alysse metzler ucf guest lecturer

What do you want to do with the rest of your life?

Upload: lionel-galvez

Post on 04-Sep-2015




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  • What do you want to do with therest of your life?

    PresenterPresentation NotesI'm here, take a deep breath, sit back, and lets chat. Not too long ago I was in your shoes, Im on your side. All it took was 1 internship for a guy I nannied for to change the rest of my life.

    Tell me, what was the 1 big thing you learned from the book that you should be doing now to get a job?

  • Too bad.

    What is at stake?

    PresenterPresentation NotesOnly whatever you want most to accomplish in your life. No biggie. Its not just about finding a jobNetworking is a way of life, it NEVER stops. So get use to it and start top hone in on your skills now!

    Think about, other than finding a job, what does networking allow you to do?

  • Achieve your potential. Achieve a promotion. Make a new professional or personal contact. Improve the world. Expand your influence. Sell a product or service. Write a book. Sell a deal. Improve collaboration. Build a reputation. Achieve your dream. Grow a business. Find services. Empower you to learn and do more.

  • Networking is not an isolated situation that takes place at designated times and places. Every interaction is an opportunity. Each encounter has limitless potential. Every place you go and person you meet is a networking experience.

    Whenever you are not completely along (and off-line) you are in a networking situation.

    PresenterPresentation NotesHow do you like this PowerPoint?

    Well I owe it to Lionel Galvez.

    Tell story.

    Tell me, how do you feel when you are at a networking event?

  • Lets take a trip down memory lane, to the days of saber-toothed tigers and cave people. Our environment has changed but human physiology hasnt.

    How do you fix this?

  • Drawing oxygen down to the diaphragm improves blood flow. This is a way to relax your brain so the physical reactions stop, the blood flow increases to your brain and your thoughts clarify.

    PresenterPresentation NotesThis also helps in an interview, when you feel threatened or judged your immediate reaction will be to fight or flight.

  • Its connecting versus collecting

    The more authentic you are, the more resilient and valuable networks you create.

    Many people associate networking with working a room; approaching strangers, making chit-chat, and freely divulging personal information.

    What if we reframe networking as an opportunity to create meaningful connections, requiring skills as listening, focus, and depth?

    PresenterPresentation NotesDo you think you are a good networking? If not, why not?

    Show of hands, whos good and listening, learning, helping, connecting,?

    Do you have these skills? Does this change your response to the concept of networking?

  • Be visible at all times. Share accomplishments freely. Always reach out to others, not just in times of need. Be in constant touch with contacts.

    Note pertinent info on business cards of new acquaintances. Name, with correct pronunciation hints. How did you meet? Personal facts (family, birthday, upcoming travel, interests) Brief conversation summary. Intended follow-up.

    After an encounter, consider sending your new contact an article or link relevant to your conversation.

    Regularly update others on your successes . The best, most versatile networking technique is-a smile.

    People will come to you, how easy is that?!

    PresenterPresentation NotesThe conscious of plastering a smile on my face before entering a room has a higher payback and lower cost than any other accessory.

    Think of something funny and make it real, SMILE!

  • Start with your friends and family.

    Professors. LinkedIn! All social

    media. Newspaper,

    magazines. Books (Story time). Alumni connection.

    PresenterPresentation NotesScott Vedder story

  • 1. Start by saying, Hello.2. Compliment them.3. Mention something about that person you admire

    or find interesting.4. Ask how them for a brief meeting to you can learn

    how theyve become so successful.

  • Open Ended Questions:

    How was your day? What interesting projects are you working on? Do you like your work? What do you like most about what you do? Why did you leave your job? What led you to make a career change? How did you get into your current work? How did you decide what you wanted to do in life? What would you do differently? Did anyone help you achieve your goals? What skills do you need to have to enter into your type of work?

    Thoughtful questions build rapport.


    THEMA. B.1. 1.

    Demonstrated Interest 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5.


    C. D.1. 1.

    Not on their radar 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5.

  • A. Individuals you have met with whom there seems to be mutual interest. Action, pursue the relationship.

    B. For those who have demonstrated they would like an ongoing connection, but you are not yet convinced of the benefit it will bring you but maybe you can help them.

    C. You have interest in these people but they dont seem to be aware of you. Action, get their attention.

    D. For names given to you by others of people you know of through the grapevine.

  • Job Descriptions are your new best friend.

    Job descriptions are the passage of a job and what EXACTLY it will require you to get the job and what EXACTLY the job entails.

    By searching current open jobs you will see who is hiring, how many of those jobs are open, and if its something you would want or can do.

    Create a binder full of job descriptions. Continue to collect those that are of interest to you and check off the skills as you acquire them.

    Search indeed today!

  • Heres the secret: When you are a college student, people are willing to help you out, so use it to your advantage. Use the time you have in college to network, network, and did I mention? network!

    Alysse Metzler

    [email protected]

  • Write an Amazon review, copy and paste the review in an email and email me at [email protected]

    Remember to attach your resume!

    I will respond with my overall thoughts for improving your resume

    What is this Class?Networking, tired of hearing about it yet?What does networking allow you to do?Life is One Giant Networking Opportunity Why are networking events so awkward and uncomfortable?BREATHEReal networking is connecting, Not Schmoozing!How do I start to network?Where do I find professionals to talk to?What do I say to get their attention?Alysse and Lonny.When I meet a professional, what questions do I ask?The Network GridThe Network GridResearching to find your path. Whats in a job title?Any Questions?Want me to review your resume?