algebra and coalgebra on categorical tensor network states

Algebra and Coalgebra on Categorical Tensor Network States Jacob D Biamonte 1, * 1 Oxford University Computing Laboratory We present a set of new tools which extend the problem solving techniques and range of applicability of network theory as currently applied to quantum many-body physics. We use this new framework to give a solution to the quantum decompo- sition problem. Specifically, given a quantum state S , we are now able to directly construct a tensor network that describes the state S . This solution became pos- sible by synthesizing and tailoring several powerful modern techniques from higher mathematics: category theory, algebra and coalgebra and applicable results from classical network theory and graphical calculus. We present several examples (such as categorical MERA networks etc.) which illustrate how the established methods surrounding tensor network states arise as a special instance of this more general framework, which we call Categorical Tensor Network States. * [email protected]

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Algebra and Coalgebra on Categorical Tensor Network States

Jacob D Biamonte1, ∗

1Oxford University Computing Laboratory

We present a set of new tools which extend the problem solving techniques and

range of applicability of network theory as currently applied to quantum many-body

physics. We use this new framework to give a solution to the quantum decompo-

sition problem. Specifically, given a quantum state S, we are now able to directly

construct a tensor network that describes the state S. This solution became pos-

sible by synthesizing and tailoring several powerful modern techniques from higher

mathematics: category theory, algebra and coalgebra and applicable results from

classical network theory and graphical calculus. We present several examples (such

as categorical MERA networks etc.) which illustrate how the established methods

surrounding tensor network states arise as a special instance of this more general

framework, which we call Categorical Tensor Network States.

[email protected]



We report the development of a new tool set and corresponding framework which is sig-

nificantly different and outside the range of methods used to address problems in network

descriptions of many-body physics and related disciplines. In the categorical network model

of quantum states we present, each of the internal components that form our network building

blocks are completely defined in terms of their mathematical properties, and these proper-

ties are given in terms of equations which have a purely graphical interpretation: category

theory [1] replaces ad hoc graphical methods in network descriptions of many-body physics

and e.g. enables rigorous proofs to now be done graphically. We went out of our way to write

this article for a general reader with a background in tensor network states and/or quantum

circuit theory: no background in category theory or higher algebra is assumed.

To explain the key motivation behind developing this new machinery, let us recall the

success of established numerical simulation methods, such as density matrix renormalization

group (DMRG) and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) which have become key to studying

strongly correlated systems in regimes and at scales where quantum mechanical effects are

crucial [2, 3]. However, substantial limitations have remained in the size, dimensionality,

and classes of Hamiltonians these methods can be used to simulate.

Tensor network states arose recently from the field of Quantum Information Science as

the backbone of applicable and general methods to simulate quantum systems using classi-

cal computers. As a matter of necessity, and one of opportunity, by utilizing concepts from

quantum information science several novel and powerful computer algorithms (all based on

tensor network states) have recently been proposed which have overcome many existing

numerical limitations. Specifically: the Multi-scale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz

(MERA) [4] and Projected Entangled Pairs (PEPS) [5] — see also [6–8]. In addition, tensor

network based numerical algorithms have recently been successfully adapted to the simula-

tion of stochastic classical systems [9]. These and other related methods have been used to

perform highly accurate calculations on a broad class of strongly correlated systems. This

has attracted significant interest from several research communities concerned with computer

simulations of physical systems.

Computer Science techniques such as semantics and logic emerged out of increasingly


general methods to depict intuitive and descriptive models of systems and processes. Such

conceptual methods rely on the unifying language of category theory [10, 11]: for both its

expressive power and as a unification tool to uniformly reason over wide classes of a priori

seemingly different scenarios. Many otherwise obscure aspects of mathematical models can

be made vivid at the level of Categories, and the associated differences can be pinpointed

on-the-nose in terms of clear, definable structure. This continues to set the stage for the

formal analysis of a range of generally applicable scientific concepts.

The expressiveness and range of applicability of tensor network based algorithmic tech-

niques is fostered by an intuitive graphical language describing the tensor networks which

represent physical states and processes. This graphical language can now take a broader

direction by being connected to the long existing rigorous language of Category Theory.

This will immediately open the door to apply many established techniques: category theory

provides the exact arena of mathematics concerned with such diagrammatic reasoning. The

diagrammatic language of tensor network states in current use is a special case of this long

existing rich framework. Again, as stated, we present the category theory underpinning our

approach with a wide audience in mind — this work is largely self contained and assumes

little if any knowledge of higher algebra or category theory. We will explore several category

theoretic results that arose from this study in future publications.

Categorical models of tensor network states allow us to both “zoom out” and expose

high-level structure, but also to “zoom in” and expose hosts of “hidden” algebraic structures

that are not currently being considered in the tensor network simulation community. En-

hancing the graphical language component of these numerical methods should lead to the

discovery new theoretical models and numerical algorithms which challenge and shape our

understanding of many-body physics.

Category theory is often used as a unifying language for mathematics [1] and in more

recent times to formulate physical theories [10, 11]. To accomplish our goals, we will build

on ideas across several fields. This includes the work by Lafont [12] which was aimed at

providing an algebraic theory for classical Boolean circuits. We represent this algebraic

theory on tensors and use these to express quantum states. Using more Category Theory

tightens this approach and removes some redundancy in his graphical lemmas [12]. Lafont’s

work is related to the more recent work on proof theory by Guiraud [13]. One of the


strong points of categorical modeling is that it comes equipped with many flavors of intuitive

graphical calculi. We consider a so-called Penrose-Joyal-Street calculus (and actually the

Kelly-Laplaza-Selinger coherence result [1, 14, 15]) and as a matter of convenience, we make

use of †-compactness already present in categorical quantum theory [16]. The graphical

calculus formally extends to a rigorous tool. See for instance, Selinger’s survey of graphical

languages for monoidal categories (these are the categories which describe Hilbert spaces

and quantum theory [15]).


We will now quickly introduce the key concepts of this paper before going into full detail

in the remaining sections. The main idea (representing quantum states in terms of networks)

is reviewed next in IIA with the corresponding algebraic definitions of these network compo-

nents reviewed in II B and the concept of a state defining an algebra in II C. We summarize

this new theory in IID and outline the structure of the remainder of the manuscript in III.

These first three review sections (IIA, II B and IIC) where made accessible for the range of

readers working in the area of quantum information science with a background in quantum

circuits, and/or the existing tensor network theory.

A. A New Representation of Quantum States

We give algebraic operations a representation on quantum states. This allows us to

do the converse, that is, give tensor network states a representation in terms of algebraic

operations! The starting point of classical network theory was seminal work resulting in

Shannon and Davio decompositions of functions into networks. These powerful methods

formed the backbone and enabled the last century of methods surrounding classical network

theory. The present paper presents a solution to the related quantum problem: that is, the

decomposition of a quantum state into a categorical tensor network.

To get an idea of what we’re about to do, let’s consider a key network building block:

the so-called “quantum AND-state” which we define in Section IVD and was given in [17].

This is a representation of the familiar Boolean operation in the bit pattern of a tri-qubit


quantum state as



|x1〉 ⊗ |x2〉 ⊗ |x1 ∧ x2〉 = |000〉+ |010〉+ |100〉+ |111〉 (1)

and hence, the truth table of a function is encoded in the bit pattern of the superposition.

This gives rise to a linear representation of Boolean gates (represented on quantum states)

as opposed to the typical direct sum representation common in Boolean algebra.

Remark 1 (Physical Realisation). Such a state is in fact deterministically realisable from

a Toffoli gate (see 13). It allows us to create some interesting states experimentally, for

instance, post-selection of the output to |0〉 would yield the state |00〉 + |01〉 + |10〉. (See

the course notes [8] and Corollary 42 for more on how these techniques can be used as an

experimental prescription to generate quantum states.)

