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A program of the Alabama State Board of Education and the Alabama State Department of Education Alabama Teacher of the Year APPLICATION FOR 2014-2015

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A program of the Alabama State Board of Education and the Alabama State Department of Education

Alabama State Department of Education, Thomas R. Bice, Ed.D., State Superintendent of Education August 2013

The Alabama State Board of Education and the Alabama State Department of Education do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, dis-ability, sex, religion, national origin, or age in its programs, activities, or employment and provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and otherdesignated youth groups. The following person is responsible for handling inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Title IX Co-ordinator, Alabama State Department of Education, P.O. Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36130-2101, telephone (334) 242-8165.

AlabamaTeacher of the Year



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of the Year2014-2015

Alabama State Board of EducationGovernor Robert Bentley - President

District 1 ......................................................................Tracy T. RobertsDistrict 2 ............................................................................Betty PetersDistrict 3 ........................................................................Stephanie BellDistrict 4 ..................................................Yvette M. Richardson, Ed.D.District 5 ..............................................Ella B. Bell, President Pro TemDistrict 6 ..................................Charles E. Elliott, M.D., Vice PresidentDistrict 7 ..........................................................................Jeff NewmanDistrict 8 ..........................................................Mary Scott Hunter, J.D.

Thomas R. Bice, Ed.D., State Superintendent of Education and Secretary and Executive Officer

Greetings from Dr. Alison GrizzleP.D. Jackson Olin High School – Birmingham City Schools2013-2014 Alabama Teacher of the Year

What a humbling experience for me to write the introduc-tion for this very special book. As the current Alabama Teacher ofthe Year, it has been an honor to represent the innovative, passion-ate, and dedicated teachers of the state, and you—you are one of

those teachers. Your peers believe that you possess the characteristics of a highly effectiveteacher. As a teacher who works hard to impact student learning on a daily basis, youknow that your work matters. In order for our students to meet the rigorous college- andcareer-ready standards, we all understand that quality teaching must be a priority inevery school and every classroom.

As great teachers understand, teaching does not stop in the classroom. Teacher lead-ers are transforming schools around the country. They are helping to develop curriculum,implement reforms, and mentor new teachers. You are being celebrated because you area teacher leader. As a GREAT teacher and a teacher leader, you understand that with highhonors and recognition, more work lies ahead. This honor, too, requires an extra step,but this step is well worth the effort because the opportunity to reflect on practice is ex-tremely rewarding. So . . . as you look ahead at the blank pages and wonder what wordsbest represent you, your students, and your practice, be reminded that your peers believein you.

As a teacher and a teacher leader, sometimes it is easy to begin to believe that yourhard work goes unnoticed and unappreciated, but I want to take this opportunity to sayTHANK YOU! Thank you for doing bus duty, thank you for lesson planning at home;thank you for tutoring students, thank you for leading committees, thank you for pro-viding mentoring, and thank you for facilitating professional development. Thank youfor ALL that you do!!

Congratulations on this great honor and best wishes.

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Purpose, Duties, Eligibility, and Administration..............................................iiThe Selection Process ..................................................................................iiiTimeline for Selection ...................................................................................vHonors and Awards.......................................................................................viState Board of Education Districts ...............................................................viiInstructions for Submitting Applications

to the Alabama State Department of Education.......................................viiiCriteria for Judging the Alabama Teacher of the Year

Candidates 2014-2015 ..............................................................................ixTeacher of the Year Application Form

i. General Information/Signatures .........................................................1ii. Educational History and Professional Development Activities ...........3iii. Professional Biography ......................................................................7iv. Community Involvement ...................................................................11v. Philosophy of Teaching ....................................................................13

vi. Education Issues and Trends...........................................................17vii. Alabama Teacher of the Year ...........................................................21viii. Letters of Support.............................................................................23



The Alabama Teacher of the Year Program is administered by the Communication Office of theAlabama State Department of Education. For more information, contact:

Ann Starks, State Coordinator · Alabama Teacher of the Year ProgramAlabama State Department of Education · 50 North Ripley Street

5114 Gordon Persons Building · Montgomery, Alabama 36104-3833Tel: 334 242-9700 · Fax: 334 242-9708 · E-mail: [email protected]


of the Year2014-2015

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PurposeThe Alabama Teacher of the Year Program seeks annually to honor and recognize

excellence in the teaching profession by identifying outstanding Alabama classroom teachersat local, district, and state levels.

