dates, pitted• 1 cup kale, stems removed• 1 tsp cinnamon powder• 1 handful cilantro• 1 cup almond milk

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 2 cups fresh or frozen mango• 1 cup green leaf lettuce• 1 handful cilantro• 1 handful parsley• 1 inch piece ginger• ½ lemon, peeled• 1 cup coconut or regular water

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Berrylicious Protein Smoothie: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 fresh or frozen banana• 1 cup fresh or frozen mixed berries• 1 cup kale, stems removed• 1 tbsp hemp seeds or 1 scoop plant based protein powder• 1 cup almond milk

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Smoothie Recipes

Green Fat Blasting Smoothie: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 cup fresh or frozen pineapple• 1 cup fresh or frozen berries• 1 cup spinach• 1 tbsp chia seeds• 1 cup coconut or regular water

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Smoothie Recipes

Benefits of Salads and Homemade Dressings Homemade salad dressings are one

of the best things you can do for your health and for your palate. Store bought dressings

often contain several ingredients that you do not want to be putting into your body.

Processed and rancid oils, high fructose corn syrup, tonnes of sodium, dairy ingredients,

chemical stabilizers, chemical preservatives, chemicals flavour enhancers and a whole

host of other nasty additives can be found in most dressings on the grocery store

shelves. Even those dressings you purchase from artisan producers can be packed full

of excess oils and fats that are not doing your body any favours. By making your

dressings at home, you get to control the ingredients that go in, as well as the amount

of the ingredients you put in. Also, when you make your dressings at home there is no

need for any preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavour enhancers, texture enhancers

or any other chemicals. Homemade dressings are actually nutrient dense additions to

your meals, instead of chemical laden antinutrients.

Salads and Dressing Recipes

Detox Pad Thai: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 head butter lettuce• 1 red pepper, chopped• 1 small cucumber• 1-2 carrots • 1 cup daikon or watermelon radish

Dressing Ingredients: • 2 tbsp raw almond butter• 4 tbsp coconut water • 1 lime, juiced• ½ tsp paprika • ½ tsp coriander • salt and pepper to taste

Directions: Chop and wash lettuce. Prepare other vegetables by cutting into various sizes. Combine dressing ingredients with a fork and pour over salad.

Spicy Fat Burning Salad: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 3 cups arugula • 2 cups cauliflower • 1 small-medium zucchini • ½ yellow pepper• 2 carrots • 1 mango (for dressing) • 1 tomato (for dressing)

Directions: Wash arugula and place in a large bowl. Process cauliflower in a food processor until it becomes a rice like texture. Place cauliflower on top of arugula. Shred zucchini and carrots with a julienne slicer. Slice yellow pepper and place zucchini, carrots and pepper on top of cauliflower. Blend mango and tomato together to create a dressing. Pour dressing over salad.

Salads and Dressing Recipes

Liver Cleanser Salad: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients:• 1 beet, shredded• 1 carrot, shredded• 1 apple shredded• 2 cups green leaf lettuce, chopped• 1 handful parsley, chopped• 1 handful cilantro, chopped• 1 lemon, juiced• salt and pepper

Directions: Place all ingredients in a bowl, toss and enjoy!

Clean Caesar Salad: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients:• 1 head romaine lettuce, chopped• ¼ cup cashews, soaked• 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar• 2 tbsp hemp seeds• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1 tsp Chickpea Miso or Tamari• 1 medjool date, pitted• 2 tbsp nutritional yeast• salt and pepper

Directions: Place chopped romaine lettuce in a bowl and set aside. Place remaining ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Taste for seasonings. Pour dressing over lettuce, toss and enjoy!

Salads and Dressing Recipes

Sweet Mustard Salad: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 head romaine lettuce • ½ long english cucumber • 2 zucchini • other veggies of choice

Dressing Ingredients: • 1 tsp mustard seed (soaked in hot water for 10 minutes) • 6 pitted medjool dates (soaked in hot water for 10 minutes) • ½ mango • squeeze of lemon • ½ - 1 cup filtered water

Directions: Wash and cut romaine lettuce. Chop or spirilize cucumber and zucchini. Blend dressing ingredients until smooth. Pour over salad and enjoy.