= =

(a) (b)



FIG. 1. Example of the Boolean quantum AND-state. In (a) the network is run backwards (post-

selected) to |1〉 resulting in the product state |11〉. In (b) the gate is post-selected to |0〉 resulting

in the entangled state |00〉+ |01〉+ |10〉.

In this work however, the physical interpretation of such states is of less interest: we are

concerned with network constructions as this allows us to study many-body states in new

ways and elevate the existing tensor network theory by creating a theory of categorical tensor

network states.

For starters, we can compose AND-states (by connecting wires etc.) — together with

NOT-gates, this enables one to create the class of Boolean states (3). That is, we can realise

a network that outputs logical-one any time the input qubits represent a desired term in a

quantum state (e.g. create a function that outputs say logical-one on designated inputs |00〉,

|01〉 and |10〉 and zero otherwise). We then insert a |1〉 at the network output (physically

you might call this post-selection, but again a physical interpretation is not needed for our


purposes). This recovers the desired Boolean state




〈1|f(x1, x2, ..., xn)〉|x1, x2, ..., xn〉 (2)

where in terms of a network, we read the network backwards from output to input (a related

idea arose in my work on adiabatic circuits [18]). This full class of Boolean states is defined


Definition 2 (Boolean Many-Body Quantum States). We define the class of Boolean states

as those states which can be expressed up to a scalar in the form∑x1,x2,...,xn=0/1

|x1, x2, ..., xn〉|f(x1, x2, ..., xn)〉 (3)

where f is a switching function and the abusive notation in the sum is over all variables

taking 0 and 1.

Our full method subsumes the important class of Boolean states as a subclass. In fact,

we’re able to translate any quantum state directly into a categorical tensor network. This

appears to open a door: a new and different research direction in quantum network theory

by providing a new handle on quantum states. This is captured by the following result (see

Theorem 35).

Result 3 (Translating Quantum States into Categorical Tensor Networks). Given quantum

state |S〉, Theorem 35 asserts a constructive (efficient in poly(k, n) classical computing re-

sources) method to represent |S〉 in a categorical tensor network with poly(k, n) rank-3 and

rank-2 tensors.

An attractive aspect of our approach is that we’re able to place the network components

into clearly defined building blocks. Indeed, these building blocks are defined in terms of a

rich graphical language — we utilize the theory of Monoidal Categories [1] and related ideas

in computer science for this.

B. Network components fully defined by diagrammatic laws

The theory of Categories provides a framework to elevate diagrammatic reasoning to a

rigorous tool — e.g. proofs can be done graphically! We will in addition, use this framework


to fully define the algebraic operations appearing in this work, and this definition will be done

graphically. This picture calculus can be used whenever working in the the dagger-category

(that is †-category) of von Neumann quantum mechanics (for details see [15, 16]).

To get an idea of how this will work, consider Figure 2, which forms a presentation of

the linear fragment of the Boolean calculus: that is, the calculus of Boolean algebra we

represent on quantum states, restricted to the building blocks that can be used to generate

linear Boolean functions.

(a) (b) (c)





= =









FIG. 2. Read top to bottom. A presentation of the linear fragment of the Boolean calculus. The

plus (⊕) dots are XOR and the black (•) dots represent COPY. The details of (a)-(g) will be given

in Sections IV and V. For instance, (d) represents the bialgebra law and (g) the Hopf-law (in this

case true as x⊕ x = 0).

To recover the full Boolean-calculus, we must consider a non-linear Boolean gate: we use

AND-gates and Figure 2 together with Figure 3 to form a full presentation of the calculus [12].

As stated, in this work, we will give the Boolean-calculus a representation (on quantum

states) and make use of the categorical generalisation of map-state duality found first in [16,

19], and which we studied in the setting on quantum circuits and called cup/cap induced

duality in [20].

Remark 4 (Full Set of Defining Equations). We note that the presentations in Figure 2

together with Figure 3 are not just a set of relations and identities on circuit components,

but instead represent a complete set of defining equations [21].

We need to add a bit more to the presentation of the Boolean calculus to represent

quantum states. Proceeding systematically by adding just a bit more structure we’re able

to do a whole lot more. One way forward is to add what are called compact structures in


(a) (b) (c) (d)





(f) (h)




= =


FIG. 3. Read top to bottom. A presentation of the Boolean-calculus with Figure 2. The details of

(a)-(g) will be given in Sections IV and V. For instance, (h) represents distributivity of AND(∧)

over XOR (⊕), and (d) shows that x ∧ x = x.

category theory [16, 19, 22] (see Section VC for details). These compact structures are given

diagrammatically as

(a) (b)time

and this allows us to define the transpose of a linear map/state. We understand (a) as a

cup, given as∑

i |ii〉 and (b) as the so-called cap which is∑

i 〈ii|.

A second way forward is to consider what’s called a Frobenius form [23] on either of the

structures in the linear fragment (COPY or XOR). This is simply a functional that turns a

product/coproduct into a cup/cap. This allows one to recover the above compact structures

(that is, the cups and caps given above). We will use these cups and caps to bend wires in

tensor network’s which in turn is thought of as reshape of a matrix.




(a) (b)

Remark 5 (Bending Wires is Transpose). We note here (see Definition 29) that care must

be taken, as flipping a ket |ψ〉 to a bra 〈ψ| is conjugate transpose, and bending a wire is

simply transposition, so the conjugate must be taken: e.g. acting on |ψ〉 with a cap given as∑i 〈ii| results in 〈ψ|. See Section VC.

Compact structures allow us to bend wires — indeed, we can now connect a diagram,

bend all the wires towards the same direction and it then can be thought of as representing a


state, bend them the other way and it then can be thought of as representing a measurement

outcome, that is, an effect. One can also connect inputs to outputs, creating larger and larger

networks. What’s more is that these compact structures have a vivid physical meaning in

terms of an algebra on quantum states. A clunky (less user friendly) variant of this algebra

on quantum states is already present in categorical quantum theory [8, 22] — it was cleaned

up a bit and basically made more user friendly for physicists in [8]. We will clarify this

algebraic structure on quantum states and explain its physical meaning next. We however

again mention that most of what we consider here is simply an abstract network theory, and

the physical interpretations of these operations, and their interactions in terms of quantum

mechanics, is not really necessary for applications in numerical algorithms involving tensor

network simulation.

C. A new type of algebra on quantum states

We are concerned with a network theory of quantum states. This on the one hand can

be used as a tool to solve problems about states and operators in quantum theory, but does

have a physical interpretation on the other. This is largely based on what you might call

an operational interpretation of quantum states and processes. An algebra is a pairing on a

vector space, taking two vectors and producing a third (you might call it a monoid if there

is a unit). Let’s now see how every tripartite quantum state forms an algebra.

Consider a tripartite quantum state (subsystems labeled 1,2 and 3), and ask the simple

question, how would the state of the third system change after we measure systems one and

two? Enter Algebras: as stated, an algebra on a vector space, or on a Hilbert space is formed

by a product taking two elements from the vector space to produce a third element in the

vector space. Algebra on states can then be studied by considering duality of the state, that

is considering the adjunction between the maps of type

1 → H⊗H⊗H and H⊗H → H (4)

This duality is made evident by using the †-compact structure of the category (e.g. the cups

and caps). It is given vivid physical meaning by considering the effect measuring (that is

two events) two components of a state has on the third component.


Remark 6 (Overbar notation on Spaces). Given a Hilbert space H, we can consider the

Hilbert space H which can be simply thought of as the Hilbert space H will all basis vectors

complex conjugates (overbar). That is, H is a vector space whose elements are in one-to-one

correspondence with the elements of H:

H = {v | v ∈ H}, (5)

with the following rules for addition and scalar multiplication:

v + w = v + w and α v = α v . (6)

Remark 7 (Definition of Algebra). We consider an algebra as a vector space A endowed

with a product, taking a pair of elements (e.g. from A⊗A) and producing an element in A.

