all miskin units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to: To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to: To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to: Evidence Grade P1 show a response to source material through research and practical workshops, recognising obvious possibilities as performance material M1 show considered responses to source material, exploring its more creative possibilities as performance material with insight and attention to detail D1 show a range of detailed responses to source material, in which the possibilities as performance material are explored in a perceptive and comprehensive manner P2 develop and shape workable ideas M2 develop and shape the most workable ideas D2 develop and shape the most creative ideas P3 perform with a level of skill appropriate to the chosen medium showing engagement with the material and communicating ideas to an audience M3 perform with a level of skill that shows a degree of control in the handling of the chosen medium, degree of engagement with the material, communicating ideas to an audience in a focused manner D3 perform with a sense of flair, confidence and assured control of the chosen medium, showing consistent focus and engagement with the material and clear and responsive communication to an audience P4 evaluate the potential of the work in artistic, professional and vocational terms with recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of the work M4 evaluate the potential of the work in artistic, professional and vocational terms with considered judgements about what worked well and/or less well D4 evaluate the potential of the work in artistic, professional and vocational terms with strengths and weaknesses clearly identified and judgements fully justified and thoughtfully expressed Aim and Purpose: This unit allows actors to explore the process of making performance and to experiment with and try out performance ideas in practical workshop situations. Qualification: Name: Project: Unit Title: Performance Workshops (Unit 1) Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date: Miskin Theatre Assignment: Actors should take part in at least two workshop performances. One performance must be of a pre-existing work, for example script, score or choreographic instruction; the other a piece of original work.

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All the units that are available for you to cover are in here for your reference


Page 1: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 show a response to source material through research and practical workshops, recognising obvious possibilities as performance material

M1 show considered responses to source material, exploring its more creative possibilities as performance material with insight and attention to detail

D1 show a range of detailed responses to source material, in which the possibilities as performance material are explored in a perceptive and comprehensive manner

P2 develop and shape workable ideas M2 develop and shape the most workable ideas

D2 develop and shape the most creative ideas

P3 perform with a level of skill appropriate to the chosen medium showing engagement with the material and communicating ideas to an audience

M3 perform with a level of skill that shows a degree of control in the handling of the chosen medium, degree of engagement with the material, communicating ideas to an audience in a focused manner

D3 perform with a sense of flair, confidence and assured control of the chosen medium, showing consistent focus and engagement with the material and clear and responsive communication to an audience

P4 evaluate the potential of the work in artistic, professional and vocational terms with recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of the work

M4 evaluate the potential of the work in artistic, professional and vocational terms with considered judgements about what worked well and/or less well

D4 evaluate the potential of the work in artistic, professional and vocational terms with strengths and weaknesses clearly identified and judgements fully justified and thoughtfully expressed

Aim and Purpose: This unit allows actors to explore the process of making performance and to experiment with and try out performance ideas in practical workshop situations.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Performance Workshops (Unit 1)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors should take part in at least two workshop performances. One performance must be of a pre-existing work, for example script, score or choreographic instruction; the other a piece of original work.

Page 2: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 discuss a variety of employment opportunities and functions in the performing arts

M1 explain in detail a variety of employment opportunities and functions in the performing arts

D1 critically comment on a variety of roles, responsibilities and functions in the performing arts providing explanations of how they interrelate

P2 identify the training requirements and experience for a career path and prepare application material

M2 research the most appropriate training requirements and experience for a career path and prepare suitable application material

D2 research a comprehensive range of training requirements and experience and prepare application material to a professional standard

P3 describe the services provided by a range of organisations in the performing arts

M3 explain the services provided by a range of organisations in the performing arts and how they interrelate with other areas of the industry

D3 critically comment on the services provided by a range of production organisations in the performing arts analysing what they offer and how they interrelate with other areas of the industry

P4 prepare a production budget for a performing arts event that addresses the essential areas of income and expenditure

M4 prepare a production budget for a performing arts event that addresses relevant areas of income and expenditure with realistic figures

D4 prepare a budget for a performing arts event that is comprehensive and accurate based on careful research

P5 describe a range of different methods of funding and financing performing arts events.

M5 explain the different private and public methods of funding and financing performing arts events.

D5 critically comment on various private and public methods of funding and financing performing arts events.

Aim and Purpose: In this unit actors will gain an understanding of how a range of performing arts organisations are managed structurally and financially; they will identify potential employment opportunities within these areas of the performing arts industry.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Performing Arts Business (Unit 3)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 3: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 outline the background context of performance material, providing some research findings

M1 explain the background context of performance material, providing detailed research findings

D1 provide a comprehensive account of the background context of performance material, providing detailed research findings

P2 describe how performance material is contextualised for contemporary use

M2 explain how performance material is contextualised for contemporary use

D2 comprehensively explain how performance material is contextualised for contemporary use

P3 communicate the results of research.

M3 communicate the results of research effectively in an imaginative and coherent manner.

D3 communicate the results of research in an informed, highly articulate and creative manner.

Aim and Purpose: This unit invites actors to appreciate how the performing arts come to be created within a given context. This unit requires the study of a performance piece or genre from any period and exploring its potential for a contemporary audience.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Historical Context of Performance (Unit 4)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 4: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 identify key rehearsal tasks appropriate to the role

M1 describe and prioritise key rehearsal tasks appropriate to the role

D1 explain and prioritise key rehearsal tasks, with insight, foresight and confidence

P2 complete designated rehearsal tasks, so that a valid contribution is made to the rehearsal process

M2 complete designated rehearsal tasks with attention to detail, so that a significant contribution is made to the rehearsal process

D2 complete designated rehearsal tasks with considerable attention to detail, so that an outstanding contribution is made to the rehearsal process

P3 develop and apply research for the role

M3 develop and apply research for the role, employing findings constructively and progressively during the rehearsal process

D3 develop and apply research for the role, employing findings in a constructive, progressive and imaginative way during the rehearsal process

P4 select and use rehearsal and performance skills appropriate to the role

M4 select and employ rehearsal and performance skills appropriate to the role, in an effective, controlled and considered way

D4 select and employ rehearsal and performance skills appropriate to the role, demonstrating strong command and insight

P5 develop and improve rehearsal and performance skills in response to feedback.

M5 demonstrate commitment to the development and improvement of rehearsal and performance skills with positive and constructive responses to feedback.

D5 demonstrate outstanding commitment to the development and improvement of rehearsal and performance skills, with detailed responses to feedback.

