alfa laval mab 103-24 spare parts manual spc

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Spare parts catalogue, Reservdelskatalog, Ersatzteilkatalog, Catalogue de pices de rechange, Varaosaluettelo, Catalogue de piezas de recambio, , Catalogo parti di ricambio, Reservedelskatalog, Catalogo de pecas sobressalentes, , Reserveonderdelen-catalogus

MAB 103B-24

Specication No. Book No.

881145-09-01/7 1270119 02 Rev. 8

Published By: Alfa Laval Tumba AB SE-147 80 Tumba, Sweden Telephone: Telefax: +46 8 530 650 00 +46 8 530 310 40

Alfa Laval Tumba AB 2009-03-18 This publication or any part there of may not be reproduced or transmitted by any process or means without prior written permission of Alfa Laval Tumba AB.

Contents1 Read this rst1.1 General information 1.2 Translation list 5 7 19 22 26 30 32


Frame with collecting cover2.1 Driving device horizontal 2.2 Collecting cover

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Separator bowl Parts for mounting of motor, 130 mm Parts for mounting of NEMA motor Set of ttings for machine without pre-heater Set of ttings for machine with pre-heater Set of plates Lock switch




40 42 44 46 48 50 52

10 Set of tools 11 Major service kit 12 Feed and discharge pump 13 Water adding device


14 Pump service kit 15 Cross reference list

54 56



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1 Read this rst

The name plate - the guide for nding the correct spare part numbers. See also Warnings in chapter 1.1 General information on page 7. Maskinskylten - en guide till det rtta reservdelsnumret. Se ven Varningar i kapitel 1.1 Allmn information p sidan 8. Das Typenschild - ein Hinweis zur korrekten Ersatzteilnummer. Siehe auch Warnhinweise in Kapitel 1.1 Allgemeine Informationen auf Seite 9. La plaque de la machine - un guide pour trouver le numro de pice de rechange correct. Voir ce propos les mises en garde du chapitre 1.1 Informations gnrales en page 10. La placa-marca de la mquina - gua del nmero correcto del repuesto. Consulte tambin las Advertencias del captulo 1.1 Informacin General en la pgina 11. . . 1.1 12. La targhetta della macchina - guida al corretto numero dei ricambi. Vedere anche le Avvertenze nel capitolo 1.1 Informazioni generali a pagina 13. A placa do fabricante da mquina - um guia do nmero correto das partes sobressalentes. Consultar tambm os Avisos no captulo Informao Geral 1.1 da pgina 14. Konekilpi - opastin oikeaan varaosanumeroon. Katso mys kappaleessa 1.1 sivulla 15 olevaa kohtaa Yleiset tiedot . . "1.1 ", 16. Het gegevensplaatje - een wegwijzer naar het juiste onderdeelnummer. Zie ook Waarschuwingen in hoofdstuk 1.1 Algemene informatie, op blz. 17. rst Typeskiltet - en guide til det rette reservedelsnummer. Se ogs under Advarsler i kapitel 1.1 Generelle oplysninger p side 18.



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General information


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1.1 General information

Safeguard your commitment to quality by always using genuine Alfa Laval spare parts. Remember, Alfa Laval cannot accept responsibility for the failure of separator equipped with non-original spare parts. We guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.

XXXXXX WARNING BWhen changing certain parts in the separator bowl assembly, the vibration level may increase. This can result in shorter life time of components like rolling bearings and gears. If severe unbalance occurs, the rotating bowl assembly can come into contact with the frame causing damage to equipment and injuries to personnel. It is strongly recommended that the exchange of parts is supervised by an Alfa Laval service engineer. Alfa Laval assumes no liability for damage to property or injury to personnel resulting from unauthorized installation of those parts.

XXXXXX WARNING CCertain bowl parts carry milling marks from the balancing of the complete separator bowl. These parts must not be replaced without rebalancing the complete bowl. The rebalancing should be made by an Alfa Laval service shop.


MAB 103B-24

Flj ditt kvalitetstnkande genom att endast anvnda Alfa Laval originalreservdelar. Kom ihg att Alfa Laval inte tar ngot ansvar fr fel p en separator som innehller icke-originaldelar. Vi garanterar kvaliteten och driftskerheten hos vra egna produkter.

XXXXXX VARNING BOm vissa delar i separatorkulan byts ut, kan vibrationsnivn komma att ka. Detta kan i sin tur leda till frkortad livslngd p t.ex. lager och vxlar. Om kraftiga vibrationer uppstr, kan den roterande kulan komma att sl i stativets delar, vilket kan medfra allvarlig maskin- och personskada. Det r drfr av stor vikt att utbyte av kulans delar vervakas av en serviceingenjr frn Alfa Laval. Alfa Laval tar inget ansvar fr maskin- eller personskador som kan uppkomma p grund av att delar bytts ut av icke auktoriserad personal.

XXXXXX VARNING CVissa av separatorkulans delar har urfrsta spr som resultat av balansering av hela kulan. Dessa delar kan inte bytas ut utan att en ombalansering av kulan grs. Fr att bsta resultat ska uppns, ska den kompletta kulan sndas till en Alfa Laval serviceverkstad fr ombalansering.



