album adverts in magazines

Album Adverts In Magazines Elliot Ball

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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Album adverts in magazines

Album Adverts In MagazinesElliot Ball

Page 2: Album adverts in magazines


The main image of the magazine advert is the same as the image on the album cover. This use of synergy visually links the advert to the album

The name of the artist is the most central image on the page showing the bands importance. Along with the name of the album underneath it.

The use of reviews on the magazine advert will attract consumers.

The Date the ‘NEW’ album will be released is written in a large font that will attract the eyes of the reader. Also the use of buzzwords like ‘special edition’ will attract the reader to the album also

At the bottom of the poster there is the production company's logo along with the web address for the band

The colour scheme for the advertisement is the same colour scheme used on the album cover, this is another use of synergy that will make the reader relate to the album

Page 3: Album adverts in magazines

RAY LAMONTAGNE - TROUBLEThe main image on this magazine advertisement is the same image that is on the main cover of the album, this use of synergy lets the reader relate between the two products. Also the colour scheme is shared between the magazine and the album cover

The name of the artist “Ray Lamontagne” and the name of the album “Trouble” are the most important pieces of text on the page, they are bolded and coloured to make them stand out as they are the most important parts of the advert.

Lots of quotes from reviews of the album are positioned at the bottom of the page, these are the parts of the poster that will attract people that may never have heard of the artist before, therefore quotes from reviews are massively important on album advert posters, also the names of the magazines or websites that reviewed the album are in bold so they stand out on the page.The phrase ‘Album out now’ is

capitalised bolded and coloured so that it will stand out from the page and catch the attention of the reader

The name of the record company that has produced this album and the website of the artist and the record company are positioned at the bottom of the page

Page 4: Album adverts in magazines


The main images on this album advert are four separate images of individual members of the band this contrasts to the other album adverts I have looked at as they all feature images of the album itself not of the artist. However the images still indicate the genre of music this album consists of by having the members of the band holding the instruments that are iconic of the indie folk genre and by having the images taken in a field something which is again typical of the genre

A quote is used from a popular music magazine of the genre praising the band, this will obviously attract people as the opinions of the reviewer is generally well respected

The name of the band and Artist are positioned at the top of the page, highlighting the importance of them, the font used for the name of the band is also the font used on the album cover itself this use of synergy makes the album recognisable to people that have seen this advert without having seen the actual album cover

The colour scheme of the album massively contrasts to the colour scheme of this advert. Although there are similarity's between them like the font

On this Album advert there is the use of the titles of singles that had been well received and popular prior to the release of the album, people will see the titles of these songs know that they like them if the had heard the previously but perhaps didn’t know the artist then see that an album is being released

One of the key differences between this album advertisement and the others I have looked at is that this advert does not have a date of release for the album somewhere on the advert, this massively breaks the codes and conventions that have been established by the other posters, this makes consumers have to actively go and find out the date instead of just forgetting the date written on the page

The logo of the record company Is positioned at the bottom of the page along with the bands own label ‘gentlemen of the road’

Page 5: Album adverts in magazines


The main image on this album advert is of the artist and although this image is different to the one on the album itself the image is very similar and there is even a picture of the album in the bottom corner of the image.

The name of the Artist is capitalised and bolded at the top of the advert this highlights the importance of the artist. And even that he may be more important than the album itself as his name stands out more than the name of the album

The us of the phrase ‘the multi-platinum album of the year will attract the reader of the advert to the4 magazine as it has won an award also the use of star ratings on the poster again shows the consumer that the album has critical approval and is indeed a good album worth purchasing

The colour scheme of the poster matches the one on the album so that the album is easily recognisable after viewing the poster

The logos of the company's that are involved in the making of this album are placed at the bottom of the page, along with the artists website.