amazon altum herpes virus

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  • 7/29/2019 Amazon altum Herpes Virus


  • 7/29/2019 Amazon altum Herpes Virus


  • 7/29/2019 Amazon altum Herpes Virus


    Melleryaard & Bloch Herpe smrus-l ~ke art~c lesn angelf~ sh 153

    Fig 2. P t e r o p h y l l u m a l t u m . Detall of Flg 1. Note the uesquamated reticule-endothelial cells In the lumen of the dilated si nus o~d s100 X

    Fig. 3 Pterophyllunl al tunl . Herpesvirus-like particles In amacrophage in the spleenic stroma Almost empty a s well ascomplete nucleocaps~d-like articles can be seen in the nu-cleus, while enveloped particles are present in the distended

    nuclear clsterna Bar = 200 nm

    pesvirus infections is the presence of skin haemor -rhages. In angelfish the ulcerations might have aggra-vated the dlsease condition by causing osmoregulatorystresses. In channel catfish, Major et al. (1975)desc nbed phagocy tosis of erythrocytes in both kidneyand spleen and reg arded it as a sign of erythrocyticdege nera tion . The observation of haemosiderosis in thesple ens of 2 of the 3 angelfish indicates that erythrocy-tic degeneration may have been associated with theinfection.

    The disease outbreak may have be en precipitated bythe aquarist's manipulations within the aquarium.Stress caused by these n~anipulations ctivated a pos-sible latent herpesvirus infection in either the importedor the 'home' bred angelfish. However, the very shortinterval between the stress and the appearanc e of theclinical signs indicates that the imp orted feral angelfishPterophyllum altum were latent carriers of the he rpes-virus.

    The 'home' bred anqelfish Pterophyllum scalare did. .not show any disease signs and it is not known w hetherthey were also carrylng the virus. Sampl es of thes e fishwere not made available for examination and so thisquestion remains unanswered.

  • 7/29/2019 Amazon altum Herpes Virus


    154 DIS dqua t Org S 151-155, 1988

    Flg 4 Pterophyllum altum. Drop-shape d herpesvlr us-hke particles In vacuoles in the cytoplasm of an infected cell. The spacebetween the nucleocapsid-like Inner particle and the surrounding unit membrane is most often filled with a strongly osmiophilicmatenal Bar = 200 nmFlg 5 Pterophyllum altum Nucleocapsld-hke particles in thecytopl asm of an lnfected cell On e of th e particles is partly

    b - . . surround ed by a narrow clsterna Bar = 200 nm. -

    LITERATURE CITEDAnders, K , Moller. H. (1985). Spawn ing papillomatosis ofsmelt, Osrnerus eperlanus (L). J. Fish Dis. 8: 233-235Buchanan, J S , Madeley. C . R. (1978).Studies on Herpesvirusscophthalmus ~nfectionsf turbot, Scophthalmus maximus

    (L ) h~stopathological bservations J . Fish DI S. 1. 251-258Fqan, N., Wellborn. T L. . Jr, Naftel, J. P. (1970).An acute viraldisease of channel catfish. Bureau of Sport Fisheries andWildlife Techn~cal aper 43: 1-1 lKelly. R. K ., Nlelsen, 0 ,litchell. S. C. ,Yamamoto, T. (1983).Characterizahon of Ht ?r pe s\ l~ svitreum isolated fromhyperplastlc epid ermal tissue of walleye, Stizostcdion W -treum vltreum (hfitchill).J . Fish Dis. 6: 249-260Klmura, T . Yoshimizu, M , Tanaka, L?.. annohe, H. (1981 ) .Studies on a new vlrus f01\1\.'1 from Oncorhy nchus masou.

    I. Charactenstlcs and pathogenicity. Fish Path. 15:143-147

  • 7/29/2019 Amazon altum Herpes Virus


    Mellergaard & Bloch. Herpesvirus-l~ke articles in angelfish 15 5

    Malor, R D ., McCraren, J . P , Smith, C. E. ( 1975) . Histo-phathological changi-S n channel catf~sh I c ta lu ru s p u n c-ta tu s ) exper~mc-ntallyind naturalll- infected with chan nelcatfish \.lru5 disease . J . Fish RC,