General information


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Sichern Sie sich Ihren Anspruch auf Qualitt durch ausschlieliche Verwendung von original Alfa Laval Ersatzteilen. Beachten Sie bitte, da Alfa Laval keine Verantwortung fr den Ausfall eines Separators bernimmt, der mit Nicht-Originalteilen ausgestattet ist. Wir garantieren fr die Qualitt und Zuverlssigkeit unserer Produkte.

XXXXXX WARNUNG BDurch den Austausch bestimmter Teile in der SeparatortrommelBaugruppe, kann ihr Schwingungspegel steigen. Dies kann zu einer krzeren Lebensdauer von Teilen, wie z.B. Wlzlagern und Getrieben, fhren. Bei einer schweren Unwucht kann die rotierende Trommelbaugruppe in Kontakt mit dem Gestell kommen, was zu Beschdigungen der Ausrstung oder Personenverletzungen fhren kann. Es wird dringend empfohlen, den Austausch von einem Alfa Laval Service-Ingenieur beaufsichtigen zu lassen. Alfa Laval bernimmt keine Haftung fr eine Gertebeschdigung oder Personenverletzung aufgrund einer ungenehmigten Montage dieser Teile.

XXXXXX WARNUNG CBestimmte Trommelteile haben Frsmarken vom Auswuchten der kompletten Separatortrommel. Diese Teile drfen nicht ohne eine Neuauswuchtung der kompletten Trommel ausgetauscht werden. Die Neuauswuchtung sollte in einer Alfa Laval Service-werkstatt erfolgen.


MAB 103B-24

Respectez votre engagement de qualit en utilisant toujours des pices de rechange dorigine Alfa Laval. Attention, Alfa Laval dcline toute responsabilit en cas de panne dun sparateur quip de pices de rechange qui ne sont pas dorigine. Nous garantissons la qualit et la abilit de nos produits.

XXXXXX B AVERTISSEMENTLe remplacement de certaines pices du bol du sparateur risque daugmenter le niveau de vibrations, et donc de rduire la dure de vie des composants tels que les paliers roulements et les engrenages. En cas de dsquilibre trop important, le bol en rotation risque dentrer en contact avec des pices du bti, provoquant ainsi des dtriorations de lquipement et des blessures du personnel. Nous vous incitons fortement faire raliser le remplacement sous la surveillance dun technicien de maintenance Alfa Laval. Alfa Laval nassume aucune responsabilit en cas de dtrioration du matriel ou de blessure du personnel rsultant dune installation non approuve de ces pices.

XXXXXX C AVERTISSEMENTCertaines pices du bol prsentent des marques de reprage effectues lors de lquilibrage du bol du sparateur. Il ne faut pas remplacer ces pices sans avoir au pralable procd un nouvel quilibrage de lensemble du bol. Cet quilibrage doit tre ralis dans un atelier de rparation Alfa Laval.



General information


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Proteja su compromiso con la calidad utilizando siempre repuestos originales Alfa Laval. Recuerde que Alfa Laval no acepta ninguna responsabilidad por el fallo de una separadora equipada con repuestos no originales. Alfa Laval garantiza la calidad y la abilidad de sus productos.

XXXXXX B ADVERTENCIACuando se cambian ciertas piezas del conjunto del rotor de la separadora, puede que se produzca un aumento del nivel de vibraciones, lo que puede provocar un desgaste de algunos componentes, como los rodamientos de rodillos y los engranajes. Si se produce un desequilibrado importante, el conjunto del rotor en movimiento puede rozar con el bastidor, causando serios daos al equipo y al personal. Se recomienda encarecidamente que el cambio sea supervisado por un tcnico de mantenimiento de Alfa Laval. Alfa Laval no se hace responsable de los daos materiales o daos personales provocados por la instalacin no autorizada de esas piezas.

XXXXXX C ADVERTENCIAAlgunas piezas del rotor llevan marcas estampadas para el equilibrado del rotor completo de la separadora. Siempre que se cambien estas piezas se debe equilibrar de nuevo todo el rotor, operacin que debe ser realizada por un experto de un centro de servicio Alfa Laval.


MAB 103B-24

Alfa Laval. : Alfa Laval , . .

XXXXXX B . , . , , . , Alfa Laval. lfa Laval .

XXXXXX C . . Alfa Laval.



General information


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Salvaguardate la qualit del vostro separatore utilizzando sempre ricambi originali Alfa Laval. Ricordate che la Alfa Laval non accetta alcuna responsabilit in caso di difetti al separatore dovuti allutilizzo di ricambi non originali. La Alfa Laval garantisce la qualit e lafdabilit esclusivamente dei propri prodotti.

XXXXXX B AVVERTENZAIn seguito alla sostituzione di alcune parti del tamburo del separatore, il livello di vibrazioni pu aumentare. Questo pu comportare la riduzione della vita utile di componenti quali cuscinetti a rulli ed ingranaggi. In caso di elevato spostamento, il tamburo pu entrare a contatto con le parti del telaio provocando seri danni allattrezzatura e lesioni alle persone. Si raccomanda caldamente di far controllare la sostituzione da un tecnico di assistenza Alfa Laval. La Alfa Laval non assume alcuna responsabilit per danni alle cose o lesioni al personale dovuti allinstallazione non autorizzata delle suddette parti.