Rainbow Salad: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 4 cups mixed baby greens• 1 mango, diced• ½ cup strawberries, chopped• ¼ long english cucumber, chopped• ½ cup blueberries

Dressing Ingredients: • 1 orange, juiced• ½ lemon, juiced • 1 tsp dijon mustard• 1 tbsp raw tahini

Directions: Wash and cut salad ingredients. Place in a large bowl. Combine orange and lemon juice with dijon and tahini in a small dish with a fork. Pour over salad. Enjoy.

Salads and Dressing Recipes

Green Garden Salad: 1-2 Servings


• 2 cups spinach• 1 carrot, shredded• 1 cup cucumber, diced• 1 rib celery, diced• 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds

Dressing Ingredients:

• 2 tbsp tahini• 1 lemon, juiced• 1 medjool date, pitted• ½ inch piece of fresh ginger• salt and pepper

Directions: Place salad ingredients in a bowl. Place dressing ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. You may need to add a little water to get the blender going or to thin your dressing. Pour dressing over salad, toss and enjoy!

Heavy Metal Detox Salad: 1-2 Servings


• 1 beet, shredded• 2 cups arugula• 1 avocado, diced• 1 handful cilantro, chopped

Dressing Ingredients:

• 1 lemon, juiced• 1 orange, juiced• 1 tbsp hemp or olive oil• 2 tsp sweetener (maple syrup, coconut syrup, coconut sugar)• 1 small clove garlic, grated fine• salt and pepper

Directions: Dressing ingredients in the bottom of a large bowl and whisk with a fork to combine. Place salad ingredients on top of dressing. Toss and enjoy!

Salads and Dressing Recipes

Benefits of Raw Meals Raw foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, fibre, water and a whole host of other essential nutrients. By consuming even just one of your daily meals in its raw state you will be giving your digestion a break from what can be the tough job of digesting heavy cooked foods. You will be supporting your body in its cleansing functions, hydrating your body, and helping to clean out your digestive system. Also remember that several vitamins, minerals, fats and antioxidants are damaged during the cooking process, so you will be increasing the nutrient content of your diet by adding raw foods to it.

Raw foods can also be an amazing opportunity for you to cleanse your palate. What this means is that by increasing your intake of raw foods, you may find that you naturally lose your taste for heavily processed, heavily salted, overly sweet and otherwise unnatural foods and flavours. Basically you will be flipping a switch within your body that will allow you to naturally crave more nutrient dense raw foods. The more you eat them, the more you will crave them!

Raw Meals

Gourmet “Steak” Dinner: 2 Servings

“Steak” Ingredients: • 2 large portobello mushrooms • 2 tsp balsamic vinegar• 1 tsp coconut aminos • 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil• dash of black pepper• garlic powder to taste • onion powder to taste

Directions: Combine balsamic vinegar, coconut aminos, olive oil, and seasonings together in a bowl. Pour over 2 mushrooms and allow to marinate for a couples hours in the fridge. Warm mushrooms in 170F oven or 120F dehydrator until starting to wrinkle and warm. Serve with mashed cauliflower and salad of choice.

Potato Ingredients: • ½ head or 3 cups cauliflower florets • ¼ cup pine nuts• ¼ cup fresh lemon juice• 2 cloves of garlic• Dash of cold pressed olive oil• Pinch of salt and pepper.

Directions: Place all ingredients into food processor. Process for a couple minutes until all ingredients are mixed well. Enjoy.

Raw Meals

Raw Detox Pizza: 1-2 Servings


Base Ingredients:• 2 large zucchini

Tomato Sauce Ingredients:• 1 tomato• ½ red bell pepper• 3 pieces sun-dried tomatoes, soaked in water• 1 small clove garlic• 2 medjool dates, pitted• 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar• pinch dried oregano• 3 basil leaves• salt and pepper

Topping Ingredients :• 1 tomato, sliced, chopped• 1 cup spinach, chopped• 2 tbsp nutritional yeast

Directions: Slice zucchini on a diagonal into ¼ inch disks. Place tomato sauce ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Spoon a little tomato sauce onto each of your zucchini disks. Combine topping ingredients in a bowl and toss. Place a spoonful of topping onto each zucchini pizza and enjoy! *Can also dehydrate for up to 12 hours at 115F.