So the product is a map A⊗A → A, which may not be associative or have a unit (that is,

a multiplicative identity — see 18 for an example of an algebra on a quantum state without

a unit).

Observation 8 (Every tripartite Quantum State Forms an Algebra). Let ψ ∈ H⊗H⊗H be a

quantum state and let Mi, Mj be complete sets of measurement operators. Then (ψ,Mi,Mj)

forms an algebra.

= := =


The quantum state is drawn as a triangle, with the identity operator on each subsystem

acting as time goes to the right on the page. Projective measurements with respect to Mi

and Mj are made. We define these complete measurement operators as

M1 =N∑i=1

i · |ψi〉〈ψi| (7)

M2 =N∑j=1

j · |φj〉〈φj| (8)


such that we recover the identity operator on the N -level subsystem viz


|φj〉〈φj| =N∑i=1

|ψi〉〈ψi| = 1N (9)

The measurements result in eigenvalues i, j leaving the state of the unmeasured system in

|ω〉 =∑


〈ψi|x1〉〈φj|x2〉|x3〉 (10)

where 〈Q| def= |Q〉> that is, the transpose is factored into: (i) taking the dagger (diagram-

matically this mirrors states across the page) and (ii) taking the complex conjugate. Hence,

〈Q|†= |Q〉> = 〈Q| = 〈Q|† (11)

and if we pick a real valued basis for x1, x2, x3 we recover

|ω〉 =∑


〈x1|ψi〉〈x2|φj〉|x3〉 (12)

As stated, this physical interpretation is not our main interest. It’s a nice feature, but

even in its absence, we’re able to write down and represent a quantum state purely in terms

of a connected network, where each component is fully defined in terms of algebraic laws.

D. Putting it all together: connecting the dots

This new formalism allows us to express a range of new a priori hidden tensor network

structure. Indeed, as we mentioned categorical tensor network states allow us to both “zoom

out” and expose high-level structure, but also to “zoom in” and expose hosts of algebraic

structures that are not currently being considered in the tensor network simulation commu-

nity. As will be shown, by formally defining these network building blocks, we’re able to see

a lot more of what’s going on inside these networks. Importantly, we’re able to do things

that are not possible using the current approach to tensor network states: translate a given

quantum state directly into a representative network. This provides a quantum network

analog of classical network decomposition methods.

We hope that presenting a solution to the quantum decomposition problem and that by

enhancing the graphical language component of these numerical methods, that our work will

lead to new theoretical models and numerical algorithms which will challenge and shape our

understanding of many-body physics.



We have organized this manuscript in the following way: We continue next in IV by

defining our network building blocks including rank-3 tensors such as defining the quantum

AND-state in Equation 18. We then consider how these components interact in Section V.

This is done in terms of algebraic laws, such as Bialgebra (VB) and Hopf-algebras (VB1).

With these definitions in place, we’re able to continue onto Section VI: we applying this

framework to create a new type of tensor network theory. We zoom in and expose internal

structure of an MPS and particularly consider categorical tensor networks for many-body W-

states in VI. An example categorical MERA network along with reduced two- and four-point

correlation functions (graphically in our language) are given in Section VID. In conclusion,

we mention some future directions in VII and importantly, how this work opens the door

to apply tensor network simulation methods to NP-complete problems. We have included

Appendix A on the Boolean XOR-algebra we represent on quantum states.

a. Assumed Background. We assume readers are familiar with the basics of tensor

network states (see the reviews in [5, 24]). We have gone out of our way to make the category

theory necessary in this work as user friendly as possible. For general background see [1]

and for more related work see [8, 20]. In a further attempt to make this document readable

across the range of people working on these topics, we assume only minimal knowledge of

Boolean algebra, discrete set functions and circuit theory (see a quick review of XOR-algebra

in Appendix A and more generally see [25] and [26] for background on pseudo Boolean

functions). We assume readers have experience with quantum circuits and basic quantum

computing concepts (e.g. at the level of [8, 27, 28]).

Remark 9 (Normalisation factors omitted). As one would expect in quantum theory, where

rays describe the state space, without loss of generality we will often omit global scale factors

mainly for ease of presentation. We note that for Hilbert space H there is a truly natural


C⊗H ∼= H ∼= H⊗ C (13)

where the ⊗ of a scalar M and a vector S becomes regular multiplication as M ⊗S =M ·S.

Remark 10 (Diagrammatic conventions: top to bottom and left to right). Diagrams will

typically be drawn with ‘time’ going down the page. However, in certain instances we will


draw them from left to right across the page to aid in presentation. We note that in general

open legs can be attached to other open legs (contracted) and that nodes, maps, etc. all have

evident meaning, which should be clear from context.


Any vector space V has a dual V∗: this is the space of linear functions f from V to the

ground field C, that is f : V → C. This defines the dual uniquely. We must however fix

a basis to identify the vector space V with its dual. Given a basis, any basis vector ei in

V gives a basis vector f j in V∗ defined by f j(ei) = δji (Kronecker’s delta). This defines an

isomorphism V → V∗ sending ei to fi and allowing us to identify V with V∗. In what follows,

we will fix a particular arbitrarily chosen basis (called the computational basis in quantum

information science). We will proceed to give only the necessary building blocks that are

needed in our construction.

A. COPY: the “diagonal”

The copy operation arises in digital circuits and more generally, in the context of category

theory and Algebra, where it is called a diagonal in cartesian categories. (although not

directly relevant for the present work, see [29] for details on using COPY to define a basis).

The operation is defined as

4 def=


|ii〉〈i| (14)

where the sum is over ∀i which could be, e.g. iterating a complete Boolean basis: for qubits,

that is i = 0, 1. As |0〉 and |1〉 are eigenstates of σz, we might give 4 the alternative

name of Z-copy (this was done in [22, 29] when considering COPY as a quantum observable)

— which in the case of qubits is succinctly presented by considering the map that copies


4 : C2 → C2 ⊗ C2 ::

|0〉 7→ |00〉

|1〉 7→ |11〉

This map can be written as 4 : |00〉〈0|+ |11〉〈1| and under cup/cap induced duality (on the

right bra) this state becomes a GHZ -state as ψGHZ = |000〉+ |111〉. The standard properties


of COPY are given diagrammatically in Figure 4 and a list of its relevant mathematical

properties are found in Figure 5.

(a) (b)











FIG. 4. The COPY-dot. (a) Full-symmetry. (b) Copy points, e.g. |x〉 7→ |xx〉 for x = 0, 1. (c) The

unit — in this case the unit corresponds to deletion, or a map to the terminal object |+〉 def= |0〉+ |1〉

(the bi-direction of time is explained in by considering co-diagonals in IVE). (d) Co-interaction

with the unit creates a Bell state. This is the compact structure of the †-category of quantum


Remark 11 (The COPY-gate from CNOT). The CNOT-gate is defined as |0〉〈0|1 ⊗ 12 +

|1〉〈1|1⊗σx2 . We will set the input that the target acts on to |0〉 we then calculate CNOT(11⊗

|0〉2) = |0〉〈0|1 ⊗ |0〉2 + |1〉〈1|1 ⊗ |1〉2. We have hence defined the desired map (COPY) from

the Hilbert space with label 1 (subscript) to the joint Hilbert space labeled 1 and 2.

Gate Type Co-copy point(s) Unit Co-unit Interaction

COPY |0〉,|1〉 (b) |+〉 (c) Bell state: |00〉+ |11〉 (d)

Symmetry Associative Commutative Frobenius Algebra

Full (a) Yes Yes Yes (Spider Law)

FIG. 5. Summary of the COPY-gate.