Aim and Purpose: The purpose of this unit is to enable actors to gain experience of rehearsal methodologies, processes and techniques, and to encourage them to apply these when rehearsing towards a public performance.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Rehearsing for Performance (Unit 5)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 5: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 apply the required performance skills appropriately, with some attention to detail

M1 apply the required performance skills in a controlled and considered way

D1 apply the required performance skills showing a strong command of these skills, handled with confidence, ease and fluency

P2 present an interpretation of a role that is considered, logical and consistent

M2 present an interpretation of a role that is thoughtfully and carefully considered, showing creativity and spontaneity

D2 present an interpretation of a role showing energy, commitment, insight and confidence, making a significant impression in the overall performance

P3 perform a role, communicating meaning to an audience

M3 perform a role, communicating meaning to an audience in an integrated, responsive way, maintaining focus and engagement with the work and audience

D3 perform a role, communicating meaning to an audience with consistent focus and engagement, showing imagination, flair and commitment to the work

P4 demonstrate self-discipline during the performance process.

M4 demonstrate consistent self-discipline during the performance process.

D4 demonstrate a high standard of self-discipline throughout the performance process.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to give actors experience of performing a role as part of an ensemble presenting rehearsed work to a live audience in an appropriate vocational setting.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Performing to an Audience (Unit 7)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 6: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 respond to a range of stimuli, revealing creative ideas

M1 respond to a range of stimuli, revealing awareness of their suitability for devising and performance

D1 respond to a range of stimuli with imagination, revealing a clear and creative grasp of their suitability for devising and performance

P2 develop chosen ideas and materials for devising

M2 develop chosen ideas for devising, using insight and imagination to demonstrate a detailed response

D2 develop chosen ideas and materials for devising in a perceptive and comprehensive manner, demonstrating a thoroughly considered, insightful response

P3 demonstrate cooperation with other members of the company, making contributions to the group process

M3 demonstrate cooperation with other members of the company in the devising process, making useful contributions

D3 demonstrate a high degree of positive cooperation with other members of the company in all aspects of the process

P4 develop devised performance through rehearsal, with support and guidance

M4 develop devised performance through rehearsal, with minimum support and guidance

D4 develop devised performance through rehearsal, with thoroughly imaginative and independent application

P5 perform a devised theatre piece that communicates ideas to an audience.

M5 perform a devised theatre piece that accurately communicates its intentions to an audience and shows awareness of its style.

D5 perform a devised theatre piece that accurately communicates its style and intentions, fully engaging with the audience.

Aim and Purpose: Actors will be creating pieces of performance and writing from practical drama workshop activities. Actors will develop skills and techniques for generating performance material.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Devising Plays (Unit 9)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors should devise a play lasting between 15-30 minutes.

Page 7: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 describe ideas for a TIE project that meet the educational needs of the targeted audience

M1 explain the suitability of ideas for a TIE project that meets the educational needs of the target audience

D1 analyse and justify ideas for a TIE project that meets the educational needs of the target audience

P2 develop ideas for a TIE project that would entertain and educate

M2 develop ideas for a TIE project that would entertain and educate with skill and confidence

D2 develop ideas for a TIE project that would entertain and educate with flair and imagination

P3 apply organisational skills competently

M3 apply organisational skills efficiently

D3 apply organisational skills with foresight and attention to detail

P4 apply performance and/or production skills competently.

M4 apply performance and/or production skills confidently and proficiently.

D4 apply performance and/or production skills with flair and imagination.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to equip actors with appropriate skills to create, publicise and perform in a theatre in education (TIE) project.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Theatre in Education (Unit 10)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 8: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 describe the suitability of material for a children’s audience

M1 explain the potential and suitability of material for a children’s audience

D1 analyse appropriate material for children’s theatre, with creative ideas for developing its potential

P2 develop and shape material for children’s theatre responding to ideas offered

M2 actively shape and develop material for children’s theatre, offering creative, realistic and appropriate ideas

D2 shape with commitment the material for children’s theatre, showing an appreciation of what can be effective and appropriate for performance

P3 perform a role in a piece of theatre for children using performance or production skills competently.

M3 perform a role in a piece of theatre for children using performance or production skills confidently.

D3 perform a role in a piece of theatre for children using performance or production skills with confidence, interpretation and flair.

Aim and Purpose: This unit allows actors to explore and develop material for children’s theatre, applying drama, dance and music skills in the creation of a suitable piece of theatre for a target age group.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Theatre for Children ( Unit 11)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 9: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 discuss the social, historical and cultural background of classical roles

M1 explain the social, historical and cultural background of classical roles

D1 analyse the social, historical and cultural background of classical roles

P2 use research and analysis to develop performance style of classical roles in rehearsals

M2 apply skilful responses to research and analysis in rehearsal

D2 apply imaginative, disciplined and skilful responses to research and analysis in rehearsal

P3 develop contrasting classical roles through rehearsal with tutor support

M3 develop two contrasting classical roles through rehearsal with some tutor support

D3 develop imaginative and creative interpretations of two contrasting classical roles through self-disciplined approaches to rehearsal

P4 perform classical texts using appropriate vocal and movement skills to communicate the role.

M4 perform classical texts using appropriate vocal and movement skills in a considered way, to communicate the role confidently.

D4 perform classical texts using appropriate vocal and movement skills to communicate the character creatively, inventively and assuredly.

Aim and Purpose: This unit develops the techniques required to enable actors to deliver classical play-texts in performance. It deals with the historic background to the texts as well as the structure and style of heightened language.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Classical Theatre Performance (Unit 12)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors will be assessed in the performance of two classical texts. Where a performance is a solo speech it should last approximately two minutes. Performance of a scene or extract should last approximately five minutes.

Page 10: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 research contemporary texts to provide ideas for their interpretation

M1 research contemporary texts, selecting features for their interpretation

D1 research contemporary texts, selecting detailed features for their interpretation

P2 realise characters and meet demands of the texts in relation to the interpretations

M2 realise characters with skill and imagination, meeting the demands of the texts in relation to the interpretations

D2 realise characters with discipline, skill and imagination, meeting the demands of the texts in relation to the interpretation

P3 develop performance through rehearsal, with guidance

M3 develop performance through rehearsal, with independent application of direction and creative autonomy

D3 develop performance through rehearsal, with imaginative and independent direction and highly creative autonomy

P4 perform roles from contrasting contemporary texts, showing differences in characterisation.

