allyson acres valley view subdivision ccr's

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  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Valley View Subdivision CCR's


    / V-A-ii (2) Z I..--~--

    Filed: June 15, 1972 at 1:44 P~ K., recorded i~ Book 263, Pages146-150, inclusive.


    NON, THEREFORE, for the purpose of providing an orderly developmentof ALLYS ON ACRES- VALLEY VIEt'7 ADDITION and for the further purpose ofprotection of ourselves and our successors in title to any propertytherin, and for the further purpose of preserving the character of dev-elopment and construction therein and for the pro~ection nd safety ofthe general public, and to insure a pleasant 'neighbo=hood appearance, wedo hereby declare, establish ,and impose certain restrictive covenantsupon ALLYSON ACRES-VALLEY VIEW ADDItION , \oihicn ,are outlined herein belowwhich restrictive covenants, shall ba,adhered to, by our successors. in ti tl~

    'to propertie's' in ALLYSON .ACRE'S-VALLEY VIEt.t' ADDITION' "', and' shall 'be' d- "hered t~ by any person, or persons, who shall reside of make use of, anyproperty therein, and any person, persons i firm, or porporation, acceptin(title or conveyances to , residing in; or having any interest, of any kindor type \'ihatsoever, in ALLYSON ACRES-VALLEYVIEN ".DDITION , shall strictl~'adhere to such restrictive covenants ,and by accepting such .title or con-veyance, either directly ot remotely, to any property in ALLYpON ACRES-VALLEY VIE1l ADDITION, shall be deemed to have assented and agreed to, and

    be bound by,' such restrictive covenants and entitled to all thebenefits thereof, and shall assumealltheresponsibili ties thereof .. . - .1. For the purpose of maintaining values for themselves and theirsu,cces~ors, ih title, and for the purpose of public health and safety, and to en-hance ,the pro'perty, and to insure a pleasant neighborhood appearance and

    ) character and for the purpose of controlling the develpment of ALLYSONACRES-VALLEY VIEW ADDITION, the unaersigned owners, to-wit: STUDEBAKERLAD Cm.lP.i\NY, AN Or\LAEOHA CORPORATION, or their designees, shall retainarchi tectural control of all construction, or any installation therein.Therefore ,no residence , building, w~ll, fence ,drainage structure, rive'way, '~arking area, etc., shall be initiated, constructed, install~d, mai~tained, altered, placed or permitted on any ~roperty therein, withoutfirst submitting the plans, plot-plan, and/or the specifications, detailsor other satisfactory information to the unde~signed, or their designees,for their examination, and written approval, and such construction andinstallation, etc., shall not be initiated until such writtan approvalhas been executed and granted. In pass ing upon sucb plans, etc., theundersigned O\.ners, or their designees, may take into consideration, the

    suitabilitiy of construction and installation, and.materials used, to thegeneral area, to the general property values, to the specific buildingsite, to the outlook and view to and from the adjacent sites and the gen-eral area, to the general property values, to .the susceptibility of suchconstruction to fire and/or other hazards, including but not lirni ted to',public health ,and traffic hazards ,.and may take into consideration theblocking of view and the f10\. of air fror: and to other properties in thearea. The undersigned owners may, when. in their opinion, title to enoughof the properties has been transferred to others, or when, in their opin-ion ,enough const=uction has been completed, appoint, or cause to beelected', a cOTIinittee of at least three of the then owners in ALLYSONACRES- VALLEY VIEH ADDITION to serve in the capacity of the undersignedowners insofar as this restrictive covenant concerning architectural con-

    --. 1



  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Valley View Subdivision CCR's


    Rest~ictive Covenants... .Page 2.