B. XOR: the “addition”

The XOR-gate logic gate that implements exclusive disjunction or addition (mod 2) —

written with symbol ⊕. By what could be called “dot-duality”, the XOR-gate is simply a

Hadamard transform of the COPY-gate, applied to all of the dots legs. This can be captured

diagrammatically in the slightly different form



which clarifies several examples. To define the gate on the computational basis, we consider

f(x1, x2) = x1 ⊕ x2 then f = 0 corresponds to (x1, x2) = (0, 0), (1, 1) and f = 1 corresponds

to (x1, x2) = (1, 0), (0, 1), where the truth table for XOR follows

x1 x2 f(x1, x2) = x1 ⊕ x2

0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0

Under cap/cap induced duality, the state defined by XOR is given as



|x1〉|x2〉|f(x1, x2)〉 = |000〉+ |110〉+ |011〉+ |101〉 (15)

which is in the GHZ -class — by LOCC equivalence viz. ψ⊕ = H⊗H⊗H(|000〉+ |111〉). The

operation of XOR is summarized in the table appearing in Figure 6. Since the XOR-gate is

related to the COPY-gate by a change of basis its diagrammatic laws have the same structure

as those already appearing in Figure 4. The gate acting backwards (co-XOR) is defined on

a basis by

⊕ : C2 → C2 ⊗ C2 ::

|0〉 7→ |00〉+ |11〉

|1〉 7→ |10〉+ |01〉or equivalently

|+〉 7→ |++〉

|−〉 7→ | − −〉

Gate Type Co-copy point(s) Unit Co-unit Interaction

XOR |+〉,|−〉 (b) |0〉 (c) Bell state: |00〉+ |11〉 (d)

Symmetry Associative Commutative Frobenius Algebra

Full (a) Yes Yes Yes (Spider Law)

FIG. 6. Summary of the XOR-gate.


C. The constant 1: negation

Linear Boolean functions, are functions which have uncomplimented variables that appear

individually (e.g. variable couplings are not allowed such as x1x2 etc. see A). Linear functions

take the general form

f(x1, x2, ..., xn) = c1x1 ⊕ c2x2 ⊕ ...⊕ cnxn (16)

where the vector (c1, c2, ..., cn) determines the function. The affine boolean functions are

linear functions that allow variables to appear in both complimented and uncomplimented

form. Affine functions take the general form

f(x1, x2, ..., xn) = c0 ⊕ c1x1 ⊕ c2x2 ⊕ ...⊕ cnxn (17)

where c0 = 1 gives functions outside the linear class. Together, XOR and COPY are not

universal for classical circuits. However, When used in conjunction, XOR- and COPY-gates

compose to create the class of linear circuits. The affine circuits are generated by considering

constant |1〉. This point (|1〉) is indeed copied by the black dot. However, an axomitisation

can proceed through only considering the XOR- and COPY-gates together with |+〉, the unit

for COPY and |0〉 the unit for XOR. It is by appending the constant |1〉 into the system that

the affine class of circuits can be realised.

Remark 12 (Affine functions correspond to a basis). Each affine function is labeled by a

corresponding bit pattern. This forms a function basis for the space of Boolean polynomials

and can also be thought of as labeling the computational basis (see A).

D. Quantum AND-states: enter Boolean non-linearity

AND (that is, ∧) implements logical conjunction. By what could be called “dot-duality”,

the AND-gate relates to the OR-gate via De Morgan’s law. This can be captured diagram-

matically as



To define the gate on the computational basis, we consider f(x1, x2) = x1 ∧ x2 which we

write as x1x2. Here f = 0 corresponds to (x1, x2) = (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0) and f = 1 corresponds

to (x1, x2) = (1, 1), where the truth table for AND follows

x1 x2 f(x1, x2) = x1 ∧ x20 0 0

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 1

Under cap/cap induced duality, the state defined by AND is given as



|x1〉|x2〉|f(x1, x2)〉 = |000〉+ |010〉+ |010〉+ |111〉 (18)

The operation of AND is summarized in the table appearing in Figure 6. The gate acting

backwards is defined on a basis as and its key diagrammatic properties are presented in

Figure 7

∧ : C2 → C2⊗C2 ::

|0〉 7→ |00〉+ |01〉+ |10〉

|1〉 7→ |11〉or

|+〉 7→ |++〉

|−〉 7→ |00〉+ |01〉+ |10〉 − |11〉

(a) (b)










FIG. 7. The AND-gate. (a) Input-symmetry. (b) Existence of a zero or fixed-point. (c) The unit

|1〉. (d) Co-interaction with the unit creates a product-state. Note that the gate forms a valid

quantum operation when run backwards as in (d).

Example 13 (AND-states from Toffoli-gates). The AND-state is readily constructed from

the ‘ as illustrated in Figure 8.

Gate Type Co-copy point(s) Unit Co-unit Interaction

AND |1〉 (b) |1〉 (c) Product state: |11〉 (d)

Symmetry Associative Commutative Bialgebra Law

Inputs (a) Yes Yes Yes (with GHZ )


FIG. 8. Illustrates the use of compact structures for black and plus dots to prepare the state

ψAND = |000〉+ |010〉+ |100〉+ |111〉. Using only single qubit NOT-gates, one can use this method

to construct any of the states representing the non-linear Boolean functions in Figure 9. We note

that the box around the Toffoli gate (left) is meant to illustrate that those two connected dots do

not satisfy the spider-law 22.

Remark 14 (Universal States). We should note that quantum universal diagrams are possi-

ble by considering simple Hadamard states (e.g. ψH = |00〉+|01〉+|10〉−|11〉) and AND-states.

This follows from the simple proof that Hadamard and Toffoli are quantum universal [30].

E. co-COPY: the co-diagonal

It should be evident from the preceding discussions that our gates are what a physicist

would call tensors (with the evident graphical interpretation apparently first pointed out

in [31]) and that open legs on tensor correspond to say spin degrees of freedom (and are

hence either states or dual to states by bending wires). In this manner, we say that gates

can be used both forwards in backwards in time.

We already mentioned in the results summary that we utilize the †-compact structure

from categorical quantum theory to take the adjoint of a linear map. This let’s us take the

transpose (e.g. bend wires). What happens if we flip a copy operation upside down, that

is, instead of having a single leg split into two legs, have two legs merge into one. The first

thing one might ask is if this is physical?

Appending a physical interpretation to these operations in terms of a quantum process

is possible, by considering, e.g. post-selection, but not necessary for our purposes. Indeed,

this is not our goal here as we’re concerned with representing states in terms of categorical


tensor networks — we expose an elegant, user friendly language to accomplish just that. So

the co-COPY is simply thought of as a being a dual (transpose) to the familiar COPY.

This is common in algebra: to consider the dual notation to algebra, that is co-algebra.

In general, while a product is a joining or paring (e.g. taking two vectors and producing a

third) a co-product is a co-pairing taking a single vector in say A and producing a vector in


Remark 15 (Coalgebras). Coalgebras are structures that are dual (in the sense of revers-

ing arrows) to unital associative algebras such as COPY and AND the axioms of which we

formulated in terms of picture calculi (IVA and IVD). Every coalgebra, by (vector space)

duality, gives rise to an algebra, and in finite dimensions, this duality goes in both directions.

Co-COPY can be thought of as applying a delta function in the transition from input to

output. That is, given a copy point x

4 (|x〉) = |x〉 ⊗ |x〉 (19)

we have that

5 (|i〉, |j〉) = δij|i〉 (20)

that is, the diagram get’s mapped to zero (or empty) if the inputs don’t agree. This is

succiently written in terms of a Delta-function dependent on inputs i, j.

Example 16 (Simple co-pairing). Measurement effects on tri-state quantum systems can

be thought of as a coproducts. This is given as a map from one system (measuring the

first) into two systems (the effect this has on the other two). GHZ -states are prototypical

examples of co-pairings: an example left to the reader to explore.

F. The remaining Boolean states: NAND-states etc.

We have represented a complete logical system on quantum states — this enables us to

represent any Boolean function quantum mechanically and hence any Boolean state. We

chose as our generators, constant |1〉, COPY, XOR, AND. Other generators could have also

been chosen. Our choice however, was made as a matter of convenience, as the definitions

work well, and elegantly fit together (e.g. representing the XOR-algebra). If we would have


considered other generators, we could have ended up considering the following cases: weak-

units (17) and fixed point pairs (19).