M4 perform roles from contrasting contemporary texts, showing effective and distinctive differences in characterisation.

D4 perform roles from contrasting contemporary texts, showing expressive and imaginative differences in characterisation.

Aim and Purpose: This unit looks at the movements in dramatic writing from 1930 to the present with specific interest in how they may be interpreted and performed. The application of modern acting techniques such as those developed by Stanislavski and Brecht allows actors to experiment with performance style.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Contemporary Theatre Performance (Unit 13)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors must work on at least two contrasting texts. The performances may be an extract from the texts, lasting a minimum of 10 minutes each.

Page 11: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 discuss an interpretation and realisation of a role or roles

M1 explain an interpretation and realisation of a role or roles

D1 analyse an interpretation and realisation of a role or roles

P2 use the appropriate skills and techniques with support and guidance

M2 use the appropriate skills and techniques with minimal support and guidance

D2 use the appropriate skills and techniques autonomously

P3 contribute to the rehearsal process maintaining a suitable level of rehearsal discipline

M3 make valuable contributions to the rehearsal process maintaining a high level of rehearsal discipline

D3 contribute significantly to the rehearsal process maintaining a consistently high level of rehearsal discipline

P4 use performing skills competently to create a performance that communicates an interpretation to an audience.

M4 use performing skills effectively to create a performance that communicates a considered interpretation to an audience.

D4 use performing skills confidently to create a performance that communicates a detailed and imaginative interpretation to an audience.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to enable actors to take part in a performance of musical theatre. Actors will rehearse a role (or roles) which require them to use acting, singing and dancing skills in a musical theatre performance.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Musical Theatre Performance (Unit 14)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 12: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 describe different types of variety acts and venues, with examples

M1 explain the nature of different types of variety acts and venues, with reference to relevant examples

D1 analyse the nature of different types of variety acts and venues, supported with well chosen examples

P2 develop ideas and material with support and guidance

M2 develop ideas and material with minimal support and guidance

D2 develop ideas and material independently

P3 use resources and research to shape the material

M3 use resources and research to shape the material, with some attention to detail and with some creative insight

D3 use resources and research to develop ideas in a detailed and creative manner

P4 use appropriate skills and techniques to rehearse material for a variety performance, with support and guidance

M4 use appropriate skills and techniques to rehearse material for a variety performance, with minimal support and guidance

D4 use appropriate skills and techniques to rehearse material for a variety performance independently

P5 use performing skills competently to produce a performance that communicates to an audience, with only occasional lapses of concentration.

M5 use performing skills effectively to produce a performance that is focused and engaged with the material and the audience much of the time.

D5 use performing skills confidently and imaginatively to produce a performance that remains focused and engaged with the material and the audience throughout.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to enable actors to develop and perform an ‘act’ or ‘turn’ as part of a Variety Show. Actors will devise their own material, rehearse it and perform it. The world of the variety performer is, as the term suggests, wide and varied. Variety refers to any type of performance that an audience may find entertaining. The roots of variety lie in the worlds of music hall, circus, cabaret and vaudeville. Variety performers use a range of skills to develop material that they can present to an audience as an act or ‘turn’. Actors will consider the constraints and opportunities presented by different kinds of venues that might include pubs, clubs, cruise ships, holiday camps and street theatre, and media such as radio and television. The unit enables actors to develop performance techniques appropriate to the work of the variety entertainer and to create an individual repertoire. For instance, through this unit, actors may develop comedy material that could be ‘stand up’ or for a routine involving other performers. Alternatively, actors could use pre-existing songs or new material to create a song-and-dance act or deploy techniques such as cross-dressing, acrobatics, ventriloquism, impersonation, mime, illusion or clowning as an integral part of a speciality act. Actors may also consider using other elements such as outlandish props and costumes, puppets and digital technology as possible media within a speciality act. With very few limitations on the form or content of a piece of work, there is tremendous scope in this unit for originality and invention. The very nature of variety lies in the unusual, the different, the bizarre, the alternative and the unconventional. The key for actors is to experiment and test ideas and to find a suitable audience for their own particular brand of entertainment.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Variety Performance (Unit 15)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 13: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 Explain the origins, different uses and types of performance masks

M1 Explain, in detail, the origins, different uses and types of performance masks

D1 Critically comment on the origins, different uses and types of performance masks

P2 Develop mask performance, applying some of the key principles of mask work

M2 Develop mask performance in a responsive way, practically applying a range of the key principles of mask work

D2 Develop mask performance in a highly flexible, imaginative and fully reflective way, practically applying a comprehensive range of the key principles of mask work

P3 Perform in a mask, showing character and meaning that partially communicates with an audience

M3 Perform in a mask, demonstrating that the mask is handled with ingenuity and ease, while communicating character and meaning to an audience

D3 Perform in a mask, showing assuredness and imagination in its handling; the performance will be inventive, embody the character and clearly communicate and respond to an audience

P4 Evaluate the success of practical work making some recommendations for development.

M4 Evaluate the success of practical work making detailed recommendations for development.

D4 Evaluate the success of practical work making detailed, considered and feasible recommendations for development.

Aim and Purpose: This unit explores how actors use and perform with masks; actors will develop techniques used in mask acting through creating and rehearsing performances and then present them to an audience.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Performing with Masks (Unit 16)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors will be assessed in at least one performance, lasting a minimum of five minutes.

Page 14: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 describe the principles of voice production and their association with vocal technique in performance

M1 explain the principles of voice production and their association with vocal technique in performance

D1 analyse the principles of voice production and their association with vocal technique in performance

P2 describe how to maintain a healthy voice

M2 explain how to maintain a healthy voice

D2 analyse how to maintain a healthy voice

P3 participate in voice classes M3 engage in voice classes and demonstrate improvement in vocal technique

D3 engage fully in voice classes and demonstrate significant improvement in vocal technique

P4 contribute to the delivery of voice classes

M4 contribute to the delivery of voice classes demonstrating a considered use of vocal exercises

D4 contribute to the delivery of voice classes demonstrating a considered and effective use of appropriate vocal exercises

P5 demonstrate competently the application of vocal technique in performance.

M5 demonstrate a skilled and confident application of appropriate vocal technique in performance.

