agenda of ordinary meeting of council - 23 july web view“almighty god we humbly beseech thee...

MELTON CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that the Ordinary Meeting of the Melton City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, 232 High Street, Melton on 23 July 2013 at 7.00pm. PUBLIC COPY Kelvin Tori CHIEF EXECUTIVE

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Agenda of Ordinary Meeting of Council - 23 July 2013

Ordinary Meeting of Council23 July 2013

Ordinary Meeting of Council23 July 2013


Notice is hereby given that the Ordinary Meeting of the Melton City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, 232 High Street, Melton on 23 July 2013 at 7.00pm.


Kelvin Tori


Ordinary Meeting of the Melton City Council AGENDA 23 July 2013

Visitors to the Gallery please note:

Proceedings at Council meetings are controlled by the Mayor, as chairperson. The Mayor is empowered to enforce the provision of Councils Local Law, which includes the following aspects;

Silence should be maintained in the gallery at all times, unless the Mayor allows otherwise. A visitor to the gallery must not interject or interfere with debate that occurs in the Chamber.

Members of the gallery are able to participate in the meeting through lodgement of written questions. Each person may submit up to two questions by placing them in the receptacle at the door leading into the Council Chamber prior to 7.00pm on the evening of the Council Meeting. The author of the question must be in the gallery at the time the question is to be dealt with for it to be valid. The Mayor may at her sole discretion allow the submitter of a question to raise a point of clarification.

If a member of the gallery breaches the Local Law requirement for silence, they will be called to order by the Mayor. If a call to order is not complied with, the Mayor may direct a person to be removed from the Chamber. A person who fails to leave the Chamber when so directed by the Mayor is guilty of an offence, and is liable to a penalty of $500.

If the Gallery becomes too disruptive, the Mayor has the authority to adjourn the meeting to a later time, to allow order to be restored.

Table of Contents

1.Opening Prayer and Reconciliation Statement6

2.Apologies and Leave of Absence6

3.Declaration of Any Pecuniary Interest, Other Interest or Conflict of Interest of Any Councillor6

4.Adoption and Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meetings6

5.Petitions and Joint Letters6

6.Resumption of Debate or Other Business Carried over from a Previous Meeting6

7.Public Question Time6

8.Presentation of Staff Reports7

8.1Authorising of Affixing The Common Seal of Council7

For Council to adopt the schedule of documents (Appendix 1) requiring the Common Seal of Council.

8.2Djerriwarrh Festival Committee Minutes 1 July 20139

To present the unconfirmed minutes of Djerriwarrh Festival Advisory Committee meeting held on 1 July 2013.

8.3Community Learning Board Minutes 27 June 201311

This report advises Council of the minutes of the Community Learning Board meeting held on 27 June 2013 and recommends actions emanating from the minutes.

8.4Suburb Naming Advisory Committee Minutes 4 July 201313

To inform Council of the minutes of the Suburb Naming Advisory Committee meeting held on 4 July 2013.

8.5Policy Review Panel Minutes15

This report presents to Council Minutes of the Policy Review Panel meeting held on 4 July 2013 for adoption of the Committees recommendations.

8.6Reconciliation Action Plan 2010-201417

To inform Council on the progress of implementation of the Reconciliation Action Plan 2010 2014 and opportunities to enhance the Reconciliation process.

8.7Community Funding Outcomes 2012/1321

To provide an overview of outcomes of Councils 2012/13 Community Funding Program.

8.8Melton City Council Funding Advocacy Outcomes 2012/201327

To present a summary of external funding received by Council during the 2012/2013 financial year as an outcome of Councils strong advocacy role in successfully applying for grants.

8.9Planning Application PA PA2013/3910 - Two Lot Subdivision At 13 Springbank Way, Brookfield30

To consider a planning application for two lot subdivision at 13 Springbank Way, Brookfield.

8.10Planning Application PA PA2013/3945 - Subdivision of land into two lots At 8 Buckle Road, Kurunjang36

To consider a planning application for subdivision of land into two lots at 8 Buckle Road, Kurunjang.

8.11Consideration of the Draft Melbourne Airport Master Plan 201347

To consider the draft Melbourne Airport Master Plan 2013, and provide feedback to Melbourne Airport on the content of the draft Master Plan.

8.12Melton Highway Advisory Committee Meeting - 4 July 201353

To consider the minutes of the Melton Highway Advisory Committee Meeting of 4 July 2013.

8.13Annual Accelerated Sealing Program55

To seek Council endorsement for the works proposed in the Annual Accelerated Sealing Program.

8.14Road 2 Zero Action Plan 2013-201657

To seek Council endorsement of Melton City Councils Community Road Safety Strategy Action Plan for a further 4-year period 2013-2016 Road 2 Zero Action Plan 2013-2016.

8.15Calder Highway59

To seek Council endorsement for the works priorities outlined by the Calder Highway Improvement Committee, and to update Council on the current speed restrictions on the Calder Highway in the vicinity of the City of Melton.

8.16Delegations of Authority exercised - 1 January 2013 to 31 July 201362

To advise Council of Delegations of Authority exercised for the period 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013.

8.17Meeting Procedure Local Law (2013)64

To make Meeting Procedure Local Law (2013) as set out and contained in Appendix 1.

8.18Victorian Local Government Women's Charter67

For Council to reaffirm its commitment to the Victorian Local Government Womens Charter and endorse a Charter Champion and Womens Charter Action Plan.

9.Reports of Committees70

10.Reports from Delegates Appointed by Council to Other Bodies71

10.1Presentation of Written and Verbal Reports from Councillors in Their Role as Delegates to Other Bodies71

10.2Parliamentarian and Departmental Letters Received by The Mayor72

Mr Ian Dobbs, Chief Executive, Public Transport Victoria Melton Rail Duplication

10.3Record of Assembly of Councillors Attached To This Agenda in Accordance with Section 80a(1) of The Local Government Act 198973

2 July 2013 Record of Assembly of Councillors

9 July 2013 Record of Assembly of Councillors

16 July 2013 Record of Assembly of Councillors

11.Notices of Motion74

11.1Notice of Motion 364 (Cr Majdlik) Local Women's Recognition Award74

11.2Notice of Motion 365 (Cr Majdlik) Sister City Program75

12.Councillors Questions Without Notice76

13.Motions without Notice76

14.Urgent Business76

15.Confidential Business77

15.1Property Development Advisory Committee (PDAC) Meeting 2978

To consider the minutes of the Property Development Advisory Committee from 2 July 2013 (meeting number 29).

15.22013/2015 Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Advisory Committee79

To present Council recommendation on the appointment of committee membership for Councils Cultural and Linguistically Diverse Advisory Committee (CALDAC).

15.3Tender of Municipal Loan 17480

For Council to consider the tender process related to Municipal Loan 174.

15.4CEO's Periodical Assessment Report 81

To inform the Council of the Review Panels periodical assessment for the Chief Executive Officer.

16.Close of Business82

Ordinary Meeting of Council23 July 2013

Ordinary Meeting of Council23 July 2013

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Page 3

1.Opening Prayer and Reconciliation Statement

The Mayor, Cr Majdlik will read the opening prayer and reconciliation statement.


Almighty God we humbly beseech Thee to vouchsafe Thy blessing upon this Council, direct and prosper its deliberations to the advancement of Thy glory and the welfare of the people whom we serve Amen.

Reconciliation Statement

Melton City Council acknowledges that the land it now occupies has a history that began with the Indigenous occupants, the Kulin Nation. Council pays its respects to the Kulin Nation people and their Elders and descendants past and present.

2.Apologies and Leave of Absence

The Mayor will call for any apologies received from any Councillors who are unable to attend this meeting.

3.Declaration of Any Pecuniary Interest, Other Interest or Conflict of Interest of Any Councillor

Pursuant to Section 77A, 77B, 78 and 79 of the Local Government Act 1989, any Councillor must declare any direct or indirect interest, and any conflict of interest, in any items contained within the Notice Paper.

4.Adoption and Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meetings


That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Councilheld on 25 June 2013 and Special Meeting of Council held on 9 July 2013 be confirmed as a true and correct record.

5.Petitions and Joint Letters

The Chief Executive will table any petitions and/or joint letters received prior to this meeting.

6.Resumption of Debate or Other Business Carried over from a Previous Meeting


7.Public Question Time

Ordinary Meeting of Council23 July 2013

Ordinary Meeting of Council23 July 2013

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Page 5

8.Presentation of Staff Reports

8.1Authorising of Affixing The Common Seal of Council

Author: Christie Shields- Governance Officer

Presenter: Peter Bean- General Manager Corporate Services

Purpose of Report

For Council to adopt the schedu