Definition 17 (Weak Units). An algebra (or product) on a tri-party state ψ has a unit

(equivalently the state is unital) if there exists an effect φ which the product acts on to

produce an invertible map B, where B = 1 (see Example 18). If no such φ exists to make

B = 1, and B has an inverse, we call φ a weak unit, and say the state ψ is weak unital

and if B 6= 1 and B2 = 1 we call the algebra on ψ unital-involutive. This scenario is given

diagrammatically as:

= =

Example 18 (NAND and NOR). NAND and NOR have weak units, respectively given by

|1〉 and |0〉. These weak units are unital-involutive.

ψNAND = |001〉+ |011〉+ |011〉+ |110〉 (21)

ψNOR = |001〉+ |010〉+ |100〉+ |110〉 (22)

For ψNAND to have a unit, there must exist a |φ〉 such that

〈φ|0〉|01〉+ 〈φ|0〉|11〉+ 〈φ|0〉|11〉+ 〈φ|1〉|10〉 (23)

is equal to the Bell-state |00〉+ |11〉 and hence dual to |1〉〈1|+ |0〉〈0|. No choice of |φ〉 makes

this possible.

Definition 19 (Fixed Point Pair). An algebra on a tri-party state ψ has a Fixed Point if

there exists an effect φ making the output constant. If the constant is output and φ are both

|0〉, we say φ has a zero. A fixed point pair consists of two algebras with fixed points, such

that the fixed point of one algebra is the unit of the other, and vise versa (see Example 20).

Diagrammatically this is expressed in the following:


Example 20 (AND, OR form a Fixed Point Pair). AND and OR form a fixed point pair.

That is, the unit for AND (|1〉 see a) is the zero for OR (c) and vise versa: the unit of OR

(|0〉 see a) is the zero for AND (b).


(a) (b) (c)

== = =

G. Summarizing: Network Composition of Quantum Logic States

We have considered set’s of universal classical structures in the categorical tensor network

model. In classical computer science, a universal set of gates, is able to express any n-bit

Boolean function

f : Bn → B :: (x1, ..., xn) 7→ f(x1, ..., xn) (24)

Universal sets include {COPY, NAND}, {COPY, AND, NOT}, {COPY, AND, XOR,1},

{OR, XNOR,1} and others. One can also consider the states ψ formed by the bit pat-

terns of these functions f(a, b) as

ψf =∑


|a〉|b〉|f(a, b)〉 (25)

This allows a wide class of states to be constructed effectively. In the following Table (9) we

illustrate the states representing the classical function of two-inputs.

Remark 21 (Induced compact structure). The Boolean states in Table (9) represent true

tri-state entanglement. For each state, there exists an effect (a measurement outcome) on

one of the states that leaves the other two parties in an entangled state. Mathematically, this

entangled state defines what’s called a non-degenerate pairing.


1. Merging Dots: Spider Law

Copy dots are readily generalized to an arbitrary number of input and output legs. As

one would rightly suspect, a copy dot with n inputs and m outputs corresponds to an n+m-


non-linear linear (Frobenius Algebras)

ψAND = |000〉+ |010〉+ |100〉+ |111〉

ψOR = |001〉+ |011〉+ |101〉+ |111〉 ψXOR = |000〉+ |011〉+ |101〉+ |110〉

ψNAND = |001〉+ |011〉+ |101〉+ |110〉 ψXNOR = |001〉+ |010〉+ |100〉+ |111〉

ψNOR = |001〉+ |010〉+ |100〉+ |110〉

FIG. 9. The bit pattern of these quantum states represents a Boolean function (given by the

subscript) such that the right most bit is the Boolean functions output, and the two left bits are

the functions inputs, and the non-linear Boolean functions are on the left side of the table and the

linear functions on the right. Consider the state ψAND, and Boolean variables x1 and x2, then the

superposition ψAND encodes the function |x1, x2, x1 ∧ x2〉 in each term in the superposition, and

ψAND =∑

x1,x2∈{0,1} |x1, x2, x1 ∧ x2〉. As outlined in the text, cup/cap induced-duality allows us

(for instance) to express this state as the operator |0〉〈00|+ |0〉〈01|+ |0〉〈01|+ |1〉〈11| :: |x1, x2〉 7→

|x1 ∧ x2〉 which projects qubit states to the AND of their bit value.

partite GHZ state. Neighboring dots of the same color can be merged into a single dot: just

like in digital circuits.

Theorem 22 (Spider Law [22, 23]). Given a connected graph with m inputs and n outputs

comprised solely of Frobenius dots of equal dimension, this map can be equivalently expressed

as a single m-to-n dot, as shown in Figure 10.

Example 23 (Two-site reduced density operator of n-party GHZ -states). GHZ -states on

n-parties have a well known matrix product expression given as

GHZn = Tr

|0〉 0

0 |1〉


= |00...0〉+ |11...1〉 (26)

where the internal matrix product is given by ⊗. These MPS networks are known to be

efficiently contactable. We note that the networks in Figure 10 are not a priori in a con-

tractible form due to the number of of open legs. What makes them contractible (in their

present from) is the spider law. The reduced density matrix of an n-party GHZ -state then

becomes (a) in Figure 11 and the expectation value of an observable is shown in (b). where

we include the normalisation constant.


FIG. 10. Spider law: connected black-dots (•) as well as connected plus-dots (⊕) can be merged.


(a) (b)


FIG. 11. Reduced density operator. Left (a) reduced density operator ρ′GHZ found from applying

the spider law to a n-qubit GHZ -state. Right (b) the expectation value of observable O1 ⊗ O2

found from connecting the observable and connecting the open legs (e.g. taking the trace).

A. Associativity, Distributivity and Commutativity

The products we have considered are all associative and commutative. As algebras, AND,

XOR and COPY are associative, unital commutative algebras. This was already expressed

diagrammatically in Figures 1 (a) and 3 (c). These diagrammatic laws represent the following


(x1 ∧ x2) ∧ x3 = x1 ∧ (x2 ∧ x3) (27)

(x1 ⊕ x2)⊕ x3 = x1 ⊕ (x2 ⊕ x3) (28)

Distributivity of AND over XOR then becomes (see (h) in Figure 3)

(x1 ⊕ x2) ∧ x3 = (x1 ∧ x2)⊕ (x1 ∧ x2) (29)

We of course have commutativity for any product symmetric in its inputs: this is the case

for AND and XOR.


B. Bialgebras

There is a very powerful type of algebra that arises in our setting: a bialgebra (See Kassel,

Chapter III [32], or [23]). Such an algebra is simultaneously an unital associative algebra

(for the associativity condition see (b) in Figure 12)and coalgebra and are characterized by

a compatibility condition. We consider the following ingredients:

(i): a product (black dot) with a unit (black triangle) see Figure 12 (a)

(ii): a coproduct (white dot) with a counit (white triangle)

precisely, the four compatibility conditions are satisfied if the following holds:

(i): The unit of the black dot is a copy-point of the white dot as in (e) from Figure 12.

(ii): The (co)unit of the white dot is a copy-point of the black dot as in (d) from Figure 12.

(iii): The bialgebra-law is satisfied given in (c) from Figure 12.

(iv): The inner product of the unit (black triangle) and the counit (white triangle) is non-

zero (not shown in Figure 12).

= = ==

(a) (d)(c)


(b) (e)= =

FIG. 12. Bialgebra axioms. (a) unit laws (these are of course left and right units); (b) associativity;

(c) bialgebra; (d,e) co-copy points.

Example 24 (GHZ -AND form a bialgebra). We are in a position to study the interaction

of GHZ -AND. This interaction satisfies the equations in the following diagrams: (a) the

bialgebra law; (b) the co-copy point of AND is |1〉; and (c) the co-interaction with the unit

for GHZ creates a compact structure. In addition, (a,b) show the copy points for the black

GHZ -dot; in (c) we have the unit and fixed point laws.