D5 demonstrate a comprehensive and fully appropriate application of vocal technique in performance, with confidence, ease and fluency.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to develop actors’ knowledge of the principles of voice production, vocal health and the benefits, to the actor, of regular vocal exercise.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Developing Voice for the Actor (Unit 17)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 15: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 describe the suitability of chosen audition material for audition contexts

M1 explain the suitability of chosen audition material for audition contexts

D1 analyse the suitability of chosen audition material for audition contexts

P2 develop vocal and physical performance technique, responding to character and style of audition text

M2 develop vocal and physical performance technique, showing control and thoughtfulness in response to character and responding to style of audition text

D2 develop vocal and physical performance technique, showing consistent control, physical ease and an imaginative response to character and responding to style of audition text

P3 demonstrate vocal and physical technique in an audition situation.

M3 demonstrate competent vocal and physical technique in an audition situation.

D3 demonstrate effective and confident vocal and physical technique in an audition situation.

Aim and Purpose: This unit equips actors with the planning skills and key acting techniques to deliver effective audition performances for employment in live theatre and filmed media.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Auditions for Actors (Unit 18)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Assessment will take place in at least three audition pieces, two of which must be contrasting.

Page 16: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 interpret and realise texts with an appreciation of performance demands

M1 interpret and realise texts demonstrating a sound appreciation of performance demands

D1 interpret and realise texts demonstrating a thorough appreciation of performance demands

P2 develop material for performance through research, rehearsal and characterisation

M2 develop material for performance through competent use of research, rehearsal and characterisation

D2 develop material for performance through confident and imaginative use of research, rehearsal and characterisation

P3 develop material for performance through confident and imaginative use of research, rehearsal and characterisation

M3 perform demonstrating good control of vocal and movement skills in a thoughtful interpretation of text and character

D3 perform demonstrating vocal and movement skills in an effective and imaginative manner to physically embody character and interpret text with clarity and intelligence

P4 communicate with an audience.

M4 communicate with an audience with clarity.

D4 communicate with an audience with complete focus and engagement.

Aim and Purpose: In this unit actors will study the key principles of acting. These will be explored mainly through practical workshops, tutor-led rehearsals and performances to a live audience.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Principles of Acting (Unit 19)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors should take part in a series of practical workshops. They should rehearse and give at least two performances before an invited audience, to last for between 10 and 20 minutes each.

Page 17: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 develop characterisation as an actor with guidance

M1 develop characterisation as an actor with skill and a degree of imagination

D1 develop characterisation as an actor with skill, insight and imagination

P2 develop and rehearse material using contrasting acting styles with guidance

M2 develop and rehearse material using two contrasting acting styles responding appropriately to direction and demonstrating a degree of creative autonomy

D2 develop and rehearse material using two contrasting acting styles responding imaginatively to the text and demonstrating complete creative autonomy

P3 perform as an actor using contrasting acting styles.

M3 perform as an actor using contrasting acting styles with skill and a degree of imagination.

D3 perform as an actor using contrasting acting styles with focus, engagement and imagination.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is enable actors to develop a range of approaches to acting; they will do this through a study of at least two acting styles drawn from different historical periods, and through planning and producing two contrasting performances of scenes drawn from scripted plays.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Applying Acting Styles (Unit 20)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors should take part in a series of practical workshops. They should rehearse and give at least two performances before an invited audience, to last at least 10 minutes each.

Page 18: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 demonstrate improvisation techniques to create drama

M1 demonstrate improvisation techniques to create imaginative drama

D1 demonstrate improvisation techniques to create inspiring and challenging drama

P2 use improvisation to create drama in response to stimuli

M2 use improvisation to explore a range of stimuli to enable characterisation or role development

D2 use improvisation imaginatively to explore character, role, text or ideas, showing intuition and courage

P3 perform spontaneous or polished improvisation, using appropriate skills of voice, movement and use of space.

M3 perform spontaneous or polished improvisation using appropriate performance skills to engage the audience.

D3 perform using improvisation inventively and confidently to create drama that fully engages the audience.

Aim and Purpose: This unit invites actors to work on dramatic situations without the initial support of a written text. It allows the free exploration of ideas that can be developed into dramatic form to performance level.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Drama Improvisation (Unit 21)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors will be assessed in at least two contrasting improvisations, each lasting a minimum of three minutes, at least one as part of a group.

Page 19: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 identify ways in which performance techniques contribute to radio drama and other audio recordings

M1 describe ways in which performance techniques contribute to a range of radio drama and other audio recordings

D1 critically assess ways in which performance techniques contribute to a range of radio drama and other audio recordings

P2 present solo audio performance work using appropriate vocal skills

M2 present solo audio performance work using a range of appropriate vocal skills, demonstrating some versatility

D2 present solo audio performance work using a wide range of appropriate vocal skills, demonstrating versatility

P3 present ensemble audio performance work using appropriate vocal skills.

M3 present ensemble audio performance work using a range of appropriate vocal skills, demonstrating some versatility.

D3 present ensemble audio performance work using a wide range of appropriate vocal skills, demonstrating versatility.

Aim and Purpose: The focus of the unit is on developing acting and vocal skills for the specialist demands required for solo and ensemble audio performance.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Audio Performance Acting (Unit 22)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors will be assessed on one solo recording lasting a minimum of three minutes, and one group recording lasting a minimum of six minutes.

Page 20: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 use acting skills for the camera that are appropriate to the role

M1 use acting skills for the camera to fulfill the needs of the role

D1 use acting skills for the camera imaginatively and creatively to fully exploit the potential of the role

P2 rehearse and develop work for the camera

M2 recall, rehearse and develop work for the camera through cooperation and commitment

D2 recall, rehearse and develop work for the camera with accuracy, imagination and creativity

P3 perform a role through the medium of film or TV.

M3 perform a role for film or TV with appreciation of the needs of the medium.

D3 perform a role for film or TV that fully exploits the medium.

Aim and Purpose: Acting for the camera is an essential skill for actors who wish to work in the film and television industries. This unit provides opportunities to develop and practise the particular skills required for acting to the camera.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Film and TV Acting (Unit 23)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 21: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 explain the origins and development of mime, recognising key influences in methods and techniques

M1 explain the origins and developments of mime, making clear judgements about key influences, working methods and techniques

D1 analyse the origins and developments of mime, making salient judgements concerning key influences, working methods and techniques

P2 develop individual mime skills, with support and guidance

M2 develop and hone individual mime skills, with minimum support and guidance

D2 perfect individual mime skills, with minimum support and guidance

P3 devise and rehearse one group and one solo piece with support and guidance, using some appropriate skills to communicate meaning to an audience

M3 devise and rehearse one group and one solo piece with minimum support and guidance, using appropriate mime skills and techniques in the development of performances

D3 devise and rehearse one group and one solo piece independently, using advanced mime skills and techniques in the development of the performances

P4 perform one group and one solo piece, communicating with the audience.

