all saints parish magazine august september 2012

The Parish of All Saints Wokingham August August Sept. Sept. 2012 2012 £1.00

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The Magazine of the Parish of All Saints in Wokingham


Page 1: All Saints Parish Magazine August September 2012

The Parish of All Saints Wokingham

AugustAugust Sept.Sept.

20122012 £1.00

Page 2: All Saints Parish Magazine August September 2012
Page 3: All Saints Parish Magazine August September 2012


By  the   me  you  are  reading  this  magazine  there   will  be  a  splendid  array  of  “solar  panels”  on  the  roof of  The  Cornerstone;  quietly  providing  us  with  clean electricity  and  reducing  its  “carbon  footprint”.  A  huge thank  you  to  all  who  donated  so  generously  both  in money  and  in   me  and  effort  to  make  this  happen.

In  September  once  again  this  year  as  a  church  we  will  celebrate  the  season  of  Crea on me.  This  is  a   me  when  our  worship  together  as  a  community  is  focussed  on  God  as  the  Creator  and  Sustainer.  We  praise  God  for  all  the  blessings  in  crea on  and  also  reflect  on  our  responsibili es  as  co -creators  with  God.

This  year  Churches  Together  in  Britain  and  Ireland  encourage  us  to  take  as  our  par cular  theme:  “Sustainable  Energy”.  It’s  a  theme  we  can  be  proud  to  have  taken  ac on  on  already,  with  our  new  solar  panels  in  place!  

It  happens  that  2012  is  the  United  Na ons  Year  of  Sustainable  Energy  for  All.  There  is  an  inspiring  and  ambi ous  target  of  giving  the  whole  world  reliable,  clean  energy  by  2030.  Currently  1  in  5  people  live  with  no  access  to  electricity  at  all,  and  twice  as  many  as  that  number  rely  on  burning  anything  from  wood  to  animal  excrement  for  hea ng  and  cooking.  

As  we  know  this  theme  isn’t  restricted  to  the  developing  world.  The  whole  world  needs  to  move  away  from  reliance  on  fossil  fuels  towards  renewable  energy  sources,  with  increased  efficiency  and  lower  consump on.

Chris ans  need  not  only  to  be  aware  of  these  issues  but  also  to  lead  by  example.  We  need  to  know  what  we  can  do  to  care  for  the  earth  and  also  care  for  the  poor  who  lack  energy.

So  this  year  during  Crea on me  we  join  in  with  a  theme  that  churches  across  the  country  will  be  exploring.    We  will  also  learn  more  about  the  posi ve  benefits  our  new  solar  panels  will  bring,  as  the  sun  shines  in  September!

David  Hodgson

From the Rector — August September 2012

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Notes  from  the  PCC  Mee ng,  July  4th  2012 There  were  a  fair  number  of  decisions  to  be  made  at  July’s  PCC:

We  are  beginning  to  develop  a  number  of  goals  for  the  church  community   –  this  is  something  we  plan  to  share  at  the  next  Leadership  Forum.

We  have  adver sed  in  the  Church  Times  for  a  Director  of  Music  and  we  have  a  number  of  candidates.

Regarding  Solar  panels  we  have  decided  to  go  with  Southern  Solar  who  offered  a  higher  spec  and  be er  performance  of  photovoltaic  array  –  thus  saving  more  carbon.    It  was  the  more  expensive  of  the  two  but  the  ‘economies’  of  the  other  supplier  were  not  realis c.    It  is  very  unlikely  we  will  get  a  grant  in   me  even  though  we  were  shortlisted  to  the  last  20  (10  grants  are  available).

The  Youth  work  leaders  applica ons  were  due  to  close  on  July  5 th  –  we  have  received  4  applica ons;  these  will  be  reviewed  and  interviews  will  take  place  on  Sunday  July  15th.

Dingley,   a   local   group   which   does   great   work   in   helping   severely   handi-­‐capped  children  in  schools,  was  approved  as  the  Junior  Church  charity  for  the  coming  term.

There  was   a   discussion   on   2013   fees   –   lots   of   discussions   on   flowers  and  

vergers! We  had  a  Health  &  Safety  update  based  on  two  recent  incidents  which  led  

us  to  ensure  that  hirers  have  their  own  liability  insurance  and  that  they  understand  what   is   required   as   part   of   a   private   hire   from  our   side.    There  was  also  a  risk  assessment  update:  the  major  risks  relate  to  how  we  plan  for  succession  planning  within  the  church.

There  was  a  discussion  on  repairing  the  stained  glass  window   (East  Wing)  

related  to  whether  we  charge  people  living  on  church  land  who  should  be  responsible  for  chancel  repairs.    It’s  pre y  complicated  but  suffice  to  say  we  decided  to  fix  the  window  and  not  charge  those  living  in  proper-­‐es  who  may  be  liable  for  chancel  repairs.

There  was  an  update  on  the  Deanery  Synod:

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Please  leave  items  for  publica on  in  the  Magazine  tray  in  the  Parish  Office  or  email  directly  to  the  editor  on  or  before  the  Copy  Date  please.    Contribu ons  can  be  typed,  handwri en,  or  e-mailed.

All  Saints  PCC  Wokingham  is  a   Regis tered  Charity,  No.  1127585

Editor: Andrew  McKenna   (977  3812) Email:  [email protected]

Distribu on: Sheila  Longley (978  4193)  

Adver sements: Andrew  McKenna (977  3812)

Colla on: Sheila  Longley  &  team (978  4193)  

Copy Date for October: Sept 16th, 2012

Collation: Sept 28th, 2012


Parish  Share  –  Deanery  will  bear  a  3%  increase;  parishes  will  be  advised. Rev  Richard  Lamey  has  been  appointed  as  the  new  Rector  of  St  Pauls  

(currently  based  in  Chester). Churches  Together  in  Wokingham  –  there  is  currently  no  chairperson  

and  the  majority  of  people  have  le  by  rota  this  Summer.  There  will  be  a  mee ng  on  July  5th  to  sort  this  out.