Raw Meals

Collard Wraps: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients:• 2 collard leaves, stems removed• 1 carrot, sliced into strips• ½ beet, sliced into strips• ¼ cucumber, sliced into strips• 1 avocado, pit removed• 1 lime, juiced• 1 tsp cumin powder• 1 tsp onion powder• 1 tsp garlic powder• 1 handful cilantro, chopped• salt and pepper

Directions: Place avocado flesh, lime juice, cumin powder, onion powder, garlic powder, cilantro salt and pepper in a bowl and mash with a fork until well combined. Place ½ of the guacamole on one side of each wrap. Divided veggie strips between two wraps, and place on top of the avocado mixture. Roll collard leaves like a burrito. Slice in half and enjoy!

Raw Meals

Celery Root Alfredo Pasta: 2-3 Servings

Pasta Ingredients: • 1 large celery root (found in produce section), can also use zucchini if can not find celery root

Alfredo Sauce Ingredients: • 1 ½ cups cashews• ½ cup pine nuts• 1 lemon, juiced• 1 clove garlic, chopped• 1 tsp sea salt• 3 Tbsp Olive Oil• 3 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast• 1 cup HOT water• 1 Tbsp dried parsley (stirred in after blended) Directions: Spiralize your celery root or zucchini and squeeze half a lemon on top and set aside. Combine all alfredo ingredients (except parsley) in Vitamix or Blendtec. Stir in Parsley. Serve sauce over noodles.

Raw Cream of Mushroom Soup: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients:• ½ cup cashews, soaked• 1 cup mushrooms, chopped• 2 scallions• ½ tsp garlic powder• ½ tsp onion powder• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast• 1 tbsp wheat-free tamari or 2 tsp chickpea miso• 1 cup unsweetened almond milk• salt and pepper• Mushrooms for garnish, chopped

Directions: Place all ingredients except for mushrooms for garnish in a blender and blend until smooth. Top with reserved mushrooms and enjoy!

Raw Meals

Raw Noodle Bowl: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 3 cups arugula • 1 medium beet• 1 medium zucchini • 2 medium carrots • 1 tart apple

Sauce Ingredients: • 1 tomato • 6 salt free, oil free sun dried tomatoes (soaked in hot water for 10 minutes) • 1 pitted medjool date• ½ red bell pepper• juice of half an orange • few sprigs of fresh basil • ½ cup chopped cauliflower • 2 tsp raw tahini

Directions: Place arugula in a large bowl. Spirilize the beet, zucchini, carrots and apple into same bowl. Blend dressing ingredients in a high speed blender until desired consistency. Pour over noodles and enjoy

Raw Meals

Detox Raw Tacos: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients: • 6-8 leaves butter or iceberg or romaine lettuce

• 4 leaves cabbage

• ½ red pepper, sliced into strips

• 1 Cob ORGANIC Corn, cut off husk

• 1 Avocado

• Juice from ½ -1 Lime

Salsa Ingredients:• A few sun dried tomatoes (soaked if hard)

• ½ red pepper

• 1 small tomato

• ½ orange juiced

• 1 green onion

• 1 mango

Directions: Fill lettuce and cabbage leaves with red pepper, corn, avocado and a little

lime juice. Blend salsa ingredients to desired consistency and pour over the “tacos”.

Gourmet Papaya Salad: 1-2 Servings

Ingredients:• 1 small green papaya, peeled and shredded

• ½ cup cherry tomatoes, chopped

• ¼ cup raw cashews, chopped

• ¼ cup green beans, chopped

• 2 limes, juiced

• 1 small clove garlic, minced

• 2 tbsp maple syrup or coconut sugar

• ½ small chili, finely diced (optional)

• 1 tbsp tamari or chickpea miso

• salt and pepper

Directions: Place shredded papaya, chopped tomato, cashews and green beans in a

bowl. Toss and set aside. In a small bowl, combine remaining ingredients and whisk with

a fork until well combined. Pour dressing over papaya mixture. Massage with your hands

for a minute or two. Enjoy!