XXXXXX C AVVERTENZAAlcune parti del tamburo dipendono dal bilanciamento complessivo del tamburo del separatore. Le suddette parti non possono essere sostituite senza procedere ad un nuovo bilanciamento. Per ottenere i migliori risultati, rivolgersi ad un centro assistenza Alfa Laval per il ribilanciamento dellintero gruppo.


MAB 103B-24

Preserve o seu compromisso com a qualidade utilizando sempre peas originais Alfa Laval. No se esquea de que a Alfa Laval no assume quaisquer responsabilidades pela avaria dum separador que no esteja equipado com peas originais. Por isso, asseguramos a garantia da qualidade e abilidade dos nossos produtos.

XXXXXX AVISO BAo mudar determinadas peas no conjunto do rotor da separadora, poder provocar um aumento da vibrao. Tal poder originar a reduo do tempo de durao dos componentes, tais como rolamentos de roletes e engrenagens. Caso se verique um desequilbrio acentuado, o conjunto do rotor giratrio poder entrar em contacto com a estrutura, vindo a provocar danos no equipamento e ferimentos pessoais. Recomenda-se vivamente que a substituio de peas seja vistoriada por um tcncico de servio da Alfa Laval. A Alfa Laval no assume qualquer responsabilidade por danos em bens ou ferimentos pessoais resultantes da instalao no autorizada daquelas peas.

XXXXXX AVISO CDeterminadas partes do rotor contm marcas de atrito do balanceamento do rotor do separador completo. Estas peas no devem ser substitudas sem reequilibrar o rotor completo. O reequilibro deve ser executado por uma centro de assistncia Alfa Laval.



General information


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Varmista kyttmiesi tuotteiden laatu kyttmll aina aitoja ja alkuperisi Alfa Laval -varaosia. Muista, ettei Alfa Laval voi vastata sellaisen separaattorin toimintahirist, jossa on kytetty muita kuin alkuperisi varaosia. Me takaamme omien tuotteidemme laadun ja luotettavuuden.

XXXXXX VAROITUS BKun separaattorin kuula-asennelman tiettyj osia vaihdetaan, sen trinn taso voi kasvaa. Tm voi johtaa joidenkin osien, kuten vierintlaakereiden ja hammasvaihteiden, kyttin lyhenemiseen. Jos asennelma joutuu pahasti eptasapainoon, pyriv kuula-asennelma voi koskettaa runkoa ja aiheuttaa laite- ja henkilvahinkoja. Suosittelemme, ett Alfa Lavalin huoltoinsinri valvoo vaihtoa. Alfa Laval ei ota vastuuta omaisuudelle tai henkilkunnalle aiheutuneista vahingoista, mikli ne johtuvat niden osien vrin suoritetusta asennuksesta.

XXXXXX VAROITUS CTietyiss kuulan osissa on merkinnt koko separaattorikuulan tasapainotuksesta. Nit osia ei saa vaihtaa ilman, ett koko kuula tasapainotetaan. Tasapainotus on annettava Alfa Laval korjaamon hoidettavaksi.


MAB 103B-24

Alfa Laval. Alfa Laval . .

XXXXXX B , . , . , , . Alfa Laval. Alfa Laval .

XXXXXX C . . Alfa Laval.



General information


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Doe geen concessies aan kwaliteit en gebruik altijd originele Alfa Laval-reserveonderdelen. Wij wijzen u erop, dat Alfa Laval geen verantwoordelijkheid kan aanvaarden voor defecten aan een separator die is uitgerust met nietoriginele reserveonderdelen. Wij garanderen de kwaliteit en de betrouwbaarheid van onze producten.

XXXXXX B WAARSCHUWINGAls er bepaalde onderdelen van de separatortrommel worden vervangen, kan het trillingsniveau veranderen. Dit kan leiden tot een verkorte levensduur van onderdelen als rollagers en tandwielen. Als er sprake is van een ernstige mate van onbalans, kan de roterende trommel in contact komen met het frame, wat kan leiden tot ernstige schade aan goederen of tot persoonlijk letsel. Het is dan ook ten sterkste aan te raden om onderdelen te laten vervangen onder supervisie van een onderhoudstechnicus van Alfa Laval. Alfa Laval aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid voor schade aan goederen of persoonlijk letsel als gevolg van onoordeelkundige installatie van die onderdelen.

XXXXXX C WAARSCHUWINGOp bepaalde onderdelen van de trommel zitten freesmarkeringen van het uitbalanceren van de gehele separatortrommel. Deze onderdelen mogen niet worden vervangen zonder dat de gehele trommel opnieuw wordt uitgebalanceerd. Het opnieuw uitbalanceren moet gebeuren in een onderhoudswerkplaats van Alfa Laval.