DutiesThe Alabama Teacher of the Year serves as a full-time ambassador for the teaching

profession for one year by speaking to civic and professional organizations, K-12 schools,colleges and universities; conducting workshops for teachers; and writing newspaper and

magazine articles.

EligibilityThe Alabama Teacher of the Year Program is open to any public school certified

classroom teacher whose major responsibility is to work with children in a P-12 setting toprovide learning opportunities based on the appropriate State Courses of Study.

A classroom teacher excludes all forms of paraprofessionals or paraeducators; certificatedprofessionals employed as a librarian, counselor, psychometrist, psychologist, supervisor,administrator; academic coach for teachers; or other instructional support position titles.

AdministrationThe program is administered by the Alabama State Department of Education.

Travel expenses for the Teacher of the Year and Alternate Teacher of the Year are paid by the Alabama Teacher of the Year Program.

This booklet may also be accessed on our website at

2014-2015Alabama Teacher of the Year

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of the Year2014-2015


The Selection ProcessThis application form may be photocopied as needed. For the purpose of this program, an elementaryteacher is one who works in Grades K through 6 and a secondary teacher is one who works in Grades7 through 12. The middle school teacher is considered an elementary teacher or a secondary teacheras determined by the major portion of the school day spent in teaching Grades K through 6 (elementary)or Grades 7 through 12 (secondary). Nominees should be grouped accordingly. All nominees must befull-time classroom teachers who plan to continue in an active teaching status.

SCHOOL LEVELA Teacher of the Year selection committee should be appointed at the school level to solicit nominees

and select the school’s Teacher(s) of the Year (elementary and/or secondary). The school-level Teacher ofthe Year selection committee should be composed of:

❦ Principal❦ Parent organization representative❦ Teacher❦ Student representative❦ School counselor or school librarian (if no counselor or librarian serves the school, a second

classroom teacher should be selected by the committee).The school-level Teacher of the Year selection committee, under the guidance of the principal, shouldmake information about the program available to all faculty, parent organizations, and — at the appropriategrade levels — students. After making its selection, the application(s) should be forwarded to the schoolsystem superintendent for participation in the school system-level selection.

SCHOOL SYSTEM LEVELThe school system-level Teacher of the Year selection committee should be appointed to receive thenominations from each school and to select from those nominations a school system elementary Teacherof the Year and/or a school system secondary Teacher of the Year.The committee should be composed of:

❦ Superintendent❦ School board member❦ Parent organization representative❦ Elementary teacher❦ Secondary teacher

Once the school system-level selection committee has chosen its Teacher of the Year honorees, theapplications should be forwarded to the Alabama State Department of Education.

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The applications of the honorees from each local school system will be reviewed by a district-levelTeacher of the Year selection committee in each of the eight State Board of Education districts. Eachcommittee will select a district elementary Teacher of the Year and a district secondary Teacher of the Year,for a total of 16 district honorees.

Each district-level committee should be composed of:❦ District representative on the State Board of Education❦ Local superintendent❦ Local board of education member❦ Two business representatives❦ Current District Elementary Teacher of the Year❦ Current District Secondary Teacher of the Year❦ Dean of education from a college or university

Each committee will evaluate applications from a district other than its own. A map showing thedistricts is on page vii.

STATE LEVELThe state-level Teacher of the Year selection committee will be composed of the outgoing Alabama

Teacher of the Year or Alternate Alabama Teacher of the Year and representatives of the following:❦ Alabama State Board of Education❦ State Superintendent of Education❦ Alabama Association of Colleges of Teacher Education❦ Alabama Association of School Boards❦ Alabama Congress of Parents and Teachers❦ Alabama Education Association❦ A-Plus Education Partnership❦ Alabama Milken Educators’ Network❦ Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools❦ School Superintendents of Alabama❦ Media and business community

Crtiteria for DVD:Once the 16 district teachers have been selected, each teacher will be required to submit a 10- to 15-minute video on DVD from his or her classroom. The state-level Teacher of the Year selection committeewill receive the video and select four finalists. The committee will then schedule and conduct personalinterviews with these four nominees.

From these top four, the committee will select the Alabama Teacher of the Year and the Alternate AlabamaTeacher of the Year. One will be an elementary teacher and one will be a secondary teacher.

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of the Year2014-2015

Timeline for Selection

August 2013 Alabama Teacher of the Year application placed onAlabama State Department of Education website

September 2013 Applications mailed to local school systems andschools

December 2013 Applications selected by local school systems–- January 2014

(Dates set by local school systems)

January 29, 2014 Final Alabama Teacher of the Year applications forlocal school system’s nominees should be mailed orhand-delivered to:

Ann Starks, CoordinatorAlabama Teacher of the Year ProgramAlabama State Department of Education50 North Ripley Street5114 Gordon Persons BuildingMontgomery, AL 36104-3833

January - March 2014 Alabama State Board of Education District-LevelSelection Committees will select district Teachers ofthe Year. The state-level selection committee willselect the Alabama Teacher of the Year and anAlternate Teacher of the Year

May 7, 2014 Awards Ceremony

November 2014 The application of the Alabama Teacher of the Yearwill be forwarded to Washington, D.C., for entry inthe National Teacher of the Year Program. TheNational Teacher of the Year Program, presented bythe ING Foundation, is a project of the Council ofChief State School Officers.


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of the Year2014-2015


SCHOOL AND SCHOOL SYSTEM LEVEL: Local school officials are encouraged tohonor and recognize their respective Teachers of the Year as they deem appropriate.STATE LEVEL: The Alabama State Board of Education District Teachers of the Year,the Alabama Teacher of the Year, and the Alternate Teacher of the Year will behonored at a special awards reception in Montgomery and will be recognized at ameeting of the Alabama State Board of Education. Announcement of the honors willbe disseminated to news media statewide. The following awards were received bythe 2013-2014 Alabama Teacher of the Year, Alternate Teacher of the Year, andDistrict Teachers of the Year. Awards are subject to change without notice.


AlAbAMA ASSOCIATION Of SCHOOl bOARDSGift Cards for the District Teachers of the Year


Grant Awards to be used for classroom and/or instructional improvement:

Alabama Teacher of the Year.........................$2,500Alabama Teacher of the Year’s School.............$300Alternate Alabama Teacher of the Year.........$1,500Alternate’s School..............................................$300Two Finalists.......................................................$750 eachDistrict Teachers of the Year............................. $500 each


Use of a 2013 Chevrolet Impala for one year for Alabama Teacher of the Year

bAPTIST HEAlTH – Trophy for Alabama Teacher of the YearbluE bEll CREAMERIES

Ice cream delivered to the schools of District Teachers of the YearCHAPPY’S DElI - Program SupportEMbASSY SuITES – Gift Certificate for Alternate Teacher of the YearlOuISA’S bAkERY – Program SupportCOuNCIl fOR lEADERS IN AlAbAMA SCHOOlS

A plaque for each District Teacher of the Year and Program Support

CRACkER bARREl – Gift Certificate for Alabama Teacher of the Year

GOODWYN MIllS AND CAWOOD, INC. – Portfolios for AlabamaTeacher of the Year Nominees

lEE AND lAN flORIST – Corsages and Boutonnieres for DistrictTeachers of theYear

SCHOOl SuPERINTENDENTS Of AlAbAMA – Program SupportPEARSON EDuCATION – Trophy for Alabama Alternate Teacher of

the YearAlAbAMA SCOTTISH RITE fOuNDATION – Cash Award for

Alabama Teacher of the YearSMART TECHNOlOGIES, INC. – For Alabama Teacher of theYear:

• A SMART Board™ 600i interactive whiteboard system featuring abuilt-in Unifi™ projector, an integrated audio system, and a SMARTBoard interactive whiteboard

• An Airliner™ wireless slate• SMART Ideas concept-mapping software

(school license)• Bridgit™ data-conferencing software (two-year subscription for five

users)• SynchonEyes™ Classroom Management Software (computer lab


Cash Award for Alabama Teacher of the Year...................$1,200Cash Award for Alternate Teacher of the Year......................$500Grant Awards for 14 District Teachers of the Year................$200

DATA RECOGNITION CORPORATION – Cash Award forAlabama Teacher of the Year ........$5,000


PROGRAM SPONSORSAlabama Education Association, Business Council of Alabama,

Pearson Education, Insight Card Service

Alabama State Board of Education and Alabama State Department ofEducationGrant Awards to be used for classroom and/or instructionalimprovement:

Alabama Teacher of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,500Alabama Teacher of the Year’s School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$300Alternate Alabama Teacher of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,500Alternate’s School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$300Two Finalists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$750 eachDistrict Teachers of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500 each

Alabama Scottish Rite FoundationCash Award for Alabama Teacher of the Year

Software Technology, Inc.Cash Award for Alabama Teacher of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,200Cash Award for Alternate Teacher of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500Grant Awards for 14 District Teachers of the Year . . . . . . . . . .$200

Data Recognition CorporationCash Award for Alabama Teacher of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,000



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of the Year2014-2015



The application form for the Alabama Teacher of the Year Program incorporates portions of theNational Teacher of the Year Program application form. Materials submitted must follow the instructionsbelow and within the application form.

1. Each completed application, when submitted to the State Department of Education, should contain thefollowing:(1) “Criteria for Selection” sheet (score sheet) with the first three items completed (level, district, and

name).(2) Completed application form, including letters of support.

2. Nominees for Alabama Teacher of the Year must be nominated on the application form contained in orretyped totally from this booklet. The form may be photocopied. If the application is typed on pagesother than the application form itself, the exact spacing and wording of each item of the application formmust be used, including the wording regarding the number of pages for each item. Answers should notexceed the number of pages designated. Type size should be no smaller than 10 point. Submit onlythe completed application, not the booklet pages of explanation. Applications should be neat andlegible. Do not staple.

3. Provide all information requested in the application form and follow directions.

4. Carefully check applications for neatness and legibility and typographical, grammatical, and spellingerrors. Judges really take note of such errors!!

5. The nominee, the school principal, and the superintendent must sign in the appropriate spaces onpages 1 and 2. The state coordinator of the program will sign each application after it is submitted.

6. No materials will be returned to nominees.

7. Deadline: All school system nominees’ applications must be submitted to the Alabama StateDepartment of Education by January 29, 2014. Applications must be hand-delivered or postmarked bythat date. Late applications will not be considered.


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Criteria for Judgingthe Alabama Teacher of the Year Candidates

2014-2015Level: (circle one) Elementary Secondary

State Board of Education District ________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Name______________________________________________________________________

For Judges’ UseCategories Scoring

Education History ________• Presentations (attending and presenting)• Continuing Education (including advanced degrees and national board certification)• Awards (including being published and receiving grants)Professional biography ________• Evidence of a story• Clearly delineates reason(s) for becoming a teacherCommunity Involvement ________• Describes involvement• Presence of activities outside school and familyPhilosophy of Teaching ________• Provides clear description of teaching philosophy and includes evidence of

outstanding teaching qualities• Clearly indicates how beliefs are demonstrated in teaching styleEducation Issues and Trends ________• Lists more than one issue• Develops and describes one issue• Has a story to tellAlabama Teacher of the Year ________• Message is presented in a coherent and convincing manner• Addresses relevant issues for the teaching professionletters of Support ________• Good balance of letters (e.g., parent/student, administrator, colleague)• Clearly explains and gives examples of exceptionality

Total Points ________

Criteria MeasurementsExemplary (4) – Goes above and beyond; is at the highest level. For example, in Education Issues and Trends: Usesresearch with multiple sources, has well-reasoned solution, issue is timely and significant. Very Good (3) – Outstanding. For example, in Professional Biography: Tells a compelling, personal, and “catchy” story.Average (2) – Sufficient. For example, in Education History: Attended conferences, but didn’t play leadership role inpresenting; has minimal education requirements, but has not pursued advanced courses and degree in past 5-10 years.Does Not Meet Standard (1) – No evidence or incorrect information provided.


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Application FormI. General Information/Signatures

Nominee Name

Home Address

City State Zip Code Telephone

Electronic Mail Address(es)

Fax Number

School Name

School Address

City State Zip Code Telephone

School Profile (Check one): ❏ Urban ❏ Suburban ❏ Rural

Major Subject Area (if any) _______________________________ Grade Level __________________

Total Years of Teaching Experience _________________ Years in Present Position ________________

I hereby give my permission that any or all of the attached materials (other than home address and telephonenumber) may be shared with persons interested in promoting the Alabama Teacher of the Year Program. I alsoacknowledge that if selected as the 2014-2015 Alabama Teacher of the Year I will be released from classroomresponsibilities during the year of my recognition in order to fulfill the obligations inherent in the honor.