Raw Meals

Raw Veggie Finger Bites: Make 8-10 Finger Bites

Ingredients:• 2 large carrots, chopped• ½ cup sunflower seeds• ¼ cup pumpkin seeds• 2 tbsp chia seeds, ground• ½ small purple onion, chopped• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1 lemon, juiced• 1 sundried tomato, chopped• 2 tbsp parsley• salt and pepper• 1 tomato, sliced• 4 leaves lettuce

Directions: Place carrots, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, ground chia seeds, onion, garlic, lemon juice, sundried tomato, parsley, salt and pepper in a food processor and run until mixture starts to emulsify and come together. Add ¼ cup water if mixture is not sticking together. Remove from food processor. Form into fingers and dehydrate for 8 hours at 120F (can also serve fresh if you do not have a dehydrator) Serve on lettuce and top with tomato slices.

Raw Meals

Sunny Burgers: Makes 8 Burgers adapted from “uncooking with raw rose” Sun Burgers

Ingredients: • 1 cup sunflower seeds (to soak)• 1 tsp sea salt• 1/8 cayenne pepper• 1 tsp poultry or all purpose seasoning• 3 cups carrots cut into 2’’ chunks• �À��J\W�JLSLY`• �À��J\W�VUPVU• �À��J\W�YLK�WLWWLY• �À��[ZW�YLK�WLWWLY�MSHRLZ• 1 tsp fresh parsley• �À��J\W�MSH_�ZLLKZ��[V�NYPUK�


To serve:• 8 romaine lettuce leaves• Tomato slices• Avocado• Thin cucumber slices• -YLZO�KPSS• Sprouts and onion• Dijon Mustard and “raw ketchup”

Raw Ketchup • 1 ½ cups of diced tomatoes• 2 pitted medjool dates (do not soak)• ë�J\W�L_[YH�]PYNPU�VSP]L�VPS• ½ teaspoon sea salt• 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar• ½ cup sun dried tomatoes (do not soak)• dash of water


Raw Meals

Benefits of Cooked Meals There are several benefits to eating nutrient dense cooked

foods. Cooked foods can be very grounding, helping you to feel satisfied and nourished

especially when you are transitioning to a more whole foods based diet. It is common for

people to feel a little deprived when they begin cleaning up their diets, and cooked

dishes can really come to the rescue in this way. Cooking some foods can actually make

their nutrients more bio available for your body. Cooking tomatoes will help to make the

lycopene they contain more usable for you body. Steaming dark leafy greens makes

them easier to digest in general, and will help to remove some of the oxalates they

contain which can cause troubles for some people. Having cooked foods in your diet if

you are living in a place where it gets cold in the winter can also be very beneficial. These

foods can serve to warm you up, and may even be more nutrient dense than some raw

foods that have been shipped from far away places, or stored for long periods of time.

There is absolutely room for cooked whole food meals in a healthy, balanced diet.

Cooked Meals

Beet and Cabbage Steaks: 2 Servings

“Steak” Ingredients: • 1 head cabbage • 2 large beets• 2 tsp melted coconut oil• sea salt and pepper to taste

Directions: Cut cabbage and beets into large rounds. Brushed melted coconut oil over both sides and season with salt and pepper. Place “steaks” on cookies sheets lined with parchment paper. Bake at 375F for 20-30 minutes. Serve with baked sweet potato and your favourite salad.

Carrot Fries and Black Bean Carrot Burgers: 2 Servings

Ingredients: • 5-10 large carrots, cut into sticks • 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil • 1 tsp maple syrup• 1 tsp dried dill• 1 tsp lemon juice• ¼ tsp dijon mustard • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar • sea salt and pepper to taste

Directions: Wash, peel and cut carrots into stick. Place carrots in a bowl. Combine olive oil, maple syrup, dill, lemon, mustard, balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper together in a small dish. Pour mixture over fries and toss to coat. Bake carrots on a prepared baking sheet for 30 minutes at 375F. Serve with Black Bean Carrot Burgers.

Cooked Meals

Black Bean Carrot Burgers: Makes 6 Burgers

Ingredients: • 1 ½ cups oats, ground down to a coarse flour

• 1 cup shredded carrots

• 15oz can or 1 ½ cups cooked black beans, mashed

• 1 tbsp almond butter

• sea salt and pepper to taste

• ½ tsp cumin powder

• 1 tsp no salt all purpose organic seasoning (kirkland brand)

• other seasoning of choice

Directions: Combine ingredients in a large bowl. Mix well with your hands or a stand

mixer. Form dough into patties and bake at 375F for 30-40 minutes until cooked

through. Serve on lettuce leaves with your carrot fries.

Simple Sloppy Lentils: 4 Servings

Ingredients: • 4 cups cooked green lentils

• 2 fresh tomatoes

• 4 sun dried tomatoes

• 2 tbsp molasses

• dash black pepper

• ½ yellow onion

• 1 clove garlic, chopped

• 3 tbsp organic ketchup OR homemade ketchup

Directions: Cook 2 cup dried lentils as directed on package. Blend tomatoes, dried

tomatoes, molasses, pepper and onion garlic in a blender. Pour sauce over cooked

lentils. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes on low. Serve on

sprouted grain or gluten free bread with a big salad.

Cooked Meals

Lazy Cabbage Rolls: 4 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 head of green cabbage, cut into pieces

• 2 cups uncooked quinoa, or white rice

• 2 stalks finely chopped celery

• 2 large carrots, chopped

• 1 jalapeno pepper finely, chopped

• 8 button mushrooms, chopped

• 2 stalks kale, chopped

• 1 small onion, diced

• Sea salt and pepper to taste

• Other seasonings of choice

• 1 can organic tomato juice

Directions: Combine quinoa, veggies, seasoning and tomato juice together. Pour into

a crock pot or prepared glass casserole dish. Put 1 layer of cabbage on bottom of dish.

Add veggies. Top with another lay of cabbage. Add more tomato juice if needed. Bake

at 350F, covered in the oven for 1 hour. Remove over, and bake for another 15-30

minutes until grains and veggies are soft and sauce is mostly absorbed.

Swiss Chard and Avocado Bowl: 2 Servings

Ingredients:• 1 cup dry lentils

• 2 cups water or vegetable broth

• 1-2 cloves garlic, grated fine

• 1 nub ginger, grated fine

• 1 bunch swiss chard, chopped

• 1 avocado, diced

• sea salt and pepper

Directions: Place lentils and water or vegetable broth, garlic and ginger in a pot. Bring

to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium low and allow to cook until lentils are fully

tender and all the liquid has been absorbed. As soon as the lentils are cooked turn off

the heat and add the chopped swiss chard. Stir your swiss chard into the warm lentils

so that it wilts slightly. Add diced avocado, salt and pepper. Toss and enjoy!

Cooked Meals

Simple Detox Stirfry: 2 Servings

Ingredients:• 1 cup dry quinoa

• 2 cups veggie broth

• 1 tbsp coconut oil

• 1 carrot, sliced

• 2 scallions, sliced

• 1 bell pepper, sliced

• 1 cup broccoli, sliced

• ½ cup peas

• 1 cup spinach

• 2 tbsp tamari

• 1 tbsp rice vinegar

• 1 tbsp maple syrup

• salt and pepper

Directions: Place quinoa and veggie broth in a small pot. Bring to a boil then reduce

heat to medium low and cook until quinoa is tender and all the liquid has been absorbed.

Place tamari, rice vinegar, maple syrup, salt and pepper in a small dish and whisk to

combine. Heat a medium pan over medium high heat. Add coconut oil to pan. Allow to

heat for 10 seconds. Add veggies and cook for 1-2 minutes over medium heat. Add

quinoa and tamari mixture. Cook for another 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and enjoy!