M4 perform one group and one solo piece, demonstrating technique and concentration and communicating effectively with the audience.

D4 perform one group and one solo piece, demonstrating a high level of focus and skill and communicating successfully with the audience.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of the unit is to develop actors’ understanding of the historical origins of mime performance, and to develop practical skills and techniques required to perform mime successfully.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: The Performance of Mime (Unit 24)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors will devise two mime pieces: one solo, one group piece to be performed.

Page 22: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 prepare a script for production competently with some support and guidance

M1 prepare a script for production effectively and confidently with minimum support and guidance

D1 meticulously prepare a script for production, demonstrating insight, well-developed ideas and independence

P2 plan the necessary processes for a production competently

M2 plan the necessary processes for a production effectively

D2 plan the necessary processes for a production demonstrating clarity, purpose and insight

P3 conduct a rehearsal process with the production team competently.

M3 conduct a productive rehearsal process with all members of the production team effectively and confidently.

D3 conduct a supportive and creative rehearsal process with all members of the production team.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to enable actors to prepare for and to conduct rehearsals as a theatre director and allow them the opportunity to apply their directorial skills, processes and techniques.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: The Practise of Directing for Theatre (Unit 25)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 23: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 discuss the style and historical production context of two plays from different eras

M1 explain the style and historical production context of two plays from different eras

D1 analyse the style and historical production context of two plays from different eras

P2 discuss the directorial approaches of two practitioners

M2 explain clearly the directorial approaches of two practitioners

D2 analyse the directorial approaches of two practitioners

P3 direct a short performance, demonstrating directorial intentions, methods and style with support and guidance.

M3 direct a short performance, clearly demonstrating directorial intentions, methods and style with minimal support and guidance.

D3 independently direct a short performance, demonstrating directorial intentions, methods and style in a thorough and detailed manner.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to enable actors to understand a range of approaches to theatre directing and to put into practice elements of different directorial styles in their own work for the theatre.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Approaches to Directing for Theatre (Unit 26)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 24: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 discuss the key features and characteristics of different styles of writing

M1 explain the key features and characteristics of different styles of writing using some detailed examples

D1 analyse the key features and characteristics of different styles of writing using detailed examples with insightfulness

P2 research and explore ideas and topics for scripts

M2 research and explore ideas and topics for scripts using a variety of imaginative approaches

D2 research and explore ideas and topics for scripts using imaginative and highly creative analytical approaches

P3 revise ideas to form a working script using script writing skills

M3 revise ideas with creativity to form a working script using script writing skills

D3 continually revise ideas with creativity and independence to form a working script using script writing skills

P4 present a script that is appropriate to the medium

M4 present a script that is sensitive to the medium and communicates meaning

D4 present an original script that is highly appropriate to the medium and effectively communicates meaning

P5 evaluate the success of script writing making some recommendation for development.

M5 evaluate the success of script writing making detailed recommendations for development.

D5 evaluate the success of script writing making detailed, considered and feasible recommendations for development.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to develop actors’ understanding of the process of researching and writing scripts suitable for performance. Actors will explore the features of different mediums and research suitable topics. They will produce scripts and evaluate their effectiveness.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Script Writing (Unit 27)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors should produce two scripts each totalling 10 minutes when performed; the scripts should be written for two different performance mediums.

Page 25: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 show evidence of research into source material used for a story

M1 show evidence of detailed research into source material used for a story

D1 show evidence of comprehensive research into source material used for a story

P2 create a story showing evidence of an attempt at style and structure

M2 create a story showing control over style and structure and a degree of imagination

D2 create a story showing complete control over style and structure with flair and imagination

P3 create a story that shows limited awareness of the needs of the target audience

M3 create a story that shows awareness of the needs of the target audience

D3 create a story that shows complete awareness of the needs of the target audience

P4 demonstrate a degree of control over storytelling techniques

M4 demonstrate control over storytelling techniques, with occasional lapses in consistency

D4 demonstrate full control over storytelling techniques, with complete consistency and confidence

P5 communicate a story, showing limited awareness of how the style is suited to the target audience.

M5 communicate a story, showing awareness of how the style is suited to the target audience.

D5 communicate a story showing complete awareness of how the style is suited to the target audience.

Aim and Purpose: This unit is designed to develop actors’ skills of storytelling as a performance art in its own right.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Storytelling as Performance (Unit 28)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 26: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 describe contemporary stand-up comedy, recognising key influences, methods and techniques

M1 explain contemporary standup comedy, recognising key influences, working methods and techniques

D1 analyse contemporary standup comedy, recognising key influences, working methods and techniques

P2 apply physical, vocal, acting and comedy skills competently when developing performances and in performance

M2 apply physical, vocal, acting and comedy skills competently and with style when developing performances and in performance

D2 apply physical, vocal, acting and comedy skills with ease, lack of inhibition and presence when developing performances and in performance

P3 develop and shape ideas and materials in practical comedy workshops, with guidance and support

M3 develop and shape ideas and materials in practical comedy workshops, with minimum guidance and support

D3 develop and shape ideas and materials in practical comedy workshops independently

P4 perform stand-up comedy, demonstrating appropriate creative skills with discernible focus, concentration and commitment.

M4 perform stand-up comedy, clearly demonstrating integrated creative skills with positive focus, concentration and commitment.

D4 perform stand-up comedy, demonstrating the flexible application of a high level of integrated creative skills, focus, concentration and commitment.

Aim and Purpose: This unit will enable actors to study the techniques of past performers and to develop the necessary performance skills and comic techniques to perform stand-up routines themselves.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Stand Up Comic Technique (Unit 29)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors should take part in at least two stand-up comedy routines, each lasting 2-3 minutes.