MAB 103B-24

Beskyt din investering i kvalitet ved altid at anvende originale reservedele fra Alfa Laval. Husk at Alfa Laval ptager sig intet ansvar for fejl i separatorer, der er udstyret med uoriginale reservedele. Vi indestr for vore produkters kvalitet og driftssikkerhed.

XXXXXX ADVARSEL BVed udskiftning af visse dele i separatorkuglen, kan vibrationsniveauet blive forget. Dette kan forkorte levetiden for komponenter som kuglelejer og tandhjul. I tilflde af kraftige vibrationer kan den roterende separatorkugle komme i kontakt med rammedele, hvilket kan medfre alvorlig beskadigelse af udstyr og personskade. Det anbefales p det kraftigste, at udskiftningen sker under tilsyn af en servicetekniker fra Alfa Laval. Alfa Laval ptager sig intet ansvar for ting- eller personskade som flge af ikke-autoriseret montering af disse dele.

XXXXXX ADVARSEL CVisse kugledele er forsynet med mrker fra afbalanceringen af den samlede separatorkugle. Ved udskiftning af disse dele skal der foretages en ny afbalancering af den samlede kugleenhed. Afbalanceringen br foretages af et Alfa Laval-servicecenter.



Translation list


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1.2 Translation listversttningslista bersetzungsliste Liste de traduction Lista de traducciones

Part no. Qty Description Notes Machine type Product no. Machine unit description Machine unit no. Subassembly description Subassembly no. See page Fig. ref. Product name Exchange necessitates rebalancing of bowl

Reservdelsnummer Antal Benmning Anmrkningar Maskintyp Produktnr Maskinblocksbenmning Maskinblocksnr Undergruppsbenmning Undergruppsnr Se sidan Figurhnvisning Produktnamn Utbyte ndvndiggr ombalansering av kulan

Teil-Nr. Anzahl Bezeichnung Anmerkungen Maschinentyp Produktnummer Bezeichnung des Maschinenblocks Maschinenblock Nr. Bezeichung der Untergruppe Untergruppe Nr. Siehe Seite Bildhinweise Produktname

Numro de pice Quantit Dnomination Remarques Type de machine Numro de produit Dnomination de partie de machine Partie de machine n Dnomination de sous-ensemble N de sous-ensemble Vir page Rf. de g. Nom du produit Le remplacement ncessite le rquilibrage du bol Voir liste spare des pices de rechange

Pieza No. Cantidad Descripcin Notas Tipo de mquina Nmero de producto Descripcin de seccin de la mquina No. de seccin de mquina Descripcin de subconjunto Nmero de subconjunto Vase la pgina Referencia de gura Nombre del producto El racmbio requiere el reequilibrado del rotor Vase la lista de piezas separada

Austausch erfordert Wiederauswuchtung der Trommel See separate spare parts Se separat reservdelslista Siehe separate list Ersatzteilliste Not delivered as spare part Levereras ej som reservdel Nicht als Ersatzteil geliefert

Non livr comme pice de No se entrega como pieza rechange de recambio


MAB 103B-24

Lista traduzioni Lista para traduo Knnsluttelo

Part no. Qty Description Notes Machine type Product no. Machine unit description Machine unit no.

Nr. parte Quantita Descrizione Note Tipo macchina Nr.prodotto Descrizione unita macchina Nr. unita macchina Descrizione sottogruppo Nr. sottogruppo Vedi pagina Rif. g.

Numero de peca Quantidade Descricao Notas Tipo de maquina No. do produto

Varaosanumero Lukumr Nimitys Huomautuksia Konetyyppi Tuotteen no

Descricao da unidade da Koneenosan nimitys maquina Numero de unidade da maquina Descriao do subconjunto Nmero de subconjunto Vase la pgina Referencia de gura Nombre del producto Koneenosan no Alaryhmn nimitys Alaryhmn no Ks sivu Kuvaviite Tuotteen nimi Vaihdettaessa kuula tasapainoitettava uudelleen Katso erillist varaosaluetteloa

Subassembly description Subassembly no. See page Fig. ref. Product name Exchange necessitates rebalancing of bowl .

Nome prodotto

La sostituzione comporta El racmbio requiere el reequilibrado del rotor la equilibratura del tamburo Vase la lista de piezas separada

See separate spare parts . Vedi lista separata delle parti di ricambio list Not delivered as spare part

Non fornito come parte di No se entrega como pieza Ei toimiteta varaosana de recambio ricambio



Translation list


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Vertaallijst Oversttelseliste

Part no. Qty Description Notes Machine type Product no. Machine unit description Machine unit no. Subassembly description Subassembly no. See page Fig. ref. Product name Exchange necessitates rebalancing of bowl See separate spare parts list Not delivered as spare part

Onderdeelnr. Hoeveelheid Beschrijving Opmerkingen Machinetype Produktnr. Machineblokbenaming Machineblokbenamning

Reservedelsnummer Antal Betegnelse Bemaerkninger Maskintype Produktnr. Maskinbetegnelse Maskinnr. Undergruppsbetegnelse Undergruppenr. Se side Figurhenvisning Produktnavn Udskriftning kraever afbalcering af kuglen Se spaat reservedelsliste Levereres ikke som reservedel

