all golds business breakfast - women in the boardroom

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Post on 31-Jul-2015



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1. Brought to you by 2. Brought to you by All Golds Business Breakfast 17th April 2015 Elaine Haines Senior Enterprise Partner 3. Brought to you by Companies with Women on Boards Outperform Those Without, or fewer women by 26% Over a six- year period, the share prices of companies with a market capitalization of more than $10 billion, and with female directors, outperformed counterparts with no women on their boards by 26%.* FTSE 500 companies only 25 have female CEOs** Source: *Credit Suisse Research Institute ** Alison Maitland, A Power Shift in the Making, BBVA, 2015 4. Brought to you by An Evolving Picture 2007: Demonstrated a link between a companys performance and the proportion of women serving in its governing body. 2008: Identified the reasons for this performance effect by examining the leadership styles that women leaders typically adopt. 2009: Surveyed 800 business leaders worldwide which confirmed that certain leadership behaviours typically adopted by women are critical to perform well in the post-crisis world. 2010: Provided a focused analysis on how to achieve gender diversity at top management level. Source: McKinsey 5. Brought to you by Further Evidence The Credit Suisse Research Institute examined 2,400 companies worldwide and found in 2012 that investors would fare better holding shares in those with at least one woman on the board Companies displaying greater board gender diversity display excess stock market returns adjusted for sector bias. Companies with more than one woman on the board have returned a compound 3.7% a year over those that have none since 2005. Companies with higher female representation at the board level or in top management exhibit higher returns on equity, higher valuations and also higher pay out ratios. 6. Brought to you by Comparing the performance of best and worst financial outcomes Performance of companies with the highest proportion of women in senior positions compared with the least women in senior positions* Return on Equity higher representation of women results outperformed the least represented by 53% Return on Sales 42% Return on Invested Capital 66% *Source: Catalyst report 2004 7. Brought to you by Diversity Matters, February 2015 McKinsey Top quartile for gender, racial and ethnic diversity are more likely to have financial returns above their national industry medians Bottom quartile companies statistically less likely to achieve above average returns Diversity is probably the competitive differentiator that shifts market share towards more diverse companies over time Source: McKinsey, Diversity Matter, 2015 8. Brought to you by What behaviours contribute to this difference? Board members of gender diverse board believe that they : Add more organisational value through the quality of their decision making; Have chairs that are more effective in several ways; Have directors who act with more integrity; Are more vigilant about the connection between remuneration packages and performance; Require more documentation of roles and responsibilities; Source Insync Surveys: Gender Agenda, 2010 9. Brought to you by Question One Thinking about groups you are part of, what differences do you notice between how decisions are made, and the quality of them, in gender diverse groups, to single gender groups? 10. Brought to you by Sexism in 2015 11. Brought to you by Question Two What does sexism look and sound like? To run like a girl Typical man, doesnt listen What are the most effective ways to deal with sexism when it happens? 12. Brought to you by The Confidence Gap 13. Brought to you by The Confidence Gap 14. Brought to you by #BanBossy 15. Brought to you by Why are women always apologising? 16. Brought to you by How to Lean In According to Sheryl Seek and Speak Your Truth Dont Leave Before You Leave Make Your Partner be a Real Partner Lets Start Talking About It Working Together Towards Equality Sorry, Not Sorry 17. Brought to you by #HeForShe 18. Brought to you by Question Three What can we individually do today, and onwards, to change the future for ourselves, our daughters, sisters and nieces, our brothers, sons, nephews? 19. Brought to you by Our universities are highly sexist institutions. Women are outnumbered and relegated to junior posts. More than 60% of academics are men, and about 80% of professors. Official statistics show that more women are on temporary contracts than men. The Guardian, February 2015 /sexism-women-in-university-academics-feminism