Page 27: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 perform technical exercises M1 perform technical exercises competently

D1 perform technical exercises with confidence and attention to detail

P2 show improvement in vocal technique

M2 show marked improvement in vocal technique

D2 show considerable improvement in vocal technique

P3 sing back musical phrases M3 sing back musical phrases demonstrating a good ear for pitch and rhythm

D3 sing back musical phrases accurately and confidently

P4 take part in rehearsals of musical material

M4 take part in rehearsals of musical material responding to direction appropriately

D4 take part in rehearsals of musical material responding to direction and working with confidence and attention to detail

P5 perform sung musical material in character using physical and vocal expression.

M5 perform sung musical material in character with confident use of physical and vocal expression.

D5 perform sung musical material in character with imaginative and inventive use of physical and vocal expression.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to enable actors whose primary performance discipline is acting or dance to develop their singing skills. Actors will be introduced to a range of different styles of singing and will rehearse and sing a number of different songs.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Singing Skills for Actors and Dancers (Unit 30)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 28: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 discuss at least two areas in the history and development of clowning

M1 explain at least two areas in the history and development of clowning, with references to key influences

D1 analyse at least two areas in the history and development of clowning, with references to key influences and how the development of clowning has influenced current practise

P2 create a clown persona, including consideration of the way the clown looks and acts

M2 create a clown persona, including thoughtful consideration of the way the clown looks and acts

D2 create a clown persona, including detailed justified consideration of the way the clown looks and acts

P3 apply clowning skills in the development of a clown sketch, with support and direction

M3 apply clowning skills in the development of a clown sketch, with minimal support and direction

D3 apply clowning skills in the development of a clown sketch, with independence and a sense of clarity and flair

P4 perform or present a clown sketch in front of an audience.

M4 perform or present a clown sketch in front of an audience and maintain a clown style throughout.

D4 perform or present a clown sketch in front of an audience and maintain a clown style throughout, demonstrating skilled ability with working an audience, inventiveness of material and believable clown persona.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to give actors the opportunity to explore the history of clowning and the tools to develop their own style. They will learn how to create clown routines, clown styles, rehearse and perform for an audience.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Developing Styles in Clowning (Unit 31)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 29: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 explain contemporary developments of physical theatre recognising key features, influences and working methods

M1 explain contemporary developments of physical theatre making clear and considered judgements about key features, influences, and working methods

D1 analyse contemporary developments of physical theatre fully justifying all judgements concerning key features, influences and working methods

P2 demonstrate the use of physical theatre skills in performance

M2 apply physical theatre skills with confidence and style in performance

D2 apply physical theatre skills with ease, confidence and fluency in performance

P3 respond to stimulus material, recognising performance possibilities

M3 demonstrate considered responses to stimulus material, recognising performance possibilities

D3 demonstrate responses to stimulus material, showing insight and full awareness of performance possibilities

P4 use ideas, resources, research and materials to find and shape an appropriate form.

M4 develop ideas, resources, research and materials, imaginatively shaping them in an appropriate form.

D4 develop ideas, resources, research and materials indicating the possibilities for performance, in a perceptive and comprehensive manner.

Aim and Purpose:In this unit actors will gain an understanding of the skills and techniques of physical theatre, its key practitioners and styles and their role in contemporary performing arts.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Devloping Physical Theatre (Unit 32)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors must take part in two physical theatre demonstrations, each lasting a minimum of five minutes.

Page 30: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 use physical theatre skills to explore text for performance

M1 use physical theatre skills imaginatively to explore text for performance

D1 use and experiment with physical theatre skills to fully explore text for performance

P2 apply physical theatre skills in rehearsal to develop a role/character

M2 apply physical theatre skills in rehearsal to develop a role/character with sensitivity, creativity and commitment

D2 apply physical theatre skills in rehearsal to develop a role/character with sensitivity, highly developed creativity and imagination

P3 perform a physical theatre role/character that communicates an appropriate interpretation to an audience.

M3 perform a physical theatre role/character that fully communicates the intentions of the interpretation.

D3 perform a physical theatre role/character that makes a significant and imaginative contribution to the interpretation.

Aim and Purpose: Actors will explore and develop physical theatre forms and techniques, applying them in a performance to an audience.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Applying Physical Theatre (Unit 33)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Actors must present a finished piece lasting a minimum of 20 minutes.

Page 31: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 show development in strength, suppleness and stamina for acrobatic training

M1 show sustained development in strength, suppleness and stamina for acrobatics

D1 show sustained developments and a professional approach to developing in strength, suppleness and stamina for acrobatics

P2 apply safe practice with some guidance

M2 apply safe practice with minimum guidance

D2 apply safe practice with complete independence

P3 demonstrate tumbling and acrobalance skills

M3 demonstrate tumbling and acrobalance skills showing confidence and control

D3 demonstrate complex tumbling and acrobalance skills with complete confidence and fluidity

P4 explore spatial and physical awareness in application of acrobatic skills

M4 explore spatial and physical awareness in application of acrobatic skills with relative ease

D4 explore spatial and physical awareness in application of acrobatic skills with ease and a developed artistic sensibility

P5 select acrobatic skills to create and rehearse a performance routine

M5 select acrobatic skills to create and rehearse a creative performance routine with some character and/or theme

D5 independently select acrobatic skills to create and rehearse an inventive performance piece, with a developed sense of character and/or theme

P6 perform in front of an audience with few errors, maintaining focus at most times.

M6 perform competently in front of an audience, maintaining control and focus at all times.

D6 perform in front of an audience, demonstrating flow and ease, with complete control of the skills, material and audience.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to enable actors to develop knowledge of the technical and artistic skills required to create and perform circus acrobatics.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Circus Acrobatics (Unit 34)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 32: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 show development in strength, suppleness and stamina for aerial training

M1 show sustained development in strength, suppleness and stamina for aerial training

D1 show sustained developments and a professional approach to developing in strength, suppleness and stamina for aerial training

P2 apply safe practice with some guidance

M2 apply safe practice with minimum guidance

D2 apply safe practise with complete independence

P3 demonstrate aerial skills on a range of aerial equipment

M3 demonstrate aerial skills on a range of aerial equipment showing confidence and control

D3 demonstrate complex aerial skills on a range of aerial equipment with complete confidence and fluidity

P4 explore spatial and physical awareness in application of aerial skills in a competent manner

M4 explore spatial and physical awareness in application of aerial skills with relative ease

D4 explore spatial and physical awareness in application of aerial skills with ease and a developed artistic sensibility

P5 select aerial skills to create and rehearse a performance routine

M5 select aerial skills to create and rehearse a creative performance routine with some character and/or theme

D5 independently select aerial skills to create and rehearse an inventive performance piece, with a developed sense of character and/or theme

P6 perform in front of an audience with few errors, maintaining focus at most times.