Even if two products don’t form bialgebras, they can still satisfy the bialgebra condition

(and hence not satisfy all of the axioms listed above). For this reason, so we define this

law (examples of states that satisfy this law, but are not necessarily bialgebras are given in

Example 26


Definition 25 (Bialgebra). A pair of quantum states (black, white below) satisfy the bial-

gebra law if the following holds:


Example 26 (Boolean States from Bialgebras with COPY). The Boolean states, AND, OR,

XOR, XNOR, NAND, NOR all satisfy the bialgebra law with COPY.

1. Hopf algebras

A particularly important class of bialgebras are known as Hopf-algebras [23]. This is

characterized by the way in which algebras and coalgebras can interact. This is captured by

the Hopf-law, where linear map A is known as the antipode.

Definition 27 (Hopf-Law). A pair of quantum states satisfy the Hopf-Law if an A can be

found such that the following equations hold:

= =

Example 28 (XOR and COPY are Hopf-algebras on Boolean States). It is well known (see

e.g. [12]) that the Boolean state XOR, satisfies the Hopf-algebra law with trivial antipode

with COPY.

C. Bending wires: Compact Structures

As mentioned in the preliminary section (II), we will introduce what’s called in category

theory a compact structure: this can be thought of as defining a non-degenerate pairing

on a vector space, which allows us to define transposition graphically. This problem was

addressed in categorical quantum theory by considering Bell-states and their dual (this was

key to axiomatizing the teleportation protocol [33, 34]). A second approach forward is by

utilization of the induced compact structures contained in the linear fragment of the Boolean-

calculus (e.g. the co-interaction of COPY with |+〉 results in a Bell-sate — see Section IVA).


A compact structure on an object H consists of another object H∗ together with a pair

of morphisms (note that we use the equation H∗ = H in Hilbert space making objects self

dual which simplifies what follows).

ηH : 1 −→ H⊗H εH : H⊗H −→ 1

where the canonical representation in Hilbert space with dimension N and basis {|i〉} is

given by

ηH =N∑i=1

|i〉 ⊗ |i〉 εH =N∑i=1

〈i| ⊗ 〈i|

and in string diagrams (read from the top to the bottom of the page) as

(a) (b)time

These cups and caps give rise to cup/cap-induced duality: this amounts to being able to

create a linear map that “flips” a bra to a ket (and vise versa) and at the same time taking

an (anti-linear) complex conjugate. Under cup/cap-induced duality, we flip the second ket

on ηH and the first bra on εH to relate these maps and the identity 1H of the Hilbert space:

that is, we can fix a basis and construct invertible maps sending ηH w 1H w εH.

More generally, the maps ηH and εH satisfy the following equations and their duals (under

the dagger) in the graphical language (b is known as the snake equation).









= f



Definition 29 (Diagrammatic Adjoints). Cups and caps allow us to take the transpose of

a linear map (b); and (a) following [16] we introduce the derived concept of adjoint.

=(a) (b)





Typically only the converse is possible — that is, one determines a quantum state from

a given tensor network or quantum circuit, or perhaps performs an optimization or renor-

malization procedure over a set of network parameters to find the network representing the

state that best e.g. minimizes a given Hamiltonian. While tensor networks are in theory

expressive enough to represent any quantum state, doing so will typically not expose ad-

ditional internal structure (see the general from of a Matrix Product State in Figure 13).

On the other hand, our new methods enable one to translate a quantum state directly into

a new type of network: a so-called categorical tensor network. We have already presented

the algebraic definitions and and defining properties of these new components. Here we will

illustrate their expressive power by considering a few elementary examples before presenting

our main theorem (35).

A. Extending the State of the Art

Tensor network states are in wide spread current use (see the reviews [5, 24]). The current

approach does not expose much internal structure of the constituent tensors comprising a

given network. Indeed, all MPS states have essentially the same topological or network struc-

ture in the current incarnation (see Figure 13). There is however, ample internal structure

to exploit. The current approach to write down a matrix product state is ad hoc and via

trial and error. For instance, the current approach shows little insight into why the W-state

on n-qubits takes the form:

Wn = 〈0|

|0〉 0

|1〉 |0〉


|1〉 = |10...0〉+ |01...0〉+ ...+ |00...1〉 (30)

or importantly, how to arrive at a tensor network for more complicated states. We will build

on a specific example, and show how our alternative approach reveals new found internal

structure when representing quantum states in terms of a network.


FIG. 13. W-state on n-parties in the Matrix Product State formalism in wide spread current use

(see (30)). Note that the internal structure of the tensors themselves can not be exposed in the

current formalism: all states in this formalism have this same topological structure.

B. Example: W-states in the Categorical Tensor Network Formalism

W-states can arise in our framework in several ways. To help build a feeling for the general

setting, consider the following:

Example 30 (Functions onW- and GHZ -states). We consider the function fW which outputs

logical-one given input bit string 001, 010 and 100 and logical-zero otherwise. Likewise the

function fGHZ is defined to output logical-one on input bit strings 000 and 111 and logical-

zero otherwise. See Examples (32) and (33) which consider representation of these functions

as polynomials. We will of course continue to work with a linear representation of quantum

states, where bit string 000 7→ |000〉 (etc.).

Remark 31 (Exact-value functions). The function fW takes value one on input vectors with

k ones for a fixed k. Such functions are known in the literature as a Exact-value symmetric

Boolean functions.

Example 32 (Function Realisation of fW and fGHZ: the Boolean case). One can express

fW(x1, x2, x3) = x1x2x3 ⊕ x1x2x3 ⊕ x1x2x3 (31)

by noting that each term in the disjunctive normal form of fW are disjoint, and hence ∨ 7→ ⊕.

The algebraic normal form (see Appendix A) becomes

fW(x1, x2, x3) = x1 ⊕ x2 ⊕ x3 ⊕ x1x2x3 (32)

fGHZ(x1, x2, x3) = 1⊕ x1 ⊕ x2 ⊕ x3 ⊕ x1x2 ⊕ x1x3 ⊕ x2x3 (33)

Example 33 (Function Realisation of fW and fGHZ: the set function case). Set functions

are mappings from the family of subsets of a finite ground set (e.g. Booleans) to the set of


reals. In the Circuit Theory literature, functions from the Booleans to the reals are known as

pseudo-Boolean functions and more commonly as multi-linear polynomials or forms (see [18]

where these functions are used to embed logic gates in the ground state energy configuration

of spin models). Their exists a unique multi-linear polynomial representation for each pseudo-

Boolean function found by mapping the negated Boolean variable as x 7→ (1 − x). For the

GHZ - and W-functions defined in Example 30 we arrive at the unique polynomials (33) and


fGHZ(x1, x2, x3) = 1− x1 − x2 + x1x2 − x3 + x1x3 + x2x3 (34)

fW(x1, x2, x3) = x1 + x2 + x3 − 2x1x2 − 2x1x3 − 2x2x3 + 3x1x2x3 (35)

These polynomials (33) and (33) are readily translated into categorical tensor networks.

Example 34 (Network realisation of W- and GHZ -states). A network realization of W-

and GHZ -states in our framework then follows by post-selecting to |1〉 on the output bit —

leaving the input qubits to represent a W- or GHZ -state respectively. As example of this is

shown in Figure 14.




(a) (b)



FIG. 14. Left (a) the circuit realisation (internal to the triangle) of the function fW of e.g. (32)

which outputs logical-one given input bit string |x1x2x3〉 = |001〉, |010〉 and |100〉 and logical-

zero otherwise. Right (b) reversing time and setting the output to |1〉 (e.g. post-selection) gives a

network representing the W-state. See also Figure 15.

