against ted - per curiam

AG W hy T ed Cr uz is A D i sas t er Waiting t o Happen. Pe r Curiam

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Why Ted Cruz is A Disaster

Wait ing to Happen.

Per Cur iam

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I. On the campaign trail in South Carolina, Ted said

that "[m]ore tooth, less tail ? that will be our

guiding philosophy? when it comes to military

spending--and proposed hundreds of billions of

dollars in new military expenditures. He has

criticized "the failed Obama/Clinton military

strategy that has created global instability,"

because "we will lose the ability to guarantee our

safety at home and abroad." Ted says America is

at risk due to cuts that reduce the number of

active duty soldiers, aircraft, and watercraft.

II. Ted likes to mention that he fought to defeat the

Gang of Eight amnesty bill. Ted claimed during

one of the GOP debates that he has "never

supported legalization" of illegal immigrants. He

claims that he will end Obama's amnesty on day

one, increase deportations, and wrote in the

Conservative Review that he will "make it

impossible for anyone, including and especially

those who seek to do harm, to enter or remain

here illegally. "

III. When it comes to legal immigration, Ted says he

would suspend the H-1B visa system, which

provides visas to foreign high-skilled workers,

and initiate substantial reforms to the H-1B visa


I. Each year in the Senate, Ted voted wi th devout

socialist Bernie Sanders and isolationist Rand



  the National Defense Authorization

Act (NDAA), the annual bill that funds our

Nation's military (


Roll Call votes on H.R.

3304; H.R. 3379; H.R. 1735). According to an

article by Mike Pompeo, published in the

National Review

, the only budget Ted ever voted

for allocated


  defense money than President

Obama's military budget, which gutted military

spending and put our nation at risk.

II. In an interview with The Daily Beast, Robert De

Posada, founder of the Latino Coalition (a

conservative Latino organization), called Ted's

statement "just a flat out lie. Period." De Posada

and many of Ted's previous colleagues said that

"finding a way to offer immigrants a way to

remain in the United States and gain legal status

was central to the work Cruz did." In other words,

he was dedicated to making a pathway to

citizenship possible for those here illegally.

III. In the Senate, Ted tried to amend the Gang of

Eight Amnesty bill to increase the total number of

H-1B visas 500%--from 65,000 to 325,000,

which would have taken 260,000 jobs from

hard-working Americans.

The Two Faces of Ted Cruz

On the Campaign Trail Behind Closed Doors

Fool me once, shame on you...

Fool me twice, shame on me.

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In an interview with

The Huff-

, Wilson claimed that

Florida was a must- win for


The impact that such allega-

ign would functionally be over.

Assuming that such a video

have a hard time reconciling any

allegations of an extramarital af-


For one, there is no reason for

Ted to go to the Capital Grille as

frequently as he is reported to go,

because in a March 16, 2016 inter-

view with

US Weekly Magazine


Ted explicitly said that "[w]hen

I?m away from the family, in

Washington, D.C., my dinner is a

can of soup. I have dozens in the

pantry." Sure, eating out every

once in a while is understandable,

but eating out twice per week, es-

pecially with someone other than

your wife, is suspicious if you

claim to only eat soup.

Also, why would anyone need

to go to a hotel twice per week,

especially if they have a personal

residence in that same city? More

importantly, though, why would

anyone visit a hotel on such a con-

sistent basis with someone other 

than their significant other?

Putting the pieces together, one

must ask: If the woman that Ted is

visiting on Tuesdays and Thurs-

days is someone other than a mis-

tress, then why would it be neces-

sary to also visit a hotel? After all,

if they were just occupying their

time with friendly chatter, there is

no logical reason why they would

need to go to a hotel in addition to 

the restaurant. Moreover, even if

they did need to go to a residence-

like environment, there is no per-

suasive reason why one would pay

money for a hotel room when one

has a private residence they can go

to for free.

We next turn to the inevitable

threshold question of whether


National Enquirer

  is, or has ever

been, a reliable source of


Is the Enquirer Reliable?

Understandably, before dis-

cussing the piece in

The Nationa


, we must assure our-

selves, and the reader, that the

publication is a source of reliable

information. Many Ted supporters

and other commentators attempted

to cast doubt upon the publication

by pointing to examples of wild

headlines that have appeared on its

front cover, such as "Macedonia

Manufactures Metallic War Spi-

ders " and "Japanese Spacecraf

Attacks Hawaii with Earthquake

Weapon "

But while these headlines

might make one second guess the

reliability of The National En-


, resting one's criticism

solely on that point alone over-

looks two, much more important

factors: (1) The National En-

quirer's  long history of exposing

political sex scandals, and (2) re-

cent internal changes made to the

procedures in which The Nationa

Enquirer  gathers evidence and

verifies information from sources.