So,  as  ever,  there  were  plenty  of  topics  to  discuss.  Please  con nue  to  pray  for  the  PCC  that  we  might  know  God’s  wisdom  in  all  our  discussions.

Peter  Barre

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Parish  Clergy Rector The  Revd.  Canon  David  Hodgson 979  2999 Associa te  Pries t The  Revd.  Caroline  Kramer 979  9956 Honorary  Asst.  Curate The  Revd.  Colin  James 978  1515 Honorary  Asst.  Curate The  Revd.  Helen  Charlton 978  9153 Church  Wardens John  Smith 979  0948   Katherine  Hugge 07834450819   Vacancy — Parish  Administrator Jo  Asplin 979  2797 Children  and  Youth Safeguarding  Co-ordina tor and  Children’s  Advocate Margaret  Ragge 979  2797 Crèche  Leader   Rachel  Garlish 978  2602 Junior  Church  Co-ordina tor     Harriet  Swinyard 962  9313 Youth  Church  Contacts: Robert  Vacher,  Susan  Westgate 979  2797 Friday  Night  Youth  Drop -In (FDI)  Contacts: Katherine  Hugge ,  John  Smith 979  2797 Worship  and  Music Director  of  Mus ic  (inc.  Choir)     David  Rance 979  2797 Music  Group  Leader   Gail  Houghton 979  2797 Head  Server     Rachel  Knowles 979  4736 Deputy  Head  Server Ruth  Smith 978  7065 Bible  Readers’  rota   Joyce  Baldry 978  8506 Tower  Foreman     John  Harrison 978  5520 Flower  Guild  Chairman Lucille  Taylor 978  6847   Worship  Rota  and Prayer  Lists  Co-ordina tor       Revd  Colin  James 978  1515 Lay  Co-Chair  of Transforming  Worship Liz  Rippon 978  0455 Parochial  Church  Council   PCC  Secreta ry   David  A tkinson 979  7911 Deputy  PCC  Secretary   Jo  Robinson 978  9730 PCC  Treasurer     Stephen  Smith 979  4407 Deputy  PCC  Treasurer   John  A lp 979  2797

Clergy and Officers

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The  Parish  Office  (0118  979  2797),  in  the  Cornerstone,  can  be  contacted  about  church  rela ted  issues  (Bap sms,  Marriages,  F unerals ).  It  is  open  on  Tuesday,  Wednesday  and  Friday  from  9.30  am  to  1.00  pm  and  for  urgent  ma ers  or  by  te lephone  on  Monday  and  Thursday  from  10.00  am  to  12.00  noon.   e-mail:   [email protected]

Posta l  address:   The  Parish  Office,  Norreys  Avenue,  Wokingham  RG40  1UE

All  Saints  website:   www.allsaintswokingham.

The  Cornerstone: For  room  bookings  and  general  enquiries  please  phone 0118  979  7778.    Adminis tra tor  Monica  Mar n  is  in  the  office:  Monday  2 -5pm,  Tuesday  12.15 -4.30pm,  Wednesday  2 -5.30pm,  Thursday  1.45   -  6.00pm.   e-mail:  [email protected]

PCC  Treasurer’s  Team     Margaret  Hawkins 962  9792 Dickon  Snell 978  1044

Stewardship  Co-ordina tor     Jo  Robinson 978  9730 Gi  Aid  Co-ordinator                 Peter  Whi aker 978  6225 Stewardship  Recorder           Jim  Creech 377  4194 Electoral  Roll  Officer               Joyce  Baldry 978  8506 Leadership  Forum  Convenor Liz  Rippon   978  0455   Asst.  Stewardship  Recorder and  Asst.  Gi  Aid  Coordina tor Chris  Westga te 979  2797   Pastoral  Care  contacts Home  Communion   Barbara  Smith 979  4407 Healing  Prayer  Group     Jack  Hayley 978  3939 Pastoral  Ca re Jo  Robinson 978  9730 Bereavement  Care Sarah  Boylan 979  2797 Bap sms,  Weddings,  Funerals   Parish  Office 979  2797 Churchyard  Steward     John  Smith 979  0948 Transporta on   Susan  Westgate 977  1041 Clergy  available  days: David All  days  except  Thursday Caroline All  days  except  F riday Colin Mon  to  Wed,  Sa t,  Sun.                                                                         Helen Usua lly  Tues.  and  Sun.

Clergy and Officers

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Worship at All Saints

Services  at  All  Saints'  Church  embrace  a  wide  range  of  formats.  An  outline  is  given  below  but  for  details  and  informa on  about  occasional  serv ices,  see  the  weekly  leaflet.

Sunday  Services

 8.00  a.m. Holy  Communion.  A  said  service  with  a  brief  address  us ing  the  tradi onal  language  version  of  the    Common  Worship    Order  One  Eucharist.

9.30  a.m. Parish  Communion.  The  service  is  sung,  with  hymns,  and  follows  Common  Worship  O rder  One  Eucharist.  Children  a re  catered  for  in  the  Crèche  and  Junior  Church.  The  last  Sunday  in  the  month  is  Parish  Communion  for  the  Whole  Church  and  o en  includes  Parade,  children  are  present  throughout,  and  contribute  to  the  worship. Prayer  for  Hea ling  with  Laying  on  of  Hands  is  offered  regula rly  at  certain  Pa rish  Communion  services  (see  dia ry). Coffee  is  served  a er  the  service  and  this  is  the  weekly  'socia l  gathering'  of  the  Cong rega on.  Please  come  and  meet  us  there  if  you  are  a  v isitor  to  the  church  or  would  like  to  get  to  know  us  be er.

11.00  a.m. (1st  Sunday)  Family  Service The  service  is  simple  with  songs,  prayers  and  a  ta lk  for  children.    Everyone  is  inv ited  but  especially  parents  and  children. If  you  ever  worry  tha t  your  children  are  too  noisy  for  Church,  this  is  the  place  to  try!

11.15  a.m. (2nd  S unday)  Holy  Communion A    said  service  us ing  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer.

11.00  a.m. (3rd  Sunday)  Family  Service

11.15  a.m. (Some  4th  Sundays) Ma ns  using  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer,  usually  sung  and  including  a  sermon.

6.30  p.m. (1st  -  3rd  Sundays) Evensong  us ing  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer  with  sermon. Chora l  Evensong  is  sung  usually  on  the  first  S unday  of  each  month.

(An  alte rna ve  form  of  worship  on  4th  &  5th  Sundays;  and  Se rvices  of  Healing)

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Weekday  Services Morning  and  Evening  Prayer  a re  said,  using  Common    Worship  Daily  Prayer,  a t  9.00  a.m.  and  5.00  p.m.  each  day  from  Monday  to  Saturday.

All  may,  and  a re  encouraged,  to  a end.    These  services  may  be  led  by  a  Priest  or  members  of  the  La ity.

Holy  Communion  is  celebrated  as  follows:

Monday 9.30  a.m. (Common  Worship  O rder  One) Tuesday 9.30  a.m. (Common  Worship  O rder  One  with  short  address,   followed  by  coffee) Wednesday 10.00  a.m. (Simple  form  of  Common  Worship  Order  One  and   short  address  (par cularly  for  parents  and  child  minders   of  babies  and  pre -school  children) Friday   in  va rious  Res iden al  Homes

Major  fes vals  are  also  marked  by  addi ona l  celebra ons  of  Holy  Communion. Please  see  the  Parish  Diary  elsewhere  in  the  magazine,  or  see  our  Serv ices  leaflet.


Home  Communion:  If    anyone    knows  of  a    housebound    pa rishioner,  either   temporarily  or  long  term,  who  would  like  to  receive  Holy  Communion,  please   contact  the  Parish  Office  (979  2797).

Confirma on,  Welcome  or  Growth  Groups: Anyone  interested  in  confirma on,  a  refresher  course,  or  lea rning  about  the   Chris an  faith  is  invited  to  join  one  of  the  Eureka!  g roups  or  a  confirma on   course  -  contact  Barbara  Smith  on  979  4407.

Bap sms:  a re  usua lly  conducted  a t  a  special  a ernoon  service  on  the  last  Sunday  of   each  month;  or  occasionally  in  Sunday  morning  services  if  requested.  Bap sms   can  be  booked  via  the  Parish  Office  (979  2797). Wedding  Book ings:  Clergy  are  available  in  the  Cornerstone  on  Monday  from  6.30  pm   -  7.30  pm  and  on  Saturday  from  10.30  am   -  11.30  am  on  an  appointment  bas is.   Please  book  via  the  Parish  Office  (979  2797).

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Our  Summer  workshop  was  a  great  success  and  everyone  who  came  enjoyed  crea ng  the  parallel    arrangement.  Thank  you  to  Kate  Thomas  who  demonstrated  the  design  and  guided  us  throughout  the  morning  with  her  exper se  and  advice.


Thursday  August  23rd  at  7.30pm  in  Church Pew-ends  provide  a  glowing  welcome  for  guests  .  The  flowers  will  last  well  because  they  are  fixed  into  wet  foam.  Have  you  ever  thought  how  they  are  created? We  will  be  arranging  pew-ends  on  the  above  date,  if  you  can  help  or  just  wish  to  watch  how  they  are  arranged,  please  contact  me . Next  Flower  Guild  Mee ng  Tuesday  September  4th  

at  8pm  in  the  Cornerstone Please  come  and  enjoy  a  chat  over  a  glass  of  wine  and  nibbles.  Kate  Thomas    will  be  demonstra ng  how  to  arrange  Main  Pedestal.    New  comers  always  welcome.

Friday  September  28th  from  9.30am     Decora ng  the  Church  for  Harvest  Fes val.

Flowers  in  Church  during  August  and  September August  5th  Mrs  P  Gilbey,  Mrs  K  Maund    PG   August  12th  Mrs  V  Briault,  Mrs  E  Draper,  Mrs  M  Whitaker  VB

Dates for your Diary

Flower Guild

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August  19th   Mrs  S  Anderson,   Mrs  S  Watson     GJ August  26th   Mrs  L  Taylor,   Mrs  G  Houghton          LT September  2nd  Mrs  A  Welch,   Miss  B  Branson   LT September  9th  Mrs  J  Mellor,   Mrs  G  Jones             GJ September  16th  Mrs  M  Holden,  Mrs  L  Ha             SB September  23rd  Mrs  J  Alp,   Miss  E  Mellor               VB September  30th    HARVEST  FESTIVAL  (also  see  pg.                                                        

Lucille  Taylor

SUMMER  WEDDING  QUIZ   (Answers  pg.32)

As  many  weddings  are  arranged  in  summer,  here’s  a  quiz  about  weddings,  marriage,  and  brides.  Biblical  clues  are  odd  numbers,  secular  ones  even

1. How  many  bridesmaids,  both  wise  and  foolish,  are  there  in  the  story  

Jesus  told?  (Ma  25,1-2) 2. St  Bride’s  church  is  in  which  famous  London  street? 3. Where  was  the  wedding  that  featured  Jesus’  first  miracle? 4. Which  Scots  village  is  famous  for  runaway  weddings? 5. Which  Bible  book  has  frequent  references  to,  ”my  sister,  my  bride”? 6. Which  word,  previously  used  as  part  of  a  woman’s  wedding  vows,  is  

now  usually  omi ed? 7. Which  Bible  book  tells  of,  ”the  wedding  supper  of  the  Lamb”? 8. Who  wrote  the  opera,  ”The  Marriage  of  Figaro”? 9. Jesus  taught  about  marriage  that  what  God  has  joined….can  you  

complete  this?  (Ma  19,6) 10. Elsa  Lanchester  played  the   tle  role  in  which  film  with  the  by -line,  ”the  

monster  demands  a  mate”?

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In  the  last  few  months,  MU  ar cles  have  focussed  on  na onal  and  interna onal  campaigns.    There  is  also  much  happening  locally. On  Sunday  26th  August,  The  Mothers’  Union  will  be  holding  their  quarterly  cake  stall  along  with  the  informa on  table  and  sale  of  gree ngs  cards  and  other  sundry  items,  which  happens  on  the  last  Sunday  of  every  month.    Do  please  support  us  if  you  can.    Proceeds  will  go  to  ‘Away  From  It  All’  which  funds  holidays  for  families  who  would  benefit  from   me  away  together  but  are  unable  to  finance  it.    The  fund  for  Oxford  diocese  is  administered  locally  and  the  extracts  from  ‘thank  you’  le ers  that  have  been  shared  at  deanery  mee ngs  le  us  in  no  doubt  about  the  value  of  this  outreach.    Any  money  we  collect  that  is  not  required  for  holidays  this  year  will  be  carried  forward  for  use  next  year. For  many  years  now,  our  branch  has  supplied  and  distributed  the  bap sm  anniversary  cards  to  all  those  who  were  bap sed  at  All  Saints  in  the  previous  3  years.    The  MU  produces  a rac ve  cards  for  this  purpose  and  members  willingly  distribute  the  cards  every  month.    In  addi on,  we  are  now  a ending  the  11am  Sunday  service  on  the  first  Sunday  of  each  month,  when  anyone  celebra ng  their  ‘Bap sm  birthday’  is  invited  up  and  receives  their  card  at  the  end  of  the  service;  we  also  distribute  invita ons  to  the  services  to  those  who  will  receive  a  card. These  are  2  long-term  projects.    We  are  always  looking  for  new  projects  to  undertake  –  we  are  a  project  based  organisa on  commi ed  to  both  fund -raising  and  ac vely  suppor ng  families!    We  are  always  very  keen  to  recruit  new  members:  we  do  not  adopt  a  ‘hard  sell’  approach  to  increasing  our  membership.    However,  we  are  aware  that  with  a  few  more  members  able  to  share  the  load,  we  would  be  able  to  commit  to  more  projects.   Corporate  Communion  will  con nue  in  August,  but  there  will  be  no  branch  mee ng.    (upcoming  dates  con nued  next  page)

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Our  mee ng  on  26th  September  will  be  a  talk  by  Katherine  Hugge  on  her  trip  last  summer  holiday  to  Borneo  as  part  of  the  World  Challenge  undertaken  by  The  Forest  School.    Katherine  has  spoken  before  on  a  previous  world  challenge  trip  and  we  are  delighted  she  has  agreed  to  talk  again.    This  should  be  of  interest  to  anyone  who  enjoys  hearing  about  foreign  travels  and  also  anyone  with  children  who  may  be  considering  a  similar  trip.    Do  come  along  on  the  26 th  if  you  can  –  visitors  very  welcome. . More  informa on  on  The  Mothers  Union’s  work  worldwide  can  be  found  on  the  website    For  branch  informa on  or  a  li  to  mee ngs,  please  call  Valerie  (978  7363)  or  Mary  (978  2678).   Tues  14th  August                   9.30am Corporate  Communion. Sunday  26th  August       a er  9.30 MU  stall  in  The  Cornerstone                 service Tues  11th  September       9.30am Corporate  Communion. Wed  26th  September       7.45  for Branch  mee ng  –  Borneo  talk                                                        

    8pm by  Katherine  Hugge

THE  CHILDREN’S  ACTIVITY  TABLE We  are  hoping  to  have  several  Sunday  Ac vity  Tables  in  the  Cornerstone  following  the  9.30am  service  during  the  autumn.  The  first  one  will  be  on  Sunday  9 th  September.  Please  see  weekly  leaflet  for  other  dates.   We  always  look  forward  to  seeing  all  the  children.

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All Saints’ Church Fellowship

Everybody  is  most  welcome  to  Fellowship  mee ngs  usually  held  on  the  third  Wednesday  each  month  at  7.45pm  for  7.55pm  in  the  Cornerstone  De  Vitre  Room.  The  cost  to  visitors  is  £1.50  which  includes  coffee  and  if  you  have  any  queries  about  Fellowship  please  contact  Leader  Diana  Clifford  9792614 WED.  SEPT.19th    Unfortunately  Mrs.  Lenney  who  was  to  be  our  speaker for  this  mee ng  has  had  an  accident.  We  wish  her  a  very  speedy  recovery  and  hope  that  she  will  be  able  to  pay  us  a  visit  some me  next  year.  As  yet  we  have  not  another  speaker  but  please  see  weekly  leaflet  for  details


N.B.  We  are  hoping  to  have  a  Cake  Stall  in  the  Cornerstone  following  the  9.30am  service  on  Sunday  7 th  October.  Thi s  will  be  in  aid  of  our  charity  for  this  year  which  is  STAGE  FRIGHT. WED.  OCT.17th          THE    HISTORY  OF  MAGIC  with  Mr.  Keith  Churcher  –  a  member  of  Inner  Magic  Circle. WED.  NOV.  21st      Hold  on  to  your  seats  as  we  are  going  AROUND  THE  WORLD  IN  SIXTY  MINUTES  with  Mr.  David  Grainger.  Talk  and  slides. WED.19th  DEC.  CHRISTMAS  GET  TOGETHER  with  prayer  &  Bible  reading  for  Christmas,  plus  fun  quiz  and  light  finger  supper. 2013 WED.  16th  JAN.            A.G.M  .  Following  the  evening  business  we  are  delighted  that  Mrs.  Anne  King  will  be  telling  us  about  her  visit  to  Buckingham  Palace  when  she  received  her  MBE.