M6 perform competently in front of an audience, maintaining control and focus at all times.

D6 perform in front of an audience, demonstrating flow and ease, with complete control of the skills, material and audience.

Aim and Purpose:The aim of this unit is to develop the technical and artistic skills required to create and perform circus aerial skills; actors will explore how to create a routine that has performance qualities and artistic value.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Circus Aerial (Unit 35)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

There should be at least two performances lasting at least three minutes each. Each performance should contain at least six manoeuvres.

Page 33: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 apply safe practice when selecting and using equilibristic equipment with guidance

M1 apply safe practice when selecting and using equilibristic equipment, with minimum guidance

D1 apply safe practice when selecting and using equilibristic equipment, with complete independence

P2 demonstrate equilibristic skills, maintaining balance at most times, with guidance

M2 demonstrate equilibristic skills with a degree of confidence and control by sustaining balance, with minimum guidance

D2 demonstrate complex equilibristic skills independently with complete confidence, showing a sense of ease and control

P3 select equilibristic equipment and skills to create and rehearse a performance with guidance

M3 select equilibristic equipment and skills to develop a creative performance piece with minimum guidance

D3 independently select equilibristic equipment and skills in the development of an inventive performance piece, with a sense of character or theme

P4 perform in front of an audience using equilibristic equipment and skills with few errors, maintaining focus at most times.

M4 perform competently in front of an audience using equilibristic equipment and skills, maintaining control and focus at all times.

D4 perform in front of an audience using equilibristic equipment and skills, demonstrating flow and ease, with complete control of the skills, material and audience.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to develop actors’ technical and artistic skills that are required to create and perform equilibristics skills.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Circus Equilibristics (Unit 36)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

There should be at least two creative performances in which each actor contributes approximately three minutes of performance time using at least two pieces of equilibristics equipment.

Page 34: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 set targets and develop a disciplined approach to achieving them, with guidance

M1 set targets and develop a disciplined approach, with minimum guidance

D1 set targets and develop a disciplined approach, with complete independence and professionalism

P2 manipulate at least three different skills, with guidance

M2 manipulate at least three objects, with minimum guidance

D2 manipulate at least three objects, with a real sense of ease with complete independence and professionalism

P3 select manipulation skills to create and rehearse a performance, with guidance

M3 select manipulation skills to develop a creative performance piece, with minimum guidance

D3 display a professional approach in selecting manipulation skills in the development of an inventive performance piece, with a sense of character or theme

P4 perform in front of an audience using manipulation equipment and skills with few errors, maintaining focus most of the time.

M4 perform competently in front of an audience using manipulation equipment and skills, maintaining control and focus at all times.

D4 perform in front of an audience using manipulation equipment and skills, demonstrating flow and ease, with complete focus and control of the skills, material and audience.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to develop the technical and artistic skills required to create and perform circus manipulation skills.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Circus Manipulation (Unit 37)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Each actor will be assessed on at least two creative performances, lasting a minimum of three minutes in which they incorporate at least three different manipulation skills.

Page 35: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 describe the structure of the main bones, joints and muscles in the human body

M1 explain the function of the skeletal and muscular systems

D1 assess how a knowledge of the skeletal and muscular systems can help in the training of a performer

P2 describe the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems within the human body

M2 explain the link between circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems in exercise and performance

D2 assess how a knowledge of the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems can help in the training of a performer

P3 devise a programme for improving strength, flexibility and stamina, taking into account the appropriate training principles and safe practice

M3 implement the programme applying safe practice in all exercises

D3 implement the conditioning programme evaluating how it helped overall fitness and wellbeing and how safe practice was implemented

P4 keep a self-assessment record of individual levels of ability and performance

M4 keep a self-assessment record of individual levels of ability and performance which analyses own strengths and weaknesses

D4 keep a self-assessment record of individual levels of ability and performance which analyses own strengths and weaknesses and suggests strategies for improvement

P5 describe how three common injuries may occur in the studio

M5 explain how three common injuries may occur in the studio and the appropriate treatment for each injury

D5 explain the appropriate treatment for a range of types of injury which may occur in the studio and how they could have been prevented

P6 describe the main food groups of a balanced diet.

M6 explain why the chosen food groups make up a balanced diet.

D6 assess the importance of a balanced diet for the performer.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is enable actors to gain knowledge of the structure and function of the human body, focusing on the lifestyle and health of the performer.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: The Healthy Performer (Unit 42)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 36: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 execute movement actions M1 execute movement actions with a sense of competence and control

D1 execute movement actions accurately with confidence and attention to detail

P2 apply spatial awareness to movement work

M2 apply spatial awareness to movement work with consideration

D2 apply spatial awareness to movement work with assurance and effectiveness

P3 demonstrate application of dynamic principles

M3 demonstrate a considered application of dynamic principles

D3 demonstrate application of dynamic principles with confidence and imagination

P4 demonstrate use of relationships in movement.

M4 demonstrate appropriate use of relationships in movement.

D4 demonstrate effective and imaginative use of relationships in movement.

Aim and Purpose: This unit is about the mechanics of movement. It deals with each component in detail with the emphasis on process rather than performance.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Developing Movement Skills (Unit 49)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 37: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 respond to a stimulus and explore possibilities as performance material

M1 show a considered response to a stimulus and demonstrate exploration of this as performance material

D1 show a detailed response to a stimulus and demonstrate thorough and perceptive exploration of this as performance material

P2 reproduce movement phrases showing evidence of movement memory

M2 reproduce movement phrases accurately, showing competent use of movement memory

D2 reproduce movement phrases with attention to detail, accuracy and assured confidence

P3 attend workshops and rehearsals with evidence of responding to instruction and contributing ideas

M3 attend workshops and rehearsals regularly with evidence of effective response to instruction and appropriate contribution of ideas

D3 fully engage in the rehearsal process, responding consistently well to instruction and providing a valuable contribution of ideas

P4 make links between rehearsal process and performance by suitably adjusting and correcting the work

M4 make thoughtful links between rehearsal process and performance by successfully refining and adjusting work

D4 make significant links between rehearsal process and performance by refining and adjusting the work with skill and expertise

P5 perform a role, showing control of appropriate physical qualities with competence in communicating a character, mood or intention to an audience

M5 perform a role, showing a command of movement skills that accurately conveys the character, mood or intention of the material

D5 perform a role showing a confident command of movement skills with a real sense of style; the character, mood and/or intention is communicated with ease

P6 provide an evaluation of the performance in which obvious judgements are made and commented on regarding strengths and weaknesses.