First, during the 1988 Presi-

dential race, The Miami Herald re-

ported that the married Democratic

front- runner, Gary Hart, was inti-

mately involved with a Miam

woman other than his wife. As The

Washington Post  reported at the

time, Hart famously issued a chal-

lenge to the media regarding the

allegations: "Follow me around . .

I'm serious. If anybody wants to

put a tail on me, go ahead. They'd

be very bored." Accordingly, The

National Enquirer

  quickly pub-

lished the now- famous cover of

mistress Donna Rice sitting atop

Hart's lap on his yacht. Ironically

Hart's yacht was named "Monkey


Next, in the midst of the 1996

Presidential election cycle,


National Enquirer

  first reported

that Republican candidate, Bob

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younger Cruz had called her 'a

fearless, principled conserva-


A source told the National En-

quirer that Cruz "supposedly had a

romp with her in a closet at a Re-

publican state convention[.]"

Pierson took to Twitter to ve-

hemently deny the affair calling it

"stupidity on all levels" and fol-

lowing up with a tweet clearly in-

dicating that "Of course the Na-

tional Enquirer story is 100%

FALSE " Pierson did suggest,

however, that the story was only

false as it pertained to her, saying,

"I only speak to myself, however."

The next alleged mistress is

Amanda Carpenter, who according



, is the "former Ted

Cruz communications director"

was accused of being one of the

Cruz mistresses on national televi-

sion when she and Adriana Cohen,

a Pro- Trump

Boston Herald


columnist, appeared on



discuss the Twitter feud between

Trump and Ted.

As The Washington Post head-

lined, this was the "exchange that

took the Ted Cruz affair rumors

from the tabloids into the main-


The folks at Breitbart reported

the exchange in full:

KATE BOLDUAN, co- host of

CNN?s ?At This Hour?: Adri-

ana, are you ready for Trump

to move on?

COHEN: Oh, absolutely I

think we should move on.

Where we should move to is

The National Enquirer story

that has reported that has Ted

Cruz has had affairs with at

least five mistresses, including

you?ve been named as well,


BOLDUAN: I?m sorry, I don?

think that?s moving on at all,


COHEN: No, I would like to

know ? if we?re going call

Donald Trump?s character into

question, I would like Ted Cruz

to issue a statement whether or

not The National Enquirer

story is true, that he has had

affairs with many women, in-

cluding you were named,

Amanda. Will you denounce

this story or will you confirm



BOLDUAN: It will come as no

surprise to our viewers, CNN

has no reporting on what

you?re talking about coming

from The National Enquirer

Amanda, go ahead.

CARPENTER: What?s ou

there is tabloid trash. If some-

one wants to comment on it

they can talk to my lawyer. It?s

categorically false. You should

be ashamed for spreading this

kind of smut. Donald Trump

supporters should be held to

account for it.

COHEN: I?m not spreading


CARPENTER: I will not be in-

timidated. I will continue to

make my thoughts known

about Donald Trump. I?m no

backing down.


Carpenter is believed to be de-

scribed by

The National Enquirer

as "'a hot babe who once worker

on one of his campaigns."

Many have pointed to a string

of odd, yet potentially suggestive

tweets that Carpenter sent refer-

encing Cruz.

The first was either foreshad-

owing, or just a coincidence. On

April 1, 2014, (April Fool's Day)

both Carpenter and Cruz displayed

tattoos of Winston Churchil

smoking a pipe. The joke was tha

the tattoos were obviously fake

Cruz had his tattoo on his arm

while Carpenter had hers on he

left shoulder blade. But several in-

teresting things are being pointed

out about this "prank": (1) The

placement of Carpenter's tattoo

would almost certainly require the

assistance of another person..

(Perhaps Cruz?); and (2) The exac

tattoos both Cruz and Carpente

bore are sold in packs of two..

(Couple's tattoos?)

The second tweet was sen

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uggests that "time is of the

sic] Wireless Subpoena

Sibley makes clear in a foot-

and addresses of eight hun-

C. clients of the D.C. Madam?s

scort service."

It is speculated that there is a


Ted worked in Washing-

job that lasts for only one court

term (one year). Then, from 1997

to 1998, Ted worked for, what is

now, Cooper & Kirk law firm. In

1999, Ted joined George W.