Subgroepbenamning Subgroepnr. Zie blz. Afb. ref. Produktnaam Vervangning vereist herbalanceren van de kogel Vervangning vereist van de kogel Niet geleverd als reserveonderdeel


MAB 103B-24

2 Frame with collecting cover549377-02 -04 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 1 1 3 1 1 Quantity Machine unit number or Subassembly description


Part No

Description50 Hz with built-in pump 60 Hz with built-in pump Separator frame Rectangular ring Cap Cap Screw plug Gasket Brake Pin Brake plug Brake spindle Handle Lock nipple Spring Washer Inspection box Screw Washer Attachment piece O-ring Sleeve Rectangular ring Sight glass Rectangular ring Lock ring O-ring Lock screw Bushing Hinged bolt Slotted pin Cap nut Gauge glass Fixing plate Gasket Screw Screw plug Gasket Revolution counter Screw Spring Bottom buffer Bowl spindle Bowl spindle Washer Ball bearing Top bearing Ball bearing Spring casing Buffer Spring Screw plug Sleeve Gasket Screw Collar Driving device horizontal Driving device horizontal


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 7G 8 9 10 11 11.1 11.2 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 35 36 37 37A 37B 37C 37D 37E 37F 38 39 40 41 41

531482 65235 71125 71126 37401 37402 62750 8509 14462 14463 14465 14466 62751 67682 522964 72933 20758 522983 223406 522984 223436 37166 223436 37168 66555 6924 5569 72889 222116 536738 8391 8390 8392 2211721 37401 37402 62813 72862 33355 63214 522988 522988 62761 233213 64820 12174 14158 62762 62763 62764 63433 14161 2211721 14166 549376 549376


02 02 20 01 02 02

18 01


01 02 50

1 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 1 1 3 1 1

13 03 04

See page 26 See page 26



Frame with collecting cover



MAB 103B-24


Part No


549377-02 -04 1 Quantity

Machine unit number or Subassembly description



50 Hz with built-in pump 60 Hz with built-in pump 531484 81 Collecting cover


See page 30



Frame with collecting cover



MAB 103B-24

2.1 Driving device horizontal549376-03 -04 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 5 5 Quantity Machine unit number or Subassembly description


Part No

Description50 Hz 60 Hz Worm wheel shaft Worm wheel shaft Conveyor pulley Tubular spring pin Sealing washer Screw Seal ring O-ring Ball bearing Worm wheel Worm wheel Worm wheel Worm wheel Pin Ball bearing Coupling disc Coupling disc Screw Friction block Friction block Friction pad Friction pad Screw Washer Split pin Feed and discharge pump Gasket Screw Washer


1 1A 1B 1C 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7A 7A 7B 8 9 9A 10 11 11 11A 11AA 11AB 12 13 14 15 16 17

531430 527771 527765 222119 532953 2217751 223521 223406 12481 62805 63292 515799 515799 323 12481 534166 527766 221585 527767 527770 538293 538293 8341 41456 8114 529209 62812 2210941 20758

80 01 02 14 01 01 17 26

1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 5 5

02 04 01 80 13 81 81 80 02

82 17

See page 28



Driving device horizontal


Frame with collecting cover



MAB 103B-24

2.1.1 Feed and discharge pumpFeed and discharge pump, Standard 60 HzMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Part No529204 223406 529205 529208 222119 529207 529206 223406 545513 545511 545514 545515 545512 65395 523601 545516 545515 523671 20758 73200 70485 2210941 523674 8821 226214 523673 2218043 2211721 223521 520541 535743 535737 528649 66169 01 27 01 80 10 01 01 14 01 01 02 03 01 02 01 02 02

DescriptionBearing shield O-ring Sleeve Sleeve half Tubular spring pin Shear-pin coupling Sleeve O-ring Bushing Bushing Impeller Impeller Bushing O-ring Pump housing Impeller Impeller Shield Washer Nut Stud bolt Screw Plug Gasket Spring Valve cone Nut Screw Seal ring Washer Wear gasket Bushing Plate Drive screw

-821 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 8 8 2 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 2



01 01 43 01 02 08 17 01 02 01 01



Driving device horizontal


Frame with collecting cover



MAB 103B-24

2.2 Collecting coverMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Part No531484 531485 531486 62780 2217751 531435 2211721 72896 32588 62013 62948 2211721 223101 32641 223436 223402 72860 72865 62779 14464 222116 65584 524716 524715 223406


-811 1 1 1 8 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



80 Collecting cover 02 Collecting cover 02 Collecting cover top part Inlet pipe 07 Screw 01 Guard 08 Screw Spring washer Screw plug Gasket Cover 09 Screw 48 Washer Sight glass 19 Seal ring 54 O-ring Screw Pin Pin Spring 03 Slotted pin Screw 01 Inlet pipe 01 Bushing 13 O-ring



Collecting cover


Frame with collecting cover



MAB 103B-24

3 Separator bowlMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Part No546701 522981 64100 522974 30282 70942 522993 522993 522993 522993 522993 522993 528138 528138 522976 522975 522992 522991 522990 522990 522997