M6 provide a considered evaluation of the performance in which clear judgements are made regarding strengths and weaknesses.

D6 provide a detailed evaluation of the performance in which judgements are fully justified and there is evidence of analysis regarding strengths and weaknesses.

Aim and Purpose: This unit is about utilising movement skills in performance situations. It is designed for both actors and dancers with the emphasis on practical work.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Movement in Performance (Unit 50)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 38: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 respond to a stimulus and explore possibilities as performance material

M1 show a considered response to a stimulus and demonstrate exploration of this as performance material

D1 show a detailed response to a stimulus and demonstrate thorough and perceptive exploration of this as performance material

P2 reproduce movement phrases showing evidence of movement memory

M2 reproduce movement phrases accurately, showing competent use of movement memory

D2 reproduce movement phrases with attention to detail, accuracy and assured confidence

P3 attend workshops and rehearsals with evidence of responding to instruction and contributing ideas

M3 attend workshops and rehearsals regularly with evidence of effective response to instruction and appropriate contribution of ideas

D3 fully engage in the rehearsal process, responding consistently well to instruction and providing a valuable contribution of ideas

P4 make links between rehearsal process and performance by suitably adjusting and correcting the work

M4 make thoughtful links between rehearsal process and performance by successfully refining and adjusting work

D4 make significant links between rehearsal process and performance by refining and adjusting the work with skill and expertise

P5 perform a role, showing control of appropriate physical qualities with competence in communicating a character, mood or intention to an audience

M5 perform a role, showing a command of movement skills that accurately conveys the character, mood or intention of the material

D5 perform a role showing a confident command of movement skills with a real sense of style; the character, mood and/or intention is communicated with ease

P6 provide an evaluation of the performance in which obvious judgements are made and commented on regarding strengths and weaknesses.

M6 provide a considered evaluation of the performance in which clear judgements are made regarding strengths and weaknesses.

D6 provide a detailed evaluation of the performance in which judgements are fully justified and there is evidence of analysis regarding strengths and weaknesses.

Aim and Purpose:This unit is about utilising movement skills in performance situations. It is designed for both actors and dancers with the emphasis on practical work.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Exploring Contact Improvisation (Unit 53)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 39: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 discuss how vocal exercises can contribute to the development and maintenance of vocal technique

M1 explain how vocal exercises can contribute to the development and maintenance of vocal technique with reference to own practice regime

D1 analyse how vocal exercises can contribute to the development and maintenance of vocal technique with detailed reference to own practice regime

P2 follow a regular practice routine

M2 follow a regular practice routine competently

D2 follow a regular practice routine efficiently and with attention to detail

P3 sing at sight using staff notation

M3 sing at sight using staff notation competently

D3 sing at sight using staff notation accurately and confidently

P4 perform an individual vocal line as a member of a group

M4 perform an individual vocal line as a member of a group competently

D4 perform an individual vocal line as a member of a group with confidence and flair

P5 design a programme of songs M5 design a programme of songs taking into account the own vocal ability

D5 design a balanced programme of songs taking full account of the needs of the intended audience, the performance space and own vocal ability

P6 perform a programme of songs.

M6 perform a programme of songs competently.

D6 perform a programme of songs with confidence and flair.

Aim and Purpose: This unit encourages the development and maintenance of the voice through regular and sustained practice. Singing at sight is also introduced and developed through the realisation of elementary vocal lines. The unit can be delivered through any vocal style and material presented and studied can be selected to suit the needs of the singer.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Singing Techniques & Performance (Unit 101)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 40: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 outline the nature of site specific performance, with some examples

M1 explain the nature of site specific performance, with reference to relevant examples

D1 analyse the nature of site specific performance, supported with well-chosen examples

P2 carry out a risk assessment of the selected site with support and guidance

M2 carry out a risk assessment of the selected site with minimal support and guidance

D2 carry out a risk assessment of the selected site autonomously

P3 list the conditions of use and any restrictions imposed on the use of the site

M3 list the conditions of use and explain why these and any restrictions on the use of the site have been imposed

D3 produce a detailed analysis of the conditions and any restrictions that apply to the usage of the site

P4 provide workable ideas and suitable research findings

M4 provide ideas and research findings that are mostly an appropriate and creative response to the site-specific requirements of the project

D4 provide consistently detailed and appropriate ideas and research findings that are a positive and creative response to the site-specific requirements of the project

P5 use appropriate skills competently to produce actions associated with the role that make a useful contribution to the work.

M5 use appropriate skills confidently so that the actions associated with the role during the site-specific performance make some impact on the effectiveness of the work.

D5 use skills imaginatively and with considerable attention to detail so that the actions associated with the role during the site-specific performance make a notable impact upon the overall quality of the work.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to enable actors to make a performance piece in response to a particular location, building and/or environment. This unit focuses the application of devising, designing, performing, administrative and/or production skills on the creation of work for non-conventional performance spaces.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Site-Specific Performance (Unit 102)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment:

Page 41: All Miskin Units

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the actor is able to:

Evidence Grade

P1 identify own vocal characteristics and plan an individual vocal development programme

M1 describe own vocal characteristics in some detail and plan a carefully considered individual vocal development programme

D1 analyse own vocal characteristics and plan a carefully considered and well structured individual vocal development programme

P2 carry out an individual vocal development programme and comment on progress made

M2 carry out an individual vocal development programme with commitment and reflect, in detail, on progress made

D2 carry out an individual vocal development programme with full commitment and analyse progress made

P3 demonstrate application of vocal technique in response to different performance styles

M3 demonstrate a considered application of vocal technique in response to different performance styles

D3 demonstrate a considered, wholly appropriate and effective application of vocal technique in response to a range of material requiring different performance styles

P4 apply competent vocal technique in performance.

M4 apply vocal technique in performance with confidence and commitment.

D4 apply vocal technique in performance, with energy and imagination.

Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to enable actors to devise and implement their own unique vocal development programme and apply their technique to a range of texts in class and in performance.

Qualification: Name:

Project: Unit Title: Voice and the Actor (Unit 103)

Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall Grade Achieved: Date:

Miskin Theatre Assignment: