aix vug advancedpowervmtoolkit

 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Lab Based Services  AIX-VUG Advan ced PowerVM Toolkit Mike Gregor  Senior Power Consultant 28 August 2014

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Advanced PowerVM toolkig VUG webinar


  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    IBM Lab Based Services

    AIX-VUG Advanced PowerVM Toolkit

    Mike Gregor Senior Power Consultant28 August 2014

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit

    Value Proposition

    Business Challenge

    Clients struggling with consistency in their build process when deploying VIO servers and clients.

    Differences in configuration depending on who built the systems and when.

    Attempted to develop their own scripts and automation, but struggled with adding new features and ongoing support.

    Issues migrating partitions from one managed system to another


    Introduced the Advanced PowerVM Toolkit and process to accelerate the clients transition from Power6->Power7->Power8 across their infrastructure.

    Provide planning, assessment and execution to implement the Toolkit and provisioning process based on client requirements.

    Work with customer to integrate Toolkit into their existing build process and automation.

    Key Benefits

    Reduced manual errors associated with current build process.

    Able to integrate Toolkit into their existing automation, thereby creating a repeatable methodology for deploying new VIO servers and client LPARs


  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    Typical Provisioning Flow

    Gathering of system build information

    HMC, managed system

    VIO and client names, network, storage, cpu, memory,vswitches, processor pools,

    Repeated series of:

    HMC GUI or command line execution

    NIM commands

    VIO commands

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit Flow

    Use gathered system information to create build profiles using the Toolkit Provisioning Language

    Single VIOS build profile which defines your VIO server configuration

    One or more client build profiles which defines clients to build on same frame

    Process these simple, ASCII-text build profiles using Provisioning Toolkit

    Executes the HMC, NIM, and VIO commands in proper order

    Produces repeatable results

    Apply build profile templates to new similar frames by changing variables

    One touch VIO build and configuration

    Capture / Create / Build capabilities

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit



    Capture profile contains hmc, group, [managed system, [partition,[profile]] that defines data to retrieve and where to place it

    Code can be run interactively to specify the HMC, managed systems, and partitions

    Commands are issued through HMC to gather data associated with VIO servers and client partitions

    Basis for performing migrations or DR activity

    Logically groups data for deployment to target frames

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit



    Uses previously captured data to create build profiles

    Process one or multiple systems captured data

    Create VIO pair to support selected client networks

    Reuse of client VFC wwpns

    Add, remove, and over ride capabilities for any partition attribute

    Config profile contains minimum set of information that requires updating

    client ip, netmask, gateway,bosinst, vlans

    Summary file represents VIO and client partition requirements in csv format

    cpu, memory, network, storage

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit



    Use gathered system information to create build profiles using the Toolkit Provisioning Language

    Single VIOS build profile which defines your VIO server configuration

    One or more client build profiles which defines clients to build on same frame

    Process these simple, ASCII-text build profiles using Provisioning Toolkit

    Issues the HMC, NIM, and VIO commands

    Produces repeatable results

    Apply build profile templates to new similar frames by changing variables

    One touch VIO build and configuration

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    Wiki style Users Guide

    Easy lookup of function and syntax

    Code examples

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    User Interface

    Java Swing-based to run on nearly any desktop or laptop

    Provisioning Toolkit syntax-aware build profile editor facilitates build profile creation:

    Provides built-in sample templates for VIO Server and Client build profiles (e.g. VIO Server pair, NPIV Client, VSCSI Client)

    Provides built-in samples for individual Toolkit keyword use (e.g. SERVERINFO, PARTITION, SEA, etc.)

    Keyword and syntax highlighting guides build profile creation

    Syntax awareness detects numerous classes of errors and typos to find errors in build profiles before processing them

    Remote execution of build operations from within the UI

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    Options for Obtaining Advanced PowerVM Toolkit

    Deal Closer Program (Pre- or Post Sales for our Sellers on the line)

    See PreDefined Service offering for Toolkit out under Deal Closer website

    PowerCare Program (eligible for 770/780/795 only) - select "POA" option at time of TDA

    Direct Lab Services Statement of Work (SOW)

    Business Partner Contract Attachment (CA)

    $12,500 One Time Fee

    For further questions on funding approach, please contact:

    Linda Hoben [email protected] 1-720-395-0556


    Stephen Brandenburg [email protected] 1-301-240-2182

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    Code and Documentation Updates IBM ResourceLink

    Customer is registered with IBMID and notified when complete

    Subscription capability allows for automatic notification of updates

    Customer downloads at their convenience

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    New Function 4Q-2014

    VSCSIMAP to disk UDID

    DRAW capability for build profiles and current managed system

    UI support for capture/create

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    Additional Support Slides

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    APVM Toolkit Build Provisioning Language

    SERVERINFO Define a managed system and its managing HMC

    VARIABLES Create a free-form substitution variable

    SHAREDPP Create or rename a shared processor pool in hypervisor

    VSWITCH Create or rename a virtual switch in the hypervisor

    BOSINST Define a NIM resource OS image

    DEFINE Create a NIM definition on-the-fly

    DISKATTR Define hdisk attributes used for VSCSI mapped disks

    VSCSIRESOLVE Choose a sort order for VSCSI LUN size matching

    VSCSIZONE Define a system as part of a common VSCSI zone

    FABRIC Designate a fabric name for VFC client adapters wwpn report

    FABRICDEF Designate a fabric identifier for a list of HBA ports

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    APVM Toolkit Build Provisioning Language

    ENATTR Create a named set of enX device attributes

    ENTATTR Create a named set of entX device attributes

    ECHATTR Create a named set of etherchannel attributes

    SEAATTR Create a named set of SEA attributes

    SEADEF Create a named set of common SEA parameters

    FCSATTR Create a named set of fcsX device attributes

    FSCSIATTR Create a named set of fscsiX device attributes

    IOSLOTS Assign physical I/O slots to a partition

    HEA Configure an IVE port

    VETHMAP Define a virtual ethernet adapter for a client partition

    PARTITIONDEF Create a named set of partition parameters

    PARTITION Define a logical partition

    VIO Define a VIO stanza

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    APVM Toolkit Build Provisioning Language (VIO Stanza)

    EN Set attributes for VIOs enX devices defined in ENATTR

    ENT Set attributes for VIOs entX devices defined in ENTATTR

    ETHERCHANNEL Create an etherchannel device for the VIO

    PORT Configure a physical or virtual ethernet port for the VIO

    SEA Configure an SEA for the VIO

    MKVG Create a volume group on VIO

    FCS Set attributes for VIOs fcsX devices defined in FCSATTR

    FSCSI Set attributes for VIOs fscsiX devices defined in FSCSIATTR

    VFCGEN Create VFC adapters in client and VIO

    VFCMAP Map a VFC adapter to an VIO HBA port

    VFCMAPFABRIC Map VFC adapter to HBA ports defined by FABRICDEF

    VSCSIGEN Create VSCSI adapters in client and VIO

    VSCSIMAP map a VSCSI adapter to a LUN

    VSCSIMAPLV map a VSCSI adapter to a logical volume

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    User Interface - File

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    User Interface - File

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    User Interface - Insert

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    User Interface - Deploy

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    User Interface - Execute

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    User Interface Execution Output

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    User Interface - View

  • 2014 IBM Corporation

    Advanced PowerVM Toolkit


    User Interface - Themes