-881 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 52 1 1


NotesC B B

01 Bowl body 01 Lock ring O-ring 82 Bowl hood Lock ring O-ring 02 Gravity disc 46 mm 03 Gravity disc 47,5 mm 04 Gravity disc 49 mm 06 Gravity disc 54 mm 07 Gravity disc 58 mm 09 Gravity disc 69 mm 03 Gravity disc 51 mm 07 Gravity disc 63 mm 02 Top disc with neck 80 Distributor 01 Discharge neck 02 Top disc 81 Bowl disc 80 Bottom disc 01 Cap nut

Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative B B



Separator bowl



MAB 103B-24

4 Parts for mounting of motor, 130 mmMotor adapter with guide 130 mmMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4 5 6

Part No


-011 4 4 4 4 4



62773 Motor adapter 70485 Stud bolt 20758 Washer 73200 Nut 2211725 10 Screw 20758 Washer



Parts for mounting of motor, 130 mm



MAB 103B-24

5 Parts for mounting of NEMA motorSize 56TC - 143TCMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part No524707 2211725 70485 20758 73200 538370 2217759


-021 4 4 4 4 1 4



02 Motor adapter 10 Screw Stud bolt Washer Nut 01 Motor adapter 04 Screw



Parts for mounting of NEMA motor



MAB 103B-24

6 Set of ttings for machine without pre-heaterMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15A 15B 15C 15D 16 17 18 19 20

Part No533336 533339 534185 2521301 533337 533292 70936 2524101 2524105 515482 533364 2522302 537533 2521501 2521501 546229 1760924 533331 2523204 533363 546229 533293 01 01 01 01 01 01 03 04 01 01 06 80 03 03 08 02 01 02 01 08 01

DescriptionTube Nipple Check valve Nipple Coupling nut Washer O-ring T-piece T-piece Strainer Control valve Plug Connecting hose Coupling nut Coupling nut Rectangular ring Sleeve Tube Elbows Shut-off valve Rectangular ring Hexagon nipple

-801 4 1 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2





Set of ttings for machine without pre-heater



MAB 103B-24

7 Set of ttings for machine with pre-heaterMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15A 15B 15C 15D 17 18 19 20

Part No533336 533339 534185 2521301 64002 526325 533337 533292 70936 2524101 2524105 515482 533364 2522302 537533 2521501 2521501 546229 1760924 2523204 533363 546229 533293 01 01 01 01 05 01 01 03 04 01 01 06 80 03 03 08 02 02 01 08 01

DescriptionTube Nipple Check valve Nipple Thermometer T-piece Coupling nut Washer O-ring T-piece T-piece Strainer Control valve Plug Connecting hose Coupling nut Coupling nut Rectangular ring Sleeve Elbows Shut-off valve Rectangular ring Hexagon nipple

-811 2 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 4





Set of ttings for machine with pre-heater



MAB 103B-24

8 Set of platesMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref3 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G 3H 3I 3J 3K 3L 3M 3N 3O 3P 3Q 3R 3S 6 6 7 8 9 10

Part No1270320 1270020 01 1270020 02 1270020 03 1270020 04 1270020 05 1270020 06 1270020 07 1270020 08 1270020 09 1270020 10 1270020 11 1270020 12 1270020 13 1270020 14 1270020 15 1270020 16 1270020 17 1270020 18 1270020 19 553171 01 553272 01 52406 66169 1270001 554214 02

DescriptionSet of safety labels Safety label sv Safety label en Safety label de Safety label fr Safety label es Safety label ru Safety label it Safety label pt Safety label pl Safety label el Safety label Safety label zh Safety label da Safety label ar Safety label nl Safety label cs Safety label ja Safety label ko Safety label no Label 50 Hz Label 60 Hz Plate with arrow Drive screw Lifting instruction Cable tie

-391 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1





Set of plates



MAB 103B-24

9 Lock switchMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13

Part No541276 67844 221121 223101 530007 535840 535891 221126 72018 535839 535847 67844


-801 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2



01 Seal sleeve Screw 55 Screw 30 Washer 02 Switch 01 Protecting cap 02 Spacing tube 15 Screw Screw 01 Support 01 Lock switch actuator Screw



Lock switch



MAB 103B-24

10 Set of toolsMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4

Part No


-011 1 1 2


NotesFor small lock ring Separator lifting

30292 Bowl spanner 67028 Bowl spanner 524717 01 Screw plug 225306 05 Lifting eye nut



Set of tools



MAB 103B-24

11 Major service kitMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 35A 35B 36 37 38 39 40

Part No62013 37402 8392 37402 14161 223402 223406 70942 64100 223406 66555 223406 223406 223406 223406 65395 223436 233213 12174 12481 223436 223521 223521 223521 62812 8821 8821 535743 522998 538293 538293 8341 8114 323 222119 222119 529207

DescriptionGasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket O-ring O-ring O-ring O-ring O-ring O-ring O-ring O-ring O-ring O-ring O-ring Rectangular ring Ball bearing Ball bearing Ball bearing Seal ring Seal ring Seal ring Seal ring Gasket Gasket Gasket Wear gasket Brake plug Friction pad Friction pad Screw Split pin Pin Tubular spring pin Tubular spring pin Shear-pin coupling

