aiesec cas: alumni newsletter_september 2011


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AIESEC CAS Alumni Newsletter


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Page 3: AIESEC CAS: Alumni Newsletter_September 2011


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Page 4: AIESEC CAS: Alumni Newsletter_September 2011
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Because of what happened on Tuesday August 30 in Kenya and known by everyone, we decided to give a space to share what a member of CAS wrote , and we are sure that all as a region and as members of this organization we are fully identified:

Those who know me have heard me talking about AIESEC all the time, but I believe that some people don’t get even half of the things I say or why I do what I do. It’s hard to explain and I always mention this to those who ask me about it and to those who just entered AIESEC. It’s difficult to explain why I spend my afternoons, mornings, nights, days, months and even years in an organization where I don’t get a paycheck or a diploma as proof of my work. It’s even more difficult to explain how the death of a young man a thousand miles away from me affects me so much even though that same person lived a thousand miles away from me. And it is not just me… thousands of young people around the globe are mourning this young man today.

I’m not going to describe the accident; I’m going to tell you about that passion that, as I read somewhere, makes thousands of young students move around the world under one same purpose. That passion that makes me mourn a person who looked for the same purpose that the rest of us do and that, just like me, was only 22 years old but already wanted to change the world. Is that same passion what makes us a family, no matter if we know each other or not, our doors are always open to those 60 000 youngsters no matter where they come from. No matter where I go, I know that I have a home somewhere in the world.

When something happens in one of our fellow countries, the network shakes and everybody starts to worry about that particular country, just like if they were family, and the truth is that they do. That is true global awareness. Ladies and gentlemen, that is what makes me get up in the morning and what makes me not want to quit, even though everything seems hopeless. That is what makes me want to keep working for our network to grow, to provide the opportunity to more young students to develop themselves. Is that inexplicable passion that unites us that make me say proudly I am an AIESECer. This is something that has no comparison and that nobody could ever teach me sitting in a classroom. ---Marta Orias

LCP AIESEC in TEC, Costa Rica

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