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Remember  the  previous  Barn  Dances?  Well,  we  are  going  to  have  another  this  year  –  on  Saturday  20th  October.   As  before,  we  will  have  a  bring-and-share  supper  and  some  great  dancing.  We  have  the  same  band  (but  a  different  caller)  as  last   me  and   ckets  cost  the  same:  £8  for  an  adult  and  £2  for  a  child,  or  a  maximum  of  £20  for  a  family.   We  have  also  changed  the   me  a  bit  to  make  it  easier  for  children  –  we  will  start  dancing  at  6  pm  and  finish  at  10pm.  We  will  eat  at  about  8pm.   Tickets  on  sale  from  September  from  Harriet  Swinyard  ([email protected]  or  0118  962  9313)  or  Anne  King  ([email protected]  or  07768  923608)  or  a er  most  9.30  services.

Please  buy  them  soon  –  as  there  is  only  a  limited  number  available  to  ensure  there  is  room  for  dancing.

Anne  King


                   Farewell  quarter  peal

The  quarter  peal  that  we  rang  before  the  even-­‐ing  service  on  Sunday  15th  July  was  dedicated  

to  Richard  Woodward,  who  is  leaving  Wokingham  to  live  in  Bournmouth.    Rich-­‐ard  is  the  third  longest  serving  member  of  the  current  band,  having  been  elect-­‐ed  in  1982.    During  his   me  here,  he  has  served  twice  as  a  tower  officer   –  he  did  a  year  as  Deputy  Foreman  in  1987,  and  three  years  as  Secretary  in  2005-2007. The  day  a er  the  quarter  peal,  following  a  shortened  early  prac ce,  we  took  Richard  and  Jill  out  for  a  meal,  and  presented  him  with  a  framed  print  of  the  church  where  he  has  rung  for  the  last  thirty  years.    We  wish  him  well  in  his  re-­‐rement,  and  as  he  makes  new  friends,  both  ringing  and  non -ringing,  in  his  new  

home. John  Harrison

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Parish Diary - August 2012

Sunday 5 Trinity  9 08.00am Holy  Communion   09.30am Parish  Communion   11.15am Family  Service

06.30pm Said  Evensong Sunday 12 Trinity  10 08.00am Holy  Communion   09.30am Parish  Communion   11.15am ***  No  Service  ***

06.30pm Said  Evensong Sunday 19 Trinity  11 08.00am Holy  Communion 09.30am Parish  Communion  (Lay  on  Hands) 11.15am Family  Service

06.30pm Said  Evensong Sunday 26 Trinity  12 08.00am Holy  Communion   09.30am Parish  Communion  (not  Whole  Church) 11.15am ***  No  Service  *** 06.30pm Evening  Prayer

**  No  Choir  in  August

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Music List August Sept. 2012

Sunday Trinity  9  -  5th  August Org Service Eucharist:    Archer   -  St  Mark's  Se ng DJ Hymns Service Said  Evensong --- Sunday Trinity  10  -  12th  August Service Eucharist:    Archer   -  St  Mark's  Se ng LA Hymns Service Said  Evensong --- Sunday Trinity  11  -  19th  August Service Eucharist  (Healing):    Archer   -  St  Mark's  Se ng LA Hymns Service Said  Evensong --- Sunday Trinity  12  -  26th  August Service Eucharist:    Archer   -  St  Mark's  Se ng LA Hymns Service Evening  Prayer --- Sunday Trinity  13  -  Crea on me  begins   -  2nd  September Service Eucharist:    Archer   -  St  Mark's  Se ng LA Hymns Service Evening  Prayer --- Sunday Trinity  14  -  Crea on me  2  -  9th  September Service Eucharist:    Archer   -  St  Mark's  Se ng DAR Anthem If  ye  love  me  -  Thomas  Tallis Choir  Hymn 68  HON Final  Voluntary Cortège  -  Vierne/Duruflé

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Music List August Sept. 2012 Org

Service Choral  Ev ensong   DAR Introit If  ye  lov e  me   -  Thomas  Tallis Responses Bertalot Psalm 119,  vv.  41   -  56 Canticles Sumsion  in  G Anthem They  that  go  down  to  the  sea  in  sh ips   -  Sumsion Final  Vo luntary Fiat  Lux   -  Théodore  Dubois Sunday Trinit y  15   -  Creationtime  3   -  16th  Sept ember Service Eucharist  (Healing):    Archer   -  St  Mark's  Setting DAR Psalm 116,  vv1   -  8 Anthem The  Call   -  Richard  L loyd Choir  Hymn 263a  HON Final  Vo luntary Scherzo   -  Eugène  Gigout

Service Sung  Evensong:    Fer ial  Responses  (McKie  Amen) DAR Psalm 119,  vv73   -  88 Canticles Magnificat  &  Nunc  Dimittis:    Set  4 Anthem Judge  et ernal   -  Malcolm  Archer Final  Vo luntary Short  Prelude  &  Fugue  in  B  flat  (BWV  560)   -  J  S  Bach Sunday Trinit y  16   -  Creationtime  4   -  23rd  September DAR Service Eucharist:    Archer   -  St.  Mark's  Setting Anthem Blessed  are  the  pure  in  heart   -  Malco lm  Archer Choir  Hymn 249a  HON Final  Vo luntary Humoresque  (L'Organo  Primitivo)   -  Pietro  Yon

Service Said  Ev ensong  with  piano --- Sunday   Trinit y  17   -  Harv est  Festival   -  30th  Sept ember Service Whole  Church  Communion DAR Anthem For  the  beaut y  of  the  earth   -  John  Rutter Final  Vo luntary A  Song  of  Sunshine   -  Alfred  Hollins Service Choral  Eucharist  at  18.30 DAR Setting Missa  B revis   -  G  P  da  Palestrina Anthem Before  the  end ing  of  the  day   -  Malco lm  Archer Final  Vo luntary Fugue  in  E  flat  "St  Anne"  (BWV  552)   -  J  S  Bach

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As  many  of  our  readers  will  be  aware,  I  was  privileged  to  be  interviewed  by  the  BBC,  along  with  my  brother’s  grandson,  on  the  occasion  of  the  dedica on  and  unveiling,  by  the  Queen,  of  the  Bomber  Command  Memorial  in  Green  Park,  London  on  28th  June.  I  was  represen ng  the  veterans  of  war me  Bomber  Com-­‐mand  and  my  great  nephew,  Richard,  was  the  Standard  Bearer  of  his  tornado  Squadron,  no.15,  with  which  he  has  seen  ac ve  service  in  Afghanistan  in  recent  years. The  occasion  was  very  poignant  as  the  magnificent  memorial  not  only  com-­‐memorates  the  lives  of  the  55,573  Bomber  Command  crew  members  who  lost  their  lives  during  the  war  but  also  those  in  the  other  services  and  the  thousands  of  civilians  who  were  killed  as  a  result  of  bombing  in  this  country  and  in  Europe.  To  acknowledge  that  it  was  not  only  members  of  the  services  who  died  during  the  bombing  offensives  but  also  defenceless  civilians,  has  been  in  itself,  an  act  of  reconcilia on.  This  was  emphasised  by  the  fact  that  several  dignitaries  of  the  German  ci es  that  were  bombed  were  present  at  the  dedica on  of  the  Memo-­‐rial. The  other  strong  feeling  of  emo on  that  was  prevalent  at  the  unveiling,  par cu-­‐larly  among  the  veterans  of  Bomber  Command,  was  that  it  was  67  years  a er  the  end  of  the  war,  before  a  permanent  na onal  memorial  had  at  last  been  built  to  commemorate  the  sacrifice  made  by  their  fallen  comrades. The  reason  for  this  was,  it  is  believed,  that  par cularly  during  final  months  of  the  war,  there  had  been  a  public  outcry  about  the  policy  of  area  bombing  which  had  been  decided  upon  by  the  Government,  under  Sir  Winston  Churchill,  and  given  as  a  part  of  the  strategy  to  be  performed  by  Bomber  Command,  under  the  command  of  its  commander  Sir  Arthur  Harris.  From  my  own  experience,  as  a  pilot  in  Bomber  Command,  we  were  sent  on  many  sor es  that  were  aimed  at  specific  targets  which  had  a  definite  military  or  industrial  objec ve  and  not  al-­‐

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ways  of  area  bombing  nature.  The  fact  that  these  ‘legi mate’  targets,  par cu-­‐larly  the  industrial  ones,  were  o en  surrounded  by  a  populated  area  meant  that  civilian  casual es  were  inevitable.  It  has  to  be  remembered  that,  not  that  I  be-­‐lieve  in  the  philosophy  of  ‘an  eye  for  an  eye  and  a  tooth  for  a  tooth’,  our  coun-­‐try  and  those  in  Europe  had  suffered  from  the  ruthless  bombardment  of  our  ci es  by  the  German  Lu waffe  at  the  cost  o f  thousands  of  lives.  Sir  Arthur  Har-­‐ris  is  said  to  have  quoted  from  Hosea  (8:7),  “For  they  sow  the  wind,  and  they  shall  reap  the  whirlwind”. The  fact  that  once  it  was  agreed  that  an  appropriate  memorial  should  be  built  in  London  to  commemorate  those  55,753  crew  members  of  Bomber  Command  who  gave  their  lives,  the  public  support  which  was  given  to  the  project,  at  the  cost  of  some  £6,000,000,  was  evidence  that  the  public  a tude  towards  the  bombing  policy  had  now  changed  and    they  were  now  reconciled  to  the  need  for  a  permanent  na onal  memorial.  There  was  no  financial  support  from  the  government. Sir  Michael  Beetham,  President  of  the  Bomber  Command  Associa on,  which  was  responsible  for  seeing  the  whole  project  to  its  comple on,  had  this  to  say,  “This  Memorial  you  see  before  you  is  both  worthy  and  appropriate.  It  recognis-­‐es  the  past,  embraces  the  present  and  it  will  inform  genera ons  to  come  of  the  cost  of  war  and  the  price  of  freedom”.   We  thank  God  for  the  peace  and  establishment  of  a  common  purpose  between  the  countries  of  Europe.  We  pray  for  economic  stability  amongst  those  na ons,  and  for  peace  and  unity  between  all  the  peoples  of  the  world. Jack  Hayley (Members  of  the  Group  are  Gill  Allen,  Maggie  Bateman,  Jack  Hayley,  Mary  Hughes,  Ann  Penn,  Rosemary  Stumer,  Joan  Thomason,  and      Joan  Wa s) Please  let  us  know  of  any  need  for  healing  prayer  support.  Confiden ality  is  as-­‐sured The  Laying  on  of  Hands  will  be  made  available  at  the  Parish  Communion  on  Sun-­‐day  19th  August.  The  next  Healing  Service  will  be  held  on  Sunday30th  Septem-­‐ber  at  6.30  pm.