Signature of Nominee Date


_______________________County/City School System

Alabama Teacher of the Year2014-2015

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(Section I. continued — General Information/Signatures)SCHOOl/buIlDING PRINCIPAl

Name Title

School Name

School Address

City State Zip Code Telephone

Electronic Mail Address Fax I hereby acknowledge that the nominee submits this application with my approval and that if the nominee is selected asthe 2014-2015 Alabama Teacher of the Year he/she may need to be released from classroom responsibilities during the2014-2015 school year, and I agree to accommodate his/her release if necessary. I further acknowledge that if the nomineeis selected as the 2015 National Teacher of the Year he/she will be released from classroom responsibilities during the yearof recognition.

Signature of School Principal Date


Name Title

Business Address

City State Zip Code Telephone

Electronic Mail Address Fax I hereby acknowledge that the nominee submits this application with my approval and that if the nominee is selected asthe 2014-2015 Alabama Teacher of the Year he or she may need to be released from classroom responsibilities during the2014-2015 school year, and I agree to accommodate his/her release if necessary. I further acknowledge that if the nomineeis selected as the 2015 National Teacher of the Year he/she will be released from classroom responsibilities during the yearof recognition.

Signature of District Superintendent Date





( )City State Zip Code Telephone

( )Electronic Mail Address Fax

Signature of Coordinator Date


Ann Starks

Alabama State Department of Education

P.O. Box 302101Montgomery AL 36130-2101 334 242-9700

[email protected] 334 242-9708

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II. Educational History and Professional Development Activities – (two double-spaced pages)

A. beginning with most recent, list colleges and universities attended including post-graduatestudies. Indicate degrees earned and dates of attendance.

B. beginning with most recent, list teaching employment history indicating time period, grade level,and subject area.

C. beginning with most recent, list professional association memberships including informationregarding offices held and other relevant activities.

D. beginning with most recent, list staff development leadership activity and leadership activity in thetraining of future teachers.

E. beginning with the most recent, list awards and other recognition of your teaching.


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(Section II continued – Educational History and Professional Development Activities)


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III. Professional biography – (two double-spaced pages)

What were the factors that influenced you to become a teacher? Describe what you consider to beyour greatest contributions and accomplishments in education.


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(Section III continued – Professional biography)


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IV. Community Involvement – (one double-spaced page)

Describe your commitment to your community through service-oriented activities such as volunteerwork, civic responsibilities, and other group activities.


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V. Philosophy of Teaching – (two double-spaced pages)

A. Describe your personal feelings and beliefs about teaching, including your own ideas of whatmakes you an outstanding teacher. Describe the rewards you find in teaching.

B. How are your beliefs about teaching demonstrated in your personal teaching style?


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(Section V continued – Philosophy of Teaching)


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VI. Education Issues and Trends — (two double-spaced pages)

What do you consider to be the major public education issues today? Address one in depth,outlining possible causes, effects, and resolutions.


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(Section VI continued – Education Issues and Trends)


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VII. Alabama Teacher of the Year - (one double-spaced page)

As the 2014 Alabama Teacher of the Year, you would serve as an Ambassador for the entire teachingprofession. What would be your message? What would you communicate to your profession and tothe general public?

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VIII. letters of Support

Include three letters of support from any of the following: superintendent, principal, administrator,colleague, student/former student, parent, or civic leader. Identify each letter’s author (for example,“Jane Smith, Former Student”).


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A program of the Alabama State Board of Education and the Alabama State Department of Education

Alabama State Department of Education, Thomas R. Bice, Ed.D., State Superintendent of Education August 2013

The Alabama State Board of Education and the Alabama State Department of Education do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, dis-ability, sex, religion, national origin, or age in its programs, activities, or employment and provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and otherdesignated youth groups. The following person is responsible for handling inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Title IX Co-ordinator, Alabama State Department of Education, P.O. Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36130-2101, telephone (334) 242-8165.

AlabamaTeacher of the Year



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