Bush's campaign team as a domes-

tic policy adviser. After Bush took

office, Ted worked as an associate

deputy attorney general in the Jus-

tice Department, and as the direc-

tor of policy planning at the Fed-

eral Trade Commission. Ted fi-

nally left Washington in 2003

when he was appointed as the so-

licitor general of Texas.

Ted worked in Washington for

six of the thirteen years that Pal-

frey operated her escort service. In

its third installment about the


The National Enquirer


spoke with investigative journalist,

Wayne Madsen, who personally

reviewed "thousands of the phone

numbers - and thinks Cruz should

be concerned," and went on to

suggest that if Sibley "has what he

says he has, it has to be Cruz." The 

National Enquirer  also spoke an-

other with Washington investiga-

tive reporter, Dan Moldea, who

also reviewed the documents.

Moldea told The National En-

quirer  that he would have recog-

nized all of the other candidates

names, but "[t]he only name [he]

would not have recognized at the

time was Ted Cruz "

U.S. News World Reports 

also spoke with Moldea, who re-

peated what he told

The National

Enquirer. However, U.S. News

World Reports  spoke with re-

searcher Matt Janovic, who claims

to have a copy of the Verizon sub-

poena response. Janovic told U.S.

News World Reports said he did

not see Ted's name in the Verizon

documents. When confronted with

Janovic's statement, Sibley said

"I'm not going to confirm those

guys have what I have. I don't

think they have the entire response

because I've always kept some


By process of elimination, al

suspicion is reasonably directed a

Ted, as he was practically a no-

body his first time around the

Beltway, and would not have

raised any eyebrows back then, i

he popped up on the list.


, Ted's wife Heidi could

also reasonably be the bombshel

found within the records, because

they contain the names of both the

customers and


. Likewise


Vanity Fair

  reported, Palfrey

only hired women above the age

of twenty-three, and were "profes-

sional, intelligent women." Palfrey

explicitly said in an interview with

Vanity Fair  that the typical escor

she employed "needed to pay of

college loans, or put themselves

through college or their children

or pay for that condo their day jobs

couldn? get for them."

Heidi worked in the Bush ad-

ministration from 2000 until 2004

which means she could also be

someone named on the list, not as

a customer, but as an escort. He

role, like Ted's, was also behind-

the- scenes, for the most part

working under then- Secretary of

State, Condoleezza Rice.

Indeed, the circumstantial evi-

dence surrounding the allegations

is overwhelming. It appears tha

whatever bombshell is in the re-

maining D.C. Madam phone

records, it relates to Ted and/o

Heidi. Unsurprisingly, the fifth

mistress, who at this point remains

unidentified, is "purported to be a

'$1,000-a-night' Washington, D.C.

call girl," according to The Na-

tional Enquirer


Aftermath of the Allegations


Ted responded to the allega-

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dentify as "very conservative"- -

pport Ted.

While this scandal has not yet

The National

, and the press, we have

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irmly Grasp It... Just Not in My State





Ted, who has been referred to as a "warrior for smaller

In 2007, as Texas solicitor general, Ted vigorously

devices . . . is presumed to possess them

Ted's brief in support of the law, filed in the United

on the most intimate decisions one can make- - a

the government has an interest in

preventing you from masturbating, or engaging in any sor

of sexual conduct that does not lead to procreation.

It is not difficult, of course, to understand why Ted's

arguments ultimately and utterly failed in court. Taken to

its logical extreme, one could argue that prohibiting con-

traception, including both birth control and condoms, is

permissible, because its use is entirely grounded in "the

pursuit of sexual gratification unrelated to procreation."

This kind of contradiction is precisely why Ted is no

electable. Not only does it call into question what he means

by "small" government, but it also is an indication into

what he views the role of government. The position tha

government has a role in determining whether, and with

what, one masturbates is the reason why many young peo-

ple, and true believers in the principles of limited govern-

ment, think Ted is "crazy." Indeed, this position is reminis-

cent of the nosy parent that believes your business is also


 business. But do not hold out that you will be able to

convince Ted that he is wrong; every attempt to do so is

met the same: a laugh, a scoff, and a statement lacking any

factual basis in reality.

In sum, Ted's fantasies about the role of governmen

are troubling, revealing, and cause one to question: How

can we trust someone who wants to get government off o

our backs, yet defends a law that places the watchful eye o

government squarely into the most private and intimate o

decisions? The short answer is that we cannot.

ook back at that t ime Ted t ried to take your sex t oys

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