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The  Great  Bri sh  Summer  is  back  again!  I  hope  you  have  all  enjoyed  the  Dia-­‐mond  Jubilee  celebra ons,  despite  the  rain.  We  have  much  to  be  grateful  for  in  this  country,  from  Her  Majesty  the  Queen  to  the  humble  rain!   Harvest  Fes val  will  be  here  again  sooner  than  we  think.  Each  year  we  make  and  distribute  flower  posies/arrangements  to  the  local  care  homes,  elderly  members  of  the  congrega on,  the  sick  and  housebound,  home  communicants  and  those  bereaved  during  the  past  year.  Each  year  our  request  for  help  is  so  generously  responded  to  by  many  of  you.  I  hope  this  year  is  no  excep on.  As  for  previous  years,  I  would  like  to  say  an  enormous  thank  you;  we  could  not  achieve  it  without  your  fabulous  support.  The  results  are  enjoyed  by  many  and  can  be  truly  upli ing  for  those  who  may  be  experiencing  a  par cularly  difficult   me.  Please  partake  in  any  small  way  you  feel  able.   DONATIONS:   Thank  you  for  your  monetary  dona ons  in  previous  years.  Your  generosity  means  we  already  have  sufficient  funds  for  this  year’s  posies.   Addi onally,  we  usually  request  small,  round  clear  plas c  containers,  without  lids,  of  the  sort  used  by  the  supermarkets  to  put  fresh  olives  in  (with  no  wri ng  on).  Your  generosity  again  last  year  has  le  us  with  sufficient  for  this  year.  How-­‐ever,  if  you  have  already  saved  any,  please  donate  them  to  me.  I  will  store  them  at  church  for  next  year.  (Please  could  I  request  you  contact  me  in  September  when  you  can  hand  them  to  me  at  church  or  I  can  call  to  collect  them?)   However,  we  do  s ll  need  some  dona ons: Perhaps  you  can  provide  some  greenery  or  berries  from  your  garden  (for  small  arrangements)  on  the  morning  of  Saturday  29th  September?  Just  bring  them  to  the  South  Hall/back  door  of  the  Cornerstone  about  9am  on  the  day. ASSISTANCE  REQUIRED: We  are  also  looking  for  assistance  on  Saturday  morning  the  29th  September  to  make  small  flower  arrangements.  You  do  not  even  need  to  be  a  flower  arrang-­‐er  or  an  expert  and  the  junior  children  are  welcome  to  get  involved  too,  though  

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we  do  ask  that  you  accompany  them.  All  flowers  will  be  provided,  but  greenery  and  berries  suitable  for  small  arrangements  would  be  greatly  appreciated.  If  you  could  also  bring  a  pair  of  secateurs  /  scissors  with  which  you  can  cut  the  greenery,  it  would  also  help.  This  year  we  are  arranging  the  posies  in  the  South  Hall  of  the  Cornerstone  (as  there  is  a  wedding  at  12:30pm  and  we  need  to  keep  the  church  clear!).  You  are  welcome  to  pop  in  for  half  an  hour  or  as  long  as  you  like!  We  are  there  from  approximately  9am  to  12noon.  Please  do  turn  up,  we  are  short  of    people  to  assist. A er  the  Harvest  Fes val,  we  are  very  much  in  need  of  firm  offers  of  help  from  volunteers  on  Monday  morning  1st  October  from  9am,  who  can  assist  in  di s-­‐tribu ng  the  flowers  to  a  number  of  addresses  in  the  local  neighbourhood .  Please  meet  at  church  and  maps  will  be  provided  if  necessary.  It  helps  if  you  have  the  use  of  a  car.  We  aim  for  each  person  to  deliver  no  more  than  about  6  or  8  arrangements  in  a  similar  locality  but  obviously,  the  more  volunteers  we  have,  the  fewer  deliveries  per  person!  Deliver  as  few  or  as  many  as  you  like.  They  are  all  with  small  cards  which  have  been  pre -wri en  and  all  that  needs  to  be  said  is  “With  compliments  from  All  Saints  Church,  Wokingham”  or  you  are  welcome  to  let  them  know  they  are  in  our  thoughts  and  prayers.  If  they  are  not  in,  they  can  be  le  on  the  doorstep.  It  is  not  an  onerous  task  and  it  is  o en  a  delight  to  receive  some  of  the  responses  first  hand.  Please  don’t  be  shy  about  coming  forward! Finally,  can  I  say  a  big  thank  you  once  again,  to  all  those  who  assist  in  any  way  with  our  harve st  offerings,  whether  it  be  once  in  a  while  or  consistently  each  year,  whether  it  be  through  spiritual  support  through  prayer  or  physical  sup-­‐port  over  the  harvest  fe s val  weekend,  it  really  helps  to  make  a  difference  to  those  who  most  need  to  know  we  care.   With  gra tude,  as  always,

 Sue  James   (TEL:  0118  9784339)

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The  Lady  Painter  and  Decorator

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Wokingham  Job  Support  Centre  are  gearing  themselves  up  for  their  20 th  Anni-­‐versary  Celebra ons  in  2012  having  first  opened  its  doors  on  the  4 th  December  1992  at  The  Ritz  Business  Centre,  Wokingham  and  in  that   me  has  supported  over  7000  clients  in  their  search  for  employment.   WJSC  is  dedicated  to  offering  FREE  support  and  guidance  to  unemployed  people  living  in  the  Wokingham  Borough  (over  19).        It  provides  a  highly  professional  service  including: 1  to  1  Advisor  Support CV  wri ng Interview  techniques/skills/mock Career  Matching  programme Microso  office  /  Internet  access Prin ng/telephone/Newspapers CV  Workshops  have  also  become  an  integral  part  of  the  services  that  WJSC  offer.    They  are  run  every  3  –  4  weeks  from  10:30  –  12:00pm  at  The  Corner-­‐stone  and  incorporate  presenta ons  on  subjects  such  as;  Why  you  need  a  CV,    How  to  create  an  effec ve  CV,  Covering  le ers  and  much  more.    Contact  us  to  book  yourself  a  place. A  few  kind  words  from  some  of  our  successful  clients: “Please  extend  my  thanks  to  everyone  at  WJSC  for  helping  me  find  work.  I  was  

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struggling  to  get  anywhere  on  my  own  and  felt  really  isolated,  but  once  I  had  been  put  in  touch  with  you,  had  my  CV  reviewed  and  my  job  search  techniques  improved,  I  quickly  started  ge ng  results,  and  am  now  three  weeks  into  a  job  I  absolutely  love”. “During  an  extremely  difficult   me  in  my  life,  you  were  able  to  give  me  the  hope  and  techniques  I  needed  in  a  professional  and  friendly  way.   Just  having  somewhere  to  go  every  day  was  invaluable  in  keeping  my  mo va on  up.    I  wish  you  all  the  best  for  the  future.  You  are  a  fantas c  resource  and  I  wish  more  people  knew  about  it”.