-021 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1


NotesPlug/ Top part Screw plug/ Frame Gauge glass/ Frame Screw plug/ Frame Top bearing/ Frame Bottom part/ Frame Feed pipe/ Bushing Bowl hood/ Gravity disc Bowl hood/ Bowl body Sleeve/ Joint ange Inspection box/ Collecting cover Sealing washer/ Frame Sleeve/ Bearing shield Pump housing/ Bearing shield Pump housing/ Shield Bushing/ Pump housing Inspection box Bowl spindle/ Frame Bowl spindle/ Top bearing Worm wheel shaft/ Frame Cover/ Top bearing Worm wheel shaft/ Seal washer Worm wheel shaft/ Sleeve Impeller/ Bearing shield Feed and discharge pump/ Frame Plug/ Shield Plug/ Bearing shield Impeller/ Bushing Frame/ Bowl body Friction block/ Conveyor pulley Pin/ Friction block Worm wheel/ Worm wheel shaft Shear-pin coupling Shear-pin coupling Worm wheel shaft/ Inpeller

54 13 20 26 27 14 14 02 50 19 17 17 17

02 01 80 02

10 10 01



Major service kit



MAB 103B-24

12 Feed and discharge pump640 l/h 50 Hz, 770 l/h 60 HzMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Part No529204 223406 529205 529208 222119 529207 529206 223406 545503 545508 545514 545515 545509 65395 523601 545516 545515 523671 20758 73200 70485 2210941 523674 8821 226214 523673 2218043 2211721 223521 520541 535743 545510 528649 66169 01 27 01 80 10 01 01 14 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 04 02

DescriptionBearing shield O-ring Sleeve Sleeve half Tubular spring pin Shear-pin coupling Sleeve O-ring Bushing Bushing Impeller Impeller Bushing O-ring Pump housing Impeller Impeller Shield Washer Nut Stud bolt Screw Plug Gasket Spring Valve cone Nut Screw Seal ring Washer Wear gasket Bushing Plate Drive screw

-831 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 8 8 2 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 2



01 01 43 01 02 08 17 01 02 01 01



Feed and discharge pump



MAB 103B-24

13 Water adding deviceMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4 5 6

Part No517839 190609 517843 517841 517846 252612


-811 2 1 1 1 1



81 Nipple Rectangular ring 01 Sight glass 02 Holder 01 Needle valve 02 Hose nipple



Water adding device



MAB 103B-24

14 Pump service kitMachine unit number or Subassembly description

Ref1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part No535743 529207 222119 223406 65395 223406 223521 02 01 10 27


-054 1 2 1 2 2 2


NotesBearing/ Impeller Flexible coupling Flexible coupling Sleeve/ End shield Pump housing/ Bushing Pump housing/ End shield Sleeve/ Worm wheel shaft

Wear gasket Shear-pin coupling Tubular spring pin O-ring O-ring 14 O-ring 17 Seal ring



Pump service kit




Cross reference list

15 Cross reference list+

Part No. 12174 12174 12481 12481 12481 1270001 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270020 1270320 14158 14161 14161 14166 14462 14463 14464 14465 14466 1760924 1760924 190609 20758 20758 20758 20758 20758 20758 20758 2210941 2210941 2210941 221121 221126

Page 48 22 48 26 26 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 22 48 22 22 22 22 30 22 22 38 40 52 28 34 22 34 36 50 26 28 50 26 44 44

Ref. 23 37A 24 6 8 9 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G 3H 3I 3J 3K 3L 3M 3N 3O 3P 3Q 3R 3S 3 37B 5 38 40 7B 7C 18 7D 7E 15D 15D 2 19 3 10 6 4 19 17 22 22 16 3 9

Part No. 2211721 2211721 2211721 2211721 2211721 2211721 2211725 2211725 221585 2217751 2217751 2217759 2218043 2218043 222116 222116 222119 222119 222119 222119 222119 222119 223101 223101 223402 223402 223406 223406 223406 223406 223406 223406 223406 223406 223406 223406 223406 223406 223406 223406 223406 223436 223436 223436 223436 223436 223521 223521 223521 223521 08 08 08 08 09 13 10 10 13 01 07 04 02 02 03 18 10 10 10 10 10 14 30 48 54 54 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 20 20 26 26 27 27 27 27 02 02 02 19 19 17 17 17 17

Page 28 30 50 22 30 22 34 36 26 26 30 36 28 50 30 22 48 48 50 54 28 26 44 30 30 48 30 48 48 48 50 54 28 22 48 48 26 48 50 54 28 22 22 48 30 48 28 48 48 48

Ref. 28 1F 28 26 10 39 5 2 10 3 1D 7 27 27 19 21 38 39 5 3 5 1C 4 11 14 6 23 7 17 18 8 6 8 11.1 13 15 5 16 2 4 2 12 14 20 13 25 29 26 27 28