C. The General Case

A starting point of the classical network theory was seminal work resulting in Shannon

and Davio decompositions of functions into networks. These powerful methods formed the


= =

(a) (b)

FIG. 15. W-class states in the categorical tensor network state formalism. (a) is the standard

W-state. (b) is found from applying De Morgan’s law (see Section IVD) to (a) and rearranging

after inserting inverters on the output legs. See also Figure 16.

FIG. 16. W-state (n-party) in the categorical tensor network state formalism. The feature of effi-

cient network contraction remains, with the internal structure of the network components exposed

in terms of well understood structures.

backbone and enabled the last century of methods surrounding classical network theory,

but no related methods to decompose a many-body quantum state into a tensor network

had been found. We are now in a position to state the main theorem which provides a

constructive method to realise any quantum state in terms of a categorical tensor network.

In other words, we offer a solution to the quantum decomposition problem: translating a

given state S into a network representing the state S (see also Remark 38).

Theorem 35 (Network Representation of Quantum States). Fix a natural number n. Any

quantum state ψ =∑

i∈{0,1}n aie−iki|i〉 with ∀i, ai ∈ {0, 1} and 0 ≤ k < 2π can be represented

as a network containing tensors from the introduced quantum Boolean calculus together with

states of the form |0〉 + α|1〉. This includes all qubit states as an important subclass of

representable states.

The proof is constructive and proceeds based on the content of the main body of the

text. The first step is to realise a function fS that outputs logical one on all input bit strings

corresponding to the desired state. Post selecting this network to |1〉 realises the desired


superposition of terms, but with all coefficients and hence relative phases equal. To adjust

the phases and relative amplitudes, we will construct diagonal operators. Given a term |k〉

in a state, with coefficient αk, we construct a function fd that outputs local zero for all

inputs not equal to k, and logical one for input k. The network is then post selected to

|0〉+αk|1〉 and we transform fd into an operator by using COPY-dots from Section IVE (see

Figure 17 and Example 36). We note that the construction can be improved significantly

by considering several reductions. We of course group terms in the state with the same

coefficients αi, but further reductions are also possible if say a given set of coffecients are

given by products of other coffecients. This is illustrated by networks that take the form



... ... ......

where we note that the fan-in present in the networks, can result in networks that are not

thought to be efficiently contactable. In addition, each of these networks gives a prescription

to physically prepare a state, however when fan-in is present, this prescription does not

represent a deterministic process (see Corollary 42).

Example 36 (Network realisation of S = |01〉+ |10〉+α|11〉). As a simple example, we will

design a network to realise the state |01〉 + |10〉 + α|11〉. We first write down a function fS

such that

fS(0, 1) = fS(1, 0) = fS(1, 1) = 1 (36)

and fS(00) = 0 (in this case, fS is the logical OR-gate). We post select the network on |1〉,

which results in the state |01〉+ |10〉+α|11〉, see Figure 17 (a). The next step is to realise a

diagonal operator, that acts on identity on all inputs, except |11〉 which gets sent to α|11〉.

To do this, we design a function fd such that

fd(0, 1) = fd(1, 0) = fd(0, 0) = 0 (37)


and fd(1, 1) = 1 (in this case, fd is the logical AND-gate). This diagonal, takes the form in

Figure 17 (b). The final state S = |01〉+ |10〉+α|11〉 is realised by connecting both networks,

leading to Figure 17 (c).

Remark 37 (Realisation of state (|0〉 + i|1〉)/√2). On a Blog post [35] I was asked for a

network realisation of the state (|0〉 + i|1〉)/√2. This proceeds from Example 36: except in

this case we post select one of the outputs (open legs in (c) from Figure 17) to (|0〉+ |1〉)/√2.

We note that here we set fS to XOR, fd is again AND with αdef= i. See Figure 18.

(a) (b)=


FIG. 17. Example of categorical tensor network representing state S = |01〉 + |10〉 + α|11〉. See

Example 36 for full details.

FIG. 18. Example of categorical tensor network representing state (|0〉+ i|1〉)/√2. See Remark 37

for details.

Remark 38 (Qubit States and Beyond). In Theorem 35 we considered the class of states of

the form ψ =∑

i∈{0,1}n aie−iki|i〉. Using multivalued logic, it is possible to define a gate set

similar to what was done for the case of qubits, and construct a similar circuit.


D. Categorical MERA Networks and Solving SAT instances

In the previous sections we developed a powerful framework — we can use it to make

seemingly daunting calculations elementary. As a token of the power, we will now consider

examples of the presented calculus applied to a categorical description of a MERA network

and then in VIF explain how our approach enables a rang of classical optimization problems

(such as SAT) to be addressed by tensor contraction.

E. Categorical MERA Networks

The Multi-scale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz (MERA) approach is a combina-

tion of the seminal ideas of Kadanoff’s spin-blocking, Wilson’s real-space renormalization

and White’s DMRG procedure. Renormalization proceeds by coarse-graining lattice sites

and truncating the description. DMRG’s success is based on properly identifying the opti-

mal truncation. The key feature of MERA is that it dramatically reduces information loss

due to truncation by eliminating entanglement beforehand [4]. Repeating this entanglement

renormalization procedure generates a hierarchical network, (shown below), where entangle-

ment at different length scales is efficiently described. Within this structure the properties

of quantum critical systems and emergent quantum phenomena are known to be efficiently


In numerical algorithms, it is desirable to calculate correlation functions from the above

network. We are interested in comparing quantities such as < xixj > and < xi >< xj >.

We can leverage our calculus to complete this task by noting that:


(⊕-dots): These dots are Hadamard transforms of the black COPY-dots and hence satisfy

the evident algebraic properties: (i) the spider law (Theorem 22) and so can be merged

into a single dot; (ii) they form a bialgebra with COPY-dots (Section VB); (iii) they

satisfy the Hopf-Law (with trivial antipode — Section VB); (iv) the unit of the ⊕-dot

is |0〉 and its co-unit interaction leads to the familiar compact structure.

(•-dots): These are the COPY-dots we have considered in Sections IVA and IVE which

have all the same properties as above, with unit |+〉.

(AND-dots): AND-dots where defined in Section IVD. These dots correspond to quantum

states that are outside the stabilizer class and, as mentioned, have the following alge-

braic properties: (i) form bialgebras with COPY-dots; (ii) have unit |1〉; (iii) co-unit

interaction that results in a copy-point; (iv) have a fixed point (|0〉); (v) as the dots

form an associative algebra, there is no ambiguity in their merger.

Using the laws we have developed throughout this work, we immediately calculate these

correlation functions. Correlator < xixj > is given in (a) and < xi >< xj > is from two

copies of (b).


We note that this drastic simplification corresponds to exact analytical expressions, and

are independent of length scales and hence the size of the original MERA-network. The

quantum correlations in the (mixed state) networks (a,b) can be studied by examining graph


Remark 39 (Normalisation of the AND-state). We have defined the quantum AND-state as

ψAND = |000〉 + |010〉 + |100〉 + |111〉. We define the corresponding quantum logic tensor as

〈00||0〉+ 〈01||0〉+ 〈10||0〉+ 〈11||1〉 and it’s dual is given by transposition |00〉〈0|+ |01〉〈0|+

|10〉〈0|+ |11〉〈1|


F. SAT and read-once formula

In future work with Stephen Clark and Dieter Jaksch, we will study in detail how the

presented calculus enables one to address Satisfiability and other related problems in terms

of a network contraction. Indeed, the method leads immediately to a method to contract

a function representing a SAT-instance: e.g. if the contraction results in scalar zero, the

function represents a NO instance. See Figure 19.




(a) (b)



FIG. 19. Solving NP-complete problems by contracting a the Categorical Tensor Network. (a) A

SAT-formula realised as a network. (b) contracting the network: if this contraction evaluates to

one the SAT instance is satisfiable and if it evaluates to zero it is not.