Please  do  come  along  to  The  Cornerstone,  Norreys  Avenue,  Wokingham,  RG40  1UE  or  call  Nicola/Helene  on  Tel:  01189  770517  for  an  appointment.   Email:  [email protected].    Website:  

Summer  Wedding Quiz  Answers  (from  pg.  9)

1. Ten 2. Fleet  Street 3. Cana 4. Gretna  Green 5. Song  of  Solomon  (Song  of  Songs) 6. Obey 7. Revelation 8. Mozart 9. Man  should  not  put  asunder  (or  whatever  modern  version  of  that  you  

like!) 10.  The  Bride  of  Frankenstein  

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Typical  return on  investment  11 -15%  and  adds  value  to  your  property SMC  Solar  is  a  Christian -run  company  specialising  in  

renewable  energy and   committed... "To  strive  to  safeguard  th e  integrity  of  creation  and  sustain  and  renew  th e  

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Contact  us  today  for  a  free  quote   Tel  01367  718833  

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Page 35: All Saints Parish Magazine August September 2012


Understanding  Computers!                                                                                         Are  you  baffled  by  computers?  Would  you  like  to  learn  more  but  don’t  know  where  to  start?  We’ve  helped  over  200  older  people  to  learn  the  basics  in  computers.  We  offer  one  to  one  tui on  in  a  friendly  jargon -free  atmosphere  to  

help  get  you  started.  Before  long  you’ll  be  ge ng  to  grips  with  email  so  that  you  can  keep  in  touch  with  grand -children  and  far  away  friends;  you’ll  be  able  to  pursue  hobbies  and  write  le ers  and  even  browse  the  shops  online.  If  you’re  aged  60  or  over  and  would  like  to  learn  more  then  get  in  touch.  

Our  sessions  happen  every  Wednesday  morning  in  Wokingham  town  centre.  These  sessions  are  run  by  The  Link  Visi ng  Scheme,  a  small  local  charity  who  care  about  older  people  in  Wokingham  Borough.  For  more  informa on  please  call  us  on  0118  9798019    or  ask  a  friend  to  check  out  our  website  on  www.linkvisi


The  next  breakfast  in  the  Cornerstone  following  the  8.00am  service  is  planned  for  Sunday  28th  October.  Come  along  and  enjoy  the  food,  have  a  nice  sit  down  and  chat.  We  are  always  very  pleased  to  help  with  any  dietary  requirements  –  just  telephone  Diana  9792614.

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Gardening  Expertise            …  your  service

Experienced  local  gardener   has  some  availability

Phone  0118  978  6371

Overgrown  areas  tamed Beds  and  border s   enhanced  and  maintained One  project  or  seasonal  

service Graves  tidied,  flowers  for  

anniversaries  etc. Competitive  rates

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All  the  careful  planning  and  exhaus ve  prepara ons  by  Jo  Robinson  and  her  team  came  to  marvellous  reality  on  Sunday  8  July  at  All  Saints  School  Field A  joint  event  was  organised  by  All  Saints  and  Norreys  churches  to  celebrate  the  forthcoming  Olympics.  Many  hours  had  been  spent  by  many  people  to  ensure  a  wonderfully  varied  programme,  from  the  marvellous  Rock  Choir  to  the  Bulmershe  Free  Runners,from  face  pain ng  and  ac vi es  for  younger  children  to  tradi onal  sports  organised  by  former  Olympic  contender  Dwayne  Stoddart.  A  varied  barbecue  and  a  constant  supply  of  free  tea,  coffee,  squash  and  cakes  were  provided.   The  Fes val,  which  was  free,  was  for  the  people  of  Norreys  and  was  a ended  by  a  wonderful  mixture  of  people  in  a  happy  atmosphere.  Sterling  support  was  provided  by  both  churches,  and  a  highlight  of  the  day  was  the  recep on  of  the  Spirit  of  Light  torch,  the  brainchild  of  John  Rhodes  from  the  Methodist  church  to  allow  Wokingham  to  see  an  Olympic  torch  in  the  town,  as  it  was  passed  from  church  to  church  throughout  the  day,  finally  arriving  at  the  Fes val    where  it  was  received  by  ministers  from  All  Saints  and  Norreys  churches. An  enjoyable  event,  made  all  the  more  so  by  Jo’s  “to  do”  list  containing  the  task,  ”have  a  word  with  the  weatherman”,  all  to  good  effect  when  the  early  drizzle  gave  way  to  the  only  glorious  sunshine  seen  in  the  area  for  many  days.  The  true  measure  of  the  success  of  the  day  was  the  number  of   mes  the  team  were  asked,  ”Can  we  do  this  again?” Many  thanks  to  all  involved:  whatever  the  Olympics  may  hold,  it  certainly  got  off  to  a  flying  start  at  Norreys.

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Bap sms 24  June Esme  Willow  Villiers  Harding Imogen  Beatrice  Helyer Edward  Thomas  Helyer Imogen  Li-Ying  Kier Annabelle  Tiffany  Li-Ying  Kier Burials 3  July Gordon  James  Norcu Age  85 11  July George  John  Carter Age  81 Burial  of  Ashes 6  July Sheila  Pansy  Wright Age  83 At  Easthampstead  Park  Crematorium 18  June Raymond  Parker Age  69 18  June George  Patrick  Cunniffe Age  89 21  June Walter  Stones Age  81

Number  of  Sundays 4 Sundays 617   Week  days 150                                                                                              

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