Part No. 223521 223521 223521 225306 226214 226214 233213 233213 2521301 2521301 2521501 2521501 2521501 2521501 2522302 2522302 2523204 2523204 2524101 2524101 2524105 2524105 252612 30282 30292 323 323 32588 32641 33355 37166 37168 37401 37401 37402 37402 37402 37402 41456 515482 515482 515799 515799 517839 517841 517843 517846 520541 520541 522964 17 17 17 05 43 43 50 50 01 01 03 03 03 03 06 06 02 02 03 03 04 04 02

Page 50 54 26 46 28 50 48 22 38 40 38 38 40 40 38 40 38 40 38 40 38 40 52 32 46 48 26 30 30 22 22 22 22 22 48 48 22 22 26 38 40 26 26 52 52 52 52 28 50 22

Ref. 29 7 4 4 25 25 22 36 4 4 15A 15B 15A 15B 14 14 17 17 10 10 11 11 6 5 1 37 7B 7 12 31 13 15 27 5 2 4 28 6 12 12 12 7A 7A 1 4 3 5 30 30 8

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

02 02

01 01 17 55 15

01 01 02 04 81 02 01 01 01 01 02


MAB 103B-24

Part No. 522974 522975 522976 522981 522983 522984 522988 522988 522990 522990 522991 522992 522993 522993 522993 522993 522993 522993 522997 522998 523601 523601 523671 523671 523673 523673 523674 523674 52406 524707 524715 524716 524717 526325 527765 527766 527767 527770 527771 528138 528138 528649 528649 529204 529204 529205 529205 529206 529206 529207 82 80 02 01 02 01 01 02 80 81 02 01 02 03 04 06 07 09 01 01 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 05 02 80 81 81 01 03 07 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

Page 32 32 32 32 22 22 22 22 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 48 28 50 28 50 28 50 28 50 42 36 30 30 46 40 26 26 26 26 26 32 32 28 50 50 28 50 28 50 28 48

Ref. 4 9 8 2 11 11.2 33 33 13 12 11 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 14 34 15 15 18 18 26 26 23 23 7 1 22 21 3 6 1B 9A 11 11 1A 7 7 33 33 1 1 3 3 7 7 40

Part No. 529207 529207 529207 529208 529208 529209 530007 531430 531435 531482 531484 531484 531485 531486 532953 533292 533292 533293 533293 533331 533336 533336 533337 533337 533339 533339 533363 533363 533364 533364 534166 534185 534185 535737 535743 535743 535743 535743 535839 535840 535847 535891 536738 537533 537533 538293 538293 538293 538293 538370 01 01 01 80 80 82 02 80 01 02 80 81 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 02 01 80 80 02 02 80 80 01

Page 50 54 28 50 28 26 44 26 30 22 30 23 30 30 26 38 40 38 40 38 38 40 38 40 38 40 38 40 38 40 26 38 40 28 28 48 50 54 44 44 44 44 22 38 40 48 26 48 26 36

Ref. 6 2 6 4 4 14 5 1 1E 1 1 42 1A 1B 2 8 8 20 20 16 1 1 7 7 2 2 18 18 13 13 9 3 3 32 31 33 31 1 11 6 12 7 22 15 15 35A 11AA 35 11A 6

Part No. 541276 545503 545508 545509 545510 545511 545512 545513 545514 545514 545515 545515 545515 545515 545516 545516 546229 546229 546229 546229 546701 549376 549376 553171 553272 554214 5569 62013 62013 62750 62751 62761 62762 62763 62764 62773 62779 62780 62805 62812 62812 62813 62948 63214 63292 63433 64002 64100 64100 64820 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 02 03 04 01 02 08 08 08 08 01 03 04 01 01 02

Page 44 50 50 50 50 28 28 28 50 28 50 28 28 50 28 50 38 38 40 40 32 22 22 42 42 42 22 30 48 22 22 22 22 22 22 34 30 30 26 48 26 22 30 22 26 22 40 32 48 22

Ref. 1 9 10 13 32 10 13 9 11 11 12 17 12 17 16 16 15C 19 15C 19 1 41 41 6 6 10 19 8 1 7 7F 35 37C 37D 37E 1 17 1C 7 30 15 29 9 32 7 37F 5 3 11 37



Cross reference list

Part No. 65235 65395 65395 65395 65395 65584 66169 66169 66169 66555 66555 67028 67682 67844 67844 6924 70485 70485 70485 70485 70936 70936 70942 70942 71125 71126 72018 72860 72862 72865 72889 72896 72933 73200 73200 73200 73200 8114 8114 8341 8341 8390 8391 8392 8392 8509 8821 8821 8821 8821

Page 22 28 48 50 54 30 28 42 50 22 48 46 22 44 44 22 28 34 36 50 38 40 32 48 22 22 44 30 22 30 22 30 22 28 34 36 50 48 26 48 26 22 22 48 22 22 28 48 48 50

Ref. 2 14 19 14 5 20 34 8 34 16 14 2 7G 2 13 18 21 2 3 21 9 9 6 9 3 4 10 15 30 16 20 1G 9 20 4 5 20 36 13 35B 11AB 24 23 3 25 7A 24 31 32 24