    3. No vehicie, or machinery, that is in salvage condition or is in theprocess of being torn down':or repired, oris ina state of junk, nor anyother type salvage or: junk material, is to be placed, or kept, or permiteto remain , onanytract.-insuch 'manner that it may be seen from any of

    'the neighboring properties cr from any road in or adjacent to the sub-division", Owners of any trac;t:; or tracts, in ALLYSON ACRES- VALLEY VIEN,ADDITION ,shall not perrni t any pile of dead foliage or bru'sh or any eadtrees or shrubbery to remain on their property but shall dispose of samein a reasonable time and in such a manner that is not offensive, or insuch a manner'to cause afire' hazard to any. property ,and all owners, renters , lessors, occupants ,and parties with interest in, properties in,ALLYSON ACRES- VALLEY VIEN ADDITION shall out of respect to their neigh-bors and in rderto maintai and enhance property values, shall keep theirproperty in reasonable repair , and shall mow the property at regular rea-sonable intervals and should grass be allowed to grow toa height greaterthan 18 II the und~rsigned m.ners may enter upon such property and 'mow sameand such owner or lessor shall be liable for the cost of such mowing andthe cost of such, mmving shllbecome a lien upon the property.,

    4."~'Nb~"hib:ti~~t:ra.irer, tent, shack, garage, barn, outbuilding or any tem-porary or movable structure , shall at any be used for residentialpurposes .on any tract and ,no structure ,of . any description shall be moved:Erom any other

    location into this sub~division.

    5. Each dwelling unit constructed on any tract ,shall have modern sanitar~faciiities, and: septic systems shall be constructed and installed in acc,-

    ordance wi ththeregulations and standards of the Oklahoma State Denart-ment of Health. No outdoor privies shall at any time be permitted n anylot, nor shall any noxious , offensive, unsightly, malodorous or unhealthyactivity or condition be carried on, .or be permitted to remain, upon anylot, nor shall any, horse, cow, swine, sheep or goat be kept or permittedto remain on any tract. ,,' "


    6~ No ,building, . no::any part the::eof, shall be placed nearer' to any roadlinethanthe building set' back Iines of LS feet and no structure otherthan fencing, shall he placed on any easement area outlined on the aboveplat nor nearer than 5 ' to any propertyovmership line, except that thisrestrictive covena,nt shall,not be deemed to prohibit installation of util-

    , i ty ,lines, water wells, and their appurtenances on such easements .







  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Valley View Subdivision CCR's


    Restrictive CoTenants~... .Page 3.

    7. The exterior or any dwelling, including installation of windows and

    doors, shall be completed and finished, not later than 12 months ,afterinitiation of the foundation, or initiati0!l of any construction, thereforor thereon. Should the exterior not be completed and finished wi thin said12 months, then the undersigndsha11 have the right to enter, upon' theproper,ty and to complete and finish the exterior, of any building ini tiatewhereupon the grantee of the property shall imredi~telypay to the under-signed the full cstsof such completion and finishing or shall automat-ically grant lien rights for such.

    8. .No garbage or trash cans, trash burners, butane or propane. storagetanks, shall be placed on any tract in ,such a'm?-nner so as to be seenfrom the' adjoining lotsor by the general public. They may be of thesunken type or, may be

    ,above ground if hidden by decorative screening,'and no clothes line poles other than one, collapsible umrella type, ' installed, or permi ttedtoremain onanytract~ '9. For the Public' Safety 'and to provide for ease of traffic passage,parking in and along the road traffic-ways in excess o,f' l-hour is pro-hibi ted and vehicular tr,affic in ALLYS ON ACRES- VA,LLEY VIE'J ADDITIONshall not exceed 25 miles per hour.

    10. There shall be only one building on a lot unless written consent fromowner' or developer, is obtained.

    ,I 11. No sign of nature will be allowed on any lot unlesswr'itten consentis given by owner or developer.

    12. No addition will be allowed on any home unless written consent isgiven, by m.ner, or developer.

    13. \,A'..fee..of $24.00 per year ,will be charged to' all lot owners forup~~ei; "o'f.:r-qads and beautification of development-.I.". ..,.. .............~ c. .. .:~.." Cr.'"

    jN~""yim~ESS/.~BREOF, we" the above designated owners,liI-ds 'It'hs "' -day o-f Hay,- ig-X;- = :; : '.. -; ~, : - .. \, :: ~ ". t.' "" : ""

    , ~rf'EST::: '.," r''-Q ". - ., ~ /f' .. I'A. )'0; ;,',;: /. . ..' _.t AV-


    ',' .,..':~''B~fore me, a notary public in and for said county and sta ~e on this".,..2-.fh':.da:.oJHay, 1972, personally appeared Robert L. Studebaker, President'/~'~e5uae;b~X'er Land Company, to me 'known to be the identical person \.ho! .rs~9~:t,e~t,i':~':\.i thin

    and fc:regoing instrument and acknm.ledged to me thatf, :h~"J;x~uee!J the ,same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses

    , ~.,~ an?t~,:P~..s:es.: therein set forth.. '\:';.~~~""r~!1~,s.~: my

    hand and seal the day and YB~~t a-o' written.