Chocolate Frosting:

Ingredients: • 1 cup pitted medjool dates

• 1 tbsp coconut oil

• 1 tbsp cacao

• few grains sea salt

• 1 tsp-1 tbsp pure maple syrup

• few drops vanilla or ¼ tsp vanilla powder

Directions: Mix ingredients until smooth (magic bullet works well). Spread on top of

brownies. Let cool in fridge for 30 minutes. Eat em’ up!

Cooked Meals

Sweet Potato Black Bean Bake: 2 Servings

Ingredients:• 2 Large sweet potatoes, diced• 1 cup cooked black beans• 2 tomatoes, diced• 1 bell pepper, diced• ½ small onion, diced• 2 cloves garlic, minced• 1 cup veggie broth• 2 tbsp nutritional yeast• 1 tbsp chili powder• salt and pepper

Directions: Preheat your oven to 250 degrees. Place your diced sweet potatoes into a steaming basket and bring to a boil. Reduce to low heat and steam for 20 minutes, or until your potatoes are softened but not fully cooked through. While your potatoes are steaming, combine the rest of your ingredients in a pot. Bring up to a boil, then reduce heat to medium and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Remove your bean mixture from the heat, and stir in your steamed sweet potatoes. Transfer your bean and sweet potato mixture to a lined baking dish. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes, or until the potatoes are fully cooked through. Enjoy!

Frosted Brownies: 8-10 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 cup walnut (unsoaked)• 1 cup medjool dates (pitted unsoaked)• 1/4 cup cocoa/cacao powder (you may use carob if you like)

Directions: Place ingredients in food processor, and process until well blended. (should still be dry and chunky, blend about 1 minute). Press into 8X8 pan. Refrigerate until you can insert a knife and it isn't too sticky cut into little pieces

Cooked Meals

Lemon Pie Cookie Bites: 2-4 Servings

Ingredients:• 6 medjool dates, pitted• 3 tbsp coconut flakes• 1 tbsp pecans• 1 lemon, juice and zest

Directions: Place all ingredients in a food processor and process until a ball forms. Remove mixture from food processor and shape into 1 inch balls. Enjoy!

Watermelon Cake: 6 Servings

Ingredients:• 2 large slices of watermelon, at least 2 inches thick, peels removed• 1 cup shredded coconut• 4 medjool dates, pits removed• ¼ cup coconut or almond milk• 1 tsp vanilla powder or extract• 1 cup fresh berries• 1 kiwi, peeled and sliced• 1 apple sliced fine

Directions: Place shredded coconut, dates milk and vanilla in a blender and blend until smooth. Spread ¼ coconut mixture onto the top of the 1st watermelon slice. Place the second watermelon slice on top, and spread the remaining coconut mixture on the tops and sides. Decorate with berries, kiwi and apple slices. Enjoy!

Cooked Meals

Kid Friendly Detox Recipes


Ingredients: • 2 cups coconut water• 1 cup frozen strawberries • 1 cup frozen mangos • 1 banana

Directions: Blend ingredients in a blender until desired consistency. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze.

Chocolate Dipped Fruit Fondue

Ingredients: • 2 bananas, chopped into chunks • 10 strawberries• ½ pineapple, chopped into chunks

Chocolate Sauce Ingredients: • ½ cup pure maple syrup • 1 tbsp cacao powder • 1 tsp carob powder • 1 tsp coconut oil

Directions: Wash and cut fruit. In a small magic bullet type blender, combine chocolate sauce ingredients. Blend until smooth. Pour sauce into a cute dish and serve with fruit.

Cooked Meals

Oatmeal Cookies


• ¾ cup rolled oats• 1 cup spelt flour• ½ tsp baking soda• ¼ tsp salt• ¼ cup coconut oil, softened• ¼ cup apple sauce or olive oil• Н�J\W�JHUL�Z\NHY• Н�J\W�IYV^U�Z\NHY�VY�JVJVU\[�Z\NHY�VY�Z\JHUH[• ��ñ�[LHZWVVU�LNN�YLWSHJLY�KPZZVS]LK�PU���[IWZ�^H[LY�VY�ñ�IHUHUH�THZOLK�• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract• ����J\W�JOVJVSH[L�JOPWZ


Cooked Meals