aiesec dlsu: acamp 2014 delegate handbook


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Post on 01-Apr-2016




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Hello, delegate!

Congratulations for taking another huge step in your AIESECjourney! “Experience is important to being a leader” is one of thethings I said during GA. Being a delegate of this year’sActivation Camp will surely bring you closer to being that globalleader you ought to be. Here, we will learn together. Not justyou, but also the EB and the OC. We will create memories thatyou would want to rewind. We will make guanxi that willhopefully last a lifetime.

Lastly, we will help you find yourway in this organization. Thank you forapplying as a delegate and for entrustingus your experience of ACamp! Alwayskeep in mind that this is your experience,so maximize this opportunity. Take notes.Be 100% with us during sessions. Haveyour personal key takeaways. And, don’tforget to have fun.

See you in ACamp!Get ready to defy your limits!

When individuals join AIESEC in whatever capacity, theyare usually introduced to the org through a medium of orientationseminars and A-Camp. This conference will be an avenue for youguys to learn more about the organization and will hopefully equipyou with the right mindset before you take on roles in the differentdepartments. Aside from technicalities, we also want you to have anamazing taste of the AIESEC Conference Culture, form possibly life-long connections with your fellow delegates, and create memorableexperiences that will become a big part of your life as an AIESECer.

All in all, we want this to bethe start of something great, and wewant you to feel that this is the start ofsomething great too. So in behalf of theOC, a huuuuuge thank you forcontinuing to say "yes" to this, and tothe opportunities AIESEC has providedyou. We are so glad that you didbecause, well -- who else but you, andwhen else but now?

See you at A-Camp 2014: Defy Your Limits!

A-Camp is an annual LC conferencethat where new members get a morethorough understanding of AIESEC'svision, goals and the programs andprocesses the LC has to achieve that. Itaims to instil a clear understanding ofthe organization and the purpose ofit's existence. For new members, it iswhere one begins to find theiralignment to the identity of theorganization before they start takingon different roles. Old members willhopefully, also be re-activated for theAIESEC year.

Gabriel HolleroLCVP iGCDP

Renzo SalvacionLCVP iGIP

Nikki PitargueLCVP oGIP

Arianne FranciscoLCVP FLA

Pavan RamchandLCVP TMJericho Concepcion

LCVP Projects

Christer De GuiaLCVP MaC



Lalaina AcopLCVP Expansions

Bianca DailoLCVP BD

For more questions about the place, don’t hesitate to ask the OC for help.

No possession of drugs and weapons/firearms

No public display of obscenity

No violence

No one should leave the venue without permission & approval

Additional costs incurred by the participant such as damage to the venue and corkage fees will be charged to your account

Delegates are to wear their IDs at all times

Smoking inside the plenary halls and delegate rooms are not allowed

No one can leave the plenary hall without the permission of the OC

Bring notebooks and pens at all times

No using of cellphonesduring sessions

No sleeping during sessions

Nametags must be worn AT ALL TIMES


Comfortable clothes for 2 nights 3 days

All black attire (e.g. shirt, pants, shorts, etc. for team building)

Dress, Make-up, heels for girls; Polo for guys (for Socials)

Toiletries: Shampoo, towel, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste

Umbrella (in case it rains) and Mosquito Repellant

Swimming attire

Notebook & pen

Mobile phone with charger

Personal medication (allergies, etc.)


Deposit slip

Is ACAMP required?

We really REALLY encourage you to go! It’s going to be an essential part of you AIESECjourney! For most, if not all people, this was where they found their alignment to the organization.

What time is the departure and arrival?

The tentative time for departure is at 7AM on July 18 and arrival on July 20th is at 9PM.

Where is the meet up?

The meet up venue will be De La Salle University- Taft.

Can I arrive late or leave early?

Yes! Please indicate it in the registration form if you will! Although, we won’t be able to providetransportation for you. We will gladly assist you though!

I have food allergies, special medical concern, etc.

There’s a portion for this in the registration form also. Please be thorough when you write it down

How far is the venue from Taft?

Around an hour and half, give or take!

What do I tell my parents? Is there something I can show them?

We have already posted a letter for you guys to show your parents! It’s somewhere in thisfacebook group.

What do the conference registration fees include?

The payment will include the transportation to and from the venue, accommodation and food. Basically everything you will need at A-Camp!

I have other questions, who do I contact?

No worries! Please contact Clara Lee at 0916 794 7229 and we’llget back to you as soon as possible :D

1.Once you have paid, please register at

2.Join the Facebook group at

3.Accomplish the DLSU waiver and submit it to Mark (No waivers, no ACAMP!)

4.Accomplish the AIESEC waiver and bring it on the day of departure together with the deposit slip or the official receipt (Again, No Waiver, No A-Camp!)

5.Bring extra money (for ACAMP shirts)6.Bring extra pens