    '. - ........... ~ \. ." , "'_. - , ..r..~cq.oi.ir5.'..son expi" res";~ ,.-~--"...... .. .Nvembe~"22,. 1972 " (SEAL) 3\"




  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Valley View Subdivision CCR's


    '." .'~.-.'-,o .\,


    . ~ .,


    KNOHALL r-E~ BY THESE PRESENTS: That STUDEBAKER LADCOHPANY, &'1 OKL-HOI1A CORPORATION" is them.mer.ln fee. simple to the above described"tract of land; AND has caused ,the same to be surveyed, subdivided,staked and platted into subdivision

    with lots, blocks, and roads, whichsubdivision we hereby designate, and adopt under the name of .tLLYSONACRES- VALLEY VIE\' ADDITION ,a' subdivision of apai:t of

    the NE% NEl.

    of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 22 East,' Delaware County, Okla-. homa, as outlined on the plat attacnedhereto above, which plat we dohereby certify as being, the true

    and official plat of r~cord of saidALLYSON ACRES", VALLEY VIEN ".DDIT.r0~i ,

    and we o hereby dedicate roadrights of way 'along all roads,' as.shown on

    said plat, to the public"

    for public use forever, fortheputpose 0:: providing. perrane;nt ingress'

    and egress , 'to a.ll the lots ,and blocks shownon said plat; and we do

    guarantee clear titl to all land so'dedicated. And we further retain ,and reserve a utility ",asement "over and across all lots and publi~ areasfor the purpose of constructipg, operating,' rnaintainingand repairingany and' all utili ties and appurtenances thereto, which may now exist,or wh''K',mav be installed' in' the future, for the purpose of serving~Ysg~.~RS- VALLEY VIEl1ADDITION , , or any other areas.~. ~ .." C,... I.~ .' 'r'') 0 ". -:~~Stlltrt~ti v~:':.venants attached

    =heteto'~nd :ma.d~ a part thereof.~'ES'lI '(S~L) ,~ t4 "..;. .. i.h :: '~ ~ l ~

    ~,; :,..". l.i~L-"\.f '.. .: . , .', , h. ", ((?;l.~...,~..~~.~::'\~-:"~"'.. J '. ,~./..: /-d' //'./Mart;a Jea(i.,':;s t uaebaker

    "l,:llHI\:\"\" ..

    STUDEBAKER LAND COHPANY, an o!cl-homa.. i:qxa tio ,i . '. " .B ~~ :g'gy, ,~, ' . -. ", ,v-&' '-: ' / ,~/h,.o..c:~

    Robert L. Studebaker, Presient

    STATE OF OKLAHO~ff,Co.N'r~l"'.OF DELAtoJARE.. . . ss..../~;t~t~~r~ta, rne, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on

    /~9~'~.-F. ,~'t, 'l1.:~p.y of

    Hay , .1972, pers0i:c:llY .a, pp.eared Robert L. Studebaker,: .':pre-sid;t'l,'~t9 me knm.n to be

    the ic.entical person who executed the~ ' ~~~l:;tL t%a:dd4regoin~instrument, and acknowledged, to me that he exe-~.. ~Bt.G.J:t-he ,:sar.e as his free and voluntary act and deed for the, uses "and~~ ?,pu:-tP'ls~s- .therein set forth. " '-'-;",.-;......~::!f~;tii~s.s. my

    hand and seal the day and ear last abo e"',,0 Ii 1. ),'1 C) ./

    'My".c~mm;ision expires:November 22, 1972 ,(SEAL)


    '. .1, John Thoms Earp, County Treas'urer in and for said County andState , hereby certify that' all taxes for the

    year 1971', and for allprevious years charged against the above des'cribed property have beenpaid. 1/ ~'

    ated ,this .. day of v..~4,'" 1972.

    " . 0 '4 \I .