Remark 40 (MERA and read-once Boolean formula). The class of Boolean networks that

only allow fan-in (e.g. no bit merging) are known as read-once formula or networks. MERA

is a quantum version of this class (see also Table 20).

Corollary 41 (All read-once formula are SAT YES instances). Using the method described

above for SAT (See Figure 19) it immediately follows that all read-once formula are satisfi-


Corollary 42 (A prescription to realize any read-once quantum state deterministically).

We call the class of read-once Boolean quantum states as those states prepared by read-

once binary networks as given in Figure 14 where fW is a read-once formula and hence

the network generates states encoding the constraint fW = 1 (see Example 30). If fW is a

read-once formula, it corresponds to a fanout only quantum network, and hence this network

represents a deterministic process to realize the physical state corresponding to fW . This

extends to the evident way to quantum read-once states which are exactly the MERA class.

See [17, 20] for more details.



We have presented a solution to the quantum decomposition problem based on a rep-

resentation of quantum states in terms of categorical tensor networks. The expressiveness

and power of this new method was illustrated by considering several test cases: we unveiled

hidden internal structure of MPS states (e.g. W-states) and illustrated the simplification

power of these methods by considering our example applied to MERA-networks. We have

opened up many future potential research directions. For instance, our methods now readily

allow tensor network algorithms (which work by contracting tensors) to solve NP-complete

problems. We conclude by presenting a table (20) which summarizes some of the mathe-

matical structures that are already present in the tensor networks community (and their

corresponding Categories) as well as some mathematical structures that arise as categorical

tensor networks. I have plans to take this aspect of this work further in joint work with John

Baez [21, 35].

Categories Fan-in and Fan-out Only Fan-in

Many Types Symmetric Monoidal Category [14, 36] Symmetric Multicategory

One Type PROP [37] Operad

Switching Networks Fan-in and Fan-out Only Fan-in

Many Types General Switching Networks General Read-once formula

One Type General Boolean Networks [25] Read-once Boolean circuits

Tensor Networks Fan-in and Fan-out Only Fan-in

Many Types Categorical Tensor Networks Tree Tensor Networks

One Type ? MERA Networks

FIG. 20. Table illustrating how the symmetric categories of interest fit together and their cor-

responding classical network, and tensor network. See also the related non-symmetric categories

listed in Table 21.



We thank John Baez, Stephen Clark, Dieter Jaksch and Mike Shulman. JDB received

support from EPSRC grant EP/G003017/1 and completed large parts of this work visiting

the Center for Quantum Technologies, at the National University of Singapore (these visits

were hosted by Vlatko Vedral).

Categories (no symmetry) Fan-in and Fan-out Only Fan-in

Many Types Monoidal Category Multicategory

One Type PRO Planar Operad

FIG. 21. Table of the categories of interest without symmetry.

Appendix A: XOR-algebra

Here we review the concept of an algebraic normal form (ANF) on a boolean polynomial

which is commonly known as PPRMs.

Definition 43. The XOR-algebra forms a commutative ring with presentation M =

{B,∧,⊕} where the following product is called XOR

—⊕— : B× B 7→ B :: (a, b) → a+ b− ab mod 2 (A1)

and conjunction is given as

— ∧— : B× B 7→ B :: (a, b) → a · b. (A2)

One defines left negation ¬— in terms of ⊕ as ¬— ≡

(1⊕—) : B 7→ B :: a→ 1− a. (A3)

In the XOR-algebra, 1-5 hold. 1.) a⊕ 0 = a, 2.) a⊕ 1 = ¬a, 3.) a⊕ a = 0, 4.) a⊕ ¬a = 1

and 5.) a ∨ b = a⊕ b⊕ (a ∧ b). Hence, 0 is the unit of XOR and 1 is the unit of AND. The

5th rule reduces to a ∨ b = a⊕ b whenever a ∧ b = 0, which is the case for disjoint (mod 2)



Definition 44. Any boolean equation may be uniquely expanded to the fixed polarity Reed-

Muller form as:

f(x1, x2, ..., xk) = c0 ⊕ c1xσ11 ⊕ c2x

σ22 ⊕ · · · ⊕ cnx

σnn ⊕

cn+1xσ11 x

σnn ⊕ · · · ⊕ c2k−1x

σ11 x

σ22 , ..., x

σkk , (A4)

where selection variable σi ∈ {0, 1}, literal xσii represents a variable or its negation and any

c term labeled c0 through cj is a binary constant 0 or 1. In Equation A4 only fixed polarity

variables appear such that each is in either un-complemented or complemented form.

Let us now consider derivation of the form from Definition 44. Because of the structure

of the algebra, without loss of generality, one avoids keeping track of indices in the N node

case, by considering the case where N ≡ 2n = 8.

Example 45. The vector c = (c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, )ᵀ represents all possible outputs of

any function f(x1, x2, x3) over the algebra formed from linear extension of Z2×Z2×Z2. We

wish to construct a canonical representation in terms of the vector c, where each ci ∈ {0, 1},

and therefore c is a selection vector that simply represents the output of the function f :

B× B× B → B :: (x1, x2, x3) 7→ f(x1, x2, x3). One may expand f as:

f(x1, x2, x3) = (c0 · ¬x1 · ¬x2 · ¬x3) ∨ (c1 · ¬x1 · ¬x2 · x3) ∨ (c2 · ¬x1 · x2 · ¬x3)

∨(c3 · ¬x1 · x2 · x3) ∨ (c4 · x1 · ¬x2 · ¬x3) ∨ (c5 · x1 · ¬x2 · x3)

∨(c6 · x1 · x2 · ¬x3) ∨ (c7 · x1 · x2 · x3) (A5)

Since each disjunctive term is disjoint the logical OR operation can be replaced with

the logical XOR operation. By making the substitution ¬a = a ⊕ 1 for all variables and

rearranging terms one arrives at the following canonical form:1

f(x1, x2, x3) = c0 ⊕ (c0 ⊕ c4) · x1 ⊕ (c0 ⊕ c2) · x2 ⊕ (c0 ⊕ c1) · x3 ⊕ (c0 ⊕ c2 ⊕ c4 ⊕ c6) · x1 · x2

⊕(c0 ⊕ c1 ⊕ c4 ⊕ c5) · x1 · x3 ⊕ (c0 ⊕ c1 ⊕ c2 ⊕ c3) · x2 · x3

⊕(c0 ⊕ c1 ⊕ c2 ⊕ c3 ⊕ c4 ⊕ c5 ⊕ c6 ⊕ c7) · x1 · x2 · x3 (A6)

1 For instance, ¬x1 · ¬x2 · ¬x3 = (1 ⊕ x1) · (1 ⊕ x2) · (1 ⊕ x3) = (1 ⊕ x1 ⊕ x2 ⊕ x2 · x3) · (1 ⊕ x3) =

1⊕ x1 ⊕ x2 ⊕ x3 ⊕ x1 · x3 ⊕ x2 · x3 ⊕ x1 · x2 · x3.


The set of linearly independent vectors, {x1, x2, x3, x1·x2, x1·x3, x2·x3, x1·x2·x3} combined

with a set of scalars from Equation A6 spans the eight dimensional space of the Hypercube

representing the Algebra. A similar form holds for arbitrary N .

f(x1, x2, x3) = (a1) · x1 ⊕ (a2) · x2 ⊕ (x3) · x3 ⊕ (a1 ⊕ a2 ⊕ a1 ⊕ c2) · x1 · x2

⊕(a1 ⊕ a3 ⊕ a1 ⊕ c3) · x1 · x3 ⊕ (a2 ⊕ a3 ⊕ a2 ⊕ c3) · x2 · x3

⊕(a1 ⊕ a2 ⊕ a3 ⊕ a1 ⊕ a2 ⊕ a3) · x1 · x2 · x3 (A7)

Example 46. The Galois group: of every finite field extension of a finite field is finite and

cyclic; conversely, given a finite field F and a finite cyclic group G, there is a finite field

extension of F whose Galois group is G.

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